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[Keyword] BAN(1638hit)


  • Path Bandwidth Management for Large Scale Telecom Networks

    Michael D. LOGOTHETIS  George K. KOKKINAKIS  


    E83-B No:9

    This paper presents a Path Bandwidth Management (PBM) model for large-scale networks that leads to an almost optimal PB allocation, under constraints posed by the installed bandwidth in the transmission links of the network. The PB allocation procedure is driven from a traffic demand matrix and consists of three phases. In the first phase, a suitable decomposition of the whole network takes place, where the large-scale network is split to a set of one-level sub-networks. In the second phase, the optimization algorithm developed for one-level telecommunication networks is applied to each sub-network in order to define the optimal PB allocation. The criterion for optimization is to minimize the worst Call Blocking Probability (CBP) of all switching pairs of the sub-network. In the third phase, composition of the sub-networks takes place in a successive way, which leads to the final PB allocation of the large-scale network. As the large-scale network is built up from optimized sub-networks, an almost optimal PB allocation is anticipated. For evaluation, the worst resultant CBP of the proposed scheme is compared with that obtained by the optimal PB allocation procedure in order to prove its optimality and efficiency. We choose a set of large-scale networks whose size is not very large so that we can apply the optimization algorithm developed for one-level telecom networks for defining its optimal bandwidth allocation. Extensive evaluation of the PBM model has showed that the worst resultant CBP is about 2% above the optimal value, which is a satisfactory result. The proposed PBM scheme is explained by means of an application example.

  • Development and Field Experiment of L-Band High-Resolution Ice-Radar

    Seiho URATSUKA  Hideo MAENO  Takeshi SUITZ  David A. FISHER  


    E83-B No:9

    We have built a pulse-compressed high-resolution radar for surveying polar ice caps and ice sheet. In experiments with this instrument at the Agassiz ice cap, radio echoes from the bedrock and internal layers measured with high resolution. The resolution of the radar in ice is about 1 meter. The greatest depth from which signals from bedrock were received was more than 400 meters and that from which signals from internal ice were received was about 200 meters. Such performances are suitable for generating data that can be used for detailed comparison between ice core analysis and radar data. This radar is expected to be an effective tool for revealing the three-dimensional extension of event-layer in the ice core and to give information about the scattering mechanism of internal echoes.

  • Performance Analysis of a New Multi-Code High-Speed Mobile Radio Transmission Scheme Using Cyclic Modified M-Sequence

    Hiroshi HARADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:9

    This paper proposes a new parallel high speed mobile radio transmission scheme using cyclic-shifted-codes generated from a modified M-sequence. The modified M-sequence is biased with constant direct current (dc) on an M-sequence and is inserted the guard chips before and after this biased M-sequence. The proposed system has the following features: i) Orthogonality of the codes is kept not only between direct waves of each parallel channels but also between direct and delayed waves within the guard chips; ii) It is possible to reduce the number of kinds of codes allocated to one user; and iii) It is easy to recover both code and chip timings. In this paper, moreover, the performance of the proposed system was evaluated in terms of bit error rate (BER) under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), non-selective one path Rayleigh fading and double-spike Rayleigh fading channels. As a result, the proposed transmission scheme can transmit several Mbps in a high-speed double-spike Rayleigh fading channel with better quality in comparison with a conventional multicode CDM transmission scheme based on M-sequences.

  • Weibull Distribution and K-Distribution of Sea Clutter Observed by X-Band Radar and Analyzed by AIC

    Shuji SAYAMA  Matsuo SEKINE  


    E83-B No:9

    In order to observe temporal distribution of sea clutter, radar echoes were taken from high sea state 7 at a fixed azimuth angle of 317. It is shown that the sea-clutter amplitudes obey the Weibull distribution at a grazing angle of 3.9, and obey both the Weibull distribution and K-distribution at grazing angles of 7.5 and 61.4. As the grazing angle increases, the shape parameters of Weibull distribution and K-distribution increase with both the distributions themselves tending to be closer to the Rayleigh distribution.

  • Narrowband Interference Suppression for PN Code Acquisition in a DS/CDMA Overlay Environment

    Jin Young KIM  


    E83-B No:8

    In this paper, performance of a PN code acquisition scheme is analyzed and simulated for a DS/CDMA overlay system where a CDMA user and a narrowband user coexist in the same frequency band. A narrowband user is modelled as a narrowband interference (NBI) located at the fraction of a CDMA user's bandwidth. To suppress the NBI, an interference suppression filter is employed at the receiver frontend. Acquisition performance is evaluated in terms of mean acquisition time using state transition diagram for acquisition process. To apply for a DS/CDMA mobile cellular environments, multiple access interference and imperfection of power control are taken into account in the analysis of acquisition performance. The imperfect power control is considered by modelling the power of each user to be lognormally distributed about nominal received power. From the simulation results, it is shown that for the cases of perfect and imperfect power control, the interference suppression filter is very effective for supprssion of the NBI and rapid PN code acquisition in a DS/CDMA overlay environment. It is also shown that the one-sided tap number of 5 for interference suppression filter is sufficient to suppress the NBI. And, capacity estimates are compared based on acquisition and BER performance. The analysis in this paper can be applied to the practical situations for a DS/CDMA overlay environment.

  • A Design of Near Perfect Reconstruction Linear-Phase QMF Banks Based on Hybrid Steepest Descent Method

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Isao YAMADA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Filter Banks

    E83-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a projection based design of near perfect reconstruction QMF banks. An advantage of this method is that additional design specifications are easily implemented by defining new convex sets. To apply convex projection technique, the main difficulty is how to approximate the design specifications by some closed convex sets. In this paper, introducing a notion of Magnitude Product Space where a pair of magnitude responses of analysis filters is expressed as a point, we approximate design requirements of QMF banks by multiple closed convex sets in this space. The proposed method iteratively applies a convex projection technique, Hybrid Steepest Descent Method, to find a point corresponding to the optimal analysis filters at each stage, where the closed convex sets are dynamically improved. Design examples show that the proposed design method leads to significant improvement over conventional design methods.

  • Studies on the Convergence Speed of Over-Sampled Subband Adaptive Digital Filters

    Shuichi OHNO  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    To evaluate or compare the convergence speed of adaptive digital filters (ADF) with least mean squared (LMS) algorithm, the condition numbers of correlation matrices of tap-input vectors are often used. In this paper, however, the comparison of the conventional fullband ADF and the subband ADF based on their condition numbers is shown to be invalid. In some cases, the over-sampled subband ADF converges faster than the fullband ADF, although the former has larger condition numbers. To explain the above phenomenon, an expression for the convergence behavior of the subband ADF and simulation results are provided.

  • Simulation of Multi-Band Quantum Transport Reflecting Realistic Band Structure

    Matsuto OGAWA  Takashi SUGANO  Ryuichiro TOMINAGA  Tanroku MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    Simulation of multi-band quantum transport based on a non-equilibrium Green's functions is presented in resonant tunneling diodes (RTD's), where realistic band structures and space charge effect are taken into account. To include realistic band structure, we have used a multi-band (MB) tight binding method with an sp3s* hybridization. As a result, we have found that the multiband nature significantly changes the results of conventional RTD simulations specifically for the case with indirect-gap barriers.

  • Full-Band Monte Carlo Device Simulation of a Si/SiGe-HBT with a Realistic Ge Profile

    Christoph JUNGEMANN  Stefan KEITH  Bernd MEINERZHAGEN  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    This work presents the first comprehensive full-band Monte Carlo model for the simulation of silicon/silicon-germanium devices with arbitrary germanium profiles. The model includes a new CPU and memory efficient method for the discretization of the Brillouin zone based on adaptive nonuniform tetrahedral grids and a very efficient method for transfers through heterointerfaces in the case of irregular -space grids. The feasibility of the FB-MC simulation is demonstrated by application to an industrial HBT with a graded germanium profile and different aspects of the microscopic carrier transport are discussed. Internal distributions of the transistor are calculated with a very low noise level and high efficiency allowing a detailed investigation of the device behavior.

  • Performance of a Novel Delay-and-Queuing Data Size-Based Medium Access Control Protocol for Broadband Wireless ATM

    Hijin SATO  Shinya OTSUKI  


    E83-B No:8

    Efficient radio resource utilization and fairness are important goals that must be achieved since wireless ATM systems support various services with different traffic characteristics such as CBR and UBR. This paper proposes a novel delay-and-queuing data size-based MAC protocol for broadband wireless ATM. The proposed MAC protocol relies on a new resource scheduling algorithm that decides the priority of channel assignment based on both the queuing delay and the queuing data size in the transmission buffer. Simulation results confirm that the proposed MAC protocol is able to provide throughput fairness and to achieve excellent throughput performance for ATM services that experience dynamic traffic fluctuations.

  • Reconstruction of Textured Urban 3D Model by Fusing Ground-Based Laser Range and CCD Images

    Huijing ZHAO  Ryosuke SHIBASAKI  


    E83-D No:7

    In this paper, a method of fusing ground-based laser range image and CCD images for the reconstruction of textured 3D urban object is proposed. An acquisition system is developed to capture laser range image and CCD images simultaneously from the same platform. A registration method is developed using both laser range and CCD images in a coarse-to-fine process. Laser range images are registered with an assumption on sensor's setup, which aims at robustly detecting an initial configuration between the sensor's coordinate system of two views. CCD images are matched to refine the accuracy of the initial transformation, which might be degraded by improper sensor setup, unreliable feature extraction, or limited by low spatial resolution of laser range image. Textured 3D model is generated using planar faces for vertical walls and triangular cells for ground surface, trees and bushes. Through an outdoor experiment of reconstructing a building using six views of laser range and CCD images, it is demonstrated that textured 3D model of urban objects can be generated in an automated manner.

  • Capacity Estimation for Overlaid Multiband CDMA Systems with SIR-Based Power Control

    Duk Kyung KIM  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:7

    As a flexible way to accommodate a variety of services, a number of spreading bands are now considered in International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) systems and more than two (overlaid) bands can be operated simultaneously in CDMA systems. Capacity estimation in CDMA systems is an important issue in performance analysis and call admission control (CAC), which is closely related to power control. This study derives the reverse link capacity of signal-to-interference ratio (SIR)-based power-controlled overlaid multiband CDMA systems in single and multiple cell environments. The weighted-aggregated data rate is introduced as the link capacity, which can reflect different spreading bandwidths and different QoS requirements. Various combinations of 5, 10, and 20 MHz subsystems are compared to one another in view of the maximum weighted-aggregated data rate. The impact of pulse shaping on CAC and the effect of multiple traffic accommodation on link capacity are also investigated.

  • Energy Level Alignment and Band Bending at TPD/Metal Interfaces Studied by Kelvin Probe Method

    Naoki HAYASHI  Eisuke ITO  Hisao ISHII  Yukio OUCHI  Kazuhiko SEKI  

    LETTER-Electro Luminescence

    E83-C No:7

    In order to examine the validity of Mott-Schottky model at organic/metal interfaces, the position of the vacuum level of N,N'-bis(3-methylphenyl)-N,N'-diphenyl -[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine (TPD) film formed on various metal substrates (Au, Cu, Ag, Mg and Ca) was measured as a function of the film-thickness by Kelvin probe method in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). TPD is a typical hole-injecting material for organic electroluminescent devices. At all the interfaces, sharp shifts of the vacuum level were observed within 1 nm thickness. Further deposition of TPD up to 100 nm did not change the position of the vacuum level indicating no band bending at these interfaces. These findings clearly demonstrate the Fermi level alignment between metal and bulk TPD solid is not established within typical thickness of real devices.

  • Frequency Sharing CDMA Wireless LAN Using Uplink Band of P-MP TDMA Broadband Wireless Access

    Takeo FUJII  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:7

    In this paper, we propose a combination system of point to multipoint (P-MP) time division multiple access (TDMA) broadband wireless access (BWA) system and indoor wireless local area network (WLAN). In order to realize a high speed wireless communication, a wide bandwidth is required for both access lines and local area networks. The proposed system shares the frequency between BWA and WLAN to achieve an efficient use of frequency resources. This is based on the idea that an uplink band of the P-MP TDMA BWA system will provide relatively small interference slots, which are not used by subscriber stations nearby. In other words, there are useful small interference slots for another system using same frequency according to its position. Then we use such small interference slots for WLAN. In addition, direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) can suppress such TDMA interference by spreading it over wide bandwidth. Therefore in the proposed system, DS-CDMA is used for WLAN in the same band with the BWA uplink. We also discuss WLAN packet error rate reduction techniques for this system. To confirm the availability of the proposed system, we evaluate the system performance by numerical analysis and computer simulation.

  • An Improvement of Banyan Networks and 2-Dilated Banyan Networks Based on Bypasses Positioning

    Komain PIBULYAROJANA  Shigetomo KIMURA  Yoshihiko EBIHARA  


    E83-B No:7

    Banyan networks and their improved switches such as 2-dilated banyan networks are usually constructed by a self-routing mechanism, and provide a high multiplexing transmission capacity to ATM networks. Due to cell blocking in the switching elements in these banyan networks, however, cell loss is occurred and then the throughput of each network is decreased. To improve this problem, we have introduced bypasses to the original and the 2-dilated banyan networks. This paper focuses on the position of the bypasses in these banyan networks and proposes the one-bypass-connection methods in order to minimize cell transfer delay caused by the bypasses. We also analyze output rate of each network and show that the bypass method gives network designers flexible selections for network performance and transfer delay.

  • Theoretical Analysis on the Performance of Optimal Combining for Multipath Waves Distributed in Spatial and Time Domains

    Takashi INOUE  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:7

    This paper theoretically analyzed the performance of the RAKE combining (in the time domain), maximal ratio combining (in the spatial domain), and two-dimensional RAKE combining (in the spatial and time domains) techniques for multipath fading environments, where multipath waves are distributed in the spatial and time domains. The analysis was based on a diversity combining technique that employed the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix between branch signals. It was found that the performance of the fading mitigation was normalized by the beamwidth of an array antenna, for various parameters such as the number of antenna elements, angular spread, and angle of arrival.

  • FDTD Simulation of Femtosecond Optical Gating in Nonlinear Optical Waveguide Utilizing Intersubband Transition in AlGaN/GaN Quantum Wells

    Nobuo SUZUKI  Norio IIZUKA  Kei KANEKO  

    PAPER-High-Speed Optical Devices

    E83-C No:6

    The propagation and the gate operation of femtosecond pulses in nonlinear optical waveguides utilizing the saturation of the intersubband absorption at 1.55 µm in nitride multiple quantum wells are simulated for the first time. The calculation was carried out by a one-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method combined with three-level rate equations describing the intersubband carrier dynamics. The absorption recovers within 1 ps when the pulse width is less than 200 fs, which will allow 1-Tb/s operation. However, the pulse shape may be deformed with the propagation due to the coherent effect and the interference between the signal and the control pulses, and thus, optimization of the pulse widths and the incident timing is required. Since the transparent window (width of the control pulse) becomes shorter according to the propagation, the width of the control pulse should be set broader than that of the signal pulse. As an example, we assume the case where a 1.6-µm, 100-fs signal pulse is gated by a 300-fs control pulse at a wavelength of 1.5 µm in a 500-µm length waveguide. A 140-fs gated signal pulse with a smooth envelope is expected to appear after the band-pass filter. The extinction ratio is expected to be greater than 15 dB.

  • Design of PR Filter Banks for Tree-Structured HDTV Coding

    Her-Chang CHAO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E83-A No:6

    In this letter, a numerical design approach for FIR diamond-shaped filter banks (DFB) with perfect reconstruction (PR) and low delay for tree-structured HDTV coding is presented. The system delay of the designed DFB can be controlled below the category of the linear-phase. Moreover, the necessary conditions for the system delay of the designed DFB are derived. The considered problem is formulated as the minimization of the real and imaginary parts of weighted peak ripple errors of the designed analysis filters subject to PR constraints. Simulation example is provided to show the efficacy of this proposed design technique.

  • Implementation of SDR-Based Digital IF Channelizer/De-Channelizer for Multiple CDMA Signals

    Sungbin IM  Woncheol LEE  Chonghoon KIM  Yoan SHIN  Seung Hee LEE  Joon CHUNG  


    E83-B No:6

    This paper presents the results on IF/baseband up/down direct digital conversion and multiple channel analysis/synthesis software defined radio modules which are implemented using high speed ADC, DAC and FPGA, for IS-95 code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. The implemented system can directly down-convert multiple channel IS-95 CDMA IF signals to the baseband, and selectively analyze specific channel signals based on polyphase analysis filter bank techniques. Moreover, the analyzed baseband signals of multiple channels can be directly up-converted and synthesized in the same system. We have deployed the implemented system in IS-95 CDMA optical digital repeaters for PCS applications.

  • Recent Progress on Arrayed Waveguide Gratings for DWDM Applications

    Akimasa KANEKO  Akio SUGITA  Katsunari OKAMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-WDM Network Devices

    E83-C No:6

    We have reviewed recent progress on arrayed waveguide gratings for DWDM applications. AWGs can be used to realize not only mux/demux filters with various channel spacings, but also highly integrated optical components.
