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  • Improvement of the Quality of Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with Constraints on the Usage of Shares

    Mariko FUJII  Tomoharu SHIBUYA  


    E103-D No:1

    (k,n)-visual secret sharing scheme ((k,n)-VSSS) is a method to divide a secret image into n images called shares that enable us to restore the original image by only stacking at least k of them without any complicated computations. In this paper, we consider (2,2)-VSSS to share two secret images at the same time only by two shares, and investigate the methods to improve the quality of decoded images. More precisely, we consider (2,2)-VSSS in which the first secret image is decoded by stacking those two shares in the usual way, while the second one is done by stacking those two shares in the way that one of them is used reversibly. Since the shares must have some subpixels that inconsistently correspond to pixels of the secret images, the decoded pixels do not agree with the corresponding pixels of the secret images, which causes serious degradation of the quality of decoded images. To reduce such degradation, we propose several methods to construct shares that utilize 8-neighbor Laplacian filter and halftoning. Then we show that the proposed methods can effectively improve the quality of decoded images. Moreover, we demonstrate that the proposed methods can be naturally extended to (2,2)-VSSS for RGB images.

  • Blob Detection Based on Soft Morphological Filter

    Weiqing TONG  Haisheng LI  Guoyue CHEN  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E103-D No:1

    Blob detection is an important part of computer vision and a special case of region detection with important applications in the image analysis. In this paper, the dilation operator in standard mathematical morphology is firstly extended to the order dilation operator of soft morphology, three soft morphological filters are designed by using the operator, and a novel blob detection algorithm called SMBD is proposed on that basis. SMBD had been proven to have better performance of anti-noise and blob shape detection than similar blob filters based on mathematical morphology like Quoit and N-Quoit in terms of theoretical and experimental aspects. Additionally, SMBD was also compared to LoG and DoH in different classes, which are the most commonly used blob detector, and SMBD also achieved significantly great results.

  • Multi-Scale Chroma n-Gram Indexing for Cover Song Identification

    Jin S. SEO  


    E103-D No:1

    To enhance cover song identification accuracy on a large-size music archive, a song-level feature summarization method is proposed by using multi-scale representation. The chroma n-grams are extracted in multiple scales to cope with both global and local tempo changes. We derive index from the extracted n-grams by clustering to reduce storage and computation for DB search. Experiments on the widely used music datasets confirmed that the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy while reducing cost for cover song search.

  • A Weighted Viewport Quality Metric for Omnidirectional Images

    Huyen T. T. TRAN  Trang H. HOANG  Phu N. MINH  Nam PHAM NGOC  Truong CONG THANG  


    E103-D No:1

    Thanks to the ability to bring immersive experiences to users, Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have been gaining popularity in recent years. A key component in VR systems is omnidirectional content, which can provide 360-degree views of scenes. However, at a given time, only a portion of the full omnidirectional content, called viewport, is displayed corresponding to the user's current viewing direction. In this work, we first develop Weighted-Viewport PSNR (W-VPSNR), an objective quality metric for quality assessment of omnidirectional content. The proposed metric takes into account the foveation feature of the human visual system. Then, we build a subjective database consisting of 72 stimuli with spatial varying viewport quality. By using this database, an evaluation of the proposed metric and four conventional metrics is conducted. Experiment results show that the W-VPSNR metric well correlates with the mean opinion scores (MOS) and outperforms the conventional metrics. Also, it is found that the conventional metrics do not perform well for omnidirectional content.

  • HeteroRWR: A Novel Algorithm for Top-k Co-Author Recommendation with Fusion of Citation Networks

    Sufen ZHAO  Rong PENG  Meng ZHANG  Liansheng TAN  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:1

    It is of great importance to recommend collaborators for scholars in academic social networks, which can benefit more scientific research results. Facing the problem of data sparsity of co-author recommendation in academic social networks, a novel recommendation algorithm named HeteroRWR (Heterogeneous Random Walk with Restart) is proposed. Different from the basic Random Walk with Restart (RWR) model which only walks in homogeneous networks, HeteroRWR implements multiple random walks in a heterogeneous network which integrates a citation network and a co-authorship network to mine the k mostly valuable co-authors for target users. By introducing the citation network, HeteroRWR algorithm can find more suitable candidate authors when the co-authorship network is extremely sparse. Candidate recommenders will not only have high topic similarities with target users, but also have good community centralities. Analyses on the convergence and time efficiency of the proposed approach are presented. Extensive experiments have been conducted on DBLP and CiteSeerX datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that HeteroRWR outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods in terms of precision and recall rate even in the case of incorporating an incomplete citation dataset.

  • Efficient Supergraph Search Using Graph Coding

    Shun IMAI  Akihiro INOKUCHI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:1

    This paper proposes a method for searching for graphs in the database which are contained as subgraphs by a given query. In the proposed method, the search index does not require any knowledge of the query set or the frequent subgraph patterns. In conventional techniques, enumerating and selecting frequent subgraph patterns is computationally expensive, and the distribution of the query set must be known in advance. Subsequent changes to the query set require the frequent patterns to be selected again and the index to be reconstructed. The proposed method overcomes these difficulties through graph coding, using a tree structured index that contains infrequent subgraph patterns in the shallow part of the tree. By traversing this code tree, we are able to rapidly determine whether multiple graphs in the database contain subgraphs that match the query, producing a powerful pruning or filtering effect. Furthermore, the filtering and verification steps of the graph search can be conducted concurrently, rather than requiring separate algorithms. As the proposed method does not require the frequent subgraph patterns and the query set, it is significantly faster than previous techniques; this independence from the query set also means that there is no need to reconstruct the search index when the query set changes. A series of experiments using a real-world dataset demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method, achieving a search speed several orders of magnitude faster than the previous best.

  • Proposal and Evaluation of Visual Analytics Interface for Time-Series Data Based on Trajectory Representation

    Rei TAKAMI  Yasufumi TAKAMA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:1

    This paper proposes a visual analytics (VA) interface for time-series data so that it can solve the problems arising from the property of time-series data: a collision between interaction and animation on the temporal aspect, collision of interaction between the temporal and spatial aspects, and the trade-off of exploration accuracy, efficiency, and scalability between different visualization methods. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a VA interface that can handle temporal and spatial changes uniformly. Trajectories can show temporal changes spatially, of which direct manipulation enables to examine the relationship among objects either at a certain time point or throughout the entire time range. The usefulness of the proposed interface is demonstrated through experiments.

  • On the Detection of Malicious Behaviors against Introspection Using Hardware Architectural Events

    Huaizhe ZHOU  Haihe BA  Yongjun WANG  Tie HONG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:1

    The arms race between offense and defense in the cloud impels the innovation of techniques for monitoring attacks and unauthorized activities. The promising technique of virtual machine introspection (VMI) becomes prevalent for its tamper-resistant capability. However, some elaborate exploitations are capable of invalidating VMI-based tools by breaking the assumption of a trusted guest kernel. To achieve a more reliable and robust introspection, we introduce a practical approach to monitor and detect attacks that attempt to subvert VMI in this paper. Our approach combines supervised machine learning and hardware architectural events to identify those malicious behaviors which are targeted at VMI techniques. To demonstrate the feasibility, we implement a prototype named HyperMon on the Xen hypervisor. The results of our evaluation show the effectiveness of HyperMon in detecting malicious behaviors with an average accuracy of 90.51% (AUC).

  • UMMS: Efficient Superpixel Segmentation Driven by a Mixture of Spatially Constrained Uniform Distribution

    Pengyu WANG  Hongqing ZHU  Ning CHEN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:1

    A novel superpixel segmentation approach driven by uniform mixture model with spatially constrained (UMMS) is proposed. Under this algorithm, each observation, i.e. pixel is first represented as a five-dimensional vector which consists of colour in CLELAB space and position information. And then, we define a new uniform distribution through adding pixel position, so that this distribution can describe each pixel in input image. Applied weighted 1-Norm to difference between pixels and mean to control the compactness of superpixel. In addition, an effective parameter estimation scheme is introduced to reduce computational complexity. Specifically, the invariant prior probability and parameter range restrict the locality of superpixels, and the robust mean optimization technique ensures the accuracy of superpixel boundaries. Finally, each defined uniform distribution is associated with a superpixel and the proposed UMMS successfully implements superpixel segmentation. The experiments on BSDS500 dataset verify that UMMS outperforms most of the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of segmentation accuracy, regularity, and rapidity.

  • Blind Detection Algorithm Based on Spectrum Sharing and Coexistence for Machine-to-Machine Communication

    Yun ZHANG  Bingrui LI  Shujuan YU  Meisheng ZHAO  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E103-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new scheme which uses blind detection algorithm for recovering the conventional user signal in a system which the sporadic machine-to-machine (M2M) communication share the same spectrum with the conventional user. Compressive sensing techniques are used to estimate the M2M devices signals. Based on the Hopfield neural network (HNN), the blind detection algorithm is used to recover the conventional user signal. The simulation results show that the conventional user signal can be effectively restored under an unknown channel. Compared with the existing methods, such as using the training sequence to estimate the channel in advance, the blind detection algorithm used in this paper with no need for identifying the channel, and can directly detect the transmitted signal blindly.

  • IoT Malware Analysis and New Pattern Discovery Through Sequence Analysis Using Meta-Feature Information

    Chun-Jung WU  Shin-Ying HUANG  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E103-B No:1

    A drastic increase in cyberattacks targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices using telnet protocols has been observed. IoT malware continues to evolve, and the diversity of OS and environments increases the difficulty of executing malware samples in an observation setting. To address this problem, we sought to develop an alternative means of investigation by using the telnet logs of IoT honeypots and analyzing malware without executing it. In this paper, we present a malware classification method based on malware binaries, command sequences, and meta-features. We employ both unsupervised or supervised learning algorithms and text-mining algorithms for handling unstructured data. Clustering analysis is applied for finding malware family members and revealing their inherent features for better explanation. First, the malware binaries are grouped using similarity analysis. Then, we extract key patterns of interaction behavior using an N-gram model. We also train a multiclass classifier to identify IoT malware categories based on common infection behavior. For misclassified subclasses, second-stage sub-training is performed using a file meta-feature. Our results demonstrate 96.70% accuracy, with high precision and recall. The clustering results reveal variant attack vectors and one denial of service (DoS) attack that used pure Linux commands.

  • Non-Blind Speech Watermarking Method Based on Spread-Spectrum Using Linear Prediction Residue

    Reiya NAMIKAWA  Masashi UNOKI  


    E103-D No:1

    We propose a method of non-blind speech watermarking based on direct spread spectrum (DSS) using a linear prediction scheme to solve sound distortion due to spread spectrum. Results of evaluation simulations revealed that the proposed method had much lower sound-quality distortion than the DSS method while having almost the same bit error ratios (BERs) against various attacks as the DSS method.

  • Energy-Efficient Full-Duplex Enabled Cloud Radio Access Networks

    Tung Thanh VU  Duy Trong NGO  Minh N. DAO  Quang-Thang DUONG  Minoru OKADA  Hung NGUYEN-LE  Richard H. MIDDLETON  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:1

    This paper studies the joint optimization of precoding, transmit power and data rate allocation for energy-efficient full-duplex (FD) cloud radio access networks (C-RANs). A new nonconvex problem is formulated, where the ratio of total sum rate to total power consumption is maximized, subject to the maximum transmit powers of remote radio heads and uplink users. An iterative algorithm based on successive convex programming is proposed with guaranteed convergence to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker solutions of the formulated problem. Numerical examples confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and show that the FD C-RANs can achieve a large gain over half-duplex C-RANs in terms of energy efficiency at low self-interference power levels.

  • A Note on the Algebraic Immunity of the Enhanced Boolean Functions Open Access

    Deng TANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:1

    In 2015, Carlet and Tang [Des. Codes Cryptogr. 76(3): 571-587, 2015] proposed a concept called enhanced Boolean functions and a class of such kind of functions on odd number of variables was constructed. They proved that the constructed functions in this class have optimal algebraic immunity if the numbers of variables are a power of 2 plus 1 and at least sub-optimal algebraic immunity otherwise. In addition, an open problem that if there are enhanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity and maximal algebraic degree n-1 on odd variables n≠2k+1 was proposed. In this letter, we give a negative answer to the open problem, that is, we prove that there is no enhanced Boolean function on odd n≠2k+1 variables with optimal algebraic immunity and maximal algebraic degree n-1.

  • Free Space Optical Turbo Coded Communication System with Hybrid PPM-OOK Signaling

    Ran SUN  Hiromasa HABUCHI  Yusuke KOZAWA  


    E103-A No:1

    For high transmission efficiency, good modulation schemes are expected. This paper focuses on the enhancement of the modulation scheme of free space optical turbo coded system. A free space optical turbo coded system using a new signaling scheme called hybrid PPM-OOK signaling (HPOS) is proposed and investigated. The theoretical formula of the bit error rate of the uncoded HPOS system is derived. The effective information rate performances (i.e. channel capacity) of the proposed HPOS turbo coded system are evaluated through computer simulation in free space optical channel, with weak, moderate, strong scintillation. The performance of the proposed HPOS turbo coded system is compared with those of the conventional OOK (On-Off Keying) turbo coded system and BPPM (Binary Pulse Position Modulation) turbo coded system. As results, the proposed HPOS turbo coded system shows the same tolerance capability to background noise and atmospheric turbulence as the conventional BPPM turbo coded system, and it has 1.5 times larger capacity.

  • An Open Multi-Sensor Fusion Toolbox for Autonomous Vehicles

    Abraham MONRROY CANO  Eijiro TAKEUCHI  Shinpei KATO  Masato EDAHIRO  


    E103-A No:1

    We present an accurate and easy-to-use multi-sensor fusion toolbox for autonomous vehicles. It includes a ‘target-less’ multi-LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and Camera-LiDAR calibration, sensor fusion, and a fast and accurate point cloud ground classifier. Our calibration methods do not require complex setup procedures, and once the sensors are calibrated, our framework eases the fusion of multiple point clouds, and cameras. In addition we present an original real-time ground-obstacle classifier, which runs on the CPU, and is designed to be used with any type and number of LiDARs. Evaluation results on the KITTI dataset confirm that our calibration method has comparable accuracy with other state-of-the-art contenders in the benchmark.

  • Computationally Efficient DOA Estimation for Massive Uniform Linear Array

    Wei JHANG  Shiaw-Wu CHEN  Ann-Chen CHANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:1

    This letter presents an improved hybrid direction of arrival (DOA) estimation scheme with computational efficiency for massive uniform linear array. In order to enhance the resolution of DOA estimation, the initial estimator based on the discrete Fourier transform is applied to obtain coarse DOA estimates by a virtual array extension for one snapshot. Then, by means of a first-order Taylor series approximation to the direction vector with the one initially estimated in a very small region, the iterative fine estimator can find a new direction vector which raises the searching efficiency. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

  • Galois Hulls of Cyclic Codes over Finite Fields

    Yang DING  Xiaohua LU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E103-A No:1

    The Galois hull of linear code is defined to be the intersection of the code and its Galois dual. In this paper, we investigate the Galois hulls of cyclic codes over Fqr. For any integer s≤r, we present some sufficient and necessary conditions that cyclic codes have l-dimensional s-Galois hull. Moreover, we prove that a cyclic code C has l-dimensional s-Galois hull iff C has l-dimensional (r-s)-Galois hull. In particular, we also present the sufficient and necessary condition for cyclic codes with 1-dimensional Galois hulls and the relationship between cyclic codes with 1-dimensional Galois hulls and cyclic codes with Galois complementary duals. Some optimal cyclic codes with Galois hulls are obtained. Finally, we explicitly construct a class of cyclic codes with 1-Galois linear complementary dual over Fq3.

  • A Generalized Theory Based on the Turn Model for Deadlock-Free Irregular Networks

    Ryuta KAWANO  Ryota YASUDO  Hiroki MATSUTANI  Michihiro KOIBUCHI  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E103-D No:1

    Recently proposed irregular networks can reduce the latency for both on-chip and off-chip systems with a large number of computing nodes and thus can improve the performance of parallel applications. However, these networks usually suffer from deadlocks in routing packets when using a naive minimal path routing algorithm. To solve this problem, we focus attention on a lately proposed theory that generalizes the turn model to maintain the network performance with deadlock-freedom. The theorems remain a challenge of applying themselves to arbitrary topologies including fully irregular networks. In this paper, we advance the theorems to completely general ones. Moreover, we provide a feasible implementation of a deadlock-free routing method based on our advanced theorem. Experimental results show that the routing method based on our proposed theorem can improve the network throughput by up to 138 % compared to a conventional deterministic minimal routing method. Moreover, when utilized as the escape path in Duato's protocol, it can improve the throughput by up to 26.3 % compared with the conventional up*/down* routing.

  • Low-Complexity Time-Invariant Angle-Range Dependent DM Based on Time-Modulated FDA Using Vector Synthesis Method

    Qian CHENG  Jiang ZHU  Tao XIE  Junshan LUO  Zuohong XU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:1

    A low-complexity time-invariant angle-range dependent directional modulation (DM) based on time-modulated frequency diverse array (TM-FDA-DM) is proposed to achieve point-to-point physical layer security communications. The principle of TM-FDA is elaborated and the vector synthesis method is utilized to realize the proposal, TM-FDA-DM, where normalization and orthogonal matrices are designed to modulate the useful baseband symbols and inserted artificial noise, respectively. Since the two designed matrices are time-invariant fixed values, which avoid real-time calculation, the proposed TM-FDA-DM is much easier to implement than time-invariant DMs based on conventional linear FDA or logarithmical FDA, and it also outperforms the time-invariant angle-range dependent DM that utilizes genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize phase shifters on radio frequency (RF) frontend. Additionally, a robust synthesis method for TM-FDA-DM with imperfect angle and range estimations is proposed by optimizing normalization matrix. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed TM-FDA-DM exhibits time-invariant and angle-range dependent characteristics, and the proposed robust TM-FDA-DM can achieve better BER performance than the non-robust method when the maximum range error is larger than 7km and the maximum angle error is larger than 4°.
