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  • Measurement of Length of a Single Tooth Using PCA-Signature and Bezier Curve



    E97-A No:11

    In developing an automatic system of a single tooth length measurement on x-ray image, since a tooth shape is assumed to be straight and curve, an algorithm which can accurately deal with straight and curve is required. This paper proposes an automatic algorithm for measuring the length of single straight and curve teeth. In the algorithm consisting of control point determination, curve fitting, and length measurement, PCA is employed to find the first and second principle axes as vertical and horizontal ones of the tooth, and two terminal points of vertical axis and the junction of those axes are determined as three first-order control points. Signature is then used to find a peak representing tooth root apex as the forth control point. Bezier curve, Euclidean distance, and perspective transform are finally applied with determined four control points in curve fitting and tooth length measurement. In the experiment, comparing with the conventional PCA-based method, the average mean square error (MSE) of the line points plotted by the expert is reduced from 7.548 pixels to 4.714 pixels for tooth image type-I, whereas the average MSE value is reduced from 7.713 pixels and 7.877 pixels to 4.809 pixels and 5.253 pixels for left side and right side of tooth image type-H, respectively.

  • Derivation of Update Rules for Convolutive NMF Based on Squared Euclidean Distance, KL Divergence, and IS Divergence

    Hiroki TANJI  Ryo TANAKA  Kyohei TABATA  Yoshito ISEKI  Takahiro MURAKAMI  Yoshihisa ISHIDA  


    E97-A No:11

    In this paper, we present update rules for convolutive nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) in which cost functions are based on the squared Euclidean distance, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence and the Itakura-Saito (IS) divergence. We define an auxiliary function for each cost function and derive the update rule. We also apply this method to the single-channel signal separation in speech signals. Experimental results showed that the convergence of our KL divergence-based method was better than that in the conventional method, and our method achieved single-channel signal separation successfully.

  • Trojan Vulnerability Map: An Efficient Metric for Modeling and Improving the Security Level of Hardware


    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E97-A No:11

    Hardware Trojan or any other kind of unwanted hardware modifications has been thought as a major challenge in many commercial and secure applications. Currently, detection and prevention of hardware Trojans appeared as an important requirement in such systems. In this paper, a new concept, Trojan Vulnerability Map, is introduced to model the immunity of various regions of hardware against hardware attacks. Then, placement and routing algorithms are proposed to improve the immunity of hardware using the Trojan Vulnerability Map. Experimental results show that the proposed placement and routing algorithm reduces the hardware vulnerability by 25.65% and 4.08%, respectively. These benefits are earned in cost of negligible total wire length and delay overhead.

  • Self-Aligned Four-Terminal Planar Metal Double-Gate Low-Temperature Polycrystalline-Silicon Thin-Film Transistors for System-on-Glass Open Access

    Akito HARA  Shinya KAMO  Tadashi SATO  


    E97-C No:11

    Self-aligned four-terminal (4T) planar metal double-gate (DG) polycrystalline-silicon (poly-Si) thin-film transistors (TFTs) were fabricated on a glass substrate at a low temperature (LT), which is below $550^{circ}$C, to realize high performance and low power dissipation system-on-glass (SoG). The top gate (TG) and bottom gate (BG) were formed from tungsten (W); the BG was embedded in the glass substrate and the TG was fabricated by a self-alignment process using the BG as a photomask. This structure is called embedded metal double-gate (E-MeDG) in this paper. The poly-Si channel with lateral large grains was fabricated using a continuous-wave laser lateral crystallization (CLC). The self-aligned 4T E-MeDG LT poly-Si TFT, with a gate length of 5,$mu $m and TG and BG SiO$_2$ thicknesses of 50 and 100,nm, respectively, exhibited a subthreshold swing of 120,mV/dec and a threshold voltage ($mathrm{V}_{mathrm{th}}$) of $-$0.5,V in the connecting DG mode; i.e. when TG is connected to BG. In the TG operation at various BG control voltage, a threshold voltage modulation factor $(gamma = Delta mathrm{V}_{mathrm{th}}/Delta mathrm{V}_{mathrm{BG}})$ of 0.47 at negative BG control voltage and 0.60 at positive BG control voltage are demonstrated, which values are nearly equal to theoretical prediction of 0.40 and 0.75. Trend of subthreshold swing (s.s.) of TG operation under different BG control voltage are also consistent with theoretical prediction. In addition to TG operation, successful BG operation under various TG control voltages was confirmed. Field-effect mobility derived from g$_{mathrm{m}}$ also varied depending on control gate voltage. The high controllability of device parameter of individual LT poly-Si TFTs is caused by excellent crystalline quality of CLC poly-Si film and will enable us to the fabrication of high-speed and low power-dissipation SoG.

  • Distributed Mobility Management Scheme with Multiple LMAs in Proxy Mobile IPv6

    Won-Kyeong SEO  Jae-In CHOI  You-Ze CHO  


    E97-B No:11

    The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has been actively standardizing distributed mobility management (DMM) schemes with multiple Mobility Anchors (MAs). Yet, all existing schemes have limitations that preclude the efficient distribution of mobile data traffic, including single point failure problems, heavy tunneling overheads between MAs, and a restrictive traffic distribution for external nodes in a mobility domain. Therefore, this paper proposes an efficient mobility management scheme with a virtual Local Mobility Anchor (vLMA). While the vLMA is designed assuming multiple replicated LMAs for a PMIPv6 domain, it acts virtually as a single LMA for the internal and external nodes in the PMIPv6 domain. Furthermore, the vLMA distributes mobile data traffic using replicated LMAs, and routes packets via a replicated LMA on the optimal routing path. Performance evaluations confirm that the proposed scheme can distribute mobile data traffic more efficiently and reduce the end-to-end packet delay than the Distributed Local Mobility Anchor (DLMA) and the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6).

  • A High Quality Autostereoscopy System Based on Time-Division Quadplexing Parallax Barrier Open Access

    Qu ZHANG  Hideki KAKEYA  


    E97-C No:11

    In this paper, we introduce a parallax barrier system that shows high definition autostereoscopy and holds wide viewing zone. The proposed method creates a 4-view parallax barrier system with full display resolution per view by setting aperture ratio to one quarter and using time-division quadplexing, then applies obtained 4-view to 2-view, so that the viewing zone for each eye becomes wider than that from the conventional methods. We build a prototype with two 120,Hz LCD panels and manage to achieve continuous viewing zone with common head-tracking device involved. However, moire patterns and flickers stand out, which are respectively caused by the identical alignments of the color filters on the overlaid LCD panels and a lack of refresh rate of 240,Hz. We successfully remove the moire patterns by changing the structure of the system and inserting a diffuser. We also reduce the flickers by proposing 1-pixel aperture, while stripe shaped noise due to the lack of refresh rate occurs during a blink or a saccade. The stripe noise can be effectively weakened by applying green and magenta anaglyph to the proposed system, where extra crosstalk takes place since the default RGB color filters on LCD panels share certain ranges of wavelength with each other. Although a trade-off turns out to exist between stripe noise and crosstalk from our comparison experiment, results from different settings all hold acceptable quality and show high practicability of our method. Furthermore, we propose a solution that shows possibility to satisfy both claims, where extra color filters with narrow bandwidths are required.

  • Tuning GridFTP Pipelining, Concurrency and Parallelism Based on Historical Data

    Jangyoung KIM  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E97-D No:11

    This paper presents a prediction model based on historical data to achieve optimal values of pipelining, concurrency and parallelism (PCP) in GridFTP data transfers in Cloud systems. Setting the correct values for these three parameters is crucial in achieving high throughput in end-to-end data movement. However, predicting and setting the optimal values for these parameters is a challenging task, especially in shared and non-predictive network conditions. Several factors can affect the optimal values for these parameters such as the background network traffic, available bandwidth, Round-Trip Time (RTT), TCP buffer size, and file size. Existing models either fail to provide accurate predictions or come with very high prediction overheads. The author shows that new model based on historical data can achieve high accuracy with low overhead.

  • On the Linear Complexity of New Modified Jacobi Sequences

    Qiuyan WANG  Yupeng JIANG  Dongdai LIN  Xuan GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:11

    Jacobi sequences have good cryptography properties. Li et al. [X. Li et al., Linear Complexity of a New Generalized Cyclotomic Sequence of Order Two of Length pq*, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E96-A, no.5, pp.1001-1005, 2013] defined a new modified Jacobi sequence of order two and got its linear complexity. In this corresponding, we determine the linear complexity and minimal polynomials of the new modified Jacobi sequence of order d. Our results show that the sequence is good from the viewpoint of linear complexity.

  • Large Scale Cooperation in Cellular Networks with Non-uniform User Distribution

    Roya E. REZAGAH  Gia Khanh TRAN  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Satoshi KONISHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E97-B No:11

    In conventional wireless cellular networks, cell coverage is static and fixed, and each user equipment (UE) is connected to one or a few local base stations (BS). However, the users' distribution in the network area commonly fluctuates during a day. When there are congeries of users in some areas, conventional networks waste idle network resources in sparse areas. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach for cooperative cluster formation to dynamically transfer idle network resources from sparse cells to crowded cells or hotspots. In our proposed scheme, BS coverage is directed to hotspots by dynamically changing the antennas' beam angles, and forming large optimal cooperative clusters around hotspots. In this study, a cluster is a group of BSs that cooperatively perform joint transmission (JT) to several UEs. In this paper, a mathematical framework for calculation of the system rate of a cooperative cluster is developed. Next, the set of BSs for each cluster and the antennas' beam angles of each BS are optimized so that the system rate of the network is maximized. The trend of performance variation versus cluster size is studied and its limitations are determined. Numerical results using 3GPP specifications show that the proposed scheme attains several times higher capacity than conventional systems.

  • A Novel Structure of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Based on Unequal Error Protection Rateless Code

    Yun SHEN  Yitong LIU  Jing LIU  Hongwen YANG  Dacheng YANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:11

    In this paper, we design an Unequal Error Protection (UEP) rateless code with special coding graph and apply it to propose a novel HTTP adaptive streaming based on UEP rateless code (HASUR). Our designed UEP rateless code provides high diversity on decoding probability and priority for data in different important level with overhead smaller than 0.27. By adopting this UEP rateless channel coding and scalable video source coding, our HASUR ensures symbols with basic quality to be decoded first to guarantee fluent playback experience. Besides, it also provides multiple layers to ensure the most suitable quality for fluctuant bandwidth and packet loss rate (PLR) without estimating them in advance. We evaluate our HASUR against the alternative solutions. Simulation results show that HASUR provides higher video quality and more adapts to bandwidth and PLR than other two commercial schemes under End-to-End transmission.

  • Unitary Precoder Design for Multi-Stream MIMO Multicasting

    Baisheng DU  Xiaodong XU  Xuchu DAI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:11

    In this paper, we investigate unitary precoder design for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multicasting, where multiple common data streams are sent to a group of users. Assuming that zero-forcing decision feedback equalizers (ZF-DFE) are adopted at the receiver side, we can convert the multicast channel into multiple parallel subchannels. To improve the receiving quality of all data streams, we focus on maximizing the minimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of all data streams. To effectively handle this non-convex optimization problem, we first consider the special case of two data streams and derive the closed-form solution of the SNR vectors for both subchannels. Based on these results, a gradient-based iterative algorithm is developed for the proposed precoder design. For the general case, a Givens rotation-based iterative algorithm is proposed, where at each iteration the original problem of unitary precoder design is transformed into a dual-stream subproblem. Hence it can be solved efficiently by the gradient-based iterative algorithm. Finally, simulation results are presented to demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed design.

  • Peculiar Characteristics of Amplification and Noise for Intensity Modulated Light in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

    Kazuki HIGUCHI  Nobuhito TAKEUCHI  Minoru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E97-C No:11

    Amplification characteristics of the signal and the noise in the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), without facet mirrors for the intensity modulated light, are theoretically analyzed and experimentally confirmed. We have found that the amplification factor of the temporarily varying intensity component is smaller than that of the continuous wave (CW) component, but increases up to that of the CW component in the high frequency region in the SOA. These properties are very peculiar in the SOA, which is not shown in conventional electronic devices and semiconductor lasers. Therefore, the relative intensity noise (RIN), which is defined as ratio of the square value of the intensity fluctuation to that of the CW power can be improved by the amplification by the SOA. On the other hand, the signal to the noise ratio (S/N ratio) defined for ratio of the square value of the modulated signal power to that of the intensity fluctuation have both cases of the degradation and the improvement by the amplification depending on combination of the modulation and the noise frequencies. Experimental confirmations of these peculiar characteristics are also demonstrated.

  • A Copyright- and Privacy-Protected Image Trading System Using Fingerprinting in Discrete Wavelet Domain with JPEG 2000

    Wannida SAE-TANG  Shenchuan LIU  Masaaki FUJIYOSHI  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E97-A No:11

    In this paper, a compression-friendly copyright- and privacy-protected image trading system is proposed. In the image trading system, the copyright of the image and the consumer's privacy is important. In addition, it should preserve existing image compression standards. In the proposed method, for privacy protection, the content provider (CP) multiplies random signs to the discrete wavelet transformed (DWTed) coefficients of an image to generate the visually encrypted image. The proposed visually protected images can be efficiently compressed by using JPEG 2000 which compresses the image in the DWTed domain as well. For copyright protection, the trusted third party (TTP) applies digital fingerprinting to the image in the encrypted domain. While in the conventional system, the amplitude-only image (AOI) which is the inversely transformed amplitude spectra of an image is used for privacy protection. Since, the AOI consists of real numbers, to store and transmit the AOI, it has to be quantized before compression. Therefore, quantization errors cannot be avoided in the conventional system. On the other hand, the proposed method applies the digital fingerprint in the DWTed domain, so clipping errors in decoding the image by the TTP is avoided. In addition, only a seed number which is input to a pseudo random number generator is shared between the CP and the consumer, whereas an extra image is shared in the conventional systems. Experimental results show that the proposed system is efficient in terms of privacy protection, compression performance, quality of fingerprinted images, and correct fingerprint extracting performance.

  • Partial Volume Correction on ASL-MRI and Its Application on Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis

    Wenji YANG  Wei HUANG  Shanxue CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:11

    Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method that can provide direct and quantitative measurements of cerebral blood flow (CBF) of scanned patients. ASL can be utilized as an imaging modality to detect Alzheimer's disease (AD), as brain atrophy of AD patients can be revealed by low CBF values in certain brain regions. However, partial volume effects (PVE), which is mainly caused by signal cross-contamination due to voxel heterogeneity and limited spatial resolution of ASL images, often prevents CBF in ASL from being precisely measured. In this study, a novel PVE correction method is proposed based on pixel-wise voxels in ASL images; it can well handle with the existing problems of blurring and loss of brain details in conventional PVE correction methods. Dozens of comparison experiments and statistical analysis also suggest that the proposed method is superior to other PVE correction methods in AD diagnosis based on real patients data.

  • Reducing Speech Noise for Patients with Dysarthria in Noisy Environments


    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:11

    Dysarthric speech results from damage to the central nervous system involving the articulator, which can mainly be characterized by poor articulation due to irregular sub-glottal pressure, loudness bursts, phoneme elongation, and unexpected pauses during utterances. Since dysarthric speakers have physical disabilities due to the impairment of their nervous system, they cannot easily control electronic devices. For this reason, automatic speech recognition (ASR) can be a convenient interface for dysarthric speakers to control electronic devices. However, the performance of dysarthric ASR severely degrades when there is background noise. Thus, in this paper, we propose a noise reduction method that improves the performance of dysarthric ASR. The proposed method selectively applies either a Wiener filtering algorithm or a Kalman filtering algorithm according to the result of voiced or unvoiced classification. Then, the performance of the proposed method is compared to a conventional Wiener filtering method in terms of ASR accuracy.

  • Spatial Division Transmission without Signal Processing for MIMO Detection Utilizing Two-Ray Fading

    Ken HIRAGA  Kazumitsu SAKAMOTO  Maki ARAI  Tomohiro SEKI  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Kazuhiro UEHARA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:11

    This paper presents a spatial division (SD) transmission method based on two-ray fading that dispenses with the high signal processing cost of multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) detection and antennas with narrow beamwidth. We show the optimum array geometries as functions of the transmission distance for providing a concrete array design method. Moreover, we clarify achievable channel capacity considering reflection coefficients that depend on the polarization, incident angle, and dielectric constant. When the ground surface is conductive, for two- and three-element arrays, channel capacity is doubled and tripled, respectively, over that of free space propagation. We also clarify the application limit of this method for a dielectric ground by analyzing the channel capacity's dependency on the dielectric constant. With this method, increased channel capacity by SD transmission can be obtained merely by placing antennas of wireless transceiver sets that have only SISO (single-input and single-output) capability in a two-ray propagation environment. By using formulations presented in this paper for the first time and adding discussions on the adoption of polarization multiplexing, we clarify antenna geometries of SD transmission systems using polarization multiplexing for up to six streams.

  • Signal Detection for EM-Based Iterative Receivers in MIMO-OFDM Mobile Communications

    Kazushi MURAOKA  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hiroshi SUZUKI  Satoshi SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:11

    Joint signal detection and channel estimation based on the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm has been investigated for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) mobile communications over fast-fading channels. The previous work in [20] developed a channel estimation method suitable for the EM-based iterative receiver. However, it remained possible for unreliable received signals to be repetitively used during the iterative process. In order to improve the EM-based iterative receiver further, this paper proposes spatial removal from the perspective of a message-passing algorithm on factor graphs. The spatial removal performs the channel estimation of a targeted antenna by using detected signals that are obtained from the received signals of all antennas other than the targeted antenna. It can avoid the repetitive use of unreliable received signals for consecutive signal detection and channel estimation. Appropriate applications of the spatial removal are also discussed to exploit both the removal effect and the spatial diversity. Computer simulations under fast-fading conditions demonstrate that the appropriate applications of the spatial removal can improve the packet error rate (PER) of the EM-based receiver thanks to both the removal effect and the spatial diversity.

  • Maximum Likelihood Demodulators and Their Evaluations on Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative OFDM-Based Wireless LAN Systems

    Hayato FUKUZONO  Yusuke ASAI  Riichi KUDO  Koichi ISHIHARA  Masato MIZOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:11

    In this paper, we propose demodulators for the Golden and Alamouti codes in amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative communication with one relay. The proposed demodulators output exact log likelihood ratios (LLRs) with recursion based on the Jacobian logarithm. The cooperative system with the proposed demodulator for the Golden code has the benefit of efficient data transmission, while the system for the Alamouti code has low demodulation complexity. Quantitative analyses of computational complexity of the proposed demodulators are conducted. The transmission performance for various relay location and power settings is evaluated on cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based wireless local area network (LAN) systems. In evaluations, the optimal relay location and power settings are found. The cooperative system with the proposed demodulators for the Golden and Alamouti codes offers 1.5 and 1.9 times larger areas where 10.8 and 5.4Mbit/s can be obtained than a non-cooperative (direct) system in a typical office environment, respectively.

  • Energy-Efficient Rate Allocation for Multi-Homing Services in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks

    Hyeontaek OH  Joohyung LEE  Seong Gon CHOI  Jun Kyun CHOI  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E97-B No:11

    Bandwidth aggregation (BAG) techniques have been researched for many years in an efforts to enhance throughput for multi-homed streaming service. However, despite of the considerable attention being devoted towards energy-efficient communications, the power efficiency for BAG has not been considered yet. To improve the power efficiency in multi-homed streaming service, this paper proposes Power Minimized Rate Allocation Scheme (PMRAS) with optimal rate allocation at each interface while guaranteeing an allowable packet loss rate. In developing PMRAS, we first formulate a power consumption model based on the network interface state (i.e. active and idle state). We adopt a Lagrangian algorithm to solve the convex optimization problem of power consumption. The performance results gained from a numerical analysis and simulations (NS-2) reveal that the proposed scheme offers superior performance over the existing rate allocation scheme for BAG with guaranteed required quality of service.

  • On the Security against Nonadaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack and Key-Dependent Message Attack

    Jinyong CHANG  Rui XUE  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:11

    In this letter, we formally present the definition of KDM-CCA1 security in public key setting, which falls in between the existing KDM-CPA and KDM-CCA2 security. We also prove that if a public key encryption scheme is CCA1 secure and has the properties of secret-key multiplication (or addition) homomorphism, and conditioned plaintext-restorability, then it is KDM-CCA1 secure w.r.t. two ensembles of functions that had been used in [15],[17], respectively. For concrete scheme, we show that the (tailored) Damgård's Elgamal scheme achieves this KDM-CCA1 security based on different assumptions.
