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[Keyword] NIC(2720hit)


  • Design of Robust-Fault-Tolerant Multiple-Valued Arithmetic Circuits and Their Evaluation

    Takeshi KASUGA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    Robust-fault tolerance is a property that a computational result becomes nearly equal to the correct one at the occurrence of faults in digital system. There are many cases where the safety of digital control systems can be maintained if the property is satisfied. In this paper, robust-fault-tolerant three-valued arithmetic modules such as an adder and a multiplier are proposed. The positive and negative integers are represented by the number of 1's and 1's, respectively. The design concept of the arithmetic modules is that a fault makes linearly additive effect with a small value to the final result. Each arithmetic module consists of identical submodules linearly connected, so that multi-stage structure is formed to generate the final output from the last submodule. Between the input and output digits in the submodule some simple functional relation is satisfied with respect to the number of 1's and 1's. Moreover, the output digit value depends on very small portion of the submodules including the input digits. These properties make the linearly additive effect with a small value to the final result in the arithmetic modules even if multiple faults are occurred at the input and output of any gates in the submodules. Not only direct three-valued representation but also the use of three-valued logic circuits is inherently suitable for efficient implementation of the arithmetic VLSI system. The evaluation of the robust-fault-tolerant three-valued arithmetic modules is done with regard to the chip size and the speed using the standard CMOS design rule. As a result, it is made clear that the chip size can be greatly reduced.

  • Networks and Switching for B-ISDN Connectionless Communications--Issues on Interworking of Two Connectionless Services, Network Topologies and Connectionless Message Switching Method--

    Katsuyuki YAMAZAKI  Yasushi WAKAHARA  Yoshikazu IKEDA  


    E76-B No:3

    Widespread penetration of data communications in a LAN environment is generating a demand for high speed data transfer over wide area networks. It is anticipated that the connectionless (CL) service based on IEEE802.6 technology, called Switched Multi-megabit Data Service (SMDS), will be employed before this is realized by B-ISDN based technology. An important early application of B-ISDN will be interconnections between LANs, and continued support of the IEEE802.6 based CL service. This paper first reviews relevant technologies, clarifies comparison between IEEE802.6 based and B-ISDN based CL services, and points out that the important feature for users is that both CL services conform to the E.164 ISDN numbering plan for message addressing. Since an addressing scheme is the key to network services, conformity between the two will easily rationalize service migration from the IEEE802.6 based CL service to the B-ISDN based CL service. To permit such a service migration, this paper considers interworking scenarios for two CL services taking account of the penetration of inter-LAN communications. An exploring path is also presented to that users will not need to be aware of an alternation of network configuration, and smooth migration can take place. For facilitating high volume CL communications in the B-ISDN era, a virtual CL network is discussed to utilize ATM functionalities and to realize broadcasting and robust connectionless service capabilities. An overall comparison between a ring and mesh/star topology for the CL network is presented, and a detailed performance study is addressed in the context of Quality of Service which may depend on the particular application. This paper then describes a connectionless switch architecture in which a message switch combined with an ATM cell channel switch is presented. One scheme which receives specific attention here is a non-assembly message switching method to achieve robust switching capabilities. Typical performance evaluation results based on an M/G/1 queueing model are also reported.

  • Design of a Multiple-Valued Cellular Array

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  


    E76-C No:3

    A method is proposed for realizing any k-valued n-variable function with a celluler array, which consists of linear arrays (called input arrays) and a rectangular array (called control array). In this method, a k-valued n-variable function is divided into kn-1 one-variable functions and remaining (n1)-variable function. The parts of one-variable functions are realized by the input arrays, remaintng the (n1)-variable function is realized by the control array. The array realizing the function is composed by connecting the input arrays with the control array. Then, this array requires (kn2)kn-1 cells and the number is smaller than the other rectangular arrays. Next, a ternary cell circuit and a literal circuit are actually constructed with CMOS transistors and NMOS pass transistors. The experiment shows that these circuits perform the expected operations.

  • Trellis Coded Modulation Using Totally Overlapped Signal Sets

    Masayuki ARIYOSHI  Takaya YAMAZATO  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory

    E76-B No:3

    In conventional trellis coded modulation (TCM), a bit rate of m/m+1 convolutional encoder is employed for n information bits (mn), where 2n+1 signal points are required. In this paper, we propose a novel TCM system using totally overlapped signal sets (TO-TCM), i.e., each signal point is used twice. Thus, TO-TCM can realize only half signal points (2n) comparing with those of a conventional TCM system (2n+1), and it is possible to implement a coded modulation system without doubling the signal points by an insertion of redundant bits. The cases of the proposed schemes which have a process to extend the minimum free distances between the signal points can achieve a considerable coding gain in comparison to the traditional uncoded systems with 2n signal points. Moreover, as the proposed scheme needs only half signal points (2n) of those of conventional TCM, the average power is lower and it is less sensitive to the carrier phase offset.

  • A High-Speed ATM Switch with Input and Cross-Point Buffers

    Yukihiro DOI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E76-B No:3

    This letter describes a new input and cross-point buffering matrix switching architecture for high-speed ATM switching systems. The proposed switch has input queuing buffers at each input port, and small size buffers for output port arbitration at each cross-point. These two types of buffers share loads using a simple and high-speed retry algorithm. Hardware size is only half that of conventional cross-point buffering switches. In addition, the switch achieves high-throughput at a condition that the switching speed matches the input and output port speed. This switch is expected to enable the development of high-speed ATM switching systems with each port supporting speeds in excess of 1Gbit/s.

  • Applying OSI Systems Management Standards to Remotely Controlled Virtual Path Testing in ATM Networks

    Satoru OHTA  Nobuo FUJII  


    E76-B No:3

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is an information transport technique that well supports Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN). One unsolved problem to the perfection of ATM networks is to provide a testing environment that conforms to some standardized network management scheme. From this point of view, remotely controlled virtual path testing is considered in this paper. Remotely controlled virtual path testing should be executed through the standardized Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) model, which employs the OSI systems management concept as the basis of information exchange. Thus, this paper addresses the two issues that arise when OSI systems management standards are applied to virtual path testing. One issue is to define relevant information models. The other issue is to provide test resources with a concurrency control mechanism that guarantees a consistent test environment without causing deadlocks. To resolve these issues, technical requirements are clarified for the remote control of test resources. Next, alternatives to the concurrency control mechanism are shown and compared through computer simulations. A method of defining information models is then proposed. The proposed method ensures the easy storage and retrieval of intermediate test results as well as permitting the effective provision of concurrency control for test resources. An application scenario is also derived. The scenario shows that tests can be executed by using standardized communication services. These results confirm that virtual path testing can be successfully achieved in conformance with the OSI systems management standards.

  • Analysis of Multidimensional Linear Periodically Shift-Variant Digital Filters and Its Application to Secure Communication of Images

    Masayuki KAWAMATA  Sho MURAKOSHI  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-A No:3

    This paper studies multidimensional linear periodically shift-variant digital filters (LPSV filters). The notion of a generalized multidimensional transfer function is presented for LPSV filters. The frequency characteristic of the filters is discussed in terms of this transfer function. Since LPSV filters can decompose the spectrum of an input signal into some spectral partitions and rearrange the spectrum, LPSV filters can serve as a frequency scrambler. To show the effect of multidimensional frequency scramble, 2-D LPSV filters are designed based on the 1-D Parks-McClellan algorithm. The resultant LPSV filters divide the input spectrum into some components that are permuted and possibly inverted with keeping the symmetric of the spectrum. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of frequency scramble for real images.

  • Performance Analysis of the Capacity Controlled System with Adaptive Equalizer

    Hee-Jin LEE  Takashi OMAE  Shozo KOMAKI  Norihiko MORINAGA  


    E76-B No:2

    This paper analyzes the performance of the capacity controlled radio system under a frequency selective fading environment. This system controls the number of modulation levels according to the number of active subscribers. In the analysis, we consider the capacity controlled system either with or without adaptive equalizer. As the results of analysis, it is clarified that the system is superior to the conventional fixed capacity system, and can be considered as a good countermeasure for multi-path fading. And it is found that there exists a synergistic effect due to capacity controlling and adaptive equalizing.

  • Performance Analysis of Optical Fiber Link for Microcellular Mobile Communication Systems

    Hironori MIZUGUTI  Toshiaki OKUNO  Shozo KOMAKI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    PAPER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    Recently, making good use of the advantages of optical fibers such as wide bandwidth and low loss, it has been investigated to apply optical fiber link to microcellular mobile communication systems. This system allows complex equipment to be located at microcell control station, and can simplify the equipment of microcell base stations compared with the conventional systems. In this paper, we analyze the performance of optical fiber link for microcellular mobile communication systems, taking radio link fading and optical link nonlinear distortions into consideration. From the calculated results, it is disclosed that the effect of both items does not generate the significant excess CNR degradation, and the correct CNR can be approximately calculated by using CNR of non-faded case. And it is also disclosed that the degradation of CNR due to optical link nonlinearity is slightly improved by taking adjacent channel signal fade into consideration.

  • Orientable Closed Surface Construction from Volume Data

    Takanori NAGAE  Takeshi AGUI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:2

    Surface construction is known as a way to visualize volume data. Although currently used algorithms such as marching cubes have good enough quality for volume visualization, they do not ensure adequate surface topology. These algorithms work well when the surface is rather simple. While when complicated, the surface does not separate the internal and external spaces, that is, there exist some holes on the surface, or exist redundant overlaps or self-intersection. Actually, adequate surface topology is important not only for visualization but for laser stereolithography, which creates real 3D plastic objects. In the present paper, we propose a new method that produces a set of triangular patches from a given volume data. The fact that the set of patches has no holes, no redundancy, no self-intersection, and has orientable closed surface topology is shown.

  • Simplified Analysis of Coplanar Waveguide for LiNbO3 Optical Modulator by Variational Method

    Toshihide KITAZAWA  David POLIFKO  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optical/Microwave Devices

    E76-C No:2

    A coplanar-type TW electrode is analyzed for the use within a Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulator. The quasistatic analysis is developed based on the variational principle and the incremental inductance formula. The anisotropy of the LiNbO3, the effect of the SiO2 buffer layer, the overlaid conductor and the electrode thickness can be taken into consideration easily by using the extended spectral domain approach (ESDA) as the formulation procedure. It is shown numerically that the TW electrodes thickness, t, and the overlay spacing, p, are as dominant as the buffer layer thickness d, i.e., the microwave effective index and the product ΔfL is affected significantly by the electrodes thickness t and the overlay spacing, whereas the product VπL is insensitive. Therefore, the introduction of the overlaid conductor and the use of thicker electrodes can be utilized effectively to achieve higher values of the figure of merit Δf/Vπ.

  • Adaptive Equalization with Dual Diversity-Combining

    Kouei MISAIZU  Takashi MATSUOKA  Hiroshi OHNISHI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-B No:2

    This paper proposes and investigates an adaptive equalizer with diversity-combining over a multipath fading channel. It consists of two space-diversity antennas and a Ts/2-spaced decision-feedback-equalizer (DFE). Received signals from the two antennas are alternatively switched and fed into the feed forward-filter of DFE. We call this structure a Switched Input Combining Equalizer with diversity-combining (SICE). By using an SICE, the receiver structure for combining diversity equalization can be simplified, because it needs only two receiver sections up to IF BPF. The bit error rate (BER) performance of SICE was evaluated by both computer simulation and experiment over a multipath fading channel. We experimentally confirmed the excellent BER performance, around 1% of BER over a multipath fading channel at 160Hz of maximum doppler fading frequency. Therefore, the proposed SICE is applicable to highly reliable transmission in the 1.5-GHz-band mobile radio.

  • Some Properties of Kleene-Stone Logic Functions and Their Canonical Disjunctive Form

    Noboru TAKAGI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:2

    In this paper, we will define Kleene-Stone logic functions which are functions F: [0, 1]n[0, 1] including the intuitionistic negation into fuzzy logic functions, and they can easily represent the concepts of necessity and possibility which are important concepts of many-valued logic systems. A set of Kleene-Stone logic functions is one of the models of Kleene-Stone algebra, which is both Kleene algebra and Stone algebra, as same as a set of fuzzy logic functions is one of the models of Kleene algebra. This paper, especially, describes some algebraic properties and representation of Kleene-Stone logic functions.

  • Effects of Antenna Beam Horizontal Rotating and Beam Tilting on Delay Spread Reduction in Mobile Radio

    Tetsu TANAKA  Shigeru AOYAMA  Shigeru KOZONO  


    E76-B No:2

    Theoretical and experimental evaluations of the horizontal rotating and tilting of the base station antenna beam show that these techniques are effective in reducing delay spread. Result show good agreement between predicted and measured values.

  • Reflection Characteristics of Optically-Controlled Microwave through an Open-Ended Microstrip Line

    Hitoshi SHIMASAKI  Makoto TSUTSUMI  

    LETTER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    This letter discusses a microstrip line with an open-end termination in which the reflected microwaves can be optically controlled by a laser illumination. The frequency characteristics are emphasized rather than the time domain ones. The reflection characteristics have been demonstrated experimentally and theoretically for the frequency range of 24 GHz. In the theoretical treatment both the conductance and the capacitance are considered in the equivalent circuit model of the open end of the strip.

  • Optical Technologies for Phased Array Antennas

    Alwyn SEEDS  


    E76-C No:2

    This paper reviews the application of optical technologies to phased array antennas. The performance of the fibre transmission medium and of sources and detectors is reviewed, leading to simple expressions for transmission loss and noise performance. Both coherent and non-coherent beam forming techniques are considered. Future trends, including the use of optical amplifiers and coherent signal generation, will also be discussed.

  • Field Trial and Performance of Land Mobile Message Communications Using Ku-Band Satellite

    Fumio TAKAHATA  Yoh HOSHINO  Toshiaki BABA  Hiromi KOMATSU  Masato OKUDA  


    E76-B No:2

    A field trial was conducted to evaluate the technical performance of land mobile message communication in different environments. The OmniTRACS system and the Ku-band JCSAT satellite were utilized as the mobile communications system and the satellite, respectively. The trial took place in September 1990 at different areas in Japan. Data collected correspond to about 65 hours of operation, during which a large number of messages were sent via the satellite. Two land mobile terminals operated simultaneously, each terminal having a function of generating messages automatically which simulates a large volume of traffic corresponding to about 50 terminals. Thus, the system was evaluated under the condition that 100 mobile terminals were in operation. Obtained data have been analyzed with a particular focus on the message transmission correlating with actual environments. The analysis was done by classifying environments into five categories: overall condition, type of roads, terrain, areas and weather conditions. The average transmission count per message experienced under all conditions is equal to 1.432 for forward messages transmitted from the hub station to mobiles, and 1.157 for return messages transmitted from mobiles to the hub station. With respect to the classification by the type of roads, for enample it becomes obvious that the performance is generally good except along roads of North-South orientation through dense urban areas. It is concluded that the message communications from/to mobiles are feasible in a wide range of environments, with the performance of success essentially depending on the visibility of satellite.

  • An Overview of Recent Propagation Studies for Land Mobile Communications

    Mitsuhiko MIZUNO  Eimatsu MORIYAMA  Takeshi MANABE  


    E76-B No:2

    This paper mainly concentrates on recent studies on land mobile propagation, considering new trends of the progress of digital and personal land mobile communications. High speed digital transmission for millimeter-wave indoor communication is of another current interest. Microcellular propagation in urban areas and indoor propagation are major research targets at present days. Multipath propagation characteristics such as delay-profiles becomes more and more important measuring items, and some signal processing methods like MUSIC method have been widely introduced to improve the time resolution against the limit of available radio bandwidth. Path-loss characteristics in mobile propagation are extended to the path-loss prediction and are going to be applied to cellular system design in connection with the design of directional base-station antennas. Another recent topic is an extension of target frequency bands for mobile propagation studies, which are spreading from VHP, UHF and SHF to EHF bands.

  • Design Considerations for High Frequency Active Bandpass Filters

    Mikio KOYAMA  Hiroshi TANIMOTO  Satoshi MIZOGUCHI  


    E76-A No:2

    This paper describes design considerations for high frequency active BPFs up to 100 MHz. The major design issues for high frequency active filters are the excess phase shift in the integrators and high power consumption of the integrators. Typical bipolar transistor based transconductors such as the Gilbert gain cell and the linearized transconductor with two asymmetric emitter-coupled pairs have been analyzed and compared. It has been clarified that the power consumption of the linearized transconductor can be much smaller than that of the Gilbert gain cell because of its high transconductance to working current ratio while maintaining a signal to noise ratio of the same order. A simple high-speed fully differential linearized transconductor cell is proposed with emitter follower buffers and resistive loads for excess phase compensation. A novel gyrator based transformation for the LC ladder BPF has been introduced. This transformation has resulted in a structure with simple capacitor-coupled active resonators which exactly preserves the original transfer function. A fourth order 10.7 MHz BPF IC was designed using the proposed transconductors. It was fabricated and has demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed approach. In addition, an experimental 100 MHz second order BPF IC with Q=14 has been successfully implemented indicating the potential of the proposed approach.

  • Error Probability of Convolutional Coding in Stretched Pulse OOK Optical Channels

    Hiroyuki FUJIWARA  Juro UENO  Hiromasa KUDO  Ikuo OKA  Ichiro ENDO  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E76-B No:2

    An optical On-Off Keyed (OOK) pulse is often stretched in dispersive channels, thus producing intersymbol interference (ISI) and degrading the performance. In this paper, error probability is presented for a convolutionally encoded optical OOK channels with ISI. Both ISI-matched and ISI-mismatched decoders are taken into account in the error probability analysis. The encoded optical OOK signal is received by Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) and the number of APD output photo-electrons is counted for soft decision Viterbi decoding. Error probability is derived for a 3-bit and an ideal soft decision schemes in ISI-mismatched decoder and for an ideal soft decision scheme in ISI-matched decoder. Numerical results demonstrate the effects of mismatching or 3-bit soft decision scheme. Some computer simulations are carried out to confirm the validity of the analysis.
