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  • Identifying Link Layer Home Network Topologies Using HTIP

    Yoshiyuki MIHARA  Shuichi MIYAZAKI  Yasuo OKABE  Tetsuya YAMAGUCHI  Manabu OKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:3

    In this article, we propose a method to identify the link layer home network topology, motivated by applications to cost reduction of support centers. If the topology of home networks can be identified automatically and efficiently, it is easier for operators of support centers to identify fault points. We use MAC address forwarding tables (AFTs) which can be collected from network devices. There are a couple of existing methods for identifying a network topology using AFTs, but they are insufficient for our purpose; they are not applicable to some specific network topologies that are typical in home networks. The advantage of our method is that it can handle such topologies. We also implemented these three methods and compared their running times. The result showed that, despite its wide applicability, our method is the fastest among the three.

  • A 2D-DOA Estimation Algorithm for Double L-Shaped Array in Unknown Sound Velocity Environment

    Gengxin NING  Shenjie JIANG  Xuejin ZHAO  Cui YANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:3

    This paper presents a two-dimensional (2D) DOA algorithm for double L-shaped arrays. The algorithm is applied to the underwater environment for eliminating the performance error caused by the sound speed uncertainty factor. By introducing the third dimensional array, the algorithm eliminates the sound velocity variable in the depression angle expression, so that the DOA estimation no longer considering the true value of unknown sound velocity. In order to determine the parameters of a three-dimensional array, a parameter matching method with the double L-shaped array is also proposed. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional 2D-DOA estimation algorithm in unknown sound velocity environment.

  • ASAN: Self-Attending and Semantic Activating Network towards Better Object Detection

    Xinyu ZHU  Jun ZHANG  Gengsheng CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:3

    Recent top-performing object detectors usually depend on a two-stage approach, which benefits from its region proposal and refining practice but suffers low detection speed. By contrast, one-stage approaches have the advantage of high efficiency while sacrifice their accuracies to some extent. In this paper, we propose a novel single-shot object detection network which inherits the merits of both. Motivated by the idea of semantic enrichment to the convolutional features within a typical deep detector, we propose two novel modules: 1) by modeling the semantic interactions between channels and the long-range dependencies between spatial positions, the self-attending module generates both channel and position attention, and enhance the original convolutional features in a self-guided manner; 2) leveraging the class-discriminative localization ability of classification-trained CNN, the semantic activating module learns a semantic meaningful convolutional response which augments low-level convolutional features with strong class-specific semantic information. The so called self-attending and semantic activating network (ASAN) achieves better accuracy than two-stage methods and is able to fulfil real-time processing. Comprehensive experiments on PASCAL VOC indicates that ASAN achieves state-of-the-art detection performance with high efficiency.

  • Analysis of Antenna Performance Degradation due to Coupled Electromagnetic Interference from Nearby Circuits

    Hosang LEE  Jawad YOUSAF  Kwangho KIM  Seongjin MUN  Chanseok HWANG  Wansoo NAH  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E103-C No:3

    This paper analyzes and compares two methods to estimate electromagnetically coupled noises introduced to an antenna due to the nearby circuits at a circuit design stage. One of them is to estimate the power spectrum, and the other one is to estimate the active S11 parameter at the victim antenna, respectively, and both of them use simulated standard S-parameters for the electromagnetic coupling in the circuit. They also need the assumed or measured excitation of noise sources. To confirm the validness of the two methods, an evaluation board consisting of an antenna and noise sources were designed and fabricated in which voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) chips are placed as noise sources. The generated electromagnetic noises are transferred to an antenna via loop-shaped transmission lines, degrading the performance of the antenna. In this paper, detailed analysis procedures are described using the evaluation board, and it is shown that the two methods are equivalent to each other in terms of the induced voltages in the antenna. Finally, a procedure to estimate antenna performance degradation at the design stage is summarized.

  • Prediction of DC-AC Converter Efficiency Degradation due to Device Aging Using a Compact MOSFET-Aging Model

    Kenshiro SATO  Dondee NAVARRO  Shinya SEKIZAKI  Yoshifumi ZOKA  Naoto YORINO  Hans Jürgen MATTAUSCH  Mitiko MIURA-MATTAUSCH  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:3

    The degradation of a SiC-MOSFET-based DC-AC converter-circuit efficiency due to aging of the electrically active devices is investigated. The newly developed compact aging model HiSIM_HSiC for high-voltage SiC-MOSFETs is used in the investigation. The model considers explicitly the carrier-trap-density increase in the solution of the Poisson equation. Measured converter characteristics during a 3-phase line-to-ground (3LG) fault is correctly reproduced by the model. It is verified that the MOSFETs experience additional stress due to the high biases occurring during the fault event, which translates to severe MOSFET aging. Simulation results predict a 0.5% reduction of converter efficiency due to a single 70ms-3LG, which is equivalent to a year of operation under normal conditions, where no additional stress is applied. With the developed compact model, prediction of the efficiency degradation of the converter circuit under prolonged stress, for which measurements are difficult to obtain and typically not available, is also feasible.

  • Range Points Migration Based Spectroscopic Imaging Algorithm for Wide-Beam Terahertz Subsurface Sensor Open Access

    Takamaru MATSUI  Shouhei KIDERA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E103-C No:3

    Here, we present a novel spectroscopic imaging method based on the boundary-extraction scheme for wide-beam terahertz (THz) three-dimensional imaging. Optical-lens-focusing systems for THz subsurface imaging generally require the depth of the object from the surface to be input beforehand to achieve the desired azimuth resolution. This limitation can be alleviated by incorporating a wide-beam THz transmitter into the synthetic aperture to automatically change the focusing depth in the post-signal processing. The range point migration (RPM) method has been demonstrated to have significant advantages in terms of imaging accuracy over the synthetic-aperture method. Moreover, in the RPM scheme, spectroscopic information can be easily associated with each scattering center. Thus, we propose an RPM-based terahertz spectroscopic imaging method. The finite-difference time-domain-based numerical analysis shows that the proposed algorithm provides accurate target boundary imaging associated with each frequency-dependent characteristic.

  • Bounds for the Multislope Ski-Rental Problem



    E103-D No:3

    The multislope ski-rental problem is an online optimization problem that generalizes the classical ski-rental problem. The player is offered not only a buy and a rent options but also other options that charge both initial and per-time fees. The competitive ratio of the classical ski-rental problem is known to be 2. In contrast, the best known so far on the competitive ratio of the multislope ski-rental problem is an upper bound of 4 and a lower bound of 3.62. In this paper we consider a parametric version of the multislope ski-rental problem, regarding the number of options as a parameter. We prove an upper bound for the parametric problem which is strictly less than 4. Moreover, we give a simple recurrence relation that yields an equation having a lower bound value as its root.

  • Loosely Stabilizing Leader Election on Arbitrary Graphs in Population Protocols without Identifiers or Random Numbers

    Yuichi SUDO  Fukuhito OOSHITA  Hirotsugu KAKUGAWA  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  


    E103-D No:3

    We consider the leader election problem in the population protocol model, which Angluin et al. proposed in 2004. A self-stabilizing leader election is impossible for complete graphs, arbitrary graphs, trees, lines, degree-bounded graphs, and so on unless the protocol knows the exact number of nodes. In 2009, to circumvent the impossibility, we introduced the concept of loose stabilization, which relaxes the closure requirement of self-stabilization. A loosely stabilizing protocol guarantees that starting from any initial configuration, a system reaches a safe configuration, and after that, the system keeps its specification (e.g., the unique leader) not forever but for a sufficiently long time (e.g., an exponentially long time with respect to the number of nodes). Our previous works presented two loosely stabilizing leader election protocols for arbitrary graphs; one uses agent identifiers, and the other uses random numbers to elect a unique leader. In this paper, we present a loosely stabilizing protocol that solves leader election on arbitrary graphs without agent identifiers or random numbers. Given upper bounds N and Δ of the number of nodes n and the maximum degree of nodes δ, respectively, the proposed protocol reaches a safe configuration within O(mn2d log n+mNΔ2 log N) expected steps and keeps the unique leader for Ω(NeN) expected steps, where m is the number of edges and d is the diameter of the graph.

  • An Efficient Learning Algorithm for Regular Pattern Languages Using One Positive Example and a Linear Number of Membership Queries

    Satoshi MATSUMOTO  Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Yusuke SUZUKI  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA  


    E103-D No:3

    A regular pattern is a string consisting of constant symbols and distinct variable symbols. The language of a regular pattern is the set of all constant strings obtained by replacing all variable symbols in the regular pattern with non-empty strings. The present paper deals with the learning problem of languages of regular patterns within Angluin's query learning model, which is an established mathematical model of learning via queries in computational learning theory. The class of languages of regular patterns was known to be identifiable from one positive example using a polynomial number of membership queries, in the query learning model. In present paper, we show that the class of languages of regular patterns is identifiable from one positive example using a linear number of membership queries, with respect to the length of the positive example.

  • An ATM Security Measure to Prevent Unauthorized Deposit with a Smart Card

    Hisao OGATA  Tomoyoshi ISHIKAWA  Norichika MIYAMOTO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:3

    Recently, criminals frequently utilize logical attacks to Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and financial institutes' (FIs') networks to steal cash. We proposed a security measure utilizing peripheral devices in an ATM for smart card transactions to prevent “unauthorized cash withdrawals” of logical attacks, and the fundamental framework as a generalized model of the measure in other paper. As the measure can prevent those logical attacks with tamper-proof hardware, it is quite difficult for criminals to compromise the measure. However, criminals can still carry out different types of logical attacks to ATMs, such as “unauthorized deposit”, to steal cash. In this paper, we propose a security measure utilizing peripheral devices to prevent unauthorized deposits with a smart card. The measure needs to protect multiple transaction sub-processes in a deposit transaction from multiple types of logical attacks and to be harmonized with existing ATM system/operations. A suitable implementation of the fundamental framework is required for the measure and such implementation design is confusing due to many items to be considered. Thus, the measure also provides an implementation model analysis of the fundamental framework to derive suitable implementation for each defense point in a deposit transaction. Two types of measure implementation are derived as the result of the analysis.

  • Real-Time Generic Object Tracking via Recurrent Regression Network

    Rui CHEN  Ying TONG  Ruiyu LIANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:3

    Deep neural networks have achieved great success in visual tracking by learning a generic representation and leveraging large amounts of training data to improve performance. Most generic object trackers are trained from scratch online and do not benefit from a large number of videos available for offline training. We present a real-time generic object tracker capable of incorporating temporal information into its model, learning from many examples offline and quickly updating online. During the training process, the pre-trained weight of convolution layer is updated lagging behind, and the input video sequence length is gradually increased for fast convergence. Furthermore, only the hidden states in recurrent network are updated to guarantee the real-time tracking speed. The experimental results show that the proposed tracking method is capable of tracking objects at 150 fps with higher predicting overlap rate, and achieves more robustness in multiple benchmarks than state-of-the-art performance.

  • Simultaneous Estimation of Object Region and Depth in Participating Media Using a ToF Camera

    Yuki FUJIMURA  Motoharu SONOGASHIRA  Masaaki IIYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:3

    Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and scene depth estimation from 2-dimensional (2D) images are major tasks in computer vision. However, using conventional 3D reconstruction techniques gets challenging in participating media such as murky water, fog, or smoke. We have developed a method that uses a continuous-wave time-of-flight (ToF) camera to estimate an object region and depth in participating media simultaneously. The scattered light observed by the camera is saturated, so it does not depend on the scene depth. In addition, received signals bouncing off distant points are negligible due to light attenuation, and thus the observation of such a point contains only a scattering component. These phenomena enable us to estimate the scattering component in an object region from a background that only contains the scattering component. The problem is formulated as robust estimation where the object region is regarded as outliers, and it enables the simultaneous estimation of an object region and depth on the basis of an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) optimization scheme. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method using captured images from a ToF camera in real foggy scenes and evaluate the applicability with synthesized data.

  • Leveraging Neural Caption Translation with Visually Grounded Paraphrase Augmentation

    Johanes EFFENDI  Sakriani SAKTI  Katsuhito SUDOH  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:3

    Since a concept can be represented by different vocabularies, styles, and levels of detail, a translation task resembles a many-to-many mapping task from a distribution of sentences in the source language into a distribution of sentences in the target language. This viewpoint, however, is not fully implemented in current neural machine translation (NMT), which is one-to-one sentence mapping. In this study, we represent the distribution itself as multiple paraphrase sentences, which will enrich the model context understanding and trigger it to produce numerous hypotheses. We use a visually grounded paraphrase (VGP), which uses images as a constraint of the concept in paraphrasing, to guarantee that the created paraphrases are within the intended distribution. In this way, our method can also be considered as incorporating image information into NMT without using the image itself. We implement this idea by crowdsourcing a paraphrasing corpus that realizes VGP and construct neural paraphrasing that behaves as expert models in a NMT. Our experimental results reveal that our proposed VGP augmentation strategies showed improvement against a vanilla NMT baseline.

  • Neural Machine Translation with Target-Attention Model

    Mingming YANG  Min ZHANG  Kehai CHEN  Rui WANG  Tiejun ZHAO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:3

    Attention mechanism, which selectively focuses on source-side information to learn a context vector for generating target words, has been shown to be an effective method for neural machine translation (NMT). In fact, generating target words depends on not only the source-side information but also the target-side information. Although the vanilla NMT can acquire target-side information implicitly by recurrent neural networks (RNN), RNN cannot adequately capture the global relationship between target-side words. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel target-attention approach to capture this information, thus enhancing target word predictions in NMT. Specifically, we propose three variants of target-attention model to directly obtain the global relationship among target words: 1) a forward target-attention model that uses a target attention mechanism to incorporate previous historical target words into the prediction of the current target word; 2) a reverse target-attention model that adopts a reverse RNN model to obtain the entire reverse target words information, and then to combine with source context information to generate target sequence; 3) a bidirectional target-attention model that combines the forward target-attention model and reverse target-attention model together, which can make full use of target words to further improve the performance of NMT. Our methods can be integrated into both RNN based NMT and self-attention based NMT, and help NMT get global target-side information to improve translation performance. Experiments on the NIST Chinese-to-English and the WMT English-to-German translation tasks show that the proposed models achieve significant improvements over state-of-the-art baselines.

  • Symbolic Representation of Time Petri Nets for Efficient Bounded Model Checking

    Nao IGAWA  Tomoyuki YOKOGAWA  Sousuke AMASAKI  Masafumi KONDO  Yoichiro SATO  Kazutami ARIMOTO  

    LETTER-Software System

    E103-D No:3

    Safety critical systems are often modeled using Time Petri Nets (TPN) for analyzing their reliability with formal verification methods. This paper proposed an efficient verification method for TPN introducing bounded model checking based on satisfiability solving. The proposed method expresses time constraints of TPN by Difference Logic (DL) and uses SMT solvers for verification. Its effectiveness was also demonstrated with an experiment.

  • Fast Inference of Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks Exploiting Max Pooling with Modified Block Structure

    Ji-Hoon SHIN  Tae-Hwan KIM  

    LETTER-Software System

    E103-D No:3

    This letter presents a novel technique to achieve a fast inference of the binarized convolutional neural networks (BCNN). The proposed technique modifies the structure of the constituent blocks of the BCNN model so that the input elements for the max-pooling operation are binary. In this structure, if any of the input elements is +1, the result of the pooling can be produced immediately; the proposed technique eliminates such computations that are involved to obtain the remaining input elements, so as to reduce the inference time effectively. The proposed technique reduces the inference time by up to 34.11%, while maintaining the classification accuracy.

  • A Security Enhanced 5G Authentication Scheme for Insecure Channel

    Xinxin HU  Caixia LIU  Shuxin LIU  Xiaotao CHENG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E103-D No:3

    More and more attacks are found due to the insecure channel between different network domains in legacy mobile network. In this letter, we discover an attack exploiting SUCI to track a subscriber in 5G network, which is directly caused by the insecure air channel. To cover this issue, a secure authentication scheme is proposed utilizing the existing PKI mechanism. Not only dose our protocol ensure the authentication signalling security in the channel between UE and SN, but also SN and HN. Further, formal methods are adopted to prove the security of the proposed protocol.

  • A Non-Intrusive Speech Intelligibility Estimation Method Based on Deep Learning Using Autoencoder Features

    Yoonhee KIM  Deokgyu YUN  Hannah LEE  Seung Ho CHOI  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E103-D No:3

    This paper presents a deep learning-based non-intrusive speech intelligibility estimation method using bottleneck features of autoencoder. The conventional standard non-intrusive speech intelligibility estimation method, P.563, lacks intelligibility estimation performance in various noise environments. We propose a more accurate speech intelligibility estimation method based on long-short term memory (LSTM) neural network whose input and output are an autoencoder bottleneck features and a short-time objective intelligence (STOI) score, respectively, where STOI is a standard tool for measuring intrusive speech intelligibility with reference speech signals. We showed that the proposed method has a superior performance by comparing with the conventional standard P.563 and mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) feature-based intelligibility estimation methods for speech signals in various noise environments.

  • A High-Speed Method for Generating Edge-Preserving Bubble Images

    Toru HIRAOKA  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E103-D No:3

    We propose a non-photorealistic rendering method for generating edge-preserving bubble images from gray-scale photographic images. Bubble images are non-photorealistic images embedded in many bubbles, and edge-preserving bubble images are bubble images where edges in photographic images are preserved. The proposed method is executed by an iterative processing using absolute difference in window. The proposed method has features that processing is simple and fast. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments using various photographic images are conducted. Results show that the proposed method can generate edge-preserving bubble images by preserving the edges of photographic images and the processing speed is high.

  • Combining Parallel Adaptive Filtering and Wavelet Threshold Denoising for Photoplethysmography-Based Pulse Rate Monitoring during Intensive Physical Exercise

    Chunting WAN  Dongyi CHEN  Juan YANG  Miao HUANG  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:3

    Real-time pulse rate (PR) monitoring based on photoplethysmography (PPG) has been drawn much attention in recent years. However, PPG signal detected under movement is easily affected by random noises, especially motion artifacts (MA), affecting the accuracy of PR estimation. In this paper, a parallel method structure is proposed, which effectively combines wavelet threshold denoising with recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive filtering to remove interference signals, and uses spectral peak tracking algorithm to estimate real-time PR. Furthermore, we propose a parallel structure RLS adaptive filtering to increase the amplitude of spectral peak associated with PR for PR estimation. This method is evaluated by using the PPG datasets of the 2015 IEEE Signal Processing Cup. Experimental results on the 12 training datasets during subjects' walking or running show that the average absolute error (AAE) is 1.08 beats per minute (BPM) and standard deviation (SD) is 1.45 BPM. In addition, the AAE of PR on the 10 testing datasets during subjects' fast running accompanied with wrist movements can reach 2.90 BPM. Furthermore, the results indicate that the proposed approach keeps high estimation accuracy of PPG signal even with strong MA.
