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  • Cache Effect of Shared DNS Resolver Open Access

    Kazunori FUJIWARA  Akira SATO  Kenichi YOSHIDA  


    E102-B No:6

    Recent discussions on increasing the efficiency of the Internet's infrastructure have centered on removing the shared Domain Name System (DNS) resolver and using a local resolver instead. In terms of the cache mechanism, this would involve removing the shared cache from the Internet. Although the removal of unnecessary parts tends to simplify the overall system, such a large configuration change would need to be analyzed before their actual removal. This paper presents our analysis on the effect of a shared DNS resolver based on campus network traffic. We found that (1) this removal can be expected to amplify the DNS traffic to the Internet by about 3.9 times, (2) the amplification ratio of the root DNS is much higher (about 6.3 times), and (3) removing all caching systems from the Internet is likely to amplify the DNS traffic by approximately 16.0 times. Thus, the removal of the shared DNS resolver is not a good idea. Our data analysis also revealed that (4) many clients without local caches generate queries repeatedly at short intervals and (5) deploying local caches is an attractive technique for easing DNS overhead because the amount of traffic from such clients is not small.

  • Medical Healthcare Network Platform and Big Data Analysis Based on Integrated ICT and Data Science with Regulatory Science Open Access



    E102-B No:6

    This paper provides perspectives for future medical healthcare social services and businesses that integrate advanced information and communication technology (ICT) and data science. First, we propose a universal medical healthcare platform that consists of wireless body area network (BAN), cloud network and edge computer, big data mining server and repository with machine learning. Technical aspects of the platform are discussed, including the requirements of reliability, safety and security, i.e., so-called dependability. In addition, novel technologies for satisfying the requirements are introduced. Then primary uses of the platform for personalized medicine and regulatory compliance, and its secondary uses for commercial business and sustainable operation are discussed. We are aiming at operate the universal medical healthcare platform, which is based on the principle of regulatory science, regionally and globally. In this paper, trials carried out in Kanagawa, Japan and Oulu, Finland will be revealed to illustrate a future medical healthcare social infrastructure by expanding it to Asia-Pacific, Europe and the rest of the world. We are representing the activities of Kanagawa medical device regulatory science center and a joint proposal on security in the dependable medical healthcare platform. Novel schemes of ubiquitous rehabilitation based on analyses of the training effect by remote monitoring of activities and machine learning of patient's electrocardiography (ECG) with a neural network are proposed and briefly investigated.

  • AI@ntiPhish — Machine Learning Mechanisms for Cyber-Phishing Attack

    Yu-Hung CHEN  Jiann-Liang CHEN  


    E102-D No:5

    This study proposes a novel machine learning architecture and various learning algorithms to build-in anti-phishing services for avoiding cyber-phishing attack. For the rapid develop of information technology, hackers engage in cyber-phishing attack to steal important personal information, which draws information security concerns. The prevention of phishing website involves in various aspect, for example, user training, public awareness, fraudulent phishing, etc. However, recent phishing research has mainly focused on preventing fraudulent phishing and relied on manual identification that is inefficient for real-time detection systems. In this study, we used methods such as ANOVA, X2, and information gain to evaluate features. Then, we filtered out the unrelated features and obtained the top 28 most related features as the features to use for the training and evaluation of traditional machine learning algorithms, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) with linear or rbf kernels, Logistic Regression (LR), Decision tree, and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). This research also evaluated the above algorithms with the ensemble learning concept by combining multiple classifiers, such as Adaboost, bagging, and voting. Finally, the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model exhibited the best performance of 99.2%, among the algorithms considered in this study.

  • The Combination Effect of Cache Decision and Off-Path Cache Routing in Content Oriented Networks

    Yusaku HAYAMIZU  Akihisa SHIBUYA  Miki YAMAMOTO  


    E102-B No:5

    In content oriented networks (CON), routers in a network are generally equipped with local cache storages and store incoming contents temporarily. Efficient utilization of total cache storage in networks is one of the most important technical issues in CON, as it can reduce content server load, content download latency and network traffic. Performance of networked cache is reported to strongly depend on both cache decision and content request routing. In this paper, we evaluate several combinations of these two strategies. Especially for routing, we take up off-path cache routing, Breadcrumbs, as one of the content request routing proposals. Our performance evaluation results show that off-path cache routing, Breadcrumbs, suffers low performance with cache decisions which generally has high performance with shortest path routing (SPR), and obtains excellent performance with TERC (Transparent En-Route Cache) which is well-known to have low performance with widely used SPR. Our detailed evaluation results in two network environments, emerging CONs and conventional IP, show these insights hold in both of these two network environments.

  • A Sequential Classifiers Combination Method to Reduce False Negative for Intrusion Detection System

    Sornxayya PHETLASY  Satoshi OHZAHATA  Celimuge WU  Toshihito KATO  


    E102-D No:5

    Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software to monitor a network system for malicious activity. In terms of detection results, there could be two types of false, namely, the false positive (FP) which incorrectly detects normal traffic as abnormal, and the false negative (FN) which incorrectly judges malicious traffic as normal. To protect the network system, we expect that FN should be minimized as low as possible. However, since there is a trade-off between FP and FN when IDS detects malicious traffic, it is difficult to reduce the both metrics simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a sequential classifiers combination method to reduce the effect of the trade-off. The single classifier suffers a high FN rate in general, therefore additional classifiers are sequentially combined in order to detect more positives (reduce more FN). Since each classifier can reduce FN and does not generate much FP in our approach, we can achieve a reduction of FN at the final output. In evaluations, we use NSL-KDD dataset, which is an updated version of KDD Cup'99 dataset. WEKA is utilized as a classification tool in experiment, and the results show that the proposed approach can reduce FN while improving the sensitivity and accuracy.

  • Hash-Based Cache Distribution and Search Schemes in Content-Centric Networking

    Yurino SATO  Yusuke ITO  Hiroyuki KOGA  


    E102-D No:5

    Content-centric networking (CCN) promises efficient content delivery services with in-network caching. However, it cannot utilize cached chunks near users if they are not on the shortest path to the server, and it tends to mostly cache highly popular chunks in a domain. This degrades cache efficiency in obtaining various contents in CCN. Therefore, we propose hash-based cache distribution and search schemes to obtain various contents from nearby nodes and evaluate the effectiveness of this approach through simulation.

  • GUINNESS: A GUI Based Binarized Deep Neural Network Framework for Software Programmers

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Haruyoshi YONEKAWA  Tomoya FUJII  Masayuki SHIMODA  Shimpei SATO  

    PAPER-Design Tools

    E102-D No:5

    The GUINNESS (GUI based binarized neural network synthesizer) is an open-source tool flow for a binarized deep neural network toward FPGA implementation based on the GUI including both the training on the GPU and inference on the FPGA. Since all the operation is done on the GUI, the software designer is not necessary to write any scripts to design the neural network structure, training behavior, only specify the values for hyperparameters. After finishing the training, it automatically generates C++ codes to synthesis the bit-stream using the Xilinx SDSoC system design tool flow. Thus, our tool flow is suitable for the software programmers who are not familiar with the FPGA design. In our tool flow, we modify the training algorithms both the training and the inference for a binarized CNN hardware. Since the hardware has a limited number of bit precision, it lacks minimal bias in training. Also, for the inference on the hardware, the conventional batch normalization technique requires additional hardware. Our modifications solve these problems. We implemented the VGG-11 benchmark CNN on the Digilent Inc. Zedboard. Compared with the conventional binarized implementations on an FPGA, the classification accuracy was almost the same, the performance per power efficiency is 5.1 times better, as for the performance per area efficiency, it is 8.0 times better, and as for the performance per memory, it is 8.2 times better. We compare the proposed FPGA design with the CPU and the GPU designs. Compared with the ARM Cortex-A57, it was 1776.3 times faster, it dissipated 3.0 times lower power, and its performance per power efficiency was 5706.3 times better. Also, compared with the Maxwell GPU, it was 11.5 times faster, it dissipated 7.3 times lower power, and its performance per power efficiency was 83.0 times better. The disadvantage of our FPGA based design requires additional time to synthesize the FPGA executable codes. From the experiment, it consumed more three hours, and the total FPGA design took 75 hours. Since the training of the CNN is dominant, it is considerable.

  • Quantum Algorithm on Logistic Regression Problem

    Jun Suk KIM  Chang Wook AHN  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:4

    We examine the feasibility of Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, a basic quantum algorithm, on a machine learning-based logistic regression problem. Its major property to distinguish the function type with an exponential speedup can help identify the feature unsuitability much more quickly. Although strict conditions and restrictions to abide exist, we reconfirm the quantum superiority in many aspects of modern computing.

  • Multilevel Signaling Technology for Increasing Transmission Capacity in High-Speed Short-Distance Optical Fiber Communication Open Access

    Nobuhiko KIKUCHI  


    E102-C No:4

    The needs for ultra-high speed short- to medium-reach optical fiber links beyond 100-Gbit/s is becoming larger and larger especially for intra and inter-data center applications. In recent intensity-modulated/direct-detection (IM/DD) high-speed optical transceivers with the channel bit rate of 50 and/or 100 Gbit/s, multilevel pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is finally adopted to lower the signaling speed. To further increase the transmission capacity for the next-generation optical transceivers, various signaling techniques have been studied, especially thanks to advanced digital signal processing (DSP). In this paper, we review various signaling technologies proposed so far for short-to-medium reach applications.

  • A Highly Accurate Transportation Mode Recognition Using Mobile Communication Quality

    Wataru KAWAKAMI  Kenji KANAI  Bo WEI  Jiro KATTO  


    E102-B No:4

    To recognize transportation modes without any additional sensor devices, we demonstrate that the transportation modes can be recognized from communication quality factors. In the demonstration, instead of using global positioning system (GPS) and accelerometer sensors, we collect mobile TCP throughputs, received-signal strength indicators (RSSIs), and cellular base-station IDs (Cell IDs) through in-line network measurement when the user enjoys mobile services, such as video streaming. In accuracy evaluations, we conduct two different field experiments to collect the data in six typical transportation modes (static, walking, riding a bicycle, riding a bus, riding a train and riding a subway), and then construct the classifiers by applying a support-vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), random forest (RF), and convolutional neural network (CNN). Our results show that these transportation modes can be recognized with high accuracy by using communication quality factors as well as the use of accelerometer sensors.

  • Non-Orthogonal Pilot Analysis for Single-Cell Massive MIMO Circumstances

    Pengxiang LI  Yuehong GAO  Zhidu LI  Hongwen YANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:4

    This paper analyzes the performance of single-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with non-orthogonal pilots. Specifically, closed-form expressions of the normalized channel estimation error and achievable uplink capacity are derived for both least squares (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimation. Then a pilot reconstruction scheme based on orthogonal Procrustes principle (OPP) is provided to reduce the total normalized mean square error (NMSE) of channel estimations. With these reconstructed pilots, a two-step pilot assignment method is formulated by considering the correlation coefficient among pilots to reduce the maximum NMSE. Based on this assignment method, a step-by-step pilot power allocation scheme is further proposed to improve the average uplink signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR). At last, simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approaches.

  • High-Frequency and Integrated Design Based on Flip-Chip Interconnection Technique (Hi-FIT) for High-Speed (>100 Gbaud) Optical Devices Open Access

    Shigeru KANAZAWA  Hiroshi YAMAZAKI  Yuta UEDA  Wataru KOBAYASHI  Yoshihiro OGISO  Johsuke OZAKI  Takahiko SHINDO  Satoshi TSUNASHIMA  Hiromasa TANOBE  Atsushi ARARATAKE  


    E102-C No:4

    We developed a high-frequency and integrated design based on a flip-chip interconnection technique (Hi-FIT) as a wire-free interconnection technique that provides a high modulation bandwidth. The Hi-FIT can be applied to various high-speed (>100 Gbaud) optical devices. The Hi-FIT EA-DFB laser module has a 3-dB bandwidth of 59 GHz. And with a 4-intensity-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) operation at 107 Gbaud, we obtained a bit-error rate (BER) of less than 3.8×10-3, which is an error-free condition, by using a 7%-overhead (OH) hard-decision forward error correction (HD-FEC) code, even after a 10-km SMF transmission. The 3-dB bandwidth of the Hi-FIT employing an InP-MZM sub-assembly was more than 67 GHz, which was the limit of our measuring instrument. We also demonstrated a 120-Gbaud rate IQ modulation.

  • Performance Evaluation of Breadcrumbs in Wireless Multi-Hop Cache Networks

    Kento IKKAKU  Miki YAMAMOTO  


    E102-B No:4

    In this paper, we first evaluate Breadcrumbs in wireless multi-hop networks and reveal that they brings throughput improvement of not only popular content but also less popular content. Breadcrumbs can distribute popular content traffic towards edges of a wireless network, which enables low-popularity content to be downloaded from the gateway node. We also propose a new caching decision, called receiver caching. In receiver caching, only the receiver node caches the transmitted content. Our simulation results show that receiver caching prevents frequent replacement of cached content, which reduces invalid Breadcrumbs trails to be remained. And they also show that receiver caching significantly improves the total throughput performance of Breadcrumbs.

  • Towards Comprehensive Support for Business Process Behavior Similarity Measure

    Cong LIU  Qingtian ZENG  Hua DUAN  Shangce GAO  Chanhong ZHOU  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E102-D No:3

    Business process similarity measure is required by many applications, such as business process query, improvement, redesign, and etc. Many process behavior similarity measures have been proposed in the past two decades. However, to the best of our knowledge, most existing work only focuses on the direct causality transition relations and totally neglect the concurrent and transitive transition relations that are proved to be equally important when measuring process behavior similarity. In this paper, we take the weakness of existing process behavior similarity measures as a starting point, and propose a comprehensive approach to measure the business process behavior similarity based on the so-called Extended Transition Relation set, ETR-set for short. Essentially, the ETR-set is an ex-tended transition relation set containing direct causal transition relations, minimum concurrent transition relations and transitive causal transition relations. Based on the ETR-set, a novel process behavior similarity measure is defined. By constructing a concurrent reachability graph, our approach finds an effective technique to obtain the ETR-set. Finally, we evaluate our proposed approach in terms of its property analysis as well as conducting a group of control experiments.

  • Full-Aperture Processing of Ultra-High Resolution Spaceborne SAR Spotlight Data Based on One-Step Motion Compensation Algorithm

    Tianshun XIANG  Daiyin ZHU  

    PAPER-Remote Sensing

    E102-B No:2

    With the development of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), ultra-high spatial resolution has become a hot topic in recent years. The system with high spatial resolution requests large range bandwidths and long azimuth integration time. However, due to the long azimuth integration time, many problems arise, which cannot be ignored in the operational ultra-high resolution spotlight mode. This paper investigates two critical issues that need to be noticed for the full-aperture processing of ultra-high resolution spaceborne SAR spotlight data. The first one is the inaccuracy of the traditional hyperbolic range model (HRM) when the system approaches decimeter range resolution. The second one is the azimuth spectral folding phenomenon. The problems mentioned above result in significant degradation of the focusing effect. Thus, to solve these problems, a full-aperture processing scheme is proposed in this paper which combines the superiorities of two generally utilized processing algorithms: the precision of one-step motion compensation (MOCO) algorithm and the efficiency of modified two-step processing approach (TSA). Firstly, one-step MOCO algorithm, a state-of-the-art MOCO algorithm which has been applied in ultra-high resolution airborne SAR systems, can precisely correct for the error caused by spaceborne curved orbit. Secondly, the modified TSA can avoid the phenomenon of azimuth spectrum folding effectively. The key point of the modified TSA is the deramping approach which is carried out via the convolution operation. The reference function, varying with the instantaneous range frequency, is adopted by the convolution operation for obtaining the unfolding spectrum in azimuth direction. After these operations, the traditional wavenumber domain algorithm is available because the error caused by spaceborne curved orbit and the influence of the spectrum folding in azimuth direction have been totally resolved. Based on this processing scheme, the ultra-high resolution spaceborne SAR spotlight data can be well focused. The performance of the full-aperture processing scheme is demonstrated by point targets simulation.

  • Preordering for Chinese-Vietnamese Statistical Machine Translation

    Huu-Anh TRAN  Heyan HUANG  Phuoc TRAN  Shumin SHI  Huu NGUYEN  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E102-D No:2

    Word order is one of the most significant differences between the Chinese and Vietnamese. In the phrase-based statistical machine translation, the reordering model will learn reordering rules from bilingual corpora. If the bilingual corpora are large and good enough, the reordering rules are exact and coverable. However, Chinese-Vietnamese is a low-resource language pair, the extraction of reordering rules is limited. This leads to the quality of reordering in Chinese-Vietnamese machine translation is not high. In this paper, we have combined Chinese dependency relation and Chinese-Vietnamese word alignment results in order to pre-order Chinese word order to be suitable to Vietnamese one. The experimental results show that our methodology has improved the machine translation performance compared to the translation system using only the reordering models of phrase-based statistical machine translation.

  • Hotspot Modeling of Hand-Machine Interaction Experiences from a Head-Mounted RGB-D Camera

    Longfei CHEN  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Kazuaki KONDO  Walterio MAYOL-CUEVAS  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E102-D No:2

    This paper presents an approach to analyze and model tasks of machines being operated. The executions of the tasks were captured through egocentric vision. Each task was decomposed into a sequence of physical hand-machine interactions, which are described with touch-based hotspots and interaction patterns. Modeling the tasks was achieved by integrating the experiences of multiple experts and using a hidden Markov model (HMM). Here, we present the results of more than 70 recorded egocentric experiences of the operation of a sewing machine. Our methods show good potential for the detection of hand-machine interactions and modeling of machine operation tasks.

  • Automatic Generation of Train Timetables from Mesoscopic Railway Models by SMT-Solver Open Access

    Yoshinao ISOBE  Hisabumi HATSUGAI  Akira TANAKA  Yutaka OIWA  Takanori AMBE  Akimasa OKADA  Satoru KITAMURA  Yamato FUKUTA  Takashi KUNIFUJI  


    E102-A No:2

    This paper presents a formal approach for generating train timetables in a mesoscopic level that is more concrete than the macroscopic level, where each station is simply expressed in a black-box, and more abstract than the microscopic level, where the infrastructure in each station-area is expressed in detail. The accuracy of generated timetable and the computational effort for the generation is a trade-off. In this paper, we design a formal mesoscopic modeling language by analyzing real railways, for example Tazawako-line as the first step of this work. Then, we define the constraint formulae for generating train timetables with the help of SMT (Satisfiability Module Theories)-Solver, and explain our tool RW-Solver that is an implementation of the constraint formulae. Finally, we demonstrate how RW-Solver with the help of SMT-Solver can be used for generating timetables in a case study of Tazawako-line.

  • Specific Properties of the Computation Process by a Turing Machine on the Game of Life

    Shigeru NINAGAWA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E102-A No:2

    The Game of Life, a two-dimensional computationally universal cellular automaton, is known to exhibits 1/f noise in the evolutions starting from random configurations. In this paper we perform the spectral analysis on the computation process by a Turing machine constructed on the array of the Game of Life. As a result, the power spectrum averaged over the whole array has almost flat line at low frequencies and a lot of sharp peaks at high frequencies although some regions in which complicated behavior such as frequent memory rewriting occurs exhibit 1/f noise. This singular power spectrum is, however, easily turned into 1/f by slightly deforming the initial configuration of the Turing machine. These results emphasize the peculiarity of the computation process on the Game of Life that is never shared with the evolutions from random configurations. The Lyapunov exponents have positive values in three out of six trials and zero or negative values in other three trails. That means the computation process is essentially chaotic but it has capable of recovering a slight error in the configuration of the Turing machine.

  • Proactive Failure Detection Learning Generation Patterns of Large-Scale Network Logs

    Tatsuaki KIMURA  Akio WATANABE  Tsuyoshi TOYONO  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E102-B No:2

    Recent carrier-grade networks use many network elements (switches, routers) and servers for various network-based services (e.g., video on demand, online gaming) that demand higher quality and better reliability. Network log data generated from these elements, such as router syslogs, are rich sources for quickly detecting the signs of critical failures to maintain service quality. However, log data contain a large number of text messages written in an unstructured format and contain various types of network events (e.g., operator's login, link down); thus, genuinely important log messages for network operation are difficult to find automatically. We propose a proactive failure-detection system for large-scale networks. It automatically finds abnormal patterns of log messages from a massive amount of data without requiring previous knowledge of data formats used and can detect critical failures before they occur. To handle unstructured log messages, the system has an online log-template-extraction part for automatically extracting the format of a log message. After template extraction, the system associates critical failures with the log data that appeared before them on the basis of supervised machine learning. By associating each log message with a log template, we can characterize the generation patterns of log messages, such as burstiness, not just the keywords in log messages (e.g. ERROR, FAIL). We used real log data collected from a large production network to validate our system and evaluated the system in detecting signs of actual failures of network equipment through a case study.
