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  • A Simplification Algorithm for Calculation of the Mutual Information by Quantum Combined Measurement

    Shogo USAMI  Tsuyoshi Sasaki USUDA  Ichi TAKUMI  Masayasu HATA  

    PAPER-Quantum Information

    E82-A No:10

    Recently, the quantum information theory attracts much attention. In quantum information theory, the existence of superadditivity in capacity of a quantum channel was foreseen conventionally. So far, some examples of codes which show the superadditivity in capacity have been clarified. However in present stage, characteristics of superadditivity are not still clear up enough. The reason is as follows. All examples were shown by calculating the mutual information by quantum combined measurement, so that one had to solve the eigenvalue and the eigenvector problems. In this paper, we construct a simplification algorithm to calculate the mutual information by using square-root measurement as decoding process of quantum combined measurement. The eigenvalue and the eigenvector problems are avoided in the algorithm by using group covariancy of binary linear codes. Moreover, we derive the analytical solution of the mutual information for parity check codes with any length as an example of applying the simplification algorithm.

  • The Nature of Metallic Contamination on Various Silicon Substrates

    Geun-Min CHOI  Hiroshi MORITA  Jong-Soo KIM  Tadahiro OHMI  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E82-C No:10

    The growth behavior of copper particle on crystalline and amorphous silicon surfaces has been investigated. The study reveals that the growth behavior of copper particle depends on the substrate condition. When samples are intentionally contaminated in ultrapure water, both crystalline and amorphous silicon surfaces show no difference in their contamination levels. However, copper particles were not observed on an amorphous silicon surface except dipping in dilute CuCl2 solution. The copper concentration on an amorphous silicon surface after dipping in a 0.5% HF solution is similar to the level after contaminating in ultrapure water. The copper contamination level on a crystalline silicon surface, except from CuCl2 solution, decreased two orders of magnitude as compared with ultrapure water. The copper impurity level on crystalline silicon surface was reduced by two orders by cleaning in a sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide mixture. The sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide mixture cleaning was not effective on an amorphous silicon surface. When native oxide pre-existed on an amorphous silicon surface before contamination, however, the sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide mixture cleaning was effective for removing copper impurity. Our results suggest that copper contamination on an amorphous silicon surface have the characteristics of bonding directly with silicon and/or existing in the native oxide, in contrast with the situation on crystalline silicon surface. After contamination with 1000 ppm copper in CuF2 solution, the etch rate of an amorphous silicon film in a 0.5% HF solution was approximately one order of magnitude faster than that of crystalline silicon. This is attributed to the difference in crystalline structure between crystalline silicon and amorphous silicon.

  • Design of a Variable Rate Algorithm for the CS-ACELP Coder

    Woosung CHUNG  Sangwon KANG  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E82-D No:10

    In 1995, 8 kb/s CS-ACELP coder of G.729 is standardized by ITU-T SG15 and it has been reported that the speech quality of G.729 is better than or equal to that of 32 kb/s ADPCM (G.726). However G.729 is the fixed rate speech coder, and it does not consider the property of voice activity in mutual conversation. If we use the voice activity, we can reduce the average bit rate in half without any degradations of the speech quality. In this paper, we propose an efficient variable rate algorithm for G.729. The variable rate algorithm consists of two main subjects, the rate determination algorithm and the design of sub rate coders. For the robust VAD algorithm, we combine the energy-thresholding method, the phonetic segmentation method by integration of various feature parameters obtained through the analysis procedure, and the variable hangover period method. Through the analysis of noise features, the 1 kb/s sub rate coder is designed for coding the background noise signal. Also, we design the 4 kb/s sub rate coder for the unvoiced parts. The performance of the variable rate algorithm is evaluated by the comparison of speech quality and average bit rate with G.729. Subjective quality test is also done by MOS test. Conclusively, it is verified that the proposed variable rate CS-ACELP coder produces the same speech quality as G.729, at the average bit rate of 4.4 kb/s.

  • A Unified Algorithm for Solving Key Equations for Decoding Alternant Codes

    Norifumi KAMIYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E82-A No:10

    A unified algorithm is presented for solving key equations for decoding alternant codes. The algorithm can be applied to various decoding techniques, including bounded distance decoding, generalized minimum distance decoding, Chase decoding, etc.

  • New Subliminal Channel Embedded in the ESIGN

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Hatsukazu TANAKA  


    E82-A No:10

    The subliminal channel is one of the methods for hiding a message in other messages. Simmons has shown conjectures on the upper bound to the bandwidth of a subliminal channel. This paper proposes a new broad-band subliminal channel embedded in the ESIGN. The bandwidth of the proposed subliminal channel is wider than that of the previous one, and it exceeds the upper bound that Simmons has conjectured. Namely, we disprove the conjectures due to Simmons. We also show that it is possible to construct the subliminal channel even if the transmitter and the subliminal receiver do not have any key in common.

  • Neural Network Model Switching for Efficient Feature Extraction

    Keisuke KAMEYAMA  Yukio KOSUGI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E82-D No:10

    In order to improve the efficiency of the feature extraction of backpropagation (BP) learning in layered neural networks, model switching for changing the function model without altering the map is proposed. Model switching involves map preserving reduction of units by channel fusion, or addition of units by channel installation. For reducing the model size by channel fusion, two criteria for detection of the redundant channels are addressed, and the local link weight compensations for map preservation are formulated. The upper limits of the discrepancies between the maps of the switched models are derived for use as the unified criterion in selecting the switching model candidate. In the experiments, model switching is used during the BP training of a layered network model for image texture classification, to aid its inefficiency of feature extraction. The results showed that fusion and re-installation of redundant channels, weight compensations on channel fusion for map preservation, and the use of the unified criterion for model selection are all effective for improved generalization ability and quick learning. Further, the possibility of using model switching for concurrent optimization of the model and the map will be discussed.

  • Real-Time Restoration of Nonstationary Biomedical Signals under Additive Noises

    Junichi HORI  Yoshiaki SAITOH  Tohru KIRYU  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E82-D No:10

    In the present paper we shall examine the real-time restoration of biomedical signals under additive noises. Biomedical signals measured by instruments such as catheter manometers, ambulatory electrocardiographs and thermo-dilution sensors are susceptible to distortion and noise. Therefore, such signals must be restored to their original states. In the present study, nonstationary biomedical signals are observed and described using a mathematical model, and several restoration filters that are composed of a series of applications of this model are proposed. These filters restored band-limited approximations of the original signals in real-time. In addition, redundancy is introduced into these restoration filters in order to suppress additive noise. Finally, an optimum filter that accounts for restoration error and additive noise is proposed.

  • Evolutional Design and Training Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks

    Hiroki TAKAHASHI  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E82-D No:10

    In pattern recognition using neural networks, it is very difficult for researchers or users to design optimal neural network architecture for a specific task. It is possible for any kinds of neural network architectures to obtain a certain measure of recognition ratio. It is, however, difficult to get an optimal neural network architecture for a specific task analytically in the recognition ratio and effectiveness of training. In this paper, an evolutional method of training and designing feedforward neural networks is proposed. In the proposed method, a neural network is defined as one individual and neural networks whose architectures are same as one species. These networks are evaluated by normalized M. S. E. (Mean Square Error) which presents a performance of a network for training patterns. Then, their architectures evolve according to an evolution rule proposed here. Architectures of neural networks, in other words, species, are evaluated by another measurement of criteria compared with the criteria of individuals. The criteria assess the most superior individual in the species and the speed of evolution of the species. The species are increased or decreased in population size according to the criteria. The evolution rule generates a little bit different architectures of neural network from superior species. The proposed method, therefore, can generate variety of architectures of neural networks. The designing and training neural networks which performs simple 3 3 and 4 4 pixels which include vertical, horizontal and oblique lines classifications and Handwritten KATAKANA recognitions are presented. The efficiency of proposed method is also discussed.

  • Dynamics of Cellular Automata on Groups

    Shuichi YUKITA  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E82-D No:10

    Dynamical theory of cellular automata on groups is developed. Main results are non-Euclidean extensions of Sato and Honda's results on the dynamics of Euclidean cellular automata. The notion of the period of a configuration is redefined in a more group theoretical way. The notion of a co-finite configuration substitutes the notion of a periodic configuration, where the new term is given to it to reflect and emphasize the importance of finiteness involved. With these extended or substituted notions, the relations among period preservablity, injectivity, and Poisson stability of parallel maps are established. Residually finite groups are shown to give a nice topological property that co-finite configurations are dense in the configuration space.

  • Simulation Algorithms among Enhanced Mesh Models

    Susumu MATSUMAE  Nobuki TOKURA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E82-D No:10

    In this paper, we present simulation algorithms among enhanced mesh models. The enhanced mesh models here include reconfigurable mesh and mesh with multiple broadcasting. A reconfigurable mesh (RM) is a processor array that consists of processors arranged to a 2-dimensional grid with a reconfigurable bus system. The bus system can be used to dynamically obtain various interconnection patterns among the processors during the execution of programs. A horizontal-vertical RM (HV-RM) is obtained from the general RM model, by restricting the network topology it can take to the ones in which each bus segment must be along row or column. A mesh with multiple broadcasting (MWMB) is an enhanced mesh, which has additional broadcasting buses endowed to every row and column. We present two algorithms:1) an algorithm that simulates a HV-RM of size nn time-optimally in θ(n) time on a MWMB of size nn, and 2) an algorithm that simulates a RM of size nn in θ(log2 n) time on a HV-RM of size nn. Both algorithms use a constant number of storage in each processor. Furthermore, we show that a RM of size nn can be simulated in θ((n/m)2 log n log m) time on a HV-RM of size mm, in θ ((n/m)2 m log n log m) time on a MWMB of size mm (m < n). These simulations use θ((n/m)2) storage in each processor, which is optimal.

  • A Novel Infrared-Controlled Telephone Communication Interface for the Disabled

    Yu-Luen CHEN  Ying-Ying SHIH  Walter H. CHANG  Fuk-Tan TANG  May-Kuen WONG  Te-Son KUO  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E82-D No:10

    This paper reports on the development of an eyeglass-type infrared-controlled telephone communication interface for the disabled. This system is comprised of four major components: A) a headset; B) an infrared transmitting module; C) an infrared receiving/signal-processing module; and D) a main controller, the Intel-8951 microprocessor. The headset with a tongue-touch panel, a wireless earphone, and a wireless microphone. The infrared transmitting module utilizes a tongue touch panel via tongue-touch circuitry which is converted to an infrared beam and a low power laser (<0.1 mW) beam. The infrared receiving/signal-processing module, receives the infrared beam and fine tunes the unstable infrared beam into standard pulses which are used as control signals. The main controller is responsible for detecting the input signals from the infrared receiving/signal-processing module and verifying these signals with the mapping table in its memory. After the signal is verified, it is released to control the keys of the telephone interface. This design concept was mainly based on the idea that the use of an infrared remote module fastened to the eyeglasses could allow the convenient control of the dialing motion on the keys of a telephone's dialing-pad which are all modified with infrared receiving/signal-processing modules. The disabled are competent for some of work, such as a telephone operator. The increase of opportunity to do a job for the disabled would help them live independently.

  • Unified Fully-Pipelined VLSI Implementations of the One- and Two-Dimensional Real Discrete Trigonometric Transforms

    Wen-Hsien FANG  Ming-Lu WU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E82-A No:10

    This paper presents unified VLSI architectures which can efficiently realize some widespread one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) real discrete trigonometric transforms, including the discrete Hartley transform (DHT), discrete sine transform (DST), and discrete cosine transform (DCT). First, succinct and unrestrictive Clenshaw's recurrence formula along with the inherent symmetry of the trigonometric functions are adequately employed to render efficient recurrences for computing these 1-D RDTT. By utilizing an appropriate row-column decomposition approach, the same set of recurrences can also be used to compute both of the row transform and column transform of the 2-D RDTT. Array architectures, basing on the developed recurrences, are then introduced to implement these 1-D and 2-D RDTT. Both architectures provide substantial hardware savings as compared with previous works. In addition, they are not only applicable to the 1-D and 2-D RDTT of arbitrary size, but they can also be easily adapted to compute all aforementioned RDTT with only minor modifications. A complete set of input/output (I/O) buffers along with a bidirectional circular shift matrix are addressed as well to enable the architectures to operate in a fully-pipelined manner and to rectify the transformed results in a natural order. Moreover, the resulting architectures are both highly regular, modular, and locally-connected, thus being amenable to VLSI implementations.

  • Zero Common-Mode Gain Fully Balanced Circuit Structure

    Moonjae JEONG  Shigetaka TAKAGI  Nobuo FUJII  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E82-A No:10

    This paper proposes a fully balanced circuit structure with a zero common-mode gain. The common-mode gain of the proposed structure becomes theoretically zero with a perfect device matching. Even if a perfect device matching is not achieved, the common-mode signal can be sufficiently suppressed by the feedback loops provided with the structure. Based on this concept, an integrator is composed. Furthermore the concept can be directly applied to a filter design. The application results in reduced chip area. A design example of a second-order filter and simulation results verify the theoretical expectation.

  • Universal Variable-to-Fixed Length Codes Achieving Optimum Large Deviations Performance for Empirical Compression Ratio

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E82-A No:10

    This paper clarifies two variable-to-fixed length codes which achieve optimum large deviations performance of empirical compression ratio. One is Lempel-Ziv code with fixed number of phrases, and the other is an arithmetic code with fixed codeword length. It is shown that Lempel-Ziv code is asymptotically optimum in the above sense, for the class of finite-alphabet and finite-state sources, and that the arithmetic code is asymptotically optimum for the class of finite-alphabet unifilar sources.

  • New Methods of Generating Primes Secure against Both P-1 and P+1 Methods

    Yoshizo SATO  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI  Masao KASAHARA  


    E82-A No:10

    Since cryptosystem based on the problem of factoring the composite number N can be attacked with P-1 and P+1 methods, it is required that P-1 and P+1 should be difficult to be factored into many small primes, where we assume that the P is a factor of N. In this paper, first, we consider the distribution of secure primes against both P-1 and P+1 methods. Second, we propose two efficient algorithms for generating secure primes against both P-1 and P+1 methods by extending the trial division method.

  • Improvement of Upper Bound to the Optimal Average Cost of the Variable Length Binary Code

    Tsutomu KAWABATA  

    LETTER-Source Coding

    E82-A No:10

    We consider the optimal average cost of variable length source code averaged with a given probability distribution over source messages. The problem was argued in Csiszar and Korner's book. In a special case of binary alphabet, we find an upper bound to the optimal cost minus an ideal cost, where the ideal cost is the entropy of the source divided by a unique scalar that makes negative costs logarithmic probabilities. Our bound is better than the one given in the book.

  • Timing Jitter Characteristics of RZ Pulse Nonlinear Transmission on Dispersion Managed Fiber Link

    Kazuho ANDO  Masanori HANAWA  Mikio TAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems

    E82-A No:10

    One of the limitation factors on the achievable distance for long-haul nonlinear Return-to-Zero (RZ)-Gaussian pulse transmission on optical fiber links is timing jitter. Although it is well known that the dispersion management technique is very effective to reduce the timing jitter, comparisons among some dispersion management methods based on the timing jitter reduction have not been reported yet. In this paper, timing jitter reduction by some dispersion management methods in nonlinear RZ-Gaussian pulse transmission systems are discussed. Moreover, we will report that the amount of timing jitter at the receiver side drastically changes depending on the configuration of dispersion managed optical fiber transmission line.

  • A Note on the Fix-Free Code Property

    Kazuyoshi HARADA  Kingo KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Source Coding/Image Processing

    E82-A No:10

    We study some sufficient conditions of codeword lengths for the existence of a fix-free code. Ahlswede et al. proposed the 3/4 conjecture that Σi=1n a-li 3/4 implies the existence of a fix-free code with lengths li when a=2 i. e. the alphabet is binary. We propose a more general conjecture, and prove that the upper bound of our conjecture is not greater than 3/4 for any finite alphabet. Moreover, we show that for any a2 our conjecture is true if codeword lengths l1,l2,. . . consist of only two kinds of lengths.

  • A Method for Obtaining the Optimum Sectionalization of the RMLD Algorithm for Non-Linear Rectangular Codes

    Yasuhiro MATSUMOTO  Toru FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E82-A No:10

    A recursive maximum likelihood decoding (RMLD) algorithm is more efficient than the Viterbi algorithm. The decoding complexity of the RMLD algorithm depends on the recursive sectionalization. The recursive sectionalization which minimizes the decoding complexity is called the optimum sectionalization. In this paper, for a class of non-linear codes, called rectangular codes, it is shown that a near optimum sectionalization can be obtained with a dynamic programming approach. Furthermore, for a subclass of rectangular codes, called C-rectangular codes, it is shown that the exactly optimum sectionalization can be obtained with the same approach. Following these results, an efficient algorithm to obtain the optimum sectionalization is proposed. The optimum sectionalizations for the minimum weight subcode of some Reed-Muller codes and of a BCH code are obtained with the proposed algorithm.

  • Adaptive Variable Step-Size Griffiths' Algorithm for Blind Demodulation of DS/CDMA Signals

    Ho-Chi HWANG  Che-Ho WEI  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E82-B No:10

    The minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) linear detector has been proposed to successfully suppress the multiple access interference and mitigate the near-far problem in direct-sequence code-division multiple access communication systems. In the presence of unknown or time-varying channel parameters, the MMSE linear detector can be implemented by the blind Griffiths' algorithm, which uses the desired signal vector instead of a training sequence of symbols for initial adaptation. In this paper, a variable step-size (VSS) Griffiths' algorithm is proposed for accelerating the convergence speed, especially in the presence of strong interference. Numerical results show that the convergence properties of the VSS Griffiths' algorithm are robust against the wide eigenvalue-spread problem of the correlation matrix associated with the received signal vector compared to the Griffiths' algorithm using a fixed step-size.
