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  • Link Availability Prediction Based on Machine Learning for Opportunistic Networks in Oceans

    Lige GE  Shengming JIANG  Xiaowei WANG  Yanli XU  Ruoyu FENG  Zhichao ZHENG  

    LETTER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E105-A No:3

    Along with the fast development of blue economy, wireless communication in oceans has received extensive attention in recent years, and opportunistic networks without any aid from fixed infrastructure or centralized management are expected to play an important role in such highly dynamic environments. Here, link prediction can help nodes to select proper links for data forwarding to reduce transmission failure. The existing prediction schemes are mainly based on analytical models with no adaptability, and consider relatively simple and small terrestrial wireless networks. In this paper, we propose a new link prediction algorithm based on machine learning, which is composed of an extractor of convolutional layers and an estimator of long short-term memory to extract useful representations of time-series data and identify effective long-term dependencies. The experiments manifest that the proposed scheme is more effective and flexible compared with the other link prediction schemes.

  • Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Calculations in the Abdomen of the Human Body Caused by Smartphone at Various Tilt Angles: A Consideration of the 1950MHz Band

    Chiaki TAKASAKA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Tomoaki NAGAOKA  Kanako WAKE  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E105-B No:3

    Various electromagnetic (EM) wave applications have become commonplace, and humans are frequently exposed to EM waves. Therefore, the effect of EM waves on the human body should be evaluated. In this study, we focused on the specific absorption rate (SAR) due to the EM waves emitted from smartphones, developed high-resolution numerical smartphone models, and studied the SAR variation by changing the position and tilt angle (the angle between the display of the smartphone model and horizontal plane) of the smartphone models vis-à-vis the human abdomen, assuming the use of the smartphone at various tilt angles in front of the abdomen. The calculations showed that the surface shape of the human model influenced the SAR variation.

  • A Sparsely-Connected OTFS-BFDM System Using Message-Passing Decoding Open Access

    Tingyao WU  Zhisong BIE  Celimuge WU  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:3

    The newly proposed orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) system exhibits excellent error performance on high-Doppler fading channels. However, the rectangular prototype window function (PWF) inherent in OTFS leads to high out-of-band emission (OOBE), which reduces the spectral efficiency in multi-user scenarios. To this end, this paper presents an OTFS system based on bi-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OTFS-BFDM) modulation. In OTFS-BFDM systems, PWFs with bi-orthogonal properties can be optimized to provide lower OOBE than OTFS, which is a special case with rectangular PWF. We further derive that the OTFS-BFDM system is sparsely-connected so that the low-complexity message passing (MP) decoding algorithm can be adopted. Moreover, the power spectral density, peak to average power ratio (PAPR) and bit error rate (BER) of the OTFS-BFDM system with different PWFs are compared. Simulation results show that: i) the use of BFDM modulation significantly inhibits the OOBE of OTFS system; ii) the better the frequency-domain localization of PWFs, the smaller the BER and PAPR of OTFS-BFDM system.

  • Classifying Near-Miss Traffic Incidents through Video, Sensor, and Object Features

    Shuhei YAMAMOTO  Takeshi KURASHIMA  Hiroyuki TODA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:2

    Front video and sensor data captured by vehicle-mounted event recorders are used for not only traffic accident evidence but also safe-driving education as near-miss traffic incident data. However, most event recorder (ER) data shows only regular driving events. To utilize near-miss data for safe-driving education, we need to be able to easily and rapidly locate the appropriate data from large amounts of ER data through labels attached to the scenes/events of interest. This paper proposes a method that can automatically identify near-misses with objects such as pedestrians and bicycles by processing the ER data. The proposed method extracts two deep feature representations that consider car status and the environment surrounding the car. The first feature representation is generated by considering the temporal transitions of car status. The second one can extract the positional relationship between the car and surrounding objects by processing object detection results. Experiments on actual ER data demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately identify and tag near-miss events.

  • Multi-Agent Distributed Route Selection under Consideration of Time Dependency among Agents' Road Usage for Vehicular Networks

    Takanori HARA  Masahiro SASABE  Shoji KASAHARA  


    E105-B No:2

    Traffic congestion in road networks has been studied as the congestion game in game theory. In the existing work, the road usage by each agent was assumed to be static during the whole time horizon of the agent's travel, as in the classical congestion game. This assumption, however, should be reconsidered because each agent sequentially uses roads composing the route. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent distributed route selection scheme based on a gradient descent method considering the time-dependency among agents' road usage for vehicular networks. The proposed scheme first estimates the time-dependent flow on each road by considering the agents' probabilistic occupation under the first-in-first-out (FIFO) policy. Then, it calculates the optimal route choice probability of each route candidate using the gradient descent method and the estimated time-dependent flow. Each agent finally selects one route according to the optimal route choice probabilities. We first prove that the proposed scheme can exponentially converge to the steady-state at the convergence rate inversely proportional to the product of the number of agents and that of individual route candidates. Through simulations under a grid-like network and a real road network, we show that the proposed scheme can improve the actual travel time by 5.1% and 2.5% compared with the conventional static-flow based approach, respectively. In addition, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme is robust against incomplete information sharing among agents, which would be caused by its low penetration ratio or limited transmission range of wireless communications.

  • Lempel-Ziv Factorization in Linear-Time O(1)-Workspace for Constant Alphabets

    Weijun LIU  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:12

    Computing the Lempel-Ziv Factorization (LZ77) of a string is one of the most important problems in computer science. Nowadays, it has been widely used in many applications such as data compression, text indexing and pattern discovery, and already become the heart of many file compressors like gzip and 7zip. In this paper, we show a linear time algorithm called Xone for computing the LZ77, which has the same space requirement with the previous best space requirement for linear time LZ77 factorization called BGone. Xone greatly improves the efficiency of BGone. Experiments show that the two versions of Xone: XoneT and XoneSA are about 27% and 31% faster than BGoneT and BGoneSA, respectively.

  • Neural Incremental Speech Recognition Toward Real-Time Machine Speech Translation

    Sashi NOVITASARI  Sakriani SAKTI  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:12

    Real-time machine speech translation systems mimic human interpreters and translate incoming speech from a source language to the target language in real-time. Such systems can be achieved by performing low-latency processing in ASR (automatic speech recognition) module before passing the output to MT (machine translation) and TTS (text-to-speech synthesis) modules. Although several studies recently proposed sequence mechanisms for neural incremental ASR (ISR), these frameworks have a more complicated training mechanism than the standard attention-based ASR because they have to decide the incremental step and learn the alignment between speech and text. In this paper, we propose attention-transfer ISR (AT-ISR) that learns the knowledge from attention-based non-incremental ASR for a low delay end-to-end speech recognition. ISR comes with a trade-off between delay and performance, so we investigate how to reduce AT-ISR delay without a significant performance drop. Our experiment shows that AT-ISR achieves a comparable performance to the non-incremental ASR when the incremental recognition begins after the speech utterance reaches 25% of the complete utterance length. Additional experiments to investigate the effect of ISR on translation tasks are also performed. The focus is to find the optimum granularity of the output unit. The results reveal that our end-to-end subword-level ISR resulted in the best translation quality with the lowest WER and the lowest uncovered-word rate.

  • Performance Modeling of Bitcoin Blockchain: Mining Mechanism and Transaction-Confirmation Process Open Access

    Shoji KASAHARA  


    E104-B No:12

    Bitcoin is one of popular cryptocurrencies widely used over the world, and its blockchain technology has attracted considerable attention. In Bitcoin system, it has been reported that transactions are prioritized according to transaction fees, and that transactions with high priorities are likely to be confirmed faster than those with low priorities. In this paper, we consider performance modeling of Bitcoin-blockchain system in order to characterize the transaction-confirmation time. We first introduce the Bitcoin system, focusing on proof-of-work, the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin blockchain. Then, we show some queueing models and its analytical results, discussing the implications and insights obtained from the queueing models.

  • A Design Methodology of Wi-Fi RTT Ranging for Lateration

    Tetsuya MANABE  Koichi AIHARA  Naoki KOJIMA  Yusuke HIRAYAMA  Taichi SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E104-A No:12

    This paper indicates a design methodology of Wi-Fi round-trip time (RTT) ranging for lateration through the performance evaluation experiments. The Wi-Fi RTT-based lateration needs to operate plural access points (APs) at the same time. However, the relationship between the number of APs in operation and ranging performance has not been clarified in the conventional researches. Then, we evaluate the ranging performance of Wi-Fi RTT for lateration focusing on the number of APs and channel-usage conditions. As the results, we confirm that the ranging result acquisition rates decreases caused by increasing the number of APs simultaneously operated and/or increasing the channel-usage rates. In addition, based on positioning performance comparison between the Wi-Fi RTT-based lateration and the Wi-Fi fingerprint method, we clarify the points of notice that positioning by Wi-Fi RTT-based lateration differs from the conventional radio-intensity-based positioning. Consequently, we show a design methodology of Wi-Fi RTT ranging for lateration as the following three points: the important indicators for evaluation, the severeness of the channel selection, and the number of APs for using. The design methodology will help to realize the high-quality location-based services.

  • Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Industrial Network Congestion Control

    Zhentian WU  Feng YAN  Zhihua YANG  Jingya YANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E104-D No:11

    This paper studies using price incentives to shift bandwidth demand from peak to non-peak periods. In particular, cost discounts decrease as peak monthly usage increases. We take into account the delay sensitivity of different apps: during peak hours, the usage of hard real-time applications (HRAS) is not counted in the user's monthly data cap, while the usage of other applications (OAS) is counted in the user's monthly data cap. As a result, users may voluntarily delay or abandon OAS in order to get a higher fee discount. Then, a new data rate control algorithm is proposed. The algorithm allocates the data rate according to the priority of the source, which is determined by two factors: (I) the allocated data rate; and (II) the waiting time.

  • A Two-Stage Hardware Trojan Detection Method Considering the Trojan Probability of Neighbor Nets

    Kento HASEGAWA  Tomotaka INOUE  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E104-A No:11

    Due to the rapid growth of the information industry, various Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been widely used in our daily lives. Since the demand for low-cost and high-performance hardware devices has increased, malicious third-party vendors may insert malicious circuits into the products to degrade their performance or to leak secret information stored at the devices. The malicious circuit surreptitiously inserted into the hardware products is known as a ‘hardware Trojan.’ How to detect hardware Trojans becomes a significant concern in recent hardware production. In this paper, we propose a hardware Trojan detection method that employs two-stage neural networks and effectively utilizes the Trojan probability of neighbor nets. At the first stage, the 11 Trojan features are extracted from the nets in a given netlist, and then we estimate the Trojan probability that shows the probability of the Trojan nets. At the second stage, we learn the Trojan probability of the neighbor nets for each net in the netlist and classify the nets into a set of normal nets and Trojan ones. The experimental results demonstrate that the average true positive rate becomes 83.6%, and the average true negative rate becomes 96.5%, which is sufficiently high compared to the existing methods.

  • Deadlock-Free Symbolic Smith Controllers Based on Prediction for Nondeterministic Systems Open Access

    Masashi MIZOGUCHI  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E104-A No:11

    The Smith method has been used to control physical plants with dead time components, where plant states after the dead time is elapsed are predicted and a control input is determined based on the predicted states. We extend the method to the symbolic control and design a symbolic Smith controller to deal with a nondeterministic embedded system. Due to the nondeterministic transitions, the proposed controller computes all reachable plant states after the dead time is elapsed and determines a control input that is suitable for all of them in terms of a given control specification. The essence of the Smith method is that the effects of the dead time are suppressed by the prediction, however, which is not always guaranteed for nondeterministic systems because there may exist no control input that is suitable for all predicted states. Thus, in this paper, we discuss the existence of a deadlock-free symbolic Smith controller. If it exists, it is guaranteed that the effects of the dead time can be suppressed and that the controller can always issue the control input for any reachable state of the plant. If it does not exist, it is proved that the deviation from the control specification is essentially inevitable.

  • An Optimistic Synchronization Based Optimal Server Selection Scheme for Delay Sensitive Communication Services Open Access

    Akio KAWABATA  Bijoy Chand CHATTERJEE  Eiji OKI  

    PAPER-Network System

    E104-B No:10

    In distributed processing for communication services, a proper server selection scheme is required to reduce delay by ensuring the event occurrence order. Although a conservative synchronization algorithm (CSA) has been used to achieve this goal, an optimistic synchronization algorithm (OSA) can be feasible for synchronizing distributed systems. In comparison with CSA, which reproduces events in occurrence order before processing applications, OSA can be feasible to realize low delay communication as the processing events arrive sequentially. This paper proposes an optimal server selection scheme that uses OSA for distributed processing systems to minimize end-to-end delay under the condition that maximum status holding time is limited. In other words, the end-to-end delay is minimized based on the allowed rollback time, which is given according to the application designing aspects and availability of computing resources. Numerical results indicate that the proposed scheme reduces the delay compared to the conventional scheme.

  • Time of Arrival Ranging and Localization Algorithm in Multi-Path and Non-Line-of-Sight Environments in OFDM System

    Zhenyu ZHANG  Shaoli KANG  Bin REN  Xiang ZHANG  


    E104-B No:10

    Time of arrival (TOA) is a widely used wireless cellular network ranging technology. How to perform accurate TOA estimation in multi-path and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments and then accurately calculating mobile terminal locations are two critical issues in positioning research. NLOS identification can be performed in the TOA measurement part and the position calculation part. In this paper, for the above two steps, two schemes for mitigating NLOS errors are proposed. First, a TOA ranging method based on clustering theory is proposed to solve the problem of line-of-sight (LOS) path estimation in multi-path channels. We model the TOA range as a Gaussian mixture model and illustrate how LOS and NLOS can be measured and identified based on non-parametric Bayesian methods when the wireless transmission environment is unknown. Moreover, for NLOS propagation channels, this paper proposes a user location estimator based on the maximum a posteriori criterion. Combined with the TOA estimation and user location computation scheme proposed in this paper, the terminal's positioning accuracy is improved. Experiments showed that the TOA measurement and localization algorithms presented in this paper have good robustness in complex wireless environments.

  • A Method for Detecting Timing of Photodiode Saturation without In-Pixel TDC for High-Dynamic-Range CMOS Image Sensor

    Yuji INAGAKI  Yasuyuki MATSUYA  


    E104-C No:10

    A method for detecting the timing of photodiode (PD) saturation without using an in-pixel time-to-digital converter (TDC) is proposed. Detecting PD saturation time is an approach to extend the dynamic range of a CMOS image sensor (CIS) without multiple exposures. In addition to accumulated charges in a PD, PD saturation time can be used as a signal related to light intensity. However, in previously reported CISs with detecting PD saturation time, an in-pixel TDC is used to detect and store PD saturation time. That makes the resolution of a CIS lower because an in-pixel TDC requires a large area. As for the proposed pixel circuit, PD saturation time is detected and stored as a voltage in a capacitor. The voltage is read and converted to a digital code by a column ADC after an exposure. As a result, an in-pixel TDC is not required. A signal-processing and calibration method for combining two signals, which are saturation time and accumulated charges, linearly are also proposed. Circuit simulations confirmed that the proposed method extends the dynamic range by 36 dB and its total dynamic range to 95 dB. Effectiveness of the calibration was also confirmed through circuit simulations.

  • Image Based Coding of Spatial Probability Distribution on Human Dynamics Data

    Hideaki KIMATA  Xiaojun WU  Ryuichi TANIDA  


    E104-D No:10

    The need for real-time use of human dynamics data is increasing. The technical requirements for this include improved databases for handling a large amount of data as well as highly accurate sensing of people's movements. A bitmap index format has been proposed for high-speed processing of data that spreads in a two-dimensional space. Using the same format is expected to provide a service that searches queries, reads out desired data, visualizes it, and analyzes it. In this study, we propose a coding format that enables human dynamics data to compress it in the target data size, in order to save data storage for successive increase of real-time human dynamics data. In the proposed method, the spatial population distribution, which is expressed by a probability distribution, is approximated and compressed using the one-pixel one-byte data format normally used for image coding. We utilize two kinds of approximation, which are accuracy of probability and precision of spatial location, in order to control the data size and the amount of information. For accuracy of probability, we propose a non-linear mapping method for the spatial distribution, and for precision of spatial location, we propose spatial scalable layered coding to refine the mesh level of the spatial distribution. Also, in order to enable additional detailed analysis, we propose another scalable layered coding that improves the accuracy of the distribution. We demonstrate through experiments that the proposed data approximation and coding format achieve sufficient approximation of spatial population distribution in the given condition of target data size.

  • Analysis and Design of Continuous-Time Comparator Open Access

    Takahiro MIKI  


    E104-C No:10

    Applications of continuous-time (CT) comparator include relaxation oscillators, pulse width modulators, and so on. CT comparator receives a differential input and outputs a strobe ideally when the differential input crosses zero. Unlike the DT comparators with positive feedback circuit, amplifiers consuming static power must be employed in CT comparators to amplify the input signal. Therefore, minimization of comparator delay under the constraint of power consumption often becomes an issue. This paper analyzes transient behavior of a CT comparator. Using “constant delay approximation”, the comparator delay is derived as a function of input slew rate, number of stages of the preamplifier, and device parameters in each block. This paper also discusses optimum design of the CT comparator. The condition for minimum comparator delay is derived with keeping power consumption constant. The results include that the optimum DC gain of the preamplifier is e∼e3 per stage depending on the element which dominates load capacitance of the preamplifier.

  • Gravity Wave Observation Experiment Based on High Frequency Surface Wave Radar

    Zhe LYU  Changjun YU  Di YAO  Aijun LIU  Xuguang YANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:10

    Observations of gravity waves based on High Frequency Surface Wave Radar can make contributions to a better understanding of the energy transfer process between the ocean and the ionosphere. In this paper, through processing the observed data of the ionospheric clutter from HFSWR during the period of the Typhoon Rumbia with short-time Fourier transform method, HFSWR was proven to have the capability of gravity wave detection.

  • A Statistical Trust for Detecting Malicious Nodes in IoT Sensor Networks

    Fang WANG  Zhe WEI  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E104-A No:8

    The unattended malicious nodes pose great security threats to the integrity of the IoT sensor networks. However, preventions such as cryptography and authentication are difficult to be deployed in resource constrained IoT sensor nodes with low processing capabilities and short power supply. To tackle these malicious sensor nodes, in this study, the trust computing method is applied into the IoT sensor networks as a light weight security mechanism, and based on the theory of Chebyshev Polynomials for the approximation of time series, the trust data sequence generated by each sensor node is linearized and treated as a time series for malicious node detection. The proposed method is evaluated against existing schemes using several simulations and the results demonstrate that our method can better deal with malicious nodes resulting in higher correct packet delivery rate.

  • Heuristic Approach to Distributed Server Allocation with Preventive Start-Time Optimization against Server Failure

    Souhei YANASE  Shuto MASUDA  Fujun HE  Akio KAWABATA  Eiji OKI  


    E104-B No:8

    This paper presents a distributed server allocation model with preventive start-time optimization against a single server failure. The presented model preventively determines the assignment of servers to users under each failure pattern to minimize the largest maximum delay among all failure patterns. We formulate the proposed model as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. We prove the NP-completeness of the considered problem. As the number of users and that of servers increase, the size of ILP problem increases; the computation time to solve the ILP problem becomes excessively large. We develop a heuristic approach that applies simulated annealing and the ILP approach in a hybrid manner to obtain the solution. Numerical results reveal that the developed heuristic approach reduces the computation time by 26% compared to the ILP approach while increasing the largest maximum delay by just 3.4% in average. It reduces the largest maximum delay compared with the start-time optimization model; it avoids the instability caused by the unnecessary disconnection permitted by the run-time optimization model.
