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[Keyword] RIN(2923hit)


  • Short DL-Based Blacklistable Ring Signatures from DualRing

    Toru NAKANISHI  Atsuki IRIBOSHI  Katsunobu IMAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:3

    As one of privacy-enhancing authentications suitable for decentralized environments, ring signatures have intensively been researched. In ring signatures, each user can choose any ad-hoc set of users (specified by public keys) called a ring, and anonymously sign a message as one of the users. However, in applications of anonymous authentications, users may misbehave the service due to the anonymity, and thus a mechanism to exclude the anonymous misbehaving users is required. However, in the existing ring signature scheme, a trusted entity to open the identity of the user is needed, but it is not suitable for the decentralized environments. On the other hand, as another type of anonymous authentications, a decentralized blacklistable anonymous credential system is proposed, where anonymous misbehaving users can be detected and excluded by a blacklist. However, the DL-based instantiation needs O(N) proof size for the ring size N. In the research line of the DL-based ring signatures, an efficient scheme with O(log N) signature size, called DualRing, is proposed. In this paper, we propose a DL-based blacklistable ring signature scheme extended from DualRing, where in addition to the short O(log N) signature size for N, the blacklisting mechanism is realized to exclude misbehaving users. Since the blacklisting mechanism causes additional costs in our scheme, the signature size is O(log N+l), where l is the blacklist size.

  • Designated Verifier Signature with Claimability

    Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Keisuke HARA  Yohei WATANABE  Naoto YANAI  Junji SHIKATA  


    E107-A No:3

    This paper considers the problem of balancing traceability and anonymity in designated verifier signatures (DVS), which are a kind of group-oriented signatures. That is, we propose claimable designated verifier signatures (CDVS), where a signer is able to claim that he/she indeed created a signature later. Ordinal DVS does not provide any traceability, which could indicate too strong anonymity. Thus, adding claimability, which can be seen as a sort of traceability, moderates anonymity. We demonstrate two generic constructions of CDVS from (i) ring signatures, (non-ring) signatures, pseudorandom function, and commitment scheme, and (ii) claimable ring signatures (by Park and Sealfon, CRYPTO'19).

  • Assigning Proximity Facilities for Gatherings

    Shin-ichi NAKANO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E107-D No:3

    In this paper we study a recently proposed variant of the r-gathering problem. An r-gathering of customers C to facilities F is an assignment A of C to open facilities F' ⊂ F such that r or more customers are assigned to each open facility. (Each facility needs enough number of customers to open.) Given an opening cost op(f) for each f∈F, and a connecting cost co(c,f) for each pair of c∈C and f∈F, the cost of an r-gathering A is max{maxc∈C{co(c, A(c))}, maxf∈F'{op(f)}}. The r-gathering problem consists of finding an r-gathering having the minimum cost. Assume that F is a set of locations for emergency shelters, op(f) is the time needed to prepare a shelter f∈F, and co(c,f) is the time needed for a person c∈C to reach assigned shelter f=A(c)∈F. Then an r-gathering corresponds to an evacuation plan such that each open shelter serves r or more people, and the r-gathering problem consists of finding an evacuation plan minimizing the evacuation time span. However in a solution above some person may be assigned to a farther open shelter although it has a closer open shelter. It may be difficult for the person to accept such an assignment for an emergency situation. Therefore, Armon considered the problem with one more additional constraint, that is, each customer should be assigned to a closest open facility, and gave a 9-approximation polynomial-time algorithm for the problem. We have designed a simple 3-approximation algorithm for the problem. The running time is O(r|C||F|).

  • Uniaxially Symmetrical T-Junction OMT with 45° -Tilted Branch Waveguide Ports


    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:3

    A T-junction orthomode transducer (OMT) is a waveguide component that separates two orthogonal linear polarizations in the same frequency band. It has a common circular waveguide short-circuited at one end and two branch rectangular waveguides arranged in opposite directions near the short circuit. One of the advantages of a T-junction OMT is its short axial length. However, the two rectangular ports, which need to be orthogonal, have different levels of performance because of asymmetry. We therefore propose a uniaxially symmetrical T-junction OMT, which is configured such that the two branch waveguides are tilted 45° to the short circuit. The uniaxially symmetrical configuration enables same levels of performance for the two ports, and its impedance matching is easier compared to that for the conventional configuration. The polarization separation principle can be explained using the principles of orthomode junction (OMJ) and turnstile OMT. Based on calculations, the proposed configuration demonstrated a return loss of 25dB, XPD of 30dB, isolation of 21dB between the two branch ports, and loss of 0.25dB, with a bandwidth of 15% in the K band. The OMT was then fabricated as a single piece via 3D printing and evaluated against the calculated performance indices.

  • Low Complexity Overloaded MIMO Non-Linear Detector with Iterative LLR Estimation

    Satoshi DENNO  Shuhei MAKABE  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E107-B No:3

    This paper proposes a non-linear overloaded MIMO detector that outperforms the conventional soft-input maximum likelihood detector (MLD) with less computational complexity. We propose iterative log-likelihood ratio (LLR) estimation and multi stage LLR estimation for the proposed detector to achieve such superior performance. While the iterative LLR estimation achieves better BER performance, the multi stage LLR estimation makes the detector less complex than the conventional soft-input maximum likelihood detector (MLD). The computer simulation reveals that the proposed detector achieves about 0.6dB better BER performance than the soft-input MLD with about half of the soft-input MLD's complexity in a 6×3 overloaded MIMO OFDM system.

  • A Reconstruction of Circular Binary String Using Substrings and Minimal Absent Words

    Takahiro OTA  Akiko MANADA  

    PAPER-Source Coding and Data Compression

    E107-A No:3

    A circular string formed by connecting the first and the last symbols of a string is one of the simplest sequence forms, and it has been used for many applications such as data compression and fragment assembly problem. A sufficient condition on the lengths of substrings with frequencies for reconstruction of an input circular binary string is shown. However, there are no detailed descriptions on the proof of the sufficient condition and reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, we prove a necessary and sufficient condition on the lengths of substrings with frequencies for reconstruction of the circular string. We show the length is shorter than that of previous study for some circular strings. For improving the length, we use minimal absent words (MAWs) for given substrings of length k, and we propose a new construction algorithm of MAWs of length h(>k) while a conventional construction algorithm of MAWs can construct MAWs of length l(≤k). Moreover, we propose reconstruction algorithm of an input circular string for given substrings satisfying the new condition.

  • An Adaptive Energy-Efficient Uneven Clustering Routing Protocol for WSNs

    Mingyu LI  Jihang YIN  Yonggang XU  Gang HUA  Nian XU  


    E107-B No:2

    Aiming at the problem of “energy hole” caused by random distribution of nodes in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs), this paper proposes an adaptive energy-efficient balanced uneven clustering routing protocol (AEBUC) for WSNs. The competition radius is adaptively adjusted based on the node density and the distance from candidate cluster head (CH) to base station (BS) to achieve scale-controlled adaptive optimal clustering; in candidate CHs, the energy relative density and candidate CH relative density are comprehensively considered to achieve dynamic CH selection. In the inter-cluster communication, based on the principle of energy balance, the relay communication cost function is established and combined with the minimum spanning tree method to realize the optimized inter-cluster multi-hop routing, forming an efficient communication routing tree. The experimental results show that the protocol effectively saves network energy, significantly extends network lifetime, and better solves the “energy hole” problem.

  • Shared Latent Embedding Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering

    Zhaohu LIU  Peng SONG  Jinshuai MU  Wenming ZHENG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:1

    Most existing multi-view subspace clustering approaches only capture the inter-view similarities between different views and ignore the optimal local geometric structure of the original data. To this end, in this letter, we put forward a novel method named shared latent embedding learning for multi-view subspace clustering (SLE-MSC), which can efficiently capture a better latent space. To be specific, we introduce a pseudo-label constraint to capture the intra-view similarities within each view. Meanwhile, we utilize a novel optimal graph Laplacian to learn the consistent latent representation, in which the common manifold is considered as the optimal manifold to obtain a more reasonable local geometric structure. Comprehensive experimental results indicate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Ising-Machine-Based Solver for Constrained Graph Coloring Problems

    Soma KAWAKAMI  Yosuke MUKASA  Siya BAO  Dema BA  Junya ARAI  Satoshi YAGI  Junji TERAMOTO  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E107-A No:1

    Ising machines can find optimum or quasi-optimum solutions of combinatorial optimization problems efficiently and effectively. The graph coloring problem, which is one of the difficult combinatorial optimization problems, is to assign a color to each vertex of a graph such that no two vertices connected by an edge have the same color. Although methods to map the graph coloring problem onto the Ising model or quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model are proposed, none of them considers minimizing the number of colors. In addition, there is no Ising-machine-based method considering additional constraints in order to apply to practical problems. In this paper, we propose a mapping method of the graph coloring problem including minimizing the number of colors and additional constraints to the QUBO model. As well as the constraint terms for the graph coloring problem, we firstly propose an objective function term that can minimize the number of colors so that the number of used spins cannot increase exponentially. Secondly, we propose two additional constraint terms: One is that specific vertices have to be colored with specified colors; The other is that specific colors cannot be used more than the number of times given in advance. We theoretically prove that, if the energy of the proposed QUBO mapping is minimized, all the constraints are satisfied and the objective function is minimized. The result of the experiment using an Ising machine showed that the proposed method reduces the number of used colors by up to 75.1% on average compared to the existing baseline method when additional constraints are not considered. Considering the additional constraints, the proposed method can effectively find feasible solutions satisfying all the constraints.

  • CCTSS: The Combination of CNN and Transformer with Shared Sublayer for Detection and Classification

    Aorui GOU  Jingjing LIU  Xiaoxiang CHEN  Xiaoyang ZENG  Yibo FAN  


    E107-A No:1

    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers have achieved remarkable performance in detection and classification tasks. Nevertheless, their feature extraction cannot consider both local and global information, so the detection and classification performance can be further improved. In addition, more and more deep learning networks are designed as more and more complex, and the amount of computation and storage space required is also significantly increased. This paper proposes a combination of CNN and transformer, and designs a local feature enhancement module and global context modeling module to enhance the cascade network. While the local feature enhancement module increases the range of feature extraction, the global context modeling is used to capture the feature maps' global information. To decrease the model complexity, a shared sublayer is designed to realize the sharing of weight parameters between the adjacent convolutional layers or cross convolutional layers, thereby reducing the number of convolutional weight parameters. Moreover, to effectively improve the detection performance of neural networks without increasing network parameters, the optimal transport assignment approach is proposed to resolve the problem of label assignment. The classification loss and regression loss are the summations of the cost between the demander and supplier. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed Combination of CNN and Transformer with Shared Sublayer (CCTSS) performs better than the state-of-the-art methods in various datasets and applications.

  • High Precision Fingerprint Verification for Small Area Sensor Based on Deep Learning

    Nabilah SHABRINA  Dongju LI  Tsuyoshi ISSHIKI  


    E107-A No:1

    The fingerprint verification system is widely used in mobile devices because of fingerprint's distinctive features and ease of capture. Typically, mobile devices utilize small sensors, which have limited area, to capture fingerprint. Meanwhile, conventional fingerprint feature extraction methods need detailed fingerprint information, which is unsuitable for those small sensors. This paper proposes a novel fingerprint verification method for small area sensors based on deep learning. A systematic method combines deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) in a Siamese network for feature extraction and XGBoost for fingerprint similarity training. In addition, a padding technique also introduced to avoid wraparound error problem. Experimental results show that the method achieves an improved accuracy of 66.6% and 22.6% in the FingerPassDB7 and FVC2006DB1B dataset, respectively, compared to the existing methods.

  • Recent Progress in Optical Network Design and Control towards Human-Centered Smart Society Open Access

    Takashi MIYAMURA  Akira MISAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the evolution of an optical network architecture and discuss the future direction of research on optical network design and control. We review existing research on optical network design and control and present some open challenges. One of the important open challenges lies in multilayer resource optimization including IT and optical network resources. We propose an adaptive joint optimization method of IT resources and optical spectrum under time-varying traffic demand in optical networks while avoiding an increase in operation cost. We formulate the problem as mixed integer linear programming and then quantitatively evaluate the trade-off relationship between the optimality of reconfiguration and operation cost. We demonstrate that we can achieve sufficient network performance through the adaptive joint optimization while suppressing an increase in operation cost.

  • A Strongly Unlinkable Group Signature Scheme with Matching-Based Verifier-Local Revocation for Privacy-Enhancing Crowdsensing


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    A group signature scheme allows us to anonymously sign a message on behalf of a group. One of important issues in the group signatures is user revocation, and thus lots of revocable group signature (RGS) schemes have been proposed so far. One of the applications suitable to the group signature is privacy-enhancing crowdsensing, where the group signature allows mobile sensing users to be anonymously authenticated to hide the location. In the mobile environment, verifier-local revocation (VLR) type of RGS schemes are suitable, since revocation list (RL) is not needed in the user side. However, in the conventional VLR-RGS schemes, the revocation check in the verifier needs O(R) cryptographic operations for the number R of revoked users. On this background, VLR-RGS schemes with efficient revocation check have been recently proposed, where the revocation check is just (bit-string) matching. However, in the existing schemes, signatures are linkable in the same interval or in the same application-independent task with a public index. The linkability is useful in some scenarios, but users want the unlinkability for the stronger anonymity. In this paper, by introducing a property that at most K unlinkable signatures can be issued by a signer during each interval for a fixed integer K, we propose a VLR-RGS scheme with the revocation token matching. In our scheme, even the signatures during the same interval are unlinkable. Furthermore, since used indexes are hidden, the strong anonymity remains. The overheads are the computational costs of the revocation algorithm and the RL size. We show that the overheads are practical in use cases of crowdsensing.

  • Robustness of Intensity-Modulation/Direct-Detection Secret Key Distribution against Spontaneous Raman Scattering in Wavelength-Multiplexed Systems with Existing Optical Transmission Signals

    Kyo INOUE  Daichi TERAZAWA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E106-B No:12

    Quantum key distribution or secret key distribution (SKD) has been studied to deliver a secrete key for secure communications, whose security is physically guaranteed. For practical deployment, such systems are desired to be overlaid onto existing wavelength-multiplexing transmission systems, without using a dedicated transmission line. This study analytically investigates the feasibility of the intensity-modulation/direction-detection (IM/DD) SKD scheme being wavelength-multiplexed with conventional wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) signals, concerning spontaneous Raman scattering light from conventional optical signals. Simulation results indicate that IM/DD SKD systems are not degraded when they are overlaid onto practically deployed dense WDM transmission systems in the C-band, owing to the feature of the IM/DD SKD scheme, which uses a signal light with an intensity level comparable to conventional optical signals unlike conventional quantum key distribution schemes.

  • Effect of Return Current Cable in Three Different Calibration Environments on Ringing Damped Oscillations of Contact Discharge Current Waveform from ESD Generator

    Yukihiro TOZAWA  Takeshi ISHIDA  Jiaqing WANG  Osamu FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E106-B No:12

    Measurements of contact discharge current waveforms from an ESD generator with a test voltage of 4kV are conducted with the IEC specified arrangement of a 2m long return current cable in different three calibration environments that all comply with the IEC calibration standard to identify the occurrence source of damped oscillations (ringing), which has remained unclear since contact discharge testing was first adopted in 1989 IEC publication 801-2. Their frequency spectra are analyzed comparing with the spectrum calculated from the ideal contact discharge current waveform without ringing (IEC specified waveform) offered in IEC 61000-4-2 and the spectra derived from a simplified equivalent circuit based on the IEC standard in combination with the measured input impedances of one-ended grounding return current cable with the same arrangement in the same calibration environment as those for the current measurements. The results show that the measured contact discharge waveforms have ringing around the IEC specified waveform after the falling edge of the peak, causing their spectra from 20MHz to 200MHz, but the spectra from 40MHz to 200MHz significantly differ depending on the calibration environments even for the same cable arrangement, which do not almost affect the spectra from 20MHz to 40MHz and over 200MHz. In the calibration environment under the cable arrangement close to the reference ground, the spectral shapes of the measured contact discharge currents and their frequencies of the multiple peaks and dips roughly correspond to the spectral distributions calculated from the simplified equivalent circuit using the measured cable input impedances. These findings reveal that the root cause of ringing is mainly due to the resonances of the return current cable, and calibration environment under the cable arrangement away from the reference ground tends to mitigate the cable resonances.

  • Fine Feature Analysis of Metal Plate Based on Two-Dimensional Imaging under Non-Ideal Scattering

    Xiaofan LI  Bin DENG  Qiang FU  Hongqiang WANG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E106-C No:12

    The ideal point scattering model requires that each scattering center is isotropic, the position of the scattering center corresponding to the target remains unchanged, and the backscattering amplitude and phase of the target do not change with the incident frequency and incident azimuth. In fact, these conditions of the ideal point scattering model are difficult to meet, and the scattering models are not ideal in most cases. In order to understand the difference between non-ideal scattering center and ideal scattering center, this paper takes a metal plate as the research object, carries out two-dimensional imaging of the metal plate, compares the difference between the imaging position and the theoretical target position, and compares the shape of the scattering center obtained from two-dimensional imaging of the plate from different angles. From the experimental results, the offset between the scattering center position and the theoretical target position corresponding to the two-dimensional imaging of the plate under the non-ideal point scattering model is less than the range resolution and azimuth resolution. The deviation between the small angle two-dimensional imaging position and the theoretical target position using the ideal point scattering model is small, and the ideal point scattering model is still suitable for the two-dimensional imaging of the plate. In the imaging process, the ratio of range resolution and azimuth resolution affects the shape of the scattering center. The range resolution is equal to the azimuth resolution, the shape of the scattering center is circular; the range resolution is not equal to the azimuth resolution, and the shape of the scattering center is elliptic. In order to obtain more accurate two-dimensional image, the appropriate range resolution and azimuth resolution can be considered when using the ideal point scattering model for two-dimensional imaging. The two-dimensional imaging results of the plate at different azimuth and angle can be used as a reference for the study of non-ideal point scattering model.

  • Deep Unrolling of Non-Linear Diffusion with Extended Morphological Laplacian

    Gouki OKADA  Makoto NAKASHIZUKA  


    E106-A No:11

    This paper presents a deep network based on unrolling the diffusion process with the morphological Laplacian. The diffusion process is an iterative algorithm that can solve the diffusion equation and represents time evolution with Laplacian. The diffusion process is applied to smoothing of images and has been extended with non-linear operators for various image processing tasks. In this study, we introduce the morphological Laplacian to the basic diffusion process and unwrap to deep networks. The morphological filters are non-linear operators with parameters that are referred to as structuring elements. The discrete Laplacian can be approximated with the morphological filters without multiplications. Owing to the non-linearity of the morphological filter with trainable structuring elements, the training uses error back propagation and the network of the morphology can be adapted to specific image processing applications. We introduce two extensions of the morphological Laplacian for deep networks. Since the morphological filters are realized with addition, max, and min, the error caused by the limited bit-length is not amplified. Consequently, the morphological parts of the network are implemented in unsigned 8-bit integer with single instruction multiple data set (SIMD) to achieve fast computation on small devices. We applied the proposed network to image completion and Gaussian denoising. The results and computational time are compared with other denoising algorithm and deep networks.

  • A Method to Improve the Quality of Point-Light-Style Images Using Peripheral Difference Filters with Different Window Sizes

    Toru HIRAOKA  Kanya GOTO  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E106-A No:11

    We propose a non-photorealistic rendering method for automatically generating point-light-style (PLS) images from photographic images using peripheral difference filters with different window sizes. The proposed method can express PLS patterns near the edges of photographic images as dots. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments were conducted to visually confirm PLS images generated from various photographic images.

  • Real-Time Detection of Fiber Bending and/or Optical Filter Shift by Machine-Learning of Tapped Raw Digital Coherent Optical Signals

    Yuichiro NISHIKAWA  Shota NISHIJIMA  Akira HIRANO  


    E106-B No:11

    We have proposed autonomous network diagnosis platform for operation of future large capacity and virtualized network, including 5G and beyond 5G services. As for the one candidate of information collection and analyzing function blocks in the platform, we proposed novel optical sensing techniques that utilized tapped raw signal data acquired from digital coherent optical receivers. The raw signal data is captured before various digital signal processing for demodulation. Therefore, it contains various waveform deformation and/or noise as it experiences through transmission fibers. In this paper, we examined to detect two possible failures in transmission lines including fiber bending and optical filter shift by analyzing the above-mentioned raw signal data with the help of machine learning. For the purpose, we have implemented Docker container applications in WhiteBox Cassini to acquire real-time raw signal data. We generated CNN model for the detections in off-line processing and used them for real-time detections. We have confirmed successful detection of optical fiber bend and/or optical filter shift in real-time with high accuracy. Also, we evaluated their tolerance against ASE noise and invented novel approach to improve detection accuracy. In addition to that, we succeeded to detect them even in the situation of simultaneous occurrence of those failures.

  • Physical Status Representation in Multiple Administrative Optical Networks by Federated Unsupervised Learning

    Takahito TANIMURA  Riu HIRAI  Nobuhiko KIKUCHI  


    E106-B No:11

    We present our data-collection and deep neural network (DNN)-training scheme for extracting the optical status from signals received by digital coherent optical receivers in fiber-optic networks. The DNN is trained with unlabeled datasets across multiple administrative network domains by combining federated learning and unsupervised learning. The scheme allows network administrators to train a common DNN-based encoder that extracts optical status in their networks without revealing their private datasets. An early-stage proof of concept was numerically demonstrated by simulation by estimating the optical signal-to-noise ratio and modulation format with 64-GBd 16QAM and quadrature phase-shift keying signals.
