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  • Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network Leading to High Performance and Interpretability via Attribute Estimation

    Keisuke MAEDA  Kazaha HORII  Takahiro OGAWA  Miki HASEYAMA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E103-A No:12

    A multi-task convolutional neural network leading to high performance and interpretability via attribute estimation is presented in this letter. Our method can provide interpretation of the classification results of CNNs by outputting attributes that explain elements of objects as a judgement reason of CNNs in the middle layer. Furthermore, the proposed network uses the estimated attributes for the following prediction of classes. Consequently, construction of a novel multi-task CNN with improvements in both of the interpretability and classification performance is realized.

  • PCA-LDA Based Color Quantization Method Taking Account of Saliency

    Yoshiaki UEDA  Seiichi KOJIMA  Noriaki SUETAKE  


    E103-A No:12

    In this letter, we propose a color quantization method based on saliency. In the proposed method, the salient colors are selected as representative colors preferentially by using saliency as weights. Through experiments, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Optimization Methods during RTL Conversion from Synchronous RTL Models to Asynchronous RTL Models

    Shogo SEMBA  Hiroshi SAITO  Masato TATSUOKA  Katsuya FUJIMURA  


    E103-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose four optimization methods during the Register Transfer Level (RTL) conversion from synchronous RTL models into asynchronous RTL models. The modularization of data-path resources and the use of appropriate D flip-flops reduce the circuit area. Fixing the control signal of the multiplexers and inserting latches for the data-path resources reduce the dynamic power consumption. In the experiment, we evaluated the effect of the proposed optimization methods. The combination of all optimization methods could reduce the energy consumption by 21.9% on average compared to the ones without the proposed optimization methods.

  • Lifespan Extension of an IoT System with a Fixed Lithium Battery

    Ho-Young KIM  Seong-Won LEE  

    PAPER-Software System

    E103-D No:12

    In an internet of things (IoT) system using an energy harvesting device and a secondary (2nd) battery, regardless of the age of the 2nd battery, the power management shortens the lifespan of the entire system. In this paper, we propose a scheme that extends the lifetime of the energy harvesting-based IoT system equipped with a Lithium 2nd battery. The proposed scheme includes several policies of using a supercapacitor as a primary energy storage, limiting the charging level according to the predicted harvesting energy, swinging the energy level around the minimum stress state of charge (SOC) level, and delaying the charge start time. Experiments with natural solar energy measurements based on a battery aging approximation model show that the proposed method can extend the operation lifetime of an existing IoT system from less than one and a half year to more than four years.

  • Subchannel and Power Allocation with Fairness Guaranteed for the Downlink of NOMA-Based Networks

    Qingyuan LIU  Qi ZHANG  Xiangjun XIN  Ran GAO  Qinghua TIAN  Feng TIAN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:12

    This paper investigates the resource allocation problem for the downlink of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) networks. A novel resource allocation method is proposed to deal with the problem of maximizing the system capacity while taking into account user fairness. Since the optimization problem is nonconvex and intractable, we adopt the idea of step-by-step optimization, decomposing it into user pairing, subchannel and power allocation subproblems. First, all users are paired according to their different channel gains. Then, the subchannel allocation is executed by the proposed subchannel selection algorithm (SSA) based on channel priority. Once the subchannel allocation is fixed, to further improve the system capacity, the subchannel power allocation is implemented by the successive convex approximation (SCA) approach where the nonconvex optimization problem is transformed into the approximated convex optimization problem in each iteration. To ensure user fairness, the upper and lower bounds of the power allocation coefficients are derived and combined by introducing the tuning coefficients. The power allocation coefficients are dynamically adjustable by adjusting the tuning coefficients, thus the diversified quality of service (QoS) requirements can be satisfied. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the existing methods in terms of system performance, furthermore, a good tradeoff between the system capacity and user fairness can be achieved.

  • Efficient Two-Opt Collective-Communication Operations on Low-Latency Random Network Topologies

    Ke CUI  Michihiro KOIBUCHI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:12

    Random network topologies have been proposed as a low-latency network for parallel computers. Although multicast is a common collective-communication operation, multicast algorithms each of which consists of a large number of unicasts are not well optimized for random network topologies. In this study, we firstly apply a two-opt algorithm for building efficient multicast on random network topologies. The two-opt algorithm creates a skilled ordered list of visiting nodes to minimize the total path hops or the total possible contention counts of unicasts that form the target multicast. We secondly extend to apply the two-opt algorithm for the other collective-communication operations, e.g., allreduce and allgather. The SimGrid discrete-event simulation results show that the two-opt multicast outperforms that in typical MPI implementation by up to 22% of the execution time of an MPI program that repeats the MPI_Bcast function. The two-opt allreduce and the two-opt allgather operations also improve by up to 15% and 14% the execution time when compared to those used in typical MPI implementations, respectively.

  • Meta-Strategy Based on Multi-Armed Bandit Approach for Multi-Time Negotiation

    Ryohei KAWATA  Katsuhide FUJITA  


    E103-D No:12

    Multi-time negotiation which repeats negotiations many times under the same conditions is an important class of automated negotiation. We propose a meta-strategy that selects an agent's individual negotiation strategy for multi-time negotiation. Because the performance of the negotiating agents depends on situational parameters, such as the negotiation domains and the opponents, a suitable and effective individual strategy should be selected according to the negotiation situation. However, most existing agents negotiate based on only one negotiation policy: one bidding strategy, one acceptance strategy, and one opponent modeling method. Although the existing agents effectively negotiate in most situations, they do not work well in particular situations and their utilities are decreased. The proposed meta-strategy provides an effective negotiation strategy for the situation at the beginning of the negotiation. We model the meta-strategy as a multi-armed bandit problem that regards an individual negotiation strategy as a slot machine and utility of the agent as a reward. We implement the meta-strategy as the negotiating agents that use existing effective agents as the individual strategies. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our meta-strategy under various negotiation conditions. Additionally, the results indicate that the individual utilities of negotiating agents are influenced by the opponents' strategies, the profiles of the opponent and its own profiles.

  • Predicting Violence Rating Based on Pairwise Comparison

    Ying JI  Yu WANG  Jien KATO  Kensaku MORI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:12

    With the rapid development of multimedia, violent video can be easily accessed in games, movies, websites, and so on. Identifying violent videos and rating violence extent is of great importance to media filtering and children protection. Many previous studies only address the problems of violence scene detection and violent action recognition, yet violence rating problem is still not solved. In this paper, we present a novel video-level rating prediction method to estimate violence extent automatically. It has two main characteristics: (1) a two-stream network is fine-tuned to construct effective representations of violent videos; (2) a violence rating prediction machine is designed to learn the strength relationship among different videos. Furthermore, we present a novel violent video dataset with a total of 1,930 human-involved violent videos designed for violence rating analysis. Each video is annotated with 6 fine-grained objective attributes, which are considered to be closely related to violence extent. The ground-truth of violence rating is given by pairwise comparison method. The dataset is evaluated in both stability and convergence. Experiment results on this dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared with the state-of-art classification methods.

  • L0 Norm Optimization in Scrambled Sparse Representation Domain and Its Application to EtC System

    Takayuki NAKACHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose L0 norm optimization in a scrambled sparse representation domain and its application to an Encryption-then-Compression (EtC) system. We design a random unitary transform that conserves L0 norm isometry. The resulting encryption method provides a practical orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm that allows computation in the encrypted domain. We prove that the proposed method theoretically has exactly the same estimation performance as the nonencrypted variant of the OMP algorithm. In addition, we demonstrate the security strength of the proposed secure sparse representation when applied to the EtC system. Even if the dictionary information is leaked, the proposed scheme protects the privacy information of observed signals.

  • Arc Length Just Before Extinction of Break Arcs Magnetically Blown-Out by an Appropriately Placed Permanent Magnet in a 200V-500VDC/10A Resistive Circuit

    Yuta KANEKO  Junya SEKIKAWA  


    E103-C No:12

    Silver electrical contacts were separated at constant opening speed in a 200V-500VDC/10A resistive circuit. Break arcs were extinguished by magnetic blowing-out with transverse magnetic field of a permanent magnet. The permanent magnet was appropriately located to simplify the lengthened shape of the break arcs. Magnetic flux density of the transverse magnetic field was varied from 20 to 140mT. Images of the break arcs were observed from the horizontal and vertical directions using two high speed cameras simultaneously. Arc length just before extinction was analyzed from the observed images. It was shown that shapes of the break arcs were simple enough to trace the most part of paths of the break arcs for all experimental conditions owing to simplification of the shapes of the break arcs by appropriate arrangement of the magnet. The arc length increased with increasing supply voltage and decreased with increasing magnetic flux density. These results will be discussed in the view points of arc lengthening time and arc lengthening velocity.

  • A Design Method for Designing Asynchronous Circuits on Commercial FPGAs Using Placement Constraints

    Tatsuki OTAKE  Hiroshi SAITO  


    E103-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a design method to design asynchronous circuits with bundled-data implementation on commercial Field Programmable Gate Arrays using placement constraints. The proposed method uses two types of placement constraints to reduce the number of delay adjustments to fix timing violations and to improve the performance of the bundled-data implementation. We also propose a floorplan algorithm to reduce the control-path delays specific to the bundled-data implementation. Using the proposed method, we could design the asynchronous circuits whose performance is close to and energy consumption is small compared to the synchronous counterparts with less delay adjustment.

  • Hue-Correction Scheme Considering Non-Linear Camera Response for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion

    Kouki SEO  Chihiro GO  Yuma KINOSHITA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E103-A No:12

    We propose a novel hue-correction scheme for multi-exposure image fusion (MEF). Various MEF methods have so far been studied to generate higher-quality images. However, there are few MEF methods considering hue distortion unlike other fields of image processing, due to a lack of a reference image that has correct hue. In the proposed scheme, we generate an HDR image as a reference for hue correction, from input multi-exposure images. After that, hue distortion in images fused by an MEF method is removed by using hue information of the HDR one, on the basis of the constant-hue plane in the RGB color space. In simulations, the proposed scheme is demonstrated to be effective to correct hue-distortion caused by conventional MEF methods. Experimental results also show that the proposed scheme can generate high-quality images, regardless of exposure conditions of input multi-exposure images.

  • A Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Scheme Using EtC Images

    Ayana KAWAMURA  Yuma KINOSHITA  Takayuki NAKACHI  Sayaka SHIOTA  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:12

    We propose a privacy-preserving machine learning scheme with encryption-then-compression (EtC) images, where EtC images are images encrypted by using a block-based encryption method proposed for EtC systems with JPEG compression. In this paper, a novel property of EtC images is first discussed, although EtC ones was already shown to be compressible as a property. The novel property allows us to directly apply EtC images to machine learning algorithms non-specialized for computing encrypted data. In addition, the proposed scheme is demonstrated to provide no degradation in the performance of some typical machine learning algorithms including the support vector machine algorithm with kernel trick and random forests under the use of z-score normalization. A number of facial recognition experiments with are carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

  • Acceleration of Automatic Building Extraction via Color-Clustering Analysis Open Access

    Masakazu IWAI  Takuya FUTAGAMI  Noboru HAYASAKA  Takao ONOYE  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E103-A No:12

    In this paper, we improve upon the automatic building extraction method, which uses a variational inference Gaussian mixture model for performing color clustering, by accelerating its computational speed. The improved method decreases the computational time using an image with reduced resolution upon applying color clustering. According to our experiment, in which we used 106 scenery images, the improved method could extract buildings at a rate 86.54% faster than that of the conventional methods. Furthermore, the improved method significantly increased the extraction accuracy by 1.8% or more by preventing over-clustering using the reduced image, which also had a reduced number of the colors.

  • Advanced Antlion Optimizer with Discrete Ant Behavior for Feature Selection

    Mengmeng LI  Xiaoguang REN  Yanzhen WANG  Wei QIN  Yi LIU  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:12

    Feature selection is important for learning algorithms, and it is still an open problem. Antlion optimizer is an excellent nature inspired method, but it doesn't work well for feature selection. This paper proposes a hybrid approach called Ant-Antlion Optimizer which combines advantages of antlion's smart behavior of antlion optimizer and ant's powerful searching movement of ant colony optimization. A mutation operator is also adopted to strengthen exploration ability. Comprehensive experiments by binary classification problems show that the proposed algorithm is superiority to other state-of-art methods on four performance indicators.

  • The LMS-Type Adaptive Filter Based on the Gaussian Model for Controlling the Variances of Coefficients

    Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a method which enables us to control the variance of the coefficients of the LMS-type adaptive filters. In the method, each coefficient of the adaptive filter is modeled as an random variable with a Gaussian distribution, and its value is estimated as the mean value of the distribution. Besides, at each time, we check if the updated value exists within the predefined range of distribution. The update of a coefficient will be canceled when its updated value exceeds the range. We propose an implementation method which has similar formula as the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) widely used in signal processing and machine learning. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated by the computer simulations.

  • Joint Extreme Channels-Inspired Structure Extraction and Enhanced Heavy-Tailed Priors Heuristic Kernel Estimation for Motion Deblurring of Noisy and Blurry Images

    Hongtian ZHAO  Shibao ZHENG  


    E103-A No:12

    Motion deblurring for noisy and blurry images is an arduous and fundamental problem in image processing community. The problem is ill-posed as many different pairs of latent image and blur kernel can render the same blurred image, and thus, the optimization of this problem is still unsolved. To tackle it, we present an effective motion deblurring method for noisy and blurry images based on prominent structure and a data-driven heavy-tailed prior of enhanced gradient. Specifically, first, we employ denoising as a preprocess to remove the input image noise, and then restore strong edges for accurate kernel estimation. The image extreme channels-based priors (dark channel prior and bright channel prior) as sparse complementary knowledge are exploited to extract prominent structure. High closeness of the extracted structure to the clear image structure can be obtained via tuning the parameters of extraction function. Next, the integration term of enhanced interim image gradient and clear image heavy-tailed prior is proposed and then embedded into the image restoration model, which favors sharp images over blurry ones. A large number of experiments on both synthetic and real-life images verify the superiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art algorithms, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

  • Multi-Layered DP Quantization Algorithm Open Access

    Yukihiro BANDOH  Seishi TAKAMURA  Hideaki KIMATA  


    E103-A No:12

    Designing an optimum quantizer can be treated as the optimization problem of finding the quantization indices that minimize the quantization error. One solution to the optimization problem, DP quantization, is based on dynamic programming. Some applications, such as bit-depth scalable codec and tone mapping, require the construction of multiple quantizers with different quantization levels, for example, from 12bit/channel to 10bit/channel and 8bit/channel. Unfortunately, the above mentioned DP quantization optimizes the quantizer for just one quantization level. That is, it is unable to simultaneously optimize multiple quantizers. Therefore, when DP quantization is used to design multiple quantizers, there are many redundant computations in the optimization process. This paper proposes an extended DP quantization with a complexity reduction algorithm for the optimal design of multiple quantizers. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm reduces complexity by 20.8%, on average, compared to conventional DP quantization.

  • Study of Safe Elliptic Curve Cryptography over Gaussian Integer

    Kazuki NAGANUMA  Takashi SUZUKI  Hiroyuki TSUJI  Tomoaki KIMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:12

    Gaussian integer has a potential to enhance the safety of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) on system under the condition fixing bit length of integral and floating point types, in viewpoint of the order of a finite field. However, there seems to have been no algorithm which makes Gaussian integer ECC safer under the condition. We present the algorithm to enhance the safety of ECC under the condition. Then, we confirm our Gaussian integer ECC is safer in viewpoint of the order of finite field than rational integer ECC or Gaussian integer ECC of naive methods under the condition.

  • Quantum Frequency Arrangements, Quantum Mixed Orthogonal Arrays and Entangled States Open Access

    Shanqi PANG  Ruining ZHANG  Xiao ZHANG  

    LETTER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E103-A No:12

    In this work, we introduce notions of quantum frequency arrangements consisting of quantum frequency squares, cubes, hypercubes and a notion of orthogonality between them. We also propose a notion of quantum mixed orthogonal array (QMOA). By using irredundant mixed orthogonal array proposed by Goyeneche et al. we can obtain k-uniform states of heterogeneous systems from quantum frequency arrangements and QMOAs. Furthermore, some examples are presented to illustrate our method.
