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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • CyclicSRP - A Multivariate Encryption Scheme with a Partially Cyclic Public Key

    Dung Hoang DUONG  Albrecht PETZOLDT  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:12

    Multivariate Public Key Cryptography (MPKC) is one of the main candidates for secure communication in a post-quantum era. Recently, Yasuda and Sakurai proposed at ICICS 2015 a new multivariate encryption scheme called SRP, which offers efficient decryption, a small blow up factor between plaintext and ciphertext and resists all known attacks against multivariate schemes. However, similar to other MPKC schemes, the key sizes of SRP are quite large. In this paper we propose a technique to reduce the key size of the SRP scheme, which enables us to reduce the size of the public key by up to 54%. Furthermore, we can use the additional structure in the public key polynomials to speed up the encryption process of the scheme by up to 50%. We show by experiments that our modifications do not weaken the security of the scheme.

  • Maximum Volume Constrained Graph Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Facial Expression Recognition

    Viet-Hang DUONG  Manh-Quan BUI  Jian-Jiun DING  Bach-Tung PHAM  Pham The BAO  Jia-Ching WANG  


    E100-A No:12

    In this work, two new proposed NMF models are developed for facial expression recognition. They are called maximum volume constrained nonnegative matrix factorization (MV_NMF) and maximum volume constrained graph nonnegative matrix factorization (MV_GNMF). They achieve sparseness from a larger simplicial cone constraint and the extracted features preserve the topological structure of the original images.

  • Bounded Real Balanced Truncation of RLC Networks with Reciprocity Consideration

    Yuichi TANJI  


    E100-A No:12

    An efficient reciprocity and passivity preserving balanced truncation for RLC networks is presented in this paper. Reciprocity and passivity are fundamental principles of linear passive networks. Hence, reduction with preservation of reciprocity and passivity is necessary to simulate behavior of the circuits including the RLC networks accurately and stably. Moreover, the proposed method is more efficient than the previous balanced truncation methods, because sparsity patterns of the coefficient matrices for the circuit equations of the RLC networks are fully available. In the illustrative examples, we will show that the proposed method is compatible with PRIMA, which is known as a general reduction method of RLC networks, in efficiency and used memory, and is more accurate at high frequencies than PRIMA.

  • A Static Packet Scheduling Approach for Fast Collective Communication by Using PSO

    Takashi YOKOTA  Kanemitsu OOTSU  Takeshi OHKAWA  

    PAPER-Interconnection networks

    E100-D No:12

    Interconnection network is one of the inevitable components in parallel computers, since it is responsible to communication capabilities of the systems. It affects the system-level performance as well as the physical and logical structure of the systems. Although many studies are reported to enhance the interconnection network technology, we have to discuss many issues remaining. One of the most important issues is congestion management. In an interconnection network, many packets are transferred simultaneously and the packets interfere to each other in the network. Congestion arises as a result of the interferences. Its fast spreading speed seriously degrades communication performance and it continues for long time. Thus, we should appropriately control the network to suppress the congested situation for maintaining the maximum performance. Many studies address the problem and present effective methods, however, the maximal performance in an ideal situation is not sufficiently clarified. Solving the ideal performance is, in general, an NP-hard problem. This paper introduces particle swarm optimization (PSO) methodology to overcome the problem. In this paper, we first formalize the optimization problem suitable for the PSO method and present a simple PSO application as naive models. Then, we discuss reduction of the size of search space and introduce three practical variations of the PSO computation models as repetitive model, expansion model, and coding model. We furthermore introduce some non-PSO methods for comparison. Our evaluation results reveal high potentials of the PSO method. The repetitive and expansion models achieve significant acceleration of collective communication performance at most 1.72 times faster than that in the bursty communication condition.

  • Triple Prediction from Texts by Using Distributed Representations of Words

    Takuma EBISU  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E100-D No:12

    Knowledge graphs have been shown to be useful to many tasks in artificial intelligence. Triples of knowledge graphs are traditionally structured by human editors or extracted from semi-structured information; however, editing is expensive, and semi-structured information is not common. On the other hand, most such information is stored as text. Hence, it is necessary to develop a method that can extract knowledge from texts and then construct or populate a knowledge graph; this has been attempted in various ways. Currently, there are two approaches to constructing a knowledge graph. One is open information extraction (Open IE), and the other is knowledge graph embedding; however, neither is without problems. Stanford Open IE, the current best such system, requires labeled sentences as training data, and knowledge graph embedding systems require numerous triples. Recently, distributed representations of words have become a hot topic in the field of natural language processing, since this approach does not require labeled data for training. These require only plain text, but Mikolov showed that it can perform well with the word analogy task, answering questions such as, “a is to b as c is to __?.” This can be considered as a knowledge extraction task from a text for finding the missing entity of a triple. However, the accuracy is not sufficiently high when applied in a straightforward manner to relations in knowledge graphs, since the method uses only one triple as a positive example. In this paper, we analyze why distributed representations perform such tasks well; we also propose a new method for extracting knowledge from texts that requires much less annotated data. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves considerable improvement compared with the baseline; in particular, the improvement in HITS@10 was more than doubled for some relations.

  • Reliable Transmission Parameter Signalling Detection for DTMB-A Standard

    Jingjing LIU  Chao ZHANG  Changyong PAN  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E100-B No:12

    In the advanced digital terrestrial/television multimedia broadcasting (DTMB-A) standard, a preamble based on distance detection (PBDD) is adopted for robust synchronization and signalling transmission. However, traditional signalling detection method will completely fail to work under severe frequency selective channels with ultra-long delay spread 0dB echoes. In this paper, a novel transmission parameter signalling detection method is proposed for the preamble in DTMB-A. Compared with the conventional signalling detection method, the proposed scheme works much better when the maximum channel delay is close to the length of the guard interval (GI). Both theoretical analyses and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly improves the accuracy and robustness of detecting the transmitted signalling.

  • Discrimination of a Resistive Open Using Anomaly Detection of Delay Variation Induced by Transitions on Adjacent Lines

    Hiroyuki YOTSUYANAGI  Kotaro ISE  Masaki HASHIZUME  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  


    E100-A No:12

    Small delay caused by a resistive open is difficult to test since circuit delay varies depending on various factors such as process variations and crosstalk even in fault-free circuits. We consider the problem of discriminating a resistive open by anomaly detection using delay distributions obtained by the effect of various input signals provided to adjacent lines. We examined the circuit delay in a fault-free circuit and a faulty circuit by applying electromagnetic simulator and circuit simulator for a line structure with adjacent lines under consideration of process variations. The effectiveness of the method that discriminates a resistive open is shown for the results obtained by the simulation.

  • Embedding the Awareness State and Response State in an Image-Based Avatar to Start Natural User Interaction

    Tsubasa MIYAUCHI  Ayato ONO  Hiroki YOSHIMURA  Masashi NISHIYAMA  Yoshio IWAI  

    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E100-D No:12

    We propose a method for embedding the awareness state and response state in an image-based avatar to smoothly and automatically start an interaction with a user. When both states are not embedded, the image-based avatar can become non-responsive or slow to respond. To consider the beginning of an interaction, we observed the behaviors between a user and receptionist in an information center. Our method replayed the behaviors of the receptionist at appropriate times in each state of the image-based avatar. Experimental results demonstrate that, at the beginning of the interaction, our method for embedding the awareness state and response state increased subjective scores more than not embedding the states.

  • An Analysis of Time Domain Reed Solomon Decoder with FPGA Implementation

    Kentaro KATO  Somsak CHOOMCHUAY  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E100-D No:12

    This paper analyzes the time domain Reed Solomon Decoder with FPGA implementation. Data throughput and area is carefully evaluated compared with typical frequency domain Reed Solomon Decoder. In this analysis, three hardware architecture to enhance the data throughput, namely, the pipelined architecture, the parallel architecture, and the truncated arrays, is evaluated, too. The evaluation reveals that the number of the consumed resources of RS(255, 239) is about 20% smaller than those of the frequency domain decoder although data throughput is less than 10% of the frequency domain decoder. The number of the consumed resources of the pipelined architecture is 28% smaller than that of the parallel architecture when data throughput is same. It is because the pipeline architecture requires less extra logics than the parallel architecture. To get higher data throughput, the pipelined architecture is better than the parallel architecture from the viewpoint of consumed resources.

  • Error Recovery for Massive MIMO Signal Detection via Reconstruction of Discrete-Valued Sparse Vector

    Ryo HAYAKAWA  Kazunori HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Systems

    E100-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a novel error recovery method for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signal detection, which improves an estimate of transmitted signals by taking advantage of the sparsity and the discreteness of the error signal. We firstly formulate the error recovery problem as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation and then relax the MAP estimation into a convex optimization problem, which reconstructs a discrete-valued sparse vector from its linear measurements. By using the restricted isometry property (RIP), we also provide a theoretical upper bound of the size of the reconstruction error with the optimization problem. Simulation results show that the proposed error recovery method has better bit error rate (BER) performance than that of the conventional error recovery method.

  • Distributed Pareto Local Search for Multi-Objective DCOPs

    Maxime CLEMENT  Tenda OKIMOTO  Katsumi INOUE  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E100-D No:12

    Many real world optimization problems involving sets of agents can be modeled as Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs). A DCOP is defined as a set of variables taking values from finite domains, and a set of constraints that yield costs based on the variables' values. Agents are in charge of the variables and must communicate to find a solution minimizing the sum of costs over all constraints. Many applications of DCOPs include multiple criteria. For example, mobile sensor networks must optimize the quality of the measurements and the quality of communication between the agents. This introduces trade-offs between solutions that are compared using the concept of Pareto dominance. Multi-Objective Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (MO-DCOPs) are used to model such problems where the goal is to find the set of Pareto optimal solutions. This set being exponential in the number of variables, it is important to consider fast approximation algorithms for MO-DCOPs. The bounded multi-objective max-sum (B-MOMS) algorithm is the first and only existing approximation algorithm for MO-DCOPs and is suited for solving a less-constrained problem. In this paper, we propose a novel approximation MO-DCOP algorithm called Distributed Pareto Local Search (DPLS) that uses a local search approach to find an approximation of the set of Pareto optimal solutions. DPLS provides a distributed version of an existing centralized algorithm by complying with the communication limitations and the privacy concerns of multi-agent systems. Experiments on a multi-objective extension of the graph-coloring problem show that DPLS finds significantly better solutions than B-MOMS for problems with medium to high constraint density while requiring a similar runtime.

  • Implementing Exchanged Hypercube Communication Patterns on Ring-Connected WDM Optical Networks

    Yu-Liang LIU  Ruey-Chyi WU  

    PAPER-Interconnection networks

    E100-D No:12

    The exchanged hypercube, denoted by EH(s,t), is a graph obtained by systematically removing edges from the corresponding hypercube, while preserving many of the hypercube's attractive properties. Moreover, ring-connected topology is one of the most promising topologies in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. Let Rn denote a ring-connected topology. In this paper, we address the routing and wavelength assignment problem for implementing the EH(s,t) communication pattern on Rn, where n=s+t+1. We design an embedding scheme. Based on the embedding scheme, a near-optimal wavelength assignment algorithm using 2s+t-2+⌊2t/3⌋ wavelengths is proposed. We also show that the wavelength assignment algorithm uses no more than an additional 25 percent of (or ⌊2t-1/3⌋) wavelengths, compared to the optimal wavelength assignment algorithm.

  • Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition Based on Scale and Contrast Invariant Feature Matching

    Fuqiang LI  Tongzhuang ZHANG  Yong LIU  Guoqing WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:12

    The ignored side effect reflecting in the introduction of mismatching brought by contrast enhancement in representative SIFT based vein recognition model is investigated. To take advantage of contrast enhancement in increasing keypoints generation, hierarchical keypoints selection and mismatching removal strategy is designed to obtain state-of-the-art recognition result.

  • Surface Height Change Estimation Method Using Band-Divided Coherence Functions with Fully Polarimetric SAR Images

    Ryo OYAMA  Shouhei KIDERA  Tetsuo KIRIMOTO  


    E100-B No:11

    Microwave imaging techniques, in particular, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), are promising tools for terrain surface measurement, irrespective of weather conditions. The coherent change detection (CCD) method is being widely applied to detect surface changes by comparing multiple complex SAR images captured from the same scanning orbit. However, in the case of a general damage assessment after a natural disaster such as an earthquake or mudslide, additional about surface change, such as surface height change, is strongly required. Given this background, the current study proposes a novel height change estimation method using a CCD model based on the Pauli decomposition of fully polarimetric SAR images. The notable feature of this method is that it can offer accurate height change beyond the assumed wavelength, by introducing the frequency band-divided approach, and so is significantly better than InSAR based approaches. Experiments in an anechoic chamber on a 1/100 scaled model of the X-band SAR system, show that our proposed method outputs more accurate height change estimates than a similar method that uses single polarimetric data, even if the height change amount is over the assumed wavelength.

  • Detecting Semantic Communities in Social Networks

    Zhen LI  Zhisong PAN  Guyu HU  Guopeng LI  Xingyu ZHOU  

    LETTER-Graphs and Networks

    E100-A No:11

    Community detection is an important task in the social network analysis field. Many detection methods have been developed; however, they provide little semantic interpretation for the discovered communities. We develop a framework based on joint matrix factorization to integrate network topology and node content information, such that the communities and their semantic labels are derived simultaneously. Moreover, to improve the detection accuracy, we attempt to make the community relationships derived from two types of information consistent. Experimental results on real-world networks show the superior performance of the proposed method and demonstrate its ability to semantically annotate communities.

  • Power Reduction of OLED Displays by Tone Mapping Based on Helmholtz-Kohlrausch Effect

    Tomokazu SHIGA  Soshi KITAHARA  


    E100-C No:11

    The Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect is a visual characteristic that humans perceive color having higher saturation as brighter. In the proposed method, the pixel value is reduced by increasing the saturation while maintaining the hue and value of HSV color space, resulting in power saving of OLED displays since the power consumption of OLED displays directly depends on the pixel value. Although the luminance decreases, brightness of image is maintained by the Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect. In order to suppress excessive increase of saturation, the increase factor of saturation is reduced with an increase in brightness. As maximum increase factor of saturation, kMAX, increases, more power is reduced but unpleasant color change takes place. From the subjective evaluation experiment with the 23 test images consisting of skin, natural and non-natural images, it is found that kMAX is less than 2.0 to suppress the unpleasant color change. When kMAX is 2.0, the power saving is 8.0%. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is confirmed by using a smart phone having 4.5 inches diagonal RGB AMOLED display.

  • esVHO: Energy Saving Vertical Handover Extension for Local SDN in Non-Interconnected Environment

    Toan Nguyen DUC  Eiji KAMIOKA  


    E100-B No:11

    Wireless technologies that offer high data rate are generally energy-consuming ones while low-energy technologies commonly provide low data rate. Both kinds of technologies have been integrated in a single mobile device for different services. Therefore, if the service does not always require high data rate, the low energy technology, i.e., Bluetooth, can be used instead of the energy-consuming one, i.e., Wi-Fi, for saving energy. It is obvious that energy savings are maximized by turning the unused technology off. However, when active sessions of ongoing services migrate between different technologies, the network-layer connectivity must be maintained, or a vertical handover (VHO) between different networks is required. Moreover, when the networks are not interconnected, the VHO must be fully controlled by the device itself. The device typically navigates traffic through the firmware of the wireless network interface cards (WNIC) using their drivers, which are dependent on the vendors. To control the traffic navigation between WNICs without any modification of the WNICs' drivers, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) can be applied locally on the mobile device, the so called local SDN. In the local SDN architecture, a local SDN controller (SDNC) is used to control a virtual OpenFlow switch, which turns WNICs into its switch ports. Although the SDNC can navigate the traffic, it lacks the global view of the network topology. Hence, to correctly navigate traffic in a VHO process, an extended SDN controller (extSDNC) was proposed in a previous work. With the extSDNC, the SDNC can perform VHO based on a link layer trigger but with a significant packet loss rate. Therefore, in this paper, a framework named esVHO is proposed that executes VHO at the network layer to reduce the packet loss rate and reduce energy consumption. Experiments on VHO performance prove that esVHO can reduce the packet loss rate considerably. Moreover, the results of an energy saving experiment show that esVHO performs high energy saving up to 4.89 times compared to the others.

  • Prediction-Based Cloud Bursting Approach and Its Impact on Total Cost for Business-Critical Web Systems

    Yukio OGAWA  Go HASEGAWA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E100-B No:11

    Cloud bursting temporarily expands the capacity of a cloud-based service hosted in a private data center by renting public data center capacity when the demand for capacity spikes. To determine the optimal resources of a business-critical web system deployed over private and public data centers, this paper presents a cloud bursting approach based on long- and short-term predictions of requests to the system. In a private data center, a dedicated pool of virtual machines (VMs) is assigned to the web system on the basis of one-week predictions. Moreover, in both private and public data centers, VMs are activated on the basis of one-hour predictions. We formulate a problem that includes the total cost and response time constraints and conduct numerical simulations. The results indicate that our approach is tolerant of prediction errors and only slightly dependent on the processing power of a single VM. Even if the website receives bursty requests and one-hour predictions include a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 0.2, the total cost decreases to half the existing cost of provisioning in the private date center alone. At the same time, 95% of response time is kept below 0.15s.

  • Locomotion Control with Inverted Pendulum Model and Hierarchical Low-Dimensional Data

    Ku-Hyun HAN  Byung-Ha PARK  Kwang-Mo JUNG  JungHyun HAN  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E100-D No:11

    This paper presents an interactive locomotion controller using motion capture data and an inverted pendulum model (IPM). The motion data of a character is decomposed into those of upper and lower bodies, which are then dimension-reduced via what we call hierarchical Gaussian process dynamical model (H-GPDM). The locomotion controller receives the desired walking direction from the user. It is integrated into the IPM to determine the pose of the center of mass and the stance-foot position of the character. They are input to the H-GPDM, which interpolates the low-dimensional data to synthesise a redirected motion sequence on an uneven surface. The locomotion controller allows the upper and lower bodies to be independently controlled and helps us generate natural locomotion. It can be used in various real-time applications such as games.

  • Comparison of Divergence Angle of Retro-Reflectors and Sharpness with Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection (AIRR) Open Access

    Norikazu KAWAGISHI  Kenta ONUKI  Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO  


    E100-C No:11

    This paper reports on the relationships between the performance of retro-reflectors and the sharpness of an aerial image formed with aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR). We have measured the retro-reflector divergence angle and evaluated aerial image sharpness by use of the contrast-transfer function. It is found that the divergence angle of the retro-reflected light is strongly related to the sharpness of the aerial image formed with AIRR.
