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  • Estimation of EMI Impact by Cellular Radio on Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers in Elevator Using EMF Distributions Inside Human Body

    Atsushi KITAGAWA  Takashi HIKAGE  Toshio NOJIMA  Ally Y. SIMBA  Soichi WATANABE  

    PAPER-Biological Effects and Safety

    E93-B No:7

    The purpose of this study is to estimate the possible effect of cellular radio on implantable cardiac pacemakers in elevators. We previously investigated pacemaker EMI in elevator by examining the E-field distribution of horizontal plane at the height of expected for implanted pacemakers inside elevators. In this paper, we introduce our method for estimating EMI impact to implantable cardiac pacemakers using EMF distributions inside the region of the human body in which pacemakers are implanted. Simulations of a human phantom in an elevator are performed and histograms are derived from the resulting EMF distributions. The computed results of field strengths are compared with a certain reference level determined from experimentally obtained maximum interference distance of implantable cardiac pacemakers. This enables us to carry out a quantitative evaluation of the EMI impact to pacemakers by cellular radio transmission. This paper uses a numerical phantom model developed based on an European adult male. The simulations evaluate EMI on implantable cardiac pacemakers in three frequency bands. As a result, calculated E-field strengths are sufficiently low to cause the pacemaker to malfunction in the region examined.

  • Sensor Localization Based on AOA-Assisted NLOS Identification

    Takahiro ASO  Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E93-A No:6

    In ubiquitous sensor networks, the estimation accuracy of a node location is limited due to the presence of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) paths. To mitigate the NLOS effects, this letter proposes a simple algorithm where NLOS identification is carried out using angle-of-arrival (AOA). Simulation results show that the use of AOA improves NLOS identification rates and location estimation accuracy.

  • Key-Generation Algorithms for Linear Piece In Hand Matrix Method

    Kohtaro TADAKI  Shigeo TSUJII  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E93-A No:6

    The linear Piece In Hand (PH, for short) matrix method with random variables was proposed in our former work. It is a general prescription which can be applicable to any type of multivariate public-key cryptosystems for the purpose of enhancing their security. Actually, we showed, in an experimental manner, that the linear PH matrix method with random variables can certainly enhance the security of HFE against the Grobner basis attack, where HFE is one of the major variants of multivariate public-key cryptosystems. In 1998 Patarin, Goubin, and Courtois introduced the plus method as a general prescription which aims to enhance the security of any given MPKC, just like the linear PH matrix method with random variables. In this paper we prove the equivalence between the plus method and the primitive linear PH matrix method, which is introduced by our previous work to explain the notion of the PH matrix method in general in an illustrative manner and not for a practical use to enhance the security of any given MPKC. Based on this equivalence, we show that the linear PH matrix method with random variables has the substantial advantage over the plus method with respect to the security enhancement. In the linear PH matrix method with random variables, the three matrices, including the PH matrix, play a central role in the secret-key and public-key. In this paper, we clarify how to generate these matrices and thus present two probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms to generate these matrices. In particular, the second one has a concise form, and is obtained as a byproduct of the proof of the equivalence between the plus method and the primitive linear PH matrix method.

  • Fourier Magnitude-Based Privacy-Preserving Clustering on Time-Series Data

    Hea-Suk KIM  Yang-Sae MOON  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E93-D No:6

    Privacy-preserving clustering (PPC in short) is important in publishing sensitive time-series data. Previous PPC solutions, however, have a problem of not preserving distance orders or incurring privacy breach. To solve this problem, we propose a new PPC approach that exploits Fourier magnitudes of time-series. Our magnitude-based method does not cause privacy breach even though its techniques or related parameters are publicly revealed. Using magnitudes only, however, incurs the distance order problem, and we thus present magnitude selection strategies to preserve as many Euclidean distance orders as possible. Through extensive experiments, we showcase the superiority of our magnitude-based approach.

  • Parametric Packet-Layer Model for Evaluation Audio Quality in Multimedia Streaming Services

    Noritsugu EGI  Takanori HAYASHI  Akira TAKAHASHI  


    E93-B No:6

    We propose a parametric packet-layer model for monitoring audio quality in multimedia streaming services such as Internet protocol television (IPTV). This model estimates audio quality of experience (QoE) on the basis of quality degradation due to coding and packet loss of an audio sequence. The input parameters of this model are audio bit rate, sampling rate, frame length, packet-loss frequency, and average burst length. Audio bit rate, packet-loss frequency, and average burst length are calculated from header information in received IP packets. For sampling rate, frame length, and audio codec type, the values or the names used in monitored services are input into this model directly. We performed a subjective listening test to examine the relationships between these input parameters and perceived audio quality. The codec used in this test was the Advanced Audio Codec-Low Complexity (AAC-LC), which is one of the international standards for audio coding. On the basis of the test results, we developed an audio quality evaluation model. The verification results indicate that audio quality estimated by the proposed model has a high correlation with perceived audio quality.

  • Efficient Power Network Analysis with Modeling of Inductive Effects

    Shan ZENG  Wenjian YU  Xianlong HONG  Chung-Kuan CHENG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E93-A No:6

    In this paper, an efficient method is proposed to accurately analyze large-scale power/ground (P/G) networks, where inductive parasitics are modeled with the partial reluctance. The method is based on frequency-domain circuit analysis and the technique of vector fitting, and obtains the time-domain voltage response at given P/G nodes. The frequency-domain circuit equation including partial reluctances is derived, and then solved with the GMRES algorithm with rescaling, preconditioning and recycling techniques. With the merit of sparsified reluctance matrix and iterative solving techniques for the frequency-domain circuit equations, the proposed method is able to handle large-scale P/G networks with complete inductive modeling. Numerical results show that the proposed method is orders of magnitude faster than HSPICE, several times faster than INDUCTWISE, and capable of handling the inductive P/G structures with more than 100,000 wire segments.

  • Time Delay Estimator Based on Frequency Estimation Approach

    Kenneth Wing Kin LUI  Hing Cheung SO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E93-A No:6

    In this Letter, the problem of estimating the time-difference-of-arrival between signals received at two spatially separated sensors is addressed. By taking discrete Fourier transform of the sensor outputs, time delay estimation corresponds to finding the frequency of a noisy sinusoid with time-varying amplitude. The generalized weighted linear predictor is utilized to estimate the time delay and it is shown that its estimation accuracy attains Cramér-Rao lower bound.

  • 3-Hop Cooperative Diversity Using Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code

    Tomoya YAMAOKA  Yoshitaka HARA  Noriyuki FUKUI  Hiroshi KUBO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:6

    We propose 3-hop cooperative diversity using QOSTBC (Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code), which offers 3-hop cooperative diversity without signal separation in relay nodes. The key of our proposed scheme is encoding signal sequence in different signal unit according to relay stage. This letter explains details of the proposed scheme and shows that it offers interference reduction among streams and space diversity gain by result of simulations.

  • Robust Wavelet Sliding-Mode Control via Time-Variant Sliding Function

    Majid YARAHMADI  Seyed-Mehdi KARBASSI  Ahmad MIRZAEI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E93-A No:6

    In this paper, a new robust wavelet time-variant sliding-mode control (RWTVSMC) for an uncertain nonlinear system is presented. The proposed method is composed of two controllers, based on a time variant sliding equation. For this purpose a neural wavelet controller is designed to approximate an ideal controller based on the wavelet network approximation. Also a robust controller is designed to achieve H∞ tracking performance. New terminologies, rejection parameter and rejection regulator, for filtering all un-modeled frequencies are defined. A time-variant sliding equation based on the time-variant rejection parameter to achieve the best tracking performance is then presented. In addition, two theorems and one lemma which facilitate design of robust wavelet sliding-mode control are proved. Also, two simulation examples are presented to illustrate the performance and the advantages of the proposed method.

  • End-to-End Reference QoS Architecture for 802.11 WLAN Open Access

    Hoang NGUYEN  Raoul RIVAS  Klara NAHRSTEDT  


    E93-B No:6

    With the big success of 802.11 wireless networks, there have been many proposals addressing end-to-end QoS guarantees in 802.11 WLAN. However, we have found that current end-to-end QoS architectures lack of one or more important properties such as cross-layer interaction, end-to-end integration, reconfigurability and modularity. In this work, we present an end-to-end reference QoS architecture for 802.11 WLAN that encapsulates in an unifying fashion software-based QoS components (mechanisms, algorithms, services), proposed in the literature. To show the usefulness and correctness of the reference architecture, we present three case studies of end-to-end QoS architectures addressing different QoS requirements such as bandwidth and delay with different approaches such as differentiated services and integrated services. We will give an architectural comparison and performance evaluation of these architectures. We believe the reference QoS architectures can help QoS designers to understand the importance and the complexity of various QoS components during the design phase and thus choose these QoS components appropriately.

  • Estimates of User Interest Using Timing Structures between Proactive Content-Display Updates and Eye Movements

    Takatsugu HIRAYAMA  Jean-Baptiste DODANE  Hiroaki KAWASHIMA  Takashi MATSUYAMA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E93-D No:6

    People are being inundated under enormous volumes of information and they often dither about making the right choices from these. Interactive user support by information service system such as concierge services will effectively assist such people. However, human-machine interaction still lacks naturalness and thoughtfulness despite the widespread utilization of intelligent systems. The system needs to estimate user's interest to improve the interaction and support the choices. We propose a novel approach to estimating the interest, which is based on the relationship between the dynamics of user's eye movements, i.e., the endogenous control mode of saccades, and machine's proactive presentations of visual contents. Under a specially-designed presentation phase to make the user express the endogenous saccades, we analyzed the timing structures between the saccades and the presentation events. We defined resistance as a novel time-delay feature representing the duration a user's gaze remains fixed on the previously presented content regardless of the next event. In experimental results obtained from 10 subjects, we confirmed that resistance is a good indicator for estimating the interest of most subjects (75% success in 28 experiments on 7 subjects). This demonstrated a higher accuracy than conventional estimates of interest based on gaze duration or frequency.

  • A Real-Time Joint Source-Channel Coding Based on a Simplified Modeling of the Residual Video Packet Loss

    Yo-Won JEONG  Jae Cheol KWON  Jae-kyoon KIM  Kyu Ho PARK  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E93-B No:6

    We propose a simplified model of real-time joint source-channel coding, which can be used to adaptively determine the quality-optimal code rate of forward error correction (FEC) coding. The objective is to obtain the maximum video quality in the receiver, while taking time-varying packet loss into consideration. To this end, we propose a simplified model of the threshold set of the residual video packet loss rate (RVPLR). The RVPLR is the rate of residual loss of video packets after channel decoding. The threshold set is defined as a set of discrete RVPLRs in which the FEC code rate must be changed in order to maintain minimum distortion during increases or decreases of channel packet loss. Because the closed form of the proposed model is very simple and has one scene-dependent model parameter, a video sender can be easily implemented with the model. To train the scene-dependent model parameters in real-time, we propose a test-run method. This method accelerates the test-run while remaining sufficiently accurate for training the scene-dependent model parameters. By using the proposed model and test-run, the video sender can always find the optimal code rate on the fly whenever there is a change in the packet loss status in the channel. An experiment shows that the proposed model and test-run can efficiently determine the near-optimal code rate in joint source-channel coding.

  • A Novel Post-Silicon Debug Mechanism Based on Suspect Window

    Jianliang GAO  Yinhe HAN  Xiaowei LI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:5

    Bugs are becoming unavoidable in complex integrated circuit design. It is imperative to identify the bugs as soon as possible through post-silicon debug. For post-silicon debug, observability is one of the biggest challenges. Scan-based debug mechanism provides high observability by reusing scan chains. However, it is not feasible to scan dump cycle-by-cycle during program execution due to the excessive time required. In fact, it is not necessary to scan out the error-free states. In this paper, we introduce Suspect Window to cover the clock cycle in which the bug is triggered. Then, we present an efficient approach to determine the suspect window. Based on Suspect Window, we propose a novel debug mechanism to locate the bug both temporally and spatially. Since scan dumps are only taken in the suspect window with the proposed mechanism, the time required for locating the bug is greatly reduced. The approaches are evaluated using ISCAS'89 and ITC'99 benchmark circuits. The experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can significantly reduce the overall debug time compared to scan-based debug mechanism while keeping high observability.

  • Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment: An Overview

    Wen Tao ZHU  Robert H. DENG  Jianying ZHOU  Feng BAO  


    E93-D No:5

    The access privileges in distributed systems can be effectively organized as a partial-order hierarchy that consists of distinct security classes, and the access rights are often designated with certain temporal restrictions. The time-bound hierarchical key assignment problem is to assign distinct cryptographic keys to distinct security classes according to their privileges so that users from a higher class can use their class key to derive the keys of lower classes, and these keys are time-variant with respect to sequentially allocated temporal units called time slots. In this paper, we present the involved principle, survey the state of the art, and particularly, look into two representative approaches to time-bound hierarchical key assignment for in-depth case studies.

  • Energy-Aware Real-Time Task Scheduling Exploiting Temporal Locality

    Yong-Hee KIM  Myoung-Jo JUNG  Cheol-Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E93-D No:5

    We propose a dynamic voltage scaling algorithm to exploit the temporal locality called TLDVS (Temporal Locality DVS) that can achieve significant energy savings while simultaneously preserving timeliness guarantees made by real-time scheduling. Traditionally hard real-time scheduling algorithms assume that the actual computation requirement of tasks would be varied continuously from time to time, but most real-time tasks have a limited number of operational modes changing with temporal locality. Such temporal locality can be exploited for energy savings by scaling down the operating frequency and the supply voltage accordingly. The proposed algorithm does not assume task periodicity, and requires only previous execution time among a priori information on the task set to schedule. Simulation results show that TLDVS achieves up to 25% energy savings compared with OLDVS, and up to 42% over the non-DVS scheduling.

  • An Abstraction Refinement Technique for Timed Automata Based on Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement Loop

    Takeshi NAGAOKA  Kozo OKANO  Shinji KUSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Model Checking

    E93-D No:5

    Model checking techniques are useful for design of high-reliable information systems. The well-known problem of state explosion, however, might occur in model checking of large systems. Such explosion severely limits the scalability of model checking. In order to avoid it, several abstraction techniques have been proposed. Some of them are based on CounterExample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) loop technique proposed by E. Clarke et al.. This paper proposes a concrete abstraction technique for timed automata used in model checking of real time systems. Our technique is based on CEGAR, in which we use a counter example as a guide to refine the abstract model. Although, in general, the refinement operation is applied to abstract models, our method modifies the original timed automaton. Next, we generate refined abstract models from the modified automaton. This paper describes formal descriptions of the algorithm and the correctness proof of the algorithm.

  • Radio Resource Allocation for Real-Time Traffic with Multi-Level Delay Constraint in OFDMA System

    Sungho HWANG  Jeongsik PARK  Ho-Shin CHO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:5

    In this paper, an efficient radio resource allocation scheme for OFDMA systems is proposed, which follows two steps to take care of real-time traffic characterized with multi-level delay constraints. Urgent packets, those with imminent deadlines, are released first in step 1. After that the remaining channel resources are managed in such a way that overall throughput is maximized at Step 2. In this work, 2-dimensional diversity over multiple sub-bands and multiple users are jointly considered. The proposed scheme is compared with existing schemes designed for real-time traffic such as Exponential Scheduling (EXP) scheme, Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF) scheme, and Round robin scheme in terms of the packet discard probability and throughput. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme performs much better than the aforementioned ones in terms of the packet discard probability, while slightly better in terms of throughput.

  • Study on Quantum Electro-Dynamics in Vertical MOSFET

    Masakazu MURAGUCHI  Tetsuo ENDOH  

    PAPER-Emerging Devices

    E93-C No:5

    We have studied transmission property of electron in vertical MOSFET (V-MOSFET) from the viewpoint of quantum electro-dynamics. To obtain the intuitive picture of electron transmission property through channel of the V-MOSFET, we solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation in real space by employing the split operator method. We injected an electron wave packet into the body of the V-MOSFET from the source, and traced the time-development of electron-wave function in the body and drain region. We successfully showed that the electron wave function propagates through the resonant states of the body potential. Our suggested approaches open the quantative and intuitive discussion for the carrier dynamics in the V-MOSFET on quantum limit.

  • Security Proof of Quantum Key Distribution

    Kiyoshi TAMAKI  Toyohiro TSURUMARU  


    E93-A No:5

    Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a way to securely expand the secret key to be used in One-time pad, and it is attracting great interest from not only theorists but also experimentalists or engineers who are aiming for the actual implementations. In this paper, we review the theoretical aspect of QKD, especially we focus on its security proof, and we briefly mention the possible problems and future directions.

  • Overlay Real-Time Video Multicast System

    Ho Jong KANG  Hyung Rai OH  Hwangjun SONG  


    E93-B No:4

    In this paper, we present an effective overlay real-time video multicast system over the Internet. The proposed system effectively integrates overlay multicast technology and video compression technology. Overlay multicast tree and target bit rate are determined to satisfy the given average delay constraint, and H.263+ rate control is implemented to enhance the human visual perceptual quality over the multicast tree. Finally, experimental results are provided to show the performance of the proposed overlay video multicast system over the Internet.
