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  • The IDR-Based IPNMs for the Fast Boundary Element Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Multiple Scattering

    Norimasa NAKASHIMA  Seiji FUJINO  Mitsuo TATEIBA  

    PAPER-Numerical Techniques

    E95-C No:1

    This paper presents the iterative progressive numerical methods (IPNMs) based on the induced dimension reduction (IDR) theorem. The IDR theorem is mainly utilized for the development of new nonstationary linear iterative solvers. On the other hand, the use of the IDR theorem enables to revise the classical linear iterative solvers like the Jacobi, the Gauss-Seidel (GS), the relaxed Jacobi, the successive overrelaxation (SOR), and the symmetric SOR (SSOR) methods. The new IPNMs are based on the revised solvers because the original one is similar to the Jacobi method. In the new IPNMs, namely the IDR-based IPNMs, we repeatedly solve linear systems of equations by using a nonstationary linear iterative solver. An initial guess and a stopping criterion are discussed in order to realize a fast computation. We treat electromagnetic wave scattering from 27 perfectly electric conducting spheres and reports comparatively the performance of the IDR-based IPNMs. However, the IDR-based SOR- and the IDR-based SSOR-type IPNMs are not subject to the above numerical test in this paper because of the problem with an optimal relaxation parameter. The performance evaluation reveals that the IDR-based IPNMs are better than the conventional ones in terms of the net computation time and the application range for the distance between objects. The IDR-based GS-type IPNM is the best among the conventional and the IDR-based IPNMs and converges 5 times faster than a standard computation by way of the boundary element method.

  • Error Analysis of Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems

    Seiya KISHIMOTO  Shinichiro OHNUKI  

    PAPER-Numerical Techniques

    E95-C No:1

    Error analysis of the multilevel fast multipole algorithm is studied for electromagnetic scattering problems. We propose novel error prediction and control methods and verify that the computational error for scattering problems with over one million unknowns can be precisely controlled under desired digits of accuracy. Optimum selection of truncation numbers to minimize computational error also will be discussed.

  • Iterative Multi-Track ITI Canceller for Nonbinary-LDPC-Coded Two-Dimensional Magnetic Recording

    Masaaki FUJII  

    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E95-C No:1

    An iterative inter-track interference (ITI) cancelling scheme is described for multi-track signal detection in nonbinary (NB)-LDPC-coded two-dimensional magnetic recording. The multi-track iterative ITI canceller that we propose consists of multi-track soft interference cancellers (SICs), two-dimensional partial response (TDPR) filters, noise-predictive max-log-MAP detectors, and an NB-LDPC decoder. TDPR filters using an ITI-suppressing tap-weight vector mitigate ITI in the first iteration. Multi-track SICs and TDPR filters adjusted to the residual two-dimensional ISI signals efficiently detect multi-track signals in the latter iterations. The simulation results demonstrated that our proposed iterative multi-track ITI canceller achieves frame error rates close to those obtained in a non-ITI case in media-noise-dominant environments when the both-side off-track ratio is up to 50%.

  • Indexed Swap Matching for Short Patterns

    Hua ZHAO  Songfeng LU  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E95-A No:1

    Let T be a text of length n and P be a pattern of length m, both strings over a fixed finite alphabet. The Pattern Matching with Swaps problem is to find all occurrences of P in T if adjacent pattern characters can be swapped. In the Approximate Pattern Matching problem with Swaps, one seeks for every text location with a swapped match of P, the number of swaps necessary to obtain a match at the location. In this paper we provide the first off-line solution for the swap matching problem and the approximate pattern matching problem with swaps. We present a new data-structure called a Swap-transforming Tree. And we give a precise upper-bond of the number of the swapped versions of a pattern. By using the swap-transforming tree, we can solve both problems in time O(λmlog2 n) on an O(nHk) bits indexing data structure. Here λ is a constant. Our solution is more effective when the pattern is short.

  • Method of Image Green's Function in Grating Theory

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Periodic Structures

    E95-C No:1

    This paper deals with the diffraction of a transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave by a perfectly conductive periodic surface by an integral method. However, it is known that a conventional integral method does not work for a critical angle of incidence, because of divergence of a periodic Green's function (integral kernel). To overcome such a divergence difficulty, we introduce an image Green's function which is physically defined as a field radiated from an infinite phased array of dipoles. By use of the image Green's function, it is newly shown that the diffracted field is represented as a sum of radiation from the periodic surface and its image surface. Then, this paper obtains a new image integral equation for the basic surface current, which is solved numerically. A numerical result is illustrated for a very rough sinusoidal surface. Then, it is concluded that the method of image Green's function works practically even at a critical angle of incidence.

  • FDTD Analysis of Radio Wave Propagation at Intersection Surrounded by Concrete Block Walls in Residential Area for Inter-Vehicle Communications Using 720 MHz Band

    Kenji TAGUCHI  Suguru IMAI  Tatsuya KASHIWA  Kohzoh OHSHIMA  Takeshi KAWAMURA  

    PAPER-Numerical Techniques

    E95-C No:1

    An inter-vehicle communication system for the 720 MHz band that is designed to prevent car crashes at intersections has recently been proposed in Japan. This paper presents an analysis of the propagation characteristics of an intersection surrounded by concrete block walls in a residential area. The propagation characteristics were analyzed for the first time using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. We investigated the influence of wall thickness and source locations on the propagation characteristics. The results of our investigation showed that the most commonly used wall thickness and source locations do not strongly affect propagation loss. Furthermore, we analyzed the power delay profile and delay spread by taking into consideration the structure of the concrete block walls.

  • A Note on the Pairing Computation Using Normalized Miller Functions

    Naoki OGURA  Shigenori UCHIYAMA  Naoki KANAYAMA  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E95-A No:1

    This paper considers the normalization of Miller functions for computing “point-evaluation” pairings on an elliptic curve E over a finite field Fq, where the characteristic of Fq is neither 2 nor 3. It is shown that the normalized Miller functions for computing point-evaluation pairings on G2G1 when (i) the embedding degree k is even, or (ii) 3|k and E/Fq(q ≡ (1 mod 3)) is a curve of the form Y2=X3+b. Thus, there is no need to consider the normalization for computing pairings on many pairing-friendly elliptic curves.

  • Doppler Centroid Estimation for Space-Surface BiSAR

    Weiming TIAN  Jian YANG  Xiaopeng YANG  


    E95-B No:1

    Phase synchronization is a crucial problem in Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (BiSAR). As phase synchronization error and Doppler phase have nearly the same form, Doppler Centroid (DC) cannot be estimated with traditional method in BiSAR. A DC estimation method is proposed through phase-interferometry of Dual-channel direct signal. Through phase interferometry, phase synchronization error can be counteracted while Doppler phase is reserved and DC can be estimated from the reserved phase.

  • Numerical Methods of Multilayered Dielectric Gratings by Application of Shadow Theory to Middle Regions

    Hideaki WAKABAYASHI  Keiji MATSUMOTO  Masamitsu ASAI  Jiro YAMAKITA  

    PAPER-Periodic Structures

    E95-C No:1

    In the scattering problem of periodic gratings, at a low grazing limit of incidence, the incident plane wave is completely cancelled by the reflected wave, and the total wave field vanishes and physically becomes a dark shadow. This problem has received much interest recently. Nakayama et al. have proposed “the shadow theory”. The theory was first applied to the diffraction by perfectly conductive gratings as an example, where a new description and a physical mean at a low grazing limit of incidence for the gratings have been discussed. In this paper, the shadow theory is applied to the analyses of multilayered dielectric periodic gratings, and is shown to be valid on the basis of the behavior of electromagnetic waves through the matrix eigenvalue problem. Then, the representation of field distributions is demonstrated for the cases that the eigenvalues degenerate in the middle regions of multilayered gratings in addition to at a low grazing limit of incidence and some numerical examples are given.

  • Toward Effective Countermeasures against an Improved Fault Sensitivity Analysis

    Yang LI  Kazuo OHTA  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  


    E95-A No:1

    This paper proposes the countermeasures against an improved fault sensitivity analysis. Our countermeasure is proposed based on the WDDL technique due to its built-in resistance against both the power-based attack and differential fault analysis. At CHES 2010, Li et al. proposed the FSA attack on WDDL-AES. The vulnerability of WDDL-AES in their attack mainly comes from the implementation deficiency rather than the WDDL technique itself. This paper first proposes an improved fault sensitive analysis that can threat a well-implemented WDDL-AES based on the input-data dependency for the critical path delay of WDDL S-box. Then we discuss the possibility of efficient countermeasures by modifying the WDDL circuit with a limited overhead. The countermeasures are discussed based on either modifying the dual-rail to single-rail converter or the introduction of the enable signal.

  • A Markov-Based Satellite-to-Ground Optical Channel Model and Its Effective Coding Scheme

    Yoshitoshi YAMASHITA  Eiji OKAMOTO  Yasunori IWANAMI  Yozo SHOJI  Morio TOYOSHIMA  Yoshihisa TAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E95-B No:1

    We propose a novel channel model of satellite-to-ground optical transmission to achieve a global-scale high-capacity communication network. In addition, we compose an effective channel coding scheme based on low-density generator matrix (LDGM) code suitable for that channel. Because the first successful optical satellite communication demonstrations are quite recent, no practical channel model has been introduced. We analyze the results of optical transmission experiments between ground station and the Optical Inter-orbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite (OICETS) performed by NICT and JAXA in 2008 and propose a new Markov-based practical channel model. Furthermore, using this model we design an effective long erasure code (LEC) based on LDGM to achieve high-quality wireless optical transmissions.

  • Known-Key Attacks on Rijndael with Large Blocks and Strengthening ShiftRow Parameter

    Yu SASAKI  

    PAPER-Symmetric Cryptography

    E95-A No:1

    In this paper, we present known-key attacks on block cipher Rijndael for 192-bit block and 256-bit block. Our attacks work up to 8 rounds for 192-bit block and 9 rounds for 256-bit block, which are one round longer than the previous best known-key attacks. We then search for the parameters for the ShiftRow operation which is stronger against our attacks than the one in the Rijndael specification. Finally, we show a parameter for 192-bit block which forces attackers to activate more bytes to generate a truncated differential path, and thus enhances the security against our attacks.

  • Functional Duality between Distributed Source Coding and Broadcast Channel Coding in the Case of Correlated Messages

    Suhan CHOI  Hichan MOON  Eunchul YOON  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E95-B No:1

    In this letter, functional duality between distributed source coding (DSC) with correlated messages and broadcast channel coding (BCC) with correlated messages is considered. It is shown that under certain conditions, for a given DSC problem with correlated messages, a functional dual BCC problem with correlated messages can be obtained, and vice versa. That is, the optimal encoder-decoder mappings for one problem become the optimal decoder-encoder mappings for the dual problem. Furthermore, the correlation structure of the messages in the two dual problems and the source distortion and channel cost measure for this duality are specified.

  • Security of Sequential Multiple Encryption

    Atsushi FUJIOKA  Yoshiaki OKAMOTO  Taiichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E95-A No:1

    This paper analyzes security of sequential multiple encryptions based on asymmetric key encryptions, and shows that a sequential construction of secure multiple encryptions exists. The sequential multiple encryption scheme can be proved to be indistinguishable against chosen ciphertext attacks for multiple encryptions (IND-ME-CCA), where the adversary can access to the decryption oracle of the multiple encryption, even when all the underlying encryptions of the multiple encryption are indistinguishable against chosen plaintext attacks (IND-CPA). We provide an extended security notion of sequential multiple encryptions, in which the adversary is allowed to access decryption oracles of the underlying encryptions in addition to the multiple encryption, and show that our constructed scheme satisfies the security notion when all the underlying encryptions are indistinguishable against chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA).

  • A Clustering K-Anonymity Scheme for Location Privacy Preservation

    Lin YAO  Guowei WU  Jia WANG  Feng XIA  Chi LIN  Guojun WANG  


    E95-D No:1

    The continuous advances in sensing and positioning technologies have resulted in a dramatic increase in popularity of Location-Based Services (LBS). Nevertheless, the LBS can lead to user privacy breach due to sharing location information with potentially malicious services. A high degree of location privacy preservation for LBS is extremely required. In this paper, a clustering K-anonymity scheme for location privacy preservation (namely CK) is proposed. The CK scheme does not rely on a trusted third party to anonymize the location information of users. In CK scheme, the whole area that all the users reside is divided into clusters recursively in order to get cloaked area. The exact location information of the user is replaced by the cloaked spatial temporal boundary (STB) including K users. The user can adjust the resolution of location information with spatial or temporal constraints to meet his personalized privacy requirement. The experimental results show that CK can provide stringent privacy guarantees, strong robustness and high QoS (Quality of Service).

  • A Single-Supply 84 dB DR Audio-Band ADC for Compact Digital Microphones

    Huy-Binh LE  Sang-Gug LEE  Seung-Tak RYU  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E95-C No:1

    A 20 kHz audio-band ADC with a single pair of power and ground pads is implemented for a digital electret microphone. Under the limited power/ground pad condition, the switching noise effect on the signal quality is estimated via post simulations with parasitic models. Performance degradation is minimized by time-domain noise isolation with sufficient time-spacing between the sampling edge and the output transition. The prototype ADC was implemented in a 0.18 µm CMOS process. It operates under a minimum supply voltage of 1.6 V with total current of 420 µA. Operating at 2.56 MHz clock frequency, it achieves 84 dB dynamic range and a 64 dB peak signal-to-(noise+distortion) ratio. The measured power supply rejection at a 100 mVpp 217 Hz square wave is -72 dB.

  • Security Flaw of an Improved User Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Wireless Communications

    Hu XIONG  Xiaofeng WANG  Fagen LI  


    E95-A No:1

    Recently, Kang et al. discussed some security flaws of Wu et al.'s and Wei et al.'s authentication schemes that guarantee user anonymity in wireless communications and showed how to overcome the problems regarding anonymity and the forged login messages. However, we will show that Kang et al.'s improved scheme still did not provide user anonymity as they claimed.

  • A Novel Fast Mobile IPv6 Handover Scheme Using Dual Bands in Road-to-Vehicle Communications

    Tomotaka WADA  Hiroyuki TAKAHASHI  Kouichi MUTSUURA  Hiromi OKADA  


    E95-A No:1

    Many researchers have recently studied various applications such as Inter-Vehicle Communications (IVC) and Road-to-Vehicle Communications (RVC) for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). RVC is a key technology that can connect vehicles with the internet through Road Side Units (RSUs). Relative positions between vehicles vary within short periods of time. Neighboring vehicles and barriers cause shadowing that blocks communication for extended periods of time between RSUs and vehicles. We propose a fast scheme of Mobile IPv6 handover using dual-band communications in RVC. This scheme uses ISM and UHF dual bands. It switches to the UHF band during handover or in the shadowing period. We demonstrate that the proposed scheme can establish continuous communications through computer simulations.

  • Effectiveness of Short-Range MIMO Using Dual-Polarized Antenna

    Ken HIRAGA  Tomohiro SEKI  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Kazuhiro UEHARA  

    PAPER-Radio Systems

    E95-B No:1

    Short-range Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (SR-MIMO) transmission is an effective technique for achieving high-speed and short-range wireless communication. With this technique, however, the optimum aperture size of array antennas grows when the transmission distance is increased. Thus, antenna miniaturization is an important issue in SR-MIMO. In this paper, we clarify the effectiveness of using dual-polarized planar antennas as a means of miniaturizing SR-MIMO array antennas by measurements and analysis of MIMO transmission characteristics. We found that even in SR-MIMO transmission, the use of dual-polarized transmission enables higher channel capacity. Dual-polarized antennas can reduce by two thirds the array area that is needed to obtain the same channel capacity. For a transmission distance of two wavelengths, the use of a dual-polarized antenna improved the channel capacity by 26 bit/s/Hz while maintaining the same number of transmitters and receivers and the same antenna aperture size. Moreover, dual-polarized SR-MIMO has a further benefit when zero-forcing (ZF) reception without transmit beamforming is adopted, i.e., it effectively simplifies hardware configuration because it can reduce spatial correlation even in narrow element spacing. In this work, we confirmed that the application of dual-polarization to SR-MIMO is an effective way to both increase channel capacity and enhance transceiver simplification.

  • On-the-Fly Trace Generation Approach to the Security Analysis of the TMN Protocol with Homomorphic Property: A Petri Nets-Based Method


    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E95-D No:1

    Many Petri nets-based methods have been developed and applied to analyze cryptographic protocols. Most of them offer the analysis of one attack trace only. Only a few of them provide the analysis of multiple attack traces, but they are rather inefficient. Similarly, the limitation of the analysis of one attack trace occurs in most model checking methods for cryptographic protocols. Recently, we proposed a simple but practical Petri nets-based model checking methodology for the analysis of cryptographic protocols, which offers an efficient analysis of all attack traces. In our previous analysis, we assume that the underlying cryptographic algorithms are black boxes, and attackers cannot learn anything from cipher text if they do not have a correct key. In this paper, we relax this assumption by considering some algebraic properties of the underlying encryption algorithm. Then, we apply our new method to TMN authenticated key exchange protocol as a case study. Surprisingly, we obtain a very efficient analysis when the numbers of attack traces and states are large, and we discover two new attacks which exploit the algebraic properties of the encryption.
