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  • Optimal Control of Timed Petri Nets Under Temporal Logic Constraints with Generalized Mutual Exclusion

    Kohei FUJITA  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E105-A No:5

    This paper presents a novel method for optimal control of timed Petri nets, introducing a novel temporal logic based constraint called a generalized mutual exclusion temporal constraint (GMETC). The GMETC is described by a metric temporal logic (MTL) formula where each atomic proposition represents a generalized mutual exclusion constraint (GMEC). We formulate an optimal control problem of the timed Petri nets under a given GMETC and solve the problem by transforming it into an integer linear programming problem where the MTL formula is encoded by linear inequalities. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach by a numerical simulation.

  • Improved Metric Function for AlphaSeq Algorithm to Design Ideal Complementary Codes for Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems

    Shucong TIAN  Meng YANG  Jianpeng WANG  Rui WANG  Avik R. ADHIKARY  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:5

    AlphaSeq is a new paradigm to design sequencess with desired properties based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). In this work, we propose a new metric function and a new reward function, to design an improved version of AlphaSeq. We show analytically and also through numerical simulations that the proposed algorithm can discover sequence sets with preferable properties faster than that of the previous algorithm.

  • BOTDA-Based Technique for Measuring Maximum Loss and Crosstalk at Splice Point in Few-Mode Fibers Open Access

    Tomokazu ODA  Atsushi NAKAMURA  Daisuke IIDA  Hiroyuki OSHIDA  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E105-B No:5

    We propose a technique based on Brillouin optical time domain analysis for measuring loss and crosstalk in few-mode fibers (FMFs). The proposed technique extracts the loss and crosstalk of a specific mode in FMFs from the Brillouin gains and Brillouin gain coefficients measured under two different conditions in terms of the frequency difference between the pump and probe lights. The technique yields the maximum loss and crosstalk at a splice point by changing the electrical field injected into an FMF as the pump light. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed technique can measure the maximum loss and crosstalk of the LP11 mode at a splice point in a two-mode fiber.

  • A Routing Strategy with Optimizing Linear Programming in Hybrid SDN

    Chenhui WANG  Hong NI  Lei LIU  


    E105-B No:5

    Software-defined networking (SDN) decouples the control and forwarding of network devices, providing benefits such as simplified control. However, due to cost constraints and other factors, SDN is difficult to fully deploy. It has been proposed that SDN devices can be incrementally deployed in a traditional IP network, i.e., hybrid SDN, to provide partial SDN benefits. Studies have shown that better traffic engineering performance can be achieved by modifying the coverage and placement of SDN devices in hybrid SDN, because they can influence the behavior of legacy switches through certain strategies. However, it is difficult to develop and execute a traffic engineering strategy in hybrid SDN. This article proposes a routing algorithm to achieve approximate load balancing, which minimizes the maximum link utilization by using the optimal solution of linear programming and merging the minimum split traffic flows. A multipath forwarding mechanism under the same problem is designed to optimize transmission time. Experiments show that our algorithm has certain advantages in link utilization and transmission time compared to traditional distributed routing algorithms like OSPF and some hybrid SDN routing mechanisms. Furthermore, our algorithm can approximate the control effect of full SDN when the deployment rate of SDN devices is 40%.

  • SDM4IIoT: An SDN-Based Multicast Algorithm for Industrial Internet of Things

    Hequn LI  Jiaxi LU  Jinfa WANG  Hai ZHAO  Jiuqiang XU  Xingchi CHEN  


    E105-B No:5

    Real-time and scalable multicast services are of paramount importance to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications. To realize these services, the multicast algorithm should, on the one hand, ensure the maximum delay of a multicast session not exceeding its upper delay bound. On the other hand, the algorithm should minimize session costs. As an emerging networking paradigm, Software-defined Networking (SDN) can provide a global view of the network to multicast algorithms, thereby bringing new opportunities for realizing the desired multicast services in IIoT environments. Unfortunately, existing SDN-based multicast (SDM) algorithms cannot meet the real-time and scalable requirements simultaneously. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on SDM algorithm design for IIoT environments. To be specific, the paper first converts the multicast tree construction problem for SDM in IIoT environments into a delay-bounded least-cost shared tree problem and proves that it is an NP-complete problem. Then, the paper puts forward a shared tree (ST) algorithm called SDM4IIoT to compute suboptimal solutions to the problem. The algorithm consists of five steps: 1) construct a delay-optimal shared tree; 2) divide the tree into a set of subpaths and a subtree; 3) optimize the cost of each subpath by relaxing the delay constraint; 4) optimize the subtree cost in the same manner; 5) recombine them into a shared tree. Simulation results show that the algorithm can provide real-time support that other ST algorithms cannot. In addition, it can achieve good scalability. Its cost is only 20.56% higher than the cost-optimal ST algorithm. Furthermore, its computation time is also acceptable. The algorithm can help to realize real-time and scalable multicast services for IIoT applications.

  • Performance Evaluation of Classification and Verification with Quadrant IQ Transition Image

    Hiro TAMURA  Kiyoshi YANAGISAWA  Atsushi SHIRANE  Kenichi OKADA  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E105-B No:5

    This paper presents a physical layer wireless device identification method that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) operating on a quadrant IQ transition image. This work introduces classification and detection tasks in one process. The proposed method can identify IoT wireless devices by exploiting their RF fingerprints, a technology to identify wireless devices by using unique variations in analog signals. We propose a quadrant IQ image technique to reduce the size of CNN while maintaining accuracy. The CNN utilizes the IQ transition image, which image processing cut out into four-part. An over-the-air experiment is performed on six Zigbee wireless devices to confirm the proposed identification method's validity. The measurement results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve 99% accuracy with the light-weight CNN model with 36,500 weight parameters in serial use and 146,000 in parallel use. Furthermore, the proposed threshold algorithm can verify the authenticity using one classifier and achieved 80% accuracy for further secured wireless communication. This work also introduces the identification of expanded signals with SNR between 10 to 30dB. As a result, at SNR values above 20dB, the proposals achieve classification and detection accuracies of 87% and 80%, respectively.

  • Multicell Distributed Beamforming Based on the Altruistic and Egoistic Strategy with Local Channel State Information

    Zijia HUANG  Qinghai YANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:5

    In this paper, the sum cell rate based on altruistic and egoistic multicell distributed beamforming (MDBF) is studied with local channel state Information (CSI). To start with, we provide two sufficient conditions for implementing altruistic and egoistic strategy based on the traditional method, and give the proof of those condition. Second, a MDBF method based on the altruistic and egoistic strategy is proposed, where the altruistic strategy is implemented with the internal penalty function. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the effectiveness of the sufficient conditions and the proposed method has the different performance and advantages.

  • Long-Time Coherent Integration for Non-Radial Moving Target Based on Radon Fourier Transform with Modified Variant Angle Open Access

    Denghui YAO  Xiaoyong ZHANG  Zhengbo SUN  Dexiu HU  


    E105-B No:5

    Long-term coherent integration can significantly improve the ability to detect maneuvering targets by radar. Especially for weak targets, longer integration times are needed to improve. But for non-radially moving targets, the time-varying angle between target moving direction and radar line of sight will cause non-linear range migration (NLRM) and non-linear Doppler frequency migration (NLDFM) within long-time coherent processing, which precludes existing methods that ignore angle changes, and seriously degrades the performance of coherent integration. To solve this problem, an efficient method based on Radon Fourier transform (RFT) with modified variant angle model (ARFT) is proposed. In this method, a new parameter angle is introduced to optimize the target motion model, and the NLRM and NLDFM are eliminated by range-velocity-angle joint three-dimensional searching of ARFT. Compared with conventional algorithms, the proposed method can more accurately compensate for the NLRM and NLDFM, thus achieving better integration performance and detection probability for non-radial moving weak targets. Numerical simulations verify the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method.

  • Research on Mongolian-Chinese Translation Model Based on Transformer with Soft Context Data Augmentation Technique

    Qing-dao-er-ji REN  Yuan LI  Shi BAO  Yong-chao LIU  Xiu-hong CHEN  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E105-A No:5

    As the mainstream approach in the field of machine translation, neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved great improvements on many rich-source languages, but performance of NMT for low-resource languages ae not very good yet. This paper uses data enhancement technology to construct Mongolian-Chinese pseudo parallel corpus, so as to improve the translation ability of Mongolian-Chinese translation model. Experiments show that the above methods can improve the translation ability of the translation model. Finally, a translation model trained with large-scale pseudo parallel corpus and integrated with soft context data enhancement technology is obtained, and its BLEU value is 39.3.

  • Accuracy Improvement in DOA Estimation with Deep Learning Open Access

    Yuya KASE  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  Takanori SATO  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E105-B No:5

    Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of wireless signals is demanded in many applications. In addition to classical methods such as MUSIC and ESPRIT, non-linear algorithms such as compressed sensing have become common subjects of study recently. Deep learning or machine learning is also known as a non-linear algorithm and has been applied in various fields. Generally, DOA estimation using deep learning is classified as on-grid estimation. A major problem of on-grid estimation is that the accuracy may be degraded when the DOA is near the boundary. To reduce such estimation errors, we propose a method of combining two DNNs whose grids are offset by one half of the grid size. Simulation results show that our proposal outperforms MUSIC which is a typical off-grid estimation method. Furthermore, it is shown that the DNN specially trained for a close DOA case achieves very high accuracy for that case compared with MUSIC.

  • Maximum Doppler Frequency Detection Based on Likelihood Estimation With Theoretical Thresholds Open Access

    Satoshi DENNO  Kazuma HOTTA  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E105-B No:5

    This paper proposes a novel maximum Doppler frequency detection technique for user moving velocity estimation. The maximum Doppler frequency is estimated in the proposed detection technique by making use of the fact that user moving velocity is not distributed continuously. The fluctuation of the channel state information during a packet is applied for the proposed detection, in which likelihood estimation is performed by comparing the fluctuation with the thresholds. The thresholds are theoretically derived on the assumption that the fluctuation is distributed with an exponential function. An approximated detection technique is proposed to simplify the theoretical threshold derivation. The performance of the proposed detection is evaluated by computer simulation. The proposed detection accomplishes better detection performance as the fluctuation values are summed over more packets. The proposed detection achieves about 90% correct detection performance in a fading channel with the Eb/N0 = 35dB, when the fluctuation values are summed over only three packets. Furthermore, the approximated detection also achieves the same detection performance.

  • Speaker-Independent Audio-Visual Speech Separation Based on Transformer in Multi-Talker Environments

    Jing WANG  Yiyu LUO  Weiming YI  Xiang XIE  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E105-D No:4

    Speech separation is the task of extracting target speech while suppressing background interference components. In applications like video telephones, visual information about the target speaker is available, which can be leveraged for multi-speaker speech separation. Most previous multi-speaker separation methods are mainly based on convolutional or recurrent neural networks. Recently, Transformer-based Seq2Seq models have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various tasks, such as neural machine translation (NMT), automatic speech recognition (ASR), etc. Transformer has showed an advantage in modeling audio-visual temporal context by multi-head attention blocks through explicitly assigning attention weights. Besides, Transformer doesn't have any recurrent sub-networks, thus supporting parallelization of sequence computation. In this paper, we propose a novel speaker-independent audio-visual speech separation method based on Transformer, which can be flexibly applied to unknown number and identity of speakers. The model receives both audio-visual streams, including noisy spectrogram and speaker lip embeddings, and predicts a complex time-frequency mask for the corresponding target speaker. The model is made up by three main components: audio encoder, visual encoder and Transformer-based mask generator. Two different structures of encoders are investigated and compared, including ResNet-based and Transformer-based. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated in terms of source separation and speech quality metrics. The experimental results on the benchmark GRID dataset show the effectiveness of the method on speaker-independent separation task in multi-talker environments. The model generalizes well to unseen identities of speakers and noise types. Though only trained on 2-speaker mixtures, the model achieves reasonable performance when tested on 2-speaker and 3-speaker mixtures. Besides, the model still shows an advantage compared with previous audio-visual speech separation works.

  • Exploring Hypotactic Structure for Chinese-English Machine Translation with a Structure-Aware Encoder-Decoder Neural Model

    Guoyi MIAO  Yufeng CHEN  Mingtong LIU  Jinan XU  Yujie ZHANG  Wenhe FENG  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:4

    Translation of long and complex sentence has always been a challenge for machine translation. In recent years, neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved substantial progress in modeling the semantic connection between words in a sentence, but it is still insufficient in capturing discourse structure information between clauses within complex sentences, which often leads to poor discourse coherence when translating long and complex sentences. On the other hand, the hypotactic structure, a main component of the discourse structure, plays an important role in the coherence of discourse translation, but it is not specifically studied. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Chinese-English NMT approach that incorporates the hypotactic structure knowledge of complex sentences. Specifically, we first annotate and build a hypotactic structure aligned parallel corpus to provide explicit hypotactic structure knowledge of complex sentences for NMT. Then we propose three hypotactic structure-aware NMT models with three different fusion strategies, including source-side fusion, target-side fusion, and both-side fusion, to integrate the annotated structure knowledge into NMT. Experimental results on WMT17, WMT18 and WMT19 Chinese-English translation tasks demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the translation performance and enhance the discourse coherence of machine translation.

  • Codebook Design for Vertical Beamforming by Multi-Cell Coordination

    Kenji HOSHINO  Teruya FUJII  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing, Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E105-A No:4

    Fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication systems employ beamforming technology using massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) to improve the reception quality and spectrum efficiency within a cell. Meanwhile, coordinated beamforming among multiple base stations is an effective approach to improving the spectrum efficiency at the cell edges, in which massive MIMO is deployed at geographically distant base stations and beamforming control is conducted in a cooperative manner. Codebook-based beamforming is a method for realizing multi-cell coordinated beamforming, in which each base station selects one of multiple beams that are predefined in a codebook. In codebook-based beamforming, it is important to design an efficient codebook that takes into account the beam allocation and the number of beams. In general, the larger the number of beams defined in a codebook, the more finely tuned the beam control can be and a greater improvement in spectrum efficiency can be expected. However, it requires a huge signal processing to optimize the beam combinations with a large number of beams by coordinated beamforming. This paper proposes a novel codebook design that efficiently assigns beam directions and widths in a vertical plane. Computer simulations showed that the proposed codebook performs as well as the conventional method while requiring fewer beam combinations.

  • Master-Teacher-Student: A Weakly Labelled Semi-Supervised Framework for Audio Tagging and Sound Event Detection

    Yuzhuo LIU  Hangting CHEN  Qingwei ZHAO  Pengyuan ZHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E105-D No:4

    Weakly labelled semi-supervised audio tagging (AT) and sound event detection (SED) have become significant in real-world applications. A popular method is teacher-student learning, making student models learn from pseudo-labels generated by teacher models from unlabelled data. To generate high-quality pseudo-labels, we propose a master-teacher-student framework trained with a dual-lead policy. Our experiments illustrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art model on both tasks.

  • A Data Augmentation Method for Cow Behavior Estimation Systems Using 3-Axis Acceleration Data and Neural Network Technology

    Chao LI  Korkut Kaan TOKGOZ  Ayuka OKUMURA  Jim BARTELS  Kazuhiro TODA  Hiroaki MATSUSHIMA  Takumi OHASHI  Ken-ichi TAKEDA  Hiroyuki ITO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E105-A No:4

    Cow behavior monitoring is critical for understanding the current state of cow welfare and developing an effective planning strategy for pasture management, such as early detection of disease and estrus. One of the most powerful and cost-effective methods is a neural-network-based monitoring system that analyzes time series data from inertial sensors attached to cows. For this method, a significant challenge is to improve the quality and quantity of teaching data in the development of neural network models, which requires us to collect data that can cover various realistic conditions and assign labels to them. As a result, the cost of data collection is significantly high. This work proposes a data augmentation method to solve two major quality problems in the collection process of teaching data. One is the difficulty and randomicity of teaching data acquisition and the other is the sensor position changes during actual operation. The proposed method can computationally emulate different rotating states of the collar-type sensor device from the measured acceleration data. Furthermore, it generates data for actions that occur less frequently. The verification results showed significantly higher estimation performance with an average accuracy of over 98% for five main behaviors (feeding, walking, drinking, rumination, and resting) based on learning with long short-term memory (LSTM) network. Compared with the estimation performance without data augmentation, which was insufficient with a minimum of 60.48%, the recognition rate was improved by 2.52-37.05pt for various behaviors. In addition, comparison of different rotation intervals was investigated and a 30-degree increment was selected based on the accuracy performances analysis. In conclusion, the proposed data expansion method can improve the accuracy in cow behavior estimation by a neural network model. Moreover, it contributes to a significant reduction of the teaching data collection cost for machine learning and opens many opportunities for new research.

  • Interleaved Sequences with Anti-Doppler Properties

    Xi CAO  Yang YANG  Rong LUO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:4

    In this letter, we discuss the ambiguity function of interleaved sequences. Furthermore, using the Guassian sum and choosing binary m-sequences as column sequences, we investigate the property of a binary sequence set given by Zhou, Tang, Gong (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 54(9), 2008), which has low ambiguity property in a large region. Those sequences could be used in radar systems.

  • Deep Gaussian Denoising Network Based on Morphological Operators with Low-Precision Arithmetic


    PAPER-Image, Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:4

    This paper presents a deep network based on morphological filters for Gaussian denoising. The morphological filters can be applied with only addition, max, and min functions and require few computational resources. Therefore, the proposed network is suitable for implementation using a small microprocessor. Each layer of the proposed network consists of a top-hat transform, which extracts small peaks and valleys of noise components from the input image. Noise components are iteratively reduced in each layer by subtracting the noise components from the input image. In this paper, the extensions of opening and closing are introduced as linear combinations of the morphological filters for the top-hat transform of this deep network. Multiplications are only required for the linear combination of the morphological filters in the proposed network. Because almost all parameters of the network are structuring elements of the morphological filters, the feature maps and parameters can be represented in short bit-length integer form, which is suitable for implementation with single instructions, multiple data (SIMD) instructions. Denoising examples show that the proposed network obtains denoising results comparable to those of BM3D [1] without linear convolutions and with approximately one tenth the number of parameters of a full-scale deep convolutional neural network [2]. Moreover, the computational time of the proposed method using SIMD instructions of a microprocessor is also presented.

  • Cylindrical Massive MIMO System with Low-Complexity Angle-Based User Selection for High-Altitude Platform Stations

    Koji TASHIRO  Kenji HOSHINO  Atsushi NAGATE  

    PAPER-Adaptive Array Antennas/MIMO

    E105-B No:4

    High-altitude platform stations (HAPSs) are recognized as a promising technology for coverage extension in the sixth generation (6G) mobile communications and beyond. The purpose of this study is to develop a HAPS system with a coverage radius of 100km and high capacity by focusing on the following two aspects: array antenna structure and user selection. HAPS systems must jointly use massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) and multiuser MIMO techniques to increase their capacity. However, the coverage achieved by a conventional planar array antenna is limited to a circular area with a radius of only tens of kilometers. A conventional semi-orthogonal user selection (SUS) scheme based on the orthogonality of channel vectors achieves high capacity, but it has high complexity. First, this paper proposes a cylindrical mMIMO system to achieve an ultra-wide coverage radius of 100km and high capacity. Second, this paper presents a novel angle-based user selection (AUS) scheme, where a user selection problem is formulated as a maximization of the minimum angular difference between users over all user groups. Finally, a low-complexity suboptimal algorithm (SA) for AUS is also proposed. Assuming an area with a 100km radius, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed cylindrical mMIMO system improves the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio by approx. 12dB at the boundary of the area, and it achieves approx. 1.5 times higher capacity than the conventional mMIMO which uses a planar array antenna. In addition, the results show that the proposed AUS scheme improves the lower percentiles in the system capacity distribution compared with SUS and basic random user selection. Furthermore, the computational complexity of the proposed SA is in the order of only 1/4000 that of SUS.

  • Opimon: A Transparent, Low-Overhead Monitoring System for OpenFlow Networks Open Access


    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E105-B No:4

    OpenFlow is a widely adopted implementation of the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture. Since conventional network monitoring systems are unable to cope with OpenFlow networks, researchers have developed various monitoring systems tailored for OpenFlow networks. However, these existing systems either rely on a specific controller framework or an API, both of which are not part of the OpenFlow specification, and thus limit their applicability. This article proposes a transparent and low-overhead monitoring system for OpenFlow networks, referred to as Opimon. Opimon monitors the network topology, switch statistics, and flow tables in an OpenFlow network and visualizes the result through a web interface in real-time. Opimon monitors a network by interposing a proxy between the controller and switches and intercepting every OpenFlow message exchanged. This design allows Opimon to be compatible with any OpenFlow switch or controller. We tested the functionalities of Opimon on a virtual network built using Mininet and a large-scale international OpenFlow testbed (PRAGMA-ENT). Furthermore, we measured the performance overhead incurred by Opimon and demonstrated that the overhead in terms of latency and throughput was less than 3% and 5%, respectively.
