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  • Adaptive Bare Bones Particle Swarm Inspired by Cloud Model

    Junqi ZHANG  Lina NI  Jing YAO  Wei WANG  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E94-D No:8

    Kennedy has proposed the bare bones particle swarm (BBPS) by the elimination of the velocity formula and its replacement by the Gaussian sampling strategy without parameter tuning. However, a delicate balance between exploitation and exploration is the key to the success of an optimizer. This paper firstly analyzes the sampling distribution in BBPS, based on which we propose an adaptive BBPS inspired by the cloud model (ACM-BBPS). The cloud model adaptively produces a different standard deviation of the Gaussian sampling for each particle according to the evolutionary state in the swarm, which provides an adaptive balance between exploitation and exploration on different objective functions. Meanwhile, the diversity of the swarms is further enhanced by the randomness of the cloud model itself. Experimental results show that the proposed ACM-BBPS achieves faster convergence speed and more accurate solutions than five other contenders on twenty-five unimodal, basic multimodal, extended multimodal and hybrid composition benchmark functions. The diversity enhancement by the randomness in the cloud model itself is also illustrated.

  • Real-Time Spatial Surface Modeling System Using Wand Traversal Patterns of Grid Edges

    Harksu KIM  Dongtaek KIM  Jaeeung LEE  Youngho CHAI  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E94-D No:8

    This paper presents a grid-based, real-time surface modeling algorithm in which the generation of a precise 3D model is possible by considering the user's intention during the course of the spatial input. In order to create the corresponding model according to the user's input data, plausible candidates of wand traversal patterns of grid edges are defined by considering the sequential and directional characteristics of the wand input. The continuity of the connected polygonal surfaces, including the octree space partitioning, is guaranteed without the extra crack-patching algorithm and the pre-defined patterns. Furthermore, the proposed system was shown to be a suitable and effective surface generation tool for the spatial sketching system. It is not possible to implement the unusual input intention of the 3D spatial sketching system using the conventional Marching Cubes algorithm.

  • Design of an 8-nsec 72-bit-Parallel-Search Content-Addressable Memory Using a Phase-Change Device

    Satoru HANZAWA  Takahiro HANYU  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E94-C No:8

    This paper presents a content-addressable memory (CAM) using a phase-change device. A hierarchical match-line structure and a one-hot-spot block code are indispensable to suppress the resistance ratio of the phase-change device and the area overhead of match detectors. As a result, an 8-nsec 72-bit-parallel-search CAM is implemented using a phase-change-device/MOS-hybrid circuitry, where high and low resistances are higher than 2.3 MΩ and lower than 97 kΩ, respectively, while maintaining one-day retention.

  • Near-Optimal Signal Detection Based on the MMSE Detection Using Multi-Dimensional Search for Correlated MIMO Channels Open Access

    Liming ZHENG  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hiroshi SUZUKI  Satoshi SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:8

    This paper proposes a low-complexity signal detection algorithm for spatially correlated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. The proposed algorithm sets a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) detection result to the starting point, and searches for signal candidates in multi-dimensions of the noise enhancement from which the MMSE detection suffers. The multi-dimensional search is needed because the number of dominant directions of the noise enhancement is likely to be more than one over the correlated MIMO channels. To reduce the computational complexity of the multi-dimensional search, the proposed algorithm limits the number of signal candidates to O(NT) where NT is the number of transmit antennas and O( ) is big O notation. Specifically, the signal candidates, which are unquantized, are obtained as the solution of a minimization problem under a constraint that a stream of the candidates should be equal to a constellation point. Finally, the detected signal is selected from hard decisions of both the MMSE detection result and unquantized signal candidates on the basis of the log likelihood function. For reducing the complexity of this process, the proposed algorithm decreases the number of calculations of the log likelihood functions for the quantized signal candidates. Computer simulations under a correlated MIMO channel condition demonstrate that the proposed scheme provides an excellent trade-off between BER performance and complexity, and that it is superior to conventional one-dimensional search algorithms in BER performance while requiring less complexity than the conventional algorithms.

  • Quantization-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Optimized Multiple Residual Codebooks

    Yusuke UCHIDA  Koichi TAKAGI  Ryoichi KAWADA  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E94-D No:7

    Nearest neighbor search (NNS) among large-scale and high-dimensional vectors plays an important role in recent large-scale multimedia search applications. This paper proposes an optimized multiple codebook construction method for an approximate NNS scheme based on product quantization, where sets of residual sub-vectors are clustered according to their distribution and the codebooks for product quantization are constructed from these clusters. Our approach enables us to adaptively select the number of codebooks to be used by trading between the search accuracy and the amount of memory available.

  • A “Group Marching Cube” (GMC) Algorithm for Speeding up the Marching Cube Algorithm

    Lih-Shyang CHEN  Young-Jinn LAY  Je-Bin HUANG  Yan-De CHEN  Ku-Yaw CHANG  Shao-Jer CHEN  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E94-D No:6

    Although the Marching Cube (MC) algorithm is very popular for displaying images of voxel-based objects, its slow surface extraction process is usually considered to be one of its major disadvantages. It was pointed out that for the original MC algorithm, we can limit vertex calculations to once per vertex to speed up the surface extraction process, however, it did not mention how this process could be done efficiently. Neither was the reuse of these MC vertices looked into seriously in the literature. In this paper, we propose a “Group Marching Cube” (GMC) algorithm, to reduce the time needed for the vertex identification process, which is part of the surface extraction process. Since most of the triangle-vertices of an iso-surface are shared by many MC triangles, the vertex identification process can avoid the duplication of the vertices in the vertex array of the resultant triangle data. The MC algorithm is usually done through a hash table mechanism proposed in the literature and used by many software systems. Our proposed GMC algorithm considers a group of voxels simultaneously for the application of the MC algorithm to explore interesting features of the original MC algorithm that have not been discussed in the literature. Based on our experiments, for an object with more than 1 million vertices, the GMC algorithm is 3 to more than 10 times faster than the algorithm using a hash table. Another significant advantage of GMC is its compatibility with other algorithms that accelerate the MC algorithm. Together, the overall performance of the original MC algorithm is promoted even further.

  • Hilbert Scan Based Bag-of-Features for Image Retrieval

    Pengyi HAO  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E94-D No:6

    Generally, two problems of bag-of-features in image retrieval are still considered unsolved: one is that spatial information about descriptors is not employed well, which affects the accuracy of retrieval; the other is that the trade-off between vocabulary size and good precision, which decides the storage and retrieval performance. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Hilbert scan based bag-of-features (HS-BoF) for image retrieval. Firstly, Hilbert scan based tree representation (HSBT) is studied, which is built based on the local descriptors while spatial relationships are added into the nodes by a novel grouping rule, resulting of a tree structure for each image. Further, we give two ways of codebook production based on HSBT: multi-layer codebook and multi-size codebook. Owing to the properties of Hilbert scanning and the merits of our grouping method, sub-regions of the tree are not only flexible to the distribution of local patches but also have hierarchical relations. Extensive experiments on caltech-256, 13-scene and 1 million ImageNet images show that HS-BoF obtains higher accuracy with less memory usage.

  • Efficient Beam Pruning for Speech Recognition with a Reward Considering the Potential to Reach Various Words on a Lexical Tree

    Tsuneo KATO  Kengo FUJITA  Nobuyuki NISHIZAWA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E94-D No:6

    This paper presents efficient frame-synchronous beam pruning for HMM-based automatic speech recognition. In the conventional beam pruning, a few hypotheses that have greater potential to reach various words on a lexical tree are likely to be pruned out by a number of hypotheses that have limited potential, since all hypotheses are treated equally without considering this potential. To make the beam pruning less restrictive for hypotheses with greater potential and vice versa, the proposed method adds to the likelihood of each hypothesis a tentative reward as a monotonically increasing function of the number of reachable words from the HMM state where the hypothesis stays in a lexical tree. The reward is designed not to collapse the ASR probabilistic framework. The proposed method reduced 84% of the processing time for a grammar-based 10k-word short sentence recognition task. For a language-model-based dictation task, it also resulted in an additional 23% reduction in processing time from the beam pruning with the language model look-ahead technique.

  • Hierarchical ID-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Resilient to Ephemeral Key Leakage

    Atsushi FUJIOKA  Koutarou SUZUKI  Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E94-A No:6

    In this paper, the first extended Canetti-Krawzcyk (eCK) security model for hierarchical ID-based authenticated key exchange (AKE) that guarantee resistance to leakage of ephemeral secret keys is proposed. Moreover, an two-pass hierarchical ID-based AKE protocol secure in the proposed hierarchical ID-based eCK security model based on a hierarchical ID-based encryption is also proposed.

  • A Timed-Based Approach for Genetic Algorithm: Theory and Applications


    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E94-D No:6

    In this paper, a new algorithm called TGA is introduced which defines the concept of time more naturally for the first time. A parameter called TimeToLive is considered for each chromosome, which is a time duration in which it could participate in the process of the algorithm. This will lead to keeping the dynamism of algorithm in addition to maintaining its convergence sufficiently and stably. Thus, the TGA guarantees not to result in premature convergence or stagnation providing necessary convergence to achieve optimal answer. Moreover, the mutation operator is used more meaningfully in the TGA. Mutation probability has direct relation with parent similarity. This kind of mutation will decrease ineffective mating percent which does not make any improvement in offspring individuals and also it is more natural. Simulation results show that one run of the TGA is enough to reach the optimum answer and the TGA outperforms the standard genetic algorithm.

  • A Parallel Timing Adjustment Algorithm for High Speed Wireless Burst Communication

    Xiaofeng WAN  Yu ZHANG  Zhixing YANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    A zig-zag Gardner algorithm with parallel architecture is presented in this letter. This algorithm performs timing adjustment in each individual burst independently for high speed wireless burst communication with a short guard. Over sampling data are stored in RAM initially and read forward and backward alternately later. The proposed algorithm has distinct symmetric characteristic in the forward and backward process, which makes the alternate sequences achieve nearly the same effect as a continuous sequence. The performance of the proposed algorithm is very close to the theoretical curve.

  • A Capacity-Aware and Multipath-Supported Traffic Control Framework for Wireless Mesh Networks

    Pa HSUAN  Chyi-Ren DOW  Kuen-Chu LAI  Pei-Jung LIN  Shiow-Fen HWANG  


    E94-B No:5

    To provide convenient wireless access, wireless mesh networks (WMNs) can be rapidly deployed and connected for mobile clients. Although route redirection traffic control schemes and dynamic routing metrics can be used to improve the performance of WMNs, more of the available network bandwidth will be consumed by control message exchange. This paper proposes a capacity-aware and multipath supported traffic control framework in WMNs. The proposed framework can be used to dispatch data traffic in a multipath manner to improve the utilization of wireless links and forwarding latency. A hierarchical queue architecture is proposed to monitor and classify network traffic without the effort of control message exchange. Our traffic control strategy, which is based on local minimization of the forwarding latency, consists of two phases to automatically adapt to the utilization rate of the network links. In the first phase, the incoming packets are dispatched to the lower level queues according to the Internet gateway capacity. In the second phase, the packets are dispatched to the related network links according to the link load. The current study implements the proposed traffic control system on NS2 for simulation and on Linux 2.6 for real traffic analysis. Experimental results show that the proposed framework improves the throughput and reduces forwarding delay with an approximate minimum delay time. The results also show that the behavior of the long-term delay model can be applied to short-term traffic control methods in WMNs.

  • Impact of Floating Body Type DRAM with the Vertical MOSFET

    Yuto NORIFUSA  Tetsuo ENDOH  


    E94-C No:5

    Several kinds of capacitor-less DRAM cells based on planar SOI-MOSFET technology have been proposed and researched to overcome the integration limit of the conventional DRAM. In this paper, we propose the Floating Body type DRAM cell array architecture with the Vertical MOSFET and discuss its basic operation using a 3-D device simulator. In contrast to previous planar SOI-MOSFET technology, the Floating Body type DRAM with the Vertical MOSFET achieves a cell area of 4F2 and obtain its floating body cell by isolating the body from the substrate vertically by the bottom-electrode. Therefore, the necessity for a SOI substrate is eliminated. In this paper, the cell array architecture of Floating Body type 1T-DRAM is proposed, and furthermore, the basic memory operations of read, write, and erase for Vertical type 1 transistor (1T) DRAM in the 45 nm technology node are shown. In addition, the retention and disturb characteristics of the Vertical type 1T-DRAM are discussed.

  • AMT-PSO: An Adaptive Magnification Transformation Based Particle Swarm Optimizer

    Junqi ZHANG  Lina NI  Chen XIE  Ying TAN  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E94-D No:4

    This paper presents an adaptive magnification transformation based particle swarm optimizer (AMT-PSO) that provides an adaptive search strategy for each particle along the search process. Magnification transformation is a simple but very powerful mechanism, which is inspired by using a convex lens to see things much clearer. The essence of this transformation is to set a magnifier around an area we are interested in, so that we could inspect the area of interest more carefully and precisely. An evolutionary factor, which utilizes the information of population distribution in particle swarm, is used as an index to adaptively tune the magnification scale factor for each particle in each dimension. Furthermore, a perturbation-based elitist learning strategy is utilized to help the swarm's best particle to escape the local optimum and explore the potential better space. The AMT-PSO is evaluated on 15 unimodal and multimodal benchmark functions. The effects of the adaptive magnification transformation mechanism and the elitist learning strategy in AMT-PSO are studied. Results show that the adaptive magnification transformation mechanism provides the main contribution to the proposed AMT-PSO in terms of convergence speed and solution accuracy on four categories of benchmark test functions.

  • A Simple Enhancement of Downlink Primary Scrambling Code Identification in WCDMA Systems

    Jung Suk JOO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:4

    We propose a new majority voting scheme for identifying downlink primary scrambling code, where two voting processes with different coherent correlation intervals (CCIs) are simultaneously performed. A false alarm probability and a threshold adjustment for the proposed scheme are investigated, and it is shown by computer simulations that the proposed scheme can perform well over a wide range of frequency offsets.

  • Multiple Region-of-Interest Based H.264 Encoder with a Detection Architecture in Macroblock Level Pipelining

    Tianruo ZHANG  Chen LIU  Minghui WANG  Satoshi GOTO  


    E94-C No:4

    This paper proposes a region-of-interest (ROI) based H.264 encoder and the VLSI architecture of the ROI detection algorithm. In ROI based video coding system, pre-processing unit to detect ROI should only introduce low computational complexity overhead due to the low power requirement. The Macroblocks (MBs) in ROIs are detected sequentially in the same order of H.264 encoding to satisfy the MB level pipelining of ROI detector and H.264 encoder. ROI detection is performed in a novel estimation-and-verification process with an ROI contour template. Proposed architecture can be configured to detect either single ROI or multiple ROIs in each frame and the throughput of single detection mode is 5.5 times of multiple detection mode. 98.01% and 97.89% of MBs in ROIs can be detected in single and multiple detection modes respectively. Hardware cost of proposed architecture is only 4.68 k gates. Detection speed is 753 fps for CIF format video at the operation frequency of 200 MHz in multiple detection mode with power consumption of 0.47 mW. Compared with previous fast ROI detection algorithms for video coding application, the proposed architecture obtains more accurate and smaller ROI. Therefore, more efficient ROI based computation complexity and compression efficiency optimization can be implemented in H.264 encoder.

  • Highly Parallel and Fully Reused H.264/AVC High Profile Intra Predictor Generation Engine for Super Hi-Vision 4k4k@60 fps

    Yiqing HUANG  Xiaocong JIN  Jin ZHOU  Jia SU  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E94-C No:4

    One high profile intra predictor generation engine is proposed in this paper. Firstly, hardware level algorithm optimization for intra 88 (I8MB) mode is introduced. The original candidate pixels for generating prediction samples of I8MB are replaced with boundary pixels of intra 44 (I4MB) blocks. Based on this adoption, full data reuse between predictors of I4MB and filtered samples of I8MB can be achieved with almost no quality loss. Secondly, one lossless two-44-block based parallel predictor generation flow is proposed. The original predictor generation flow is optimized from 16 stages to 10 stages for I4MB and Intra 1616 (I16MB), which saves 37.5% processing cycles. For I8MB, similar methodology with different processing order of 44 scaled blocks is introduced. Thirdly, fully utilized hardwired engines for I4MB, I16MB and I8MB are proposed in this paper. Except DC (direct current) and plane modes, full data reuse among all intra modes of high profile can be achieved. Fourthly, for DC mode, one combined predictor generation process is introduced and predictor generation of I16MB's DC mode is merged into the process of I4MB's DC mode. Moreover, by configuring proposed hardwired engines, predictor generation of I16MB's plane mode and chrominance plane mode can be accomplished with only 50% cycles of original design. Totally, when compared with original full-mode design and latest dynamic mode reused design, the proposed predictor generation engine can achieve 89.5% and 73.2% saving of processing cycles, respectively. Synthesized by TSMC 0.18 µm technology under worst work conditions (1.62 V, 125°C), with 380 MHz and 37.2 k gates, the proposed design can handle real-time high profile intra predictor generation of Super Hi-Vision 4 k4 k@60 fps. The maximum work frequency of our design under worst condition is 468 MHz.

  • VLSI Architecture of GMM Processing and Viterbi Decoder for 60,000-Word Real-Time Continuous Speech Recognition

    Hiroki NOGUCHI  Kazuo MIURA  Tsuyoshi FUJINAGA  Takanobu SUGAHARA  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E94-C No:4

    We propose a low-memory-bandwidth, high-efficiency VLSI architecture for 60-k word real-time continuous speech recognition. Our architecture includes a cache architecture using the locality of speech recognition, beam pruning using a dynamic threshold, two-stage language model searching, a parallel Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) architecture based on the mixture level and frame level, a parallel Viterbi architecture, and pipeline operation between Viterbi transition and GMM processing. Results show that our architecture achieves 88.24% required frequency reduction (66.74 MHz) and 84.04% memory bandwidth reduction (549.91 MB/s) for real-time 60-k word continuous speech recognition.

  • Compact Matrix-Switch-Based Hierarchical Optical Path Cross-Connect with Colorless Waveband Add/Drop Ratio Restriction

    Ryosuke HIRAKO  Kiyo ISHII  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Ken-ichi SATO  Osamu MORIWAKI  


    E94-B No:4

    We propose a compact matrix-switch-based hierarchical optical cross-connect (HOXC) architecture that effectively handles the colorless waveband add/drop ratio restriction so as to realize switch scale reduction. In order to implement the colorless waveband add/drop function, we develop a wavelength MUX/DMUX that can be commonly used by different wavebands. We prove that the switch scale of the proposed HOXC is much smaller than that of conventional single-layer optical cross-connects (OXCs) and a typical HOXC. Furthermore, we introduce a prototype system based on the proposed architecture that utilizes integrated novel wavelength MUXs/DMUXs. Transmission experiments prove its technical feasibility.

  • Communication Synthesis for Interconnect Minimization Targeting Distributed Register-File Microarchitecture

    Juinn-Dar HUANG  Chia-I CHEN  Yen-Ting LIN  Wan-Ling HSU  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E94-A No:4

    In deep-submicron era, wire delay is becoming a bottleneck while pursuing even higher system clock speed. Several distributed register (DR) architectures have been proposed to cope with this problem by keeping most wires local. In this article, we propose a new resource-constrained communication synthesis algorithm for optimizing both inter-island connections (IICs) and latency targeting on distributed register-file microarchitecture (DRFM). The experimental results show that up to 24.7% and 12.7% reduction on IIC and latency can be achieved respectively as compared to the previous work.
