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  • Multilevel Signaling Technology for Increasing Transmission Capacity in High-Speed Short-Distance Optical Fiber Communication Open Access

    Nobuhiko KIKUCHI  


    E102-C No:4

    The needs for ultra-high speed short- to medium-reach optical fiber links beyond 100-Gbit/s is becoming larger and larger especially for intra and inter-data center applications. In recent intensity-modulated/direct-detection (IM/DD) high-speed optical transceivers with the channel bit rate of 50 and/or 100 Gbit/s, multilevel pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is finally adopted to lower the signaling speed. To further increase the transmission capacity for the next-generation optical transceivers, various signaling techniques have been studied, especially thanks to advanced digital signal processing (DSP). In this paper, we review various signaling technologies proposed so far for short-to-medium reach applications.

  • Numerical Channel Characterizations for Liver-Implanted Communications Considering Different Human Subjects

    Pongphan LEELATIEN  Koichi ITO  Kazuyuki SAITO  Manmohan SHARMA  Akram ALOMAINY  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:4

    This paper presents a numerical study of the wireless channel characteristics of liver implants in a frequency range of 4.5-6.5GHz, considering different digital human phantoms by employing two inhomogeneous male and female models. Path loss data for in-body to on-body and in-body to off-body communication scenarios are provided. The influence of respiration-induced organ movement on signal attenuation is demonstrated. A narrower range of attenuation deviation is observed in the female model as compared to the male model. The path loss data in the female body is between 40-80dB which is around 5-10dB lower than the male model. Path loss data for the in-body to off-body scenario in both models suggest that in-body propagation is the main component of total path loss in the channel. The results demonstrate that channel characteristics are subject dependent, and thus indicate the need to take subject dependencies into consideration when investigating in-body communication channels.

  • Analyzing Impacts of SRAM, FF and Combinational Circuit on Chip-Level Neutron-Induced Soft Error Rate

    Wang LIAO  Masanori HASHIMOTO  


    E102-C No:4

    Soft error jeopardizes the reliability of semiconductor devices, especially those working at low voltage. In recent years, silicon-on-thin-box (SOTB), which is a FD-SOI device, is drawing attention since it is suitable for ultra-low-voltage operation. This work evaluates the contributions of SRAM, FF and combinational circuit to chip-level soft error rate (SER) based on irradiation test results. For this evaluation, this work performed neutron irradiation test for characterizing single event transient (SET) rate of SOTB and bulk circuits at 0.5 V. Using the SBU and MCU data in SRAMs from previous work, we calculated the MBU rate with/without error correcting code (ECC) and with 1/2/4-col MUX interleaving. Combining FF error rates reported in literature, we estimated chip-level SER and each contribution to chip-level SER for embedded and high-performance processors. For both the processors, without ECC, 95% errors occur at SRAM in both SOTB and bulk chips at 0.5 V and 1.0 V, and the overall chip-level SERs of the assumed SOTB chip at 0.5 V is at least 10 x lower than that of bulk chip. On the other hand, when ECC is applied to SRAM in the SOTB chip, SEUs occurring at FFs are dominant in the high-performance processor while MBUs at SRAMs are not negligible in the bulk embedded chips.

  • Expanded Precoding Index Modulation for MIMO System

    Yasunori NIN  Yukitoshi SANADA  Ryota KIMURA  Hiroki MATSUDA  Ryo SAWAI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:4

    Index modulation (IM) is receiving attention because of its high energy efficiency. In precoding index modulation (PIM), some of the data bits are used for the modulation of symbols and the rest are used for the selection of precoding coefficients. In conventional PIM, the precoding matrices are orthogonal and unitary. In the proposed PIM, the number of the columns of the precoding matrix is expanded more than that of the rows. Because of the expanded precoding matrices, the number of data bits used for the selection of precoding coefficients is increased. As a result, a code rate can be reduced compared to that of the conventional PIM and the number of candidate constellation points for demodulation can be decreased as compared to that of a multiple-input multiple-output MIMO system under the same throughput. Numerical results obtained through computer simulation show that the proposed PIM with QPSK symbols improves the performance by about 2.5dB at a bit error rate of 10-3 as compared to overloaded MIMO with 16QAM symbols for two transmit antennas and one receive antenna. It also achieves about 3.5dB better performance than the conventional PIM under the same antenna condition. Furthermore, the optimum number of index modulation bits is found by the simulation for the proposed PIM. In addition, the PIM scheme reduces demodulation complexity by a factor of 32 as compared to that of the MIMO under specific modulation parameters.

  • NFRR: A Novel Family Relationship Recognition Algorithm Based on Telecom Social Network Spectrum

    Kun NIU  Haizhen JIAO  Cheng CHENG  Huiyang ZHANG  Xiao XU  


    E102-D No:4

    There are different types of social ties among people, and recognizing specialized types of relationship, such as family or friend, has important significance. It can be applied to personal credit, criminal investigation, anti-terrorism and many other business scenarios. So far, some machine learning algorithms have been used to establish social relationship inferencing models, such as Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayesian and so on. Although these algorithms discover family members in some context, they still suffer from low accuracy, parameter sensitive, and weak robustness. In this work, we develop a Novel Family Relationship Recognition (NFRR) algorithm on telecom dataset for identifying one's family members from its contact list. In telecom dataset, all attributes are divided into three series, temporal, spatial and behavioral. First, we discover the most probable places of residence and workplace by statistical models, then we aggregate data and select the top-ranked contacts as the user's intimate contacts. Next, we establish Relational Spectrum Matrix (RSM) of each user and its intimate contacts to form communication feature. Then we search the user's nearest neighbors in labelled training set and generate its Specialized Family Spectrum (SFS). Finally, we decide family relationship by comparing the similarity between RSM of intimate contacts and the SFS. We conduct complete experiments to exhibit effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and experimental results also show that it has a lower complexity.

  • Non-Orthogonal Pilot Analysis for Single-Cell Massive MIMO Circumstances

    Pengxiang LI  Yuehong GAO  Zhidu LI  Hongwen YANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E102-B No:4

    This paper analyzes the performance of single-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with non-orthogonal pilots. Specifically, closed-form expressions of the normalized channel estimation error and achievable uplink capacity are derived for both least squares (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimation. Then a pilot reconstruction scheme based on orthogonal Procrustes principle (OPP) is provided to reduce the total normalized mean square error (NMSE) of channel estimations. With these reconstructed pilots, a two-step pilot assignment method is formulated by considering the correlation coefficient among pilots to reduce the maximum NMSE. Based on this assignment method, a step-by-step pilot power allocation scheme is further proposed to improve the average uplink signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR). At last, simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approaches.

  • Information Dissemination Using MANET for Disaster Evacuation Support Open Access

    Tomoyuki OHTA  Masahiro NISHI  Toshikazu TERAMI  Yoshiaki KAKUDA  


    E102-B No:4

    To minimize the damage caused by landslides resulting from torrential rain, residents must quickly evacuate to a place of refuge. To make the decision to evacuate, residents must be able to collect and share disaster information. Firstly, this paper introduces the Grass-roots Information Distribution System and a fixed type monitoring system which our research group has been developing. The fixed type monitoring system is deployed at the location of apparent danger, whereas the Grass-roots Information Distribution System distributes disaster information acquired from the fixed type monitoring system through a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) to residents. The MANET is configured using mobile terminals of residents. Next, in this paper, an information dissemination scheme utilizing a MANET and cellular networks to communicate among mobile terminals is proposed and simulated in the area where our research group has been deploying the distribution system. The MANET topology and information distribution obtained from the simulation results for further field experiments are then discussed.

  • Calibration of a Digital Phased Array by Using NCO Phase Increasing Algorithm

    Lijie YANG  Ruirui DANG  Chunyi SONG  Zhiwei XU  


    E102-B No:4

    All digital phased arrays generate multiple beams concurrently through the digital beam forming technique, which features digital processing with multiple identical receiving/transmitting channels in RF or microwave frequencies. However, the performance of this process strongly depends on accurately matching the amplitude and phase of the channels, as mismatching is likely to degrade radar performance. In this paper, we present a method to calibrate receiving array by using NCO phase increasing algorithm, which simplifies array system by removing the external far-field calibration signals often needed in array systems. Both analysis and simulation results suggest that the proposed method attains better calibration performance than existing approaches, even with a low SNR input signal. Experiments also varify that the proposed calibration method is effective and achieves a desired radiation pattern. We can further boost calibration accuracy and reduce calibration time by programming NCO phase width and NCO phase resolution.

  • Compaction of Topological Quantum Circuits by Modularization

    Kota ASAI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E102-A No:4

    A topological quantum circuit is a representation model for topological quantum computation, which attracts much attention recently as a promising fault-tolerant quantum computation model by using 3D cluster states. A topological quantum circuit can be considered as a set of “loops,” and we can transform the topology of loops without changing the functionality of the circuit if the transformation satisfies certain conditions. Thus, there have been proposed many researches to optimize topological quantum circuits by transforming the topology. There are two directions of research to optimize topological quantum circuits. The first group of research considers so-called a placement and wiring problem where we consider how to place “parts” in a 3D space which corresponds to already optimized sub-circuits. The second group of research focuses on how to optimize the structure and locations of loops in a relatively small circuit which is treated as one part in the above-mentioned first group of research. This paper proposes a new idea for the second group of research; our idea is to consider topological transformations as a placement and wiring problem for modules which we derive from the information how loops are crossed. By using such a formulation, we can use the techniques for placement and wiring problems, and successfully obtain an optimized solution. We confirm by our experiment that our method indeed can reduce the cost much more than the method by Paetznick and Fowler.

  • Mode Selective Active Multimode Interferometer Laser Diode — Mode Selection Principle, and High Speed Modulation — Open Access

    Kiichi HAMAMOTO  Haisong JIANG  


    E102-C No:4

    We have proposed and demonstrated a mode selective active-MMI (multimode interferometer) laser diode as a mode selective light source so far. This laser diode features; 1) lasing at a selected space mode, and 2) high modulation bandwidth. Based on these, it is expected to enable high speed interconnection into future personal and mobile devices. In this paper, we explain the mode selection, and the high speed modulation principles. Then, we present our recent results concerning high speed frequency response of the fundamental and first order space modes.

  • Simple and Complete Resynchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks Open Access

    Hiromi YAGIRI  Takeshi OKADOME  


    E102-B No:4

    The methods proposed in this paper enable resynchronization when a synchronization deviation occurs in a sensor node without a beacon or an ack in a wireless sensor network under ultra-limited but stable resources such as the energy generated from tiny solar cell batteries. The method for a single-hop network is straightforward; when a receiver does not receive data, it is simply placed in recovery mode, in which the receiver sets its cycle length TB to (b±γ)T, where b is non-negative integer, 0 < γ < 1, and T is its cycle length in normal mode, and in which the receiver sets its active interval WB to a value that satisfies WB ≥ W + γT, where W is its active interval in normal mode. In contrast, a sender stays in normal mode. Resynchronization methods for linear multi-hop and tree-based multi-hop sensor networks are constructed using the method for a single-hop network. All the methods proposed here are complete because they are always able to resynchronize networks. The results of simulations based on the resynchronization methods are given and those of an experiment using actual sensor nodes with wireless modules are also presented, which show that the methods are feasible.

  • Mobile Brainwaves: On the Interchangeability of Simple Authentication Tasks with Low-Cost, Single-Electrode EEG Devices

    Eeva-Sofia HAUKIPURO  Ville KOLEHMAINEN  Janne MYLLÄRINEN  Sebastian REMANDER  Janne SALO  Tuomas TAKKO  Le Ngu NGUYEN  Stephan SIGG  Rainhard Dieter FINDLING  


    E102-B No:4

    Biometric authentication, namely using biometric features for authentication is gaining popularity in recent years as further modalities, such as fingerprint, iris, face, voice, gait, and others are exploited. We explore the effectiveness of three simple Electroencephalography (EEG) related biometric authentication tasks, namely resting, thinking about a picture, and moving a single finger. We present details of the data processing steps we exploit for authentication, including extracting features from the frequency power spectrum and MFCC, and training a multilayer perceptron classifier for authentication. For evaluation purposes, we record an EEG dataset of 27 test subjects. We use three setups, baseline, task-agnostic, and task-specific, to investigate whether person-specific features can be detected across different tasks for authentication. We further evaluate, whether different tasks can be distinguished. Our results suggest that tasks are distinguishable, as well as that our authentication approach can work both exploiting features from a specific, fixed, task as well as using features across different tasks.

  • All-Optical Modulation Format Conversion and Applications in Future Photonic Networks Open Access

    Ken MISHINA  Daisuke HISANO  Akihiro MARUTA  


    E102-C No:4

    A number of all-optical signal processing schemes based on nonlinear optical effects have been proposed and demonstrated for use in future photonic networks. Since various modulation formats have been developed for optical communication systems, all-optical converters between different modulation formats will be a key technology to connect networks transparently and efficiently. This paper reviews our recent works on all-optical modulation format conversion technologies in order to highlight the fundamental principles and applications in variety of all-optical signal processing schemes.

  • Secure Directional Modulation Using the Symmetrical Multi-Carrier Frequency Diverse Array with Logarithmical Frequency Increment

    Tao XIE  Jiang ZHU  Qian CHENG  Junshan LUO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E102-A No:4

    Wireless communication security has become a hot topic in recent years. The directional modulation (DM) is a promising secure communication technique that has attracted attentions of many researchers. Several different frequency diverse arrays (FDAs) are used to obtain the direction-range-dependent DM signals in previous literatures. However, most of them are not ideal enough to obtain a nonperiodic dot-shaped secure area. In this paper, the symmetrical multi-carrier frequency diverse array with logarithmical frequency increment, named the symmetrical-multilog-FDA, is used to obtain the direction-range-dependent DM signals that are normal at the desired locations while disordered at other locations. Based on the symmetrical-multilog-FDA, we derive the closed-form expression of baseband-weighted vector using the artificial-noise-aided zero-forcing approach. Compared with previous schemes, the proposed scheme can obtain a more fine-focusing nonperiodic dot-shaped secure area at the desired location. In addition, it can achieve a point-to-multipoint secure communication for multiple cooperative receivers at different locations.

  • Fast Superpixel Segmentation via Boundary Sampling and Interpolation

    Li XU  Bing LUO  Mingming KONG  Bo LI  Zheng PEI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:4

    This letter proposes a fast superpixel segmentation method based on boundary sampling and interpolation. The basic idea is as follow: instead of labeling local region pixels, we estimate superpixel boundary by interpolating candidate boundary pixel from a down-sampling image segmentation. On the one hand, there exists high spatial redundancy within each local region, which could be discarded. On the other hand, we estimate the labels of candidate boundary pixels via sampling superpixel boundary within corresponding neighbour. Benefiting from the reduction of candidate pixel distance calculation, the proposed method significantly accelerates superpixel segmentation. Experiments on BSD500 benchmark demonstrate that our method needs half the time compared with the state-of-the-arts while almost no accuracy reduction.

  • A Multiple Cyclic-Route Generation Method with Route Length Constraint Considering Point-of-Interests

    Tensei NISHIMURA  Kazuaki ISHIKAWA  Toshinori TAKAYAMA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E102-A No:4

    With the spread of map applications, route generation has become a familiar function. Most of route generation methods search a route from a starting point to a destination point with the shortest time or shortest length, but more enjoyable route generation is recently focused on. Particularly, cyclic-route generation for strolling requires to suggest to a user more than one route passing through several POIs (Point-of-Interests), to satisfy the user's preferences as much as possible. In this paper, we propose a multiple cyclic-route generation method with a route length constraint considering POIs. Firstly, our proposed method finds out a set of reference points based on the route length constraint. Secondly, we search a non-cyclic route from one reference point to the next one and finally generate a cyclic route by connecting these non-cyclic routes. Compared with previous methods, our proposed method generates a cyclic route closer to the route length constraint, reduces the number of the same points passing through by approximately 80%, and increases the number of POIs passed approximately 1.49 times.

  • Building Hierarchical Spatial Histograms for Exploratory Analysis in Array DBMS

    Jing ZHAO  Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA  Lei CHEN  Chuan XIAO  Kento SUGIURA  


    E102-D No:4

    As big data attracts attention in a variety of fields, research on data exploration for analyzing large-scale scientific data has gained popularity. To support exploratory analysis of scientific data, effective summarization and visualization of the target data as well as seamless cooperation with modern data management systems are in demand. In this paper, we focus on the exploration-based analysis of scientific array data, and define a spatial V-Optimal histogram to summarize it based on the notion of histograms in the database research area. We propose histogram construction approaches based on a general hierarchical partitioning as well as a more specific one, the l-grid partitioning, for effective and efficient data visualization in scientific data analysis. In addition, we implement the proposed algorithms on the state-of-the-art array DBMS, which is appropriate to process and manage scientific data. Experiments are conducted using massive evacuation simulation data in tsunami disasters, real taxi data as well as synthetic data, to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our methods.

  • A Novel Radio Resource Optimization Scheme in Closed Access Femtocell Networks Based on Bat Algorithm Open Access

    I Wayan MUSTIKA  Nifty FATH  Selo SULISTYO  Koji YAMAMOTO  Hidekazu MURATA  


    E102-B No:4

    Femtocell has been considered as a key promising technology to improve the capacity of a cellular system. However, the femtocells deployed inside a macrocell coverage are potentially suffered from excessive interference. This paper proposes a novel radio resource optimization in closed access femtocell networks based on bat algorithm. Bat algorithm is inspired by the behavior of bats in their echolocation process. While the original bat algorithm is designed to solve the complex optimization problem in continuous search space, the proposed modified bat algorithm extends the search optimization in a discrete search space which is suitable for radio resource allocation problem. The simulation results verify the convergence of the proposed optimization scheme to the global optimal solution and reveal that the proposed scheme based on modified bat algorithm facilitates the improvement of the femtocell network capacity.

  • Proactive Eavesdropping for Suspicious Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications with Spoofing Relay

    Cheng CHEN  Haibo DAI  Tianwen GUO  Qiang YU  Baoyun WANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E102-A No:4

    This paper investigates the wireless information surveillance in a suspicious millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless communication system via the spoofing relay based proactive eavesdropping approach. Specifically, the legitimate monitor in the system acts as a relay to simultaneously eavesdrop and send spoofing signals to vary the source transmission rate. To maximize the effective eavesdropping rate, an optimization problem for both hybrid precoding design and power distribution is formulated. Since the problem is fractional and non-convex, we resort to the Dinkelbach method to equivalently reduce the original problem into a series of non-fractional problems, which is still coupling. Afterwards, based on the BCD-type method, the non-fractional problem is reduced to three subproblems with two introduced parameters. Then the GS-PDD-based algorithm is proposed to obtain the optimal solution by alternately optimizing the three subproblems and simultaneously updating the introduced parameters. Numerical results verify the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed scheme.

  • A Cost-Effective 1T-4MTJ Embedded MRAM Architecture with Voltage Offset Self-Reference Sensing Scheme for IoT Applications

    Masanori HAYASHIKOSHI  Hiroaki TANIZAKI  Yasumitsu MURAI  Takaharu TSUJI  Kiyoshi KAWABATA  Koji NII  Hideyuki NODA  Hiroyuki KONDO  Yoshio MATSUDA  Hideto HIDAKA  


    E102-C No:4

    A 1-Transistor 4-Magnetic Tunnel Junction (1T-4MTJ) memory cell has been proposed for field type of Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM). Proposed 1T-4MTJ memory cell array is achieved 44% higher density than that of conventional 1T-1MTJ thanks to the common access transistor structure in a 4-bit memory cell. A self-reference sensing scheme which can read out with write-back in four clock cycles has been also proposed. Furthermore, we add to estimate with considering sense amplifier variation and show 1T-4MTJ cell configuration is the best solution in IoT applications. A 1-Mbit MRAM test chip is designed and fabricated successfully using 130-nm CMOS process. By applying 1T-4MTJ high density cell and partially embedded wordline driver peripheral into the cell array, the 1-Mbit macro size is 4.04 mm2 which is 35.7% smaller than the conventional one. Measured data shows that the read access is 55 ns at 1.5 V typical supply voltage and 25C. Combining with conventional high-speed 1T-1MTJ caches and proposed high-density 1T-4MTJ user memories is an effective on-chip hierarchical non-volatile memory solution, being implemented for low-power MCUs and SoCs of IoT applications.
