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  • Low Complexity Image/Video Super Resolution Using Edge and Nonlocal Self-Similarity Constraint

    Zongliang GAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E96-D No:7

    In this letter, we present a fast image/video super resolution framework using edge and nonlocal constraint. The proposed method has three steps. First, we improve the initial estimation using content-adaptive bilateral filtering to strengthen edge. Second, the high resolution image is estimated by using classical back projection method. Third, we use joint content-adaptive nonlocal means filtering to get the final result, and self-similarity structures are obtained by the low resolution image. Furthermore, content-adaptive filtering and fast self-similarity search strategy can effectively reduce computation complexity. The experimental results show the proposed method has good performance with low complexity and can be used for real-time environment.

  • An Improved Generalized Optimization of Polarimetric Contrast Enhancement and Its Application to Ship Detection

    Junjun YIN  Jian YANG  Chunhua XIE  Qingjun ZHANG  Yan LI  Yalin QI  


    E96-B No:7

    The optimization of polarimetric contract enhancement (OPCE) is one of the important problems in radar polarimetry since it provides a substantial benefit for target enhancement. Considering different scattering mechanisms between the desired targets and the undesired targets, Yang et al. extended the OPCE model to the generalized OPCE (GOPCE) problem. Based on a modified GOPCE model and the linear discriminant analysis, a ship detector is proposed in this paper to improve the detection performance for polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. In the proposed method, we modify the combination form of the three polarimetric parameters (i.e., the plane scattering similarity parameter, the diplane scattering similarity parameter and the Cloude entropy), then use an optimization function resembling the classical Fisher criterion to optimize the optimal polarization states corresponding to the radar received power and the fusion vector corresponding to the polarimetric parameters. The principle of the optimization detailed in this paper lies in maximizing the difference between the desired targets and sea clutter, and minimizing the clutter variance at the same time. RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR data acquired over Tanggu Port (Tianjin, China) on June 23, 2011 are used for validation. The experimental results show that the proposed method improves the contrast of the targets and sea clutter and meanwhile reduces the clutter variance. In comparison to another GOPCE based ship detector and the classical polarimetric whitening filter (PWF), the proposed method shows a better performance for weak targets. In addition, we also use the RADARSAT-2 data acquired over San-Francisco on April 9, 2008 to further demonstrate the improvement of this method for target contrast.

  • Advances in High-Density Inter-Chip Interconnects with Photonic Wiring Open Access

    Yutaka URINO  Yoshiji NOGUCHI  Nobuaki HATORI  Masashige ISHIZAKA  Tatsuya USUKI  Junichi FUJIKATA  Koji YAMADA  Tsuyoshi HORIKAWA  Takahiro NAKAMURA  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E96-C No:7

    One of the most serious challenges facing the exponential performance growth in the information industry is a bandwidth bottleneck in inter-chip interconnects. We therefore propose a photonics-electronics convergence system with a silicon optical interposer. We examined integration between photonics and electronics and integration between light sources and silicon substrates, and we fabricated a conceptual model of the proposed system based on the results of those examinations. We also investigated the configurations and characteristics of optical components for the silicon optical interposer: silicon optical waveguides, silicon optical splitters, silicon optical modulators, germanium photodetectors, arrayed laser diodes, and spot-size converters. We then demonstrated the feasibility of the system by fabricating a high-density optical interposer by using silicon photonics integrated with these optical components on a single silicon substrate. As a result, we achieved error-free data transmission at 12.5 Gbps and a high bandwidth density of 6.6 Tbps/cm2 with the optical interposer. We think that this technology will solve the bandwidth bottleneck problem.

  • MARIF: Multiple Queries Look-Up Architecture Using Range Information Feedback in a DHT Network

    Kimihiro MIZUTANI  Toru MANO  Osamu AKASHI  Kensuke FUKUDA  


    E96-B No:7

    In DHT network, a node can get/put a requested data by only log N look-up steps. However, conventional DHT network only supports single query look-up to search data. From the reason, each node in a DHT network must execute look-up process for each query even if a large number of put and get operations are executed. Therefore, this results in high network load in massive data management such as MapReduce, sensor network, and web information. To address the problem, we propose multiple queries look-up architecture using range information feedback (MARIF). MARIF extends the conventional KBR protocol to supports range information that is a scope of ID space a node keeps. When a source node receives range information from a destination node, the source node checks all queries in the range information and forwards queries matching the range information to the destination node directly. This effectively reduces the number of look-up queries and the network load for the IP network. In addition, MARIF can be implemented into conventional DHT networks and can easily be combined to effective DHT routing algorithms such as Chord, Kademlia, Pastry, and one-hop DHT. In evaluation, we implement MARIF into three DHT networks and compare its performance with that of conventional query bundling mechanisms based on the KBR protocol. The results show that MARIF reduces by up to 40% the total number of forwarding queries to put data compared with other mechanisms. In addition, MARIF saves the number of forwarding queries per look-up process by up to 85% compared to other mechanisms with low bundling overhead.

  • Link Prediction in Social Networks Using Information Flow via Active Links

    Lankeshwara MUNASINGHE  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:7

    Link prediction in social networks, such as friendship networks and coauthorship networks, has recently attracted a great deal of attention. There have been numerous attempts to address the problem of link prediction through diverse approaches. In the present paper, we focused on predicting links in social networks using information flow via active links. The information flow heavily depends on link activeness. The links become active if the interactions happen frequently and recently with respect to the current time. The time stamps of the interactions or links provide vital information for determining the activeness of the links. In the present paper, we introduced a new algorithm, referred to as T_Flow, that captures the important aspects of information flow via active links in social networks. We tested T_Flow with two social network data sets, namely, a data set extracted from Facebook friendship network and a coauthorship network data set extracted from ePrint archives. We compare the link prediction performances of T_Flow with the previous method PropFlow. The results of T_Flow method revealed a notable improvement in link prediction for facebook data and significant improvement in link prediction for coauthorship data.

  • Performance Evaluation of Interference Rejection Combining Receiver in Heterogeneous Networks for LTE-Advanced Downlink

    Yusuke OHWATARI  Akihito MORIMOTO  Nobuhiko MIKI  Yukihiko OKUMURA  


    E96-B No:6

    The interference rejection combining (IRC) receiver effectively improves the cell-edge user throughput by suppressing interference from the surrounding cells. The work item (WI) for the specification of the IRC receiver is now ongoing for Release 11 Long-Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced. Furthermore, heterogeneous networks where low power nodes such as picocells are overlaid onto macrocells are important to further improve the system throughput per unit area. In heterogeneous networks, to achieve an offloading gain from macrocells to picocells, cell range expansion (CRE) is applied. Additionally, inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) is applied to reduce the severe inter-cell interference imposed from the macrocells onto the sets of user equipment (UEs) connected to picocells. In such cases, the interference statistics are completely different from traditional well-planned macrocell deployments, which have been investigated for the IRC receiver. This paper clarifies the effect of the IRC receiver in a heterogeneous network employing CRE and ICIC. Simulation results show that when both CRE and ICIC are applied, the effect of the IRC receiver becomes small due to a reduction in the severe inter-cell interference from ICIC. However, we clarify that the user throughput gain at the cumulative distribution function of 5% from the IRC receiver exceeding 10% is achieved compared to the conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver in a heterogeneous network regardless of the usage of ICIC. Furthermore, in heterogeneous networks employing CRE and ICIC, we clarify that an average user throughput gain exceeding 5% is achieved from the IRC receiver and the improvement in the average user throughput is high especially for the UEs connected to picocells compared to UEs connected to macrocells.

  • Investigation of Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Applying Transmission Power Reduction in Heterogeneous Networks for LTE-Advanced Downlink

    Akihito MORIMOTO  Nobuhiko MIKI  Yukihiko OKUMURA  


    E96-B No:6

    In Long-Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced, heterogeneous networks are important to further improve the system throughput per unit area. In heterogeneous network deployment, low power nodes such as picocells are overlaid onto macrocells. In the downlink, the combined usage of inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC), which is a technique that reduces the severe interference from macrocells by reducing the transmission power or stopping the transmission from the macrocells, and cell range expansion (CRE), which is a technique that expands the cell radius of picocells by biasing the received signal power, is very effective in improving the system and cell-edge user throughput. In this paper, we consider two types of ICIC. The first one reduces the transmission power from the macrocells (referred to as reduced power ICIC) and the second one stops the transmission from the macrocells (referred to as zero power ICIC). This paper investigates the impact of the reduction in the transmission power when using reduced power ICIC and the restriction on the modulation scheme caused by the reduction in the transmission power when using reduced power ICIC on the user throughput performance with the CRE offset value as a parameter. In addition, the throughput performance when applying reduced power ICIC is compared to that when applying zero power ICIC. Simulation results show that the user throughput with reduced power ICIC is not sensitive to the protected subframe ratio compared to that with zero power ICIC even if the modulation scheme is restricted to only QPSK in the protected subframes. This indicates that reduced power ICIC is more robust than zero power ICIC for non-optimum protected subframe ratios.

  • Low-Complexity ICI Cancellation Based on BEM for OFDM Systems over Doubly Selective Channels

    Suyue LI  Jian XIONG  Peng CHENG  Lin GUI  Youyun XU  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    One major challenge to implement orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems over doubly selective channels is the non-negligible intercarrier interference (ICI), which significantly degrades the system performance. Existing solutions to cope with ICI include zero-forcing (ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE) and other linear or nonlinear equalization methods. However, these schemes fail to achieve a satisfactory tradeoff between performance and computational complexity. To address this problem, in this paper we propose two novel nonlinear ICI cancellation techniques, which are referred to as parallel interference cancelation (PIC) and hybrid interference cancelation (HIC). Taking advantage of the special structure of basis expansion model (BEM) based channel matrices, our proposed schemes enjoy low computational complexity and are capable of cancelling ICI effectively. Moreover, since the proposed schemes can flexibly select different basis functions and be independent of the channel statistics, they are applicable to practical OFDM based systems such as DVB-T2 over doubly selective channels. Theoretical analysis and simulation results both confirm their performance-complexity advantages in comparison with some existing methods.

  • A Method to Mitigate the Impact of Primary User Traffic on an Energy Detector in Spectrum Sensing

    Truc Thanh TRAN  Alagan S. ANPALAGAN  Hyung Yun KONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    In this article, we propose a method to reduce the impact of primary traffic on spectrum sensing performance. In practice, the sensing performance is degraded by noise-only sample in the spectrum sensing time. Therefore, we employ a time of primary user (PU) signal arrival detector in order to remove the noise-only portion. Then, we employ equal-weight-based energy detection (EWED) to provide the detection decision. The analysis and simulation results show that there exists an optimal early time of arrival (ToA) false alarm which provides better performance compared to the use of a single EWED scheme.

  • Bidirectional Local Template Patterns: An Effective and Discriminative Feature for Pedestrian Detection

    Jiu XU  Ning JIANG  Satoshi GOTO  


    E96-A No:6

    In this paper, a novel feature named bidirectional local template patterns (B-LTP) is proposed for use in pedestrian detection in still images. B-LTP is a combination and modification of two features, histogram of templates (HOT) and center-symmetric local binary patterns (CS-LBP). For each pixel, B-LTP defines four templates, each of which contains the pixel itself and two neighboring center-symmetric pixels. For each template, it then calculates information from the relationships among these three pixels and from the two directional transitions across these pixels. Moreover, because the feature length of B-LTP is small, it consumes less memory and computational power. Experimental results on an INRIA dataset show that the speed and detection rate of our proposed B-LTP feature outperform those of other features such as histogram of orientated gradient (HOG), HOT, and covariance matrix (COV).

  • Power Allocation and Performance Analysis for Incremental-Selective Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Communications over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Rouhollah AGHAJANI  Reza SAADAT  Mohammad Reza AREF  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    The focus of this study is the performance of the relaying network with incremental selective decode-and-forward (ISDF) protocol in non-selective slow Nakagami-m fading channels. To enhance bandwidth efficiency, when the direct transmission is not successful the relay is used to retransmit a clean copy of the source signal. The proposed protocol achieves a significant reduction in the power consumption and an improvement in performance compared to the fixed decode-and-forward (DF). The exact symbol error rate (SER) of M-PSK modulation for the ISDF protocol over general fading channels is derived. However, as the exact SER analysis is very complicated, we provide an approximated SER expression. Based on this approximation, we provide an optimum power allocation coefficient where the aggregate transmit power constraint is imposed on the source and the relay. Our results show that at least 50% of total power must be used by the direct link, and the remaining may be used by the relay. Furthermore, power allocation in this protocol is independent of the quality of the source-destination channel and modulation constellation size. Numerical results show that the ISDF protocol can reduce the average transmit power with respect to the fixed DF protocol.

  • A Reduced-Complexity Heterodyne Multiband MIMO Receiver with Estimation of Analog Devices Imperfection in a Baseband Feedback Loop

    Tomoya OHTA  Satoshi DENNO  Masahiro MORIKURA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    This paper proposes a reduced-complexity multiband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) receiver that can be used in cognitive radios. The proposed receiver uses heterodyne reception implemented with a wide-passband band-pass filter in the radio frequency (RF) stage. When an RF Hilbert transformer is utilized in the receiver, image-band interference occurs because of the transformer's imperfections. Thus, the imperfection of the Hilbert transformer is corrected in the intermediate frequency (IF) stage to reduce the hardware complexity. First, the proposed receiver estimates the channel impulse response in the presence of the strong image-band interference signals. Next, the coefficients are calculated for the correction of the imperfection at the IF stage, and are fed back to the IF stage through a feedback loop. However, the imperfection caused by the digital-to-analog (D/A) converter and the baseband amplifier in the feedback loop corrupts the coefficients on the way back to the IF stage. Therefore, the proposed receiver corrects the imperfection of the analog devices in the feedback loop. The performance of the proposed receiver is verified by using computer simulations. The proposed receiver can maintain its performance even in the presence of strong image-band interference signals and imperfection of the analog devices in the feedback loop. In addition, this paper also reveals the condition for rapid convergence.

  • Design and Implementation of Long High-Rate QC-LDPC Codes and Its Applications to Optical Transmission Systems

    Norifumi KAMIYA  Yoichi HASHIMOTO  Masahiro SHIGIHARA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E96-B No:6

    In this paper, we present a novel class of long quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes. Each of the codes in this class has a structure formed by concatenating single-parity-check codes and QC-LDPC codes of shorter lengths, which allows for efficient, high throughput encoder/decoder implementations. Using a code in this class, we design a forward error correction (FEC) scheme for optical transmission systems and present its high throughput encoder/decoder architecture. In order to demonstrate its feasibility, we implement the architecture on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) platform. We show by both FPGA-based simulations and measurements of an optical transmission system that the FEC scheme can achieve excellent error performance and that there is no significant performance degradation due to the constraint on its structure while getting an efficient, high throughput implementation is feasible.

  • Node Pair Selection Schemes Using Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channel with Cooperation

    Myeong-Jin KIM  Hyun-Ho LEE  Young-Chai KO  Taehyun JEON  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose four different strategies of node pair selection in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) interference channel where interference alignment (IA) is considered as a transceiver design method. In the first scheme, we consider the maximization of the sum rate by selecting node pairs in a brute force way. We also propose a sub-optimal sum rate maximization scheme with lower complexity than the first scheme. In the third scheme, we aim to minimize the number of links among pairs which incurs the outage in MIMO interference channel. In the fourth scheme, we suggest a max-min node pair selection scheme to enhance both the sum rate and the outage probability. Simulation results demonstrate that all our proposed node pair selection schemes can increase the sum rate but also while also reducing the outage probability compared to the scheme with random node pair selection.

  • Joint Feature Based Rain Detection and Removal from Videos

    Xinwei XUE  Xin JIN  Chenyuan ZHANG  Satoshi GOTO  


    E96-A No:6

    Adverse weather, such as rain or snow, can cause difficulties in the processing of video streams. Because the appearance of raindrops can affect the performance of human tracking and reduce the efficiency of video compression, the detection and removal of rain is a challenging problem in outdoor surveillance systems. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for rain detection and removal based on both spatial and wavelet domain features. Our system involves fewer frames during detection and removal, and is robust to moving objects in the rain. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing approaches in terms of subjective and objective quality.

  • A 20 GHz Push-Push Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Using Second-Harmonic Peaking Technique for a 60 GHz Frequency Synthesizer

    Teerachot SIRIBURANON  Takahiro SATO  Ahmed MUSA  Wei DENG  Kenichi OKADA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-C No:6

    This paper presents a 20 GHz push-push VCO realized by a 10 GHz super-harmonic coupled quadrature oscillator for a quadrature 60 GHz frequency synthesizer. The output nodes are peaked by a tunable second harmonic resonator. The proposed VCO is implemented in 65 nm CMOS process. It achieves a tuning range of 3.5 GHz from 16.1 GHz to 19.6 GHz with a phase noise of -106 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset. The power consumption of the core oscillators is 10.3 mW and an FoM of -181.3 dBc/Hz is achieved.

  • Low Complexity Keypoint Extraction Based on SIFT Descriptor and Its Hardware Implementation for Full-HD 60 fps Video

    Takahiro SUZUKI  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E96-A No:6

    Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) has lately attracted attention in computer vision as a robust keypoint detection algorithm which is invariant for scale, rotation and illumination changes. However, its computational complexity is too high to apply in practical real-time applications. This paper proposes a low complexity keypoint extraction algorithm based on SIFT descriptor and utilization of the database, and its real-time hardware implementation for Full-HD resolution video. The proposed algorithm computes SIFT descriptor on the keypoint obtained by corner detection and selects a scale from the database. It is possible to parallelize the keypoint detection and descriptor computation modules in the hardware. These modules do not depend on each other in the proposed algorithm in contrast with SIFT that computes a scale. The processing time of descriptor computation in this hardware is independent of the number of keypoints because its descriptor generation is pipelining structure of pixel. Evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm on software is 12 times faster than SIFT. Moreover, the proposed hardware on FPGA is 427 times faster than SIFT and 61 times faster than the proposed algorithm on software. The proposed hardware performs keypoint extraction and matching at 60 fps for Full-HD video.

  • Bistatic Ocean Wave Remote Sensing System by GPS

    Jian CUI  Nobuyoshi KOUGUCHI  


    E96-B No:6

    This paper presents a bistatic remote sensing system to efficiently estimate the characteristics of sea swell near a harbor by receiving and processing global navigation satellite system signals transmitted in line-of-sight channels and fading multipath channels. The new system is designed to measure and monitor sea swell to improve the safety of mooring and navigation services in or around harbors, and long-term measurement also will provide valuable hydrologic data for harbor construction or reconstruction. The system uses two sets of antennas. One is a conventional antenna to receive line-of-sight signal and mitigate the disturbances from multiple propagation paths, and the other is a left hand circular polarization arrayed antenna to receive reflected signals from sea-surface. In particular, a wide bandwidth RF/IF front-end is designed to process reflected signals with high sampling frequency. A software receiver is developed to provide information from satellites and line-of-sight signals, and a wave characteristic estimator is also developed to process reflected signals. More specifically, correlators and Teager-Kaiser energy operator are combined to detect and depict reflected signals. Wave propagation of sea swell can be accurately mapped using intensity and relative time delays of reflected signals. The operational performance of the remote sensing system was also evaluated by numerical simulations. The results confirm that wavelength and wave period can be measured precisely by the proposed bistatic ocean wave remote sensing system.

  • Design of a Digitally Error-Corrected Pipeline ADC Using Incomplete Settling of Pre-Charged Residue Amplifiers

    Sung-Wook JUN  Lianghua MIAO  Keita YASUTOMI  Keiichiro KAGAWA  Shoji KAWAHITO  


    E96-C No:6

    This paper presents a digitally error-corrected pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) using linearization of incomplete settling errors. A pre-charging technique is used for residue amplifiers in order to reduce the incomplete settling error itself and linearize the input signal dependency of the incomplete settling error. A technique with charge redistribution of divided capacitors is proposed for pre-charging capacitors without any additional reference sources. This linearized settling error is corrected by a first-order error approximation in digital domain with feasible complexity and cost. Simulation results show that the ADC achieves SNDR of 70 dB, SFDR of 79 dB at nyquist input frequency in a 65 nm CMOS process under 1.2 V power supply voltage for 1.2 Vp-p input signal swing. The estimated power consumption of the 12b 200 MS/s pipeline ADC using the proposed digital error correction of incomplete settling errors is 7.6 mW with a small FOM of 22 fJ/conv-step.

  • On the Zeta Function of a Periodic-Finite-Type Shift

    Akiko MANADA  Navin KASHYAP  


    E96-A No:6

    Periodic-finite-type shifts (PFT's) are sofic shifts which forbid the appearance of finitely many pre-specified words in a periodic manner. The class of PFT's strictly includes the class of shifts of finite type (SFT's). The zeta function of a PFT is a generating function for the number of periodic sequences in the shift. For a general sofic shift, there exists a formula, attributed to Manning and Bowen, which computes the zeta function of the shift from certain auxiliary graphs constructed from a presentation of the shift. In this paper, we derive an interesting alternative formula computable from certain “word-based graphs” constructed from the periodically-forbidden word description of the PFT. The advantages of our formula over the Manning-Bowen formula are discussed.
