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  • Automatic Recognition of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Based on Active Shape Model

    Chao XU  Dongxiang ZHOU  Tao GUAN  Yongping ZHAI  Yunhui LIU  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:4

    This paper realized the automatic recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ziehl-Neelsen stained images by the conventional light microscopy, which can be used in the computer-aided diagnosis of the tuberculosis. We proposed a novel recognition method based on active shape model. First, the candidate bacillus objects are segmented by a method of marker-based watershed transform. Next, a point distribution model of the object shape is proposed to label the landmarks on the object automatically. Then the active shape model is performed after aligning the training set with a weight matrix. The deformation regulation of the object shape is discovered and successfully applied in recognition without using geometric and other commonly used features. During this process, a width consistency constraint is combined with the shape parameter to improve the accuracy of the recognition. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method yields high accuracy in the images with different background colors. The recognition accuracy in object level and image level are 92.37% and 97.91% respectively.

  • A Partitioning Parallelization with Hybrid Migration of MOEA/D for Bi-Objective Optimization on Message-Passing Clusters

    Yu WU  Yuehong XIE  Weiqin YING  Xing XU  Zixing LIU  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E99-A No:4

    A partitioning parallelization of the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition, pMOEA/D, is proposed in this letter to achieve significant time reductions for expensive bi-objective optimization problems (BOPs) on message-passing clusters. Each sub-population of pMOEA/D resides on a separate processor in a cluster and consists of a non-overlapping partition and some extra overlapping individuals for updating neighbors. Additionally, sub-populations cooperate across separate processors by the hybrid migration of elitist individuals and utopian points. Experimental results on two benchmark BOPs and the wireless sensor network layout problem indicate that pMOEA/D achieves satisfactory performance in terms of speedup and quality of solutions on message-passing clusters.

  • Feature-Based On-Line Object Tracking Combining Both Keypoints and Quasi-Keypoints Matching

    Quan MIAO  Chun ZHANG  Long MENG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E99-D No:4

    This paper proposes a novel object tracking method via online boosting. The on-line boosting technique is combined with local features to treat tracking as a keypoint matching problem. First, We improve matching reliability by exploiting the statistical repeatability of local features. In addition, we propose 2D scale-rotation invariant quasi-keypoint matching to further improve matching efficiency. Benefiting from SURF feature's statistical repeatability and the complementary quasi-keypoint matching technique, we can easily find reliable matching pairs and thus perform accurate and stable tracking. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better performance compared with previously reported trackers.

  • A Further Improvement on Bit-Quad-Based Euler Number Computing Algorithm

    Bin YAO  Lifeng HE  Shiying KANG  Xiao ZHAO  Yuyan CHAO  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:2

    The Euler number is an important topological property in a binary image, and it can be computed by counting certain bit-quads in the binary image. This paper proposes a further improved bit-quad-based algorithm for computing the Euler number. By scanning image rows two by two and utilizing the information obtained while processing the previous pixels, the number of pixels to be checked for processing a bit-quad can be decreased from 2 to 1.5. Experimental results demonstrated that our proposed algorithm significantly outperforms conventional Euler number computing algorithms.

  • Improved Edge Boxes with Object Saliency and Location Awards

    Peijiang KUANG  Zhiheng ZHOU  Dongcheng WU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E99-D No:2

    Recently, object-proposal methods have attracted more and more attention of scholars and researchers for its utility in avoiding exhaustive sliding window search in an image. Object-proposal method is inspired by a concept that objects share a common feature. There exist many object-proposal methods which are either in segmentation fashion or engineering categories depending on low-level feature. Among those object-proposal methods, Edge Boxes, which is based on the number of contours that a bounding box wholly contains, has the state of art performance. Since Edge Boxes sometimes misses proposing some obvious objects in some images, we propose an appropriate version of it based on our two observations. We call the appropriate version as Improved Edge Boxes. The first of our observations is that objects have a property which can help us distinguish them from the background. It is called object saliency. An appropriate way we employ to calculate object saliency can help to retrieve some objects. The second of our observations is that objects ‘prefer’ to appear at the center part of images. For this reason, a bounding box that appears at the center part of the image is likely to contain an object. These two observations are going to help us retrieve more objects while promoting the recall performance. Finally, our results show that given just 5000 proposals we achieve over 89% object recall but 87% in Edge Boxes at the challenging overlap threshold of 0.7. Further, we compare our approach to some state-of-the-art approaches to show that our results are more accurate and faster than those approaches. In the end, some comparative pictures are shown to indicate intuitively that our approach can find more objects and more accurate objects than Edge Boxes.

  • Nonlinear Regression of Saliency Guided Proposals for Unsupervised Segmentation of Dynamic Scenes

    Yinhui ZHANG  Mohamed ABDEL-MOTTALEB  Zifen HE  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:2

    This paper proposes an efficient video object segmentation approach that is tolerant to complex scene dynamics. Unlike existing approaches that rely on estimating object-like proposals on an intra-frame basis, the proposed approach employs temporally consistent foreground hypothesis using nonlinear regression of saliency guided proposals across a video sequence. For this purpose, we first generate salient foreground proposals at superpixel level by leveraging a saliency signature in the discrete cosine transform domain. We propose to use a random forest based nonlinear regression scheme to learn both appearance and shape features from salient foreground regions in all frames of a sequence. Availability of such features can help rank every foreground proposals of a sequence, and we show that the regions with high ranking scores are well correlated with semantic foreground objects in dynamic scenes. Subsequently, we utilize a Markov Random Field to integrate both appearance and motion coherence of the top-ranked object proposals. A temporal nonlinear regressor for generating salient object support regions significantly improves the segmentation performance compared to using only per-frame objectness cues. Extensive experiments on challenging real-world video sequences are performed to validate the feasibility and superiority of the proposed approach for addressing dynamic scene segmentation.

  • Quantitative Assessment of Facial Paralysis Based on Spatiotemporal Features

    Truc Hung NGO  Yen-Wei CHEN  Naoki MATSUSHIRO  Masataka SEO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E99-D No:1

    Facial paralysis is a popular clinical condition occurring in 30 to 40 patients per 100,000 people per year. A quantitative tool to support medical diagnostics is necessary. This paper proposes a simple, visual and robust method that can objectively measure the degree of the facial paralysis by the use of spatiotemporal features. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of an effective spatiotemporal feature extraction method based on a tracking of landmarks. Our method overcomes the drawbacks of the other techniques such as the influence of irrelevant regions, noise, illumination change and time-consuming process. In addition, the method is simple and visual. The simplification helps to reduce the time-consuming process. Also, the movements of landmarks, which relate to muscle movement ability, are visual. Therefore, the visualization helps reveal regions of serious facial paralysis. For recognition rate, experimental results show that our proposed method outperformed the other techniques tested on a dynamic facial expression image database.

  • Utilizing Attributed Graph Representation in Object Detection and Tracking for Indoor Range Sensor Surveillance Cameras

    Houari SABIRIN  Hiroshi SANKOH  Sei NAITO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:12

    The problem of identifying moving objects in a video recording produced by a range sensor camera is due to the limited information available for classifying different objects. On the other hand, the infrared signal from a range sensor camera is more robust for extreme luminance intensity when the monitored area has light conditions that are too bright or too dark. This paper proposes a method of detection and tracking moving objects in image sequences captured by stationary range sensor cameras. Here, the depth information is utilized to correctly identify each of detected objects. Firstly, camera calibration and background subtraction are performed to separate the background from the moving objects. Next, a 2D projection mapping is performed to obtain the location and contour of the objects in the 2D plane. Based on this information, graph matching is performed based on features extracted from the 2D data, namely object position, size and the behavior of the objects. By observing the changes in the number of objects and the objects' position relative to each other, similarity matching is performed to track the objects in the temporal domain. Experimental results show that by using similarity matching, object identification can be correctly achieved even during occlusion.

  • Discriminative Middle-Level Parts Mining for Object Detection

    Dong LI  Yali LI  Shengjin WANG  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:11

    Middle-level parts have attracted great attention in the computer vision community, acting as discriminative elements for objects. In this paper we propose an unsupervised approach to mine discriminative parts for object detection. This work features three aspects. First, we introduce an unsupervised, exemplar-based training process for part detection. We generate initial parts by selective search and then train part detectors by exemplar SVM. Second, a part selection model based on consistency and distinctiveness is constructed to select effective parts from the candidate pool. Third, we combine discriminative part mining with the deformable part model (DPM) for object detection. The proposed method is evaluated on the PASCAL VOC2007 and VOC2010 datasets. The experimental results demons-trate the effectiveness of our method for object detection.

  • An Efficient and Universal Conical Hypervolume Evolutionary Algorithm in Three or Higher Dimensional Objective Space

    Weiqin YING  Yuehong XIE  Xing XU  Yu WU  An XU  Zhenyu WANG  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E98-A No:11

    The conical area evolutionary algorithm (CAEA) has a very high run-time efficiency for bi-objective optimization, but it can not tackle problems with more than two objectives. In this letter, a conical hypervolume evolutionary algorithm (CHEA) is proposed to extend the CAEA to a higher dimensional objective space. CHEA partitions objective spaces into a series of conical subregions and retains only one elitist individual for every subregion within a compact elitist archive. Additionally, each offspring needs to be compared only with the elitist individual in the same subregion in terms of the local hypervolume scalar indicator. Experimental results on 5-objective test problems have revealed that CHEA can obtain the satisfactory overall performance on both run-time efficiency and solution quality.

  • Adaptive Block-Propagative Background Subtraction Method for UHDTV Foreground Detection

    Axel BEAUGENDRE  Satoshi GOTO  


    E98-A No:11

    This paper presents an Adapting Block-Propagative Background Subtraction (ABPBGS) designed for Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV) foreground detection. The main idea is to detect block after block along the objects in order to skip all areas of the image in which there is no moving object. This is particularly interesting for UHDTV when the objects of interest could represent not even 0.1% of the total area. From a seed block which is determined in a previous iteration, the detection will spread along an object as long as it detects a part of that object. A block history map guaranties that each block is processed only once. Moreover, only small blocks are loaded and processed, thus saving computational time and memory usage. The process of each block is independent enough to be easily parallelized. Compared to 9 state-of-the-art works, the ABPBGS achieved the best results with an average global quality score of 0.57 (1 being the maximum) on a dataset of 4K and 8K UHDTV sequences developed for this work. None of the state-of-the-art methods could process 4K videos in reasonable time while the ABPBGS has shown an average speed of 5.18fps. In comparison, 5 of the 9 state-of-the-art methods performed slower on 270p down-scale version of the same videos. The experiments have also shown that for the process an 8K UHDTV video the ABPBGS can divide the memory required by about 24 for a total of 450MB.

  • Power Allocation for Ergodic Capacity and Outage Probability Tradeoff in Cognitive Radio Networks

    Qun LI  Ding XU  


    E98-B No:10

    The problem of power allocation for the secondary user (SU) in a cognitive radio (CR) network is investigated in this paper. The primary user (PU) is protected by the average interference power constraint. Besides the average interference power constraint at the PU, the transmit power of the SU is also subject to the peak or average transmit power constraint. The aim is to balance between the goal of maximizing the ergodic capacity and the goal of minimizing the outage probability of the SU. Power allocation schemes are then proposed under the aforementioned setups. It is shown that the proposed power allocation schemes can achieve high ergodic capacity while maintaining low outage probability, whereas existing schemes achieve either high ergodic capacity with high outage probability or low outage probability with low ergodic capacity.

  • Manage the Tradeoff in Data Sanitization

    Peng CHENG  Chun-Wei LIN  Jeng-Shyang PAN  Ivan LEE  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:10

    Sharing data might bring the risk of disclosing the sensitive knowledge in it. Usually, the data owner may choose to sanitize data by modifying some items in it to hide sensitive knowledge prior to sharing. This paper focuses on protecting sensitive knowledge in the form of frequent itemsets by data sanitization. The sanitization process may result in side effects, i.e., the data distortion and the damage to the non-sensitive frequent itemsets. How to minimize these side effects is a challenging problem faced by the research community. Actually, there is a trade-off when trying to minimize both side effects simultaneously. In view of this, we propose a data sanitization method based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO). This method can hide specified sensitive itemsets completely while minimizing the accompanying side effects. Experiments on real datasets show that the proposed approach is very effective in performing the hiding task with fewer damage to the original data and non-sensitive knowledge.

  • FPGA Hardware with Target-Reconfigurable Object Detector

    Yoshifumi YAZAWA  Tsutomu YOSHIMI  Teruyasu TSUZUKI  Tomomi DOHI  Yuji YAMAUCHI  Takayoshi YAMASHITA  Hironobu FUJIYOSHI  


    E98-D No:9

    Much effort has been applied to research on object detection by statistical learning methods in recent years, and the results of that work are expected to find use in fields such as ITS and security. Up to now, the research has included optimization of computational algorithms for real-time processing on hardware such as GPU's and FPGAs. Such optimization most often works only with particular parameters, which often forfeits the flexibility that comes with dynamic changing of the target object. We propose a hardware architecture for faster detection and flexible target reconfiguration while maintaining detection accuracy. Tests confirm operation in a practical time when implemented in an FPGA board.

  • Robust Motion Detection Based on the Enhanced ViBe

    Zhihui FAN  Zhaoyang LU  Jing LI  Chao YAO  Wei JIANG  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E98-D No:9

    To eliminate casting shadows of moving objects, which cause difficulties in vision applications, a novel method is proposed based on Visual background extractor by altering its updating mechanism using relevant spatiotemporal information. An adaptive threshold and a spatial adjustment are also employed. Experiments on typical surveillance scenes validate this scheme.

  • Automatic Soccer Player Tracking in Single Camera with Robust Occlusion Handling Using Attribute Matching

    Houari SABIRIN  Hiroshi SANKOH  Sei NAITO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:8

    This paper presents an automatic method to track soccer players in soccer video recorded from a single camera where the occurrence of pan-tilt-zoom can take place. The automatic object tracking is intended to support texture extraction in a free viewpoint video authoring application for soccer video. To ensure that the identity of the tracked object can be correctly obtained, background segmentation is performed and automatically removes commercial billboards whenever it overlaps with the soccer player. Next, object tracking is performed by an attribute matching algorithm for all objects in the temporal domain to find and maintain the correlation of the detected objects. The attribute matching process finds the best match between two objects in different frames according to their pre-determined attributes: position, size, dominant color and motion information. Utilizing these attributes, the experimental results show that the tracking process can handle occlusion problems such as occlusion involving more than three objects and occluded objects with similar color and moving direction, as well as correctly identify objects in the presence of camera movements.

  • Robust Moving Object Extraction and Tracking Method Based on Matching Position Constraints

    Tetsuya OKUDA  Yoichi TOMIOKA  Hitoshi KITAZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:8

    Object extraction and tracking in a video image is basic technology for many applications, such as video surveillance and robot vision. Many moving object extraction and tracking methods have been proposed. However, they fail when the scenes include illumination change or light reflection. For tracking the moving object robustly, we should consider not only the RGB values of input images but also the shape information of the objects. If the objects' shapes do not change suddenly, matching positions on the cost matrix of exclusive block matching are located nearly on a line. We propose a method for obtaining the correspondence of feature points by imposing a matching position constraint induced by the shape constancy. We demonstrate experimentally that the proposed method achieves robust tracking in various environments.

  • Objective Estimation Methods for the Quality of HDR Images and Their Evaluation with Subjective Assessment

    Hirofumi TAKANO  Naoyuki AWANO  Kenji SUGIYAMA  


    E98-A No:8

    High dynamic range (HDR) images that include large differences in brightness levels are studied to address the lack of knowledge on the quality estimation method for real HDR images. For this, we earlier proposed a new metric, the independent signal-to-noise ratio (ISNR), using the independent pixel value as the signal instead of the peak value (PSNR). Next, we proposed the local peak signal-to-noise ratio (LPSNR), using the maximum value of neighboring pixels, as an improved version. However, these methods did not sufficiently consider human perception. To address this issue, here we proposed an objective estimation method that considers spatial frequency characteristics based on the actual brightness. In this method, the approximated function for human characteristics is calculated and used as a 2D filter on an FFT for spatial frequency weighting. In order to confirm the usefulness of this objective estimation method, we compared the results of the objective estimation with a subjective assessment. We used the organic EL display which has a perfect contrast ratio for the subjective assessment. The results of experiments showed that perceptual weighting improves the correlation between the SNR and MOS of the subjective assessment. It is recognized that the weighted LPSNR gives the best correlation.

  • Objective No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Based on Spatio-Temporal Pixel Analysis

    Wyllian B. da SILVA  Keiko V. O. FONSECA  Alexandre de A. P. POHL  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:7

    Digital video signals are subject to several distortions due to compression processes, transmission over noisy channels or video processing. Therefore, the video quality evaluation has become a necessity for broadcasters and content providers interested in offering a high video quality to the customers. Thus, an objective no-reference video quality assessment metric is proposed based on the sigmoid model using spatial-temporal features weighted by parameters obtained through the solution of a nonlinear least squares problem using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Experimental results show that when it is applied to MPEG-2 streams our method presents better linearity than full-reference metrics, and its performance is close to that achieved with full-reference metrics for H.264 streams.

  • Discriminative Semantic Parts Learning for Object Detection

    Yurui XIE  Qingbo WU  Bing LUO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:7

    In this letter, we propose a new semantic parts learning approach to address the object detection problem with only the bounding boxes of object category labels. Our main observation is that even though the appearance and arrangement of object parts might have variations across the instances of different object categories, the constituent parts still maintain geometric consistency. Specifically, we propose a discriminative clustering method with sparse representation refinement to discover the mid-level semantic part set automatically. Then each semantic part detector is learned by the linear SVM in a one-vs-all manner. Finally, we utilize the learned part detectors to score the test image and integrate all the response maps of part detectors to obtain the detection result. The learned class-generic part detectors have the ability to capture the objects across different categories. Experimental results show that the performance of our approach can outperform some recent competing methods.
