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  • Numerical Simulation of Low-Altitude Wind Shears for a Terminal Doppler Weather Radar System

    Yasuyoshi HORIBATA  Hiroshi OIKAWA  


    E79-B No:6

    Several major aircraft accidents have been attributed to low-altitude wind shears, which are normally caused by microbursts or gust fronts. Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) systems are being installed near major airports for the detection of low-altitude wind shears. In order to develop a TDWR system further, low-altitude wind shears were numerically simulated in this study. The basic equations, which contain prognostic equations for air velocity, pressure, temperature, water vapor, and rainwater, were solved using a finite difference scheme. A terrain-following coordinate transformation was employed to simulate terrain effects. The simulation results are presented in this paper.

  • Adaptive Determination of Maximum Diameter of Rain drops from ZDR

    Yuji OHSAKI  Kenji NAKAMURA  


    E79-B No:6

    A maximum diameter (Dmax) of raindrop should be assumed when rainfall rate (R) is estimates from the differential reflectivity (ZDR) and the horizontal reflectivity (ZH) measured with dual-polarization radar. If the assumed Dmax is different from actual Dmax, the estimated R contains errors. Using distrometer data, it was found that ZDR correlates with Dmax, and it was verified that when Dmax is adaptively determined by an empirical relationship between ZDR and Dmax, errors in estimated R can be reduced.

  • Special and Embedded Memory Macrocells for Low-Cost and Low-Power in MPEG Environment

    Hiroyuki HARA  Masataka MATSUI  Goichi OTOMO  Katsuhiro SETA  Takayasu SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Static RAMs

    E79-C No:6

    Special memory and embedded memories used in a newly designed MPEG2 decorder LSI are described. Orthogonal memory, which has a functionality of parallel-to-serial transposition, is employed in a IDCT(Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform) block for small area and low-power. The orthogonal memory realizes the special pupose with 50% of the area and the power compared with using flip-flop array. FIFO's and other dual-port memories are designed by using a single-port RAM operated twice in one clock cycle to reduce cost. Flip-Flop cell is one of the important memory elements in the MPEG environment, and is also improved for the low-cost optimizing functionality for video processing. The area and power of the fabricated MPEG2 decoder chip are reduced by 20% using these techniques. As for testability, direct test mode is implemented for small area. An instruction RAM is placed outside the pad area in parallel to a normal instruction ROM and activated by Al-masterslice for extensive debugging and an early sampling. Other memory related techniques and the key features of the decoder LSI are also described.

  • Studies of Winter Thundercloud Detection Using C-Band Weather Radar Data

    Yoshikazu KANAI  Kazuhiro YASUDA  Hiroshi OIKAWA  Masaaki SUGANO  Yuko SATO  


    E79-B No:6

    Winter thundercloud on the coast of the Sea of Japan is difficult for the detection and forecast. This paper reports the new method of thundercloud detection using C-Band weather radar data and meteorological data from rawin sonde. This method includes the thunderclouds echo tracking and chronological evaluation of thundercloud life-cycle stages. The detection probability of critical area for cloud-to-ground lightning is over 90% on winter cloud echo data. This method is workable on realtime processing in work-station computer.

  • CRL Airborne Multiparameter Precipitation Radar (CAMPR): System Description and Preliminary Results

    Hiroshi KUMAGAI  Kenji NAKAMURA  Hiroshi HANADO  Ken'ichi OKAMOTO  Naoki HOSAKA  Noriaki MIYANO  Toshiaki KOZU  Nobuhiro TAKAHASHI  Toshio IGUCHI  Hiroshi MIYAUCHI  


    E79-B No:6

    A new airborne rain radar named CAMPR (CRL Airborne Multiparameter precipitation Radar) has been developed for the major purpose of calibrating PR (Precipitation Radar) onboard TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission; scheduled to be launched in 1997) in orbit by observing the same rain with both CAMPR and TRMM satellite. CAMPR operates as a coherent radar at 13.8 GHz, the same frequency as TRMM-PR, and has polarimetric and Doppler capabilities. It is installed on a relatively small aircraft and can scan the antenna over a wide angle range, from the nadir to the near-horizon. These functions have been verified to work well and it is shown that the radar system is accurately calibrated. Examples of measurement data show CAMPR's high capability to extract various quantities relating to precipitation and cloud physics. Before the TRMM launch, CAMPR is being used to obtain TRMM-PR simulation data to help its algorithm development as well as to obtain data concerning precipitation and cloud physics.

  • Accuracy of Radar-AMeDAS Precipitation

    Ysutaka MAKIHARA  Naotaka UEKIYO  Akira TABATA  Yoshiyuki ABE  


    E79-B No:6

    A verification is made on the accuracy of Radar-AMeDAS precipitation, which represents hourly precipitation over the Japanese Islands and the surrounding sea area with a spatial resolution of 5km using data from 5cm conventional radars, 10cm Fujisan Radar, and Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System (AMeDAS) raingauge network. By comparing with data from a very dense raingauge network of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, it is found that 1) Radar-AMeDAS precipitation shows good agreement if a positioning error of one pixel of 5km square is allowed 2) Radar-AMeDAS precipitation represents almost the average of raingauge measurements in the 5km square for most of the precipitation caused by a large scale disturbance, and 3) Radar-AMeDAS precipitation is close to the maximum raingauge measurement in the pixel when precipitation is extremely localized such as thunderstorms or showers. Radar-AMeDAS precipitations are compared also with AMeDAS measurements statistically with respect to the appearance rates, that is (total number of pixels where specific intensity is observed) / (total number of all pixels), for different precipitation intensities. The rate of Radar- AMeDAS precipitation shows excellent agreement with that of AMeDAS if radar echoes are observed at the altitude lower than 2km. Since Radar- AMeDAS precipitation on land sometimes represents the maximum of precipitation in a pixel for the purpose of unfailingly detecting extremely localized severe precipitation, it shows a high appearance rate at high precipitation intensity than AMeDAS, which is considered to represent statistically the average of a pixel. As a result, in estimating areal rainfall amounts, Radar- AMeDAS precipitation overestimates AMeDAS measurement by 8% at 5mm/h and by 12% at 40mm/h. Radar- AMeDAS precipitation over the sea, with no local calibration by AMeDAS and with little influence of orography, is 2% weaker in intensity than AMeDAS at 10mm/h, and 12% at 40mm/h.

  • Digital Delay Locked Loop and Design Technique for High-Speed Synchronous Interface

    Yoshinori OKAJIMA  Masao TAGUCHI  Miki YANAGAWA  Koichi NISHIMURA  Osamu HAMADA  

    PAPER-Dynamic RAMs

    E79-C No:6

    We report two new timing control methods for high-speed synchronous interfaces in view of their application to high-speed synchronous DRAMs. These two new circuits are the measure-controlled DLL and the register-controlled DLL.We quantitatively analyzed the minimum operational cycle time for a synchronous interface, and related the minimum bus cycle time to two factors; the bus-to-clock timing skew, and the unit delay time of the DLL. Based on this analysis, we concluded that the I/O performance can be beyond 400 MHz by suppressing both factors to less than 200 ps.

  • Ferroelectric Nonvolatile Memory Technology

    Tatsumi SUMI  

    INVITED PAPER-Nonvolatile memories

    E79-C No:6

    Ferroelectic nonvolatile technology comprises the ferroelectric material technology, the process technology and the circuit technology. Bi based layered Perovskyte ferroelectric material, SrBi2Ta2O9, so called "Y 1," has superior characteristics in terms of endurance and nonvolatile properties, which is confirmed by a 256kbit ferroelectric nonvolatile memory. Critical issues regarding the ferroelectric process are reviewed. The lT/lC cell configuration which is essential for a high density memory and the reference voltage generator employed in the 256 k memory are described as is the architecture to reduce the power consumption of the memory.

  • An Algorithm for Designing a Pattern Classifier by Using MDL Criterion

    Hideaki TSUCHIYA  Shuichi ITOH  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E79-A No:6

    A algorithm for designing a pattern classifier, which uses MDL criterion and a binary data structure, is proposed. The algorithm gives a partitioning of the range of the multi-dimensional attribute and gives an estimated probability model for this partitioning. The volume of bins in this partitioning is upper bounded by ο((log N/N)K/(K+2)) almost surely, where N is the length of training sequence and K is the dimension of the attribute. The convergence rates of the code length and the divergence of the estimated model are asymptotically upper bounded by ο((log N/N)2/(K+2)). The classification error is asymptotically upper bounded by ο((log N/N)1/(K+2)). Simulation results for 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional attribute cases show that the algorithm is practically efficient.

  • A Super-Resolution Method Based on the Discrete Cosine Transform

    Hisashi SAKANE  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E79-A No:6

    In this paper, a super-resolution method based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is proposed for a signal with some frequency damage. If the damage process can be modeled as linear convolutoin with a type 1 linear phase FIR filter, it is shown that some DCT coefficients of the damaged signal are the same as those of the original signal except for the DCT coefficients corresponding to the frequency damage. From this investigation, the proposed method is provided for the DCTs with four types as expanding the super-resolution method based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). In addition,two magnification approaches based on the proposed method are described to improve the conventional approach.

  • Virtualized Endoscope System--An Application of Virtual Reality Technology to Diagnostic Aid--

    Kensaku MORI  Akihiro URANO  Jun-ichi HASEGAWA  Jun-ichiro TORIWAKI  Hirofumi ANNO  Kazuhiro KATADA  


    E79-D No:6

    In this paper we propose a new medical image processing system called Virtualized Endoscope System (VES)", which can examine the inside of a virtualized human body. The virtualized human body is a 3-D digital image which is taken by such as X-ray CT scanner or MRI scanner. VES consists of three modules; (1) imaging, (2) segmentation and reconstruction and (3) interactive operation. The interactive operation module has following thee major functions; (a) display of, (b) measurement from, and (c) manipulation to the virtualized human body. The user of the system can observe freely both the inside and the outside of a target organ from any point and any direction freely, and can perform necessary measurement interactively concerning angle and length at any time during observation. VES enables to observe repeatedly an area where the real endoscope can not enter without pain from any direction which the real endoscope can not. We applied this system to real 3-D X-ray CT images and obtained good result.

  • Program Production in the Age of Multimedia --DTPP: Desktop Program Production--

    Kazumasa ENAMI  Kazuo FUKUI  Nobuyuki YAGI  


    E79-D No:6

    In order to produce high quality multimedia contents efficiently, DTPP -desktop program production system- has been proposed. The DTPP is capable of supporting all the necessary procedures of program production, from planning to broadcasting, by molding each process into the desktop environment of program producers. The DTPP system consists of multimedia terminals, a media server, a computing server, and network system. In the DTPP, new technological concepts such as cooperative program production, indexing and utilization of attribute information of images, and video components and spatio-temporal editing will be installed.

  • A Proposal of Network Protocol with Performance for Multimedia Communication System*

    Ken OHTA  Takashi WATANABE  Tadanori MIZUNO  


    E79-D No:6

    Time-critical-communication, which should guarantee a time limit of a communication service is getting important in multimedia and factory automation fields. This paper proposes an IP-based protocol, Network Protocol with Performance (NPP) to provide the advanced best-effort service which takes a time constraint into account for real-time applications on the Internet. NPP uses the packet-scheduling function to make an effort to guarantee time constraints. Packet-scheduling algorithm chooses a packet in a NPP queue by a precedent level and a time constraint of each packet. We also discuss an application of NPP to multimedia communication system, and investigate performance of NPP by simulation.

  • Emotion Enhanced Face to Face Meetings Using the Concept of Virtual Space Teleconferencing

    Liyanage C. DE SILVA  Tsutomu MIYASATO  Fumio KISHINO  


    E79-D No:6

    Here we investigate the unique advantages of our proposed Virtual Space Teleconferencing System (VST) in the area of multimedia teleconferencing, with emphasis to facial emotion transmission and recognition. Specially, we show that this concept can be used in a unique way of communication in which the emotions of the local participant are transmitted to the remote party with higher recognition rate by enhancing the emotions using some intelligence processing in between the local and the remote participants. In other words, we can show that this kind of emotion enhanced teleconferencing systems can supersede face to face meetings, by effectively alleviating the barriers in recognizing emotions between different nations. Also in this paper we show that it is better alternative to the blurred or mosaiced facial images that one can find in some television interviews with people who are not willing to be exposed in public.

  • A Method for Displaying Virtual Spaces of Natural Scenes Employing Fractal-Based Shape Data Simplification and Visual Properties

    Noriaki KUWAHARA  Shin-ichi SHIWA  Fumio KISHINO  


    E79-D No:6

    In order to display complicated virtual spaces in real time, such as spaces consisting of a dynamic natural scenery, we earlier proposed a method for simplifying the shape data of 3-D trees whereby the amount of shape data is efficiently reduced. The method generates tree shapes based on a fractal model according to the required level of details (LOD). By using a texture-mapping technique, we experimentally showed that our method can display 3-D tree images with allowable image quality in real time. However, methods for controlling the LOD of 3-D tree shapes in virtual spaces have yet to be discussed. In this paper, quantitative evaluations were made on the effect of a data simplification method employing such visual properties as resolution difference between the central vision and peripheral vision. Results showed that it is possible to display a complicated scene containing many trees in real time by controlling the LOD of tree shapes in the virtual space considering such visual properties. Furthermore, so that reality can be added to the virtual space, we consider that it is important to display the natural sways of wind-blown trees and plants in real time. Therefore, we propose a method for generating sway data for simplified tree shape data based on a simple physical model, in which each branch is connected to several other branches by springs, and also a new texture-mapping technique for rendering simplified tree shapes, making it appear as if the shapes have a high LOD. Finally, we show some examples of images of trees generated in real time by using our method, in which many trees exist and sway due to wind.

  • A Practical Structural Representation of a Segmented Image

    Shoujie HE  Norihiro ABE  Chew Lim TAN  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:6

    A practical structural representation of a segmented image is presented. The practicalness is defined according to whether or not the representation can be directly generated from its corresponding segmented image. Two structural representations have been proposed in the literature. They are hierarchical structure and relational graph. Because they are defined totally on the basis of human perception, neither of the representations can be directly generated from the corresponding segmented image. The structural representation described in this paper, however, is based on the relations among pattern primitives and generated by applying some human-oriented constraints.

  • Tunnel Oxynitride Film Formation for Highly Reliable Flash Memory

    Tomiyuki ARAKAWA  Ryoichi MATSUMOTO  Takahisa HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Nonvolatile memories

    E79-C No:6

    A tunnel film(9 nm thick) formed by a rapid thermal oxidation in dry oxygen-rapid thermal nitridation in NH3-rapid thermal oxynitridation in N2O (ONN) sequence is applied to a stacked-gate flash memory cell, in which writing and erasing are carried out by Fowler-Nordheim tunneling at a drain and at a channel, respectively. The writing, erasing, endurance, disturbance and retention characteristics of the memory cells with ONN tunnel films are, for the first time, compared to those of the memory cells with conventional tunnel films such as dry oxide, N2O-oxynitride and reoxidized nitrided oxide tunnel films. No significant difference of the writing and erasing characteristics was observed among the memory cells with the various tunnel films. However, the amount of Vth window narrowing in the endurance characteristics of the memory cells with ONN (-12.9%) and reoxidized nitrided oxide(-11.4%) tunnel films were much smaller than those of the memory cells with RTO(-34.0%) and NO (-38.2%) after 106 write/erase cycles. Furthermore, the decrease in Vth in the drain disturbance characteristics of the memory cells with ONN tunnel films (21.2%) after weak electron-ejecting stress of 105 cycles was smaller than those of the memory cells with the other films(51.4-64.4%). The retention characteristics of the memory cells with ONN tunnel films under the thermal stress of 200, 5.9105 sec were superior(ΔVth=-2.1%) to those of the memory cells with the other films(ΔVth=-5.4 - -8.2%). The reasons of these findings are because ONN films exhibit smaller number of charge traps and interface states induced by write/erase cycle stress, and suppress leakage curent stimulated by the weak electron-ejecting bias and the thermal stress, compared to the dry oxide, the N2O-oxynitride and the reoxidized nitrided oxide. ONN films are found to be suitable for use as tunnel films of fiash memory cells.

  • A Circularly Polarized Broadband Rhombic Loop Antenna

    Hisashi MORISHITA  Kazuhiro HIRASAWA  Tsukasa NAGAO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E79-B No:6

    A broadband rhombic loop antenna is introduced to radiate a circularly polarized wave. This antenna has a single feed and is located above a ground plane. The perimeter of the loop is typically about 1.3 wavelength. One gap is made on the loop to produce a traveling wave distribution of current. Antenna characteristics are calculated by the method of moments and compared with the measured data. By adjusting a perimeter and a gap position of the loop, circular polarization is obtained. In addition, with the appropriate vertex angle of the rhombus, the bandwidth of about 20% for the axial ratio (2dB) is attained and the possibility of controlling the input impedance is found. Finally, it is observed that sense of circular polarization can be changed easily from left-hand to right-hand, and vice versa by switching one gap position to the other on the rhombic loop.

  • A Preliminary Study of Non-Uniform Beam Filling Correction for Spaceborne Radar Rainfall Measurement

    Toshiaki KOZU  Toshio IGUCHI  


    E79-B No:6

    A method to correct the path-integrated attenuation derived from spaceborne radar measurement for the non-uniform beam filling (NUBF) effect is studied . A preliminary test using the data obtained from shipborne and ground-based radars is performed. It is found that the relation between the coarse-scale variability (radar-measurable quantity, σL) and the fine-scale variability (a quantity necessary for the NUBF correction, σH) of rain depends somewhat upon the rain cases studied and there still remains some underestimation in the corrected results. Nevertheless, the test result demonstrates the potential of utilizing the "local" statistical properties of rain in order to decrease the bias error in rain rate estimation caused by the NUBF.

  • Analytical Design of Optimum FIR Digital Integrators

    Ashwani KUMAR  Balbir KUMAR  


    E79-A No:6

    In this paper,novel techniques for designing Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital integrators have been given. The design is based on analytical approach for computing the weights required in the structures. Exact mathematical formulas for computing these weights have been derived.
