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[Keyword] coherent(159hit)


  • Demodulation Framework Based on Machine Learning for Unrepeated Transmission Systems

    Ryuta SHIRAKI  Yojiro MORI  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    We propose a demodulation framework to extend the maximum distance of unrepeated transmission systems, where the simplest back propagation (BP), polarization and phase recovery, data arrangement for machine learning (ML), and symbol decision based on ML are rationally combined. The deterministic waveform distortion caused by fiber nonlinearity and chromatic dispersion is partially eliminated by BP whose calculation cost is minimized by adopting the single-step Fourier method in a pre-processing step. The non-deterministic waveform distortion, i.e., polarization and phase fluctuations, can be eliminated in a precise manner. Finally, the optimized ML model conducts the symbol decision under the influence of residual deterministic waveform distortion that cannot be cancelled by the simplest BP. Extensive numerical simulations confirm that a DP-16QAM signal can be transmitted over 240km of a standard single-mode fiber without optical repeaters. The maximum transmission distance is extended by 25km.

  • Demodulation Performance Comparison of High-Speed Coherent Nyquist Pulse Signal with Analog and Digital Demultiplexing Schemes

    Masato YOSHIDA  Kosuke KIMURA  Toshihiko HIROOKA  Keisuke KASAI  Masataka NAKAZAWA  


    E106-B No:11

    We compare the demodulation performance of an analog OTDM demultiplexing scheme and digitized OTDM demultiplexing with an ultrahigh-speed digital signal processor in a single-channel OTDM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission. We evaluated the demodulation performance for 40, 80, and 160Gbaud OTDM signals with a baseline rate of 10Gbaud. As a result, we clarified that the analog scheme performs significantly better since the bandwidth for handling the demultiplexed signal is as narrow as 10GHz regardless of the symbol rate. This enables us to use a low-speed A/D converter (ADC) with a large effective number of bits (ENOB). On the other hand, in the digital scheme, the higher the symbol rate becomes, the more bandwidth the receiver requires. Therefore, it is necessary to use an ultrahigh-speed ADC with a low ENOB for a 160Gbaud signal. We measured the ENOB of the ultrahigh-speed ADC used in the digital scheme and showed that the measured ENOB was approximately 1.5 bits lower than that of the low-speed ADC used in the analog scheme. This 1.5-bit decrease causes a large degradation in the demodulation performance obtained with the digital demultiplexing scheme.

  • Real-Time Detection of Fiber Bending and/or Optical Filter Shift by Machine-Learning of Tapped Raw Digital Coherent Optical Signals

    Yuichiro NISHIKAWA  Shota NISHIJIMA  Akira HIRANO  


    E106-B No:11

    We have proposed autonomous network diagnosis platform for operation of future large capacity and virtualized network, including 5G and beyond 5G services. As for the one candidate of information collection and analyzing function blocks in the platform, we proposed novel optical sensing techniques that utilized tapped raw signal data acquired from digital coherent optical receivers. The raw signal data is captured before various digital signal processing for demodulation. Therefore, it contains various waveform deformation and/or noise as it experiences through transmission fibers. In this paper, we examined to detect two possible failures in transmission lines including fiber bending and optical filter shift by analyzing the above-mentioned raw signal data with the help of machine learning. For the purpose, we have implemented Docker container applications in WhiteBox Cassini to acquire real-time raw signal data. We generated CNN model for the detections in off-line processing and used them for real-time detections. We have confirmed successful detection of optical fiber bend and/or optical filter shift in real-time with high accuracy. Also, we evaluated their tolerance against ASE noise and invented novel approach to improve detection accuracy. In addition to that, we succeeded to detect them even in the situation of simultaneous occurrence of those failures.

  • Noncoherent Demodulation and Decoding via Polynomial Zeros Modulation for Pilot-Free Short Packet Transmissions over Multipath Fading Channels

    Yaping SUN  Gaoqi DOU  Hao WANG  Yufei ZHANG  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E106-B No:3

    With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), short packet transmissions will dominate the future wireless communication. However, traditional coherent demodulation and channel estimation schemes require large pilot overhead, which may be highly inefficient for short packets in multipath fading scenarios. This paper proposes a novel pilot-free short packet structure based on the association of modulation on conjugate-reciprocal zeros (MOCZ) and tail-biting convolutional codes (TBCC), where a noncoherent demodulation and decoding scheme is designed without the channel state information (CSI) at the transceivers. We provide a construction method of constellation sets and demodulation rule for M-ary MOCZ. By deriving low complexity log-likelihood ratios (LLR) for M-ary MOCZ, we offer a reasonable balance between energy and bandwidth efficiency for joint coding and modulation scheme. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme can attain significant performance and throughput gains compared to the pilot-based coherent modulation scheme over multipath fading channels.

  • Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Ultrahigh-Speed Coherent Nyquist Pulse Transmission with Low-Nonlinearity Dispersion Compensator

    Kosuke KIMURA  Masato YOSHIDA  Keisuke KASAI  Toshihiko HIROOKA  Masataka NAKAZAWA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E105-B No:9

    In this paper, we report an experimental and numerical analysis of ultrahigh-speed coherent Nyquist pulse transmission. First, we describe a low-nonlinearity dispersion compensator for ultrahigh-speed coherent Nyquist pulse transmission; it is composed of a chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) and a liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) device. By adopting CFBG instead of inverse dispersion fiber, the nonlinearity in a 160km transmission line was more than halved. Furthermore, by eliminating the group delay fluctuation of the CFBG with an LCoS device, the residual group delay was reduced to as low as 1.42ps over an 11nm bandwidth. Then, by using the transmission line with the newly constructed low-nonlinearity dispersion compensator, we succeeded in improving the BER performance of single-channel 15.3Tbit/s-160km transmission by one-third compared with that of a conventional dispersion-managed transmission line and obtained a spectral efficiency of 8.7bit/s/Hz. Furthermore, we numerically analyzed the BER performance of its Nyquist pulse transmission. The numerical results showed that the nonlinear impairment in the transmission line is the main factor limiting the transmission performance in a coherent Nyquist pulse transmission, which becomes more significant at higher baud rates.

  • Long-Time Coherent Integration for Non-Radial Moving Target Based on Radon Fourier Transform with Modified Variant Angle Open Access

    Denghui YAO  Xiaoyong ZHANG  Zhengbo SUN  Dexiu HU  


    E105-B No:5

    Long-term coherent integration can significantly improve the ability to detect maneuvering targets by radar. Especially for weak targets, longer integration times are needed to improve. But for non-radially moving targets, the time-varying angle between target moving direction and radar line of sight will cause non-linear range migration (NLRM) and non-linear Doppler frequency migration (NLDFM) within long-time coherent processing, which precludes existing methods that ignore angle changes, and seriously degrades the performance of coherent integration. To solve this problem, an efficient method based on Radon Fourier transform (RFT) with modified variant angle model (ARFT) is proposed. In this method, a new parameter angle is introduced to optimize the target motion model, and the NLRM and NLDFM are eliminated by range-velocity-angle joint three-dimensional searching of ARFT. Compared with conventional algorithms, the proposed method can more accurately compensate for the NLRM and NLDFM, thus achieving better integration performance and detection probability for non-radial moving weak targets. Numerical simulations verify the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method.

  • Precise Measurements and their Analysis of GAWBS-Induced Depolarization Noise in Multi-Core Fiber for Digital Coherent Transmission

    Masato YOSHIDA  Kozo SATO  Toshihiko HIROOKA  Keisuke KASAI  Masataka NAKAZAWA  


    E105-B No:2

    We present detailed measurements and analysis of the guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering (GAWBS)-induced depolarization noise in a multi-core fiber (MCF) used for a digital coherent optical transmission. We first describe the GAWBS-induced depolarization noise in an uncoupled four-core fiber (4CF) with a 125μm cladding and compare the depolarization noise spectrum with that of a standard single-mode fiber (SSMF). We found that off-center cores in the 4CF are dominantly affected by higher-order TRn,m modes rather than the TR2,m mode unlike in the center core, and the total power of the depolarization noise in the 4CF was almost the same as that in the SSMF. We also report measurement results for the GAWBS-induced depolarization noise in an uncoupled 19-core fiber with a 240μm cladding. The results indicate that the amounts of depolarization noise generated in the cores are almost identical. Finally, we evaluate the influence of GAWBS-induced polarization crosstalk (XT) on a coherent QAM transmission. We found that the XT limits the achievable multiplicity of the QAM signal to 64 in a transoceanic transmission with an MCF.

  • Coherent Signal DOA Estimation Using Eigenvector Associated with Max Eigenvalue

    Rui LI  Ruqi XIAO  Hong GU  Weimin SU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:7

    A novel direction of arrival (DOA) estimation method for the coherent signal is presented in this paper. The proposed method applies the eigenvector associated with max eigenvalue, which contains the DOAs of all signals, to form a Toeplitz matrix, yielding an unconstrained optimization problem. Then, the DOA is obtained by peak searching of the pseudo power spectrum without the knowledge of signal number. It is illustrated that the method has a great performance and low computation complexity for the coherent signal. Simulation results verify the usefulness of the method.

  • A Weighted Forward-Backward Spatial Smoothing DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on TLS-ESPRIT

    Manlin XIAO  Zhibo DUAN  Zhenglong YANG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:6

    Based on TLS-ESPRIT algorithm, this paper proposes a weighted spatial smoothing DOA estimation algorithm to address the problem that the conventional TLS-ESPRIT algorithm will be disabled to estimate the direction of arrival (DOA) in the scenario of coherent sources. The proposed method divides the received signal array into several subarrays with special structural feature. Then, utilizing these subarrays, this paper constructs the new weighted covariance matrix to estimate the DOA based on TLS-ESPRIT. The auto-correlation and cross-correlation information of subarrays in the proposed algorithm is extracted sufficiently, improving the orthogonality between the signal subspace and the noise subspace so that the DOA of coherent sources could be estimated accurately. The simulations show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the conventional spatial smoothing algorithms under different signal to noise ratio (SNR) and snapshot numbers with coherent sources.

  • Straight-Line Dual-Polarization PSK Transmitter with Polarization Differential Modulation

    Shota ISHIMURA  Kosuke NISHIMURA  Yoshiaki NAKANO  Takuo TANEMURA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E104-B No:5

    Coherent transceivers are now regarded as promising candidates for upgrading the current 400Gigabit Ethernet (400GbE) transceivers to 800G. However, due to the complicated structure of a dual-polarization IQ modulator (DP-IQM) with its bulky polarization-beam splitter/comber (PBS/PBC), the increase in the transmitter size and cost is inevitable. In this paper, we propose a compact PBS/PBC-free transmitter structure with a straight-line configuration. By using the concept of polarization differential modulation, the proposed transmitter is capable of generating a DP phase-shift-keyed (DP-PSK) signal, which makes it directly applicable to the current coherent systems. A detailed analysis of the system performance reveals that the imperfect equalization and the bandwidth limitation at the receiver are the dominant penalty factors. Although such a penalty is usually unacceptable in long-haul applications, the proposed transmitter can be attractive due to its significant simplicity and compactness for short-reach applications, where the cost and the footprint are the primary concerns.

  • Optimization by Neural Networks in the Coherent Ising Machine and its Application to Wireless Communication Systems Open Access

    Mikio HASEGAWA  Hirotake ITO  Hiroki TAKESUE  Kazuyuki AIHARA  

    INVITED PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:3

    Recently, new optimization machines based on non-silicon physical systems, such as quantum annealing machines, have been developed, and their commercialization has been started. These machines solve the problems by searching the state of the Ising spins, which minimizes the Ising Hamiltonian. Such a property of minimization of the Ising Hamiltonian can be applied to various combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce the coherent Ising machine (CIM), which can solve the problems in a milli-second order, and has higher performance than the quantum annealing machines especially on the problems with dense mutual connections in the corresponding Ising model. We explain how a target problem can be implemented on the CIM, based on the optimization scheme using the mutually connected neural networks. We apply the CIM to traveling salesman problems as an example benchmark, and show experimental results of the real machine of the CIM. We also apply the CIM to several combinatorial optimization problems in wireless communication systems, such as channel assignment problems. The CIM's ultra-fast optimization may enable a real-time optimization of various communication systems even in a dynamic communication environment.

  • MLSE Based on Phase Difference FSM for GFSK Signals

    Kyu-Man LEE  Taek-Won KWON  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E104-A No:1

    Bluetooth is a common wireless technology that is widely used as a connection medium between various consumer electronic devices. The receivers mostly adopt the Viterbi algorithm to improve a bit error rate performance but are hampered by heavy hardware complexity and computational load due to a coherent detection and searching for the unknown modulation index. To address these challenges, a non-coherent maximum likelihood estimation detector with an eight-state Viterbi is proposed for Gaussian frequency-shift keying symbol detection against an irrational modulation index, without any knowledge of prior information or assumptions. The simulation results showed an improvement in the performance compared to other ideal approaches.

  • Dual-Carrier 1-Tb/s Transmission Over Field-Deployed G.654.E Fiber Link Using Real-Time Transponder Open Access

    Fukutaro HAMAOKA  Takeo SASAI  Kohei SAITO  Takayuki KOBAYASHI  Asuka MATSUSHITA  Masanori NAKAMURA  Hiroki TANIGUCHI  Shoichiro KUWAHARA  Hiroki KAWAHARA  Takeshi SEKI  Josuke OZAKI  Yoshihiro OGISO  Hideki MAEDA  Yoshiaki KISAKA  Masahito TOMIZAWA  


    E103-B No:11

    We demonstrated 1-Tb/s-class transmissions of field-deployed large-core low-loss fiber links, which is compliant with ITU-T G.654.E, using our newly developed real-time transponder consisting of a state-of-the-art 16-nm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) based digital signal processing application-specific integrated circuit (DSP-ASIC) and an indium phosphide (InP) based high-bandwidth coherent driver modulator (HB-CDM). In this field experiment, we have achieved record transmission distances of 1122km for net data-rate 1-Tb/s transmission with dual polarization-division multiplexed (PDM) 32 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals, and of 336.6 km for net data-rate 1.2-Tb/s transmission with dual PDM-64QAM signals. This is the first demonstration of applying hybrid erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and backward-distributed Raman amplifier were applied to terrestrial G.654.E fiber links. We also confirmed the stability of signal performance over field fiber transmission in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) condition. The Q-factor fluctuations respectively were only less than or equal to 0.052dB and 0.07dB for PDM-32QAM and PDM-64QAM signals within continuous measurements for 60 minutes.

  • Highly Reliable and Compact InP-Based In-Phase and Quadrature Modulators for Over 400 Gbit/s Coherent Transmission Systems

    Hajime TANAKA  Tsutomu ISHIKAWA  Takashi KITAMURA  Masataka WATANABE  Ryuji YAMABI  Ryo YAMAGUCHI  Naoya KONO  Takehiko KIKUCHI  Morihiro SEKI  Tomokazu KATSUYAMA  Mitsuru EKAWA  Hajime SHOJI  


    E103-C No:11

    We fabricated an InP-based dual-polarization In-phase and Quadrature (DP-IQ) modulator consisting of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator array integrated with RF termination resistors and backside via holes for high-bandwidth coherent driver modulators and revealed its high reliability. These integrations allowed the chip size (Chip size: 4.4mm×3mm) to be reduced by 59% compared with the previous chip without these integrations, that is, the previous chip needed 8 chip-resistors for terminating RF signals and 12 RF electrode pads for the electrical connection with these resistors in a Signal-Ground-Signal configuration. This MZ modulator exhibited a 3-dB bandwidth of around 40 GHz as its electrical/optical response, which is sufficient for over 400 Gbit/s coherent transmission systems using 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and 64QAM signals. Also, we investigated a rapid degradation which affects the reliability of InP-based DP-IQ modulators. This rapid degradation we called optical damage is caused by strong incident light power and a high reverse bias voltage condition at the entrance of an electrode in each arm of the MZ modulators. This rapid degradation makes it difficult to estimate the lifetime of the chip using an accelerated aging test, because the value of the breakdown voltage which induces optical damage varies considerably depending on conditions, such as light power, operation wavelength, and chip temperature. Therefore, we opted for the step stress test method to investigate the lifetime of the chip. As a result, we confirmed that optical damage occurred when photo-current density at the entrance of an electrode exceeded threshold current density and demonstrated that InP-based modulators did not degrade unless operation conditions reached threshold current density. This threshold current density was independent of incident light power, operation wavelength and chip temperature.

  • An SBL-Based Coherent Source Localization Method Using Virtual Array Output Open Access

    Zeyun ZHANG  Xiaohuan WU  Chunguo LI  Wei-Ping ZHU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:11

    Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation as a fundamental issue in array signal processing has been extensively studied for many applications in military and civilian fields. Many DOA estimation algorithms have been developed for different application scenarios such as low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), limited snapshots, etc. However, there are still some practical problems that make DOA estimation very difficult. One of them is the correlation between sources. In this paper, we develop a sparsity-based method to estimate the DOA of coherent signals with sparse linear array (SLA). We adopt the off-grid signal model and solve the DOA estimation problem in the sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) framework. By considering the SLA as a ‘missing sensor’ ULA, our proposed method treats the output of the SLA as a partial output of the corresponding virtual uniform linear array (ULA) to make full use of the expanded aperture character of the SLA. Then we employ the expectation-maximization (EM) method to update the hyper-parameters and the output of the virtual ULA in an iterative manner. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method has a better performance in correlated signal scenarios than the reference methods in comparison, confirming the advantage of exploiting the extended aperture feature of the SLA.

  • A Highly Efficient Wideband Two-Dimensional Direction Estimation Method with L-Shaped Microphone Array

    Bandhit SUKSIRI  Masahiro FUKUMOTO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:11

    This paper presents an efficient wideband two-dimensional direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation for an L-shaped microphone array. We propose a way to construct a wideband sample cross-correlation matrix without any process of DOA preliminary estimation, such as beamforming technique, by exploiting sample cross-correlation matrices of two different frequencies for all frequency bins. Subsequently, wideband DOAs can be estimated by using this wideband matrix along with a scheme of estimating DOA in a narrowband subspace method. Therefore, a contribution of our study is providing an alternative framework for recent narrowband subspace methods to estimating the DOA of wideband sources directly. It means that this framework enables cutting-edge techniques in the existing narrowband subspace methods to implement the wideband direction estimation for reducing the computational complexity and facilitating the estimation algorithm. Theoretical analysis and effectiveness of the proposed method are substantiated through numerical simulations and experiments, which are performed in reverberating environments. The results show that performance of the proposed method performs better than others over a range of signal-to-noise ratio with just a few microphones. All these advantages make the proposed method a powerful tool for navigation systems based on acoustic signal processing.

  • EXIT Chart-Aided Design of LDPC Codes for Self-Coherent Detection with Turbo Equalizer for Optical Fiber Short-Reach Transmissions Open Access

    Noboru OSAWA  Shinsuke IBI  Koji IGARASHI  Seiichi SAMPEI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E102-B No:7

    This paper proposed an iterative soft interference canceller (IC) referred to as turbo equalizer for the self-coherent detection, and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart based irregular low density parity check (LDPC) code optimization for the turbo equalizer in optical fiber short-reach transmissions. The self-coherent detection system is capable of linear demodulation by a single photodiode receiver. However, the self-coherent detection suffers from the interference induced by signal-signal beat components, and the suppression of the interference is a vital goal of self-coherent detection. For improving the error-free signal detection performance of the self-coherent detection, we proposed an iterative soft IC with the aid of forward error correction (FEC) decoder. Furthermore, typical FEC code is no longer appropriate for the iterative detection of the turbo equalizer. Therefore, we designed an appropriate LDPC code by using EXIT chart aided code design. The validity of the proposed turbo equalizer with the appropriate LDPC is confirmed by computer simulations.

  • Maximum Transmitter Power Set by Fiber Nonlinearity-Induced Bit Error Rate Floors in Non-Repeatered Coherent DWDM Systems

    Xin ZHANG  Yasuhiro AOKI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E102-B No:6

    We have comprehensively studied by numerical simulation high power transmission properties through single mode fiber for non-repeatered system application. We have clearly captured bit error rates (BERs) of digital coherent signal exhibit specific floor levels, depending on transmitter powers, due to fiber nonlinearity. If the maximum transmitter powers are defined as the powers at which BER floor levels are 1.0×10-2 without error correction, those are found to be approximately +20.4dBm, +14.8dBm and +10.6dBm, respectively, for single-channel 120Gbps DP-QPSK, DP-16QAM and DP-64QAM formats in large-core and low-loss single-mode silica fibers. In the simulations, we set fiber lengths over 100km, which is much longer than the effective fiber length, thus the results are applicable to any of long-length non-repeatered systems. We also show that the maximum transmitter powers gradually decrease in logarithmic feature with the increase of the number of DWDM channels. The channel number dependence is newly shown to be almost independent on the modulation format. The simulated results have been compared with extended Gaussian-Noise (GN) model with introducing adjustment parameters, not only to confirm the validity of the results but to explore possible new analytical modeling for non-repeatered systems.

  • InP-Based Photodetectors Monolithically Integrated with 90° Hybrid toward Over 400Gb/s Coherent Transmission Systems Open Access

    Hideki YAGI  Takuya OKIMOTO  Naoko INOUE  Koji EBIHARA  Kenji SAKURAI  Munetaka KUROKAWA  Satoru OKAMOTO  Kazuhiko HORINO  Tatsuya TAKEUCHI  Kouichiro YAMAZAKI  Yoshifumi NISHIMOTO  Yasuo YAMASAKI  Mitsuru EKAWA  Masaru TAKECHI  Yoshihiro YONEDA  


    E102-C No:4

    We present InP-based photodetectors monolithically integrated with a 90° hybrid toward over 400Gb/s coherent transmission systems. To attain a wide 3-dB bandwidth of more than 40GHz for 400Gb/s dual-polarization (DP)-16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) and 600Gb/s DP-64QAM through 64GBaud operation, A p-i-n photodiode structure consisting of a GaInAs thin absorption and low doping n-typed InP buffer layers was introduced to overcome the trade-off between short carrier transit time and low parasitic capacitance. Additionally, this InP buffer layer contributes to the reduction of propagation loss in the 90° hybrid waveguide, that is, this approach allows a high responsivity as well as wide 3-dB bandwidth operation. The coherent receiver module for the C-band (1530nm - 1570nm) operation indicated the wide 3-dB bandwidth of more than 40GHz and the high receiver responsivity of more than 0.070A/W (Chip responsivity within the C-band: 0.130A/W) thanks to photodetectors with this photodiode design. To expand the usable wavelengths in wavelength-division multiplexing toward large-capacity optical transmission, the photodetector integrated with the 90° hybrid optimized for the L-band (1565nm - 1612nm) operation was also fabricated, and exhibited the high responsivity of more than 0.120A/W over the L-band. Finally, the InP-based monolithically integrated photonic device consisting of eight-channel p-i-n photodiodes, two 90° hybrids and a beam splitter was realized for the miniaturization of modules and afforded the reduction of the total footprint by 70% in a module compared to photodetectors with the 90° hybrid and four-channel p-i-n photodiodes.

  • Bit Labeling and Code Searches for BICM-ID Using 16-DAPSK

    Chun-Lin LIN  Tzu-Hsiang LIN  Ruey-Yi WEI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:12

    Bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) is suitable for correlated Rayleigh fading channels. Additionally, BICM-ID using differential encoding can avoid the pilot overhead. In this paper, we consider BICM-ID using 16-DAPSK (differential amplitude and phase-shift keying). We first derive the probability of receiving signals conditioned on the transmission of input bits for general differential encoding; then we propose two new 16-DAPSK bit labeling methods. In addition, convolutional codes for the new bit labeling are developed. Both the minimum distance and the simulation results show that the proposed labeling has better error performance than that of the original differential encoding, and the searched new codes can further improve the error performance.
