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  • Linear Complexity over Fq of Generalized Cyclotomic Quaternary Sequences with Period 2p

    Minglong QI  Shengwu XIONG  Jingling YUAN  Wenbi RAO  Luo ZHONG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:7

    Let r be an odd prime, such that r≥5 and r≠p, m be the order of r modulo p. Then, there exists a 2pth root of unity in the extension field Frm. Let G(x) be the generating polynomial of the considered quaternary sequences over Fq[x] with q=rm. By explicitly computing the number of zeros of the generating polynomial G(x) over Frm, we can determine the degree of the minimal polynomial, of the quaternary sequences which in turn represents the linear complexity. In this paper, we show that the minimal value of the linear complexity is equal to $ rac{1}{2}(3p-1) $ which is more than p, the half of the period 2p. According to Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, these sequences viewed as enough good for the use in cryptography.

  • Experiment on Driving a Low-Power DC Motor by Microwave Power Transfer in Continuous-Wave and Pulsed-Wave

    Yong HUANG  Tomohiko MITANI  Takaki ISHIKAWA  Naoki SHINOHARA  

    PAPER-Power Applications

    E98-C No:7

    In order to efficiently drive a low-power DC motor using microwave power transfer (MPT), a compact power-receiving device is developed, which consists of a rectenna array and an improved DC-DC converter with constant input resistance characteristics. Since the conversion efficiency of the rectenna is strongly affected by the output load, it is difficult to efficiently drive a dynamic load resistance device such as DC motor. Using both continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed-wave MPT, experiments are carried out on driving the DC motor whose load resistance is varying from 36 to 140 Ω. In the CW case, the measured overall efficiency of the power-receiving device is constant over 50% for the power density of 0.25 to 2.08 mW/cm2. In particular, the overall efficiency is 62%, 70.8% for the power density of 0.25, 0.98 mW/cm2 where the received power of the single antenna is 13, 50 mW, respectively. In the pulsed-wave case, the measured overall efficiency is over 44% for a duty ratio of 0.2 to 1 for the power density of 0.98 mW/cm2.

  • Autonomous Decentralized Mechanism for Energy Interchanges with Accelerated Diffusion Based on MCMC

    Yusuke SAKUMOTO  Ittetsu TANIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:7

    It is not easy to provide energy supply based on renewable energy enough to satisfy energy demand anytime and anywhere because the amount of renewable energy depends on geographical conditions and the time of day. In order to maximize the satisfaction of energy demand by renewable energy, surplus energy generated with renewable energy should be stored in batteries, and transmitted to electric loads with high demand somewhere in the electricity system. This paper proposes a novel autonomous decentralized mechanism of energy interchanges between distributed batteries on the basis of the diffusion equation and MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) for realizing energy supply appropriately for energy demand. Experimental results show that the proposed mechanism effectively works under several situations. Moreover, we discuss a method to easily estimate the behavior of the entire system by each node with the proposed mechanism, and the application potentiality of this estimating method to an efficient method working with non-renewable generators while minimizing the dependence of non-renewable energy, and an incentive mechanism to prevent monopolizing energy in systems.

  • Rectenna Design and Signal Optimization for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Open Access

    Apostolos GEORGIADIS  Ana COLLADO  Kyriaki NIOTAKI  


    E98-C No:7

    This work addresses two key topics in the field of energy harvesting and wireless power transfer. The first is the optimum signal design for improved RF-DC conversion efficiency in rectifier circuits by using time varying envelope signals. The second is the design of rectifiers that present reduced sensitivity to input power and output load variations by introducing resistance compression network (RCN) structures.

  • A Fine-Grained Power Gating Control on Linux Monitoring Power Consumption of Processor Functional Units

    Atsushi KOSHIBA  Motoki WADA  Ryuichi SAKAMOTO  Mikiko SATO  Tsubasa KOSAKA  Kimiyoshi USAMI  Hideharu AMANO  Masaaki KONDO  Hiroshi NAKAMURA  Mitaro NAMIKI  


    E98-C No:7

    The authors have been researching on reducing the power consumption of microprocessors, and developed a low-power processor called “Geyser” by applying power gating (PG) function to the individual functional units of the processor. PG function on Geyser reduces the power consumption of functional units by shutting off the power voltage of idle units. However, the energy overhead of switching the supply voltage for units on and off causes power increases. The amount of the energy overhead varies with the behavior of each functional unit which is influenced by running application, and also with the core temperature. It is therefore necessary to switch the PG function itself on or off according to the state of the processor at runtime to reduce power consumption more effectively. In this paper, the authors propose a PG control method to take the power overhead into account by the operating system (OS). In the proposed method, for achieving much power reduction, the OS calculates the power consumption of each functional unit periodically and inhibits the PG function of the unit whose energy overhead is judged too high. The method was implemented in the Linux process scheduler and evaluated. The results show that the average power consumption of the functional units is reduced by up to 17.2%.

  • Model-Based Contract Testing of Graphical User Interfaces


    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:7

    Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are critical for the security, safety and reliability of software systems. Injection attacks, for instance via SQL, succeed due to insufficient input validation and can be avoided if contract-based approaches, such as Design by Contract, are followed in the software development lifecycle of GUIs. This paper proposes a model-based testing approach for detecting GUI data contract violations, which may result in serious failures such as system crash. A contract-based model of GUI data specifications is used to develop test scenarios and to serve as test oracle. The technique introduced uses multi terminal binary decision diagrams, which are designed as an integral part of decision table-augmented event sequence graphs, to implement a GUI testing process. A case study, which validates the presented approach on a port scanner written in Java programming language, is presented.

  • Active and Reactive Power in Stochastic Resonance for Energy Harvesting

    Madoka KUBOTA  Ryo TAKAHASHI  Takashi HIKIHARA  

    LETTER-Noise and Vibration

    E98-A No:7

    A power allocation to active and reactive power in stochastic resonance is discussed for energy harvesting from noise. It is confirmed that active power can be increased at stochastic resonance, in the same way of the relationship between energy and phase at an appropriate setting in resonance.

  • System Status Aware Hadoop Scheduling Methods for Job Performance Improvement

    Masatoshi KAWARASAKI  Hyuma WATANABE  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E98-D No:7

    MapReduce and its open software implementation Hadoop are now widely deployed for big data analysis. As MapReduce runs over a cluster of massive machines, data transfer often becomes a bottleneck in job processing. In this paper, we explore the influence of data transfer to job processing performance and analyze the mechanism of job performance deterioration caused by data transfer oriented congestion at disk I/O and/or network I/O. Based on this analysis, we update Hadoop's Heartbeat messages to contain the real time system status for each machine, like disk I/O and link usage rate. This enhancement makes Hadoop's scheduler be aware of each machine's workload and make more accurate decision of scheduling. The experiment has been done to evaluate the effectiveness of enhanced scheduling methods and discussions are provided to compare the several proposed scheduling policies.

  • Statistical Timing Modeling Based on a Lognormal Distribution Model for Near-Threshold Circuit Optimization

    Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E98-A No:7

    Near-threshold computing has emerged as one of the most promising solutions for enabling highly energy efficient and high performance computation of microprocessors. This paper proposes architecture-level statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) models for the near-threshold voltage computing where the path delay distribution is approximated as a lognormal distribution. First, we prove several important theorems that help consider architectural design strategies for high performance and energy efficient near-threshold computing. After that, we show the numerical experiments with Monte Carlo simulations using a commercial 28nm process technology model and demonstrate that the properties presented in the theorems hold for the practical near-threshold logic circuits.

  • Software Maintenance Evaluation of Agile Software Development Method Based on OpenStack

    Yoji YAMATO  Shinichiro KATSURAGI  Shinji NAGAO  Norihiro MIURA  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:7

    We evaluated software maintenance of an open source cloud platform system we developed using an agile software development method. We previously reported on a rapid service launch using the agile software development method in spite of large-scale development. For this study, we analyzed inquiries and the defect removal efficiency of our recently developed software throughout one-year operation. We found that the defect removal efficiency of our recently developed software was 98%. This indicates that we could achieve sufficient quality in spite of large-scale agile development. In term of maintenance process, we could answer all enquiries within three business days and could conduct version-upgrade fast. Thus, we conclude that software maintenance of agile software development is not ineffective.

  • Optimal Reporting Order for Superposition Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

    Hiep VU-VAN  Insoo KOO  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E98-A No:6

    In cognitive radio (CR), superposition cooperative spectrum sensing (SPCSS) is able to offer a much improved sensing reliability compared to individual sensing. Because of the differences in sensing channel condition, the reporting order for each cognitive radio user (CU) will highly affect the sensing performance of the network. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to assign the best reporting order to each CU in order to maximize sensing performance under SPCSS. The numerical results show that the proposed scheme can obtain the same performance as the optimal scheme.

  • Cascade Connection of Two Long-Period Fiber Gratings with a π-Phase Shift to Expand the Rejection Bandwidths

    Fatemeh ABRISHAMIAN  Katsumi MORISHITA  


    E98-C No:6

    A novel method was developed to expand and adjust the bandwidth of long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs) as band-rejection filters. The band-rejection filters were constructed by concatenating two LPFGs with an appropriate space, that causes a $pi$-phase shift. The component LPFGs with the same period and the different numbers of periods are designed to have $-$3-dB transmission at wavelengths on both sides of a resonance wavelength symmetrically, and the transmission loss of the concatenated LPFGs peaks at the -3-dB transmission wavelengths. The rejection bandwidth was widened by changing the interval between the -3-dB transmission wavelengths. The concatenated LPFGs were simulated by using a transfer-matrix method based on a discrete coupling model, and were fabricated by a point-by-point arc discharge technique on the basis of the simulation results. It was demonstrated that the rejection bandwidth at 20-dB attenuation reached 26.6,nm and was 2.7 times broader than that of a single uniform LPFG.

  • Performance Analysis of Distributed Broadcasting in IEEE 802.11p MAC Protocol

    Daein JEONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose an analysis of broadcasting in the IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol. We consider multi-channel operation which is specifically designed for VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) applications. This protocol supports channel switching; the device alternates between the CCH (Control Channel) and the SCH (Service Channel) during the fixed synchronization interval. It helps vehicles with a single transceiver to access the CCH periodically during which time they acquire or broadcast safety-related messages. Confining the broadcasting opportunity to the deterministic CCH interval entails a non-typical approach to the analysis. Our analysis is carried out considering 1) the time dependency of the system behavior caused by the channel switching, 2) the mutual influence among the vehicles using a multi-dimensional stochastic process, and 3) the generation of messages distributed over the CCH interval. The proposed analysis enables the prediction of the successful delivery ratio and the delay of the broadcast messages. Furthermore, we propose a refinement of the analysis to take account of the effects of hidden nodes on the system performance. The simulation results show that the proposed analysis is quite accurate in describing both the delivery ratio and delay, as well as in reflecting the hidden node effects. The benefits derived from the distributed generation of traffic are also evidenced by the results of experiments.

  • A Participating Fine-Grained Cloud Computing Platform with In-Network Guidance

    Kento NISHII  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  


    E98-B No:6

    What should be the ultimate form of the cloud computing environment? The solution should have two important features; “Fine-Granularity” and “Participation.” To realize an attractive and feasible solution with these features, we propose a “participating fine-grained cloud computing platform” that a large number of personal or small-company resource suppliers participate in, configure and provide cloud computing on. This enables users to be supplied with smaller units of resources such as computing, memory, content, and applications, in comparison with the traditional Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Furthermore, to search for nearby resources efficiently among the many available on the platform, we also propose Resource Breadcrumbs (RBC) as a key technology of our proposed platform to provide in-network guidance capability autonomously for users' queries. RBC allows supplier-nodes to distribute guidance information directed to themselves with dedicated control messages; in addition, the information can be logged along the trail of message from supplier to user. With this distributed information, users can to autonomously locate nearby resources. Distributed management also reduces computational load on the central database and enables a participating fine-grained cloud platform at lower cost.

  • On the Structure of Locally Outerplanar Graphs

    Hung-Lung WANG  Chun-Yu TSENG  Jou-Ming CHANG  


    E98-A No:6

    For k ≥ 3, a convex geometric graph is called k-locally outerplanar if no path of length k intersects itself. In [D. Boutin, Convex Geometric Graphs with No Short Self-intersecting Path, Congressus Numerantium 160 (2003) 205-214], Boutin stated the results of the degeneracy for 3-locally outerplanar graphs. Later, in [D. Boutin, Structure and Properties of Locally Outerplanar Graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 60 (2007) 169-180], a structural property on k-locally outerplanar graphs was proposed. These results are based on the existence of “minimal corner pairs”. In this paper, we show that a “minimal corner pair” may not exist and give a counterexample to disprove the structural property. Furthermore, we generalize the result on the degeneracy with respect to k-locally outerplanar graphs.

  • Traffic Engineering Based on Model Predictive Control

    Tatsuya OTOSHI  Yuichi OHSITA  Masayuki MURATA  Yousuke TAKAHASHI  Noriaki KAMIYAMA  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Kohei SHIOMOTO  Tomoaki HASHIMOTO  


    E98-B No:6

    In recent years, the time variation of Internet traffic has increased due to the growth of streaming and cloud services. Backbone networks must accommodate such traffic without congestion. Traffic engineering with traffic prediction is one approach to stably accommodating time-varying traffic. In this approach, routes are calculated from predicted traffic to avoid congestion, but predictions may include errors that cause congestion. We propose prediction-based traffic engineering that is robust against prediction errors. To achieve robust control, our method uses model predictive control, a process control method based on prediction of system dynamics. Routes are calculated so that future congestion is avoided without sudden route changes. We apply calculated routes for the next time slot, and observe traffic. Using the newly observed traffic, we again predict traffic and re-calculate the routes. Repeating these steps mitigates the impact of prediction errors, because traffic predictions are corrected in each time slot. Through simulations using backbone network traffic traces, we demonstrate that our method can avoid the congestion that the other methods cannot.

  • Long-Term Performance Evaluation of Hadoop Jobs in Public and Community Clouds

    Kento AIDA  Omar ABDUL-RAHMAN  Eisaku SAKANE  Kazutaka MOTOYAMA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E98-D No:6

    Cloud computing is a widely used computing platform in business and academic communities. Performance is an important issue when a user runs an application in the cloud. The user may want to estimate the application-execution time beforehand to guarantee the application performance or to choose the most suitable cloud. Moreover, the cloud system architect and the designer need to understand the application performance characteristics, such as the scalability or the utilization of cloud platforms, to improve performance. However, because the application performance in clouds sometime fluctuates, estimation of the application performance is difficult. In this paper, we discuss the performance fluctuation of Hadoop jobs in both a public cloud and a community cloud for one to three months. The experimental results indicate phenomena that we cannot see without long-term experiments and phenomena inherent in Hadoop. The results suggest better ways to estimate Hadoop application performances in clouds. For example, we should be aware of application characteristics (CPU intensive or communication intensive), datacenter characteristics (busy or not), and time frame (time of day and day of the week) to estimate the performance fluctuation due to workload congestion in cloud platforms. Furthermore, we should be aware of performance degradation due to task re-execution in Hadoop applications.

  • Two-Switch Voltage Equalizer Using a Series-Resonant Voltage Multiplier Operating in Frequency-Multiplied Discontinuous Conduction Mode for Series-Connected Supercapacitors

    Masatoshi UNO  Akio KUKITA  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E98-B No:5

    Cell voltage equalizers are necessary to ensure years of operation and maximize the chargeable/dischargeable energy of series-connected supercapacitors (SCs). A two-switch voltage equalizer using a series-resonant voltage multiplier operating in frequency-multiplied discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) is proposed for series-connected SCs in this paper. The frequency-multiplied mode virtually increases the operation frequency and hence mitigates the negative impact of the impedance mismatch of capacitors on equalization performance, allowing multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) to be used instead of bulky and costly tantalum capacitors, the conventional approach when using voltage multipliers in equalizers. Furthermore, the DCM operation inherently provides the constant current characteristic, realizing the excessive current protection that is desirable for SCs, which experience 0V and equivalently become an equivalent short-circuit load. Experimental equalization tests were performed for eight SCs connected in series under two frequency conditions to verify the improved equalization performance at the increased virtual operation frequencies. The standard deviation of cell voltages under the higher-frequency condition was lower than that under the lower-frequency condition, demonstrating superior equalization performance at higher frequencies.

  • Exact Outage Analysis of Energy Harvesting Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Networks

    Pham Ngoc SON  Hyung Yun KONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:4

    In this paper, an energy harvesting architecture in an Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Network (UCCN) is investigated, in which power constrained Decode-and-Forward relays harvest energy from radio-frequency signals received from a source, and then consume the harvested energy by forwarding the recoded signals to their destination. These recoded signals are launched by a transmitting power which is the harvested energy per a time interval. Based on the energy harvesting architectures that have been studied, two operation protocols are proposed: UCCN with Power Splitting architecture (UCCN-PS), and UCCN with Time Switching architecture (UCCN-TS). The best cooperative relay in both protocols is taken to be the one that satisfies the following conditions: maximum harvested energy, and maximum decoding capacity. As a result of the best relay selection, the signal quality of the selected link from the best relay to the destination is enhanced by the maximum harvested energy. The system performance of the secondary network in the UCCN-PS and UCCN-TS protocols is analyzed and evaluated by the exact closed-form outage probabilities and throughput analyses over Rayleigh fading channels. The Monte Carlo simulation method is performed to verify the theoretical expressions. Evaluations based on outage probability and throughput show that the system performance of the secondary network in the UCCN-PS and UCCN-TS protocols improves when the number of cooperative relays and the interference constraint increase as well as when the primary receiver is farther from the transmitting nodes such as the source and relays of the secondary network. In addition, the throughput performance of the UCCN-PS protocol outperforms that of the UCCN-TS protocol. Finally, the effects of the power splitting ratio, energy harvesting time, energy conversion efficiency, target Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and location of cooperative relays on the system performance of the secondary network are presented and discussed.

  • Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation

    Jinki PARK  Jaehwa PARK  Young-Bin KWON  Chan-Gun LEE  Ho-Hyun PARK  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:4

    A new exemplar-based inpainting method which effectively preserves global structures and textures in the restored region driven by feature vectors is presented. Exemplars that belong to the source region are segmented based on their features. To express characteristics of exemplars such as shapes of structures and smoothness of textures, the Harris corner response and the variance of pixel values are employed as a feature vector. Enhancements on restoration plausibility and processing speedup are achieved as shown in the experiments.
