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  • RIS-Assisted MIMO OFDM Dual-Function Radar-Communication Based on Mutual Information Optimization Open Access

    Nihad A. A. ELHAG  Liang LIU  Ping WEI  Hongshu LIAO  Lin GAO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:8

    The concept of dual function radar-communication (DFRC) provides solution to the problem of spectrum scarcity. This paper examines a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) DFRC system with the assistance of a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). The system is capable of sensing multiple spatial directions while serving multiple users via orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The objective of this study is to design the radiated waveforms and receive filters utilized by both the radar and users. The mutual information (MI) is used as an objective function, on average transmit power, for multiple targets while adhering to constraints on power leakage in specific directions and maintaining each user’s error rate. To address this problem, we propose an optimal solution based on a computational genetic algorithm (GA) using bisection method. The performance of the solution is demonstrated by numerical examples and it is shown that, our proposed algorithm can achieve optimum MI and the use of RIS with the MIMO DFRC system improving the system performance.

  • Dither Signal Design for PAPR Reduction in OFDM-IM over a Rayleigh Fading Channel Open Access

    Kee-Hoon KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E107-B No:7

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation (OFDM-IM) is a novel scheme where the information bits are conveyed through the subcarrier activation pattern (SAP) and the symbols on the active subcarriers. Specifically, the subcarriers are partitioned into many subblocks and the subcarriers in each subblock can have two states, active or idle. Unfortunately, OFDM-IM inherits the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem from the classical OFDM. The OFDM-IM signal with high PAPR induces in-band distortion and out-of-band radiation when it passes through high power amplifier (HPA). Recently, there are attempts to reduce PAPR by exploiting the unique structure of OFDM-IM, which is adding dither signals in the idle subcarriers. The most recent work dealing with the dither signals is using dithers signals with various amplitude constraints according to the characteristic of the corresponding OFDM-IM subblock. This is reasonable because OFDM subblocks have distinct levels of robustness against noise. However, the amplitude constraint in the recent work is efficient for only additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels and cannot be used for maximum likelihood (ML) detection. Therefore, in this paper, based on pairwise error probability (PEP) analysis, a specific constraint for the dither signals is derived over a Rayleigh fading channel.

  • Efficient Realization of an SC Circuit with Feedback and Its Applications Open Access

    Yuto ARIMURA  Shigeru YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E107-A No:7

    Stochastic Computing (SC) allows additions and multiplications to be realized with lower power than the conventional binary operations if we admit some errors. However, for many complex functions which cannot be realized by only additions and multiplications, we do not know a generic efficient method to calculate a function by using an SC circuit; it is necessary to realize an SC circuit by using a generic method such as polynomial approximation methods for such a function, which may lose the advantage of SC. Thus, there have been many researches to consider efficient SC realization for specific functions; an efficient SC square root circuit with a feedback circuit was proposed by D. Wu et al. recently. This paper generalizes the SC square root circuit with a feedback circuit; we identify a situation when we can implement a function efficiently by an SC circuit with a feedback circuit. As examples of our generalization, we propose SC circuits to calculate the n-th root calculation and division. We also show our analysis on the accuracy of our SC circuits and the hardware costs; our results show the effectiveness of our method compared to the conventional SC designs; our framework may be able to implement a SC circuit that is better than the existing methods in terms of the hardware cost or the calculation error.

  • A Ranking Information Based Network for Facial Beauty Prediction Open Access

    Haochen LYU  Jianjun LI  Yin YE  Chin-Chen CHANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:6

    The purpose of Facial Beauty Prediction (FBP) is to automatically assess facial attractiveness based on human aesthetics. Most neural network-based prediction methods do not consider the ranking information in the task. For scoring tasks like facial beauty prediction, there is abundant ranking information both between images and within images. Reasonable utilization of these information during training can greatly improve the performance of the model. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model based on ranking information of images, incorporating a Rank Module and an Adaptive Weight Module. We also design pairwise ranking loss functions to fully leverage the ranking information of images. Considering training efficiency and model inference capability, we choose ResNet-50 as the backbone network. We conduct experiments on the SCUT-FBP5500 dataset and the results show that our model achieves a new state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, ablation experiments show that our approach greatly contributes to improving the model performance. Finally, the Rank Module with the corresponding ranking loss is plug-and-play and can be extended to any CNN model and any task with ranking information. Code is available at

  • An Adaptively Biased OFDM Based on Hartley Transform for Visible Light Communication Systems Open Access

    Menglong WU  Yongfa XIE  Yongchao SHI  Jianwen ZHANG  Tianao YAO  Wenkai LIU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:6

    Direct-current biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) converts bipolar OFDM signals into unipolar non-negative signals by introducing a high DC bias, which satisfies the requirement that the signal transmitted by intensity modulated/direct detection (IM/DD) must be positive. However, the high DC bias results in low power efficiency of DCO-OFDM. An adaptively biased optical OFDM was proposed, which could be designed with different biases according to the signal amplitude to improve power efficiency in this letter. The adaptive bias does not need to be taken off deliberately at the receiver, and the interference caused by the adaptive bias will only be placed on the reserved subcarriers, which will not affect the effective information. Moreover, the proposed OFDM uses Hartley transform instead of Fourier transform used in conventional optical OFDM, which makes this OFDM have low computational complexity and high spectral efficiency. The simulation results show that the normalized optical bit energy to noise power ratio (Eb(opt)/N0) required by the proposed OFDM at the bit error rate (BER) of 10-3 is, on average, 7.5 dB and 3.4 dB lower than that of DCO-OFDM and superimposed asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM), respectively.

  • Analysis of Blood Cell Image Recognition Methods Based on Improved CNN and Vision Transformer Open Access

    Pingping WANG  Xinyi ZHANG  Yuyan ZHAO  Yueti LI  Kaisheng XU  Shuaiyin ZHAO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E107-A No:6

    Leukemia is a common and highly dangerous blood disease that requires early detection and treatment. Currently, the diagnosis of leukemia types mainly relies on the pathologist’s morphological examination of blood cell images, which is a tedious and time-consuming process, and the diagnosis results are highly subjective and prone to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. This research suggests a blood cell image recognition technique based on an enhanced Vision Transformer to address these problems. Firstly, this paper incorporate convolutions with token embedding to replace the positional encoding which represent coarse spatial information. Then based on the Transformer’s self-attention mechanism, this paper proposes a sparse attention module that can select identifying regions in the image, further enhancing the model’s fine-grained feature expression capability. Finally, this paper uses a contrastive loss function to further increase the intra-class consistency and inter-class difference of classification features. According to experimental results, The model in this study has an identification accuracy of 92.49% on the Munich single-cell morphological dataset, which is an improvement of 1.41% over the baseline. And comparing with sota Swin transformer, this method still get greater performance. So our method has the potential to provide reference for clinical diagnosis by physicians.

  • SimpleViTFi: A Lightweight Vision Transformer Model for Wi-Fi-Based Person Identification Open Access

    Jichen BIAN  Min ZHENG  Hong LIU  Jiahui MAO  Hui LI  Chong TAN  


    E107-B No:4

    Wi-Fi-based person identification (PI) tasks are performed by analyzing the fluctuating characteristics of the Channel State Information (CSI) data to determine whether the person's identity is legitimate. This technology can be used for intrusion detection and keyless access to restricted areas. However, the related research rarely considers the restricted computing resources and the complexity of real-world environments, resulting in lacking practicality in some scenarios, such as intrusion detection tasks in remote substations without public network coverage. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network model named SimpleViTFi, a lightweight classification model based on Vision Transformer (ViT), which adds a downsampling mechanism, a distinctive patch embedding method and learnable positional embedding to the cropped ViT architecture. We employ the latest IEEE 802.11ac 80MHz CSI dataset provided by [1]. The CSI matrix is abstracted into a special “image” after pre-processing and fed into the trained SimpleViTFi for classification. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SimpleViTFi has lower computational resource overhead and better accuracy than traditional classification models, reflecting the robustness on LOS or NLOS CSI data generated by different Tx-Rx devices and acquired by different monitors.

  • Robust Visual Tracking Using Hierarchical Vision Transformer with Shifted Windows Multi-Head Self-Attention

    Peng GAO  Xin-Yue ZHANG  Xiao-Li YANG  Jian-Cheng NI  Fei WANG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E107-D No:1

    Despite Siamese trackers attracting much attention due to their scalability and efficiency in recent years, researchers have ignored the background appearance, which leads to their inapplicability in recognizing arbitrary target objects with various variations, especially in complex scenarios with background clutter and distractors. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective Siamese tracker, where the shifted windows multi-head self-attention is produced to learn the characteristics of a specific given target object for visual tracking. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed tracker, we use the Swin Transformer as the backbone network and introduced an auxiliary feature enhancement network. Extensive experimental results on two evaluation datasets demonstrate that the proposed tracker outperforms other baselines.

  • Lightweight and Fast Low-Light Image Enhancement Method Based on PoolFormer

    Xin HU  Jinhua WANG  Sunhan XU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E107-D No:1

    Images captured in low-light environments have low visibility and high noise, which will seriously affect subsequent visual tasks such as target detection and face recognition. Therefore, low-light image enhancement is of great significance in obtaining high-quality images and is a challenging problem in computer vision tasks. A low-light enhancement model, LLFormer, based on the Vision Transformer, uses axis-based multi-head self-attention and a cross-layer attention fusion mechanism to reduce the complexity and achieve feature extraction. This algorithm can enhance images well. However, the calculation of the attention mechanism is complex and the number of parameters is large, which limits the application of the model in practice. In response to this problem, a lightweight module, PoolFormer, is used to replace the attention module with spatial pooling, which can increase the parallelism of the network and greatly reduce the number of model parameters. To suppress image noise and improve visual effects, a new loss function is constructed for model optimization. The experiment results show that the proposed method not only reduces the number of parameters by 49%, but also performs better in terms of image detail restoration and noise suppression compared with the baseline model. On the LOL dataset, the PSNR and SSIM were 24.098dB and 0.8575 respectively. On the MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset, the PSNR and SSIM were 27.060dB and 0.9490. The evaluation results on the two datasets are better than the current mainstream low-light enhancement algorithms.

  • Recent Progress in Optical Network Design and Control towards Human-Centered Smart Society Open Access

    Takashi MIYAMURA  Akira MISAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the evolution of an optical network architecture and discuss the future direction of research on optical network design and control. We review existing research on optical network design and control and present some open challenges. One of the important open challenges lies in multilayer resource optimization including IT and optical network resources. We propose an adaptive joint optimization method of IT resources and optical spectrum under time-varying traffic demand in optical networks while avoiding an increase in operation cost. We formulate the problem as mixed integer linear programming and then quantitatively evaluate the trade-off relationship between the optimality of reconfiguration and operation cost. We demonstrate that we can achieve sufficient network performance through the adaptive joint optimization while suppressing an increase in operation cost.

  • Bandwidth Abundant Optical Networking Enabled by Spatially-Jointed and Multi-Band Flexible Waveband Routing Open Access

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    The novel optical path routing architecture named flexible waveband routing networks is reviewed in this paper. The nodes adopt a two-stage path routing scheme where wavelength selective switches (WSSs) bundle optical paths and form a small number of path groups and then optical switches without wavelength selectivity route these groups to desired outputs. Substantial hardware scale reduction can be achieved as the scheme enables us to use small scale WSSs, and even more, share a WSS by multiple input cores/fibers through the use of spatially-joint-switching. Furthermore, path groups distributed over multiple bands can be switched by these optical switches and thus the adaptation to multi-band transmission is straightforward. Network-wide numerical simulations and transmission experiments that assume multi-band transmission demonstrate the validity of flexible waveband routing.

  • Crosstalk-Aware Resource Allocation Based on Optical Path Adjacency and Crosstalk Budget for Space Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Networks

    Kosuke KUBOTA  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Yusuke HIROTA  Hideki TODE  


    E107-B No:1

    To cope with the drastic increase in traffic, space division multiplexing elastic optical networks (SDM-EONs) have been investigated. In multicore fiber environments that realize SDM-EONs, crosstalk (XT) occurs between optical paths transmitted in the same frequency slots of adjacent cores, and the quality of the optical paths is degraded by the mutual influence of XT. To solve this problem, we propose a core and spectrum assignment method that introduces the concept of prohibited frequency slots to protect the degraded optical paths. First-fit-based spectrum resource allocation algorithms, including our previous study, have the problem that only some frequency slots are used at low loads, and XT occurs even though sufficient frequency slots are available. In this study, we propose a core and spectrum assignment method that introduces the concepts of “adjacency criterion” and “XT budget” to suppress XT at low and middle loads without worsening the path blocking rate at high loads. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of the path blocking rate using computer simulations.

  • Minimization of Energy Consumption in TDMA-Based Wireless-Powered Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks

    Xi CHEN  Guodong JIANG  Kaikai CHI  Shubin ZHANG  Gang CHEN  Jiang LIU  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:12

    Many nodes in Internet of Things (IoT) rely on batteries for power. Additionally, the demand for executing compute-intensive and latency-sensitive tasks is increasing for IoT nodes. In some practical scenarios, the computation tasks of WDs have the non-separable characteristic, that is, binary offloading strategies should be used. In this paper, we focus on the design of an efficient binary offloading algorithm that minimizes system energy consumption (EC) for TDMA-based wireless-powered multi-access edge computing networks, where WDs either compute tasks locally or offload them to hybrid access points (H-APs). We formulate the EC minimization problem which is a non-convex problem and decompose it into a master problem optimizing binary offloading decision and a subproblem optimizing WPT duration and task offloading transmission durations. For the master problem, a DRL based method is applied to obtain the near-optimal offloading decision. For the subproblem, we firstly consider the scenario where the nodes do not have completion time constraints and obtain the optimal analytical solution. Then we consider the scenario with the constraints. By jointly using the Golden Section Method and bisection method, the optimal solution can be obtained due to the convexity of the constraint function. Simulation results show that the proposed offloading algorithm based on DRL can achieve the near-minimal EC.

  • Robustness of Intensity-Modulation/Direct-Detection Secret Key Distribution against Spontaneous Raman Scattering in Wavelength-Multiplexed Systems with Existing Optical Transmission Signals

    Kyo INOUE  Daichi TERAZAWA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E106-B No:12

    Quantum key distribution or secret key distribution (SKD) has been studied to deliver a secrete key for secure communications, whose security is physically guaranteed. For practical deployment, such systems are desired to be overlaid onto existing wavelength-multiplexing transmission systems, without using a dedicated transmission line. This study analytically investigates the feasibility of the intensity-modulation/direction-detection (IM/DD) SKD scheme being wavelength-multiplexed with conventional wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) signals, concerning spontaneous Raman scattering light from conventional optical signals. Simulation results indicate that IM/DD SKD systems are not degraded when they are overlaid onto practically deployed dense WDM transmission systems in the C-band, owing to the feature of the IM/DD SKD scheme, which uses a signal light with an intensity level comparable to conventional optical signals unlike conventional quantum key distribution schemes.

  • Hierarchical Detailed Intermediate Supervision for Image-to-Image Translation

    Jianbo WANG  Haozhi HUANG  Li SHEN  Xuan WANG  Toshihiko YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:12

    The image-to-image translation aims to learn a mapping between the source and target domains. For improving visual quality, the majority of previous works adopt multi-stage techniques to refine coarse results in a progressive manner. In this work, we present a novel approach for generating plausible details by only introducing a group of intermediate supervisions without cascading multiple stages. Specifically, we propose a Laplacian Pyramid Transformation Generative Adversarial Network (LapTransGAN) to simultaneously transform components in different frequencies from the source domain to the target domain within only one stage. Hierarchical perceptual and gradient penalization are utilized for learning consistent semantic structures and details at each pyramid level. The proposed model is evaluated based on various metrics, including the similarity in feature maps, reconstruction quality, segmentation accuracy, similarity in details, and qualitative appearances. Our experiments show that LapTransGAN can achieve a much better quantitative performance than both the supervised pix2pix model and the unsupervised CycleGAN model. Comprehensive ablation experiments are conducted to study the contribution of each component.

  • Inter-Core Crosstalk-Aware Backup Network Design Model against Probabilistic Link Failures in Multi-Core Fiber Optical Path Network

    Honai UEOKA  Takehiro SATO  Eiji OKI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E106-B No:11

    Multi-core fiber (MCF) is one of the promising space-division multiplexing technologies to increase the capacity of optical networks. MCF-based networks have two challenges. One is the inter-core crosstalk (XT) that degrades the quality of optical signals in two neighboring fiber cores. The other is network protection against link failures that cause massive data loss. One way to protect against multiple link failures is to prepare physically separated links as a backup network. Probabilistic protection improves the efficiency of protection by allowing a certain probability of protection failure. Existing studies on backup network design with probabilistic protection do not target MCF-based networks, which raises problems such as protection failure due to the inter-core XT and excessive consumption of optical resources. To address these problems, this paper proposes a XT-aware backup network design model for the MCF optical path networks. The proposed model protects the network against probabilistic multiple link failures. We adopt probabilistic protection that allows a certain probability of protection failure due to the inter-core XT and minimizes the required number of links in the backup network. We present an algorithm to satisfy the probabilistic protection requirement and formulate the model as an integer linear programming problem. We develop a heuristic approach to apply the proposed model to larger networks. Numerical results observe that the proposed model requires fewer links than the dedicated allocation model, which provisions the backup paths in the same manner as the primary paths.

  • 300-GHz-Band Diplexer for Frequency-Division Multiplexed Wireless Communication

    Yuma KAWAMOTO  Toki YOSHIOKA  Norihiko SHIBATA  Daniel HEADLAND  Masayuki FUJITA  Ryo KOMA  Ryo IGARASHI  Kazutaka HARA  Jun-ichi KANI  Tadao NAGATSUMA  


    E106-C No:11

    We propose a novel silicon diplexer integrated with filters for frequency-division multiplexing in the 300-GHz band. The diplexer consists of a directional coupler formed of unclad silicon wires, a photonic bandgap-based low-pass filter, and a high-pass filter based on frequency-dependent bending loss. These integrated filters are capable of suppressing crosstalk and providing >15dB isolation over 40GHz, which is highly beneficial for terahertz-range wireless communications applications. We have used this diplexer in a simultaneous error-free wireless transmission of 300-GHz and 335-GHz channels at the aggregate data rate of 36Gbit/s.

  • MIMO Systems with Neural Networks in OFDM-Based WDM Visible Light Communications

    Naoki UMEZAWA  Saeko OSHIBA  


    E106-C No:11

    In this paper, we describe a wavelength-division multiplexing visible-light communication (VLC) system using two colored light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with similar emission wavelengths. A multi-input multi-output signal-separation method using a neural network is proposed to cancel the optical cross chatter caused by the spectral overlap of LEDs. The experimental results demonstrate that signal separation using neural networks can be achieved in wavelength-multiplexed VLC systems with a bit error rate of less than 3.8×10-3 (forward error correction limit). Furthermore, the simulation results reveal that the carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) is improved by 2dB for the successive interference canceller (SIC) compared to the zero-forcing method.

  • Spatial Mode-Multiplexed Light Source Using Angularly-Multiplexed Volume Holograms

    Satoshi SHINADA  Yuta GOTO  Hideaki FURUKAWA  


    E106-C No:11

    We propose a novel mode-multiplexed light source using angularly-multiplexed volume holograms. Mode division multiplexing beams can be generated from a simple transmitter that is made of a laser array, single lens, and volume holograms. Hologram media has low recording sensitivity; hence, using holograms in the communication band is difficult. However, a dual wavelength method that uses different wavelengths for recording and reading holograms can realize the volume holograms for the infrared region. The volume holograms for three spatial mode multiplexing are formed using a compact Michelson interferometer type recording setup; simultaneous generations of three modes were demonstrated using a fiber array or vertical cavity surface emitting laser array with the volume holograms. A low loss coupling of three modes to few-mode-fiber can be achieved through the precise design and recording of volume holograms. The simple and low-cost mode-multiplexed light source using the volume holograms has the potential to broaden the application of MDM.

  • Bayesian Learning-Assisted Joint Frequency Tracking and Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems

    Hong-Yu LIU  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:10

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is very sensitive to the carrier frequency offset (CFO). The CFO estimation precision heavily makes impacts on the OFDM performance. In this paper, a new Bayesian learning-assisted joint CFO tracking and channel impulse response estimation is proposed. The proposed algorithm is modified from a Bayesian learning-assisted estimation (BLAE) algorithm in the literature. The BLAE is expectation-maximization (EM)-based and displays the estimator mean square error (MSE) lower than the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) when the CFO value is near zero. However, its MSE value may increase quickly as the CFO value goes away from zero. Hence, the CFO estimator of the BLAE is replaced to solve the problem. Originally, the design criterion of the single-time-sample (STS) CFO estimator in the literature is maximum likelihood (ML)-based. Its MSE performance can reach the CRB. Also, its CFO estimation range can reach the widest range required for a CFO tracking estimator. For a CFO normalized by the sub-carrier spacing, the widest tracking range required is from -0.5 to +0.5. Here, we apply the STS CFO estimator design method to the EM-based Bayesian learning framework. The resultant Bayesian learning-assisted STS algorithm displays the MSE performance lower than the CRB, and its CFO estimation range is between ±0.5. With such a Bayesian learning design criterion, the additional channel noise power and power delay profile must be estimated, as compared with the ML-based design criterion. With the additional channel statistical information, the derived algorithm presents the MSE performance better than the CRB. Two frequency-selective channels are adopted for computer simulations. One has fixed tap weights, and the other is Rayleigh fading. Comparisons with the most related algorithms are also been provided.
