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  • An Automatic Layout Generator for Bipolar Analog Modules

    Takao ONOYE  Akihisa YAMADA  Itthichai ARUNGSRISANGCHAI  Masakazu TANAKA  Isao SHIRAKAWA  


    E75-A No:10

    An autonatic layout scheme dedicated to bipolar analog modules is described. A layout model is settled in such a way that the VCC/GND line is laid out on top/bottom edge of a rectangular region, within which the whole elements are placed and interconnected. According to this simple modeling, a layout scheme can be constructed of a series of the following algorithms: First clustering is executed for partitioning a given circuit into clusters, each having connections with VCC and GND lines, and then linear ordering is applied to clusters so as to be placed in a one-dimensional array. After a relative placement of circuits elements in each cluster, a block compactor is implemented by means of packing blocks in each cluster into an idle space, and then a detailed router is conducted to attain 100% interconnection. Finally a layout compactor is invoked to pack all layout patterns into a rectangle of the minimum possible area. A number of implementation results are also shown to reveal the practicability of the proposed analog module generator.

  • Centralized Virtual Path Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for ATM Networks

    Michael LOGOTHETIS  Shigeo SHIODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:10

    This paper deals with a network architecture based on a backbone network, using ATM switches (ATM-SW) and ATM Cross-Connect Systems (ATM-XC). The backbone network is efficiently utilized by multiple-routing scheme. The performance of the network is controlled, exploiting the concept of Virtual Paths (VP) in ATM technology. The network is controlled by allocating the bandwidth of VPs so as to minimize the worst call blocking probability of all ATM-SW pairs, under the constraints of the ATM-SW capacities and the bandwidths of transmission paths in the backbone network. To improve network performance, we use a trunk reservation scheme among service classes. We propose a heuristic approach to solve the problem of non-linear integer programming. Evaluation of the proposed optimization scheme, in comparison to other optimal methods, shows the efficiency of the present scheme.

  • An Efficient Hypergraph Bisection Algorithm for Partitioning VLSI Circuits

    Yoko KAMIDOI  Shin'ichi WAKABAYASHI  Noriyoshi YOSHIDA  


    E75-A No:10

    This paper presents an efficient heuristic algorithm for min-cut bisection of weighted hypergraphs. The proposed algorithm is based on a heuristic algorithm proposed by Kahng, which was devised for non-weighted hypergraph bisection, adopting a non-weighted graph called intersection graph to represent a given hypergraph. In the proposed algorithm, instead of an intersection graph, a bipartite graph called netgraph is newly introduced to explicitly represent the weights of nodes of a hypergraph. Using the netgraph, it is easy to partition a weighted hypergraph into two hypergraphs with same size. Computation time of the proposed method is O(m2), where m is the number of nodes of a given hypergraph. Experimental results with real circuit data show that the proposed method produces better solutions in shorter computation time compared with existing methods.

  • Switched Capacitor and Active-RC Filter Layout Using a Parameterizable Generator

    Takao KANEKO  Yukio AKAZAWA  Mitsuyoshi NAGATANI  


    E75-A No:10

    An automatic macrocell generator has been developed and applied to the analog layout of SC and active-RC filters. The generator consists of a process independent generation procedure, a leafcell library, and a circuit description of the leafcells. The unit element arrays of the whole filter are generated together to minimize the array height of the entire filter macrocell, so that the area of the generated filter is as small as that of a manually laid out filter. Three SC filters and one active-RC filter were designed and fabricated by 1.5-µm CMOS technology, that successfully yielded an S/N ratio of more than 70 dB with a quick turn around time.

  • Performance Evaluation of a Translation Look-Aside Buffer for Highly Integrated Microprocessors

    Norio UTSUMI  Akifumi NAGAO  Tetsuro YOSHIMOTO  Ryuichi YAMAGUCHI  Jiro MIYAKE  Hisakazu EDAMATSU  

    PAPER-RISC Technologies

    E75-C No:10

    This paper describes the performance evaluation of the Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB) for highly integrated microprocessors, especially concerning the TLB in the SPARC Reference MMU specification. The analysis covers configurations, the number of entries, and replacement algorithms for the instruction TLB and the data TLB, which are assumed to be practically integrated on one die. We also present performance improvement using a Page Table Cache (PTC). We evaluate some types of TLB configurations with software simulation and excute the Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative (SPEC) programs.

  • A 1-K ECL Gate Array Implemented with Fully Self-Aligned AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

    Nobuyuki HAYAMA  Yuzuru TOMONOH  Hideki TAKAHASHI  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E75-C No:10

    The paper describes the design considerations, fabrication process and performance of the newly developed 1-K ECL gate array implemented with fully self-aligned AlGaAs/GaAs hoterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). This gate array consists of 960 three-input OR/NOR ECL basic gates. It contains about 7,600 transistors in a chip area 8.15-mm8.45-mm. The basic (FI=FO=1, wiring length L=0-mm) and loaded (FI=FO=3, L=1-mm) gates exhibit delay times of 33-ps and 82-ps, respectively, with 8.5-mW/gate power dissipation. From the measured values, fan-in, fan-out and wiring delay times of 9-ps/FI, 7-ps/FO and 17-ps/mm are estimated, respectively. These results are in good agreement with the designed results obtained using "SPICE" simulation.

  • Traffic Shaping for VBR Traffic in ATM Networks

    Naoaki YAMANAKA  Youichi SATO  Ken-ichi SATO  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:10

    The effectiveness of traffic shaping for VBR traffic is analyzed. Evaluation results prove that traffic shaping can improve link efficiency for most forms of bursty VBR traffic and that link efficiency gains of more than 250% can be expected without the shaping delay imposing any significant QOS deterioration. Traffic shaping increases the link efficiency to about 80% for traffic with short burst repetition periods. The traffic shaping techniques and analytical results described herein can be employed in the traffic management of future B-ISDN/ATM networks.

  • An Acyclic Expansion-Based Protocol Verification for Communications Software

    Hironori SAITO  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Toru HASEGAWA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper presents a protocol verification method which verifies that the behaviors of a protocol meet requirements. In this method, a protocol specification is expressed as Extended Finite State Machines (EFSM's) that can handle variables, and requirements are expressed using a branching-time temporal logic for a concise and unambiguous description. Using the acyclic expansion algorithm extended such that it can deal with EFSM's, the verification method first generates a state transition graph consisting of executable transitions for each process. Then a branching-time temporal logic formula representing a requirement is evaluated on one of the generated graphs which is relevant to the requirement. An executable state transition graph for each process is much smaller than a global state transition graph which has been used in the conventional verification techniques to represent the behaviors of the whole protocol system consisting of all processes. The computation for generating the graphs is also reduced to much extent for a large complex protocol. As a result, the presented method achieves efficient verification for requirements regarding a state of a process, transmission and reception of messages by a process, varibales of a process and sequences that interact among processes. The validity of the method is illustrated in the paper by the verification of a path-updating protocol for requirements such as process state reachability or fair termination among processes.

  • Simplified Modeling for Call Control Scheme

    Hiroshi KAWASHIMA  


    E75-B No:10

    This paper surveys modeling techniques for telephone call control based on a Finite State Machine (FSM) concept, and studies model simplification techniques. First, the basic concept and fundamental issues of call control modeling are described. Then, based on the analysis of layered call control configuration, it is clarified that the call control machine decomposition within the two-party service control layer has the effect of reducing the apparent size of each mate's machine. Using this effect, guidelines for call control modeling are derived, by which multiple services can be modeled independently. Finally implementation techniques and a few examples of application will be presented.

  • A Cryogenic HEMT Pseudorandom Number Generator

    Yoshimi ASADA  Yasuhiro NAKASHA  Norio HIDAKA  Takashi MIMURA  Masayuki ABE  


    E75-C No:10

    We developed a 32-bit pseudorandom number generator (RNG) operating at liquid nitrogen temperature based on HEMT ICs. It generates maximum-length-sequence codes whose primitive polynomial is X47+X42+1 with the period of 247-1 clock cycle. We designed and fabricated three kinds of cryogenic HEMT IC for this system: A 1306-gate controller IC, a 3319-gate pseudorandom number generator (RNG) IC, and a buffer IC containing a 4-kb RAM and 514 gates. We used 0.6-µm gate-length Se-doped GaAlAs/GaAs HEMTs. Interconnects were Al for the first layer and Au/Pt/Ti for the second layer with a SiON insulator between them. The HEMT ICs have direct-coupled FET logic (DCFL) gates internally and emitter-coupled logic (ECL) compatible input-putput buffers. The unloaded basic delay of the DCFL gate was 17 ps/gate with a power consumption of 1.4 mW/gate at liquid nitrogen temperature. We used an automatic cryogenic wafer probe we developed and an IC tester for function tests, and used a high-speed performance measuring system we also developed with a bandwidth of more than 20 GHz for high-speed performance tests. Power dissipations were 3.8 W for the controller IC, 4.5 W for the RNG IC, and 3.0 W for the buffer IC. The RNG IC, the largest of the three HEMT ICs, had a maximum operating clock rate of 1.6 GHz at liquid nitrogen temperature. We submerged a specially developed zirconium ceramic printed circuit board carrying the HEMT ICs in a closed-cycle cooling system. The HEMT ICs were flip-chip-packaged on the board with bumps containing indium as the principal component. We confirmed that the RNG system operates at liquid nitrogen temperature and measured a minimum system clock period of 1.49 ns.

  • A 48-Lead Film Carrier for Ultra-High Speed GaAs Digital Integrated Circuits

    Chiaki TAKUBO  Hiroshi TAZAWA  Mamoru SAKAKI  Yoshiharu TSUBOI  Masao MOCHIZUKI  Hirohiko IZUMI  


    E75-C No:10

    A film carrier with 48 peripheral-contacts, which is applicable to ultra-high speed GaAs digital integrated circuits (ICs) with a more than 10 Gbps operation, has been developed. The film carrier has been realized using the following newly developed techniques; (1) wave guides with a well-controlled characteristic impedance of 50 Ω, (2) precise vias of as small as 50 µm diameter conducting both sides of grounded metal planes on a polyimide film, and (3) a feed-through structure for high speed input signals with good impedance matching. The film carrier was molded by resin after ILB (inner lead bonding) to a chip with a copper plate heat spreader. As an application, the film carrier has been applied to a 3 Gbps operational 4-bit GaAs multiplexer IC, and has been proved to have excellent high-frequency characteristics.

  • Effects of the Gate Polycrystalline Silicon Film on the Characteristics of MOS Capacitor

    Makoto AKIZUKI  Masaki HIRASE  Atsushi SAITA  Hiroyuki AOE  Atsumasa DOI  


    E75-C No:9

    The quality of polycrystalline silicon films and electrical characteristics of polycrystalline silicon gate metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors were investigated under various processing conditions, including phosphorus doping. The stresses observed in Si films deposited in the amorphous phase show complex behavior during thermal treatment. The stresses in as-deposited Si films are compressive. They change to tensile with annealing at 800, and to compressive after an additional annealing at 900. The kind of charges trapped in the SiO2 film during the negative constant current stress in Polycrystalline silicon gate MOS capacitors differ with the maximum process temperature. The trapped charges of samples annealed at 800 were negative, while those of samples annealed at 900 were positive.

  • Functional Structure of the Fiber-Optic Passive Double Star System

    Kiyomi KUMOZAKI  Kenji OKADA  


    E75-B No:9

    The essential functions of the passive double star (PDS) system are clarified by comparing them to the functions of the single star (SS) and the active double star (ADS) system. A layered structure describing the functional characteristics of the PDS system is proposed for flexible transport capability. The functions of the optical network unit (ONU) on the customer premises are systematically partitioned into four layers. The functions of the optical subscriber unit (OSU) in the central office are described using five layers. Call by call activation and deactivation techniques are described on the basis of a layered architecture. The reduction of ONU power consumption by adopting activation and deactivation control is also discussed.

  • Design of Generalized Document Viewer Using Object Chain Representation

    Nobuhiro AJITOMI  


    E75-D No:5

    This paper proposes the GDV system, which provides a format-independent interface with which to access documents in various formats. It also proposes a new approach for document representation to be used in the GDV system. In this approach, a document is represented by a chain of objects, each of which belongs to a certain class and transforms access operations according to the class-specific transformation rule. A user's request is interpreted as a request to the uppermost object of the chain, transformed by objects in the chain successively, and executed by the lowermost object in the chain. The initial state of a document is an object chain containing an unidentified object. As the unidentified object identifies and divides itself, classification (and chain generation) proceeds step by step.

  • Design of a Multiple-Valued VLSI Processor for Digital Control

    Katsuhiko SHIMABUKURO  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E75-D No:5

    It is well known that the multiple-valued signed-digit (SD) arithmetic circuits have the attractive features of compactness and high-speed operation. However, both of these features have yet to be utilized fully. In this paper, we consider the application of a parallel-structure-based VLSI processor. A high-performance parallel-structure-based multiple-valued VLSI processor using the radix-2 SD number system is proposed. Its compactness makes the parallelism high under chip size limitations in comparison with the ordinary binary arithmetic circuits. Moreover, the speed of the single arithmetic module is very high in the SD arithmetic circuits, so that we can take advantage of the high-speed operation in the parallel-structure-based VLSI processor chip. The multiple-valued bidirectional current-mode technology is used not only in high-speed small sized arithmetic circuits, but also in reducing the number of connections in the parallel-structure-based VLSI processor. The proposed processor is specially developed for real-time digital control, where the performance is evaluated by delay time. Performance estimation using SPICE simulators shows that the delay time of proposed processor for matrix operations such as matrix multiplication is greatly reduced in comparison with a conventional binary processor.

  • Computer Generated Marble Patterns

    Takeshi AGUI  Haruo KITAGAWA  Tomoharu NAGAO  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E75-D No:5

    A process of mixing viscous fluids, such as oil-based paints is applied to generate marble patterns. It is difficult to get the exact flow function of the viscous fluid, then we express the flow in terms of velocity vectors derived from simplified flow phenomena, in which the viscous liquid is supposed to be a collection of finite liquid elements. The position change of each element is calculated as the function of time and several examples of the obtained marble patterns are illustrated.

  • An Integrated Method for Parameter Tuning on Synchronized Queueing Network Bottlenecks by Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning

    Kiyoshi ITOH  Takaaki KONNO  


    E75-D No:5

    This paper describes the integration of a qualitative method and a quantitative method by Bottleneck Diagnosis/Improvement Expert Systems for Synchronized queueing network (BDES-S and BIES-S). On the basis of qualitative reasoning, BDES-S can carry out parameter tuning in order to diagnose and improve bottlenecks of synchronized queueing networks. BDES-S can produce several alternative qualitative improvement plans for one bottleneck server. BIES-S can produce quantitative improvement equations for each qualitative improvement plan. Our method using BDES-S and BIES-S can integrate both quantitative and qualitative methods for parameter tuning on complicated queueing synchronized networks.

  • Equivalent Edge Currents for Arbitrary Angle Wedges Using Paths of Most Rapid Phase Variation

    Keiichi NATSUHARA  Tsutomu MURASAKI  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:9

    Recently most of the singularities of the equivalent edge currents for flat plates were eliminated by the authors using the paths of most rapid phase variation. A unique direction on the plate was determined for given incidence and observer. This paper extends this method for arbitrary angle wedges and presents the new expressions of the equivalent edge currents. The resultant expressions are valid for any incidence and observation aspects and have no false singularities. Diffraction patterns and radar cross sections of 3-D objects composed of wedges are calculated by using these currents. They show good agreements with experimental data or the results by the other methods.

  • Design of a Low-Loss Bandpass Filter Using Dielectric Rod Resonators Loaded in a High-Tc Superconductor Cylinder

    Yoshinori KOGAMI  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Passive Devices

    E75-C No:8

    A Chebyshev type bandpass filter using four TM01δ-mode dielectric rod resonators oriented axially in a high-Tc superconductor cylinder is designed with 3 dB bandwidth 36 MHz at 11.958 GHz. The single resonator which contains a Ba (MgTa) O3 ceramic rod of εγ=24 and a YBa2Cu3Oy bulk cylinder is designed to realize temperature coefficient of f0, τf=0 ppm/K at 20 K. The unloaded Q, Qu measured at 20 K is 150,000 which is higher than Qu=100,000 for a TM01δ-mode resonator with a copper cylinder. When the constructed filter is cooled from room temperature to below 50 K, the center frequency shifted only 5 MHz which corresponds to τf=1.5 ppm/K and the insertion loss IL0 at the center freqency reduced from 3.0 dB to about 0 dB, the designed value of which is 0.04 dB, which is too small to be measured accurately.

  • Coupling Characteristics between a Slab Waveguide and a Tapered Slab Waveguide with a Wedge-Shaped Nonlinear Cladding

    Kazuo ONO  Tamotsu SAKAI  Hisashi OSAWA  Yoshihiro OKAMOTO  


    E75-C No:8

    A novel coupling configuration consisting of a tapered slab waveguide with a wedge-shaped nonlinear cladding is proposed. Coupling characteristics for TE waves are analyzed by means of the beam propagation method. The proposed configuration is less sensitive to the offset between coupled waveguides than is the configuration with a homogeneous non-linear cladding.
