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[Keyword] array(959hit)


  • Uncooled Infrared Radiation Focal Plane Array with Low Noise Pixel Driving Circuit Open Access

    Risako UENO  Hiroto HONDA  Honam KWON  Koichi ISHII  Masako OGATA  Hitoshi YAGI  Ikuo FUJIWARA  Kazuhiro SUZUKI  Keita SASAKI  Hideyuki FUNAKI  


    E93-C No:11

    We have analyzed the dominant noise sources in the driving circuit of an uncooled infrared radiation focal plane array fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate by 0.35 µm CMOS technology and bulk- micromachining. We found no noise property of SOI-MOSFET inferior compared to those of NMOSs formed on SOI and bulk substrate, respectively. In addition, we reduced the total noise of the sensor chip by designing the current source NMOS sufficiently large, and optimized the operating current of pixel pn-junctions.

  • Compact Matched Filter for Integrand Code Using a Real-Valued Shift-Orthogonal Finite-Length Sequence

    Takahiro MATSUMOTO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E93-A No:11

    In this paper, we proposed the compact construction of a matched filter for integrand code, which do not require the high-rate clock pulse in two-valued PWM (pulse width modulation) code, using a real-valued shift-orthogonal finite-length sequence, which has a sharp aperiodic autocorrelation function with zero sidelobes except at left and right shift-ends. This matched filters are implemented on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) corresponding to 400,000 logic gates. A proposed matched filter for the sequence of length 129 can be constructed by the circuit scale of about 47% compared with conventional filter.

  • Multi-Antenna Utilization Scheme to Prevent Packet Congestion in Wireless Mesh Networks

    Norihiko SATO  Takeo FUJII  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E93-B No:11

    In this paper, we investigate a multi-packet transmitting and receiving wireless mesh network that uses a multi-antenna set on each node in the network. In wireless mesh networks for accessing the Internet, the target of all traffic generated from distributed nodes is a gateway (GW). Therefore, many packets are concentrated around the GW and the communication channel around the GW is crowded. To prevent packet congestion around the GW, we propose setting an adaptive array antenna on the GW and the relay nodes. We also calculate an appropriate number of antenna elements considering the fair traffic over the whole region, to prevent packet congestion at each node.

  • Design of a Partially-Corporate Feed Double-Layer Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna in 39 GHz Band and Fabrication by Diffusion Bonding of Laminated Thin Metal Plates

    Miao ZHANG  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  


    E93-B No:10

    Introducing diffusion bonding of laminated thin metal plates to the fabrication of slotted waveguide arrays enlightens the high potential and the feasibility of multi-layer antennas with high-performance. It is a promising process with low cost even for a double-layer antenna, because the number of etching patterns for thin metal plates is only five. In this paper, a double-layer antenna for broadband characteristics is designed in 39 GHz band as demonstration. A 20 20-element antenna is composed of 2 2 sub-arrays by installing a partially-corporate feed circuit in the bottom layer underneath radiating waveguides in the top layer. The five-element sub-arrays in both the feeding and radiating parts are designed first. A new structure for the last slot coupler with shortened termination is also proposed to avoid an extra slot-free region when assembling the neighbor sub-arrays. As the simulation results by HFSS, the maximum gain of 34.55 dBi with the antenna efficiency of 85.5% is estimated at 38.5 GHz. The test antenna is fabricated by the diffusion bonding of thin copper plates. As the measurement results, a very high aperture efficiency of 83.2% with the directivity of 34.5 dBi is realized at the center frequency of 38.75 GHz, where the antenna gain of 34.4 dBi with the high antenna efficiency of 81.4% is achieved. The bandwidth of 5.0% defined as 1 dB down from the maximum gain is achieved.

  • Control of Power Dividing Ratio in Four-Way Power Divider for Feeding Microstrip Comb-Line Antenna

    Morihiko NANJO  Kunio SAKAKIBARA  Nobuyoshi KIKUMA  Hiroshi HIRAYAMA  


    E93-B No:10

    A one-input four-way power divider is developed for feeding circuit of a microstrip comb-line antenna. The four-way power divider is composed of two-stage tournament-configuration of three Y-junctions. To control the sidelobe level and beam width in radiation pattern of the array, the power dividing ratio is assigned for the four-way power divider. Required dividing ratio is designed by changing the line width to control the impedance. To take impedance matching at the connection parts of the Y-junctions, 1/4-wavelength impedance-transformers are applied to the divider and taper structure is supplied at discontinuities. Four-comb-line antennas are designed and fabricated at 76.5 GHz. We evaluated sidelobe level and beam width by experiment to confirm the performance of the power divider.

  • Narrow-Wall-Slotted Hollow-Waveguide Array Antenna Using Partially Parallel Feeding System in Millimeter-Wave Band

    Yuki IKENO  Kunio SAKAKIBARA  Nobuyoshi KIKUMA  Hiroshi HIRAYAMA  


    E93-B No:10

    We developed a slotted waveguide planer array antenna with partially parallel feeding in millimeter-wave band. Travelling-wave excitation is more effective for low loss feeding of array antennas than parallel feeding systems. However, array antenna with travelling-wave excitation essentially possesses a significant problem of long line effect which degrades gain due to beam shift by frequency change when the array antenna is fed from the edge of the radiating waveguide. We propose the way to reduce the gain degradation due to frequency change, thus, partially parallel feeding system is developed. Measured performance of the developed antenna is evaluated in this paper.

  • Accurate Estimation of the Number of Weak Coherent Signals

    Masashi TSUJI  Kenta UMEBAYASHI  Yukihiro KAMIYA  Yasuo SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E93-B No:10

    Estimating the number of signals (NIS) is an important goal in array signal processing, such as direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. A common approach for solving this problem is to use an eigenvalue of the array covariance matrix and information criterion, such as the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and minimum description length (MDL). However they suffer serious degradation, when the incoming signals are coherent. To estimate the NIS of the coherent signals impinging on a uniform linear array (ULA), a method for estimating the number of signals without eigendecomposition (MENSE) is proposed. The accuracy of the NIS estimation performance of MENSE is superior to the other algorithms equipped with preprocessing such as the spatial smoothing preprocessing (SSP) and forward/backward spatial smoothing techniques (FBSS) to decorrelate the coherency of signals. Instead of using SSP or FBSS preprocessing, MENSE uses the Hankel correlation matrices. The Hankel correlation matrices can not only decorrelate the coherency of signals but also suppress the influence of noise. However, in severe conditions like low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or a closely spaced signals impinging on a ULA, the NIS estimation metric of MENSE has some bias which causes estimation error. In this paper, we pay attention to the multiplicity defined by the ratio of the geometric mean to the arithmetic mean. Accordingly, we propose a new estimation metric that has less bias than that in MENSE. The Computer simulation results show that the proposed method is superior to MENSE in the above severe conditions.

  • Planar Waveguide Arrays for Millimeter Wave Systems Open Access

    Makoto ANDO  


    E93-B No:10

    Design of high gain and high efficiency antennas is one of the key challenges in antenna engineering and especially in millimeter wave communication systems. Various types of planar waveguide arrays with series-fed traveling wave operation have been developed in Tokyo Tech with the special focus upon efficiency enhancement as well as reduction of fabrication cost. In this review, four kinds of single layer waveguide arrays characterized with the series fed travelling wave operation are surveyed first. To cope with the bandwidth narrowing effects due to long line effects associated with the series fed operation, authors have introduced partially corporate feed embedded in the single layer waveguide. They further extended the study to cover fully corporate feed arrays with multiple layer waveguide as well; a new fabrication technique of diffusion bonding of laminated thin plates has the potential to realize the low cost mass production of multi-layer structures for the millimeter wave application. Secondly, the novel methods for loss evaluation of copper plate substrate are established for the design of post-wall waveguide arrays where dielectric loss and conductor loss is determined in wide range of millimeter wave band, by using the Whispering gallery mode resonator. This enables us to design the planar arrays with the loss taken into account. Finally, the planar arrays are now applied to two kinds of systems in the Tokyo Tech millimeter wave project; the indoor short range file-transfer systems and the outdoor communication systems for the medium range backhaul links. The latter has been field-tested in the model network built in Tokyo Tech Ookayama campus. Early stage progress of the project including unique propagation data is also reported.

  • A Coaxial Feeder with Two Pairs of Parasitic Pins for Realizing Rotationally Symmetric Aperture Illumination in Spiral Array Radial Line Slot Antennas

    Hideki UEDA  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  Matteo ALBANI  


    E93-B No:10

    A spiral array radial line slot antenna (SA-RLSA) is designed in 22 GHz band. A SA-RLSA excited with a coaxial feeder suffers from aperture illumination fluctuation in amplitude and phase in the circumferential (φ-) direction while in the radial direction, reasonably uniform distribution is observed. Rotational symmetry of radiation patterns is degraded and especially the sidelobe levels are unbalanced. This fluctuation is associated with the generation of the higher order modes in the φ-direction and is the unique defect of SA-RLSA which uses oversized waveguide. In this paper, a novel feeding structure with two pairs of parasitic pins around a coaxial feeder is proposed and designed so as to compensate the rotational asymmetry of aperture illumination. A measurement using the model antenna designed in 22 GHz band demonstrates the enhancement of the rotational symmetry; the circumferential fluctuation is reduced from 5.1 dB and 33 degrees to 1.8 dB and 12 degrees, while the fluctuation in the first sidelobe level suppressed from 10.7 dB to 1.2 dB.

  • A Stochastic Approach to Design MIMO Antenna with Parasitic Elements Based on Propagation Characteristics

    Naoki HONMA  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Riichi KUDO  Yasushi TAKATORI  Takefumi HIRAGURI  Masato MIZOGUCHI  


    E93-B No:10

    This paper proposes a channel capacity maximization method for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas with parasitic elements. Reactive terminations are connected to the parasitic elements, and the reactance values are determined to achieve stochastically high channel capacity for the environment targeted. This method treats the S-parameter and propagation channel of the antenna, including the parasitic elements, as a combined circuit. The idea of the 'parasitic channel,' which is observed at the parasitic antenna, is introduced to simplify the optimization procedure. This method can significantly reduce the number of necessary measurements of the channel for designing the antenna. As a design example, a bidirectional Yagi-Uda array, which has two driven antennas at both ends of the linear array, is measured in an indoor environment. The resulting design offers enhanced channel capacity mainly due to its improved signal-to-noise ratio compared to the antenna without the parasitic antennas.

  • Distant Speech Recognition Using a Microphone Array Network

    Alberto Yoshihiro NAKANO  Seiichi NAKAGAWA  Kazumasa YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Microphone Array

    E93-D No:9

    In this work, spatial information consisting of the position and orientation angle of an acoustic source is estimated by an artificial neural network (ANN). The estimated position of a speaker in an enclosed space is used to refine the estimated time delays for a delay-and-sum beamformer, thus enhancing the output signal. On the other hand, the orientation angle is used to restrict the lexicon used in the recognition phase, assuming that the speaker faces a particular direction while speaking. To compensate the effect of the transmission channel inside a short frame analysis window, a new cepstral mean normalization (CMN) method based on a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is investigated and shows better performance than the conventional CMN for short utterances. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through Japanese digit/command recognition experiments.

  • A Switch Block Architecture for Multi-Context FPGAs Based on a Ferroelectric-Capacitor Functional Pass-Gate Using Multiple/Binary Valued Hybrid Signals

    Shota ISHIHARA  Noriaki IDOBATA  Masanori HARIYAMA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Application of Multiple-Valued VLSI

    E93-D No:8

    Dynamically Programmable Gate Arrays (DPGAs) provide more area-efficient implementations than conventional Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). One of typical DPGA architectures is multi-context architecture. An DPGA based on multi-context architecture is Multi-Context FPGA (MC-FPGA) which achieves fast switching between contexts. The problem of the conventional SRAM-based MC-FPGA is its large area and standby power dissipation because of the large number of configuration memory bits. Moreover, since SRAM is volatile, the SRAM-based multi-context FPGA is difficult to implement power-gating for standby power reduction. This paper presents an area-efficient and nonvolatile multi-context switch block architecture for MC-FPGAs based on a ferroelectric-capacitor functional pass-gate which merges a multiple-valued threshold function and a nonvolatile multiple-valued storage. The test chip for four contexts is fabricated in a 0.35 µm-CMOS/0.60 µm-ferroelectric-capacitor process. The transistor count of the proposed multi-context switch block is reduced to 63% in comparison with that of the SRAM-based one.

  • An EM Absorber and Frequency Selective Shielding by Use of Metal Fiber Array Composites

    Takanori TSUTAOKA  Kenichi HATAKEYAMA  


    E93-B No:7

    The construction of EM absorber and frequency selective shielding has been investigated by using two dimensional metal fiber array (MFA) composites. The MFA composite shows a resonant type frequency dispersion in the complex relative permittivity spectra (εr = εr' - jεr") having a negative εr' region. The frequency characteristics of the conventional ferrite-rubber EM absorber can be improved by combining with the negative permittivity property of the MFA composite. A frequency selective shielding can be achieved by the evanescent EM wave propagation in the layered MFA composite structure.

  • Construction of Multi-Dimensional Periodic Complementary Array Sets

    Fanxin ZENG  Zhenyu ZHANG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E93-A No:7

    Multi-dimensional (MD) periodic complementary array sets (CASs) with impulse-like MD periodic autocorrelation function are naturally generalized to (one dimensional) periodic complementary sequence sets, and such array sets are widely applied to communication, radar, sonar, coded aperture imaging, and so forth. In this letter, based on multi-dimensional perfect arrays (MD PAs), a method for constructing MD periodic CASs is presented, which is carried out by sampling MD PAs. It is particularly worth mentioning that the numbers and sizes of sub-arrays in the proposed MD periodic CASs can be freely changed within the range of possibilities. In particular, for arbitrarily given positive integers M and L, two-dimensional periodic polyphase CASs with the number M2 and size L L of sub-arrays can be produced by the proposed method. And analogously, pseudo-random MD periodic CASs can be given when pseudo-random MD arrays are sampled. Finally, the proposed method's validity is made sure by a given example.

  • A Post-Wall Center-Feed Waveguide Circuit Consisting of T-Junctions for Reducing the Slot-Free Area in a Parallel Plate Slot Array Antenna



    E93-C No:7

    A post-wall center-feed waveguide consisting of T-junctions is proposed for reducing the slot-free area of a parallel plate slot array antenna. The width of the slot-free area is reduced from 2.6 λ0 to 2.1 λ0. A sidelobe level in the E-plane is expected to be suppressed lower than that of the conventional center-feed antenna using cross-junctions. The method of moments with solid-wall replacement designs initially the T-junctions and HFSS including the post surfaces modifies only the reflection cancelling post. We have designed and fabricated a 61.25 GHz model antenna with uniform aperture illumination. The sidelobe level in the E-plane is suppressed to -9.5 dB while that of a conventional cross-junction type is -7.8 dB. Also, we suppress it to -13.8 dB by introducing a -8.3 dB amplitude tapered distribution in the array of the radiation slot pairs.

  • Broad-Band Circularly Polarized Ring-Slot Array Antenna for Simultaneous Use of the Orthogonal Polarizations

    Sen FENG  Eisuke NISHIYAMA  Masayoshi AIKAWA  


    E93-C No:7

    A novel broad-band ring-slot array antenna for simultaneous use of orthogonal polarizations is presented in this paper. In this antenna, the broad-band performance is obtained by integrating a 22 ring-slot array antenna and a broad-band π/2 hybrid circuit. The simultaneous use of the right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) and the left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) is achieved using orthogonal feed circuits on three layers. The both-sided MIC technology is effectively employed in forming this type of slot array antenna. Experimental results show that the proposed antenna has good circular polarization characteristics for both the LHCP and the RHCP. The measured impedance-bandwidth of return loss better than -10 dB are about 47% both for the LHCP and the RHCP. The 3 dB axial ratio bandwidths are 25% (RHCP) and 29% (LHCP). The isolation between the two input ports is better than -35 dB at center frequency of 7.5 GHz.

  • Design of Post-Wall Feed Waveguide for a Parallel Plate Slot Array by an Analysis Model with Corrected Solid-Walls


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E93-B No:6

    A novel analysis model for post-wall waveguide T-junctions is proposed. Equivalent solid-walls for the post-walls to have equal guided wavelength are corrected in the analysis model so that the wall thickness for the coupling windows is set to the difference in the width between the post-wall and the solid-wall waveguides. The accuracy of the proposed model is confirmed by comparing it to an HFSS analysis for the real structure of the post-wall waveguide T-junction including the post surfaces. 61.25 GHz model antennas are fabricated for experimental verification. The reflection of the antenna designed by the modified analysis model is suppressed to below -15 dB over a 5.6 GHz bandwidth, while that in the antenna designed by the conventional model is larger than -15 dB around the design frequency.

  • Ultra-Wideband Tapered Slot Antenna Arrays with Parallel-Plate Waveguides

    Satoshi YAMAGUCHI  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  Toru TAKAHASHI  Masataka OTSUKA  Yoshihiko KONISHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E93-B No:5

    Owing to their ultra-wideband characteristics, tapered slot antennas (TSAs) are used as element antennas in wideband phased arrays. However, when the size of a TSA is reduced in order to prevent the generation of a grating lobe during wide-angle beam scanning, the original ultra-wideband characteristics are degraded because of increased reflections from the ends of the tapered slot aperture. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a new antenna structure in which parallel-plate waveguides are added to the TSA. The advantage of this new structure is that the reflection characteristics of individual antenna elements are not degraded even if the width of the antenna aperture is very small, i.e., approximately one-half the wavelength of the highest operating frequency. In this study, we propose a procedure for designing the new antenna through numerical simulations by using the FDTD method. In addition, we verify the performance of the antenna array by experiments.

  • Speech Enhancement Using a Square Microphone Array in the Presence of Directional and Diffuse Noise

    Tetsuji OGAWA  Shintaro TAKADA  Kenzo AKAGIRI  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E93-A No:5

    We propose a new speech enhancement method suitable for mobile devices used in the presence of various types of noise. In order to achieve high-performance speech recognition and auditory perception in mobile devices, various types of noise have to be removed under the constraints of a space-saving microphone arrangement and few computational resources. The proposed method can reduce both the directional noise and the diffuse noise under the abovementioned constraints for mobile devices by employing a square microphone array and conducting low-computational-cost processing that consists of multiple null beamforming, minimum power channel selection, and Wiener filtering. The effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally verified in terms of speech recognition accuracy and speech quality when both the directional noise and the diffuse noise are observed simultaneously; this method reduces the number of word errors and improves the log-spectral distances as compared to conventional methods.

  • Probabilistic Adaptation Mode Control Algorithm for GSC-Based Noise Reduction

    Seungho HAN  Jungpyo HONG  Sangbae JEONG  Minsoo HAHN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E93-A No:3

    An efficient noise reduction algorithm is proposed to improve speech recognition performance for human machine interfaces. In the algorithm, a probabilistic adaptation mode controller (AMC) is designed and adopted to the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC). To detect target speech intervals, the proposed AMC calculates the inter-channel correlation and estimates speech absence probability (SAP). Based on the SAP, the adaptation mode of the adaptive filter in the GSC is decided. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm significantly improves speech recognition performances and signal-to-noise ratios in real noisy environments.
