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  • Improved Attacks on Multi-Prime RSA with Small Prime Difference

    Hui ZHANG  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:7

    We consider some attacks on multi-prime RSA (MPRSA) with a modulus N = p1p2 . . . pr (r ≥ 3). It is believed that the small private exponent attack on the MPRSA is less effective than that on RSA (see Hinek et al.'s work at SAC 2003), which means smaller private exponents can be used in the MPRSA to speed up the decryption process. Our work shows that even if a private exponent is significantly beyond Hinek et al.'s bound, it still may be insecure if the prime difference Δ (Δ = pr - p1 = Nγ, supposing p1 < p2 < … < pr) is small, i.e. 0 < γ < 1/r. Specifically, by taking full advantage of prime properties, our small private exponent attack reveals that the MPRSA is insecure when $delta<1-sqrt{1+2gamma-3/r}$ (if $gammage rac{3}{2r}- rac{1+delta}{4}$) or $deltale rac{3}{r}- rac{1}{4}-2gamma$ (if $gamma < rac{3}{2r}- rac{1+delta}{4}$), where δ is the exponential of the private exponent d with base N, i.e., d = Nδ. In addition, we present a Fermat-like factoring attack which factors N efficiently when Δ < N1/r2. These proposed attacks surpass previous works (e.g. Bahig et al.'s at ICICS 2012), and are proved effective in practice.

  • On the Linear Complexity of Legendre Sequences Over Fq

    Qiuyan WANG  Dongdai LIN  Xuan GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:7

    In this paper, the linear complexity and minimal polynomials of Legendre sequences over Fq have been calculated, where q = pm and p is a prime number. Our results show that Legendre sequences have high linear complexity over Fq for a large part of prime power number q so that they can resist the linear attack method.

  • Bounded Strong Satisfiability Checking of Reactive System Specifications

    Masaya SHIMAKAWA  Shigeki HAGIHARA  Naoki YONEZAKI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:7

    Many fatal accidents involving safety-critical reactive systems have occurred in unexpected situations that were not considered during the design and test phases of development. To prevent such accidents, reactive systems should be designed to respond appropriately to any request from an environment at any time. Verifying this property during the specification phase reduces development reworking. This property of a specification is commonly known as realizability. Realizability checking for reactive system specifications involves complex and intricate analysis. The complexity of realizability problems is 2EXPTIME-complete. To detect typical simple deficiencies in specifications efficiently, we introduce the notion of bounded strong satisfiability (a necessary condition for realizability), and present a method for checking this property. Bounded strong satisfiability is the property that, for all input patterns represented by loop structures of a given size k, there is a response that satisfies a given specification. We report a checking method based on a satisfiability solver, and show that the complexity of the bounded strong satisfiability problem is co-NEXPTIME-complete. Moreover, we report experimental results showing that our method is more efficient than existing approaches.

  • An Empirical Study of Bugs in Software Build System

    Xin XIA  Xiaozhen ZHOU  David LO  Xiaoqiong ZHAO  Ye WANG  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:7

    A build system converts source code, libraries and other data into executable programs by orchestrating the execution of compilers and other tools. The whole building process is managed by a software build system, such as Make, Ant, CMake, Maven, Scons, and QMake. Many studies have investigated bugs and fixes in several systems, but to our best knowledge, none focused on bugs in build systems. One significant feature of software build systems is that they should work on various platforms, i.e., various operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux), various development environments (e.g., Eclipse, Visual Studio), and various programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Java, C#), so the study of software build systems deserves special consideration. In this paper, we perform an empirical study on bugs in software build systems. We analyze four software build systems, Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, which are four typical and widely-used software build systems, and can be used to build Java, C, C++ systems. We investigate their bug database and code repositories, randomly sample a set of bug reports and their fixes (800 bugs reports totally, and 199, 250, 200, and 151 bug reports for Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, respectively), and manually assign them into various categories. We find that 21.35% of the bugs belong to the external interface category, 18.23% of the bugs belong to the logic category, and 12.86% of the bugs belong to the configuration category. We also investigate the relationship between bug categories and bug severities, bug fixing time, and number of bug comments.

  • Fundamental LOD-BOR-FDTD Method for the Analysis of Plasmonic Devices

    Jun SHIBAYAMA  Takuto OIKAWA  Tomoyuki HIRANO  Junji YAMAUCHI  Hisamatsu NAKANO  


    E97-C No:7

    The body-of-revolution finite-difference time-domain method (BOR-FDTD) based on the locally one-dimensional (LOD) scheme is extended to a frequency-dependent version for the analysis of the Drude and Drude-Lorentz models. The formulation is simplified with a fundamental scheme, in which the number of arithmetic operations is reduced by 40% in the right-hand sides of the resultant equations. Efficiency improvement of the LOD-BOR-FDTD is discussed through the analysis of a plasmonic rod waveguide and a plasmonic grating.

  • E- and W-Band High-Capacity Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Links



    E97-B No:7

    In this paper we summarize the work conducted in our group in the area of E- and W-band optical high-capacity fiber-wireless links. We present performance evaluations of E- and W-band mm-wave signal generation using photonic frequency upconversion employing both VCSELs and ECLs, along with transmission over different type of optical fibers and for a number of values for the wireless link distance. Hybrid wireless-optical links can be composed of mature and resilient technology available off-the-shelf, and provide functionalities that can add value to optical access networks, specifically in mobile backhaul/fronthaul applications, dense distributed antenna systems and fiber-over-radio scenarios.

  • Proposal of in-line wavelength-selective modulator based on waveguide interferometer

    Kenji KINTAKA  Ryotaro MORI  Tetsunosuke MIURA  Shogo URA  


    E97-C No:7

    A new wavelength-selective optical modulator was proposed and discussed. The modulator consists of three kinds of distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) integrated in a single straight waveguide. The waveguide can guide TE$_0$ and TE$_1$ modes, and an in-line Michelson interferometer is constructed by the three DBRs. An operation-wavelength wave among incident wavelength-division-multiplexed TE$_1$ guided waves is split into TE$_0$ and TE$_1$ guided waves by one of DBRs, and combined by the same DBR to be TE$_0$ output wave with interference after one of waves is phase-modulated. A modulator using an electro-optic (EO) polymer is designed, and the static performance was predicted theoretically. An operation principle was confirmed experimentally by a prototype device utilizing a thermo-optic effect instead of the EO effect.

  • Two-Step Boosting for OSN Based Sybil-Resistant Trust Value of Non-Sybil Identities

    Kyungbaek KIM  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E97-D No:7

    In the design of distributed systems, defending against Sybil attack is an important issue. Recently, OSN (Online Social Network)-based Sybil defending approaches, which use the fast mixing property of a social network graph with sufficient length of random walks and provide Sybil-resistant trust values, have been proposed. However, because of the probabilistic property of the previous approaches, some honest (non-Sybil) identities obtain low trust value and they are mistakenly considered as Sybil identities. A simple solution of boosting the trust value of honest identities is using longer random walks, but this direct boosting method also increases trust values of Sybil identities significantly. In this paper, a two-step boosting method is proposed to increase the Sybil-resistant trust value of honest identities reasonably and to prevent Sybil identities from having high trust values. The proposed boosting method is composed of two steps: initializing the trust value with a reasonably long random walks and boosting the trust value by using much longer random walks than the first step. The proposed method is evaluated by using sampled social network graphs of Facebook, and it is observed that the proposed method reduces the portion of honest identities mistakenly considered as Sybil identities substantially (from 30% to 1.3%) and keeps the low trust values of Sybil identities.

  • Irregular Triangular Quadrature Amplitude Modulations

    Sung-Joon PARK  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E97-B No:7

    The recently suggested regular-type triangular quadrature amplitude modulation (TQAM) provides considerable power gain over square quadrature amplitude modulation (SQAM) at the expense of a slight increase in detection complexity. However, the power gain of the TQAM is limited due to the constraint that signal points should be regularly located at the vertexes of contiguous equilateral triangles. In this paper, we investigate two irregular (optimum and suboptimum) TQAMs where signal points are irregularly distributed while preserving the equilateral triangular lattice, and calculate achievable power gains of the proposed constellations. We also address optimum and suboptimum bit stream mapping methods and suggest a simple and optimum detection method for the constellations to be meaningful in practical implementation, and present analytical and simulation results. The proposed constellations can provide the asymptotic power gains of 0.825dB and 0.245dB over SQAM and regular TQAM, respectively.

  • Fundamental Locally One-Dimensional Method for 3-D Thermal Simulation



    E97-C No:7

    This paper presents a fundamental locally one-dimensional (FLOD) method for 3-D thermal simulation. We first propose a locally one-dimensional (LOD) method for heat transfer equation within general inhomogeneous media. The proposed LOD method is then cast into compact form and formulated into the FLOD method with operator-free right-hand-side (RHS), which leads to computationally efficient update equations. Memory storage requirements and boundary conditions for both FLOD and LOD methods are detailed and compared. Stability analysis by means of analyzing the eigenvalues of amplification matrix substantiates the stability of the FLOD method. Additionally, the potential instability of the Douglas Gunn (DG) alternating-direction-implicit (ADI) method for inhomogeneous media is demonstrated. Numerical experiments justify the gain achieved in the overall efficiency for FLOD over LOD, DG-ADI and explicit methods. Furthermore, the relative maximum error of the FLOD method illustrates good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.

  • Scene Text Character Recognition Using Spatiality Embedded Dictionary

    Song GAO  Chunheng WANG  Baihua XIAO  Cunzhao SHI  Wen ZHOU  Zhong ZHANG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:7

    This paper tries to model spatial layout beyond the traditional spatial pyramid (SP) in the coding/pooling scheme for scene text character recognition. Specifically, we propose a novel method to build a dictionary called spatiality embedded dictionary (SED) in which each codeword represents a particular character stroke and is associated with a local response region. The promising results outperform other state-of-the-art algorithms.

  • An FPGA Implementation of the Two-Dimensional FDTD Method and Its Performance Comparison with GPGPU

    Ryota TAKASU  Yoichi TOMIOKA  Yutaro ISHIGAKI  Ning LI  Tsugimichi SHIBATA  Mamoru NAKANISHI  Hitoshi KITAZAWA  


    E97-C No:7

    Electromagnetic field analysis is a time-consuming process, and a method involving the use of an FPGA accelerator is one of the attractive ways to accelerate the analysis; the other method involve the use of CPU and GPU. In this paper, we propose an FPGA accelerator dedicated for a two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. This accelerator is based on a two-dimensional single instruction multiple data (SIMD) array architecture. Each processing element (PE) is composed of a six-stage pipeline that is optimized for the FDTD method. Moreover, driving signal generation and impedance termination are also implemented in the hardware. We demonstrate that our accelerator is 11 times faster than existing FPGA accelerators and 9 times faster than parallel computing on the NVIDIA Tesla C2075. As an application of the high-speed FDTD accelerator, the design optimization of a waveguide is shown.

  • Parallel Computation of Complex Antennas around the Coated Object Using Iterative Vector Fields Technique

    Ying YAN  Xunwang ZHAO  Yu ZHANG  Changhong LIANG  Zhewang MA  


    E97-C No:7

    In this paper, a novel hybrid technique for analyzing complex antennas around the coated object is proposed, which is termed as “iterative vector fields with Physical Optics (PO)”. A closed box is used to enclose the antennas and the complex field vectors on the box' surfaces can then be obtained using Huygens principle. The equivalent electromagnetic currents on Huygens surfaces are computed by Higher-order Method of Moments (HOB-MoM) and the fields scattered from the coated object are calculated by PO method. In addition, the parallel technique based on Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Scalable Linear Algebra Package (ScaLAPACK) is employed so as to accelerate the computation. Numerical examples are presented to validate and to show the effectiveness of the proposed method on solving the practical engineering problem.

  • Software Defined Flexible Optical Access Networks Enabling Throughput Optimization and OFDM-Based Dynamic Service Provisioning for Future Mobile Backhaul Open Access

    Akihiro TANAKA  Neda CVIJETIC  


    E97-B No:7

    In this invited paper, software defined network (SDN)-based approaches for future cost-effective optical mobile backhaul (MBH) networks are discussed, focusing on key principles, throughput optimization and dynamic service provisioning as its use cases. We propose a novel physical-layer aware throughput optimization algorithm that confirms > 100Mb/s end-to-end per-cell throughputs with ≥2.5Gb/s optical links deployed at legacy cell sites. We also demonstrate the first optical line terminal (OLT)-side optical Nyquist filtering of legacy 10G on-off-keying (OOK) signals, enabling dynamic >10Gb/s Orthogonal Frequency Domain Multiple Access (OFDMA) λ-overlays for MBH over passive optical network (PON) with 40-km transmission distances and 1:128 splitting ratios, without any ONU-side equipment upgrades. The software defined flexible optical access network architecture described in this paper is thus highly promising for future MBH networks.

  • Analysis of Side-Channel Attack Based on Information Theory

    Hiroaki MIZUNO  Keisuke IWAI  Hidema TANAKA  Takakazu KUROKAWA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:7

    This paper presents a new information-theoretical evaluation method, for the resistance of cryptographic implementation against side-channel attacks. In conventional methods, the results of actual attacks have been often used empirically. However, these experimental methods have some problems. In the proposed method, a side-channel attack is regarded as a communication channel model. Then, a new evaluation index “the amount of leakage information” can be defined. The upper-bound of this index is estimated as the channel capacity. The proposed evaluation using this index can avoid the problems of conventional methods. Consequently, the proposed method provides some benefits: (1) It provides rationale for evaluation; (2) It enables execution of numerical evaluation and mutual evaluation among several kinds of countermeasures. This research achieves a unification of evaluation indexes for resistance against side-channel attack. This paper applies the proposed method to correlation power analysis against implementations of stream cipher Enocoro-128 v2. As a result, we confirmed its effectiveness.

  • Quasi-Linear Support Vector Machine for Nonlinear Classification

    Bo ZHOU  Benhui CHEN  Jinglu HU  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E97-A No:7

    This paper proposes a so called quasi-linear support vector machine (SVM), which is an SVM with a composite quasi-linear kernel. In the quasi-linear SVM model, the nonlinear separation hyperplane is approximated by multiple local linear models with interpolation. Instead of building multiple local SVM models separately, the quasi-linear SVM realizes the multi local linear model approach in the kernel level. That is, it is built exactly in the same way as a single SVM model, by composing a quasi-linear kernel. A guided partitioning method is proposed to obtain the local partitions for the composition of quasi-linear kernel function. Experiment results on artificial data and benchmark datasets show that the proposed method is effective and improves classification performances.

  • Extending MaxSAT to Solve the Coalition Structure Generation Problem with Externalities Based on Agent Relations

    Xiaojuan LIAO  Miyuki KOSHIMURA  Hiroshi FUJITA  Ryuzo HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E97-D No:7

    Coalition Structure Generation (CSG) means partitioning agents into exhaustive and disjoint coalitions so that the sum of values of all the coalitions is maximized. Solving this problem could be facilitated by employing some compact representation schemes, such as marginal contribution network (MC-net). In MC-net, the CSG problem is represented by a set of rules where each rule is associated with a real-valued weights, and the goal is to maximize the sum of weights of rules under some constraints. This naturally leads to a combinatorial optimization problem that could be solved with weighted partial MaxSAT (WPM). In general, WPM deals with only positive weights while the weights involved in a CSG problem could be either positive or negative. With this in mind, in this paper, we propose an extension of WPM to handle negative weights and take advantage of the extended WPM to solve the MC-net-based CSG problem. Specifically, we encode the relations between each pair of agents and reform the MC-net as a set of Boolean formulas. Thus, the CSG problem is encoded as an optimization problem for WPM solvers. Furthermore, we apply this agent relation-based WPM with minor revision to solve the extended CSG problem where the value of a coalition is affected by the formation of other coalitions, a coalition known as externality. Experiments demonstrate that, compared to the previous encoding, our proposed method speeds up the process of solving the CSG problem significantly, as it generates fewer number of Boolean variables and clauses that need to be examined by WPM solver.

  • Comparative Evaluation of Lifetime Enhancement with Fault Avoidance on Dynamically Reconfigurable Devices

    Hiroaki KONOURA  Takashi IMAGAWA  Yukio MITSUYAMA  Masanori HASHIMOTO  Takao ONOYE  


    E97-A No:7

    Fault tolerant methods using dynamically reconfigurable devices have been studied to overcome wear-out failures. However, quantitative comparisons have not been sufficiently assessed on device lifetime enhancement with these methods, whereas they have mainly been evaluated individually from various viewpoints such as additional hardware overheads, performance, and downtime for fault recovery. This paper presents quantitative lifetime evaluations performed by simulating the fault-avoidance procedures of five representative methods under the same conditions in wear-out scenarios, applications, and device architecture. The simulation results indicated that improvements of up to 70% mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) in comparison with ideal fault avoidance could be achieved by using methods of fault avoidance with ‘row direction shift’ and ‘dynamic partial reconfiguration’. ‘Column shift’, on the other hand, attained a high degree of stability with moderate improvements in MTTF. The experimental results also revealed that spare basic elements (BEs) should be prevented from aging so that improvements in MTTF would not be adversely affected. Moreover, we found that the selection of initial mappings guided by wire utilization could increase the lifetimes of partial reconfiguration based fault avoidance.

  • POSTECH Immersive English Study (POMY): Dialog-Based Language Learning Game

    Kyusong LEE  Soo-ok KWEON  Sungjin LEE  Hyungjong NOH  Gary Geunbae LEE  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E97-D No:7

    This study examines the dialog-based language learning game (DB-LLG) realized in a 3D environment built with game contents. We designed the DB-LLG to communicate with users who can conduct interactive conversations with game characters in various immersive environments. From the pilot test, we found that several technologies were identified as essential in the construction of the DB-LLG such as dialog management, hint generation, and grammar error detection and feedback. We describe the technical details of our system POSTECH immersive English study (Pomy). We evaluated the performance of each technology using a simulator and field tests with users.

  • Accurate Modeling of Wavelength Conversion by Dynamic Tuning of a Dielectric Cavity

    Yoshinori INOUE  Hisayoshi FUJIKAWA  


    E97-C No:7

    We propose an accurate modeling of the wavelength conversion process by dynamic tuning of a dielectric cavity. Since the process involves the long-distance propagation of light, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is not suitable for modeling of the wavelength conversion process owing to the numerical dispersion error of the FDTD method. The proposed modeling is based on the constrained interpolation profile (CIP) method, which was developed in the field of computational fluid dynamics for the purpose of reducing considerably the numerical dispersion error, and is formulated for a one-dimensional problem using an interpolation function of a higher order than that used in the original CIP method. Numerical experiments reveal that the proposed method can achieve accurate prediction of the wavelength conversion process even with a coarse grid model and is superior to both the original CIP method and the FDTD method.
