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[Keyword] FA(3430hit)


  • Model-Based/Waveform Hybrid Coding for Low-Rate Transmission of Facial Images

    Yuichiro NAKAYA  Hiroshi HARASHIMA  


    E75-B No:5

    Despite its potential to realize image communication at extremely low rates, model-based coding (analysis-synthesis coding) still has problems to be solved for any practical use. The main problems are the difficulty in modeling unknown objects and the presence of analysis errors. To cope with these difficulties, we incorporate waveform coding into model-based coding (model-based/waveform hybrid coding). The incorporated waveform coder can code unmodeled objects and cancel the artifacts caused by the analysis errors. From a different point of view, the performance of the practically used waveform coder can be improved by the incorporation of model-based coding. Since the model-based coder codes the modeled part of the image at extremely low rates, more bits can be allocated for the coding of the unmodeled region. In this paper, we present the basic concept of model-based/waveform hybrid coding. We develop a model-based/MC-DCT hybrid coding system designed to improve the performance of the practically used MC-DCT coder. Simulation results of the system show that this coding method is effective at very low transmission rates such as 16kb/s. Image transmission at such low rates is quite difficult for an MC-DCT coder without the contribution of the model-based coder.

  • On Translating a Set of C-Oriented Faces in Three Dimensions

    Xue-Hou TAN  Tomio HIRATA  Yasuyoshi INAGAKI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E75-D No:3

    Recently much attention has been devoted to the problem of translating a set of geometrical objects in a given direction, one at a time, without allowing collisions between the objects. This paper studies the translation problem in three dimensions on a set of c-oriented faces", that is, the faces whose bounding edges have a constant number c of orientations. We solve the problem in O(N log2 NK) time and O(N log N) space, where N is the total number of edges of the faces and K is the number of edge intersections in the projection plane. As an intermediate step, we also solve a problem related to ray-shooting. The algorithm for translating c-oriented faces finds uses in computer graphic systems.

  • An Adaptive Antenna System for High-Speed Digital Mobile Communications

    Yasutaka OGAWA  Yasuyuki NAGASHIMA  Kiyohiko ITOH  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E75-B No:5

    High-speed digital land mobile communications suffer from frequency-selective fading due to a long delay difference. Several techniques have been proposed to overcome the multipath propagation problem. Among them, an adaptive array antenna is suitable for very high-speed transmission because it can suppress the multipath signal of a long delay difference significantly. This paper describes the LMS adaptive array antenna for frequency-selective fading reduction and a new diversity technique. First, we propose a method to generate a reference signal in the LMS adaptive array. At the beginning of communication, we use training codes for the reference signal, which are known at a receiver. After the training period, we use detected codes for the reference signal. We can generate the reference signal modulating a carrier at the receiver by those codes. The carrier is oscillated independently of the incident signal. Then, the carrier frequency of the reference signal is in general different from that of the incident signal. However, the LMS adaptive array works in such a way that the carrier frequency of the array output coincides with that of the reference signal. Namely, the frequency difference does not affect the performance of the LMS adaptive array. Computer simulations show the proper behavior of the LMS adaptive array with the above reference signal generator. Moreover, we present a new multipath diversity technique using the LMS adaptive array. The LMS adaptive array reduces the frequency-selective fading by suppressing the multipath components. This means that the transmitted power is not used sufficiently. We propose a multiple beam antenna with the LMS adaptive array. Each antenna pattern receives one of the multipath components, and we combine them adjusting the timing. Then, we realize the multipath diversity. In addition to the multipath fading reduction, we can improve a signal-to-noise ratio by the diversity technique.

  • Closed-Form Error Probability Formula for Narrowband DQPSK in Slow Rayleigh Fading and Gaussian Noise

    Chun Sum NG  Francois P.S. CHIN  Tjeng Thiang TJUNG  Kin Mun LYE  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E75-B No:5

    A new error rate formula for narrowband Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keyed system in a Rayleigh fading channel is obtained in closed-form. The formula predicts a non-zero error probability for noiseless reception. As predicted, the computed error rates approach some constant or floor values as the signal-to-noise ratio is increased beyond a certain limit. In the presence of various Doppler frequency shifts, an IF filter bandwidth of about one times the symbol rate is found to lead to a minimum error probability prior to the appearence of the error rate floor.

  • New Classes of Majority-Logic Decodable Double Error Correcting Codes for Computer Memories

    Toshio HORIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    A new class of (m23m1,m2) 1-step majority-logic decodable double error correcting codes (1-step DEC codes) is described, where m is an odd integer. Combining this code with properly constructed (m1k1,k1) and (m,k2) 1-step DEC codes, a (m23(mk1)1,m23k1) 1-step DEC code and a (m23(mk2)1,m2) 2-step majority-logic decodable DEC code (2-step DEC code) are obtained, respectively. Considering computer memory applications, some practical 1 -and 2-step DEC codes with data-bit lengths of 24, 32, 64 and 72 are obtained by shortening the new codes, and are compared to existing majority-logic decodable DEC codes. It is shown that, for given data-bit lengths, new 2-step DEC codes have much better code rates than self-orthogonal DEC codes but slightly worse code rates than existing 2-step majority-logic decodable cyclic DEC codes (2-step cyclic DEC codes). However, parallel decoders of new 2-step DEC codes are much simpler than those of exisiting 2-step cyclic DEC codes, and are nearly as simple as those of 1-step DEC codes.

  • A Testable Design of Sequential Circuits under Highly Observable Condition

    WEN Xiaoqing  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    The outputs of all gates in a circuit are assumed to be observable unber the highly observable condition, which is mainly based on the use of E-beam testers. When using the E-beam tester, it is desirable that the test set for a circuit is small and the test vectors in the test set can be applied in a successive and repetitive manner. For a combinational circuit, these requirements can be satisfied by modifying the circuit into a k-UCP circuit, which needs only a small number of tests for diagnosis. For a sequential circuit, however, even if the combinational portion has been modified into a k-UCP circuit, it is impossible that the test vectors for the combinational portion can always be applied in a successive and repetitive manner because of the existence of feedback loops. To solve this problem, the concept of k-UCP scan circuits is proposed in this paper. It is shown that the test vectors for the combinational portion in a k-UCP scan circuit can be applied in a successive and repetitive manner through a specially constructed scan-path. An efficient method of modifying a sequential circuit into a k-UCP scan circuit is also presented.

  • Analysis of Fault Tolerance of Reconfigurable Arrays Using Spare Processors

    Kazuo SUGIHARA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    This paper addresses fault tolerance of a processor array that is reconfigurable by replacing faulty processors with spare processors. The fault tolerance of such a reconfigurable array depends on not only an algorithm for spare processor assignment but also the folloving factor of an organization of spare processors in the reconfigurable array: the number of spare processors; the number of processors that can be replaced by each spare processor; and how spare processors are connected with processors. We discuss a relationship between fault tolerance of reconfigurable arrays and their organizations of spare processors in terms of the smallest size of fatal sets and the reliability function. The smallest size of fatal sets is the smallest number of faulty processors for which the reconfigurable array cannot be failure-free as a processor array system no matter what reconfiguration is used. The reliability function is a function of time t whose value is the probability that the reconfigurable array is failure-free as a processor array system by time t when the best possible reconfiguration is used. First, we show that the larger smallest size of fatal sets a reconfigurable array has, the larger reliability function it has by some time. It suggests that it is important to maximize the smallest size of fatal sets in orer to improve the reliability function as well. Second, we present the best possible smallest size of fatal sets for nn reconfigurable arrays using 2n spare processor each of which is connected with n processors. Third, we show that the nn reconfigurable array previously presented in a literature achieves the best smallest size of fatal sets. That is, it is optimum with respect to the smallest size of fatal sets. Fourth, we present an uppr bound of the reliability function of the optimum nn reconfigurable array using 2n spare processors.

  • 3D Facial Model Creation Using Generic Model and Front and Side Views of Face

    Takaaki AKIMOTO  Yasuhito SUENAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E75-D No:2

    This paper presents an automatic creation method of 3D facial models which are needed for facial image generation by 3D computer graphics. A 3D facial model of a specific person is obtained from just the front and side view images without any human operation. The method has two parts; feature extraction and generic model modification. In the feature extraction part, the regions or edges which express the facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth or chin outline are extracted from the front and side view images. A generic head model is then modified based on the position and shape of the extracted facial features in the generic model modification part. As a result, a 3D model for persons is obtained. By using the specific model and the front and side view images, texture-mapped facial images can be generated easily.

  • Linear Time Fault Simulation Algorithm Using a Content Addressable Memory

    Nagisa ISHIURA  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E75-A No:3

    This paper presents a new fast fault simulation algorithm using a content addressable memory, which deals with zero-delay fault simulation of gate-level synchronous sequential circuits. The computation time of fault simulation for a single vector under the single stuck-at fault model is O(n2) for all the existing fault simulation algorithms on a sequential computers. The new algorithm attempts to reduce the computation time by processing many faults at a time by utilizing a property that a content addressable memory can be regarded as an SIMD type parallel computation machine. According to theoretical estimation, the speed performance of a simulator based on the proposed algorithm is equivalent to a fast fault simulator implemented on a vector supercomputer for a circuit of about 2400 gates.

  • A Fully Integrated 6.25% Pull-in Range Digital PLL for ISDN Primary Rate Interface LSI

    Harufusa KONDOH  Seiji KOZAKI  Shinya MAKINO  Hiromi NOTANI  Fuminobu HIDANI  Masao NAKAYA  


    E75-C No:3

    A fully integrated digital PLL (Phase Locked Loop) with on-chip CMOS oscillator is described. Nominal division number of the variable divider is automatically tuned in this digital PLL and this feature makes it possible to widen the pull-in range. In general, output jitter may increase if the pull-in range is widened. To overcome this problem, output jitter is reduced by utilizing the dual loop architecture. Wide pull-in range enables us on-chip oscillator, which is not so precise as the expensive crystal oscillator. This CMOS oscillator must be carefully designed to be stable against the temperature and the supply voltage variations. Using these digital PLL techniques, together with the on-chip CMOS oscillator, a fully integrated PLL can be achieved. Circuits are designed for 1.544 Mbit/s ISDN primary rate interface, and 6.25% pull-in range is obtained.

  • Stabilization of Power Line Impedance for Radiated EMI Level Measurement

    Atsuya MAEDA  


    E75-B No:3

    It is important to develop methods of measuring radiated electromagnetic interference level that will produce identical results at all measuring locations. We have considered a number of problems which prevent the achievement of identical results, and proposed some solutions. However, agreement of measurement values adequate for practical purposes has not been achieved. After our successive studies, we finally became aware that there is a causal relationship with changes in the line-to-ground impedance of the power supply. It is presumed that power cables of AC-powered devices operate as antenna elements that produce emission. Thus changes in the power line-to-ground impedance cause variations in the radiation efficiency to produce a different EMI level. We therefore made plans to measure the values of line-to-ground impedance at the AC power outlet for the frequency range of 100kHz to 500MHz at various locations where measurements are made of EMI from EUT (Equipment Under Test). The impedance varies greatly between 6ohms and 2 k-ohm, not only according to the frequency, but also according to the measurement location. In such cases, the EMI level shows a different value even with the same EUT, and it usually increases-especially for vertical polarization. We have developed a new type of LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network or Artificial Mains Network) to stabilize the power line-to-ground impedance to get consistent measurement conditions. The LISN consists of feed-through capacitors and an disk type RF resistor. The measurements confirm the consistency in the impedance value which is maintained at 50 ohms in the frequency range from 1MHz to 500MHz. Thus the newly developed LISN improves consistency of measurement values at all locations, while it was difficult to obtain good correlation before employing the LISN. We feel confident that incorporation of the method discussed here in the pertinent technical standards of EMI measurements, such as CISPR, would lead to a major improvement in getting consistent measurements values.

  • Information Disseminating Schemes for Fault Tolerance in Hypercubes

    Svante CARLSSON  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Kumiko KANAI  Andrzej LINGAS  Kinya MIURA  Ola PETERSSON  

    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E75-A No:2

    We present schemes for disseminating information in the n-dimensional hypercube with some faulty nodes/edges. If each processor can send a message to t neighbors at each round, and if the number of faulty nodes/edges is k(kn), then this scheme will broadcast information from any source to all destinations within any consecutive n+[(k+l)/t] rounds. We also discuss the case where the number of faulty nodes is not less than n.

  • TM Scattering from a Dielectric-Loaded Semi-Circular Trough in a Conducting Plane

    Tah J. PARK  Hyo J. EOM  Wolfgang-M. BOERNER  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E75-B No:2

    The behavior of TM-wave scattering from a dielectric-loaded semicircular trough in a conducting half-space is investigated. The dielectric loading is made of a circular cylinder which lies in a semi-circular trough in the perfectly conducting plane. The formulation is numerically evaluated to investigate the scattered field pattern for various dielectric loading conditions. It is found that the scattering patterns exhibit the resonant behavior due to both of the concave surface contour and the dielectric loading.

  • General-Purpose Device Simulation System with an Effective Graphic Interface

    Masaaki TOMIZAWA  Akira YOSHII  Shunji SEKI  


    E75-C No:2

    We have developed an efficient general-purpose two-dimensional device simulation system which consists of a solver, and pre- and post-processors. This system can easily handle any complicated device having a non-rectangular shape. It can also be applied to compound semiconductor devices with heterojunctions, including optical devices such as laser diodes. In order to handle any device, a new program for construction of device geometry is developed as a preprocessor. It has an efficient graphic interface to reduce the time required to input data for simulations, which is a very time consuming task for complicated devices. A new efficient data structure representing device geometry is introduced in the program. During postprocessing, any physical quantity can be displayed on the multi-window screen. In addition, a general-purpose solver for basic semiconductor equations is implemented in the system. Using this system, any device can be successfully analyzed in a unified manner and the turn-around time for the simulation is significantly reduced.

  • 1/5 Power Law in PN-Junction Failure Mechanism Caused by Electrical-Over-Stress

    Yutaka TAJIMA  Kunihiro ASADA  Takuo SUGANO  


    E75-C No:2

    We have developed a new model to analyze the thermal failure mechanism due to electrical-over-stress (EOS) for two-dimensional planar pn-junction structures where the failure power is proportional to about 1/5 power of the failure time. We adopted a pseudo two-dimensional numerical simulation method where a pn-junction diode is divided into small elements and represented by a circuit network composed of many minute resistors and diodes. The failure mechanism studied by Wunsch and Bell, that is one of many studies for one-dimensional pn-diodes, is not valid for the case of two-dimensional pn-junction, such as a planar type junction. On the contrary, the failure mechanism was found to be much correlative with the junction structure, especially the impurity concentration in the substrate in the two-dimensional case. When the impurity concentration in the substrate is high enough (e.g. Nsub1017[cm-3]), the breakdown occurs at the whole junction. The heat transfer is one-dimensional and the failure power is proportional to about 1/2 power of the failure time, which is well known results reported by many researchers: e.g. Wunsch &Bell. On the other hand, when the impurity concentration in the substrate is low enough (e.g. Nsub1016[cm-3]), the breakdown occurs locally at the junction edge. The heat transfer is two-dimensional and the failure power is in proportion to about 1/5 power of the failure time.

  • Prosodic Control to Express Emotions for Man-Machine Speech Interaction

    Yoshinori KITAHARA  Yoh'ichi TOHKURA  


    E75-A No:2

    In speech output expected as an ideal man-machine interface, there exists an important issue on emotion production in order to not only improve its naturalness but also achieve more sophisticated speech interaction between man and machine. Speech has two aspects, which are prosodic information and phonetic feature. For the purpose of application to natural and high quality speech synthesis, the role of prosody in speech perception has been studied. In this paper, prosodic components, which contribute to the expression of emotions and their intensity, are clarified by analyzing emotional speech and by conducting listening tests of synthetic speech. The analysis is performed by substituting the components of neutral speech (i.e., one with no particular emotion) with those of emotional speech preserving the temporal correspondence by means of DTW. It has been confirmed that prosodic components, which are composed of pitch structure, temporal structure and amplitude structure, contribute to the expression of emotions more than the spectral structure of speech. The results of listening tests using prosodic substituted speech show that temporal structure is the most important for the expression of anger, while all of three components are much more important for the intensity of anger. Pitch structure also plays a significant role in the expression of joy and sadness and their intensity. These results make it possible to convert neutral utterances into utterances expressing various emotions. The results can also be applied to controlling the emotional characteristics of speech in synthesis by rule.

  • Gesture Coding and a Gesture Dictionary for a Nonverbal Interface

    Takao KUROKAWA  


    E75-A No:2

    The development of computers capable of handling complex objects requires nonverbal interfaces that can bidirectionally mediate nonverbal communication including the gestures of both people and computers. Nonverbal expressions are poweful media for enriching and facilitating humancomputer interaction when used as interface languages. Four gestural modes are appropriate for human-computer interaction: the sign, indication, illustration and manipulation modes. All these modes can be conveyed by a generalized gesture interface that has specific processors for each mode. The basic component of the generalized gesture interface, a gesture dictionary, is proposed. The dictionary can accept sign and indicating gestures in which postures or body shapes are significant, pass their meaning to a computer and display gestures from the computer. For this purpose it converts body shapes into gestural codes by means of two code systems and, moreover, it performs bidirectional conversions of several gesture representations. This dictionary is applied to the translation of Japanese into sign language; it displays an actor who speaks the given Japanese sentences by gesture of sign words and finger alphabets. The performance of this application confirms the adequacy and usefulness of the gesture dictionary.

  • Translucent Multiuser Interface for Realtime Collaboration

    Hiroshi ISHII  


    E75-A No:2

    The new notion of "multiuser interface", an interface for groups working together in a shared workspace, originated from the expansion of CSCW research and the spread of the groupware concept. This paper introduces a new multiuser interface design approach based on the translucent video overlay technique. This approach was realized in the multimedia desktop conference system Team WorkStation. Team WorkStation demonstrates that this translucent video overlay technique can achieve two different goals: (1) fused overlay for realizing the open shared workspace, and (2) selective overlay for effectively using limited screen space. This paper first describes the concept of open shared workspace and its implementation based on the fused overlay technique. The shared work window of Team-WorkStation is created by overlaying translucent individual workspace images. Each video layer is originally physically separated. However, because of the spatial relationships among marks on each layer, the set of overlaid layers provides users with sufficient semantics to fuse them into one image. The usefulness of this cognitive fusion was demonstrated through actual usage in design sessions. Second, the problem of screen space limitation is described. To solve this problem, the idea of ClearFace based on selective overlay is introduced. The ClearFace idea is to lay translucent live face video windows over a shared work window. Through the informal observations of experimental use in design sessions, little difficulty was experienced in switching the focus of attention between the face images and the drawing objects. The theory of selective looking accounts for this flexible perception mechanism. Although users can see drawn objects behind a face without difficulty, we found that users hesitate to draw figures or write text over face images. Because of this behavior, we devised the "movable" face window strategy.

  • Knowledge-Based Interaction Control of User-Model-Driven Interface System

    Tetsuo KINOSHITA  Noriyuki IWANE  Mariko OSATO  


    E75-A No:2

    In order to realize flexible interaction control between user and information processing system, a special purpose user model is proposed on the basis of the knowledge-based design method of user interface system. The user-specific control knowledge of user-oriented interface environment is represented explicitly in the user model and utilized in the user-oriented interface system. Furthermore, the framework of user-oriented interface environment based on this user model called user-model-driven interface system, is proposed as one of user-adaptive human interface systems, in this paper. According to the proposed framework, a prototype system of the user-model-driven interface system is implemented and the facility of user-specific interaction control based on the user model has been verified with respect to an electronic mail handling task.

  • Information Retrieval Using Desired Impression Factors



    E75-A No:2

    Proposed here is an internal representation and mapping method for multimedia information in which retrieval is based on the impression documents desired to make. A user interface design for a system using this method is also proposed. The proposed internal representation and mapping method represents each desired document impression as an axis in a semantic space. Documents are represented as points in the space. Queries are represented as subspaces. The proposed user interface design employs a method of visual presentation of the semantic space. Pictorial examples are given to illustrate the range of impressions represented by the axes. The relations between the axes are represented by dispersion diagrams for the documents stored in the document base. With this method, the user can intuitively decide the appropriate subspace for his needs and can specify it directly. For evaluation purposes, a prototype system has been developed. An image retrieval experiment shows that the proposed internal representation and mapping method and the user interface design provide effective tools for information retrieval.
