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  • Two-Dimensional RAKE Reception Scheme for DS/CDMA Systems in Beam Space Digital Beam Forming Antenna Configuration

    Takashi INOUE  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E81-B No:7

    To enhance the anti-fading technique of direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) schemes in land mobile radio communication systems, a two-dimensional RAKE reception (2D-RAKE) scheme in beam space digital beam forming (BS-DBF) antenna configuration is proposed. The proposed scheme is applied to cellular base stations where the received signals in the reverse link are relieved from multipath fading by means of enhanced RAKE combining in spacial and temporal domains. Fundamental performance in the reverse link under multipath fading environments is investigated by computer simulation applying a wideband propagation channel model.

  • Wideband Wireless Access Based on DS-CDMA

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E81-B No:7

    Wideband wireless access based on direct sequence code division multiple access, called coherent multi-rate W-CDMA in this paper, designed for next generation mobile communications systems is introduced. It employs inter-cell asynchronous operation with a fast cell search algorithm, orthogonal multi-spreading factor (SF) forward links, and pilot symbol assisted coherent reverse and forward links. Inter-cell asynchronous cell site operation facilitates the continuous deployment of the system from outdoors to indoors. An orthogonal multi-SF forward link allows flexible offering of different multi-rate services to users without losing orthogonality. Gains in the radio link capacity and coverage are obtained from the use of coherent Rake combining and fast transmit power control (TPC) in both forward and reverse links. Computer simulation and field experiment results of the coherent multi-rate W-CDMA radio link performance are presented. Also presented are interference cancellation and adaptive antenna array techniques that can significantly improve the link capacity and coverage.

  • 1. 92 Mbps Data Transmission Experiments over a Coherent W-CDMA Radio Link

    Koichi OKAWA  Yukihiko OKUMURA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E81-B No:7

    Experimental results of 1. 92 Mbps data transmission over a 20 MHz wideband DS-CDMA (W-CDMA) mobile radio link under frequency selective multipath fading are presented. 1. 92 Mbps data were transmitted using an orthogonal multicode transmission scheme. The combined use of antenna diversity reception, RAKE combining, and concatenated channel coding is applied to improve transmission performance. Laboratory and field experimental results demonstrated the possibility of 2 Mbps data transmission in a real fading environment.

  • The Effects of Rain Attenuation in a Quasi-Synchronous CDMA Return Link for a Ka-Band Satellite Communication System

    Seung-Hoon HWANG  Jae-Young AHN  Tae-Joong KIM  Keum-Chan WHANG  


    E81-A No:7

    Future satellite communication systems will be developed at Ka-band (20/30 GHz) owing to the relatively wide frequency allocation and current freedom from terrestrial interference for multimedia services. A serious disadvantage of the Ka-band, however, is the very high atmospheric attenuation in rainy weather. Quasi-synchronous CDMA drastically reduces the effect of self-noise with several interesting features of CDMA for mobile communications such as flexible frequency reuse, the capability of performing soft-handover and a lower sensitivity to interference. This paper evaluates the performance of a quasi-synchronous CDMA return link for a Ka-band geostationary satellite communication system. For a fixed satellite channel whose characteristics depend on weather conditions, the signal envelope and phase for this channel is modeled as Gaussian. The bit error and outage probability, and the detection loss due to imperfect chip timing synchronization is analytically evaluated and the system capacity degradation due to the weather condition is estimated. Two cases of general and worst conditions are evaluated, in which i) rain attenuation ii) nonlinearity of transponder are considered. The two cases consist of the general case in which all users are affected by rainy weather, and the worst case in which only the user of interest, not multiple access interferers, is affected by rain attenuation. The results for the two cases of rainy weather clearly show that quasi-synchronous CDMA eases the power control requirements and has less sensitivity to imperfect power control. When dealing with the impact of the satellite transponder nonlinearity in addition to the rain attenuation, the shift of optimum amplifier operating point is shown so that [Eb/N0]sat, defined as the sum of the Eb/N0 value required to obtain a BER equal to Pb at a given output backoff (OBO) and the value of the OBO itself, tends to decrease, and higher BER impairment is given, since the rain attenuation results in the same effect as the additive input backoff (IBO) at the satellite transponder input. As the BER increases, the optimum [Eb/N0]sat and IBO decrease that result in the shift of optimum operating point.

  • The Transparent Wave Absorber Using Resistive Film for V-Band Frequency

    Koji TAKIZAWA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Takumi ABE  Shinkichi NISHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Related Technical Issues

    E81-C No:6

    We present a realization of the transparent wave absorber effective for the use at V-band frequency. First, we propose a structure of the transparent wave absorber consisting of spacer (polycarbonate) and two transparent resistive sheet (polyethylene terephtalate deposited with Indium Tin Oxide) used as a reflection film and an absorption film. Second, a design chart for this type of wave absorber is shown. Third, a design method and manufacturing process of the transparent wave absorber are described particularly for V-band frequency. As a result, the measurement of reflection loss of the absorber indicate that a peak absorption of 32-38 dB is attained at a target frequency of 60 GHz.

  • Arbitrary Multiband IIR Filter Approximation Method Suitable for Design of Parallel Allpass Structures

    Ivan UZUNOV  Georgi STOYANOV  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    In this paper a new general method for approximation of arbitrary multiband filter loss specifications, including all classical, maximally flat and equiripple approximations as special cases, is proposed. It is possible to specify different magnitude behavior (flat or equiripple of given degree) and different maximal losses in the different passbands and to optimize all transmission and attenuation zeroes positions or to have some of them fixed. The optimization procedures for adjustment of the filter response are based on modified Remez algorithm and are performed in s-domain what is regarded since recently as an advantage in the case of design of parallel allpass structures based IIR digital filters. A powerful algorithm and appropriate software are developed following the method and their efficiency is verified through design examples.

  • Statistical Distributions of Rician Factor for Radio LOS Propagation in Urban Microcells

    Jenn-Hwan TARNG  Kung-Min JU  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:6

    The Rician factor is an important parameter in evaluating the outage probability and reuse distance of cellular systems. From the measurement of 1. 8 GHz radio propagation in outdoor urban microcells, it is found that the measured pdf of the Rician factor for low tier systems follows a lognormal distribution and the factor is independent on the propagation distance.

  • Symmetric and Asymmetric InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure MESFETs and Their Application to V-Band Amplifiers

    Kiyomitsu ONODERA  Kazumi NISHIMURA  Takumi NITTONO  Yasuro YAMANE  Kimiyoshi YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Devices and Amplifiers

    E81-C No:6

    Self-aligned T-shaped Au/WSiN gate i-InGaP/n-InGaAs/i-GaAs heterostructure MESFETs with a BP-LDD structure were developed for application to microwave and millimeter-wave communication systems. Owing to the use of tilted-angle n+-ion-implantation, symmetric and asymmetric structures FETs can be fabricated on the same chip and low noise, high breakdown voltage, and high power gain can be attained simultaneously. The fabricated symmetric FETs, with a gate length of 0. 13 µm, exhibit a current cutoff frequency of more than 70 GHz and a minimum noise figure as low as 1. 0 dB at 20 GHz, while the gate-drain breakdown voltage is more than 8 V and the MSG is as high as 7. 8 dB at 60 GHz in the asymmetric FETs on the same chip. V-band MMIC amplifiers fabricated using symmetric FETs exhibit a gain of more than 9 dB and a noise figure of 6 dB over the 50 to 60 GHz frequency range.

  • Channel Holding Time Distribution in Cross- and Cigar-Shaped Urban Microcells

    Ho-Shin CHO  Dan Keun SUNG  

    LETTER-Mobile Communication

    E81-B No:6

    Channel holding time distributions in typical cross- and cigar-shaped urban microcells is determined. Practical low-tier-user behaviors in urban areas, such as turning at intersections, entering a buildings, as well as variable user speed and direction are considered. The results are useful in analyzing system traffic and in choosing the best cell shape in urban microcellular systems.

  • An Abstraction of Shannon's Sampling Theorem

    Ikuji HONDA  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E81-A No:6

    This paper proves a general sampling theorem, which is an extension of Shannon's classical theorem. Let o be a closed subspace of square integrable functions and call o a signal space. The main aim of this paper is giving a necessary and sufficient condition for unique existence of the sampling basis {Sn}o without band-limited assumption. Using the general sampling theorem we rigorously discuss a frequency domain treatment and a general signal space spanned by translations of a single function. Many known sampling theorems in signal spaces, which have applications for multiresolution analysis in wavelets theory are corollaries of the general sampling theorem.

  • A New Two-Dimensional Parallel Block Adaptive Filter with Reduced Computational Complexity

    Shigenori KINJO  Masafumi OSHIRO  Hiroshi OCHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    Two-dimensional (2-D) adaptive digital filters (ADFs) for 2-D signal processing have become a fascinating area of the adaptive signal processing. However, conventional 2-D FIR ADF's require a lot of computations. For example, the TDLMS requires 2N2 multiplications per pixel. We propose a new 2-D adaptive filter using the FFTs. The proposed adaptive filter carries out the fast convolution using overlap-save method, and has parallel structure. Thus, we can reduce the computational complexity to O(log2N) per pixel.

  • A Design Method of Odd-Channel Linear-Phase Paraunitary Filter Banks with a Lattice Structure

    Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:5

    In this letter, a design method of linear-phase paraunitary filter banks is proposed for an odd number of channels. In the proposed method, a non-linear unconstrained optimization process is assumed to be applied to a lattice structure which makes the starting guess of design parameters simple. In order to avoid insignificant local minimum solutions, a recursive initialization procedure is proposed. The significance of our proposed method is verified by some design examples.

  • Future Directions of Media Processors

    Shunichi ISHIWATA  Takayasu SAKURAI  

    INVITED PAPER-Multimedia

    E81-C No:5

    Media processors have emerged so that a single LSI can realize multiple multimedia functions, such as graphics, video, audio and telecommunication with effectively shared hardware and flexible software. First, the difference between media processors and general-purpose microprocessors with multimedia extensions is clarified. Features for processes and data in the multimedia applications are summarized and are followed by the multimedia enhancements that the recent general-purpose microprocessors use. The architecture for media processors reflects the further optimized utilization of these features and realizes better price-performance ratio than the general-purpose microprocessors. Finally, the future directions of media processors are estimated, based on the performance, the power dissipation and the die size of the present microprocessors with multimedia extensions and the present media processors. The demand to improve the price-performance ratio for the whole system and to reduce the power consumption makes the media processor evolve into a system processor, which integrates not only the media processor but also the function of a general-purpose microprocessor, various interfaces and DRAMs.

  • Fair-Sharing of Link and Buffer

    Yuguang WU  


    E81-B No:5

    We present techniques to implement fair-sharing on both link bandwidth and buffer space in a switch or router. Together they possess the following merits: 1. solving the counter-overflow problem; 2. avoiding the "credit" accumulation issue; 3. integrating bandwidth allocation with buffer management. The simplicity of this method makes it a viable candidate for implementational use on switches and routers.

  • Design of 1024-I/Os 3. 84 GB/s High Bandwidth 600 mW Low Power 16 Mb DRAM Macros for Parallel Image Processing RAM

    Yoshiharu AIMOTO  Tohru KIMURA  Yoshikazu YABE  Hideki HEIUCHI  Youetsu NAKAZAWA  Masato MOTOMURA  Takuya KOGA  Yoshihiro FUJITA  Masayuki HAMADA  Takaho TANIGAWA  Hajime NOBUSAWA  Kuniaki KOYAMA  


    E81-C No:5

    We have developed a parallel image processing RAM (PIP-RAM) which integrates a 16-Mb DRAM and 128 processor elements (PEs) by means of 0. 38-µm CMOS 64-Mb DRAM process technology. It achieves 7. 68-GIPS processing performance and 3. 84-GB/s memory bandwidth with only 1-W power dissipation (@ 30-MHz), and the key to this performance is the DRAM design. This paper presents the key circuit techniques employed in the DRAM design: 1) a paged-segmentation accessing scheme that reduces sense amplifier power dissipation, and 2) a clocked low-voltage-swing differential-charge-transfer scheme that reduces data line power dissipation with the help of a multi-phase synchronization DRAM control scheme. These techniques have general importance for the design of LSIs in which DRAMs and logic are tightly integrated on single chips.

  • Low Bit-rate Video Coding Using a DSP for Consumer Applications

    Hisashi INOUE  Shiro IWASAKI  Takashi KATSURA  Hitoshi FUJIMOTO  Shun-ichi KUROHMARU  Masatoshi MATSUO  Yasuo KOHASHI  Masayoshi TOUJIMA  Tomonori YONEZAWA  Kiyoshi OKAMOTO  Yasuo IIZUKA  Hiromasa NAKAJIMA  Junji MICHIYAMA  


    E81-C No:5

    We have developed a low bit-rate video coding using a video digital signal processor (DSP) called VDSP1χ, which performs real-time encoding and decoding for discrete cosine transform-(DCT-) based algorithms, such as ITU-T H. 261, H. 263 and wavelet-based subband encoding algorithms. This LSI features a processing unit which implements wavelet filters at high speeds, a compact DCT circuit, and a fast, flexible DRAM interface for low-cost systems. This system is capable of processing quarter common intermediate format (QCIF)(176144 pixels) size pictures at a rate greater than 15 frames/s.

  • A Study on Vertically Installed Planar (VIP) Combline Bandpass Filters via 3D-FDTD Method

    Chuandong ZHAO  Ikuo AWAI  


    E81-C No:4

    A two stage Combline Bandpass Filter (C-BPF) of the Vertically Installed Planar (VIP) structure has been investigated, which is essentially composed of a strongly coupled microstrip lines terminated with a planar fin and through-hole combined with the tapping feed approach. The principle and performance of this filter is studied approximately by an equivalent circuit model and also by the normalized 3D-FDTD method more exactly. The time domain iteration in the FDTD analysis is performed in an expanded time dimension resulting in a reduced CPU time. Some of the obtained numerical results are compared well with the measured ones. A modified VIP combline BPF has the advantages of simple structure, easy tuning, low cost, versatile bandwidth control and good skirt characteristics brought about by two attenuation poles.

  • Transmission Performance and Diversity Technique of 100 Mbps Indoor Radio on 37 GHz

    Satoru AIKAWA  Akio SATO  Yuji NAKAYAMA  Satoshi KUROSAKI  Teruaki YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E81-B No:4

    This paper presents experimental results obtained in indoor broad-band transmission experiments using a QPSK-100 Mbps modem in the 37 GHz band. Transmission performance is measured at many antenna locations in an office. The zone coverage, defined points where as the BER was less than 10-7, was derived in order to evaluate the possibility of high-speed transmission. It was found that adjusting the receiving antenna position a few centimeters greatly improves the zone coverage in utilizing millimeter waves. This result indicates the effectiveness in improving zone coverage of space diversity reception with an antenna spacing of several centimeters. Experimental results obtained show that zone coverage of up to 70% in the measured range is achieved by space diversity reception. Thus, the feasibility of 100 Mbps indoor wireless transmission, conventionally thought to be impossible, is experimentally confirmed.

  • Multicast Packet Switch Based on Dilated Network

    Pierre U. TAGLE  Neeraj K. SHARMA  

    PAPER-Multicasting in ATM switch

    E81-B No:2

    Multicasting is an important feature for any switching network being intended to support broadband integrated services digital networks (B-ISDN). This paper proposes an improved multicast packet switch based on Lee's nonblocking copy network. The improved design retains the desirable features of Lee's network including its nonblocking property while adopting techniques to overcome the various limitations mentioned in various literature. The proposed network architecture utilizes d-dilated banyan networks to increase the amount of cells that can be replicated within the copy network. Cell splitting is used to optimize the utilization of the network's available bandwidth. Furthermore, the proposed architecture allows for the modular expansion in capacity to accomodate changing traffic patterns. The modular design of the proposed switch likewise offers easy handling and replacement of faulty modules.

  • Design and Evaluation of Scalable Shared-Memory ATM Switches

    Mohammad ALIMUDDIN  Hussein M. ALNUWEIRI  

    PAPER-ATM switching architecture

    E81-B No:2

    This paper proposes a number of simple, yet very effective, cell switching architectures that employ shared memory as a basic switching component. Employing small shared-memory switching has several major advantages. First, by taking advantage of commercially available memory technologies, ATM switch design can be simplified to determining a suitable shared-memory module size, and identifying a proper interconnection among the modules. In this way, switch architectures can be reusable and able to evolve as memory technology advances. Second, shared memory greatly enhances buffer space utilization, allows the implementation of flexible and fair buffer allocation policies for multiple services. The switch architectures presented in this paper offer a number of alternative shared buffering schemes including, shared output, input with shared output, and multistage shared buffering. The proposed architectures employ simple, self-routing, interconnection fabrics. We present several simulation results that demonstrate the superior performance of our switch architectures under uniform, bursty, and non-uniform (or hot-spot) input traffic.
