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  • Statistical Analysis of a Simple Constrained High-Order Yule-Walker Tone Frequency Estimator

    Yegui XIAO  Yoshiaki TADOKORO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:10

    In this work, a statistical analysis is performed for a simple constrained high-order Yule-Walker (YW) tone frequency estimator obtained from the first equation of the constrained high-order YW equations. Explicit expressions for its estimation bias and variance are efficiently derived by virtue of a Taylor series expansion technique. Especially, being explicit in terms of frequency, data length and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value, the resulting bias expression can not be obtained by using the asymptotic analyses used for the parameter estimation methods. The obtained expressions are compared with their counterparts of the Pisarenko tone frequency estimator. Simulations are performed to support the theoretical results.

  • A New Scheduling Scheme in Responsive Systems

    Seongbae EUN  Seung Ryoul MAENG  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E78-D No:10

    The integration of both real-time systems and fault-tolerant systems has been emerged as one of the greatest challenges of this decade. It is called a responsive system, which has the objective to optimeze both timeliness and reliability. The performance measure in responsive systems is responsiveness that tells how probable a system executes correctly on time with faults occurred. While there have been some achievements in communication protocols and specification, we believe that scheduling problems in responsive systems are not understood deeply and sufficiently, yet. In this paper, we discuss the scheduling problem in responsive systems. At first, we investigate the issues in the scheduling and propose the precise definition of the responsiveness. We also suggest a scheduling algorithm called Responsive Earliest Deadline First (REDF) for preemptive aperiodic tasks in a uniprocessor system. We show that REDF is optimal to obtain the maximum responsiveness, and the time complexity is analyzed to be (N 2N). By illustrating a contradictory example, it is shown that REDF can be enhanced if a constraint on tasks is released.

  • Synthesizing Efficient VLSI Array Processors from Iterative Algorithms by Excluding Pseudo-Dependences

    Yeong-Sheng CHEN  Sheng-De WANG  Kuo-Chun SU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:10

    This paper is concerned with synthesizing VLSI array processors from iterative algorithms. Our primary objective is to obtain the highest processor efficiency but not the shortest completion time. Unlike most of the previous work that assumes the index space of the given iterative algorithm to be boundless, the proposed method takes into account the effects of the boundaries of the index space. Due to this consideration, the pseudo-dependence relations are excluded, and most of the independent computations can therefore be uniformly grouped. With the method described in this paper, the index space is partitioned into equal-size blocks and the corresponding computations are systematically and uniformly mapped into processing elements. The synthesized VLSI array processors possess the attractive feature of very high processor efficiency, which, in general, is superior to what is derived from the conventional linear transformation methods.

  • A Study of the Pendulum Equation with a Periodic Impulsive Force--Bifurcation and Control--

    Tetsushi UETA  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  Ikuro MORITA  


    E78-A No:10

    The pendulum equation with a periodic impulsive force is investigated. This model described by a second order differential equation is also derived from dynamics of the stepping motor. In this paper, firstly, we analyze bifurcation phenomena of periodic solutions observed in a generalized pendulum equation with a periodic impulsive force. There exist two topologically different kinds of solution which can be chaotic by changing system parameters. We try to stabilize an unstable periodic orbit embedded in the chaotic attractor by small perturbations for the parameters. Secondly, we investigate the intermittent drive characteristics of two-phase hybrid stepping motor. We suggest that the unstable operations called pull-out are caused by bifurcations. Finally, we proposed a control method to avoid the pull-out by changing the repetitive frequency and stepping rate.

  • Reliability of 3-D Reconstruction by Stereo Vision

    Yasushi KANAZAWA  Kenichi KANATANI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E78-D No:10

    Theoretically, corresponding pairs of feature points between two stereo images can determine their 3-D locations uniquely by triangulation. In the presence of noise, however, corresponding feature points may not satisfy the epipolar equation exactly, so we must first correct the corresponding pairs so as to satisfy the epipolar equation. In this paper, we present an optimal correction method based on a statistical model of image noise. Our method allows us to evaluate the magnitude of image noise a posteriori and compute the covariance matrix of each of the reconstructed 3-D points. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by doing numerical simulation and real-image experiments.

  • Tokky: A High-Performance, Randomizing Adaptive Message Router with Packet Expressway

    Andrew FLAVELL  Yoshizo TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:10

    We propose a new high-performance message router for k-ary n-cube multicomputer systems, called the Tokky router. The router utilizes a small number of queues at the outputs of its communication ports to allow fully adaptive routing, misrouting to prevent deadlocks and randomization to prevent livelock. Uncongeste network performance is improved by the inclusion of the packet expressway. Accurate models are developed to predict the switch and buffer performance of routers for varying radix and dimension and these models can be used in the design of routers for networks other than those investigated here. The simulated performance of the router exceeds that of published results for oblivious routers and is equal to or exceeds those reported for other adaptive routers. These performance predictions are especially encouraging when the simplicity of the control structures required to implement the router are taken into consideration.

  • A Mathematical Solution to a Network Designing Problem

    Yoshikane TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:10

    One of the major open issues in neural network research includes a Network Designing Problem (NDP): find a polynomial-time procedure that produces minimal structures (the minimum intermediate size, thresholds and synapse weights) of multilayer threshold feed-forward networks so that they can yield outputs consistent with given sample sets of input-output data. The NDP includes as a sub-problem a Network Training Problem (NTP) where the intermediate size is given. The NTP has been studied mainly by use of iterative algorithms of network training. This paper, making use of both rate distortion theory in information theory and linear algebra, solves the NDP mathematically rigorously. On the basis of this mathematical solution, it furthermore develops a mathematical solution Procedure to the NDP that computes the minimal structure straightforwardly from the sample set. The Procedure precisely attains the minimum intermediate size, although its computational time complexity can be of non-polynomial order at worst cases. The paper also refers to a polynomial-time shortcut to the Procedure for practical use that can reach an approximately minimum intermediate size with its error measurable. The shortcut, when the intermediate size is pre-specified, reduces to a promising alternative as well to current network training algorithms to the NTP.

  • A 3-D Boundary Element Analysis of EM Wave Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Body with Edges and Corners

    Katsuya MANABE  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  


    E78-C No:10

    A numerical scheme to analyze a three-dimensional perfectly conducting body that has edges and corners is presented. The geometry of the body can be arbitrary. A new formulation using boundary element method has been developed. This formulation allows that a scatterer has edges and corners, where the behavior of the electromagnetic fields become singular.

  • Generalized Ray Expansion with Elliptic Ray Tubes in Hybrid Analysis of EM Scattering by Open Cavities

    Robert J. BURKHOLDER  Prabhakar H. PATHAK  Hsi-Tseng CHOU  Dennis ANDERSH  


    E78-C No:10

    A hybrid analysis of the electromagnetic scattering by an open cavity containing an interior obstacle when it is illuminated by an external source is presented so that it is valid for high frequencies. This hybrid approach breaks down the problem into three basic parts which can be analyzed separately, via methods best suited for each part, and these separate solutions are then combined systematically via generalized recipricity relations to obtain the total solution. The three separate analyses deal with the scattering by the open end being illuminated, the wave propagation within the cavity, and the scattering by the interior obstacle. The propagation region analysis is based on the use of the generalized ray expansion that employs a new elliptic ray tube basis set which makes this expansion far more efficient in that it requires significantly fewer number of these than is possible with conventional ray tubes. Numerical results illustrating the utility of this hybrid approach are presented.

  • Data Bypassing Register File for Low Power Microprocessor

    Makoto IKEDA  Kunihiro ASADA  

    LETTER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:10

    In this paper, we propose a register file with data bypassing function. This register file bypasses data using data bypassing units instead of functional units when actual operation in functional units such as ALU is unnecessary. Applying this method to a general purpose microprocessor with benchmark programs, we demonstrate 50% power consumption reduction in functional units. Though length of bus lines increases a little due to an additional hardware in register file, as buses are not driven when data is bypassed, power consumption in bus lines is also reduced by 40% compared with the conventional architecture.

  • Simulation and Design of the LC Resonant Circuit Security Tags

    Kiyoshi INUI  Masanobu KOMINAMI  Hiroji KUSAKA  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E78-A No:10

    On a simple model, the quality of the security tag is simulated theoretically and experimentally. A simple correction makes both results correspond exactly and a simulation formula is provided. By using novel insulating film, a small-sized tag of high quality is developed.

  • Prediction of Chaotic Time Series with Noise

    Tohru IKEGUCHI  Kazuyuki AIHARA  


    E78-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose algorithm of deterministic nonlinear prediction, or a modified version of the method of analogues which was originally proposed by E.N. Lorenz (J. Atom. Sci., 26, 636-646, 1969), and apply it to the artificial time series data produced from nonlinear dynamical systems and further corrupted by superimposed observational noise. The prediction performance of the present method are investigated by calculating correlation coefficients, root mean square errors and signature errors and compared with the prediction algorithm of local linear approximation method. As a result, it is shown that the prediction performance of the proposed method are better than those of the local linear approximation especially in case that the amount of noise is large.

  • Electromagnetic Wave Scattering in Media Whose Particles are Randomly Displaced from a Uniformly Ordered Spatial Distribution

    Mitsuo TATEIBA  


    E78-C No:10

    Coherent and incoherent electromagnetic (EM) waves scattered by many particles are approximately expressed as solutions of integral equations by unconventional multiple scattering method. The particles are randomly displaced from a uniformly ordered distribution, and hence the distribution of particles can change from total uniformity to complete randomness. The approximate expressions of the EM waves are systematically given, independent of the distributions of particles, on the following assumptions. First the particles are identical in material, shape, size and orientation. Second each random displacement of particles from the ordered positions is statistically independent of each other and homogeneous in space. These assumptions may be extended to more general ones but have been used here to make clear the derivation process of the coherent and incoherent EM waves. The approximate expressions of the EM waves are reduced to known ones for both limiting cases: a periodic distribution and a very sparse random distribution. The effective dielectric constant of a random medium containing randomly distributed dielectric spheres can be calculated from the coherent EM wave and compared with those given by conventional methods such as the quasi-crystalline approximation, using the previous results. The comparison indicates the advantage of the method presented here. The present method is expected to be useful for the study of interaction of EM waves with many particles.

  • A Portable Communication Terminal for Novices and Its User Interface Software

    Kiyoshi KATO  Hitoshi MIYAI  


    E78-B No:10

    Portable terminals have the potential of providing information and communication services not only to computer experts at their offices but also to many users being in a variety of daily life situations. The current user interfaces (UIs) of portable terminals are not suitable for a novice user of computers; they require some knowledge on computers from a user. To overcome this problem, the authors tried to implement their knowledge on the daily life in the design of a UI for novice users. As a result, two UI mechanisms, called Novice Interface and Graphical Metaphor Interface, which provide operations, expressions, and data structures in a way similar to those usually used in daily life are proposed. Novice Interface is to provide easy to use environment. It adopts a direct manipulation device with three buttons and a model of data structures, called Small World Model, that limits the number of functions and the depth of hierarchical menu. Graphical Metaphor Interface, being an extension of Novice Interface, is to provide services with a display screen that makes them well-understandable for any user. The proposed UI mechanisms were implemented in a prototype terminal and its software platform. The former offers several applications of the information services (like teleshopping, home banking, or database retrieval) and the communication services (like pen-based image mail, software fax, or telewriting); the latter enables those application programs to provide a consistent UI.

  • Three-Dimensional Analytical Electrostatic Green's Functions for Shielded and Open Arbitrarily Multilayered Medium Structures and Their Application to Analysis of Microstrip Discontinuities

    Keren LI  Kazuhiko ATSUKI  


    E78-C No:10

    In this paper, we present for the first time two three-dimensional analytical electrostatic Green's functions for shielded and open arbitrarily multilayered medium structures. The analytical formulas for the Green's functions are simply expressed in the form of Fourier series and integrals, and are applicable to the arbitrary number of dielectric layers. In combination with the complex image charge method, we demonstrate an efficient application to analyze microstrip discontinuities in a three-layered dielectric structure. Numerical results for the capacitance associated with on open-end discontinuity show good agreement with those from a previous paper and the effectiveness of using the analytical Green's functions to analyze three-dimensional electrostatic problems.

  • A Priori Estimation of Newton Type Homotopy Method for Calculating an Optimal Solution of Convex Optimization Problem

    Mitsunori MAKINO  


    E78-A No:10

    In this paper a priori estimation method is presented for calculating solution of convex optimization problems (COP) with some equality and/or inequality constraints by so-called Newton type homotopy method. The homotopy method is known as an efficient algorithm which can always calculate solution of nonlinear equations under a certain mild condition. Although, in general, it is difficult to estimate a priori computational complexity of calculating solution by the homotopy method. In the presented papers, a sufficient condition is considered for linear homotopy, under which an upper bound of the complexity can be estimated a priori. For the condition it is seen that Urabe type convergence theorem plays an important role. In this paper, by introducing the results, it is shown that under a certain condition a global minimum of COP can be always calculated, and that computational complexity of the calculation can be a priori estimated. Suitability of the estimation for analysing COP is also discussed.

  • Synchronization Phenomena in RC Oscillators Coupled by One Resistor

    Seiichiro MORO  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Shinsaku MORI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:10

    In this study, we propose a system of N Wien-bridge oscillators with the same natural frequency coupled by one resistor, and investigate synchronization phenomena in the proposed system. Because the structure of the system is different from that of LC oscillators systems proposed in our previous works, this system cannot exhibit N-phase oscillations but 3-phase and in-phase oscillations. Also in this system, we can get an extremely large number of steady phase states by changing the initial states. In particular, when N is not so large, we can get more phase states in this system than that of the LC oscillators systems. Because this system does not include any inductors and is strong against phase error this system is much more suitable for applications on VLSI compared with coupled system of van der Pol type LC oscillators.

  • A Formal Technique to Analyze Event Concurrent Response

    Hiromi KOBAYASHI  Yasunari SHIDAMA  

    LETTER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:10

    We present that event-transition diagrams are useful to analyze event concurrent response visually. Event-transition diagrams are dual for state-transition diagrams in graph theory. As an example of an usage of an event-transition diagram, a simple model of a railroad crossing is presented.

  • Process and Device Technologies for High Speed Self-Aligned Bipolar Transistors

    Tohru NAKAMURA  Takeo SHIBA  Takahiro ONAI  Takashi UCHINO  Yukihiro KIYOTA  Katsuyoshi WASHIO  Noriyuki HOMMA  


    E78-C No:9

    Recent high-speed bipolar technologies based on SICOS (Sidewall Base Contact Structure) transistors are reviewed. Bipolar device structures that include polysilicon are key technologies for improving circuit characteristics. As the characteristics of the upward operated SICOS transistors are close to those of downward transistors, they can easily be applied in memory cells which have near-perfect soft-error-immunity. Newly developed process technologies for making shallow base and emitter junctions to improve circuit performance are also reviewed. Finally, complementary bipolar technology for low-power and high-speed circuits using pnp transistors, and a quasi-drift base transistor structure suitable for below 0.1 µm emitters are discussed.

  • Reconstructing Data Flow Diagrams from Structure Charts Based on the Input and Output Relationship

    Shuichiro YAMAMOTO  


    E78-D No:9

    The traceability of data flow diagrams against structure charts is very important for large software development. Specifying if there is a relationship between a data flow diagram and a structure chart is a time consuming task. Existing CASE tools provide a way to maintain traceability. If we can extract the input-output relationship of a system from a structure chart, the corresponding data flow diagram can be automatically generated from the relationship. For example, Benedusi et al. proposed a reverse engineering methodology to reconstruct a data flow diagram from existing code. The methodology develops a hierarchical data flow diagram from dependency relationships between the program variables. The methodology, however, transforms each module in structure charts into a process in data flow diagrams. The reconstructed diagrams may have different processes with the same name. This paper proposes a transformation algorithm that solves these problems. It analyzes the structure charts and extracts the input and ouput relationships, then determines how the set of outputs depends on the set of inputs for the data flow diagram process. After that, it produces a data flow diagram based on the include operation between the sets of output items. The major characteristics of the algorithm are that it is simple, because it only uses the basic operations of sets, it generates data flow diagrams with deterministic steps, and it can generate minimal data flow diagrams. This process will reduce the cost of traceability between data flow diagrams and structure charts.
