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[Keyword] FA(3430hit)


  • Optical Connection with Optical Pins and Self-Written Waveguides for Board-Level Optical Wirings

    Osamu MIKAMI  Yusuke MIMURA  Hiroshi HANAJIMA  Masahiro KANDA  


    E90-C No:5

    The potential of optical circuit packaging technology is discussed. Special attention is paid to introduction of "optical wiring" at the printed wiring board level (i.e., in the "last 1 meter area") to overcome the bandwidth limitations of electrical copper-based wiring. The suitability of optical surface mount technology (O-SMT) as a possible solution is reviewed. It is shown that the key to the utility of O-SMT is high efficiency and alignment-free coupling between optical wiring and optical devices. O-SMT requires a method to change the beam direction from the horizontal to the vertical and vice versa in order to couple optical wiring in an OE-board and OE-devices mounted on the board. A novel method using an "optical pin" is proposed and investigated. Furthermore, an optical coupling method using a self-written waveguide called "optical solder" is reviewed. Several applications of self-written waveguides using a green laser and a photo-mask are demonstrated.

  • Study of 30-nm Double-Gate MOSFET with Halo Implantation Technology Using a Two-Dimensional Device Simulator

    Tetsuo ENDOH  Yuto MOMMA  

    PAPER-Novel MOSFET Structures

    E90-C No:5

    In this paper, the effect of Halo concentration on performance of 30 nm gate length Double-Gate MOSFET with 30 nm thin body-Si is investigated by using two dimensional device simulator. We quantitatively show the dependency of electrical characteristic (subthreshold-slope, threshold voltage: Vth, drivability and leak current: Ion and Ioff) on the Halo concentration. This dependency can be explained by the reasons why the Halo concentration has directly effect on the potential distribution of the body. It is made clear that from viewpoint of body potential control, the design of Halo concentration is key technology for suppressing short-channel effect and improving subthreshold-slope, Ion and Ioff adjusting the Vth.

  • Constant Time Generation of Integer Partitions

    Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Shin-ichiro KAWANO  Yosuke KIKUCHI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E90-A No:5

    In this paper we give a simple algorithm to generate all partitions of a positive integer n. The problem is one of the basic problems in combinatorics, and has been extensively studied for a long time. Our algorithm generates each partition of a given integer in constant time for each without repetition, while best known algorithm generates each partition in constant time on "average." Also, we propose some algorithms to generate all partitions of an integer with some additional property in constant time.

  • Fair Bandwidth Allocation and End-to-End Delay Routing Algorithms for Wireless Mesh Networks

    Yean-Fu WEN  Yeong-Sung (Frank) LIN  


    E90-B No:5

    Quality-of-service (QoS) is essential for multimedia applications, such as video-conferencing and voice over IP (VoIP) services, in wireless mesh networks (WMNs). A consequence of many clients accessing the Internet via the same backhaul is that throughput depends on the number of hops from the backhaul. This spatial bias problem is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem that considers end-to-end delay in terms of gateway selection, least-hop and load-balanced routing, and link capacity constraints. In this paper, we propose a routing algorithm for the network layer and a bandwidth allocation scheme for the medium access control (MAC) layer. The latter achieves fairness in both throughput and end-to-end delay in orthogonal mesh backbone networks with a distributed scheme, thereby minimizing the objective function. Our experiment results show that the proposed algorithm achieves throughput fairness, reduces end-to-end delay, and outperforms other general schemes and algorithms by at least 10.19%.

  • Transfer Information Enhancement with a 2-D Tactile Stimulator Array for an Acoustic Vision Substitute System

    Hirofumi TAKI  Toru SATO  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E90-D No:5

    Existing vision substitute systems have insufficient spatial resolution to provide environmental information. To present detailed spatial information, we propose two stimulation methods to enhance transfer information using a 2-D tactile stimulator array. First, stimulators are divided into several groups. Since each stimulator group is activated alternately, the interval of stimulations can be shortened to less than the two-point discrimination threshold. In the case that stimulators are divided into two and four groups, the number of stimulators increases to twice and four times, respectively, that in the case of the two-point discrimination threshold. Further, a user selects the measurement range and the system presents targets within the range. The user acquires spatial information of the entire measurement area by changing the measurement range. This method can accurately present a range of targets. We examine and confirm these methods experimentally.

  • Fair Exchange of Signatures with Multiple Signers

    Yuichi KOMANO  


    E90-A No:5

    Chen et al. introduced a new notion of a concurrent signature scheme for a fair exchange of signatures with two parties. Chen et al. also proposed a concrete scheme and proved its security under the assumption of discrete logarithm problem. Recently, Hiwatari and Tanaka extended the concept of concurrent signature to many-to-one setting. Hiwatari and Tanaka also proposed a concrete scheme; however, it requires some strong assumption to achieve the fair exchange and it is not efficient. This paper gives another construction of concurrent signature for many-to-one setting with multisignature scheme. Hereafter, we call it (n,1) concurrent signature scheme. The proposed scheme is more efficient than the scheme of Hiwatari and Tanaka in computation complexity and signature size, and achieves the fair exchange without the assumption required for the scheme of Hiwatari and Tanaka. This paper also gives a construction for the fair exchange of signatures in many-to-many setting, called (n,m) concurrent signature scheme, in appendix.

  • Recognition of PRI Modulation Types of Radar Signals Using the Autocorrelation

    Young-Jin RYOO  Kyu-Ha SONG  Whan-Woo KIM  


    E90-B No:5

    In electronic warfare support systems, the analysis of PRI (Pulse Repetition Interval) modulation characteristics for a radar pulse signal has attracted much interest because of the problem of the identification ambiguity in dense electronic warfare signal environments. A new method of recognizing the PRI modulation type of a radar pulse signal is proposed for electronic warfare support. The proposed method recognizes the PRI modulation types using classifiers based on the property of the autocorrelation of the PRI sequences for each PRI modulation type. In addition, the proposed method estimates the PRI modulation period for the PRI modulation type with the periodicity. Simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed method.

  • A Construction of High Rate Quasi-Cyclic Regular LDPC Codes from Cyclic Difference Families with Girth 8

    Masaya FUJISAWA  Shojiro SAKATA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E90-A No:5

    In this paper we propose a method of constructing quasi-cyclic regular LDPC codes from a cyclic difference family, which is a kind of combinatorial design. The resulting codes have no 4-cycle, i.e. cycles of length four and are defined by a small set of generators of codes with high rate and large code length. In particular, for LDPC codes with column weight three, we clarify the conditions on which they have no 6-cycle and their minimum distances are improved. Finally, we show the performance of the proposed codes with high rates and moderate lengths.

  • Uncalibrated Factorization Using a Variable Symmetric Affine Camera

    Kenichi KANATANI  Yasuyuki SUGAYA  Hanno ACKERMANN  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E90-D No:5

    In order to reconstruct 3-D Euclidean shape by the Tomasi-Kanade factorization, one needs to specify an affine camera model such as orthographic, weak perspective, and paraperspective. We present a new method that does not require any such specific models. We show that a minimal requirement for an affine camera to mimic perspective projection leads to a unique camera model, called symmetric affine camera, which has two free functions. We determine their values from input images by linear computation and demonstrate by experiments that an appropriate camera model is automatically selected.

  • Response Time Reduction of Speech Recognizers Using Single Gaussians

    Sangbae JEONG  Hoirin KIM  Minsoo HAHN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E90-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a useful algorithm that can be applied to reduce the response time of speech recognizers based on HMM's. In our algorithm, to reduce the response time, promising HMM states are selected by single Gaussians. In speech recognition, HMM state likelihoods are evaluated by the corresponding single Gaussians first, and then likelihoods by original full Gaussians are computed and replaced only for the HMM states having relatively large likelihoods. By doing so, we can reduce the pattern-matching time for speech recognition significantly without any noticeable loss of the recognition rate. In addition, we cluster the single Gaussians into groups by measuring the distance between Gaussians. Therefore, we can reduce the extra memory much more. In our 10,000 word Korean POI (point-of-interest) recognition task, our proposed algorithm shows 35.57% reduction of the response time in comparison with that of the baseline system at the cost of 10% degradation of the WER.

  • Approximation Algorithms for Multicast Routings in a Network with Multi-Sources

    Ehab MOSRY  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  


    E90-A No:5

    We consider the capacitated multi-source multicast tree routing problem (CMMTR) in an undirected graph G=(V,E) with a vertex set V, an edge set E and an edge weight w(e) ≥ 0, e ∈ E. We are given a source set S ⊆ V with a weight g(e) ≥ 0, e ∈ S, a terminal set M ⊆ V-S with a demand function q : M → R+, and a real number κ > 0, where g(s) means the cost for opening a vertex s ∈ S as a source in a multicast tree. Then the CMMTR asks to find a subset S′⊆ S, a partition {Z1,Z2,...,Zl} of M, and a set of subtrees T1,T2,...,Tl of G such that, for each i, ∑t∈Ziq(t) ≤ κ and Ti spans Zi∪{s} for some s ∈ S′. The objective is to minimize the sum of the opening cost of S′and the constructing cost of {Ti}, i.e., ∑s∈S′g(s)+w(Ti), where w(Ti) denotes the sum of weights of all edges in Ti. In this paper, we propose a (2ρUFL+ρST)-approximation algorithm to the CMMTR, where ρUFL and ρST are any approximation ratios achievable for the uncapacitated facility location and the Steiner tree problems, respectively. When all terminals have unit demands, we give a ((3/2)ρUFL+(4/3)ρST)-approximation algorithm.

  • Accurate Extraction of the Trap Depth from RTS Noise Data by Including Poly Depletion Effect and Surface Potential Variation in MOSFETs

    Hochul LEE  Youngchang YOON  Seongjae CHO  Hyungcheol SHIN  

    PAPER-Ultra-Thin Gate Insulators

    E90-C No:5

    Accurate extraction of the trap position in the oxide in deep-submicron MOSFET by RTN measurement has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The conventional equation based on the ratio of emission time and capture time ignores two effects, that is, the poly gate depletion effect and surface potential variation in strong inversion regime. In this paper, by including both of the two effects, we have derived a new equation which gives us more accurate information of the trap depth from the interface and the trap energy. With experimental result, we compare the trap depth obtained from the new equation and that of the conventional method.

  • Acoustic Field Analysis of Surface Acoustic Wave Dispersive Delay Lines Using Inclined Chirp IDT

    Koichiro MISU  Koji IBATA  Shusou WADAKA  Takao CHIBA  Minoru K. KUROSAWA  


    E90-A No:5

    Acoustic field analysis results of surface acoustic wave dispersive delay lines using inclined chirp IDTs on a Y-Z LiNbO3 substrate are described. The calculated results are compared with optical measurements. The angular spectrum of the plane wave method is applied to calculation of the acoustic fields considering the anisotropy of the SAW velocity by using the polynomial approximation. Acoustic field propagating along the Z-axis of the substrate, which is the main beam excited by the inclined chirp IDT, shows asymmetric distribution between the +Z and -Z directions. Furthermore the SAW beam propagating in a slanted direction with an angle of +18 from the Z axis to the X-axis is observed. It is described that the SAW beam propagating in a slanted direction is the first side lobe excited by the inclined chirp IDT. The acoustic field shows asymmetric distribution along the X-axis because of the asymmetric structure of the inclined chirp IDT. Finally, acoustic field of a two-IDT connected structure which consists of the same IDTs electrically connected in series is presented. The acoustic field of the two-IDT connected structure is calculated to be superposed onto the calculated result of the acoustic field exited by one IDT on the calculated result shifted along the X-axis. Two SAW beams excited by IDTs are observed. The distributions of the SAW beams are not in parallel. The calculated results show good agreement with the optical measurement results.

  • Adaptive DS/CDMA Packet Radio Communications over Indoor Multipath Fading Channels

    Ye Hoon LEE  Seokho YOON  Sun Yong KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose an adaptive data transmission scheme for DS/CDMA packet radio communication systems in bandlimited indoor multipath fading channels. We first analyze the relationship between the code rate and the processing gain (defined as the number of chips per coded bit) in maximizing the normalized throughput in connection with the channel state of the indoor multipath fading channels. One observation made is that the maximum throughput with BPSK modulation is attained when the code rate is chosen as low as possible irrespective of the channel state, and the processing gain is increased (decreased) as the channel becomes worse (better). The other observation made is that when DPSK modulation is employed, there exists an optimal combination of the code rate and the processing gain in maximizing the normalized throughput for each channel state. Based on these observations, we propose to adapt the processing gain and/or code rate according to the fading conditions in order to maximize the normalized throughput. We analyze the performance of the proposed scheme and compare it with the non-adaptive data transmission scheme. Our results show that the adaptive transmission scheme yields a significant performance improvement over the nonadaptive scheme, and increasing the adaptation level is more effective as the channel gets worse, but the 3-state adaptation seems to be practically optimum.

  • Low Grazing Scattering from Periodic Neumann Surface with Finite Extent

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Kazuhiro HATTORI  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E90-C No:4

    This paper deals with the scattering of transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave by a perfectly conductive surface made up of a periodic array of finite number of rectangular grooves. By the modal expansion method, the total scattering cross section pc is numerically calculated for several different numbers of grooves. It is then found that, when the groove depth is less than wavelenght, the total scattering cross section pc increases linearly proportional to the corrugation width W. But an exception takes place at a low grazing angle of incidence, where pc is proportional to Wα and the exponent α is less than 1. From these facts, it is concluded that the total scattering cross section pc must diverge but pc/W the total scattering cross section per unit surface must vanish at a low grazing limit when the number of grooves goes to infinity.

  • Device Design of Nanoscale MOSFETs Considering the Suppression of Short Channel Effects and Characteristics Variations

    Toshiro HIRAMOTO  Toshiharu NAGUMO  Tetsu OHTOU  Kouki YOKOYAMA  


    E90-C No:4

    The device design of future nanoscale MOSFETs is reviewed. Major challenges in the design of the nanometer MOSFETs and the possible solutions are discussed. In this paper, special emphasis is placed on the combination of new transistor structures that suppress the short channel effect and on back-gate voltage control that suppresses the characteristics variations. Two new device architectures, variable-body-factor FD SOI MOSFET and multigate MOSFET with low aspect ratio, have been proposed and their advantages are discussed.

  • MLP/BP-Based Soft Decision Feedback Equalization with Bit-Interleaved TCM for Wireless Applications

    Terng-Ren HSU  Chien-Ching LIN  Terng-Yin HSU  Chen-Yi LEE  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E90-A No:4

    For more efficient data transmissions, a new MLP/BP-based channel equalizer is proposed to compensate for multi-path fading in wireless applications. In this work, for better system performance, we apply the soft output and the soft feedback structure as well as the soft decision channel decoding. Moreover, to improve packet error rate (PER) and bit error rate (BER), we search for the optimal scaling factor of the transfer function in the output layer of the MLP/BP neural networks and add small random disturbances to the training data. As compared with the conventional MLP/BP-based DFEs and the soft output MLP/BP-based DFEs, the proposed MLP/BP-based soft DFEs under multi-path fading channels can improve over 3-0.6 dB at PER=10-1 and over 3.3-0.8 dB at BER=10-3.

  • Analysis and Design of Direct Reference Feed-Forward Compensation for Fast-Settling All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop


    PAPER-Analog and Communications

    E90-C No:4

    A method for shortening of the settling time in all digital phase-locked loops is proposed. The method utilizes self monitoring to obtain the parameters necessary for feed-forward compensation. Analysis shows that by employing this technique both fast settling and good stability can be achieved simultaneously. Matlab and Verilog-AMS simulation shows that typical settling speed can be reduced to less than one tenth compared to a system without the feed-forward compensation, by merely employing the feed-forward compensation system. Further more a design example shows that this settling time can be decreased further to less than one fifteenth through design considerations when compared to a speed optimized phase-locked loop design system without direct reference feed-forward compensation.

  • Object Tracking with Target and Background Samples

    Chunsheng HUA  Haiyuan WU  Qian CHEN  Toshikazu WADA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E90-D No:4

    In this paper, we present a general object tracking method based on a newly proposed pixel-wise clustering algorithm. To track an object in a cluttered environment is a challenging issue because a target object may be in concave shape or have apertures (e.g. a hand or a comb). In those cases, it is difficult to separate the target from the background completely by simply modifying the shape of the search area. Our algorithm solves the problem by 1) describing the target object by a set of pixels; 2) using a K-means based algorithm to detect all target pixels. To realize stable and reliable detection of target pixels, we firstly use a 5D feature vector to describe both the color ("Y, U, V") and the position ("x, y") of each pixel uniformly. This enables the simultaneous adaptation to both the color and geometric features during tracking. Secondly, we use a variable ellipse model to describe the shape of the search area and to model the surrounding background. This guarantees the stable object tracking under various geometric transformations. The robust tracking is realized by classifying the pixels within the search area into "target" and "background" groups with a K-means clustering based algorithm that uses the "positive" and "negative" samples. We also propose a method that can detect the tracking failure and recover from it during tracking by making use of both the "positive" and "negative" samples. This feature makes our method become a more reliable tracking algorithm because it can discover the target once again when the target has become lost. Through the extensive experiments under various environments and conditions, the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm is confirmed.

  • An Integrated Design of Multipath Routing with Failure Survivability in MPLS Networks

    Xiao YU  Gang FENG  Kheng Leng GAY  Chee Kheong SIEW  


    E90-B No:4

    Multipath routing employs multiple parallel paths between the source and destination for a connection request to improve resource utilization of a network. In this paper, we present an integrated design of multipath routing with delay constraints and failure survivability in MPLS networks. By combining the failure survivability schemes into the multipath routing algorithms, path protection or restoration policies will enable the network to accommodate link failures and at the same time achieve significant improvement on network resource utilization. We propose a number of multipath routing algorithms, working-backup path selection and bandwidth allocation schemes. We evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes in terms of call blocking probability, network resource utilization and load balancing factor. Extensive simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. In particular, we compare these multipath schemes to the existing failure recovery schemes that mostly focus on single path routing. The results demonstrate that the proposed integrated design framework can provide effective network failure survivability, and also achieve better load balancing and/or higher network resource utilization.
