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  • Effects of Antenna Beam Horizontal Rotating and Beam Tilting on Delay Spread Reduction in Mobile Radio

    Tetsu TANAKA  Shigeru AOYAMA  Shigeru KOZONO  


    E76-B No:2

    Theoretical and experimental evaluations of the horizontal rotating and tilting of the base station antenna beam show that these techniques are effective in reducing delay spread. Result show good agreement between predicted and measured values.

  • A Precise Method for Determining AlGaAs/GaAs HBT Large-Signal Circuit Parameters Using Bias-Dependent Noise Parameters and Small-Signal S-Parameters

    Jun-ichi SHIMIZU  Nobuyuki HAYAMA  Kazuhiko HONJO  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E76-C No:1

    A precise method for determining AlGaAs/GaAs HBT large-signal circuit parameters is presented. In this method, the parameters are extracted from noise parameters and small-signal S-parameters measured under various bias conditions. The measured noise parameters are fitted to the calculated noise parameters derived from an approximation of Hawkins' equations applied to the macroscopic equivalent circuit. The small-signal S-parameters help to determine the large-signal circuit parameters. The derived large-signal parameters were used to design an HBT oscillator. The simulated results using these parameters were in good agreement with the fabricated device performance.

  • Prospects for Advanced Spoken Dialogue Processing

    Hitoshi IIDA  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper discusses the problems facing spoken dialogue processing and the prospects for future improvements. Research on elemental topics like speech recognition, speech synthesis and language understanding has led to improvements in the accuracy and sophistication of each area of study. First, in order to handle a spoken dialogue, we show the necessity for information exchanges between each area of processing as seen through the analysis of spoken dialogue characteristics. Second, we discuss how to integrate those processes and show that the memory-basad approach to spontaneous speech interpretation offers a solution to the problem of process integration. The key to this is setting up a mental state affected by both speech and linguistic information. Finally, we discuss how those mental states are structured and a method for constructing them.

  • Spatial Array Processing of Wide Band Signals with Computation Reduction

    Mingyong ZHOU  Zhongkan LIU  Jiro OKAMOTO  Kazumi YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:1

    A high resolution iterative algorithm for estimating the direction-of-arrival of multiple wide band sources is proposed in this paper. For equally spaced array structure, two Unitary Transform based approaches are proposed in frequency domain for signal subspace processing in both coherent multipath and incoherent environment. Given a priori knowledge of the initial estimates of DOA, with proper spatial prefiltering to separate multiple groups of closely spaced sources, our proposed algorithm is shown to have high resolution capability even in coherent multipath environment without reducing the angular resolution, compared with the use of subarray. Compared with the conventional algorithm, the performance by the proposed algorithm is shown by the simulations to be improved under low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) while the performance is not degraded under high SNR. Moreover the computation burden involved in the eigencomputation is largely reduced by introducing the Pesudo-Hermitian matrix approximation.

  • LR Parsing with a Category Reachability Test Applied to Speech Recognition

    Kenji KITA  Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  


    E76-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose an extended LR parsing algorithm, called LR parsing with a category reachability test (the LR-CRT algorithm). The LR-CRT algorithm enables a parser to efficiently recognize those sentences that belong to a specified grammatical category. The key point of the algorithm is to use an augmented LR parsing table in which each action entry contains a set of reachable categories. When executing a shift or reduce action, the parser checks whether the action can reach a given category using the augmented table. We apply the LR-CRT algorithm to improve a speech recognition system based on two-level LR parsing. This system uses two kinds of grammars, inter- and intra-phrase grammars, to recognize Japanese sentential speech. Two-level LR parsing guides the search of speech recognition through two-level symbol prediction, phrase category prediction and phone prediction, based on these grammars. The LR-CRT algorithm makes possible the efficient phone prediction based on the phrase category prediction. The system was evaluated using sentential speech data uttered phrase by phrase, and attained a word accuracy of 97.5% and a sentence accuracy of 91.2%

  • Three Different LR Parsing Algorithms for Phoneme-Context-Dependent HMM-Based Continuous Speech Recognition

    Akito NAGAI  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  Kenji KITA  Hideaki KIKUCHI  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper discusses three approaches for combining an efficient LR parser and phoneme-context-dependent HMMs and compares them through continuous speech recognition experiments. In continuous speech recognition, phoneme-context-dependent allophonic models are considered very helpful for enhancing the recognition accuracy. They precisely represent allophonic variations caused by the difference in phoneme-contexts. With grammatical constraints based on a context free grammar (CFG), a generalized LR parser is one of the most efficient parsing algorithms for speech recognition. Therefore, the combination of allophonic models and a generalized LR parser is a powerful scheme enabling accurate and efficient speech recognition. In this paper, three phoneme-context-dependent LR parsing algorithms are proposed, which make it possible to drive allophonic HMMs. The algorithms are outlined as follows: (1) Algorithm for predicting the phonemic context dynamically in the LR parser using a phoneme-context-independent LR table. (2) Algorithm for converting an LR table into a phoneme-context-dependent LR table. (3) Algorithm for converting a CFG into a phoneme-context-dependent CFG. This paper also includes discussion of the results of recognition experiments, and a comparison of performance and efficiency of these three algorithms.

  • The Effect of Varying Routing Probability in Two Parallel Queues with Dynamic Routing under a Threshold-Type Scheduling

    Ivo J. B. F. ADAN  Jaap WESSELS  W. Henk M. ZIJM  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E76-B No:1

    In the paper entitled "The effect of varying routing probability in two parallel queues with dynamic routing under a threshold-type scheduling", Kojima et al. derive an expression in the form of a product of powers for the state probabilities of a threshold-type shortest queue problem. In this note it is demonstrated that this expression is essentially more complicated and has the form of an infinite sum of products of powers. In fact, Kojima et al. find the first term in this infinite sum only.

  • A Unification-Based Japanese Parser for Speech-to-Speech Translation

    Masaaki NAGATA  Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  


    E76-D No:1

    A unification-based Japanese parser has been implemented for an experimental Japanese-to-English spoken language translation system (SL-TRANS). The parser consists of a unification-based spoken-style Japanese grammar and an active chart parser. The grammar handles the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic constraints in an integrated fashion using HPSG-based framework in order to cope with speech recognition errors. The parser takes multiple sentential candidates from the HMM-LR speech recognizer, and produces a semantic representation associated with the best scoring parse based on acoustic and linguistic plausibility. The unification-based parser has been tested using 12 dialogues in the conference registration domain, which include 261 sentences uttered by one male speaker. The sentence recognition accuracy of the underlying speech recognizer is 73.6% for the top candidate, and 83.5% for the top three candidates, where the test-set perplexity of the CFG grammar is 65. By ruling out erroneous speech recognition results using various linguistic constraints, the parser improves the sentence recognition accuracy up to 81.6% for the top candidate, and 85.8% for the top three candidates. From the experiment result, we found that the combination of syntactic restriction, selectional restriction and coordinate structure restriction can provide a sufficient restriction to rule out the recognition errors between case-marking particles with the same vowel, which are the type of errors most likely to occur. However, we also found that it is necessary to use pragmatic information, such as topic, presupposition, and discourse structure, to rule out the recognition errors involved with topicalizing particles and sentence final particles.

  • Modeling and Performance Analysis of SPC Switching Systems

    Shuichi SUMITA  


    E75-B No:12

    Modeling and performance analysis have played an important role in the economical design and efficient operation of switching systems, and is currently becoming more important because the switching systems should handle a wide range of traffic characteristics, meeting the grade of service requirements of each traffic type. Without these techniques we could no longer achieve economy and efficiency of the switching systems in complex traffic characteristic environments. From the beginning of research on electronic switching systems offering circuit-switched applications, Stored Program Control (SPC) technology has posed challenges in the area of modeling and performance analysis as well as queueing structure, efficient scheduling, and overload control strategy design. Not only teletraffic engineers and performance analysts, but also queueing theorists have been attracted to this new field, and intensive research activities, both in theory and in practice, have continued over the past two decades, now evolving to even a broader technical field including traditional performance analysis. This article reviews a number of important issues that have been raised and solved, and whose solutions have been reflected in the design of SPC switching systems. It first discusses traffic problems for centralized control systems. It next discusses traffic problems inherent in distributed switching systems.

  • Linear Transformations between Embedded Processes Associated with M/M/1 Queueing Systems

    Toshikane ODA  Aurel A. LAZAR  


    E75-B No:12

    The embedded Markov processes associated with Markovian queueing systems are closely related, and their relationships are important for establishing an analytical basis for performance evaluation techniques. As a first step, we analyze the embedded processes associated with a general M/M/1 queueing system. Linear transformations between the infinitesimal generators and the transition probability matrices of embedded processes at arrival and departure times are explicitly derived. Based upon these linear transformations, the equilibrium distributions of the system states at arrival and departure times are obtained and expressed in terms of the equilibrium distribution at arbitrary times. The approach presented here uncovers an underlying algebraic structure of M/M/1 queueing systems, and establishes an algebraic methodology for analyzing the equilibrium probabilities of the system states at arrival and departure times for more general Markovian queueing systems.

  • Teletraffic Studies in Japan

    Minoru AKIYAMA  Shohei SATO  


    E75-B No:12

    This paper surveys the developments and achievements of teletraffic studies in Japan. It briefly covers the period preceding 1970, then focuses on the period after 1970. Rather than attempting to cover the entire field of teletraffic engineering, it places its emphasis on basic models.

  • Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Single Laser Beam Trapping of Particles

    Yoshinari ISHIDO  Toshiyuki SAITO  Akio NISHIMOTO  Yoshimi KAKUI  


    E75-A No:12

    With the use of a two-dimensional model, single laser beam trapping of particles is analyzed as the electromagnetic boundary-value problem. From the numerical results, it is found that the trapping mechanism for this system depends upon the surface field distribution of the object.

  • Technical Issues of Mobile Communication Systems for Personal Communications Services

    Takuro SATO  Takao SUZUKI  Kenji HORIGUCHI  Atsushi FUKASAWA  


    E75-A No:12

    This paper describes a perspective on Personal Communicatoins Services (PCS) and technological trends. It takes into consideration rules pertaining to the use of PCS for mobile radio communication and countermeasures to cope with the huge increase in PCS subscribers. In this paper, PCS network structures, inter-regional roaming, microcell structure, radio access and channel access methods are also covered as PCS technologies. Furthermore, trends in domestic and international standards are also described. Although these technologies present many difficulties, we believe that they will be overcome and PCS services will be introduced in the near future.

  • Detecting Separability of Nonlinear Mappings Using Computational Graphs

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  Masahiro KIYOI  

    LETTER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E75-A No:12

    Separability is a valuable property of nonlinear mappings. By exploiting this property, computational complexity of many numerical algorithms can be substantially reduced. In this letter, a new algorithm is presented that detects the separability of nonlinear mappings using the concept of "computational graph". A hybrid algorithm using both the top-down search and the bottom-up search is proposed. It is shown that this hybrid algorithm is advantageous in detecting the separability of nonlinear simultaneous functions.

  • Generalized Optimum Interpolatory Estimation of Multi-Dimensional Orthogonal Expansions with Stochastic Coefficients


    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E75-A No:12

    Extended interpolatory approximations are discussed for some classes of n-dimensional stochastic signals expressed as the orthogonal expansions with respect to a given set of orthonormal functions. We assume that the norm of the weighted mutual correlation function of the signal is smaller than a given positive number. The presented approximation has the minimum measure of approximation error among all the linear and nonlinear statistical approximations using the similar measure of error and the same generalized moments of these signals.

  • The Higher-Order Moment Function of Superposed Markov Jumping Processes with Its Application to the Analysis of Membrane Current Fluctuations

    Kazuo YANA  Hiroyuki MINO  Nobuyuki MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E75-A No:12

    This paper describes the higher-order moment analysis of superposed Markov jumping processes. A superposed Markov jumping process is defined as a linear superposition of a finite number of piecewise constant real valued stochastic process whose value changes are associated with state transitions in an underlying descrete state continuous time Markov process. Some phenomena are modeled well by the process such as membrane current fluctuations observed at bio-membranes or load fluctuations in electrical power systems. Theoretical formula of the moment function of any order k is derived and the parameter estimation problem utilizing higher-order moment functions is discussed. A new method of estimating the kinetic parameters of membrane current fluctuations is proposed as a possible application.

  • Holonic Location Registration/Paging Procedure in Microcellular Systems

    Masanori TAKETSUGU  Youichi OHTERU  


    E75-A No:12

    A location registration/paging procedure which is free from location registration area design is proposed. Each base station (BS) broadcasts a "responsibility area", composed of its own and neighboring cells' identification (ID). A mobile station (MS) makes a new location registration request when the current BS's responsibility area does not include the MS's registered location. Each BS is allowed to decide its own responsibility area autonomously based on route information, which is composed of neighboring cells' ID and reported from MSs. Therefore, the responsibility area can be adaptively changed based on MSs' moving characteristics. Moreover, this procedure solves the problems of registration traffic concentration and excess registration request on boundary BSs.

  • On a Realization of "Flow-Saturation" by Adding Edges in an Undirected Vertex-Capacitated Network

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  Shoji SHINODA  Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E75-A No:12

    A vertex-capacitated network is a graph whose edges and vertices have infinite positive capacities and finite positive capacities, respectively. Such a network is a model of a communication system in which capacities of links are much larger than those of stations. This paper considers a problem of realizing a flow-saturation in an undirected vertex-capacitated network by adding the least number of edges. By defining a set of influenced vertex pairs by adding edges, we show the follwing results.(1) It suffices to add the least number of edges to unsaturated vertex pairs for realizing flow-saturation.(2) An associated graph of a flow-unsaturated network defined in this paper gives us a sufficient condition that flow-saturation is realized by adding a single edge.

  • Performance Evaluation of Block SR-ARQ Scheme in High-Speed Communication Environments

    Chunxiang CHEN  Masaharu KOMATSU  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E75-B No:12

    In high-speed packet networks, protocol processing overhead time becomes remarkable in determining the system performance. In this paper, we present a new Selective-Repeat ARQ scheme (called Block SR-ARQ sheme), in which a packet is transmitted or retransmitted in the same way as basic SR-ARQ scheme, but a single acknowledgement packet is used to acknowledge a block of packets. The maximum number of packets acknowledged by an acknowledgement packet is defined as block size. We analyze the system throughput and the average packet delay over the system, and the accuracy of approximately analyzed results is validated by simulation. Furthermore, we show that there exists an optimal block size which obtains both the maximum throughput and the minimum average packet delay.

  • An Adaptive Fuzzy Network

    Zheng TANG  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Hiroki MATSUMOTO  

    LETTER-Fuzzy Theory

    E75-A No:12

    An adaptive fuzzy network (AFN) is described that can be used to implement most of fuzzy logic functions. We introduce a learning algorithm largely borrowed from backpropagation algorithm and train the AFN system for several typical fuzzy problems. Simulations show that an adaptive fuzzy network can be implemented with the proposed network and algorithm, which would be impractical for a conventional fuzzy system.
