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[Keyword] FA(3430hit)


  • Evaluation of Surface Damage on a Silicon Wafer Induced by Reactive Ion Etching Using X-Ray Photoeloctron Spectroscopy and Electrical Characteristics

    Akitaka MURATA  Morio NAKAMURA  Akira ASAI  Ichiro TANIGUCHI  


    E75-C No:9

    Surface damage to n-type silicon wafers induced by Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) with CF4 gas was evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of Au/n-Si Schottky diodes fabricated on the damaged surface. The reaction products (SiF, SiF2, and SiF3) in the damaged layer were detected by XPS. Assuming the surface damage on a silicon wafer induced by RIE acts as a donor, the donor density was found to be about 21019 cm-3. The distribution of SiF3 and the donor density in the depth direction were almost equal. The thickness of the damaged layer was about 15 nm. These findings suggest that the donor in the damaged layer on a silicon surface induced by RIE may be SiF3.

  • Runlength-Limited Short-Length Codes for Unidirectional-Byte-Error-Control

    Yuichi SAITOH  Hideki IMAI  


    E75-A No:9

    Runlength-limited block codes are investigated. These codes are useful for storing data in storage devices. Since most devices are not noiselss, the codes are often required to have some error-control capability. We consider runlength-limited codes that can correct or detect unidirectional byte errors. Some constructions of such codes are presented.

  • A Method of Obtaining the Maximum Likelihood Initial Height Function for Optimal Movement of a Wire Bonder

    Shengping JIANG  Hiroyuki ANZAI  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E75-A No:9

    In this paper, we propose a method to simulate the curve surface of the initial height in the movement of the electronic wire bonder using the experimental data. For given measured data (xk, yk, zk (k=1, 2, , m)), we propose an algebraic surface of n-th degree as a methematical model of the initial height surface. The AIC method is a method of evaluating the goodness of a given model. The maximum likelihood model is selected by comparing with the AIC value of each model for n=0, 1, 2, 3, , 11. Useing this model, the initial raise position of the electronic wire bonder can be controlled by computer programing and can make the movement of wire bonder full-automatic. As a resurt, the well-arranged wiring and reliable contacting can be obtained.

  • Direct Photo Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Nitride and Its Application to MIS Structre

    Masahiro YOSHIMOTO  Kenji TAKUBO  Takashi SAITO  Tetsuya OHTSUKI  Michio KOMODA  Hiroyuki MATSUNAMI  


    E75-C No:9

    Silicon nitride (SiNx) films have been deposited at lower substrate temperatures (500) by direct (without mercury-sensitization) photo-chemical vapor deposition (photo-CVD) using SiH4 and NH3 with a low-pressure mercury lamp. Films deposited at around 350 have a polymeric structure such as (Si(NH)2)n. Films deposited at 500 were close to stoichiometric Si3N4 with a slight amount of hydrogen. The refractive index and the dielectric constant of films deposited at 500 became almost equal to the values of thermally synthesized Si3N4. The resistivity was as high as 51016 Ωcm. The minimum density of interface states in Al/SiNx/Si MIS (metal-insulator-semiconductor) diodes was estimated to be 91010 cm-2eV-1 by a quasi-static capacitance-voltage measurement. For SiNx films deposited at 300, the density of interface states, which was in the order of 1011 cm-2eV-1 as deposited, decreased by a rapid thermal anneal after the deposition. For Al/SiNx/InP MIS diodes, it was 31011 cm-2eV-1 by high-frequency capacitance-voltage measurements. Direct photo-CVD for SiNx films is promising for low-temperature formation of a gate insulator.

  • An Optimal Design for Fault-Tolerant Finite Field Fourier Transformer

    Der-Lan LO  Po-Chiang LU  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E75-B No:8

    The competing demands of speed and fault tolerance in finite field Fourier transform implementations have been optimally balanced here by using the chord property in finite field.

  • Practical Network Planning Support System--PIGEON

    Atsushi MINEGISHI  Yoshihiro DOI  Hikaru MIYAMOTO  


    E75-B No:7

    This paper discusses a computer-aided network planning support system called PIGEON that has been developed primarily for advancing countries implementing the applicability to various types of networks and the supportability to the sensitivity analysis. For the implementation of the applicability, the customization by reflecting existing network facilities and their accompanying restrictive conditions into a design result is focused. A case study on the customization shows the effectiveness of the reflection. The procedures are given of the sensitivity analysis in order to examine and to evaluate the effect of the uncertain factors in network planning. In particular, a method called "network modification" is proposed for the sensitivity analysis for uncertain factors associated with a partial network. The network modification efficiently integrates network planner's judgments into a design result by the interactive method. In addition, this paper describes the importance of streamlining the data input and the evaluation of design results, showing the operating time required for each work phase in network planning.

  • Removal of Fe and Al on a Silicon Surface Using UV-Excited Dry Cleaning

    Rinshi SUGINO  Yoshiko OKUI  Masaki OKUNO  Mayumi SHIGENO  Yasuhisa SATO  Akira OHSAWA  Takashi ITO  


    E75-C No:7

    The mechanism of UV-excited dry cleaning using photoexcited chlorine radicals has been investigated for removing iron and aluminum contamination on a silicon surface. The iron and aluminum contaminants with a surface concentration of 1013 atoms/cm2 were intentionally introduced via an ammonium-hydrogenperoxide solution. The silicon etching rates from the Uv-excited dry cleaning differ depending on the contaminants. Fe and Al can be removed in the same manner. The removal of Fe and Al is highly temperature dependent, and is little affected by the silicon etching depth. Both Fe and Al on the silicon surface were completely removed by UV-excited dry cleaning at a cleaning temperature of 170, and were decreased by two orders of magnitude from the initial level when the surface was etched only 2 nm deep.

  • Fault Tolerant Routing for Realization of BPC Permutations in Delta Networks

    Hiroshi MASUYAMA  Yuichirou MORITA  Hiroyuki OKADA  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E75-D No:4

    The numbers of passes required to realize permutations in the class of Bit Permute-Complement (BPC) permutations such as Bit-Reversal, Matrix-Transpose, Perfect-Shuffle, and Bit-Complement permutations in delta and extrastage delta networks are obtained. The influence of the faults in the networks on the number of passes required for them is also investigated. First, how different are the time complexities required when using a route decision algorithm and an improved algorithm having taken some inherent properties into consideration is discussed and solved by obtaining real data. Next, how many passes are required to realize BPC permutations in delta networks when faults are present and when not present, and how many passes can be reduced by using an extra-stage are discussed continuously. As an important criterion for the fault tolerance of multistage interconnecting networks, Dynamic Full Access (DFA) has been suggested. A weakness of DFA as applied to BPC permutations is that the ability to realize such permutations in a finite number of passes can not be always measured by a criterion of DFA, because of the uneven distributions of paths required for the permutations. This reason suggests the ability to realize such permutations must be investigated from the different angle.

  • Synchrotron Radiation Stimulated Evaporation of a-SiO2 Films and Its Application for Si Surface Cleaning

    Housei AKAZAWA  Yuichi UTSUMI  Jun-ichi TAKAHASHI  Tsuneo URISU  


    E75-C No:7

    Synchrotron radiation (SR) irradiation of amorphous SiO2 (a-SiO2) induces continuous removal of the SiO2 film without the use of etching gas. The dependence of the photostimulated evaporation rate on substrate temperature and SR intensity was measured and the reaction mechanism is discussed in detail separately for surface and bulk. Using the high material selectivity of the Sr-stimulated evaporation, a sefl-aligned process to fabricate a 0.6 µm line-and-space pattern is presented. Si surface cleaning is demonstrated as an example of application of this reaction to thin native oxide film grown by wet pretreatment. Si(100)-21 and Si(111)-77 structures were observed by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) at temperatures as low as 650. The difference between a-SiO2 and native oxide on the evaporation rate is higlighted. Epitaxial Si growth using disilane (Si2H6) gas occurs selectively in the SR-irradiated region on a Si(100) surface. Using SR irradiation in an ultrahigh vacuum, followed by residual oxide reduction by disilane, is proposed as an effective cleaning method.

  • Refining Theory with Multiple Faults

    Somkiat TANGKITVANICH  Masamichi SHIMURA  


    E75-D No:4

    This paper presents a system that automatically refines the theory expressed in the function-free first-order logic. Our system can efficiently correct multiple faults in both the concept and subconcepts of the theory, given only the classified examples of the concept. It can refine larger classes of theory than existing systems can since it has overcome many of their limitations. Our system is based on a new combination of an inductive and an explanation-based learning algorithms, which we call the biggest-first multiple-example EBL (BM-EBL). From a learning perspective, our system is an improvement over the FOIL learning system in that our system can accept a theory as well as examples. An experiment shows that when our system is given a theory that has the classification error rate as high as 50%, it can still learn faster and with more accuracy than when it is not given any theory.

  • Influence of Vacancy in Silicon Wafer of Various Types on Surface Microroughness in Wet Chemical Process

    Tadahiro OHMI  Toshihito TSUGA  Jun TAKANO  Masahiko KOGURE  Koji MAKIHARA  Takayuki IMAOKA  


    E75-C No:7

    The increase of surface microroughness on Si substrate degrades the electrical characteristics such as the dielectric breakdown field intensity (EBD) and charge to break-down (QBD) of thin oxide film. It has been found that the surface microroughness increases in the wet chemical process, particularly in NH4OH-H2O2-H2O cleaning (APM cleaning). It has been revealed that the surface microroughness does not increase at all if the NH4OH mixing ratio in NH4OH-H2O2-H2O solution is reduced from the conventional level of 1:1:5 to 0.05:1:5, and the room temperature ultrapure water rinsing is introduced right after the APM cleaning. At the same time, the APM cleaning with NH4OH-H2O2-H2O mixing ratio of 0.05:1:5 has been very effective to remove particles and metallic impurities from the Si surface. The surface microroughness dominating the electrical properties of very thin oxide films is strictly influenced by the wafer quality. The increase of surface microroughness due to the APM cleaning has varied among the wafer types such as Cz, FZ and epitaxial (EPI) wafers. The increase of surface microroughness in EPI wafer was very much limited, while the surface microroughness of FZ and Cz wafers gradually increase. As a result of investigating the amount of diffused phosphorus atoms into these wafers, the increase of the surface microroughness in APM cleaning has been confirmed to strongly depend on the silicon vacancy cluster concentration in wafer. The EPI wafer having low silicon vacancy concentration is essentially revealed superior for future sub-half-micron ULSI devices.

  • A Method of Generating Tests for Combinational Circuits with Multiple Faults

    Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Nobukage IUCHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:4

    The single fault model is invalid in many cases. However, it is very difficult to generate tests for all multiple faults since an m-line circuit may have 3m --1 multiple faults. In this paper, we describe a method for generating tests for combinational circuits with multiple stuck-at faults. An input vector is a test for a fault on a target line, if it find the target line to be fault-free in the presence of undetected or undetectable lines. The test is called a robust test for fault on a target line. It is shown that the sensitizing input-pair for a completely single sensitized path can be a robust test-pair. The method described here consists of two procedures. We label these as SINGLE_SEN" procedure and DECISION" procedure. SINGLE_SEN generates a single sensitized path including a target line on it by using a PODEM-like method which uses a new seven-valued calculus. DECISION determines by utilizing the method proposed by H. Cox and J. Rajski whether the single sensitizing input-pair generated by the SINGLE_SEN is a robust test-pair. By using these two procedures the described method generates robust test-pairs for the combinational circuit with multiple stuck-at faults. Finally, we demonstrate by experimental results on the ISCAS85 benchmark circuits that SINGLE_SEN is effective for an algorithmic multiple fault test generation for circuits not including many XOR gates.

  • Learning Non-parametric Densities in terms of Finite-Dimensional Parametric Hypotheses

    Kenji YAMANISHI  


    E75-D No:4

    This paper proposes a model for learning non-parametric densities using finite-dimensional parametric densities by applying Yamanishi's stochastic analogue of Valiant's probably approximately correct learning model to density estimation. The goal of our learning model is to find, with high probability, a good parametric approximation of the non-parametric target density with sample size and computation time polynomial in parameters of interest. We use a learning algorithm based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle and derive a new general upper bound on the rate of convergence of the MDL estimator to a true non-parametric density. On the basis of this result, we demonstrate polynomial-sample-size learnability of classes of non-parametric densities (defined under some smoothness conditions) in terms of exponential families with polynomial bases, and we prove that under some appropriate conditions, the sample complexity of learning them is bounded as O((1/ε)(2r1)/2r1n(2r1)/2r(1/ε)(1/ε)1n(1/δ) for a smoothness parameter r (a positive integer), where ε and δ are respectively accuracy and confidence parameters. Futher, we demonstrate polynomial-time learnability of classes of non-parametric densities (defined under some smoothness conditions) in terms of histogram densities with equal-length cells, and we prove that under some appropriate condition, the sample complexity of learning them is bounded as O((1/ε)3/21n3/2(1/ε)(1/ε)1n(1/δ)).

  • Reaction of H-Terminated Si(100) Surfaces with Oxidizer in the Heating and Cooling Process

    Norikuni YABUMOTO  Yukio KOMINE  


    E75-C No:7

    Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) is applied to analyze the oxidation reactions of hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces in both the heating and cooling processes after hydrogen desorption. The oxidation reaction of oxygen and water with a silicon surface after hydrogen desorption shows hysteresis in the heating and cooling processes. In the cooling process, oxidation finishes when the silicon surface is adequately oxidized to about a 10 thickness. Oxidation continues to occur at lower temperatures when the total volume of oxygen and water is too small to saturate the bare silicon surface. The reaction of water with silicon releases hydrogen at more than 500. Hydrogen does not adsorb on the silicon oxide surface. A trace amount of oxygen, less than 110-6 Torr, roughens the surface.

  • Spare-Channel Design Schemes for Self-Healing Networks

    Hideki SAKAUCHI  Yasuyo OKANOUE  Satoshi HASEGAWA  


    E75-B No:7

    This paper proposes design schemes which obtain an efficient spare-channel assignment against single and double link failures for a self-healing network. Spare-channel design problems can be formulated as a linear-programming (LP) problem when variables are assumed to be continuous. For the problem, the proposed algorithm effectively solves a sub-set of whole constraints by making use of a maximum-flow algorithm in an iterative manner. It is shown that the maximum number of iteration times is limited by the number of links in the network. Moreover, the relation between the design function and the self-healing function is discussed. It is also shown that the cooperation of the two functions can realize more effective control in large scale networks.

  • Optimization of Photolithography Developing Process without Residual Surfactant on Surfaces

    Hisayuki SHIMADA  Shigeki SHIMOMURA  Kouichi HIROSE  Masanobu ONODERA  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E75-C No:7

    We have found out the effects of surfactant addition to developer on the developing characteristics: very uniform developing, scum-free developing, contact hole formation at lower exposure energy and substrate surfaces protection. Although these are excellent effects required for ULSI manufacturing, we have also discovered the problem that surfactant added to developer remains after the developing process. We has successfully established two effective methods for removing residual surfactant: the addition of 0.15 wt% hydrogen peroxide to surface-active developer, and 1-minute ozone-added ultrapure water rinsing at room temperature. We can therefore make best use of the developing characteristics of surface-active developer without any degradations.

  • Capture Statistics in Multiple Access Communication Systems

    Kyung S. KWAK  


    E75-A No:6

    Fading is unavoidable in many communication systems such as urban and mobile radio systems. Fading, in principle, results in increased error in data communications. However, the random variation of received signal envelope due to natural fading divides the received signals into many different power level, a method known to improved utilization of ALOHA network due to capture effects. In this paper, we consider Nakagami fading model for the radio channel. We derive the exact form of capture probabilities and show that the probabilities can be modeled as semi-exponential model. Thus we can determine the channel capacity of ALOHA system with capture channel.

  • On the Computation of 16-QAM and 64-QAM Performance in Rayleigh-Fading Channels

    Peter-Marc FORTUNE  Lajos HANZO  Raymond STEELE  


    E75-B No:6

    Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) schemes are attractive in terms of bandwidth efficiency and offer a number of subchannels with different integrities via both Gaussian and Rayleigh-fading channels. Specifically, the 16-QAM phasor constellation has two, while the 64-QAM possesses three such subchannels, which become dramatically different via Rayleigh-fading channels. The analytically derived bit error rate (BER) formulae yield virtually identical curves with simulation results, exhibiting adequate BERs for the highest integrity subchannels of both 16-QAM and 64-QAM to be further reduced by forward error correction coding (FEC). However, the BERs of the lower integrity subchannels require fading compensation to reduce their values for FEC techniques to become effective. This property creates ground for a variety of carefully matched, embedded mobile transmission schemes of different complexities. The practical implementation of such an embedded scheme is demonstrated by a low-cost, low-complexity and low-consumption 50KBd mobile video telephone scheme offering adequate speech and image quality for channel SNRs in excess of about 20dB via Rayleigh-fading channels.

  • Theoretical Analysis of the Capacity Controlled Digital Mobile System in the Presence of Interference and Thermal Noise

    Hee-Jin LEE  Shozo KOMAKI  Norihiko MORINAGA  


    E75-B No:6

    This paper analyzes the performance of the capacity controlled digital radio system, which controls the number of modulation levels according to the amount of traffic. These analyses are performed under thermal noise and co-channel interference. As a result, the throughput improvement is approximately 16 times comparing with the fixed capacity system which has the designed outage probability of 0.1%. Theoretical results are applied to the future mobile communication system which utilizes TDMA access method or burst co-dec, and it is found that the reuse distance can be improved to 1/5 times when the designed outage probability is 0.1%.

  • Multiterminal Filtering for Decentralized Detection Systems

    Te Sun HAN  Kingo KOBAYASHI  


    E75-B No:6

    The optimal coding strategy for signal detection in the correlated gaussian noise is established for the distributed sensors system with essentially zero transmission rate constraint. Specifically, we are able to obtain the same performance as in the situation of no restriction on rate from each sensor terminal to the fusion center. This simple result contrasts with the previous ad hoc studies containing many unnatural assumptions such as the independence of noises contaminating received signal at each sensor. For the design of optimal coder, we can use the classical Levinson-Wiggins-Robinson fast algorithm for block Toeplitz matrix to evaluate the necessary weight vector for the maximum-likelihood detection.
