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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Congestion Avoidance Using Multiple Virtual Networks

    Tsuyoshi OGURA  Tatsuya FUJII  


    E102-B No:3

    If a shared IP network is to deliver large-volume streaming media content, such as real-time videos, we need a technique for explicitly setting and dynamically changing the transmission paths used to respond to the congestion situation of the network, including multi-path transmission of a single-flow, to maximize network bandwidth utilization and stabilize transmission quality. However, current technologies cannot realize flexible multi-path transmission because they require complicated algorithms for route searching and the control load for route changing is excessive. This paper proposes a scheme that realizes routing control for multi-path transmission by combining multiple virtual networks on the same physical network. The proposed scheme lowers the control load incurred in creating a detour route because routing control is performed by combining existing routing planes. In addition, our scheme simplifies route searching procedure because congestion avoidance control of multi-path transmission can be realized by the control of a single path. An experiment on the JGN-X network virtualization platform finds that while the time taken to build an inter-slice link must be improved, the time required to inspect whether each slice has virtual nodes that can be connected to the original slice and be used as a detour destination can be as short as 40 microseconds per slice even with large slices having more than 100 virtual nodes.

  • Bandwidth-Efficient Blind Nonlinear Compensation of RF Receiver Employing Folded-Spectrum Sub-Nyquist Sampling Technique Open Access

    Kan KIMURA  Yasushi YAMAO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:3

    Blind nonlinear compensation for RF receivers is an important research topic in 5G mobile communication, in which higher level modulation schemes are employed more often to achieve high capacity and ultra-broadband services. Since nonlinear compensation circuits must handle intermodulation bandwidths that are more than three times the signal bandwidth, reducing the sampling frequency is essential for saving power consumption. This paper proposes a novel blind nonlinear compensation technique that employs sub-Nyquist sampling analog-to-digital conversion. Although outband distortion spectrum is folded in the proposed sub-Nyquist sampling technique, determination of compensator coefficients is still possible by using the distortion power. Proposed technique achieves almost same compensation performance in EVM as the conventional compensation scheme, while reducing sampling speed of analog to digital convertor (ADC) to less than half the normal sampling frequency. The proposed technique can be applied in concurrent dual-band communication systems and adapt to flat Rayleigh fading environments.

  • Low-Complexity Joint Antenna and User Selection Scheme for the Downlink Multiuser Massive MIMO System with Complexity Reduction Factors

    Aye Mon HTUN  Maung SANN MAW  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:3

    Multiuser massive multi-input multi-output (MU massive MIMO) is considered as a promising technology for the fifth generation (5G) of the wireless communication system. In this paper, we propose a low-complexity joint antenna and user selection scheme with block diagonalization (BD) precoding for MU massive MIMO downlink channel in the time division duplex (TDD) system. The base station (BS) is equipped with a large-scale transmit antenna array while each user is using the single receive antenna in the system. To reduce the hardware cost, BS will be implemented by limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains and BS must activate some selected transmit antennas in the BS side for data transmitting and some users' receive antennas in user side for data receiving. To achieve the reduction in the computation complexity in the antenna and user selection while maintaining the same or higher sum-rate in the system, the proposed scheme relies on three complexity reduction key factors. The first key factor is that finding the average channel gains for the transmit antenna in the BS side and the receive antenna in the user side to select the best channel gain antennas and users. The second key factor called the complexity control factor ξ(Xi) for the antenna set and the user set limitation is used to control the complexity of the brute force search. The third one is that using the assumption of the point-to-point deterministic MIMO channel model to avoid the singular value decomposition (SVD) computation in the brute force search. We show that the proposed scheme offers enormous reduction in the computation complexity while ensuring the acceptable performance in terms of total system sum-rate compared with optimal and other conventional schemes.

  • Network Embedding with Deep Metric Learning

    Xiaotao CHENG  Lixin JI  Ruiyang HUANG  Ruifei CUI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:3

    Network embedding has attracted an increasing amount of attention in recent years due to its wide-ranging applications in graph mining tasks such as vertex classification, community detection, and network visualization. Network embedding is an important method to learn low-dimensional representations of vertices in networks, aiming to capture and preserve the network structure. Almost all the existing network embedding methods adopt the so-called Skip-gram model in Word2vec. However, as a bag-of-words model, the skip-gram model mainly utilized the local structure information. The lack of information metrics for vertices in global network leads to the mix of vertices with different labels in the new embedding space. To solve this problem, in this paper we propose a Network Representation Learning method with Deep Metric Learning, namely DML-NRL. By setting the initialized anchor vertices and adding the similarity measure in the training progress, the distance information between different labels of vertices in the network is integrated into the vertex representation, which improves the accuracy of network embedding algorithm effectively. We compare our method with baselines by applying them to the tasks of multi-label classification and data visualization of vertices. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the baselines in all three datasets, and the method has proved to be effective and robust.

  • A Foreground-Background-Based CTU λ Decision Algorithm for HEVC Rate Control of Surveillance Videos

    Zhenglong YANG  Guozhong WANG  GuoWei TENG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E102-D No:3

    Although HEVC rate control can achieve high coding efficiency, it still does not fully utilize the special characteristics of surveillance videos, which typically have a moving foreground and relatively static background. For surveillance videos, it is usually necessary to provide a better coding quality of the moving foreground. In this paper, a foreground-background CTU λ separate decision scheme is proposed. First, low-complexity pixel-based segmentation is presented to obtain the foreground and the background. Second, the rate distortion (RD) characteristics of the foreground and the background are explored. With the rate distortion optimization (RDO) process, the average CTU λ value of the foreground or the background should be equal to the frame λ. Then, a separate optimal CTU λ decision is proposed with a separate λ clipping method. Finally, a separate updating process is used to obtain reasonable parameters for the foreground and the background. The experimental results show that the quality of the foreground is improved by 0.30 dB in the random access configuration and 0.45 dB in the low delay configuration without degradation of either the rate control accuracy or whole frame quality.

  • RAN Slicing to Realize Resource Isolation Utilizing Ordinary Radio Resource Management for Network Slicing

    Daisuke NOJIMA  Yuki KATSUMATA  Yoshifumi MORIHIRO  Takahiro ASAI  Akira YAMADA  Shigeru IWASHINA  


    E102-B No:3

    In the context of resource isolation for network slicing, this paper introduces two resource allocation methods especially for the radio access network (RAN) part. Both methods can be implemented by slight modification of the ordinary packet scheduling algorithm such as the proportional fairness algorithm, and guarantee resource isolation by limiting the maximum number of resource blocks (RBs) allocated to each slice. Moreover, since both methods flexibly allocate RBs to the entire system bandwidth, there are cases in which the throughput performance is improved compared to when the system bandwidth is divided in a static manner, especially in a frequency selective channel environment. Numerical results show the superiority of these methods to dividing simply the system bandwidth in a static manner, and show the difference between the features of the methods in terms of the throughput performance of each slice.

  • Efficient Enumeration of Flat-Foldable Single Vertex Crease Patterns

    Koji OUCHI  Ryuhei UEHARA  


    E102-D No:3

    We investigate enumeration of distinct flat-foldable crease patterns under the following assumptions: positive integer n is given; every pattern is composed of n lines incident to the center of a sheet of paper; every angle between adjacent lines is equal to 2π/n; every line is assigned one of “mountain,” “valley,” and “flat (or consequently unfolded)”; crease patterns are considered to be equivalent if they are equal up to rotation and reflection. In this natural problem, we can use two well-known theorems for flat-foldability: the Kawasaki Theorem and the Maekawa Theorem in computational origami. Unfortunately, however, they are not enough to characterize all flat-foldable crease patterns. Therefore, so far, we have to enumerate and check flat-foldability one by one using computer. In this study, we develop the first algorithm for the above stated problem by combining these results in a nontrivial way and show its analysis of efficiency.

  • Incorporation of Faulty Prior Knowledge in Multi-Target Device-Free Localization

    Dongping YU  Yan GUO  Ning LI  Qiao SU  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E102-A No:3

    As an emerging and promising technique, device-free localization (DFL) has drawn considerable attention in recent years. By exploiting the inherent spatial sparsity of target localization, the compressive sensing (CS) theory has been applied in DFL to reduce the number of measurements. In practical scenarios, a prior knowledge about target locations is usually available, which can be obtained by coarse localization or tracking techniques. Among existing CS-based DFL approaches, however, few works consider the utilization of prior knowledge. To make use of the prior knowledge that is partly or erroneous, this paper proposes a novel faulty prior knowledge aided multi-target device-free localization (FPK-DFL) method. It first incorporates the faulty prior knowledge into a three-layer hierarchical prior model. Then, it estimates location vector and learns model parameters under a variational Bayesian inference (VBI) framework. Simulation results show that the proposed method can improve the localization accuracy by taking advantage of the faulty prior knowledge.

  • Feature Based Domain Adaptation for Neural Network Language Models with Factorised Hidden Layers

    Michael HENTSCHEL  Marc DELCROIX  Atsunori OGAWA  Tomoharu IWATA  Tomohiro NAKATANI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-D No:3

    Language models are a key technology in various tasks, such as, speech recognition and machine translation. They are usually used on texts covering various domains and as a result domain adaptation has been a long ongoing challenge in language model research. With the rising popularity of neural network based language models, many methods have been proposed in recent years. These methods can be separated into two categories: model based and feature based adaptation methods. Feature based domain adaptation has compared to model based domain adaptation the advantage that it does not require domain labels in the corpus. Most existing feature based adaptation methods are based on bias adaptation. We propose a novel feature based domain adaptation technique using hidden layer factorisation. This method is fundamentally different from existing methods because we use the domain features to calculate a linear combination of linear layers. These linear layers can capture domain specific information and information common to different domains. In the experiments, we compare our proposed method with existing adaptation methods. The compared adaptation techniques are based on two different ideas, that is, bias based adaptation and gating of hidden units. All language models in our comparison use state-of-the-art long short-term memory based recurrent neural networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with perplexity results for the well-known Penn Treebank and speech recognition results for a corpus of TED talks.

  • The Complexity of Induced Tree Reconfiguration Problems

    Kunihiro WASA  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Hiroki ARIMURA  


    E102-D No:3

    Given two feasible solutions A and B, a reconfiguration problem asks whether there exists a reconfiguration sequence (A0=A, A1,...,Aℓ=B) such that (i) A0,...,Aℓ are feasible solutions and (ii) we can obtain Ai from Ai-1 under the prescribed rule (the reconfiguration rule) for each i ∈ {1,...,ℓ}. In this paper, we address the reconfiguration problem for induced trees, where an induced tree is a connected and acyclic induced subgraph of an input graph. We consider the following two rules as the prescribed rules: Token Jumping: removing u from an induced tree and adding v to the tree, and Token Sliding: removing u from an induced tree and adding v adjacent to u to the tree, where u and v are vertices of an input graph. As the main results, we show that (I) the reconfiguration problemis PSPACE-complete even if the input graph is of bounded maximum degree, (II) the reconfiguration problem is W[1]-hard when parameterized by both the size of induced trees and the length of the reconfiguration sequence, and (III) there exists an FPT algorithm when the problem is parameterized by both the size of induced trees and the maximum degree of an input graph under Token Jumping and Token Sliding.

  • Modification of Velvet Noise for Speech Waveform Generation by Using Vocoder-Based Speech Synthesizer Open Access

    Masanori MORISE  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E102-D No:3

    This paper introduces a new noise generation algorithm for vocoder-based speech waveform generation. White noise is generally used for generating an aperiodic component. Since short-term white noise includes a zero-frequency component (ZFC) and inaudible components below 20 Hz, they are reduced in advance when synthesizing. We propose a new noise generation algorithm based on that for velvet noise to overcome the problem. The objective evaluation demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can reduce the unwanted components.

  • Program File Placement Problem for Machine-to-Machine Service Network Platform Open Access

    Takehiro SATO  Eiji OKI  


    E102-B No:3

    The Machine-to-Machine (M2M) service network platform accommodates M2M communications traffic efficiently by using tree-structured networks and the computation resources deployed on network nodes. In the M2M service network platform, program files required for controlling devices are placed on network nodes, which have different amounts of computation resources according to their position in the hierarchy. The program files must be dynamically repositioned in response to service quality requests from each device, such as computation power, link bandwidth, and latency. This paper proposes a Program File Placement (PFP) method for the M2M service network platform. First, the PFP problem is formulated in the Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach. We prove that the decision version of the PFP problem is NP-complete. Next, we present heuristic algorithms that attain sub-optimal but attractive solutions. Evaluations show that the heuristic algorithm based on the number of devices that share a program file reduces the total number of placed program files compared to the algorithm that moves program files based on their position.

  • Scalable State Space Search with Structural-Bottleneck Heuristics for Declarative IT System Update Automation Open Access

    Takuya KUWAHARA  Takayuki KURODA  Manabu NAKANOYA  Yutaka YAKUWA  Hideyuki SHIMONISHI  


    E102-B No:3

    As IT systems, including network systems using SDN/NFV technologies, become large-scaled and complicated, the cost of system management also increases rapidly. Network operators have to maintain their workflow in constructing and consistently updating such complex systems, and thus these management tasks in generating system update plan are desired to be automated. Declarative system update with state space search is a promising approach to enable this automation, however, the current methods is not enough scalable to practical systems. In this paper, we propose a novel heuristic approach to greatly reduce computation time to solve system update procedure for practical systems. Our heuristics accounts for structural bottleneck of the system update and advance search to resolve bottlenecks of current system states. This paper includes the following contributions: (1) formal definition of a novel heuristic function specialized to system update for A* search algorithm, (2) proofs that our heuristic function is consistent, i.e., A* algorithm with our heuristics returns a correct optimal solution and can omit repeatedly expansion of nodes in search spaces, and (3) results of performance evaluation of our heuristics. We evaluate the proposed algorithm in two cases; upgrading running hypervisor and rolling update of running VMs. The results show that computation time to solve system update plan for a system with 100 VMs does not exceed several minutes, whereas the conventional algorithm is only applicable for a very small system.

  • Rectifying Transformation Networks for Transformation-Invariant Representations with Power Law

    Chunxiao FAN  Yang LI  Lei TIAN  Yong LI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:3

    This letter proposes a representation learning framework of convolutional neural networks (Convnets) that aims to rectify and improve the feature representations learned by existing transformation-invariant methods. The existing methods usually encode feature representations invariant to a wide range of spatial transformations by augmenting input images or transforming intermediate layers. Unfortunately, simply transforming the intermediate feature maps may lead to unpredictable representations that are ineffective in describing the transformed features of the inputs. The reason is that the operations of convolution and geometric transformation are not exchangeable in most cases and so exchanging the two operations will yield the transformation error. The error may potentially harm the performance of the classification networks. Motivated by the fractal statistics of natural images, this letter proposes a rectifying transformation operator to minimize the error. The proposed method is differentiable and can be inserted into the convolutional architecture without making any modification to the optimization algorithm. We show that the rectified feature representations result in better classification performance on two benchmarks.

  • How to Decide Window-Sizes of Smoothing Methods: A Goodness of Fit Criterion for Smoothing Oscillation Data

    Kenichi SHIBATA  Takashi AMEMIYA  


    E102-C No:2

    Organic electronics devices can be applicable to implant sensors. The noises in the acquired data can be removed by smoothing using sliding windows. We developed a new criterion for window-size decision based on smoothness and similarity (SSC). The smoothed curve fits the raw data well and is sufficiently smooth.

  • Distributed Constrained Convex Optimization with Accumulated Subgradient Information over Undirected Switching Networks

    Yuichi KAJIYAMA  Naoki HAYASHI  Shigemasa TAKAI  


    E102-A No:2

    This paper proposes a consensus-based subgradient method under a common constraint set with switching undirected graphs. In the proposed method, each agent has a state and an auxiliary variable as the estimates of an optimal solution and accumulated information of past gradients of neighbor agents. We show that the states of all agents asymptotically converge to one of the optimal solutions of the convex optimization problem. The simulation results show that the proposed consensus-based algorithm with accumulated subgradient information achieves faster convergence than the standard subgradient algorithm.

  • New Families of Almost Binary Sequences with Optimal Autocorrelation Property

    Xiuping PENG  Hongbin LIN  Yanmin LIU  Xiaoyu CHEN  Xiaoxia NIU  Yubo LI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:2

    Two new families of balanced almost binary sequences with a single zero element of period L=2q are presented in this letter, where q=4d+1 is an odd prime number. These sequences have optimal autocorrelation value or optimal autocorrelation magnitude. Our constructions are based on cyclotomy and Chinese Remainder Theorem.

  • Distributed Proximal Minimization Algorithm for Constrained Convex Optimization over Strongly Connected Networks

    Naoki HAYASHI  Masaaki NAGAHARA  


    E102-A No:2

    This paper proposes a novel distributed proximal minimization algorithm for constrained optimization problems over fixed strongly connected networks. At each iteration, each agent updates its own state by evaluating a proximal operator of its objective function under a constraint set and compensating the unbalancing due to unidirectional communications. We show that the states of all agents asymptotically converge to one of the optimal solutions. Numerical results are shown to confirm the validity of the proposed method.

  • FSCRank: A Failure-Sensitive Structure-Based Component Ranking Approach for Cloud Applications

    Na WU  Decheng ZUO  Zhan ZHANG  Peng ZHOU  Yan ZHAO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E102-D No:2

    Cloud computing has attracted a growing number of enterprises to move their business to the cloud because of the associated operational and cost benefits. Improving availability is one of the major concerns of cloud application owners because modern applications generally comprise a large number of components and failures are common at scale. Fault tolerance enables an application to continue operating properly when failure occurs, but fault tolerance strategy is typically employed for the most important components because of financial concerns. Therefore, identifying important components has become a critical research issue. To address this problem, we propose a failure-sensitive structure-based component ranking approach (FSCRank), which integrates component failure impact and application structure information into component importance evaluation. An iterative ranking algorithm is developed according to the structural characteristics of cloud applications. The experimental results show that FSCRank outperforms the other two structure-based ranking algorithms for cloud applications. In addition, factors that affect application availability optimization are analyzed and summarized. The experimental results suggest that the availability of cloud applications can be greatly improved by implementing fault tolerance strategy for the important components identified by FSCRank.

  • A Note on Minimum Hamming Weights of Correlation-Immune Boolean Functions

    Qichun WANG  Yanjun LI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:2

    It is known that correlation-immune (CI) Boolean functions used in the framework of side channel attacks need to have low Hamming weights. In this letter, we determine all unknown values of the minimum Hamming weights of d-CI Boolean functions in n variables, for d ≤ 5 and n ≤ 13.
