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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Simulation of the Short Channel Effect in GaN HEMT with a Combined Thin Undoped Channel and Semi-Insulating Layer

    Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO  Takahiro GOTOW  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:6

    In this study, simulations are performed to design an optimal device for thinning the GaN channel layer on the semi-insulating layer in HEMT. When the gate length is 50nm, the thickness of the undoped channel must be thinner than 300nm to observe the off state. When the GaN channel layer is an Fe-doped, an on/off ratio of ~300 can be achieved even with a gate length of 25nm, although the transconductance is slightly reduced.

  • Survivable Virtual Network Topology Protection Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

    Guangyuan LIU  Daokun CHEN  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E103-D No:6

    Survivable virtual network embedding (SVNE) is one of major challenges of network virtualization. In order to improve the utilization rate of the substrate network (SN) resources with virtual network (VN) topology connectivity guarantee under link failure in SN, we first establishes an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model for that under SN supports path splitting. Then we designs a novel survivable VN topology protection method based on particle swarm optimization (VNE-PSO), which redefines the parameters and related operations of particles with the embedding overhead as the fitness function. Simulation results show that the solution significantly improves the long-term average revenue of the SN, the acceptance rate of VN requests, and reduces the embedding time compared with the existing research results.

  • Heatmapping of Group People Involved in the Group Activity

    Kohei SENDO  Norimichi UKITA  


    E103-D No:6

    This paper proposes a method for heatmapping people who are involved in a group activity. Such people grouping is useful for understanding group activities. In prior work, people grouping is performed based on simple inflexible rules and schemes (e.g., based on proximity among people and with models representing only a constant number of people). In addition, several previous grouping methods require the results of action recognition for individual people, which may include erroneous results. On the other hand, our proposed heatmapping method can group any number of people who dynamically change their deployment. Our method can work independently of individual action recognition. A deep network for our proposed method consists of two input streams (i.e., RGB and human bounding-box images). This network outputs a heatmap representing pixelwise confidence values of the people grouping. Extensive exploration of appropriate parameters was conducted in order to optimize the input bounding-box images. As a result, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for heatmapping people involved in group activities.

  • Leveraging Entity-Type Properties in the Relational Context for Knowledge Graph Embedding

    Md Mostafizur RAHMAN  Atsuhiro TAKASU  


    E103-D No:5

    Knowledge graph embedding aims to embed entities and relations of multi-relational data in low dimensional vector spaces. Knowledge graphs are useful for numerous artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, they (KGs) are far from completeness and hence KG embedding models have quickly gained massive attention. Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art KG embedding models ignore the category specific projection of entities and the impact of entity types in relational aspect. For example, the entity “Washington” could belong to the person or location category depending on its appearance in a specific relation. In a KG, an entity usually holds many type properties. It leads us to a very interesting question: are all the type properties of an entity are meaningful for a specific relation? In this paper, we propose a KG embedding model TPRC that leverages entity-type properties in the relational context. To show the effectiveness of our model, we apply our idea to the TransE, TransR and TransD. Our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches as TransE, TransD, DistMult and ComplEx. Another, important observation is: introducing entity type properties in the relational context can improve the performances of the original translation distance based models.

  • Security Evaluation of Negative Iris Recognition

    Osama OUDA  Slim CHAOUI  Norimichi TSUMURA  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E103-D No:5

    Biometric template protection techniques have been proposed to address security and privacy issues inherent to biometric-based authentication systems. However, it has been shown that the robustness of most of such techniques against reversibility and linkability attacks are overestimated. Thus, a thorough security analysis of recently proposed template protection schemes has to be carried out. Negative iris recognition is an interesting iris template protection scheme based on the concept of negative databases. In this paper, we present a comprehensive security analysis of this scheme in order to validate its practical usefulness. Although the authors of negative iris recognition claim that their scheme possesses both irreversibility and unlinkability, we demonstrate that more than 75% of the original iris-code bits can be recovered using a single protected template. Moreover, we show that the negative iris recognition scheme is vulnerable to attacks via record multiplicity where an adversary can combine several transformed templates to recover more proportion of the original iris-code. Finally, we demonstrate that the scheme does not possess unlinkability. The experimental results, on the CASIA-IrisV3 Interval public database, support our theory and confirm that the negative iris recognition scheme is susceptible to reversibility, linkability, and record multiplicity attacks.

  • Experimental Performance Study of STBC-Based Cooperative and Diversity Relaying

    Makoto MIYAGOSHI  Hidekazu MURATA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E103-A No:5

    The packet error rate (PER) performance of multi-hop STBC based cooperative and diversity relaying systems are studied. These systems consist of a source, a destination, and two relay stations in each hop. From in-lab experiments, it is confirmed that the cooperative relaying system has better PER performance than the diversity relaying system with highly correlated channels.

  • Patient-Specific ECG Classification with Integrated Long Short-Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks

    Jiaquan WU  Feiteng LI  Zhijian CHEN  Xiaoyan XIANG  Yu PU  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E103-D No:5

    This paper presents an automated patient-specific ECG classification algorithm, which integrates long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural networks (CNN). While LSTM extracts the temporal features, such as the heart rate variance (HRV) and beat-to-beat correlation from sequential heartbeats, CNN captures detailed morphological characteristics of the current heartbeat. To further improve the classification performance, adaptive segmentation and re-sampling are applied to align the heartbeats of different patients with various heart rates. In addition, a novel clustering method is proposed to identify the most representative patterns from the common training data. Evaluated on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, our algorithm shows the superior accuracy for both ventricular ectopic beats (VEB) and supraventricular ectopic beats (SVEB) recognition. In particular, the sensitivity and positive predictive rate for SVEB increase by more than 8.2% and 8.8%, respectively, compared with the prior works. Since our patient-specific classification does not require manual feature extraction, it is potentially applicable to embedded devices for automatic and accurate arrhythmia monitoring.

  • A Novel Technique to Suppress Multiple-Triggering Effect in Typical DTSCRs under ESD Stress Open Access

    Lizhong ZHANG  Yuan WANG  Yandong HE  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:5

    This work reports a new technique to suppress the undesirable multiple-triggering effect in the typical diode triggered silicon controlled rectifier (DTSCR), which is frequently used as an ESD protection element in the advanced CMOS technologies. The technique is featured by inserting additional N-Well areas under the N+ region of intrinsic SCR, which helps to improve the substrate resistance. As a consequence, the delay of intrinsic SCR is reduced as the required triggering current is largely decreased and multiple-triggering related higher trigger voltage is removed. The novel DTSCR structures can alter the stacked diodes to achieve the precise trigger voltage to meet different ESD protection requirements. All explored DTSCR structures are fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS process. Transmission-line-pulsing (TLP) and Very-Fast-Transmission-line-pulsing (VF-TLP) test systems are adopted to confirm the validity of this technique and the test results accord well with our analysis.

  • Anomaly Detection of Folding Operations for Origami Instruction with Single Camera

    Hiroshi SHIMANUKI  Toyohide WATANABE  Koichi ASAKURA  Hideki SATO  Taketoshi USHIAMA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E103-D No:5

    When people learn a handicraft with instructional contents such as books, videos, and web pages, many of them often give up halfway because the contents do not always assure how to make it. This study aims to provide origami learners, especially beginners, with feedbacks on their folding operations. An approach for recognizing the state of the learner by using a single top-view camera, and pointing out the mistakes made during the origami folding operation is proposed. First, an instruction model that stores easy-to-follow folding operations is defined. Second, a method for recognizing the state of the learner's origami paper sheet is proposed. Third, a method for detecting mistakes made by the learner by means of anomaly detection using a one-class support vector machine (one-class SVM) classifier (using the folding progress and the difference between the learner's origami shape and the correct shape) is proposed. Because noises exist in the camera images due to shadows and occlusions caused by the learner's hands, the shapes of the origami sheet are not always extracted accurately. To train the one-class SVM classifier with high accuracy, a data cleansing method that automatically sifts out video frames with noises is proposed. Moreover, using the statistics of features extracted from the frames in a sliding window makes it possible to reduce the influence by the noises. The proposed method was experimentally demonstrated to be sufficiently accurate and robust against noises, and its false alarm rate (false positive rate) can be reduced to zero. Requiring only a single camera and common origami paper, the proposed method makes it possible to monitor mistakes made by origami learners and support their self-learning.

  • Niobium-Based Kinetic Inductance Detectors for High-Energy Applications Open Access

    Masato NARUSE  Masahiro KUWATA  Tomohiko ANDO  Yuki WAGA  Tohru TAINO  Hiroaki MYOREN  

    INVITED PAPER-Superconducting Electronics

    E103-C No:5

    A lumped element kinetic inductance detector (LeKID) relying on a superconducting resonator is a promising candidate for sensing high energy particles such as neutrinos, X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha particles, and the particles found in the dark matter owing to its large-format capability and high sensitivity. To develop a high energy camera, we formulated design rules based on the experimental results from niobium (Nb)-based LeKIDs at 1 K irradiated with alpha-particles of 5.49 MeV. We defined the design rules using the electromagnetic simulations for minimizing the crosstalk. The neighboring pixels were fixed at 150 µm with a frequency separation of 250 MHz from each other to reduce the crosstalk signal as low as the amplifier-limited noise level. We examined the characteristics of the Nb-based resonators, where the signal decay time was controlled in the range of 0.5-50 µs by changing the designed quality factor of the detectors. The amplifier noise was observed to restrict the performance of our device, as expected. We improved the energy resolution by reducing the filling factor of inductor lines. The best energy resolution of 26 for the alpha particle of 5.49 MeV was observed in our device.

  • Universal Testing for Linear Feed-Forward/Feedback Shift Registers

    Hideo FUJIWARA  Katsuya FUJIWARA  Toshinori HOSOKAWA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:5

    Linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers are used as an effective tool of testing circuits in various fields including built-in self-test and secure scan design. In this paper, we consider the issue of testing linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers themselves. To test linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers, it is necessary to generate a test sequence for each register. We first present an experimental result such that a commercial ATPG (automatic test pattern generator) cannot always generate a test sequence with high fault coverage even for 64-stage linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers. We then show that there exists a universal test sequence with 100% of fault coverage for the class of linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers so that no test generation is required, i.e., the cost of test generation is zero. We prove the existence theorem of universal test sequences for the class of linear feed-forward/feedback shift registers.

  • Modeling N-th Order Derivative Creation Based on Content Attractiveness and Time-Dependent Popularity

    Kosetsu TSUKUDA  Masahiro HAMASAKI  Masataka GOTO  


    E103-D No:5

    For amateur creators, it has been becoming popular to create new content based on existing original work: such new content is called derivative work. We know that derivative creation is popular, but why are individual derivative works created? Although there are several factors that inspire the creation of derivative works, such factors cannot usually be observed on the Web. In this paper, we propose a model for inferring latent factors from sequences of derivative work posting events. We assume a sequence to be a stochastic process incorporating the following three factors: (1) the original work's attractiveness, (2) the original work's popularity, and (3) the derivative work's popularity. To characterize content popularity, we use content ranking data and incorporate rank-biased popularity based on the creators' browsing behaviors. Our main contributions are three-fold. First, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study modeling derivative creation activity. Second, by using real-world datasets of music-related derivative work creation, we conducted quantitative experiments and showed the effectiveness of adopting all three factors to model derivative creation activity and considering creators' browsing behaviors in terms of the negative logarithm of the likelihood for test data. Third, we carried out qualitative experiments and showed that our model is useful in analyzing following aspects: (1) derivative creation activity in terms of category characteristics, (2) temporal development of factors that trigger derivative work posting events, (3) creator characteristics, (4) N-th order derivative creation process, and (5) original work ranking.

  • Iterative Cross-Lingual Entity Alignment Based on TransC

    Shize KANG  Lixin JI  Zhenglian LI  Xindi HAO  Yuehang DING  


    E103-D No:5

    The goal of cross-lingual entity alignment is to match entities from knowledge graph of different languages that represent the same object in the real world. Knowledge graphs of different languages can share the same ontology which we guess may be useful for entity alignment. To verify this idea, we propose a novel embedding model based on TransC. This model first adopts TransC and parameter sharing model to map all the entities and relations in knowledge graphs to a shared low-dimensional semantic space based on a set of aligned entities. Then, the model iteratively uses reinitialization and soft alignment strategy to perform entity alignment. The experimental results show that, compared with the benchmark algorithms, the proposed model can effectively fuse ontology information and achieve relatively better results.

  • A Prompt Report on the Performance of Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module

    Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Ryousei TAKANO  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E103-D No:5

    In this prompt report, we present the basic performance evaluation of Intel Optane Data Center Persistent Memory Module (Optane DCPMM), which is the first commercially-available, byte-addressable non-volatile memory modules released in April 2019. Since at the moment of writing only a few reports on its performance were published, this letter is intended to complement other performance studies. Through experiments using our own measurement tools, we obtained that the latency of random read-only access was approximately 374 ns. That of random writeback-involving access was 391 ns. The bandwidths of read-only and writeback-involving access for interleaved memory modules were approximately 38 GB/s and 3 GB/s, respectively.

  • A Highly Configurable 7.62GOP/s Hardware Implementation for LSTM

    Yibo FAN  Leilei HUANG  Kewei CHEN  Xiaoyang ZENG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E103-C No:5

    The neural network has been one of the most useful techniques in the area of speech recognition, language translation and image analysis in recent years. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), a popular type of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), has been widely implemented on CPUs and GPUs. However, those software implementations offer a poor parallelism while the existing hardware implementations lack in configurability. In order to make up for this gap, a highly configurable 7.62 GOP/s hardware implementation for LSTM is proposed in this paper. To achieve the goal, the work flow is carefully arranged to make the design compact and high-throughput; the structure is carefully organized to make the design configurable; the data buffering and compression strategy is carefully chosen to lower the bandwidth without increasing the complexity of structure; the data type, logistic sigmoid (σ) function and hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function is carefully optimized to balance the hardware cost and accuracy. This work achieves a performance of 7.62 GOP/s @ 238 MHz on XCZU6EG FPGA, which takes only 3K look-up table (LUT). Compared with the implementation on Intel Xeon E5-2620 CPU @ 2.10GHz, this work achieves about 90× speedup for small networks and 25× speed-up for large ones. The consumption of resources is also much less than that of the state-of-the-art works.

  • Adaptive Balanced Allocation for Peer Assessments

    Hideaki OHASHI  Yasuhito ASANO  Toshiyuki SHIMIZU  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  


    E103-D No:5

    Peer assessments, in which people review the works of peers and have their own works reviewed by peers, are useful for assessing homework. In conventional peer assessment systems, works are usually allocated to people before the assessment begins; therefore, if people drop out (abandoning reviews) during an assessment period, an imbalance occurs between the number of works a person reviews and that of peers who have reviewed the work. When the total imbalance increases, some people who diligently complete reviews may suffer from a lack of reviews and be discouraged to participate in future peer assessments. Therefore, in this study, we adopt a new adaptive allocation approach in which people are allocated review works only when requested and propose an algorithm for allocating works to people, which reduces the total imbalance. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we provide an upper bound of the total imbalance that the proposed algorithm yields. In addition, we extend the above algorithm to consider reviewing ability. The extended algorithm avoids the problem that only unskilled (or skilled) reviewers are allocated to a given work. We show the effectiveness of the proposed two algorithms compared to the existing algorithms through experiments using simulation data.

  • Low Complexity Soft Input Decoding in an Iterative Linear Receiver for Overloaded MIMO Open Access

    Satoshi DENNO  Tsubasa INOUE  Yuta KAWAGUCHI  Takuya FUJIWARA  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:5

    This paper proposes a low complexity soft input decoding in an iterative linear receiver for overloaded MIMO. The proposed soft input decoding applies two types of lattice reduction-aided linear filters to estimate log-likelihood ratio (LLR) in order to reduce the computational complexity. A lattice reduction-aided linear with whitening filter is introduced for the LLR estimation in the proposed decoding. The equivalent noise caused by the linear filter is mitigated with the decoder output stream and the LLR is re-estimated after the equivalent noise mitigation. Furthermore, LLR clipping is introduced in the proposed decoding to avoid the performance degradation due to the incorrect LLRs. The performance of the proposed decoding is evaluated by computer simulation. The proposed decoding achieves about 2dB better BER performance than soft decoding with the exhaustive search algorithm, so called the MLD, at the BER of 10-4, even though the complexity of the proposed decoding is 1/10 as small as that of soft decoding with the exhaustive search.

  • Time Dependent Percolation Analysis of the Degradation of Coherent Tunneling in Ultra-Thin CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Magnetic Tunneling Junctions


    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:5

    We performed a time dependent percolation analysis of the degradation phenomena in ultra-thin CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunneling junctions. The objective was to understand the microscopic degradation physics of coherent tunneling and the thickness limitation of the MgO barrier. We propose two models: a trap assisted tunneling (TAL) model and a filamentary defect assisted leakage (FAL) model. The correlation between resistance drift behavior and barrier lifetime was then calculated and compared with real data based on these models. The relationship between the resistance drift behavior and barrier lifetime was found to be well explained by the TAL model, the random trap formation in the barrier and the percolation path formation which lead to barrier breakdown. Based on the TAL model, the measured TDDB Weibull slope (β) was smaller than the value estimated by the model. By removing the effect of some initial defects in the barrier, an ultra-thin MgO tunneling barrier in MTJ has the potential for a much better lifetime with a better Weibull slope even at 3ML thickness. This method is rather simple but useful to deeply understand the microscopic degradation physics in dielectric films under TDDB stress.

  • Contrast Enhancement of 76.5 GHz-Band Millimeter-Wave Images Using Near-Field Scattering for Non-Destructive Detection of Concrete Surface Cracks

    Akihiko HIRATA  Makoto NAKASHIZUKA  Koji SUIZU  Yoshikazu SUDO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E103-C No:5

    This paper presents non-destructive millimeter-wave (MMW) imaging of sub-millimeter-wide cracks on a concrete surface covered with paper. We measured the near-field scattering of 76.5 GHz-MMW signals at concrete surface cracks for detection of the sub-millimeter-wide cracks. A decrease in the received signal magnitude by near-field scattering at the fine concrete surface crack was slight, which yielded an unclear MMW image contrast of fine cracks at the concrete surface. We have found that the received signal magnitude at concrete surface crack is larger than that at the surface without a crack, when the paper thickness is almost equal to n/4 of the effective wavelength of the MMW signal in the paper (n=1, 3, 5 ...), thus, making MMW image contrast at the surface crack reversed. By calculating the difference of two MMW images obtained from different paper thickness, we were able to improve the MMW image contrast at the surface crack by up to 3.3 dB.

  • Multi-Distance Function Trilateration over k-NN Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning and Its Evaluation


    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:5

    This manuscript discusses a new indoor positioning method and proposes a multi-distance function trilateration over k-NN fingerprinting method using radio signals. Generally, the strength of radio signals, referred to received signal strength indicator or RSSI, decreases as they travel in space. Our method employs a list of fingerprints comprised of RSSIs to absorb interference between radio signals, which happens around the transmitters and it also employs multiple distance functions for conversion from distance between fingerprints to the physical distance in order to absorb the interference that happens around the receiver then it performs trilateration between the top three closest fingerprints to locate the receiver's current position. An experiment in positioning performance is conducted in our laboratory and the result shows that our method is viable for a position-level indoor positioning method and it could improve positioning performance by 12.7% of positioning error to 0.406 in meter in comparison with traditional methods.
