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  • Test Generation for Sequential Circuits under IDDQ Testing

    Toshiyuki MAEDA  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-IDDQ Testing

    E81-D No:7

    This paper presents a test generation method for sequential circuits under IDDQ testing environment and the identification of untestable faults based on the information of illegal states. We consider a short between two signal lines, a short within one gate and a short between two nodes in different gates. The proposed test generation method consists of two techniques. First technique is to use weighted random vectors, and second technique is to use test generator for stuck-at faults. By using the two techniques together, high fault coverage and short computational time can be achieved. Finally experimental results for ISCAS89 benchmark circuits are presented.

  • Partial Scan Design Methods Based on n-Fold Line-Up Structures and the State Justification of Pure Load/Hold Flip-Flops

    Toshinori HOSOKAWA  Toshihiro HIRAOKA  Mitsuyasu OHTA  Michiaki MURAOKA  Shigeo KUNINOBU  

    PAPER-Design for Testability

    E81-D No:7

    We will present a partial scan design method based on n-fold line-up structures in order to achieve high fault efficiency and reduce test pattern generation time for practical LSIs. We will also present a partial scan design method based on the state justification of pure load/hold FFs in order to achieve high fault efficiency and reduce the number of scan FFs for practical LSIs with lots of load/hold FFs. Experimental results for practical LSIs show that our presented methods can achieve high fault efficiency (more than 99%) and reduce the number of scan FFs for the LSI with lots of load/hold FFs.

  • Direct Calculation Methods for Parameter Estimation in Statistical Manifolds of Finite Discrete Distributions

    Yukio HAYASHI  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E81-A No:7

    From an information geometric viewpoint, we investigate a characteristic of the submanifold of a mixture or exponential family in the manifold of finite discrete distributions. Using the characteristic, we derive a direct calculation method for an em-geodesic in the submanifold. In this method, the value of the primal parameter on the geodesic can be obtained without iterations for a gradient system which represents the geodesic. We also derive the similar algorithms for both problems of parameter estimation and functional extension of the submanifold for a data in the ambient manifold. These theoretical approaches from geometric analysis will contribute to the development of an efficient algorithm in computational complexity.

  • The Differentiation by a Wavelet and Its Application to the Estimation of a Transfer Function

    Yasuo TACHIBANA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    This paper deals with a set of differential operators for calculating the differentials of an observed signal by the Daubechies wavelet and its application for the estimation of the transfer function of a linear system by using non-stationary step-like signals. The differential operators are constructed by iterative projections of the differential of the scaling function for a multiresolution analysis into a dilation subspace. By the proposed differential operators we can extract the arbitrary order differentials of a signal. We propose a set of identifiable filters constructed by the sum of multiple filters with the first order lag characteristics. Using the above differentials and the identifiable filters we propose an identification method for the transfer function of a linear system. In order to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of the proposed method some numerical simulations are presented.

  • Characterization of Monotonic Multiple-Valued Functions and Their Logic Expressions

    Kyoichi NAKASHIMA  Yutaka NAKAMURA  Noboru TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E81-D No:6

    This paper presents some fundamental properties of multiple-valued logic functions monotonic in a partial-ordering relation which is introduced in the set of truth values and does not necessarily have the greatest or least element. Two kinds of necessary and sufficient conditions for monotonic p-valued functions are given with the proofs. Their logic formulas using unary operators defined in the partial-ordering relation and a simplification method for those logic formulas are also given. These results include as their special cases our former results for p-valued functions monotonic in the ambiguity relation which is a partial-ordering relation with the greatest element.

  • Index Reduction of Overlapping Strongly Sequential Systems

    Takashi NAGAYA  Masahiko SAKAI  Yoshihito TOYAMA  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E81-D No:5

    Huet and Levy showed that index reduction is a normalizing strategy for every orthogonal strongly sequential term rewriting system. Toyama extended this result to root balanced joinable strongly sequential systems. In this paper, we present a class including all root balanced joinable strongly sequential systems and show that index reduction is normalizing for this class. We also propose a class of left-linear (possibly overlapping) NV-sequential systems having a normalizing strategy.

  • Joint Control of Multiplexing and Traffic Smoothing for Multiple VBR MPEG Videos in Live Multimedia Services

    Jin-soo KIM  Jae-kyoon KIM  

    PAPER-ATM Traffic Control

    E81-B No:5

    In live multimedia applications with multiple videos, it is necessary to develop an efficient mechanism of multiplexing several MPEG video streams into a single stream and transmitting it over network without wasting excessive bandwidth. In this paper, we present an efficient multiplexing and traffic smoothing scheme for multiple variable bit rate (VBR) MPEG video streams in live video applications with finite buffer sizes. First, we describe the constraints imposed by the allowable delay bound for each elementary stream and by the multiplexer/receiver buffer sizes. Based on these constraints, a new multiplexing and traffic smoothing scheme is designed in such a way as to smooth maximally the multiplexed transmission rate by exploiting temporal and spatial averaging effects, while avoiding the buffer overflow and underflow. Through computer experiments based on an MPEG-coded video trace of Star-wars, it is shown that the proposed scheme significantly reduces the peak rate, coefficient of variation, and effective bandwidth of the multiplexed transmission rate.

  • Adaptive Bitrate Allocation in Spatial Scalable Video Coding of Fixed Total Bitrate

    Soon-Kak KWON  Jae-Kyoon KIM  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E81-A No:5

    This paper presents an efficient bandwidth allocation method for the two-layer video coding of different spatial resolution. We first find a model of distortion-bitrate relationship for the MPEG-2 spatial scalable coding in a fixed total bitrate system. Then we propose an adaptive bitrate allocation method for a constant distortion ratio between two layers with the given total bandwidth. In the proposed method, approximated model parameters are used for simple implementation. The validity of the approximation is proven in terms of the convergence to the desired distortion ratio. It is shown by simulation that the proposed bitrate allocation method can keep almost a constant distortion ratio between two layers in comparison to a fixed bitrate allocation method.

  • Negotiation Protocol for Connection Establishment with Several Competing Network Providers

    Nagao OGINO  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E81-B No:5

    In the future, more and more network providers will be established through the introduction of an open telecommunications market. At this time, it is necessary to guarantee the fair competition between these network providers. In this paper, a negotiation protocol for connection establishment is proposed. This negotiation protocol is based on the concept of open, competitive bidding and can guarantee fair competition between the network providers. In this negotiation protocol, each network providers objective is to maximize its profit. Conversely, each users objective is to select a network provider which will supply as much capacity as required. Employing this negotiation protocol, the users and the network providers can select each other based on their objectives. In this paper, adaptation strategies which network providers and users can adopt under the proposed negotiation protocol framework are also discussed. A network provider which adopts this strategy can obtain enough profit even when the number of connection requests is small relative to the idle bandwidth capacity. Moreover, a user who adopts this strategy can be sure to obtain bandwidth even when the idle bandwidth capacity is small relative to the number of connection requests.

  • Low-Computation Partially Blind Signatures for Electronic Cash

    Chun-I FAN  Chin-Laung LEI  


    E81-A No:5

    In a secure partially blind signature scheme, the signer assures that the blind signatures issued by him contains the information he desires. The techniques make it possible to minimize the unlimited growth of the bank's database which storing all spent electronic cash in an anonymous electronic cash system. In this paper we propose an efficient partially blind signature scheme for electronic cash. In our scheme, only several modular additions and modular multiplications are required for a signature requester to obtain and verify a signature. It turns out that the proposed scheme is suitable for mobile clients and smart-card applications because no time-consuming computations are required, such as modular exponentiation and inverse computations. Comparing with the existing blind signature schemes proposed in the literatures, our method reduces the amount of computations for signature requesters by almost 98%.

  • A Method to Convert Concurrent EFSMs with Multi-Rendezvous into Synchronous Sequential Circuit



    E81-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose a technique to synthesize a hardware circuit from a protocol specification consisting of several concurrent EFSMs with multi-rendezvous specified among their subsets. In our class, each multi-rendezvous can be specified among more than two EFSMs, and several multi-rendezvous can be specified for different combinations of EFSMs. In the proposed technique, using the information such as current states of EFSMs, input values at external gates and guard expressions, we compose a circuit to evaluate whether each multi-rendezvous can be executed. If several exclusive multi-rendezvous get executable simultaneously for some combinations of EFSMs, we select one of them according to the priority order given in advance. We compose such a circuit as a combinational logic circuit so that it works fast. By applying our technique to Abracadabra protocol specified in LOTOS, it is confirmed that the derived circuit handles multi-rendezvous efficiently.

  • A Concurrency Characteristic in Petri Net Unfolding

    Chang-Hee HWANG  Dong-Ik LEE  


    E81-A No:4

    Unfolding originally introduced by McMillan is gaining ground as a partial-order based method for the verification of concurrent systems without state space explosion. However, it can be exposed to redundancy which may increase its size exponentially. So far, there have been trials to reduce such redundancy resulting from conflicts by improving McMillan's cut-off criterion. In this paper, we show that concurrency is also another cause of redundancy in unfolding, and present an algorithm to reduce such redundancy in live, bounded and reversible Petri nets which is independent of any cut-off algorithm.

  • Focused-Beam-Induced Diffraction Rings from an Absorbing Solution

    Yasuo YOKOTA  Kazuhiko OGUSU  Yosuke TANAKA  

    PAPER-Quantum Electronics

    E81-C No:3

    We present an experimental and theoretical study of multiple diffraction rings of a cw Ar+ laser beam from a nitrobenzene solution of BDN (bis-(4-dimethylaminodithiobenzil)-nickel) caused by the spatial self-phase modulation. We examine in detail the effect of the intensity and phase shift profiles of the beam in the nonlinear medium by comparing the measured ring patterns with the theoretical results based on the Fraunhofer diffraction. Although the thickness of the sample is only 180 µm in our experiment, it is found that the intensity and phase shift profiles are broadened owing to the self-defocusing effect. It is also found that the phase shift profile is further broadened by the thermal diffusion. These two effects become remarkable when the focused beam is used.

  • Nonlinear Characteristics of Insulating LB Films with Nanometer Thickness Sandwiched between Au-Au Contact

    Isao MINOWA  Mitsumasa IWAMOTO  


    E81-C No:3

    It is well known that the existence of electrically resistive film layers formed on contact surfaces increases contact resistance and it causes a nonlinear relationship between voltage and current observed in a contact layer. Nonlinear distortion voltages can be detected by our sensitive detection system based on the dual frequency method when a thin film exists on the surface. In this study, multilayer films of polyimide (PI) was used as an ideal material of ultra thin film, because of electrically good insulator with simple molecular structure, to study non-linearity through metal-insulator-metal contact. The number of deposited layers between one and twenty one were formed on three types of substrates; (a) evaporated gold on a glass plate, (b) gold plate and (c) evaporated gold on gold plate, to obtain good insulating film. Where each layer of PI film has 0. 4 nanometer thickness. A pin contact was made by pressing a bent gold wire on the PI film. It is concluded that [1]; the second-order distortion voltage increases exponentially as the film thickness increases, [2]; polarity of the surface potential of PI depends on the film thickness, and that I-V characteristic depends on the polarity of the surface potential.

  • A Performance Analysis of Buffered DQDB Network with Request Arrival Process Depending on Its Request Counter Value and Its Location on the Buses

    Shu LI  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:3

    The location of stations on the buses can not be ignored in the analysis of the DQDB protocol, especially when traffic load is heavy. In this paper, we propose a new method to model the DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus) protocol by assuming that the request arrival process depends on both the value of the request counter and the location of a station on the buses. By taking these dependences, we can catch the real behavior of the DQDB stations, which is locationally dependent and unfair under heavy load traffic. Based on this model, we analyze the DQDB system with finite buffer by considering the request counter states and buffer states separately and obtain the throughput, mean packet delay and packet reject probability of individual stations. The throughput in individual stations matches that of simulation very well within the range of traffic up to the channel capacity. Also the delay and packet reject rate performance is good up to moderate traffic load. These numerical results reveal the properties of the location dependence and the unfairness of DQDB system under heavy load condition. The analytic results under heavy load traffic for a general DQDB system has not been reported till now. Therefore we conclude that our model and analysis are valid and effective.

  • A Realization of a Low-Voltage Differential-Output OTA Using a Simple CM Amplifier

    Fujihiko MATSUMOTO  Yasuaki NOGUCHI  


    E81-A No:2

    A technique for realization of low-voltage OTAs is presented in this letter. A very low-voltage differential-output OTA is realized by employing a new common-mode amplifier in the common-mode feedback circuit. The results of PSpice simulations are shown. The proposed OTA can operate at a 0. 9 V supply voltage.

  • Addend Dependency of Differential/Linear Probability of Addition

    Hiroshi MIYANO  


    E81-A No:1

    This letter gives a study of additionY=X+K mod 2w which is used in some cryptosystems as RC5. Our results enables us to express the differential and linear probability of addition as a function of addendK. To detect a good differential characteristics or linear approximation of a cryptosystem in which extended key is used as addend, we need to consider how the characteristics or approximations behave depending upon the value of the addend, which are clarified by our results.

  • Applicability Evaluation of Service Feature Enhancement Using Plug-in Modification Technique

    Keiichi KOYANAGI  Hiroshi SUNAGA  Tetsuyasu YAMADA  Hiromasa IKEDA  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E81-B No:1

    The Non-stop Service-Enhanceable Software (NOSES) platform was developed as part of our overall plan to establish a communications software platform that can be customized for use by various communications systems, such as STM, ATM and IN. The developed NOSES techniques are call-recovery restart, system file update, and on-line partial file modification, so called "Plug-in"; they were achieved by using dynamic program modification. A system-file update inevitably affects calls in service, despite efforts to save in-service calls by copying the call data from the old file to the new one. We therefore developed a different approach: Plug-in modification. This paper evaluates the applicability of the plug-in mechanism of the NOSES platform. Plug-in is a dynamic partial-file modification technique that does not affect calls in service in a communication switching system. In order to apply plug-in program modification widely, the static and dynamic properties of the modified software must be considered. Therefore, an applicability judgement matrix is introduced. The evaluated applicability of plug-in based on case studies and field data was about 60% for service feature additions and modifications. Thus, plug-in is effective for file maintenance of switching systems from the viewpoint of quick provisioning of new service features and bug fixes.

  • The Best Differential Characteristic Search of FEAL

    Kazumaro AOKI  Kunio KOBAYASHI  Shiho MORIAI  


    E81-A No:1

    This paper presents the results of the best differential characteristic search of FEAL. The search algorithm for the best differential characteristic (best linear expression) was already presented by Matsui, and improvements on this algorithm were presented by Moriai et al. We further improve the speed of the search algorithm. For example, the search time for the 7-round best differential characteristic of FEAL is reduced to about 10 minutes (Pentium/166 MHz), which is about 212. 6 times faster than Matsui's algorithm. Moreover, we determine all the best differential characteristics of FEAL for up to 32 rounds assuming all S-boxes are independent. As a result, we confirm that the N-round (7N32) best differential characteristic probability of FEAL is 2-2N, which was found by Biham. For N=6, we find 6-round differential characteristics with a greater probability, 2-11, than that previously discovered, 2-12.

  • A Self-Synchronization Method for the SS-CSC System

    Hiromasa HABUCHI  Toshio TAKEBAYASHI  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E80-A No:12

    In this paper, a simple frame synchronization method for the SS-CSC syytem is proposed, and the synchronization performance is analyzed. There have been growing interests in the M-ary/SS communication system and the bi-orthogonal modulation system because these systems can achieve the high frequency utilization efficiency. However, the frame synchronization is difficult. We proposed the SS-CSC system, and evaluated the bit error rate (BER) performance of the SS-CSC system under the completed synchronization. The BER performance of the SS-CSC system is much the same as that of the bi-orthogonal modulation system. In this paper, a frame synchronization method using the differential detector and racing counters is proposed. In particular, the lose lock time, the recovery time and the BER performance considering the synchronizing performance are analyzed. In consequence, the BER performance considering the synchronization performance can approach the lower bound of the SS-CSC system by tuning the number of the stages in racing counters.
