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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Phase-Based Periocular Recognition with Texture Enhancement Open Access

    Luis Rafael MARVAL-PÉREZ  Koichi ITO  Takafumi AOKI  


    E102-A No:10

    Access control and surveillance applications like walking-through security gates and immigration control points have a great demand for convenient and accurate biometric recognition in unconstrained scenarios with low user cooperation. The periocular region, which is a relatively new biometric trait, has been attracting much attention for recognition of an individual in such scenarios. This paper proposes a periocular recognition method that combines Phase-Based Correspondence Matching (PB-CM) with a texture enhancement technique. PB-CM has demonstrated high recognition performance in other biometric traits, e.g., face, palmprint and finger-knuckle-print. However, a major limitation for periocular region is that the performance of PB-CM degrades when the periocular skin has poor texture. We address this problem by applying texture enhancement and found out that variance normalization of texture significantly improves the performance of periocular recognition using PB-CM. Experimental evaluation using three public databases demonstrates the advantage of the proposed method compared with conventional methods.

  • High Efficiency Class-E and Compact Doherty Power Amplifiers with Novel Harmonics Termination for Handset Applications

    Tsuyoshi SUGIURA  Satoshi FURUTA  Tadamasa MURAKAMI  Koki TANJI  Norihisa OTANI  Toshihiko YOSHIMASU  


    E102-C No:10

    This paper presents high efficiency Class-E and compact Doherty power amplifiers (PAs) with novel harmonics termination for handset applications using a GaAs/InGaP heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) process. The novel harmonics termination circuit effectively reduces the insertion loss of the matching circuit, allowing a device with a compact size. The Doherty PA uses a lumped-element transformer which consists of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors on an IC substrate, a bonding-wire inductor and short micro-strip lines on a printed circuit board (PCB). The fabricated Class-E PA exhibits a power added efficiency (PAE) as high as 69.0% at 1.95GHz and as high as 67.6% at 2.535GHz. The fabricated Doherty PA exhibits an average output power of 25.5dBm and a PAE as high as 50.1% under a 10-MHz band width quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) 6.16-dB peak-to-average-power-ratio (PAPR) LTE signal at 1.95GHz. The fabricated chip size is smaller than 1mm2. The input and output Doherty transformer areas are 0.5mm by 1.0mm and 0.7mm by 0.7mm, respectively.

  • Design of a Wideband Constant-on-Time Control Envelope Amplifier for Wireless Basestation Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers

    Deng-Fong LU  Chin HSIA  


    E102-C No:10

    Envelope tracking (ET) technology provides the potential for achieving high efficiency in power amplifiers (PAs) with high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) signals. Envelope amplifiers with high fidelity, high efficiency, and wide bandwidth are critical components for the widespread application of envelope tracking. This paper presents the design of a linear-assisted switching buck converter for use in an envelope amplifier. To effectively leverage the high efficiency of buck converters and the wide bandwidth capabilities of linear amplifiers, a parallel combination of these two devices is employed in this work. A novel current-sense constant-on-time (COT) controller is proposed to coordinate this hybrid power supply. The combination mainly enables the switching converter to provide the average power required by the PA with high efficiency, while the wideband linear amplifier provides a wide range of dynamic voltages. The technique improves the efficiency of the envelope amplifier, especially for applications requiring high PAR with wider bandwidth signals. Measurement of the envelope amplifier showed an efficiency of approximately 77% with 10 W output power using LTE downlink signals. The overall ET system was demonstrated by using a GaN PA. The measured average power-added efficiency of the amplifier reached above 45% for an LTE modulated signal with 20 MHz bandwidth and PAR of 8.0 dB, at an average output power of 5 W and gain of 10.1 dB. The measured normalized RMS error is below 2.1% with adjacent channel leakage ratio of -48 dBc at an offset frequency of 20 MHz.

  • Phase Center Calibration for UWB Phase Interferometer Direction Finding by Virtual Baseline Open Access

    Jian BAI  Zhiqiang GE  Lu MA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:10

    Phase interferometer using baseline composed by uniform linear array (ULA) with stable phase center for estimating the angle of arrival (AOA) is always employed in the direction finding (DF) system. However, the phase center of antenna element could vary with the incident angle, frequency, multipath and so on. To deal with these problems, a novel method is proposed in this paper to calibrate the phase center over ultra-wideband (UWB). Meanwhile, the restrictions of this method are discussed. Numerical simulations reveal that higher accuracy and larger unambiguous angle range can be obtained by the proposed method.

  • Hybridizing Dragonfly Algorithm with Differential Evolution for Global Optimization Open Access

    MeiJun DUAN  HongYu YANG  Bo YANG  XiPing WU  HaiJun LIANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:10

    Due to its simplicity and efficiency, differential evolution (DE) has gained the interest of researchers from various fields for solving global optimization problems. However, it is prone to premature convergence at local minima. To overcome this drawback, a novel hybrid dragonfly algorithm with differential evolution (Hybrid DA-DE) for solving global optimization problems is proposed. Firstly, a novel mutation operator is introduced based on the dragonfly algorithm (DA). Secondly, the scaling factor (F) is adjusted in a self-adaptive and individual-dependent way without extra parameters. The proposed algorithm combines the exploitation capability of DE and exploration capability of DA to achieve optimal global solutions. The effectiveness of this algorithm is evaluated using 30 classical benchmark functions with sixteen state-of-the-art meta-heuristic algorithms. A series of experimental results show that Hybrid DA-DE outperforms other algorithms significantly. Meanwhile, Hybrid DA-DE has the best adaptability to high-dimensional problems.

  • A Hybrid Feature Selection Method for Software Fault Prediction

    Yiheng JIAN  Xiao YU  Zhou XU  Ziyi MA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:10

    Fault prediction aims to identify whether a software module is defect-prone or not according to metrics that are mined from software projects. These metric values, also known as features, may involve irrelevance and redundancy, which hurt the performance of fault prediction models. In order to filter out irrelevant and redundant features, a Hybrid Feature Selection (abbreviated as HFS) method for software fault prediction is proposed. The proposed HFS method consists of two major stages. First, HFS groups features with hierarchical agglomerative clustering; second, HFS selects the most valuable features from each cluster to remove irrelevant and redundant ones based on two wrapper based strategies. The empirical evaluation was conducted on 11 widely-studied NASA projects, using three different classifiers with four performance metrics (precision, recall, F-measure, and AUC). Comparison with six filter-based feature selection methods demonstrates that HFS achieves higher average F-measure and AUC values. Compared with two classic wrapper feature selection methods, HFS can obtain a competitive prediction performance in terms of average AUC while significantly reducing the computation cost of the wrapper process.

  • Polarization Filtering Based Transmission Scheme for Wireless Communications

    Zhangkai LUO  Zhongmin PEI  Bo ZOU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:10

    In this letter, a polarization filtering based transmission (PFBT) scheme is proposed to enhance the spectrum efficiency in wireless communications. In such scheme, the information is divided into several parts and each is conveyed by a polarized signal with a unique polarization state (PS). Then, the polarized signals are added up and transmitted by the dual-polarized antenna. At the receiver side, the oblique projection polarization filters (OPPFs) are adopted to separate each polarized signal. Thus, they can be demodulated separately. We mainly focus on the construction methods of the OPPF matrix when the number of the separate parts is 2 and 3 and evaluate the performance in terms of the capacity and the bit error rate. In addition, we also discuss the probability of the signal separation when the number of the separate parts is equal or greater than 4. Theoretical results and simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme.

  • Hardware-Based Principal Component Analysis for Hybrid Neural Network Trained by Particle Swarm Optimization on a Chip

    Tuan Linh DANG  Yukinobu HOSHINO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E102-A No:10

    This paper presents a hybrid architecture for a neural network (NN) trained by a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The NN is implemented on the hardware side while the PSO is executed by a processor on the software side. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) is also applied to reduce correlated information. The PCA module is implemented in hardware by the SystemVerilog programming language to increase operating speed. Experimental results showed that the proposed architecture had been successfully implemented. In addition, the hardware-based NN trained by PSO (NN-PSO) program was faster than the software-based NN trained by the PSO program. The proposed NN-PSO with PCA also obtained better recognition rates than the NN-PSO without-PCA.

  • An Efficient Parallel Triangle Enumeration on the MapReduce Framework

    Hongyeon KIM  Jun-Ki MIN  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:10

    A triangle enumerating problem is one of fundamental problems of graph data. Although several triangle enumerating algorithms based on MapReduce have been proposed, they still suffer from generating a lot of intermediate data. In this paper, we propose the efficient MapReduce algorithms to enumerate every triangle in the massive graph based on a vertex partition. Since a triangle is composed of an edge and a wedge, our algorithms check the existence of an edge connecting the end-nodes of each wedge. To generate every triangle from a graph in parallel, we first split a graph into several vertex partitions and group the edges and wedges in the graph for each pair of vertex partitions. Then, we form the triangles appearing in each group. Furthermore, to enhance the performance of our algorithm, we remove the duplicated wedges existing in several groups. Our experimental evaluation shows the performance of our proposed algorithm is better than that of the state-of-the-art algorithm in diverse environments.

  • ORRIS: Throughput Optimization for Backscatter Link on Physical and MAC Layers

    Jumin ZHAO  Yanxia LI  Dengao LI  Hao WU  Biaokai ZHU  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E102-B No:10

    Unlike Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), emerging Computational RFID (CRFID) integrates the RF front-end and MCU with multiple sensors. CRFIDs need to transmit data within the interrogator range, so when the tags moved rapidly or the contact duration with interrogator is limited, the sensor data collected by CRFID must be transferred to interrogator quickly. In this paper, we focus on throughput optimization for backscatter link, take physical and medium access control (MAC) layers both into consideration, put forward our scheme called ORRIS. On physical layer, we propose Cluster Gather Degree (CGD) indicator, which is the clustering degree of signal in IQ domain. Then CGD is regarded as the criterion to adaptively adjust the rate encoding mode and link frequency, accordingly achieve adaptive rate transmission. On MAC layer, based on the idea of asynchronous transfer, we utilize the the number of clusters in IQ domain to select the optimal Q value as much as possible. So that achieve burst transmission or bulk data transmission. Experiments and analyses on the static and mobile scenarios show that our proposal has significantly better mean throughput than BLINK or CARA, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our scheme.

  • Experimental Study on a Retrodirective System Utilizing Harmonic Reradiation from Rectenna Open Access

    Tomohiko MITANI  Shogo KAWASHIMA  Naoki SHINOHARA  


    E102-C No:10

    A retrodirective system utilizing harmonic reradiation from a rectenna is developed and verified for long-range wireless power transfer applications, such as low-power or battery-less devices and lightweight aerial vehicles. The second harmonic generated by the rectifying circuit is used instead of a pilot signal, and thus an oscillator for creating the pilot signal is not required. The proposed retrodirective system consists of a 2.45 GHz transmitter with a two-element phased array antenna, a 4.9 GHz direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation system, a phase control system, and a rectenna. The rectenna, consisting of a half-wave dipole antenna, receives microwave power from the 2.45 GHz transmitter and reradiates the harmonic toward the 4.9 GHz DoA estimation system. The rectenna characteristics and experimental demonstrations of the proposed retrodirective system are described. From measurement results, the dc output power pattern for the developed retrodirective system is in good agreement with that obtained using manual beam steering. The measured DoA estimation errors are within the range of -2.4° to 4.8°.

  • Correlation of Column Sequences from the Arrays of Sidelnikov Sequences of Different Periods Open Access

    Min Kyu SONG  Hong-Yeop SONG  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:10

    We show that the non-trivial correlation of two properly chosen column sequences of length q-1 from the array structure of two Sidelnikov sequences of periods qe-1 and qd-1, respectively, is upper-bounded by $(2d-1)sqrt{q} + 1$, if $2leq e < d < rac{1}{2}(sqrt{q}- rac{2}{sqrt{q}}+1)$. Based on this, we propose a construction by combining properly chosen columns from arrays of size $(q-1) imes rac{q^e-1}{q-1}$ with e=2,3,...,d. The combining process enlarge the family size while maintaining the upper-bound of maximum non-trivial correlation. We also propose an algorithm for generating the sequence family based on Chinese remainder theorem. The proposed algorithm is more efficient than brute force approach.

  • Further Results on the Separating Redundancy of Binary Linear Codes

    Haiyang LIU  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:10

    In this letter, we investigate the separating redundancy of binary linear codes. Using analytical techniques, we provide a general lower bound on the first separating redundancy of binary linear codes and show the bound is tight for a particular family of binary linear codes, i.e., cycle codes. In other words, the first separating redundancy of cycle codes can be determined. We also derive a deterministic and constructive upper bound on the second separating redundancy of cycle codes, which is shown to be better than the general deterministic and constructive upper bounds for the codes.

  • Adaptive Multi-Scale Tracking Target Algorithm through Drone

    Qiusheng HE  Xiuyan SHAO  Wei CHEN  Xiaoyun LI  Xiao YANG  Tongfeng SUN  


    E102-B No:10

    In order to solve the influence of scale change on target tracking using the drone, a multi-scale target tracking algorithm is proposed which based on the color feature tracking algorithm. The algorithm realized adaptive scale tracking by training position and scale correlation filters. It can first obtain the target center position of next frame by computing the maximum of the response, where the position correlation filter is learned by the least squares classifier and the dimensionality reduction for color features is analyzed by principal component analysis. The scale correlation filter is obtained by color characteristics at 33 rectangular areas which is set by the scale factor around the central location and is reduced dimensions by orthogonal triangle decomposition. Finally, the location and size of the target are updated by the maximum of the response. By testing 13 challenging video sequences taken by the drone, the results show that the algorithm has adaptability to the changes in the target scale and its robustness along with many other performance indicators are both better than the most state-of-the-art methods in illumination Variation, fast motion, motion blur and other complex situations.

  • A Hypergraph Matching Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter for Group Targets Tracking Open Access

    Haoyang YU  Wei AN  Ran ZHU  Ruibin GUO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:10

    This paper addresses the association problem of tracking closely spaced targets in group or formation. In the Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter (LMB), the weight of a hypothesis is directly affected by the distance between prediction and measurement. This may generate false associations when dealing with the closely spaced multiple targets. Thus we consider utilizing structure information among the group or formation. Since, the relative position relation of the targets in group or formation varies slightly within a short time, the targets are considered as nodes of a topological structure. Then the position relation among the targets is modeled as a hypergraph. The hypergraph matching method is used to resolve the association matrix. At last, with the structure prior information introduced, the new joint cost matrix is re-derived to generate hypotheses, and the filtering recursion is implemented in a Gaussian mixture way. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively deal with group targets and is superior to the LMB filter in tracking precision and accuracy.

  • Channel-Alignment Based Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Techniques

    Changyong SHIN  Se-Hyoung CHO  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E102-A No:10

    This letter presents a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique for a two-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system that exploits the alignments of inter-cell interference channels and signal channels within a cluster in a cell. The proposed technique finds combiner vectors for users that align the inter-cell interference channels and the signal channels simultaneously. This technique utilizes the aligned interference and signal channels to obtain precoder matrices for base stations through which each data stream modulated by NOMA can be transmitted to the intended cluster without interference. In addition, we derive the sufficient condition for transmit and receive antenna configurations in the MIMO NOMA systems to eliminate inter-cell interference and inter-cluster interference simultaneously. Because the proposed technique effectively suppresses the inter-cell interference, it achieves a higher degree of freedom than the existing techniques relying on an avoidance of inter-cell interference, thereby obtaining a better sum rate performance in high SNR regions. Furthermore, we present the hybrid MIMO NOMA technique, which combines the MIMO NOMA technique exploiting channel alignment with the existing techniques boosting the received signal powers. Using the benefits from these techniques, the proposed hybrid technique achieves a good performance within all SNR regions. The simulation results successfully demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques on the sum rate performance.

  • A 2.5Gbps Transceiver and Channel Architecture for High-Speed Automotive Communication System

    Kyongsu LEE  Jae-Yoon SIM  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E102-C No:10

    In this paper, a new transceiver system for the in-vehicle communication system is proposed to enhance data transmission rate and timing accuracy in TDM-based application. The proposed system utilizes point-to-point (P2P) channel, a closed-loop clock forwarding path, and a transceiver with a repeater and clock delay adjuster. The proposed system with 4 ECU (Electronic Computing Unit) nodes is implemented in 180nm CMOS technology and, when compared with conventional bus-based system, achieved more than 125 times faster data transmission. The maximum data rate was 2.5Gbps at 1.8V power supply and the worst peak-to-peak jitter for the data and clock signals over 5000 data symbols were about 49.6ps and 9.8ps respectively.

  • A Micro-Code-Based IME Engine for HEVC and Its Hardware Implementation

    Leilei HUANG  Yibo FAN  Chenhao GU  Xiaoyang ZENG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E102-C No:10

    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard is now becoming one of the most widespread video coding standards in the world. As a successor of H.264 standard, it aims to provide a much superior encoding performance. To fulfill this goal, several new notations along with the corresponding computation processes are introduced by this standard. Among those computation processes, the integer motion estimation (IME) is one of bottlenecks due to the complex partitions of the inter prediction units (PU) and the large search window commonly adopted. Many algorithms have been proposed to address this issue and usually put emphasis on a large search window and great computation amount. However, the coding efforts should be related to the scenes. To be more specific, for relatively static videos, a small search window along with a simple search scheme should be adopted to reduce the time cost and power consumption. In view of this, a micro-code-based IME engine is proposed in this paper, which could be applied with search schemes of different complexity. To test the performance, three different search schemes based on this engine are designed and evaluated under HEVC test model (HM) 16.9, achieving a B-D rate increase of 0.55/-0.07/-0.14%. Compared with our previous work, the hardware implementation is optimized to reduce 64.2% of the SRAMs bits and 32.8% of the logic gate count. The final design could support 4K×2K @139/85/37fps videos @500MHz.

  • A Deep Learning Approach to Writer Identification Using Inertial Sensor Data of Air-Handwriting

    Yanfang DING  Yang XUE  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E102-D No:10

    To the best of our knowledge, there are a few researches on air-handwriting character-level writer identification only employing acceleration and angular velocity data. In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach to writer identification only using inertial sensor data of air-handwriting. In particular, we separate different representations of degree of freedom (DoF) of air-handwriting to extract local dependency and interrelationship in different CNNs separately. Experiments on a public dataset achieve an average good performance without any extra hand-designed feature extractions.

  • Block Level TLB Coalescing for Buddy Memory Allocator Open Access

    Jae Young HUR  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E102-D No:10

    Conventional TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) coalescing schemes do not fully exploit the contiguity that a memory allocator provides. The conventional schemes accordingly have certain performance overheads due to page table walks. To address this issue, we propose an efficient scheme, called block contiguity translation (BCT), that accommodates the block size information in a page table considering the Buddy algorithm. By fully exploiting the block-level contiguity, we can reduce the page table walks as certain physical memory is allocated in the contiguous way. Additionally, we present unified per-level page sizes to simplify the design and better utilize the contiguity information. Considering the state-of-the-art schemes as references, the comparative analysis and the performance simulations are conducted. Experiments indicate that the proposed scheme can improve the memory system performance with moderate hardware overheads.
