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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Analysis and Investigation of Frame Invariance and Particle Behavior for Piecewise-Linear Particle Swarm Optimizer

    Tomoyuki SASAKI  Hidehiro NAKANO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E102-A No:12

    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a swarm intelligence algorithm and has good search performance and simplicity in implementation. Because of its properties, PSO has been applied to various optimization problems. However, the search performance of the classical PSO (CPSO) depends on reference frame of solution spaces for each objective function. CPSO is an invariant algorithm through translation and scale changes to reference frame of solution spaces but is a rotationally variant algorithm. As such, the search performance of CPSO is worse in solving rotated problems than in solving non-rotated problems. In the reference frame invariance, the search performance of an optimization algorithm is independent on rotation, translation, or scale changes to reference frame of solution spaces, which is a property of preferred optimization algorithms. In our previous study, piecewise-linear particle swarm optimizer (PPSO) has been proposed, which is effective in solving rotated problems. Because PPSO particles can move in solution spaces freely without depending on the coordinate systems, PPSO algorithm may have rotational invariance. However, theoretical analysis of reference frame invariance of PPSO has not been done. In addition, although behavior of each particle depends on PPSO parameters, good parameter conditions in solving various optimization problems have not been sufficiently clarified. In this paper, we analyze the reference frame invariance of PPSO theoretically, and investigated whether or not PPSO is invariant under reference frame alteration. We clarify that control parameters of PPSO which affect movement of each particle and performance of PPSO through numerical simulations.

  • Distributed Mutually Referenced Equalization

    Yoshiki SUGITANI  Wataru YAMAMOTO  Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:12

    We propose a distributed blind equalization method for wireless sensor networks, in which a source sends data and each node performs time-domain equalization to estimate the data from a received signal that is affected by inter-symbol interference. The equalization can be performed distributively based on the mutually referenced equalization principle. Even if the nodes in the network are not fully connected to each other, the average consensus technique enables us to perform the equalization of all channels.

  • A New Combiner for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

    Goichiro HANAOKA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Jacob C. N. SCHULDT  


    E102-A No:12

    Key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) combiners, recently formalized by Giacon, Heuer, and Poettering (PKC'18), enable hedging against insecure KEMs or weak parameter choices by combining ingredient KEMs into a single KEM that remains secure assuming just one of the underlying ingredient KEMs is secure. This seems particularly relevant when considering quantum-resistant KEMs which are often based on arguably less well-understood hardness assumptions and parameter choices. We propose a new simple KEM combiner based on a one-time secure message authentication code (MAC) and two-time correlated input secure hash. Instantiating the correlated input secure hash with a t-wise independent hash for an appropriate value of t, yields a KEM combiner based on a strictly weaker additional primitive than the standard model construction of Giaon et al. and furthermore removes the need to do n full passes over the encapsulation, where n is the number of ingredient KEMs, which Giacon et al. highlight as a disadvantage of their scheme. However, unlike Giacon et al., our construction requires the public key of the combined KEM to include a hash key, and furthermore requires a MAC tag to be added to the encapsulation of the combined KEM.

  • Hadamard-Type Matrices on Finite Fields and Complete Complementary Codes

    Tetsuya KOJIMA  


    E102-A No:12

    Hadamard matrix is defined as a square matrix where any components are -1 or +1, and where any pairs of rows are mutually orthogonal. In this work, we consider the similar matrix on finite field GF(p) where p is an odd prime. In such a matrix, every component is one of the integers on GF(p){0}, that is, {1,2,...,p-1}. Any additions and multiplications should be executed under modulo p. In this paper, a method to generate such matrices is proposed. In addition, the paper includes the applications to generate n-shift orthogonal sequences and complete complementary codes. The generated complete complementary code is a family of multi-valued sequences on GF(p){0}, where the number of sequence sets, the number of sequences in each sequence set and the sequence length depend on the various divisors of p-1. Such complete complementary codes with various parameters have not been proposed in previous studies.

  • An Evolutionary Approach Based on Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection in Dynamic Networks

    Yu PAN  Guyu HU  Zhisong PAN  Shuaihui WANG  Dongsheng SHAO  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:12

    Detecting community structures and analyzing temporal evolution in dynamic networks are challenging tasks to explore the inherent characteristics of the complex networks. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised evolutionary clustering model based on symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization to detect communities in dynamic networks, named sEC-SNMF. We use the results of community partition at the previous time step as the priori information to modify the current network topology, then smooth-out the evolution of the communities and reduce the impact of noise. Furthermore, we introduce a community transition probability matrix to track and analyze the temporal evolutions. Different from previous algorithms, our approach does not need to know the number of communities in advance and can deal with the situation in which the number of communities and nodes varies over time. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive and has a superior performance.

  • Decentralized Relay Selection for Large-Scale Dynamic UAVs Networks: A Mood-Driven Approach

    Xijian ZHONG  Yan GUO  Ning LI  Shanling LI  Aihong LU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E102-A No:12

    In the large-scale multi-UAV systems, the direct link may be invalid for two remote nodes on account of the constrained power or complex communication environment. Idle UAVs may work as relays between the sources and destinations to enhance communication quality. In this letter, we investigate the opportunistic relay selection for the UAVs dynamic network. On account of the time-varying channel states and the variable numbers of sources and relays, relay selection becomes much more difficult. In addition, information exchange among all nodes may bring much cost and it is difficult to implement in practice. Thus, we propose a decentralized relay selection approach based on mood-driven mechanism to combat the dynamic characteristics, aiming to maximize the total capacity of the network without information exchange. With the proposed approach, the sources can make decisions only according to their own current states and update states according to immediate rewards. Numerical results show that the proposed approach has attractive properties.

  • Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network for Semantic Role Classification

    Haitong YANG  Guangyou ZHOU  Tingting HE  Maoxi LI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E102-D No:12

    In this paper, we study domain adaptation of semantic role classification. Most systems utilize the supervised method for semantic role classification. But, these methods often suffer severe performance drops on out-of-domain test data. The reason for the performance drops is that there are giant feature differences between source and target domain. This paper proposes a framework called Adversarial Domain Adaption Network (ADAN) to relieve domain adaption of semantic role classification. The idea behind our method is that the proposed framework can derive domain-invariant features via adversarial learning and narrow down the gap between source and target feature space. To evaluate our method, we conduct experiments on English portion in the CoNLL 2009 shared task. Experimental results show that our method can largely reduce the performance drop on out-of-domain test data.

  • Speeding Up Revocable Group Signature with Compact Revocation List Using Vector Commitments

    Yasuyuki SEITA  Toru NAKANISHI  


    E102-A No:12

    In ID-based user authentications, a privacy problem can occur, since the service provider (SP) can accumulate the user's access history from the user ID. As a solution to that problem, group signatures have been researched. One of important issues in the group signatures is the user revocation. Previously, an efficient revocable scheme with signing/verification of constant complexity was proposed by Libert et al. In this scheme, users are managed by a binary tree, and a list of data for revoked users, called a revocation list (RL), is used for revocation. However, the scheme suffers from the large RL. Recently, an extended scheme has been proposed by Sadiah and Nakanishi, where the RL size is reduced by compressing RL. On the other hand, there is a problem that some overhead occurs in the authentication as a price for reducing the size of RL. In this paper, we propose an extended scheme where the authentication is speeded up by reducing the number of Groth-Sahai (GS) proofs. Furthermore, we implemented it on a PC to show the effectiveness. The verification time is about 30% shorter than that of the previous scheme by Sadiah and Nakanishi.

  • Target-Adapted Subspace Learning for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition

    Xiuzhen CHEN  Xiaoyan ZHOU  Cheng LU  Yuan ZONG  Wenming ZHENG  Chuangao TANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-D No:12

    For cross-corpus speech emotion recognition (SER), how to obtain effective feature representation for the discrepancy elimination of feature distributions between source and target domains is a crucial issue. In this paper, we propose a Target-adapted Subspace Learning (TaSL) method for cross-corpus SER. The TaSL method trys to find a projection subspace, where the feature regress the label more accurately and the gap of feature distributions in target and source domains is bridged effectively. Then, in order to obtain more optimal projection matrix, ℓ1 norm and ℓ2,1 norm penalty terms are added to different regularization terms, respectively. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on three public corpuses, EmoDB, eNTERFACE and AFEW 4.0. The experimental results show that our proposed method can achieve better performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods in the cross-corpus SER tasks.

  • Acceleration Using Upper and Lower Smoothing Filters for Generating Oil-Film-Like Images

    Toru HIRAOKA  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E102-D No:12

    A non-photorealistic rendering method has been proposed for generating oil-film-like images from photographic images by bilateral infra-envelope filter. The conventional method has a disadvantage that it takes much time to process. We propose a method for generating oil-film-like images that can be processed faster than the conventional method. The proposed method uses an iterative process with upper and lower smoothing filters. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conduct experiments using Lenna image. As a result of the experiments, we show that the proposed method can process faster than the conventional method.

  • 16-QAM Sequences with Good Periodic Autocorrelation Function

    Fanxin ZENG  Yue ZENG  Lisheng ZHANG  Xiping HE  Guixin XUAN  Zhenyu ZHANG  Yanni PENG  Linjie QIAN  Li YAN  


    E102-A No:12

    Sequences that attain the smallest possible absolute sidelobes (SPASs) of periodic autocorrelation function (PACF) play fairly important roles in synchronization of communication systems, Large scale integrated circuit testing, and so on. This letter presents an approach to construct 16-QAM sequences of even periods, based on the known quaternary sequences. A relationship between the PACFs of 16-QAM and quaternary sequences is established, by which when quaternary sequences that attain the SPASs of PACF are employed, the proposed 16-QAM sequences have good PACF.

  • A Novel Three-Point Windowed Interpolation DFT Method for Frequency Measurement of Real Sinusoid Signal

    Kai WANG  Yiting GAO  Lin ZHOU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:12

    The windowed interpolation DFT methods have been utilized to estimate the parameters of a single frequency and multi-frequency signal. Nevertheless, they do not work well for the real-valued sinusoids with closely spaced positive- and negative- frequency. In this paper, we describe a novel three-point windowed interpolation DFT method for frequency measurement of real-valued sinusoid signal. The exact representation of the windowed DFT with maximum sidelobe decay window (MSDW) is constructed. The spectral superposition of positive- and negative-frequency is considered and calculated to improve the estimation performance. The simulation results match with the theoretical values well. In addition, computer simulations demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides high estimation accuracy and good noise suppression capability.

  • High-quality Hardware Integer Motion Estimation for HEVC/H.265 Encoder Open Access

    Chuang ZHU  Jie LIU  Xiao Feng HUANG  Guo Qing XIANG  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E102-C No:12

    This paper reports a high-quality hardware-friendly integer motion estimation (IME) scheme. According to different characteristics of CTU content, the proposed method adopts different adaptive multi-resolution strategies coupled with accurate full-PU modes IME at the finest level. Besides, by using motion vector derivation, IME for the second reference frame is simplified and hardware resource is saved greatly through processing element (PE) sharing. It is shown that the proposed architecture can support the real-time processing of 4K-UHD @60fps, while the BD-rate is just increased by 0.53%.

  • Representative Spatial Selection and Temporal Combination for 60fps Real-Time 3D Tracking of Twelve Volleyball Players on GPU

    Xina CHENG  Yiming ZHAO  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E102-A No:12

    Real-time 3D players tracking plays an important role in sports analysis, especially for the live services of sports broadcasting, which have a strict limitation on processing time. For these kinds of applications, 3D trajectories of players contribute to high-level game analysis such as tactic analysis and commercial applications such as TV contents. Thus real-time implementation for 3D players tracking is expected. In order to achieve real-time for 60fps videos with high accuracy, (that means the processing time should be less than 16.67ms per frame), the factors that limit the processing time of target algorithm include: 1) Large image area of each player. 2) Repeated processing of multiple players in multiple views. 3) Complex calculation of observation algorithm. To deal with the above challenges, this paper proposes a representative spatial selection and temporal combination based real-time implementation for multi-view volleyball players tracking on the GPU device. First, the representative spatial pixel selection, which detects the pixels that mostly represent one image region to scale down the image spatially, reduces the number of processing pixels. Second, the representative temporal likelihood combination shares observation calculation by using the temporal correlation between images so that the times of complex calculation is reduced. The experiments are based on videos of the Final and Semi-Final Game of 2014 Japan Inter High School Games of Men's Volleyball in Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. On the GPU device GeForce GTX 1080Ti, the tracking system achieves real-time on 60fps videos and keeps the tracking accuracy higher than 97%.

  • Privacy-Preserving Support Vector Machine Computing Using Random Unitary Transformation

    Takahiro MAEKAWA  Ayana KAWAMURA  Takayuki NAKACHI  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E102-A No:12

    A privacy-preserving support vector machine (SVM) computing scheme is proposed in this paper. Cloud computing has been spreading in many fields. However, the cloud computing has some serious issues for end users, such as the unauthorized use of cloud services, data leaks, and privacy being compromised. Accordingly, we consider privacy-preserving SVM computing. We focus on protecting visual information of images by using a random unitary transformation. Some properties of the protected images are discussed. The proposed scheme enables us not only to protect images, but also to have the same performance as that of unprotected images even when using typical kernel functions such as the linear kernel, radial basis function (RBF) kernel and polynomial kernel. Moreover, it can be directly carried out by using well-known SVM algorithms, without preparing any algorithms specialized for secure SVM computing. In an experiment, the proposed scheme is applied to a face-based authentication algorithm with SVM classifiers to confirm the effectiveness.

  • A Low Area Overhead Design Method for High-Performance General-Synchronous Circuits with Speculative Execution

    Shimpei SATO  Eijiro SASSA  Yuta UKON  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  


    E102-A No:12

    In order to obtain high-performance circuits in advanced technology nodes, design methodology has to take the existence of large delay variations into account. Clock scheduling and speculative execution have overheads to realize them, but have potential to improve the performance by averaging the imbalance of maximum delay among paths and by utilizing valid data available earlier than worst-case scenarios, respectively. In this paper, we propose a high-performance digital circuit design method with speculative executions with less overhead by utilizing clock scheduling with delay insertions effectively. The necessity of speculations that cause overheads is effectively reduced by clock scheduling with delay insertion. Experiments show that a generated circuit achieves 26% performance improvement with 1.3% area overhead compared to a circuit without clock scheduling and without speculative execution.

  • Distributed Transmission for Secure Wireless Links Based on a Secret-Sharing Method

    Masaaki YAMANAKA  ShenCong WEI  Jingbo ZOU  Shuichi OHNO  Shinichi MIYAMOTO  Seiichi SAMPEI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:12

    This paper proposes a secure distributed transmission method that establishes multiple transmission routes in space to a destination. In the method, the transmitted information is divided into pieces of information by a secret-sharing method, and the generated pieces are separately transmitted to the destination through different transmission routes using individually-controlled antenna directivities. As the secret-sharing method can divide the transmitted information into pieces in such a manner that nothing about the original information is revealed unless all the divided pieces are obtained, the secrecy of the transmitted information is greatly improved from an information-theoretic basis. However, one problem is that it does not perform well in the vicinity around the receiver. This is due to the characteristics of distributed transmission that all distributed pieces of information must eventually gather at the destination; an eavesdropper can obtain the necessary pieces to reconstruct the original information. Then, this paper expands the distributed transmission method into a two-way communication scheme. By adopting the distributed transmission in both communication directions, a secure link can be provided as a feedback channel to enhance the secrecy of the transmitted information. The generation of the shared pieces of information is given with signal forms, and the secrecy of the proposed method is evaluated based on the signal transmission error rates as determined by computer simulation.

  • Transferring Adaptive Bit Rate Streaming Quality Models from H.264/HD to H.265/4K-UHD Open Access

    Pierre LEBRETON  Kazuhisa YAMAGISHI  


    E102-B No:12

    In this paper the quality of adaptive bit rate video streaming is investigated and two state-of-the-art models, i.e., the NTT audiovisual quality-estimation and ITU-T P.1203 models, are considered. This paper shows how these models can be applied to new conditions, e.g., 4K ultra high definition (4K-UHD) videos encoded using H.265, considering that they were originally designed and trained for HD videos encoded with H.264. Six subjective evaluations involving up to 192 participants and a large variety of test conditions, e.g., durations from 10sec to 3min, coding-quality variation, and stalling events, were conducted on both TV and mobile devices. Using the subjective data, this paper addresses how models and coefficients can be transferred to new conditions. A comparison between state-of-the-art models is conducted, showing the performance of transferred and retrained models. It is found that other video-quality estimation models, such as VMAF, can be used as input of the NTT and ITU-T P.1203 long-term pooling modules, allowing these other video-quality-estimation models to support the specificities of adaptive bit-rate-streaming scenarios. Finally, all retrained coefficients are detailed in this paper allowing future work to directly reuse the results of this study.

  • Hybrid QAM-Based Labels Generated by Two Multi-Level PSK Codes

    Takahiro KODAMA  Gabriella CINCOTTI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E102-B No:12

    Hybrid 200Gchip/s QAM-based opto-electrical labels with high orthogonality are generated using the convolution of optical 16-level and electrical 4-level PSK codes. The combined simultaneous use of optical and electrical encoding increases system flexibility and code orthogonality, as well as code recognition performance. By performing 50 G-class low-speed LN-PM-based electrical processing on the 200 Gchip/s PSK-based optical code labels generated by a multiport optical encoder, the value of PCR indicating the code orthogonality is increased significantly, and the receiver sensitivity is improved by 0.5dB to achieve LER =10-9 in the next-generation optical packet switching networks.

  • Dual-Band Dual-Rectangular-Loop Circular Polarization Antenna for Global Navigation Satellite System Open Access

    Makoto SUMI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:12

    This paper proposes a dual-band dual-rectangular-loop circular polarization antenna for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). The proposed antenna combines two large outer rectangular loops with two small inner loops. Each large outer loop is connected to its corresponding small inner rectangular loop. Each loop has gaps located symmetrically with respect to a feed point to produce Right Handed Circular Polarization (RHCP). The gap position and the shape of the rectangular loops are very important to adjust both the impedance matching and circular polarization characteristics. The proposed antenna offers dual-band Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and Axial Ratio (AR) frequency characteristics that include the L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2 (1227.60 MHz) bands. The antenna gains exceed 8.7 dBi. Broad AR elevation patterns are obtained. These antenna characteristics are well suited to precise positioning.
