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  • Research Challenges for Network Function Virtualization - Re-Architecting Middlebox for High Performance and Efficient, Elastic and Resilient Platform to Create New Services - Open Access

    Kohei SHIOMOTO  


    E101-B No:1

    Today's enterprise, data-center, and internet-service-provider networks deploy different types of network devices, including switches, routers, and middleboxes such as network address translation and firewalls. These devices are vertically integrated monolithic systems. Software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) are promising technologies for dis-aggregating vertically integrated systems into components by using “softwarization”. Software-defined networking separates the control plane from the data plane of switch and router, while NFV decouples high-layer service functions (SFs) or Network Functions (NFs) implemented in the data plane of a middlebox and enables the innovation of policy implementation by using SF chaining. Even though there have been several survey studies in this area, this area is continuing to grow rapidly. In this paper, we present a recent survey of this area. In particular, we survey research activities in the areas of re-architecting middleboxes, state management, high-performance platforms, service chaining, resource management, and trouble shooting. Efforts in these research areas will enable the development of future virtual-network-function platforms and innovation in service management while maintaining acceptable capital and operational expenditure.

  • Scalable Cache Component in ICN Adaptable to Various Network Traffic Access Patterns

    Atsushi OOKA  Eum SUYONG  Shingo ATA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E101-B No:1

    Information-centric networking (ICN) has received increasing attention from all over the world. The novel aspects of ICN (e.g., the combination of caching, multicasting, and aggregating requests) is based on names that act as addresses for content. The communication with name has the potential to cope with the growing and complicating Internet technology, for example, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and a smart society. To realize ICN, router hardware must implement an innovative cache replacement algorithm that offers performance far superior to a simple policy-based algorithm while still operating with feasible computational and memory overhead. However, most previous studies on cache replacement policies in ICN have proposed policies that are too blunt to achieve significant performance improvement, such as first-in first-out (popularly, FIFO) and random policies, or impractical policies in a resource-restricted environment, such as least recently used (LRU). Thus, we propose CLOCK-Pro Using Switching Hash-tables (CUSH) as the suitable policy for network caching. CUSH can identify and keep popular content worth caching in a network environment. CUSH also employs CLOCK and hash-tables, which are low-overhead data structure, to satisfy the cost requirement. We numerically evaluate our proposed approach, showing that our proposal can achieve cache hits against the traffic traces that simple conventional algorithms hardly cause any hits.

  • Efficient Three-Way Split Formulas for Binary Polynomial Multiplication and Toeplitz Matrix Vector Product

    Sun-Mi PARK  Ku-Young CHANG  Dowon HONG  Changho SEO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E101-A No:1

    In this paper, we present a new three-way split formula for binary polynomial multiplication (PM) with five recursive multiplications. The scheme is based on a recently proposed multievaluation and interpolation approach using field extension. The proposed PM formula achieves the smallest space complexity. Moreover, it has about 40% reduced time complexity compared to best known results. In addition, using developed techniques for PM formulas, we propose a three-way split formula for Toeplitz matrix vector product with five recursive products which has a considerably improved complexity compared to previous known one.

  • On the Design Rationale of SIMON Block Cipher: Integral Attacks and Impossible Differential Attacks against SIMON Variants

    Kota KONDO  Yu SASAKI  Yosuke TODO  Tetsu IWATA  


    E101-A No:1

    SIMON is a lightweight block cipher designed by NSA in 2013. NSA presented the specification and the implementation efficiency, but they did not provide detailed security analysis nor the design rationale. The original SIMON has rotation constants of (1,8,2), and Kölbl et al. regarded the constants as a parameter (a,b,c), and analyzed the security of SIMON block cipher variants against differential and linear attacks for all the choices of (a,b,c). This paper complements the result of Kölbl et al. by considering integral and impossible differential attacks. First, we search the number of rounds of integral distinguishers by using a supercomputer. Our search algorithm follows the previous approach by Wang et al., however, we introduce a new choice of the set of plaintexts satisfying the integral property. We show that the new choice indeed extends the number of rounds for several parameters. We also search the number of rounds of impossible differential characteristics based on the miss-in-the-middle approach. Finally, we make a comparison of all parameters from our results and the observations by Kölbl et al. Interesting observations are obtained, for instance we find that the optimal parameters with respect to the resistance against differential attacks are not stronger than the original parameter with respect to integral and impossible differential attacks. Furthermore, we consider the security against differential attacks by considering differentials. From the result, we obtain a parameter that is potential to be better than the original parameter with respect to security against these four attacks.

  • Q-Class Authentication System for Double Arbiter PUF

    Risa YASHIRO  Takeshi SUGAWARA  Mitsugu IWAMOTO  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  


    E101-A No:1

    Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) is a cryptographic primitive that is based on physical property of each entity or Integrated Circuit (IC) chip. It is expected that PUF be used in security applications such as ID generation and authentication. Some responses from PUF are unreliable, and they are usually discarded. In this paper, we propose a new PUF-based authentication system that exploits information of unreliable responses. In the proposed method, each response is categorized into multiple classes by its unreliability evaluated by feeding the same challenges several times. This authentication system is named Q-class authentication, where Q is the number of classes. We perform experiments assuming a challenge-response authentication system with a certain threshold of errors. Considering 4-class separation for 4-1 Double Arbiter PUF, it is figured out that the advantage of a legitimate prover against a clone is improved form 24% to 36% in terms of success rate. In other words, it is possible to improve the tolerance of machine-learning attack by using unreliable information that was previously regarded disadvantageous to authentication systems.

  • Universal Scoring Function Based on Bias Equalizer for Bias-Based Fingerprinting Codes



    E101-A No:1

    The study of universal detector for fingerprinting code is strongly dependent on the design of scoring function. The optimal detector is known as MAP detector that calculates an optimal correlation score for a given single user's codeword. However, the knowledge about the number of colluders and their collusion strategy are inevitable. In this paper, we propose a new scoring function that equalizes the bias between symbols of codeword, which is called bias equalizer. We further investigate an efficient scoring function based on the bias equalizer under the relaxed marking assumption such that white Gaussian noise is added to a pirated codeword. The performance is compared with the MAP detector as well as some state-of-the-art scoring functions.

  • Development of Complex-Valued Self-Organizing-Map Landmine Visualization System Equipped with Moving One-Dimensional Array Antenna

    Erika KOYAMA  Akira HIROSE  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E101-C No:1

    This paper reports the development of a landmine visualization system based on complex-valued self-organizing map (CSOM) by employing one-dimensional (1-D) array of taper-walled tapered slot antennas (TSAs). Previously we constructed a high-density two-dimensional array system to observe and classify complex-amplitude texture of scattered wave. The system has superiority in its adaptive distinction ability between landmines and other clutters. However, it used so many (144) antenna elements with many mechanical radio-frequency (RF) switches and cables that it has difficulty in its maintenance and also requires long measurement time. The 1-D array system proposed here uses only 12 antennas and adopts electronic RF switches, resulting in easy maintenance and 1/4 measurement time. Though we observe stripe noise specific to this 1-D system, we succeed in visualization with effective solutions.

  • Daily Activity Recognition with Large-Scaled Real-Life Recording Datasets Based on Deep Neural Network Using Multi-Modal Signals

    Tomoki HAYASHI  Masafumi NISHIDA  Norihide KITAOKA  Tomoki TODA  Kazuya TAKEDA  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E101-A No:1

    In this study, toward the development of smartphone-based monitoring system for life logging, we collect over 1,400 hours of data by recording including both the outdoor and indoor daily activities of 19 subjects, under practical conditions with a smartphone and a small camera. We then construct a huge human activity database which consists of an environmental sound signal, triaxial acceleration signals and manually annotated activity tags. Using our constructed database, we evaluate the activity recognition performance of deep neural networks (DNNs), which have achieved great performance in various fields, and apply DNN-based adaptation techniques to improve the performance with only a small amount of subject-specific training data. We experimentally demonstrate that; 1) the use of multi-modal signal, including environmental sound and triaxial acceleration signals with a DNN is effective for the improvement of activity recognition performance, 2) the DNN can discriminate specified activities from a mixture of ambiguous activities, and 3) DNN-based adaptation methods are effective even if only a small amount of subject-specific training data is available.

  • Design and Measurements of Two-Gain-Mode GaAs-BiFET MMIC Power Amplifier Modules with Small Phase Discontinuity for WCDMA Data Communications

    Kazuya YAMAMOTO  Miyo MIYASHITA  Kenji MUKAI  Shigeru FUJIWARA  Satoshi SUZUKI  Hiroaki SEKI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E101-C No:1

    This paper describes the design and measurements of two-gain-mode MMIC power amplifier modules (PAMs) for Band 1 and Band 5 WCDMA data communications. The PAMs are based on the two-stage single-chain amplifier topology with an L-shaped FET step attenuator (ATT) placed at the interstage, featuring not only high-efficiency operation but also both a small phase discontinuity and a small input return loss variation between the two gain modes: a high-gain mode (0-dB thru state for the ATT) and a low-gain mode (14-dB attenuation state for the ATT). The PAMs are assembled on a 3 mm × 3 mm FR-4 laminate together with several surface mount devices, and a high-directivity, 20-dB bilayer-type directional coupler is integrated on the laminate for accurate forward-power monitoring even under a 2.5:1-VSWR load mismatching condition. To validate the design and analysis for the PAMs using the L-shaped ATT, two PAM products — a Band 1 PAM and a Band 5 PAM — were fabricated using our in-house GaAs-BiFET process. The main RF measurements under the condition of a WCDMA (R99) modulated signal and a 3.4-V supply voltage are as follows. The Band 1 PAM can deliver a power-added efficiency (PAE) as high as 46% at an output power (Pout) of 28.25 dBm while maintaining a ±5-MHz-offset adjacent channel power ratio (ACLR1) of approximately -40 dBc or less and a small phase discontinuity of less than 5°. The Band 5 PAM can also deliver a high PAE of 46% at the same Pout and ACLR1 levels with small phase discontinuity of less than 4°. This small discontinuity is due to the phase-shift compensation capacitance embedded in the ATT. The measured input return loss is well maintained at better than 10 dB at the two modes. In addition, careful coupler design achieves a small detection error of less than 0.5 dB even under a 2.5:1-VSWR load mismatching condition.

  • Simulation and Measurement of Properties of Metallic Photonic Crystal Point-Defect-Cavities with a Centrally-Loaded Rod

    Chun-Ping CHEN  Chenglong XIE  Tetsuo ANADA  Zejun ZHANG  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E101-C No:1

    Properties of a class of M-PhC (metallic-photonic-crystal) point-defect-cavities (PDCs) with a centrally-loaded rod are theoretically and experimentally investigated. After the computation of the resonant frequencies and Q-factors of the resonant modes, the PDCs are fabricated and experimentally measured to validate the simulation results.

  • Calibration Method for Multi Static Linear Array Radar with One Dimensional Array Antenna Arranged in Staggered Manner

    Yasunari MORI  Takayoshi YUMII  Yumi ASANO  Kyouji DOI  Christian N. KOYAMA  Yasushi IITSUKA  Kazunori TAKAHASHI  Motoyuki SATO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E101-C No:1

    This paper presents a calibration method for RF switch channels of a near-range multistatic linear array radar. The method allows calibration of the channel transfer functions of the RF switches and antenna transfer functions in frequency domain data, without disconnecting the antennas from the radar system. In addition, the calibration of the channels is independent of the directivities of the transmitting and receiving antennas. We applied the calibration method to a 3D imaging step-frequency radar system at 10-20GHz suitable for the nondestructive inspection of the walls of wooden houses. The measurement range of the radar is limited to 0-240mm, shorter than the antenna array length 480mm. This radar system allows acquiring 3D imaging data with a single scan. Using synthetic aperture radar processing, the structural health of braces inside the walls of wooden houses can be evaluated from the obtained 3D volume images. Based on experiment results, we confirmed that the proposed calibration method significantly improves the subsurface 3D imaging quality. Low intensity ghost images behind the brace target were suppressed, deformations of the target in the volume image were rectified and errors the range distance were corrected.

  • Hash-Chain Improvement of Key Predistribution Schemes Based on Transversal Designs

    Qiang GAO  Wenping MA  Wei LUO  Feifei ZHAO  


    E101-A No:1

    Key predistribution schemes (KPSs) have played an important role in security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Due to comprehensive and simple structures, various types of combinatorial designs are used to construct KPSs. In general, compared to random KPSs, combinatorial KPSs have higher local connectivity but lower resilience against a node capture attack. In this paper, we apply two methods based on hash chains on KPSs based on transversal designs (TDs) to improve the resilience and the expressions for the metrics of the resulting schemes are derived.

  • Saliency Detection Based Region Extraction for Pedestrian Detection System with Thermal Imageries

    Ming XU  Xiaosheng YU  Chengdong WU  Dongyue CHEN  


    E101-A No:1

    A robust pedestrian detection approach in thermal infrared imageries for an all-day surveillance is proposed. Firstly, the candidate regions which are likely to contain pedestrians are extracted based on a saliency detection method. Then a deep convolutional network with a multi-task loss is constructed to recognize the pedestrians. The experimental results show the superiority of the proposed approach in pedestrian detection.

  • Oscillation Model for Describing Network Dynamics Caused by Asymmetric Node Interaction Open Access

    Masaki AIDA  Chisa TAKANO  Masayuki MURATA  

    POSITION PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:1

    This paper proposes an oscillation model for analyzing the dynamics of activity propagation across social media networks. In order to analyze such dynamics, we generally need to model asymmetric interactions between nodes. In matrix-based network models, asymmetric interaction is frequently modeled by a directed graph expressed as an asymmetric matrix. Unfortunately, the dynamics of an asymmetric matrix-based model is difficult to analyze. This paper, first of all, discusses a symmetric matrix-based model that can describe some types of link asymmetry, and then proposes an oscillation model on networks. Next, the proposed oscillation model is generalized to arbitrary link asymmetry. We describe the outlines of four important research topics derived from the proposed oscillation model. First, we show that the oscillation energy of each node gives a generalized notion of node centrality. Second, we introduce a framework that uses resonance to estimate the natural frequency of networks. Natural frequency is important information for recognizing network structure. Third, by generalizing the oscillation model on directed networks, we create a dynamical model that can describe flaming on social media networks. Finally, we show the fundamental equation of oscillation on networks, which provides an important breakthrough for generalizing the spectral graph theory applicable to directed graphs.

  • A Variable-to-Fixed Length Lossless Source Code Attaining Better Performance than Tunstall Code in Several Criterions

    Mitsuharu ARIMURA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E101-A No:1

    Tunstall code is known as an optimal variable-to-fixed length (VF) lossless source code under the criterion of average coding rate, which is defined as the codeword length divided by the average phrase length. In this paper we define the average coding rate of a VF code as the expectation of the pointwise coding rate defined by the codeword length divided by the phrase length. We call this type of average coding rate the average pointwise coding rate. In this paper, a new VF code is proposed. An incremental parsing tree construction algorithm like the one that builds Tunstall parsing tree is presented. It is proved that this code is optimal under the criterion of the average pointwise coding rate, and that the average pointwise coding rate of this code converges asymptotically to the entropy of the stationary memoryless source emitting the data to be encoded. Moreover, it is proved that the proposed code attains better worst-case coding rate than Tunstall code.

  • Nonlinear Shannon Limit in Optical Fiber Transmission System Open Access

    Akihiro MARUTA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E101-B No:1

    The remaining issues in optical transmission technology are the degradation of optical signal to noise power ratio due to amplifier noise and the distortions due to optical nonlinear effects in a fiber. Therefore in addition to the Shannon limit, practical channel capacity is believed to be restricted by the nonlinear Shannon limit. The nonlinear Shannon limit has been derived under the assumption that the received signal points on the constellation map deviated by optical amplifier noise and nonlinear interference noise are symmetrically distributed around the ideal signal point and the sum of the noises are regarded as white Gaussian noise. The nonlinear Shannon limit is considered as a kind of theoretical limitation. However it is doubtful that its derivation process and applicable range have been understood well. In this paper, some fundamental papers on the nonlinear Shannon limit are reviewed to better understanding its meaning and applicable range.

  • Scalable Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Video Sensor Networks

    Hong YANG  Linbo QING  Xiaohai HE  Shuhua XIONG  


    E101-D No:1

    Wireless video sensor networks address problems, such as low power consumption of sensor nodes, low computing capacity of nodes, and unstable channel bandwidth. To transmit video of distributed video coding in wireless video sensor networks, we propose an efficient scalable distributed video coding scheme. In this scheme, the scalable Wyner-Ziv frame is based on transmission of different wavelet information, while the Key frame is based on transmission of different residual information. A successive refinement of side information for the Wyner-Ziv and Key frames are proposed in this scheme. Test results show that both the Wyner-Ziv and Key frames have four layers in quality and bit-rate scalable, but no increase in complexity of the encoder.

  • Robust Image Identification without Visible Information for JPEG Images

    Kenta IIDA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E101-D No:1

    A robust identification scheme for JPEG images is proposed in this paper. The aim is to robustly identify JPEG images that are generated from the same original image, under various compression conditions such as differences in compression ratios and initial quantization matrices. The proposed scheme does not provide any false negative matches in principle. In addition, secure features, which do not have any visual information, are used to achieve not only a robust identification scheme but also secure one. Conventional schemes can not avoid providing false negative matches under some compression conditions, and are required to manage a secret key for secure identification. The proposed scheme is applicable to the uploading process of images on social networks like Twitter for image retrieval and forensics. A number of experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method outperforms conventional ones in terms of query performances, while keeping a reasonable security level.

  • Parametric Representation of UWB Radar Signatures and Its Physical Interpretation

    Masahiko NISHIMOTO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E101-C No:1

    This paper describes a parametric representation of ultra-wideband radar signatures and its physical interpretation. Under the scattering theory of electromagnetic waves, a transfer function of radar scattering is factorized into three elementary parts and a radar signature with three parameters is derived. To use these parameters for radar target classification and identification, the relation between them and the response waveform is analytically revealed and numerically checked. The result indicates that distortion of the response waveform is sensitive to these parameters, and thus they can be expected to be used as features for radar target classification and identification.

  • Radio Wave Shadowing by Two-Dimensional Human BodyModel

    Mitsuhiro YOKOTA  Yoshichika OHTA  Teruya FUJII  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:1

    The radio wave shadowing by a two-dimensional human body is examined numerically as the scattering problem by using the Method of Moments (MoM) in order to verify the equivalent human body diameter. Three human body models are examined: (1) a circular cylinder, (2) an elliptical cylinder, and (3) an elliptical cylinder with two circular cylinders are examined. The scattered fields yields by the circular cylinder are compared with measured data. Since the angle of the model to an incident wave affects scattered fields in models other than a circular cylinder, the models of an elliptical cylinder and an elliptical cylinder with two circular cylinders are converted into a circular cylinder of equivalent diameter. The frequency characteristics for the models are calculated by using the equivalent diameter.
