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  • CBRISK: Colored Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints

    Huiyun JING  Xin HE  Qi HAN  Xiamu NIU  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:2

    BRISK (Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints) works dramatically faster than well-established algorithms (SIFT and SURF) while maintaining matching performance. However BRISK relies on intensity, color information in the image is ignored. In view of the importance of color information in vision applications, we propose CBRISK, a novel method for taking into account color information during keypoint detection and description. Instead of grayscale intensity image, the proposed approach detects keypoints in the photometric invariant color space. On the basis of binary intensity BRISK (original BRISK) descriptor, the proposed approach embeds binary invariant color presentation in the CBRISK descriptors. Experimental results show that CBRISK is more discriminative and robust than BRISK with respect to photometric variation.

  • An Adaptive Fairness and Throughput Control Approach for Resource Scheduling in Multiuser Wireless Networks

    Lin SHAN  Sonia AISSA  Hidekazu MURATA  Susumu YOSHIDA  Liang ZHAO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:2

    The important issue of an adaptive scheduling scheme is to maximize throughput while providing fair services to all users, especially under strict quality of service requirements. To achieve this goal, we consider the problem of multiuser scheduling under a given fairness constraint. A novel Adaptive Fairness and Throughput Control (AFTC) approach is proposed to maximize the network throughput while attaining a given min-max fairness index. Simulation results reveal that comparing to straightforward methods, the proposed AFTC approach can achieve the desired fairness while maximizing the throughput with short convergence time, and is stable in dynamic scenarios. The trade-off between fairness and throughput can be accurately controlled by adjusting the scheduler's parameters.

  • Device-Parameter Estimation through IDDQ Signatures

    Michihiro SHINTANI  Takashi SATO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E96-D No:2

    We propose a novel technique for the estimation of device-parameters suitable for postfabrication performance compensation and adaptive delay testing, which are effective means to improve the yield and reliability of LSIs. The proposed technique is based on Bayes' theorem, in which the device-parameters of a chip, such as the threshold voltage of transistors, are estimated by current signatures obtained in a regular IDDQ testing framework. Neither additional circuit implementation nor additional measurement is required for the purpose of parameter estimation. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed technique can achieve 10-mV accuracy in threshold voltage estimations.

  • Intelligent Handover Decision Using IEEE 802.21 in Mobile IPTV

    Soohong PARK  Jun LEE  Choong Seon HONG  


    E96-B No:2

    This letter proposes a new mechanism for network configuration on a mobile device that provides Point of Attachment (PoA) specific information using IEEE 802.21 and DHCP before moving to a new PoA. This allows the mobile device to prepare for intelligent handover decision either stateless address configuration or stateful address configuration when entering an IPv6 network. It allows the mobile device to reduce time delay for IP address configuration in the new PoA. Implementation and evaluation results show that the proposed mechanism can be an acceptable network configuration mechanism for providing seamless television watching in IPv6 mobile networks, even when in motion.

  • Adaptive Block-Wise Compressive Image Sensing Based on Visual Perception

    Xue ZHANG  Anhong WANG  Bing ZENG  Lei LIU  Zhuo LIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E96-D No:2

    Numerous examples in image processing have demonstrated that human visual perception can be exploited to improve processing performance. This paper presents another showcase in which some visual information is employed to guide adaptive block-wise compressive sensing (ABCS) for image data, i.e., a varying CS-sampling rate is applied on different blocks according to the visual contents in each block. To this end, we propose a visual analysis based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients of each block reconstructed at the decoder side. The analysis result is sent back to the CS encoder, stage-by-stage via a feedback channel, so that we can decide which blocks should be further CS-sampled and what is the extra sampling rate. In this way, we can perform multiple passes of reconstruction to improve the quality progressively. Simulation results show that our scheme leads to a significant improvement over the existing ones with a fixed sampling rate.

  • Non-binary Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter Based on β-Expansion

    Hao SAN  Tomonari KATO  Tsubasa MARUYAMA  Kazuyuki AIHARA  Masao HOTTA  


    E96-A No:2

    This paper proposes a pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with non-binary encoding technique based on β-expansion. By using multiply-by-β switched-capacitor (SC) multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC) circuit, our proposed ADC is composed by radix-β (1 < β < 2) 1 bit pipeline stages instead of using the conventional radix-2 1.5 bit/1 bit pipeline stages to realize non-binary analog-to-digital conversion. Also with proposed β-value estimation algorithm, there is not any digital calibration technique is required in proposed pipeline ADC. The redundancy of non-binary ADC tolerates not only the non-ideality of comparator, but also the mismatch of capacitances and the gain error of operational amplifier (op-amp) in MDAC. As a result, the power hungry high gain and wide bandwidth op-amps are not necessary for high resolution ADC, so that the reliability-enhanced pipeline ADC with simple amplifiers can operate faster and with lower power. We analyse the β-expansion of AD conversion and modify the β-encoding technique for pipeline ADC. In our knowledge, this is the first proposal architecture for non-binary pipeline ADC. The reliability of the proposed ADC architecture and β-encoding technique are verified by MATLAB simulations.

  • A 6 bit, 7 mW, 700 MS/s Subranging ADC Using CDAC and Gate-Weighted Interpolation

    Hyunui LEE  Yusuke ASADA  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-A No:2

    A 6-bit, 7 mW, 700 MS/s subranging ADC using Capacitive DAC (CDAC) and gate-weighted interpolation fabricated in 90 nm CMOS technology is demonstrated. CDACs are used as a reference selection circuit instead of resistive DACs (RDAC) for reducing settling time and power dissipation. A gate-weighted interpolation scheme is also incorporated to the comparators, to reduce the circuit components, power dissipation and mismatch of conversion stages. By virtue of recent technology scaling, an interpolation can be realized in the saturation region with small error. A digital offset calibration technique using capacitor reduces comparator's offset voltage from 10 mV to 1.5 mV per sigma. Experimental results show that the proposed ADC achieves a SNDR of 34 dB with calibration and FoM is 250 fJ/conv., which is very attractive as an embedded IP for low power SoCs.

  • Signal-Dependent Analog-to-Digital Conversion Based on MINIMAX Sampling

    Igors HOMJAKOVS  Masanori HASHIMOTO  Tetsuya HIROSE  Takao ONOYE  


    E96-A No:2

    This paper presents an architecture of signal-dependent analog-to-digital converter (ADC) based on MINIMAX sampling scheme that allows achieving high data compression rate and power reduction. The proposed architecture consists of a conventional synchronous ADC, a timer and a peak detector. AD conversion is carried out only when input signal peaks are detected. To improve the accuracy of signal reconstruction, MINIMAX sampling is improved so that multiple points are captured for each peak, and its effectiveness is experimentally confirmed. In addition, power reduction, which is the primary advantage of the proposed signal-dependent ADC, is analytically discussed and then validated with circuit simulations.

  • Polynomial Time Verification of Protocol Inheritance between Acyclic Extended Free-Choice Workflow Nets and Their Subnets

    Shingo YAMAGUCHI  Tomohiro HIRAKAWA  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E96-A No:2

    A workflow net N may be extended as another workflow net N' by adding nodes and arcs. N' is intuitively called a subclass of N under protocol inheritance if we cannot distinguish those behaviors when removing the added transitions. Protocol inheritance problem is to decide whether N' is a subclass of N under protocol inheritance. It is known that the problem is decidable but is intractable. Even if N is a subnet of N', N' is not always a subclass of N under protocol inheritance. In this paper, limiting our analysis to protocol inheritance between acyclic extended free-choice workflow nets and their subnets, we gave a necessary and sufficient condition on the problem. Based on the condition, we also constructed a polynomial time procedure for solving the problem.

  • A Relocation Planning Method for Railway Cars in Final Assembly Shop

    Yoichi NAGAO  Shinichi NAKANO  Akifumi HOSHINO  Yasushi KANETA  Toshiyuki KITA  Masakazu OKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E96-A No:2

    The authors propose a method to make a movement plan for relocation of the railway cars in preparation for the final assembly. It obtains solution through three steps. The first step is to extract the order constraints between the movements of the railway cars based on their locations before and after relocation. The second step is to introduce the movement which puts a railway car into another location temporarily, in order to avoid a deadlock in the movements. And the final step is to obtain the movement order for carrying out the relocation in the shortest time in accordance with the calculated order constraints by using the genetic algorithm (GA). The order constraints are resolved in advance and therefore the movement order can easily be decided by GA. As the result, the developed system takes time shorter than an expert for planning the relocation.

  • Eigen Analysis of Space Embedded Equation in Moment Vector Space for Multi-Dimensional Chaotic Systems

    Hideki SATOH  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E96-A No:2

    Multihigh-dimensional chaotic systems were reduced to low-dimensional space embedded equations (SEEs), and their macroscopic and statistical properties were investigated using eigen analysis of the moment vector equation (MVE) of the SEE. First, the state space of the target system was discretized into a finite discrete space. Next, an embedding from the discrete space to a low-dimensional discrete space was defined. The SEE of the target system was derived using the embedding. Finally, eigen analysis was applied to the MVE of the SEE to derive the properties of the target system. The geometric increase in the dimension of the MVE with the dimension of the target system was avoided by using the SEE. The pdfs of arbitrary elements in the target nonlinear system were derived without a reduction in accuracy due to dimension reduction. Moreover, since the dynamics of the system were expressed by the eigenvalues of the MVE, it was possible to identify multiple steady states that cannot be done using numerical simulation. This approach can thus be used to analyze the macroscopic and statistical properties of multi-dimensional chaotic systems.

  • Secure Regenerating Codes Based on Rashmi-Shah-Kumar MBR Codes

    Masazumi KURIHARA  Hidenori KUWAKADO  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E96-A No:2

    In this paper, we present a construction of (n,k,d,m) secure regenerating codes for distributed storage systems against eavesdroppers that can observe either data stored in at most m storage nodes or downloaded data for repairing at most m failed nodes in a network where m < k ≤ d ≤ n-1. The (n,k,d,m) secure regenerating code is based on an (n,k,d) minimum bandwidth regenerating (MBR) code, which was proposed by Rashmi, Shah and Kumar as optimal exact-regenerating codes, for all values of the parameters (n,k,d). The (n,k,d,m) secure regenerating codes have the security as a secret sharing scheme such that even if an eavesdropper knows either data stored in at most m storage nodes or downloaded data for repairing at most m failed nodes, no information about data leaks to the eavesdropper.

  • The Number of Isolated Nodes in a Wireless Network with a Generic Probabilistic Channel Model

    Chao-Min SU  Chih-Wei YI  Peng-Jun WAN  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:2

    A wireless node is called isolated if it has no links to other nodes. The number of isolated nodes in a wireless network is an important connectivity index. However, most previous works on analytically determining the number of isolated nodes were not based on practical channel models. In this work, we study this problem using a generic probabilistic channel model that can capture the behaviors of the most widely used channel models, including the disk graph model, the Bernoulli link model, the Gaussian white noise model, the Rayleigh fading model, and the Nakagami fading model. We derive the expected number of isolated nodes and further prove that their distribution asymptotically follows a Poisson distribution. We also conjecture that the nonexistence of isolated nodes asymptotically implies the connectivity of the network, and that the probability of connectivity follows the Gumbel function.

  • Pedestrian Imaging Using UWB Doppler Radar Interferometry

    Kenshi SAHO  Takuya SAKAMOTO  Toru SATO  Kenichi INOUE  Takeshi FUKUDA  


    E96-B No:2

    The imaging of humans using radar is promising for surveillance systems. Although conventional radar systems detect the presence or position of intruders, it is difficult to acquire shape and motion details because the resolution is insufficient. This paper presents a high-resolution human imaging algorithm for an ultra-wideband (UWB) Doppler radar. The proposed algorithm estimates three-dimensional human images using interferometry and, using velocity information, rejects false images created by the interference of body parts. Experiments verify that our proposed algorithm achieves adequate pedestrian imaging. In addition, accurate shape and motion parameters are extracted from the estimated images.

  • Improving Fairness without Outage Performance Deterioration in Selection Cooperation

    Qian ZHANG  Yuhan DONG  Xuedan ZHANG  Benzhou JIN  Xiaokang LIN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:2

    The traditional selection cooperation scheme selects the relay with best instantaneous receive signal-to-noise ratio to forward the message and achieves good outage performance, which may however cause poor fairness among relays. In this letter, we propose two practical selection cooperation schemes in Decode-and-Forward (DF) fashion to improve the fairness of relay selection. Numerical results suggest that both of the proposed schemes can achieve fairness close to the strict fairness scheme without outage performance deterioration. It is also validated that these schemes have lower complexities than traditional ones and therefore are practical for real networks.

  • User-Oriented QoS Control Method Based on CSMA/CA for IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN System

    Akira KISHIDA  Masashi IWABUCHI  Toshiyuki SHINTAKU  Tetsu SAKATA  Takefumi HIRAGURI  Kentaro NISHIMORI  


    E96-B No:2

    The IEEE 802.11 distributed coordinated function (DCF) adopts carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) as its medium access control (MAC) protocol. CSMA/CA is designed such that the transmission from any one station does not have priority over any other. In a congested environment with many DCF stations, this design makes it difficult to protect channel resources for certain stations such as when products are used for presentation at exhibitions, which should be protected based on priority. On the other hand, The IEEE 802.11 enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) provides a quality-of-service (QoS) mechanism for DCF. However in EDCA, transmission opportunities are allocated based on not individual stations but on the defined traffic type of applications. This paper proposes a distributed dynamic resource allocation method that enables control of flexible bandwidth allocation to each specific station. The proposed method controls the priority level and can coexist with conventional CSMA/CA. Moreover, the proposed method improves the system throughput. Specifically, under the coexistence environment with DCF stations, the proposed method is able to obtain up to over 300% higher user throughput characteristic compared to the case in which the proposed method is not introduced. In addition, under non-coexistence environment, all the proposed stations achieve 70% higher throughput than DCF stations when the number of stations in a network is 50.

  • ISI-Free Linear Combination Pulses with Better Performance

    Cesar AZURDIA-MEZA  Kyujin LEE  Kyesan LEE  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E96-B No:2

    In this letter we proposed the linear combination of two ISI-free pulses with different decay rates in order to obtain a new Nyquist pulse. The proposed pulse contains a new design parameter β, giving an additional degree of freedom to minimize the bit error probability performance in the presence of symbol-timing errors, for a given roll-off factor α. Several practical tools are implemented for evaluating the performance of the proposed filter. The novel pulse is evaluated in terms of the bit error probability performance in the presence of symbol-timing errors. Eye diagrams are presented to visually assess the vulnerability of the transmission system to ISI, and the maximum distortion is estimated as a quantitative measure of performance.

  • Bitwise Operation-Based In-Network Processing for Loss Tomography Open Access

    Takahiro MATSUDA  Tetsuya TAKINE  


    E96-B No:2

    Network tomography is an inference technique for internal network characteristics such as link loss rate and link delay from end-to-end measurements. In this paper, we consider network tomography for link loss rates, which is referred to as loss tomography. We propose a loss tomography scheme with bitwise operation-based in-network processing. Intermediate nodes generate coded packets by performing bitwise-operations on received packets so as to embed information about paths along which those packets have been transmitted. The coded packets are then forwarded to downstream nodes. In this way, receiver nodes obtain information about paths along which packets are transmitted successfully. Moreover, we show a recursion to compute the likelihood function of path loss rates, which can be utilized in estimating link loss rates from path loss information.

  • A Theoretical Framework for Constructing Matching Algorithms Secure against Wolf Attack

    Manabu INUMA  Akira OTSUKA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:2

    The security of biometric authentication systems against impersonation attack is usually evaluated by the false accept rate, FAR. The false accept rate FAR is a metric for zero-effort impersonation attack assuming that the attacker attempts to impersonate a user by presenting his own biometric sample to the system. However, when the attacker has some information about algorithms in the biometric authentication system, he might be able to find a “strange” sample (called a wolf) which shows high similarity to many templates and attempt to impersonate a user by presenting a wolf. Une, Otsuka, Imai [22],[23] formulated such a stronger impersonation attack (called it wolf attack), defined a new security metric (called wolf attack probability, WAP), and showed that WAP is extremely higher than FAR in a fingerprint-minutiae matching algorithm proposed by Ratha et al. [19] and in a finger-vein-patterns matching algorithm proposed by Miura et al. [15]. Previously, we constructed secure matching algorithms based on a feature-dependent threshold approach [8] and showed that if the score distribution is perfectly estimated for each input feature data, then the proposed algorithms can lower WAP to a small value almost the same as FAR. In this paper, in addition to reintroducing the results of our previous work [8], we show that the proposed matching algorithm can keep the false reject rate (FRR) low enough without degrading security, if the score distribution is normal for each feature data.

  • QoS Control and QoE Assessment in Multi-Sensory Communications with Haptics Open Access

    Pingguo HUANG  Yutaka ISHIBASHI  


    E96-B No:2

    Multi-sensory communications with haptics attract a number of researchers in recent years. To provide services of the communications with high realistic sensations, the researchers focus on the quality of service (QoS) control, which keeps as high quality as possible, and the quality of experience (QoE) assessment, which is carried out to investigate the influence on user perception and to verify the effectiveness of QoS control. In this paper, we report the present status of studies on multi-sensory communications with haptics. Then, we divide applications of the communications into applications in virtual environments and those in real environments, and we mainly describe collaborative work and competitive work in each of the virtual and real environments. We also explain QoS control which is applied to the applications and QoE assessment carried out in them. Furthermore, we discuss the future directions of studies on multi-sensory communications.
