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[Keyword] FA(3430hit)


  • An FPGA Implementation of a Self-Reconfigurable System for the 1 1/2 Track-Switch 2-D Mesh Array with PE Faults

    Tadayoshi HORITA  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Fault Tolerance

    E83-D No:8

    We gave in [1] the software and hardware algorithms for reconfiguring 1 1/2-track switch 2-D mesh arrays with faults of processing elements, avoiding them. This paper shows an implementation of the hardware algorithm using an FPGA device, and by the logical simulation confirms the correctness of the behavior and evaluates reconfiguration time. From the result it is found that a self-repairable system is realizable and the system is useful for the run-time as well as fabrication-time reconfiguration because it requires no host computer to execute the reconfiguration algorithm and the reconfiguration time is very short.

  • Control and Improvement of Surface Triangulation for Three-Dimensional Process Simulation

    Eberhard BAR  Jurgen LORENZ  


    E83-C No:8

    Appropriate meshes are crucial for accurate and efficient 3D process simulation. In this paper, we present a set of tools operating on surface and interface triangulations. These tools allow the improvement of the accuracy of interfaces, the reduction of the number of triangles, and the removal of obtuse not coplanarily compensated triangles. The first tool is used within integrated topography simulation environments based on different data structures, e.g. cell-based and segment-based. The latter two are particularly important for providing appropriate input to mesh generation for 3D process simulation.

  • An Advancing Front Meshing Algorithm Using NURBS for Semiconductor Process Simulation

    Sangho YOON  Jaehee LEE  Sukin YOON  Ohseob KWON  Taeyoung WON  


    E83-C No:8

    A surface extraction algorithm with NURBS has been developed for the mesh generation from the scattered data after a cell-based simulation. The triangulation of a surface is initiated with a step of describing the geometry along the polygonal boundary with multiple points. In this work, an NURBS surface can be generated with scattered data for each polygonal surface by employing a multilevel B-spline surface approximation. The NURBS mesh in accordance with our algorithm excellently represents the surface evolution of the topography on the wafer. A dynamically allocated topography model, so-called cell advancing model, is proposed to resolve an extensive memory requirement for the numerical simulation of a complicated structure on the wafer. A concave cylindrical DRAM cell capacitor was chosen to test the capability of our model. A set of capacitance present in the cell capacitor and interconnects was calculated with three-dimensional tetrahedral meshes generated from the NURBS surface on CRAY T3E supercomputer. A total of 5,475,600 (130 156 270) cells was employed for the simulation of semiconductor regions comprising four DRAM cell capacitors with a dimension of 1.3 µm 1.56 µm 2.7 µm . The size of the required memory is about 22 Mbytes and the simulation time is 64,082 seconds. The number of nodes for the FEM calculation was 70,078 with 395,064 tetrahedrons.

  • The Synthesis of Low-Peak Orthogonal-Base-Set Sequences Using Trigonometric Function Aliasing

    Takafumi HAYASHI  William L. MARTENS  

    PAPER-Theory of Signals

    E83-A No:8

    This paper presents a new technique for the synthesis of orthogonal-base-set sequences suitable for applications requiring sets of uncorrelated pseudo-white-noise sources. The synthesized sequences (vectors) are orthogonal to each other, and each sequence also has a flat power spectrum and low peak factor. In order to construct the orthogonal-base-set sequences, the new application of ta-sequence (trigonometric function aliasing sequence) introduced in this paper uses Latin-squares and Walsh-Hadamard sequences. The ta-sequence itself is a very new concept, and the method presented here provides the means for generating various orthogonal-base-set sequences at sizes required for such applications as system measurement (needing uncorrelated test signals), pseudo noise synthesis for spread spectrum communication, and audio signal processing (needing synthesis of stereo or multichannel signals from mono sources).

  • A Low-Cost Floating Point Vectoring Algorithm Based on CORDIC

    Jeong-A LEE  Kees-Jan van der KOLK  Ed F. A. DEPRETTERE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    In this paper we develop a CORDIC-based floating-point vectoring algorithm which reduces significantly the amount of microrotation steps as compared to the conventional algorithm. The overhead required to accomplish this is minimized by the introduction of an angle selection function which considers only a few of the total amount of bits used to represent the vector being rotated. At the same time, the cost of individual microrotations is kept low by the utilization of a fast rotations angle base.

  • Sulfate Binding Protein Modified Electrode as a Chemical Sensor

    Izumi KUBO  Hidenori NAGAI  


    E83-C No:7

    A novel chemical sensor for sulfate detection was proposed in this study, utilizing sulfate binding protein (SBP) derived from Escherichia coli as sulfate recognition element. Purified SBP was immobilized on a gold electrode modified with cysteamine and glutaraldehyde. In this study the surface potential change of the SBP modified electrode to sulfate and various ions were investigated. In order to evaluate nonspecific interaction with ionic species, proteins with various isoelectric point were immobilized on the surface of gold electrode and response to ions were measured and compared to sulfate binding protein modified electrode. We made clear that the protein modified electrode shows the potential change to ions and these potential change was effected by the isoelectric point of the protein molecule, and BSA, whose isoelectric point is closest to that of SBP, showed the similar response to ions except sulfate. With use BSA modified electrode as a reference electrode, this sensing system showed selective response to sulfate, probably because of the selective binding sulfate by SBP. This potential change difference between the SBP modified electrode and the BSA modified electrode depended on the concentration of sulfate with in the range of 5 - 150 mM.

  • A Photoelectric Property of Merocyanine LB Film Cell Utilizing Surface Plasmon Polariton Excitation

    Kazunari SHINBO  Takaaki EBE  Futao KANEKO  Keizo KATO  Takashi WAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Ultra Thin Film

    E83-C No:7

    Short-circuit photocurrents (ISC) utilizing surface plasmon polariton (SPP) excitation were investigated for the merocyanine (MC) LB film photoelectric device. The device has a prism/MgF2/Al/MC LB film/Ag structure. In the attenuated total reflection (ATR) configuration, SPPs were resonantly excited at the interfaces between MgF2 and Al (MgF2/Al) and between Ag and air (Ag/air). The thickness and the dielectric constants of the layers were evaluated from the ATR measurements. Short-circuit photocurrents, ISCs, as a function of the incident angle of the laser beam were observed simultaneously during the ATR measurements. In the ISC curves, large and small peaks were observed, and the peak angles of the ISC almost corresponded to the dip angles of the ATR curves due to the SPP excitations. Electric fields and optical absorptions in the cell were calculated using the dielectric constants and the film thickness obtained from the ATR measurements. The calculated absorption in the MC layer as a function of the incident angle corresponded to the ISC curve. It was thought that the optical absorption in the MC layer affected directly to the profile of the ISC. Furthermore, the calculated absorption in the cell with the prism and the MgF2 layer exhibited much larger than that of the cell without them. It was estimated that the photocurrents were enhanced by the excitation of SPPs in the ATR configuration.

  • Epipolar Constraint from 2D Affine Lines, and Its Application in Face Image Rendering

    Kuntal SENGUPTA  Jun OHYA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E83-D No:7

    This paper has two parts. In the first part of the paper, we note the property that under the para perspective camera projection model of a camera, the set of 2D images produced by a 3D point can be optimally represented by two lines in the affine space (α-β space). The slope of these two lines are same, and we observe that this constraint is exactly the same as the epipolar line constraint. Using this constraint, the equation of the epipolar line can be derived. In the second part of the paper, we use the "same slope" property of the lines in the α-β space to derive the affine structure of the human face. The input to the algorithm is not limited to an image sequence of a human head under rigid motion. It can be snapshots of the human face taken by the same or different cameras, over different periods of time. Since the depth variation of the human face is not very large, we use the para perspective camera projection model. Using this property, we reformulate the (human) face structure reconstruction problem in terms of the much familiar multiple baseline stereo matching problem. Apart from the face modeling aspect, we also show how we use the results for reprojecting human faces in identification tasks.

  • A Cell Scheduler for Non-Real-Time Traffic with Service Fairness in ATM Networks

    Wen-Tsuen CHEN  Rong-Ruey LEE  


    E83-B No:7

    Non-real-time (NRT) services such as nrt-VBR, ABR and UBR traffic are intended for data applications. Although NRT services do not have stringent QoS requirements for cell transfer delay and cell delay variation, ATM networks should provide NRT services while considering other criteria to ensure an excellent performance such as cell loss ratio (CLR), buffer size requirement and service fairness. Service fairness means that networks should treat all connections fairly. That is, connections with low arrival rates should not be discriminated against. In addition, given a fixed buffer size for a connection, reducing the maximum number of cells in a buffer during the lifetime of a connection can lead to a low CLR due to buffer overflow. Thus, these criteria should be considered as much as possible when designing a cell scheduler to provide NRT services. Whereas most of the conventional cell scheduling schemes are usually appropriate for one performance criterion, but inappropriate for another one. In this work, we present a novel cell scheduling scheme, called buffer minimized and service fairness (BMSF), to schedule NRT services in ATM networks. Using probability constraints and selecting a connection with the longest buffer size to transmit first allow BMSF to attain a satisfactory performance with respect to maximum buffer size requirement, CLR, and service fairness in terms of the maximum buffer size and cell waiting delay criteria. Simulation results demonstrate that BMSF performs better than some conventional schemes in terms of these criteria, particularly when NRT services have diverse arrival rates. Thus, the BMSF scheme proposed herein can feasibly schedule NRT services in ATM networks.

  • Pre- and Post-Dispersion Compensation in Long-Haul WDM Transmission System

    Takao NAITO  Takafumi TERAHARA  Naomasa SHIMOJOH  Takashi YORITA  Terumi CHIKAMA  Masuo SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E83-B No:7

    In long-haul wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) transmission systems, signals with shorter and longer wavelengths have self-phase modulation group-velocity-dispersion (SPM-GVD) penalty caused by to the dispersion slope even after the dispersion-compensation at the receiver has been optimized. As a countermeasure, we have already proposed both pre-compensation and post-compensation of chromatic dispersion at the transmitter and receiver for each channel. This method can decrease the channel variation of path-averaged chromatic dispersion along the transmission line, and it can improve the eye opening of the waveform after transmission. We investigated the optimized parameter of chromatic dispersion and chirping at the transmitter. The optimized pre-dispersion compensation parameter R was about 50%. The optimized chirping parameter α was about 3 when the signal wavelength was less than the mean zero-dispersion wavelength. In a single-channel, 5.3-Gbit/s NRZ signal transmission experiment over a 4,760-km straight line, this method decreased SPM-GVD penalty. In a 32-channel, 5.3-Gbit/s WDM transmission experiment over 9,879 km using a circulating loop, this method improved Q-factors for the 1st and 32nd channels by more than 1.5 dB.

  • Theoretical Analysis on the Performance of Optimal Combining for Multipath Waves Distributed in Spatial and Time Domains

    Takashi INOUE  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:7

    This paper theoretically analyzed the performance of the RAKE combining (in the time domain), maximal ratio combining (in the spatial domain), and two-dimensional RAKE combining (in the spatial and time domains) techniques for multipath fading environments, where multipath waves are distributed in the spatial and time domains. The analysis was based on a diversity combining technique that employed the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix between branch signals. It was found that the performance of the fading mitigation was normalized by the beamwidth of an array antenna, for various parameters such as the number of antenna elements, angular spread, and angle of arrival.

  • A Coordination Based Restoring Algorithm for High Speed Broadband Networks

    Ardian GRECA  Kiyoshi NAKAGAWA  


    E83-B No:7

    A highly reliable and available network which automatically can restore itself from failures is an important concept for the future high capacity broadband networks. Self-healing algorithm, restoring the failed VPs (Virtual Paths) in the backbone ATM networks, is an indispensable technique to meet these requirements. In this paper we propose a coordination-based restoring self-healing algorithm called C-TRUS, which meets different requirements of service classes of survivability by using a simple rerouting and capacity reserving protocols. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can restore VPs quickly and improve the restoration time in case of multi-failures by using network resources very efficiently. Furthermore, C-TRUS outperforms the combination method in both restoration ratio and restoration time. In addition, the significant improvement of restoration ratio in the multi-failure scenario has been achieved.

  • Adaptive Transmit Permission Probability Control in CDMA Cellular Packet Communications with Site Diversity

    Kazuo MORI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Takaya YAMAZATO  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:7

    Site diversity causes unfairness in packet reception that depends on the location of the mobile stations in the up-link of CDMA cellular packet communication systems. This paper proposes an adaptive transmit permission probability control scheme that reduces this unfairness in CDMA cellular slotted-ALOHA systems with site diversity. The proposed scheme adaptively controls the transmit permission probability according to the offered load and the location of the mobile stations. Successful packet reception rate, fairness coefficient and throughput performance are evaluated in fading environments with imperfect power control. Computer simulation shows that adaptive transmit permission probability control improves fairness of service for all mobile stations and throughput performance across all channel loads compared with the conventional scheme.

  • 3D Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Image Sequence

    Takeshi YAMADA  Hideo SAITO  Shinji OZAWA  


    E83-D No:7

    This paper proposes a new method for reconstruction a shape of skin surface replica from shaded image sequence taken with different light source directions. Since the shaded images include shadows caused by surface height fluctuation, and specular and inter reflections, the conventional photometric stereo method is not suitable for reconstructing its surface accurately. In the proposed method, we choose measured intensity which does not include specular and inter reflections and self-shadows so that we can calculate accurate normal vector from the selected measured intensity using SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) method. The experimental results from real images demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for shape reconstruction from shaded images, which include specular and inter reflections and self-shadows.

  • Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Photometric Stereo

    Seok Cheol KEE  Kyoung Mu LEE  Sang Uk LEE  


    E83-D No:7

    In this paper, we propose an elegant approach for illumination invariant face recognition based on the photometric stereo technique. The basic idea is to reconstruct the surface normal and the albedo of a face using photometric stereo images, and then use them as the illumination independent model of the face. And, we have investigated the optimal light source directions for accurate surface shape reconstruction, and the robust estimation technique for the illumination direction of an input face image. We have tested the proposed algorithm with 125 real face images of 25 persons which are taken under 5 quite different illumination conditions, and achieved the success rate of more than 80%. Comparison results of conventional face recognition methods and the proposed method are also evaluated. These results demonstrate that the proposed technique have a great potential for the robust face recognition even when the lighting condition changes severely.

  • Wave Scattering from an Apodised Sinusoidal Surface

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E83-C No:7

    This paper deals with the scattering of a TE plane wave by an apodised sinusoidal surface. The analysis starts with the extended Floquet solution, which is a 'Fourier series' with 'Fourier coefficients' given by band-limited Fourier integrals of amplitude functions. An integral equation for the amplitude functions is derived and solved by the small perturbation method to get single and double scattering amplitudes. Then, it is found that the beam shape generated by the single scattering is proportional to the Fourier spectrum of the apodisation function, but that generated by the double scattering is proportional to the spectrum of the squared apodisation. As a result, the single scattering beam and the double scattering beam may have different sidelobe patterns. It is demonstrated that the sidelobes are much reduced if Hanning window or Hamming window is used as an apodisation function.

  • ICU/COWS: A Distributed Transactional Workflow System Supporting Multiple Workflow Types

    Dongsoo HAN  Jaeyong SHIM  Chansu YU  


    E83-D No:7

    In this paper, we describe a distributed transactional workflow system named ICU/COWS, which supports multiple workflow types of large scale enterprises. The system aims to support the whole workflow for large scale enterprises effectively within a single workflow system and the system is designed to satisfy several design goals such as availability, scalability, and reliability. Transactional task and special tasks such as alternative task and compensating task are developed and utilized to achieve the design goals in task model level and the system is constructed with distributed transactional objects to achieve the design goals in distributed system environment. In this paper, structured ad hoc workflow is defined as a special type of ad hoc workflow that should be automated by workflow management system because many benefits can be obtained by automating it and connector facility is proposed as a means to support structured ad hoc workflow effectively. Some characteristics of a workflow system can be identified by monitoring the system behavior on different conditions like workloads or system configurations. An early version of the system has been implemented and the performance data of the system is illustrated.

  • Upper Bounds on the Average BER of Adaptive Arrays in Fading Environments

    Yoshitaka HARA  


    E83-A No:7

    This paper presents upper bounds on the average bit error rate (BER) of coherent detection of PSK and differential detection of DPSK with adaptive arrays in fading environments. A model where a line of sight (LOS) component and Rayleigh distributed scattering components arrive at a receiver with specific arrival angles is used considering the correlation of signal between multiple antennas. The upper bounds are expressed in a simple matrix form using signal and interference-plus-noise correlation matrices. Examples for the case of 4-element adaptive arrays are given to illustrate the tightness and the application of this upper bounds.

  • Research on Hardware Platform of the Software Radio

    Ji-Bing WANG  Ming ZHAO  Xi-Bin XU  Yan YAO  


    E83-B No:6

    In recent years, the concept of the software radio has been put forward by the international communication society. It is well known that software radio will play an important role in third generation wireless communication systems. But until now there is not an acceptable concept of software radio. How to make software radio be applicable authentically, and how to develop its ascendancy? This paper introduces some new ideas about the key issues of software radio, including software radio architecture and its hardware platform, and it focuses on the design considerations of the hardware platform. Conventional software radio systems use pipeline architecture, which is not scalable and cannot fulfill the inherent requirements of software radios. In this paper a new layer structure of the hardware platform is proposed. It is an open architecture with flexibility and scalability. Then three schemes for hardware platform realization are introduced: bus architecture, switched network architecture, and fat tree architecture. An extensive analysis on advantages and disadvantages of each architecture is given. Then an application example is proposed. The switched network architecture is applied in the cellular wireless communication systems. The basestation is divided into four components according to their functions: antenna, IF, baseband, and control, which are connected by the ATM network. We call this virtualization of wireless communication systems. This will bring great benefits such as fast handoff, easily realization of different macrodiversity algorithm.

  • A Study on the Design of VME System Controller

    Kang Hyeon RHEE  


    E83-A No:6

    For FA (factory automation) and ATE (automatic test equipment) in the industrial area, the standard bus is required to increase the system performance of multiprocessor environment. VME (versa module european package format) bus is appropriated to the standard bus but has the features that is the small of package and the low density of board. Beside, the density of board and semiconductor have grown to become a significant issues that affect the development time, project cost and field diagnostics. To fit this trend, in this paper, the author composed Revision C. 1 (IEEE Std. P1014-1987) of the integrated environment for the main function such as arbitration, interrupt and interface between VMEbus and several control modules. Also the designed VME system controller is implemented on FPGA that can be located even into Slot 1. The control and function modules are coded with VHDL mid-fixed description method and then those operations are verified by simulation. As a result of experiment, the author confirmed that the most important about the operation of Bus timer that Bus error signal should occur within 56 µs, and both control and function modules have the reciprocal operation correctly. Thus, the constructed VHDL library will be able to apply the system based VMEbus and ASIC design.
