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  • A Fast Single Image Haze Removal Method Based on Human Retina Property

    Xin NING  Weijun LI  Wenjie LIU  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:1

    In this letter, a novel and highly efficient haze removal algorithm is proposed for haze removal from only a single input image. The proposed algorithm is built on the atmospheric scattering model. Firstly, global atmospheric light is estimated and coarse atmospheric veil is inferred based on statistics of dark channel prior. Secondly, the coarser atmospheric veil is refined by using a fast Tri-Gaussian filter based on human retina property. To avoid halo artefacts, we then redefine the scene albedo. Finally, the haze-free image is derived by inverting the atmospheric scattering model. Results on some challenging foggy images demonstrate that the proposed method can not only improve the contrast and visibility of the restored image but also expedite the process.

  • Refined Construction of RC4 Key Setting in WPA

    Ryoma ITO  Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E100-A No:1

    The RC4 stream cipher is widely used including WEP and WPA, which are the security protocols for IEEE 802.11 wireless standard. WPA improved a construction of the RC4 key setting known as TKIP to avoid the known WEP attacks. The first 3-byte RC4 keys generated by IV in WPA are known since IV can be obtained by observing packets. The weaknesses in TKIP using the known IV were reported by Sen Gupta et al. at FSE 2014 and by Ito and Miyaji at FSE 2015. Both showed that TKIP induces many RC4 key correlations including the keystream bytes or the unknown internal states. Ideally TKIP should be constructed in such a way that it can keep the security level of generic RC4. In the first part of this paper, we will provide newly theoretical proofs of 17 correlations remain unproven in our previous work theoretically. Our theoretical analysis can make clear how TKIP induces biases of internal states in generic RC4. In the second part of this paper, we will further provide a refined construction of the RC4 key setting. As a result, we can reduce the number of correlations in the refined construction by about 70% in comparison with that in the original setting.

  • Oscillatory Neural Activity during Performance of a Cognitive Task in the Presence of Fluctuating Ambient Noise

    Kazuo KATO  Satoshi YASUKAWA  Kazunori SUZUKI  Atsuo ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E100-D No:1

    The purpose of this study was to identify the key variables that determine the quality of the auditory environment, for the purposes of workplace auditory design and assessment. To this end, we characterized changes in oscillatory neural activity in electroencephalographic (EEG) data recorded from subjects who performed an intellectual activity while exposed to fluctuating ambient noise. Seven healthy men participated in the study. Subjects performed a verbal and spatial task that used the 3-back task paradigm to study working memory. During the task, subjects were presented with auditory stimuli grouped by increasing high-frequency content: (1) a sound with frequencies similar to Brownian noise and no modulation; (2) an amplitude-modulated sound with frequencies similar to white noise; (3) amplitude-modulated pink noise; and (4) amplitude-modulated Brownian noise. Upon presentation, we observed a characteristic change in three EEG bands: theta (4-8Hz), alpha (8-13Hz), and beta (13-30Hz). In particular, a frequency-dependent enhancement and reduction of power was observed in the theta and beta bands, respectively.

  • A Hierarchical Opportunistic Routing with Moderate Clustering for Ad Hoc Networks

    Ryo YAMAMOTO  Satoshi OHZAHATA  Toshihiko KATO  


    E100-B No:1

    The self-organizing nature of ad hoc networks is a good aspect in that terminals are not dependent on any infrastructure, that is, networks can be formed with decentralized and autonomous manner according to communication demand. However, this characteristic might affect the performance in terms of stability, reliability and so forth. Moreover, ad hoc networks face a scalability problem, which arise when the number of terminals in a network increases or a physical network domain expands, due to the network capacity limitation caused by the decentralized and the autonomous manner. Regarding this problem, some hierarchical and cluster-based routings have been proposed to effectively manage the networks. In this paper, we apply the concept of hierarchical routing and clustering to opportunistic routing, which can forward packets without using any pre-established path to achieve a path diversity gain with greater reachability. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve 11% higher reliability with a reasonable end-to-end delay in dense environments and 30% higher in large-scale networks.

  • PRIOR: Prioritized Forwarding for Opportunistic Routing

    Taku YAMAZAKI  Ryo YAMAMOTO  Takumi MIYOSHI  Takuya ASAKA  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E100-B No:1

    In ad hoc networks, broadcast forwarding protocols called OR (opportunistic routing) have been proposed to gain path diversity for higher packet delivery rates and shorter end-to-end delays. In general backoff-based OR protocols, each receiver autonomously makes a forwarding decision by using certain metrics to determine if a random backoff time is to be applied. However, each forwarder candidate must wait for the expiration of the backoff timer before forwarding a packet. Moreover, they cannot gain path diversity if the forwarding path includes local sparse areas, and this degrades performance as it strongly depends on the terminal density. In this paper, we propose a novel OR protocol called PRIOR (prioritized forwarding for opportunistic routing). In PRIOR, a terminal, called a prioritized forwarder and which forwards packets without using a backoff time, is selected from among the neighbours. In addition, PRIOR uses lightweight hop-by-hop retransmission control to mitigate the effect of terminal density. Moreover, we introduce an enhancement to PRIOR to reduce unnecessary forwarding by using an explicit acknowledgement. We evaluate PRIOR in comparison with conventional protocols in computer simulations.

  • Operating Strategy of Group Device-to-Device Communications Underlay Cellular Networks

    Jong-ho KIM  Donghyun BAEK  Jeong Woo LEE  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E100-A No:1

    Group device-to-device (GD2D) communication is a good solution for data dissemination to devices in proximity without imposing a heavy load on cellular networks. We propose an operating strategy for GD2D communication regarding the mode selection and the power allocation in order to maximize the sum rate of the overall system satisfying QoS requirements of both cellular and D2D links. We derive the maximum sum rate for each class of distance profile of participating devices in the interference-dominant scenario. Using the result, the operating strategy of GD2D communication can be determined in a table-look-up manner.

  • Home Base-Aware Store-Carry-Forward Routing Using Location-Dependent Utilities of Nodes

    Tomotaka KIMURA  Yutsuki KAYAMA  Tetsuya TAKINE  


    E100-B No:1

    We propose a home base-aware store-carry-forward routing scheme using location-dependent utilities of nodes, which adopts different message forwarding strategies depending on location where nodes encounter. Our routing scheme first attempts to deliver messages to its home base, the area with the highest potential for the presence of the destination node in the near future. Once a message copy reaches its home base, message dissemination is limited within the home base, and nodes with message copies wait for encountering the destination node. To realize our routing scheme, we use two different utilities of nodes depending on location: Outside the home base of a message, nodes approaching to the home base have high utility values, while within the home base, nodes staying the home base have high utility values. By using these utilities properly, nodes with message copies will catch the destination node “by ambush” in the home base of the destination node. Through simulation experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our routing scheme.

  • Multi-Divisible On-Line/Off-Line Encryptions

    Dan YAMAMOTO  Wakaha OGATA  


    E100-A No:1

    We present a new notion of public-key encryption, called multi-divisible on-line/off-line encryptions, in which partial ciphertexts can be computed and made publicly available for the recipients before the recipients' public key and/or the plaintexts are determined. We formalize its syntax and define several security notions with regard to the level of divisibility, the number of users, and the number of encryption (challenge) queries per user. Furthermore, we show implications and separations between these security notions and classify them into three categories. We also present concrete multi-divisible on-line/off-line encryption schemes. The schemes allow the computationally-restricted and/or bandwidth-restricted devices to transmit ciphertexts with low computational overhead and/or low-bandwidth network.

  • A Resilience Mask for Robust Audio Hashing

    Jin S. SEO  


    E100-D No:1

    Audio hashing has been successfully employed for protection, management, and indexing of digital music archives. For a reliable audio hashing system, improving hash matching accuracy is crucial. In this paper, we try to improve a binary audio hash matching performance by utilizing auxiliary information, resilience mask, which is obtained while constructing hash DB. The resilience mask contains reliability information of each hash bit. We propose a new type of resilience mask by considering spectrum scaling and additive noise distortions. Experimental results show that the proposed resilience mask is effective in improving hash matching performance.

  • Efficient Analysis of Diffraction Grating with 10000 Random Grooves by Difference-Field Boundary Element Method Open Access

    Jun-ichiro SUGISAKA  Takashi YASUI  Koichi HIRAYAMA  


    E100-C No:1

    A numerical investigation revealed the relation between the groove randomness of actual-size diffraction gratings and the diffraction efficiencies. The diffraction gratings we treat in this study have around 10000 grooves. When the illumination wavelength is 600 nm, the entire grating size becomes 16.2 mm. The simulation was performed using the difference-field boundary element method (DFBEM). The DFBEM treats the vectorial field with a small amount of memory resources as independent of the grating size. We firstly describe the applicability of DFBEM to a considerably large-sized structure; regularly aligned grooves and a random shallow-groove structure are calculated by DFBEM and compared with the results given by standard BEM and scalar-wave approximation, respectively. Finally we show the relation between the degree of randomness and the diffraction efficiencies for two orthogonal linear polarizations. The relation provides information for determining the tolerance of fabrication errors in the groove structure and measuring the structural randomness by acquiring the irradiance of the diffracted waves.

  • Iterative Constructions of Orthogonal Arrays of Strength t and Orthogonal Partitions

    Shanqi PANG  Ying WANG  Jiao DU  Wenju XU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:1

    Orthogonal arrays and orthogonal partitions have great significance in communications and coding theory. In this letter, by using a generalized orthogonal partition, Latin squares and orthogonal Latin squares, we present an iterative construction method of orthogonal arrays of strength t and orthogonal partitions. As an application of the method, more orthogonal arrays of strength t and orthogonal partitions than the existing methods can be constructed.

  • Power-Supply-Noise-Aware Timing Analysis and Test Pattern Regeneration

    Cheng-Yu HAN  Yu-Ching LI  Hao-Tien KAN  James Chien-Mo LI  


    E99-A No:12

    SUMMARY This paper proposes a power-supply-noise-aware timing analysis and test pattern regeneration framework suitable for testing 3D IC. The proposed framework analyzes timing with reasonable accuracy at much faster speed than existing tools. This technique is very scalable because it is based on analytical functions, instead of solving nonlinear equations. The experimental results show, for small circuits, the error is less than 2% compared with SPICE. For large circuits, we achieved 272 times speed up compared with a commercial tool. For a large benchmark circuit (638K gates), we identified 88 risky patterns out of 31K test patterns. We propose a test pattern regeneration flow to replace those risky patterns with very little (or even no) penalty in fault coverage. Our test sets are shorter than commercial power-aware ATPG while the fault coverage is almost the same as power-unaware ATPG.

  • Non-Uniform Clock Mesh Synthesis with Clock Gating and Register Clustering

    Wei-Kai CHENG  Jui-Hung HUNG  Yi-Hsuan CHIU  


    E99-A No:12

    As the increasing complexity of chip design, reducing both power consumption and clock skew becomes a crucial research topic in clock network synthesis. Among various clock network synthesis approaches, clock tree has less power consumption in comparison with clock mesh structure. In contrast, clock mesh has a higher tolerance of process variation and hence is easier to satisfy the clock skew constraint. To reduce the power consumption of clock mesh network, an effective way is to minimize the wire capacitance of stub wires. In addition, integration of clock gating and register clustering techniques on clock mesh network can further reduce dynamic power consumption. In this paper, under both enable timing constraint and clock skew constraint, we propose a methodology to reduce the switching capacitance by non-uniform clock mesh synthesis, clock gate insertion and register clustering. In comparison with clock mesh synthesis and clock gating technique individually, experimental results show that our methodology can improve both the clock skew and switching capacitance efficiently.

  • Logic-Path-and-Clock-Path-Aware At-Speed Scan Test Generation

    Fuqiang LI  Xiaoqing WEN  Kohei MIYASE  Stefan HOLST  Seiji KAJIHARA  


    E99-A No:12

    Excessive IR-drop in capture mode during at-speed scan testing may cause timing errors for defect-free circuits, resulting in undue test yield loss. Previous solutions for achieving capture-power-safety adjust the switching activity around logic paths, especially long sensitized paths, in order to reduce the impact of IR-drop. However, those solutions ignore the impact of IR-drop on clock paths, namely test clock stretch; as a result, they cannot accurately achieve capture-power-safety. This paper proposes a novel scheme, called LP-CP-aware ATPG, for generating high-quality capture-power-safe at-speed scan test vectors by taking into consideration the switching activity around both logic and clock paths. This scheme features (1) LP-CP-aware path classification for characterizing long sensitized paths by considering the IR-drop impact on both logic and clock paths; (2) LP-CP-aware X-restoration for obtaining more effective X-bits by backtracing from both logic and clock paths; (3) LP-CP-aware X-filling for using different strategies according to the positions of X-bits in test cubes. Experimental results on large benchmark circuits demonstrate the advantages of LP-CP-aware ATPG, which can more accurately achieve capture-power-safety without significant test vector count inflation and test quality loss.

  • Bi-Direction Interaural Matching Filter and Decision Weighting Fusion for Sound Source Localization in Noisy Environments

    Hong LIU  Mengdi YUE  Jie ZHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:12

    Sound source localization is an essential technique in many applications, e.g., speech enhancement, speech capturing and human-robot interaction. However, the performance of traditional methods degrades in noisy or reverberant environments, and it is sensitive to the spatial location of sound source. To solve these problems, we propose a sound source localization framework based on bi-direction interaural matching filter (IMF) and decision weighting fusion. Firstly, bi-directional IMF is put forward to describe the difference between binaural signals in forward and backward directions, respectively. Then, a hybrid interaural matching filter (HIMF), which is obtained by the bi-direction IMF through decision weighting fusion, is used to alleviate the affection of sound locations on sound source localization. Finally, the cosine similarity between the HIMFs computed from the binaural audio and transfer functions is employed to measure the probability of the source location. Constructing the similarity for all the spatial directions as a matrix, we can determine the source location by Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation. Compared with several state-of-the-art methods, experimental results indicate that HIMF is more robust in noisy environments.

  • A Highly Efficient Switched-Capacitor Voltage Boost Converter with Nano-Watt MPPT Controller for Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting

    Toshihiro OZAKI  Tetsuya HIROSE  Takahiro NAGAI  Keishi TSUBAKI  Nobutaka KUROKI  Masahiro NUMA  


    E99-A No:12

    This paper presents a fully integrated voltage boost converter consisting of a charge pump (CP) and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller for ultra-low power energy harvesting. The converter is based on a conventional CP circuit and can deliver a wide range of load current by using nMOS and pMOS driver circuits for highly efficient charge transfer operation. The MPPT controller we propose dissipates nano-watt power to extract maximum power regardless of the harvester's power generation conditions and load current. The measurement results demonstrated that the circuit converted a 0.49-V input to a 1.46-V output with 73% power conversion efficiency when the output power was 348µW. The circuit can operate at an extremely low input voltage of 0.21V.

  • A Bit-Write-Reducing and Error-Correcting Code Generation Method by Clustering ECC Codewords for Non-Volatile Memories

    Tatsuro KOJO  Masashi TAWADA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E99-A No:12

    Non-volatile memories are paid attention to as a promising alternative to memory design. Data stored in them still may be destructed due to crosstalk and radiation. We can restore the data by using error-correcting codes which require extra bits to correct bit errors. Further, non-volatile memories consume ten to hundred times more energy than normal memories in bit-writing. When we configure them using error-correcting codes, it is quite necessary to reduce writing bits. In this paper, we propose a method to generate a bit-write-reducing code with error-correcting ability. We first pick up an error-correcting code which can correct t-bit errors. We cluster its codeswords and generate a cluster graph satisfying the S-bit flip conditions. We assign a data to be written to each cluster. In other words, we generate one-to-many mapping from each data to the codewords in the cluster. We prove that, if the cluster graph is a complete graph, every data in a memory cell can be re-written into another data by flipping at most S bits keeping error-correcting ability to t bits. We further propose an efficient method to cluster error-correcting codewords. Experimental results show that the bit-write-reducing and error-correcting codes generated by our proposed method efficiently reduce energy consumption. This paper proposes the world-first theoretically near-optimal bit-write-reducing code with error-correcting ability based on the efficient coding theories.

  • Bitwise MAP Estimation for Group Testing Based on Holographic Transformation

    Tadashi WADAYAMA  Taisuke IZUMI  Kazushi MIMURA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E99-A No:12

    The main contribution of this paper is a non-trivial expression, that is called dual expression, of the posterior values for non-adaptive group testing problems. The dual expression is useful for exact bitwise MAP estimation. We assume a simplest non-adaptive group testing scenario including N-objects with binary status and M-tests. If a group contains one or more positive object, the test result for the group is assumed to be one; otherwise, the test result becomes zero. Our inference problem is to evaluate the posterior probabilities of the objects from the observation of M-test results and the prior probabilities for objects. The derivation of the dual expression of posterior values can be naturally described based on a holographic transformation to the normal factor graph (NFG) representing the inference problem. In order to handle OR constraints in the NFG, we introduce a novel holographic transformation that converts an OR function to a function similar to an EQUAL function.

  • Online/Offline Self-Updating Encryption

    Guangbo WANG  Jianhua WANG  Zhencheng GUO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:12

    Self-updating encryption (SUE) is a new cryptographic scheme produced in the recent work of Lee, Choi, Lee, Park and Yung (Asiacrypt 2013) to achieve a time-updating mechanism for revocation. In SUE, a ciphetext and a private key are associated with the time and a user can decrypt a ciphertext only if its time is earlier than that of his private key. But one drawback is the encryption computational overhead scales with the size of the time which makes it a possible bottleneck for some applications. To address this problem, we provide a new technique for the SUE that splits the encryption algorithm into two phases: an offline phase and an online phase. In the offline phase, an intermediate ciphertext header is generated before it knows the concrete encryption time. Then an online phase is implemented to rapidly generate an SUE ciphertext header when the time becomes known by making use of the intermediate ciphertext header. In addition, two different online encryption constructions are proposed in view of different time level taking 50% as the boundary. At last, we prove the security of our scheme and provide the performance analysis which shows that the vast majority of computational overhead can be moved to the offline phase. One motivating application for this technique is resource-constrained mobile devices: the preparation work can be done when the mobile devices are plugged into a power source, then they can later rapidly perform SUE operations on the move without significantly consuming the battery.

  • Electromagnetic Field Analysis of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Rolling Circle Amplification in TM010 Resonator

    Takeo YOSHIMURA  Takamasa HANAI  Shigeru MINEKI  Jun-ichi SUGIYAMA  Chika SATO  Noriyuki OHNEDA  Tadashi OKAMOTO  Hiromichi ODAJIMA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E99-C No:11

    Microwave heating is expected to increase the yield of product, to decrease the reaction time, and to discover the new reaction system. The Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) is an enzymatic synthesis method of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strands with repeated sequence of a circulate template-DNA. In previous study, controlled microwave heating accelerated the maximum 4-fold compared with the conventional condition. Further, we indicated that the selectively heat of some buffer components by microwave irradiation induced the acceleration of RCA. The purpose of this research is to clarify the relationship between the microwave heating and buffer components. The understanding of role of ion-containing buffer components under microwave will be able to control the microwave-assisted enzymatic reaction. We studied the relation between the microwave power loss and RCA components via dielectric measurements, cavity resonator feature measurement, and electromagnetic simulation. Electromagnetic simulation of the TM010 cavity showed that the sample tube was heated only by an electric field. The buffer containing ions of the RCA components was selectively heated via microwave irradiation in the TM010 cavity resonator.
