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  • BER Performance of Optically Controlled MESFETs as Photodetectors

    Tatsuya SHIMIZU  Hiroyuki OHTSUKA  Kojiro ARAKI  

    PAPER-Optomicrowave Devices

    E79-C No:1

    This paper presents the performance of optically controlled MESFETs as photodetectors. The optical performance characteristics such as optic-to-electric responsivity, and BER for a π/4-QPSK signal are experimentally investigated. Measurements are performed by using MMIC compatible MESFETs. Experimental results are also evaluated in comparison with calculated PIN-PD limit. Optic-to-electric responsivity has high gain at lower received optical powers. It is shown experimentally that MESFET photodetectors improve the permissible optical power by 6 dB compared to the PIN-PD limit. Optically controlled MESFETs will provide a novel receivers for fiber-optic systems.

  • Frequency Characteristics of a Beamforming Network of an Optically Controlled Array Antenna and Its Radiation Pattern Measurements

    Kenichi YAMADA  Isamu CHIBA  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    As an optically controlled array antenna, a "two-laser type" using two laser diodes whose frequency difference is set to the desired microwave frequency has been proposed. In this paper, we confirm experimentally that the beamforming network of the two-laser type array antenna has very broadband characteristics by measuring the amplitude and phase of microwave signals at 1.5 GHz, 10 GHz and 20 GHz. Using the optically controlled beam forming network, the radiation pattern of a 4-element linear array antenna was measured at 1.5 GHz.

  • Trends of Fiber-Optic Microcellular Radio Communication Networks

    Shozo KOMAKI  Eiichi OGAWA  

    INVITED PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    Exploitation of air interfaces for mobile communications is rapidly increasing because of diversified service demands, technology trends and radio propagation conditions. This paper summarizes the radio and optic interaction devices and systems that can solve the future problems resulting from spreading demands in mobile multimedia communications. The concept of the Virtual Free Space Network (Radio Highway Network) is proposed for universal mobile access networks that can support any mobile service or radio air-interface. As one example of the proposed network, the optical TDMA network for radio is analyzed and results of some theoretical calculations are shown.

  • Novel Optoelectronic Networks Using Cascaded Optical Intensity Modulation Links for Frequency Multiplexing and Mixing.

    Yoshinori NAKASUGA  Kohji HORIKAWA  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    A new configuration is proposed for an optoelectronic network (OEN) using microwave frequency mixing and multiplexing. The mn OEN consists of m optical sources, m-parallel n-stage cascaded optical intensity modulators, and m-photodetectors. The mn OEN matrix is theoretically discussed, and 12, 22 and 33 OENs are analyzed in detail. The 22 OEN, which mixes and multiplexes microwaves, is further investigated and the theoretical prediction derived from OEN equations is experimentally confirmed.

  • Proposal of Fiber-Optic Radio Highway Networks Using CDMA Method

    Satoshi KAJIMA  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    This paper proposes fiber-optic radio highway network using code division multiple access (CDMA) method which is universally applicable for various type of personal radio services and radio air interfaces. The proposed system can asynchronously open the radio-free space among any microcells. The outage probability and the number of connectable radio base stations are theoretically analyzed and compared with these in using conventional subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) method. Analysis results show that the reduction effect of the optical signal beat noise, due to spread spectrum of optical signal, improves the number of the active RBSs in CDMA radio highway network.

  • A Finite Element Method for Scalar Helmholtz Equation with Field Singularities

    Hajime IGARASHI  Toshihisa HONMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E79-C No:1

    This paper describes a finite element method to obtain an accurate solution of the scalar Helmholtz equation with field singularities. It is known that the spatial derivatives of the eigenfunction of the scalar Helmholtz equation become infinite under certain conditions. These field singularities under mine the accuracy of the numerical solutions obtained by conventional finite element methods based on piecewise polynomials. In this paper, a regularized eigenfunction is introduced by subtracting the field singularities from the original eigenfunction. The finite element method formulated in terms of the regularized eigenfunction is expected to improve the accuracy and convergence of the numerical solutions. The finite element matrices for the present method can be easily evaluated since they do not involve any singular integrands. Moreover, the Dirichlet-type boundary conditions are explicitly imposed on the variables using a transform matrix while the Neumann-type boundary conditions are implicitly imposed in the functional. The numerical results for three test problems show that the present method clearly improves the accuracy of the numerical solutions.

  • Some Results on Decomposability of Weakly Invertible Finite Automata

    Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Xiaomei YU  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E79-D No:1

    An invertible length preserving transducer is called a weakly invertible finite automaton (WIFA for short). If the first letter of any input string of length τ + 1 is uniquely determined by the corresponding output string by a WIFA and its initial state, it is called a WIFA with delay τ. The composition of two WIFAs is the natural concatenation of them. The composition is also a WIFA whose delay is less than or equal to the sum of the delays of the two WIFAs. In this paper we derive various results on a decomposition of a WIFA into WIFAs with smaller delays. The motivation of this subject is from theoretical interests as well as an application to cryptosystems. In order to capture the essence of the decomposability problem, we concentrate on WIFAs such that their input alphabets and their output alphabets are identical. A WIFA with size n of the input and output alphabet is denoted by an n-WIFA. We prove that for any n > 1, there exists an n-WIFA with delay 2 which cannot be decomposed into two n-WIFAs with delay 1. A one-element logic memory cell is a special WIFA with delay 1, and it is called a delay unit. We show that for any prime number p, every strongly connected p-WIFA with delay 1 can be decomposed into a WIFA with delay 0 and a delay unit, and that any 2-WIFA can be decomposed into a WIFA wiht delay 0 and a sequence of k delay units if and only if every state of the 2-WIFA has delay k.

  • Continuous Speech Recognition Using a Combination of Syntactic Constraints and Dependency Relationships

    Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E79-D No:1

    This paper proposes a Japanese continuous speech recognition mechanism in which a full-sentence-level context-free-grammar (CFG) and one kind of semantic constraint called dependency relationships between two bunsetsu (a kind of phrase) in Japanese" are used during speech recognition in an integrated way. Each dependency relationship is a modification relationship between two bunsetsu; these relationships include the case-frame relationship of a noun bunsetsu to a predicate bunsetsu, or adnominal modification relationships such as a noun bunsetsu to a noun bunsetsu. To suppress the processing overhead caused by using relationships of this type during speech recognition, no rigorous semantic analysis is performed. Instead, a simple matching with examples" approach is adopted. An experiment was carried out and results were compared with a case employing only CFG constraints. They show that the speech recognition accuracy is improved and that the overhead is small enough.

  • An Extraction Method of Dynamic Features in Pulsing Organs of Caenorhabditis Elegans During Feeding

    Yoshio EBINA  Hideki OKADA  Toshikatsu MIKI  Ryuzo SHINGAI  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E79-D No:1

    Caenorhabditis elegans during feeding gives good moving biological images",in which motions of several pulsing organs are superposed on its head swing. A powerful method to extract dynamic features is presented. First step is to use a variance picture VAG4 in order to pick up active pixel coordinates of concerned moving objects. Superiority of VAG4 over usual variance picture VAG2 is shown quantitatively by a model of moving particles. Pulsing areas of C. elegans, are exhibited more clearly in VAG4 than VAG2. Second step is use of a new subtraction method to extract main frequency bands. FFT spectra are averaged in active positions where VAG4 is above threshold THVR in the square with 88 pixels (ONA). The power spectra averaged in the enlarged squares (ELA) are subtracted from those in ONA, in which ELA includes ONA in its centre position. Large peak bands emerge in the subtracted power spectra. The subtraction eliminates the effect of head swing by spatial averagings in ELA. This new emphasizing method is compared to another subtraction method. The characteristic frequency of periodical moving organs coincides well with the values observed by other research groups and our visual estimation of replayed VTR images. Thus the proposed extraction method is verified to work well in double superposed motions.

  • A Liquid-Crystal Control, Coherent Type Optoelectronic Phased Array Antenna Beam Forming Network Using Polarization Multiplex Optical Heterodyning

    Osamu KOBAYASHI  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    An optoelectronic beam forming network (BFN) is presented for a single beam, 3-element phased array antenna that utilizes electrically controllable birefringence mode nematic liquid-crystal cells (ECB mode NLC cells) for phase shifting and amplitude control. In the circuit, a microwave signal is carried by a pair of orthogonal linearly polarized lightwaves (signal and reference lightwaves) using the optical heterodyning technique. Birefringence of liquid-crystals is utilized to selectively control the phase of the signal and reference lightwaves. Because an interferometer is formed on a single signal path, the complexity of the optical circuit is much reduced, compared to the BFNs based on arrays of Mach-Zender interferometers. A prototype circuit is built using laser sources of 1.3 µm, and its performance experimentally examined. With small deviations among the three cells, phase shifts of up to 240 degrees are achived for MW signals from 0.9 GHz to 20 GHz with good stability; attenuation of more than 18dB is achieved. An optoelectronic technique for parallel control of amplitude and phase of MW signals was developed.

  • Photonic Integrated Beam Forming and Steering Network Using Switched True-Time-Delay Silica-Based Waveguide Circuits

    Kohji HORIKAWA  Ikuo OGAWA  Tsutomu KITOH  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optically Controlled Beam Forming Networks

    E79-C No:1

    This paper proposes a photonic integrated beam forming and steering network (BFN) that uses switched true-time-delay (TTD) silica-based waveguide circuits for phased array antennas. The TTD-BFN has thermooptic switches and variable time delay lines. This TTD-BFN controls four array elements, and can form and steer a beam. An RF test was carried out in the 2.5 GHz microwave frequency range. The experimental results show a peak-to-peak phase error of 6.0 degrees and peak-to-peak amplitude error of 2.0 dB. Array factors obtained from the measured results agree well with the designed ones. This silica-based beam former will be a key element in phased array antennas.

  • On Ambiguity in Coppersmith' Attacking Method a against NIKS-TAS Scheme

    Shigeo TSUJII  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Masao KASAHARA  Eiji OKAMOTO  Ryuichi SAKAI  Yasuo MAEDA  Tomohiko YAGISAWA  


    E79-A No:1

    In this paper it is pointed out that although an elegant differential-like approach is developed, Coppersmith' attacking method on NIKS-TAS cannot succeed to forge a shared key of legitimate entities especially when p-1 contains highly composite divisors, as well as decomposibility-hard divisors. This is mainly due to a severe reduction of modulo size. Computer simulation results confirm this assertion. The ambiguity in the solutions to the collusion equations in the first phase can be analyzed by the elementary divisor theory. Moreover, two basis vectors, qi,ri in the second phase, are found to be inadequate to represent the space spanned by xi-yi and ui-vi(i=1,...,N), because qi,ri exist frequently over the space with small modulo size. Then, the erroneous values of αi,βi,...,εi(i=1,...,N) are derived from the inadequate basis vectors, qi,ri. Also, when the degeneracy in modulo size happens, the solutions to αi,βi,...,εi(i=1,...,N) cannot be solved even by means of the exhaustive search over the small prime divisors of p-1.

  • A Local Cover Technique for the Minimization of Multiple-Valued Input Binary-Valued Output Functions

    Giuseppe CARUSO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E79-A No:1

    The present paper is concerned with an algorithm for the minimization of multiple-valued input, binary-valued output functions. The algorithm is an extension to muitiple-valued logic of an algorithm for the minimization of ordinary single-output Boolean functions. It is based on a local covering approach. Basically, it uses a "divide and conquer" technique, consisting of two steps called expansion and selection. The present algorithm preserves two important features of the original one. First, a lower bound on the number of prime implicants in the minimum cover of the given function is furnished as a by-product of the minimization. Second, all the essential primes of the function are identified and selected during the expansion process. That usually improves efficiency when handling functions with many essential primes. Results of a comparison of the proposed algorithm with the program ESPRESSO-IIC developed at Berkeley are presented.

  • Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis of FEAL-8

    Kazumaro AOKI  Kazuo OHTA  


    E79-A No:1

    In CRYPTO '94, Langford and Hellman attacked DES reduced to 8-round in the chosen plaintext scenario by their "differential-1inear cryptanalysis," which is a combination of differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis. In this paper, a historical review of differential-linear cryptanalysis, our formalization of differential-linear cryptanalysis, and the application of differential-linear cryptanalysis to FEAL-8 are presented. As a result, though the previous best method (differential cryptanalysis) required 128 chosen plaintexts, only 12 chosen plaintexts are sufficient, in computer experimentations, to attack FEAL-8.

  • Fuzzy Clustering Networks: Design Criteria for Approximation and Prediction

    John MITCHELL  Shigeo ABE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E79-D No:1

    In previous papers the building of hierarchical networks made up of components using fuzzy rules was presented. It was demonstrated that this approach could be used to construct networks to solve classification problems, and that in many cases these networks were computationally less expensive and performed at least as well as existing approaches based on feedforward neural networks. It has also been demonstrated how this approach could be extended to real-valued problems, such as function approximation and time series prediction. This paper investigates the problem of choosing the best network for real-valued approximation problems. Firstly, the nature of the network parameters, how they are interrelated, and how they affect the performance of the system are clarified. Then we address the problem of choosing the best values of these parameters. We present two model selection tools in this regard, the first using a simple statistical model of the network, and the second using structural information about the network components. The resulting network selection methods are demonstrated and their performance tested on several benchmark and applied problems. The conclusions look at future research issues for further improving the performance of the clustering network.

  • Predistorter Implementation to SLD in Fiber-Optic Wireless Systems

    Yuji ABURAKAWA  Hiroyuki OHTSUKA  

    PAPER-Optomicrowave Devices

    E79-C No:1

    This paper describes the performance of a predistorter implementation to a superluminescent diode (SLD) in fiber-optic wireless systems under the optical reflection. SLD intensity noise and 3rd-order intermodulation distortion (IM3) are experimentally compared with those of DFB-and FP-LD. It is observed that the IM3 of SLD has ideal 3rd characteristics and output noise remains unchanged against the number of optical connectors. It is also found that the predistorter reduces IM3 by 8 dB. Receiver sensitivity of the system is discussed from the view point of overall design. the BER performance of an SLD with predistorter using a π/4-QPSK signal as a subcarrier is also described theoretically and experimentally.

  • An Economical Analysis for a Hybrid Data Backup System

    Masanori ODAGIRI  Tadashi DOHI  Naoto KAIO  Shunji OSAKI  

    PAPER-Reliability and Fault Analysis

    E79-A No:1

    This article considers a hybrid data backup model for a file system, which combines both conventional magnetic disk (MD) and write-once, read-many optical disk (OD). Since OD recently is a lower cost medium as well as a longer life medium than the ordinary MD, this kind of backup configuration is just recognized to be important. We mathematically formulate the hybrid data backup model and obtain the closed-form average cost rate when the system failure time and the recovery time follow exponential distributions. Numerical calculations are carried out to obtain the optimal backup policy, which is composed of two kinds of backup sizes from the main memory to MD and from MD to OD and minimizes the average cost rate. In numerical examples, the dependence of the optimal backup policy on the failure and the recovery mechanism is examined.

  • Optimization of Time-Memory Trade-Off Cryptanalysis and Its Application to DES, FEAL-32, and Skipjuck

    Koji KUSUDA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E79-A No:1

    In 1980, Hellman presented "time-memory trade-off cryptanalysis" for block ciphers, which requires precomputation equivalent to time complexity of exhaustive search, but can drastically reduce both time complexity on intercepted ciphertexts of exhaustive search and space complexity of table lookup. This paper extends his cryptanalysis and optimizes a relation among the breaking cost, time, and success probability. The power of the optimized cryptanalytic method can be demonstrated by the estimates as of January 1995 in the following. For breaking DES in one hour with success probability of 50% or more, the estimated cost of a simple and a highly parallel machine is respectively about 0.26[million dollars] and 0.06[million dollars]. Also it takes about six and two years respectively until each machine costs for breaking FEAL-32 on the same condition decreases to 1[million dollars]. Moreover, it takes about 22.5 and 19[years] respectively until each costs for breaking Skipjack similarly decreases to 1[million dollars], but time complexity of precomputation is huge in case of the former. The cost-time product for this precomputation will decrease to 20[million dollarsyears] in about 30[years].

  • Voltage-Mode Resonant Forward Converter with Capacitor-Input Filter*

    Toru HIGASHI  Masatoshi NAKAHARA  Tamotsu NINOMIYA  

    PAPER-Power Supply

    E79-B No:1

    A voltage-mode resonant forward converter with capacitor-input filter is proposed, and its static and dynamic characteristics for both half-wave type and full-wave type are revealed by analysis and experiment. As a result, this converter has prominent features of simplicity of circuit configuration, isolation between input and output and high stability.

  • Reliability of Hypercubes for Broadcasting with Random Faults

    Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Sabine R. OHRING  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E79-D No:1

    In this paper we analyze the reliability of a simple broadcasting scheme for hypercubes (HCCAST) with random faults. We prove that HCCAST (n) (HCCAST for the n-dimensional hypercube) can tolerate Θ(2n/n) random faulty nodes with a very high probability although it can tolerate only n - 1 faulty nodes in the worst case. By showing that most of the f-fault configurations of the n dimensional hypercube cannot make HCCAST (n) fail unless f is too large, we illustrate that hypercubes are inherently strong enough for tolerating random faults. For a realistic n, the reliability of HCCAST (n) is much better than that of the broadcasting algorithm described in [6] although the latter can asymptotically tolerate faulty links of a constant fraction of all the links. Finally, we compare the fault-tolerant performance of the two broadcasting schemes for n = 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and we find that for those practical valuse, HCCAST (n) is very reliable.
