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[Keyword] PA(8249hit)


  • A Study of Stability and Phase Noise of Tail Capacitive-Feedback VCOs

    Ahmed MUSA  Kenichi OKADA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-C No:4

    Capacitive feedback VCOs use capacitors that are connected from the output node to the gate of the tail transistor that acts as a current source. Using such feedback results in modulating the current that is used by the oscillator and therefore changes its cyclostationary noise properties which results in a lower output phase noise. This paper presents a mathematical study of capacitive feedback VCOs in terms of stability and phase noise enhancement to confirm stability and to explain the enhancement in phase noise. The derived expression for the phase noise shows an improvement of 4.4 dB is achievable by using capacitive feedback as long as the VCO stays in the current limited region. Measurement results taken from an actual capacitive feedback VCO implemented in a 65 nm CMOS process also agrees with the analysis and simulation results which further validates the given analysis.

  • A Low-Power LDPC Decoder for Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks

    Meng XU  Xincun JI  Jianhui WU  Meng ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E96-B No:4

    This paper presents a low-power LDPC decoder that can be used in Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks. Three low power design techniques are proposed in the decoder design: a layered decoding algorithm, a modified Benes network and a modified memory bypassing scheme. The proposed decoder is implemented in TSMC 0.13 µm, 1.2 V CMOS process. Experiments show that when the clock frequency is 32 MHz, the power consumption of the proposed decoder is 38.4 mW, the energy efficiency is 53.3 pJ/bit/ite and the core area is 1.8 mm2.

  • A Novel Imaging Method for Cell Phone Camera in Low Ambient Light Conditions Using Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs

    Lin-bo LUO  Jun CHEN  Sang-woo AN  Chang-shuai WANG  Jong-joo PARK  Ying-chun LI  Jong-wha CHONG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E96-D No:4

    In lowlight conditions, images taken by phone cameras usually have too much noise, while images taken using a flash have a high signal-noise ratio (SNR) and look unnatural. This paper proposes a novel imaging method using flash/no-flash image pairs. Through transferring the natural tone of the former to the latter, the resulting image has a high SNR and maintains a natural appearance. For realtime implementation, we use two preview images, which are taken with and without flash, to estimate the transformation function in advance. Then we use this function to adjust the tone of the image captured with flash in real time. Thus, the method does not require a frame memory and it is suitable for cell phone cameras.

  • A Low Complexity Precoding Transceiver Design for Double STBC System

    Juinn-Horng DENG  Shiang-Chyun JHAN  Sheng-Yang HUANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:4

    A precoding design for double space-time block coding (STBC) system is investigated in this paper, i.e., the joint processing of STBC and dirty paper coding (DPC) techniques. These techniques are used for avoiding dual spatial streams interference and improving the transmitter diversity. The DPC system is interference free on multi-user or multi-antenna. The STBC transceiver can provide the transmit diversity. Due to the benefits about offered by the STBC and DPC techniques, we propose a new scheme called STBC-DPC system. The transceiver design involves the following procedures. First, the ordering QR decomposition of channel matrix and the maximum likelihood (ML) one-dimensional searching algorithm are proposed to acquire reliable performance. Next, the channel on/off assignment using the water filling algorithm, i.e., maximum capacity criterion, is proposed to overcome the deep fading channel problem. Finally, the STBC-DPC system with the modulus operation to limit the transmit signal level, i.e., the Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) scheme, is proposed to achieve low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) performance. Simulation results confirm that the proposed STBC-DPC/THP with water filling ML algorithm can provide the low PAPR and excellent bit error rate (BER) performances.

  • A Low Power Multimedia Processor Implementing Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Technique and Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Called “Adaptively Assigned Breaking-Off Condition (A2BC)”

    Tadayoshi ENOMOTO  Nobuaki KOBAYASHI  


    E96-C No:4

    A motion estimation (ME) multimedia processor was developed by employing dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique to greatly reduce the power dissipation. To make full use of the advantages of DVFS technique, a fast motion estimation (ME) algorithm was also developed. It can adaptively predict the optimum supply voltage and the optimum clock frequency before ME process starts for each macro-block for encoding. Power dissipation of the 90-nm CMOS DVFS controlled multimedia processor, which contained an absolute difference accumulator as well as a small on-chip DC/DC level converter, a minimum value detector and DVFS controller, was reduced to 38.48 µW, which was only 3.261% that of a conventional multimedia processor.

  • A Proposal of Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction Method Based on a Fast Block-Iterative Algorithm Open Access

    Tatsuya KON  Takashi OBI  Hideaki TASHIMA  Nagaaki OHYAMA  

    PAPER-Medical Image Processing

    E96-D No:4

    Parametric images can help investigate disease mechanisms and vital functions. To estimate parametric images, it is necessary to obtain the tissue time activity curves (tTACs), which express temporal changes of tracer activity in human tissue. In general, the tTACs are calculated from each voxel's value of the time sequential PET images estimated from dynamic PET data. Recently, spatio-temporal PET reconstruction methods have been proposed in order to take into account the temporal correlation within each tTAC. Such spatio-temporal algorithms are generally quite computationally intensive. On the other hand, typical algorithms such as the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method still does not provide good accuracy in estimation. To overcome these problems, we propose a new spatio-temporal reconstruction method based on the dynamic row-action maximum-likelihood algorithm (DRAMA). As the original algorithm does, the proposed method takes into account the noise propagation, but it achieves much faster convergence. Performance of the method is evaluated with digital phantom simulations and it is shown that the proposed method requires only a few reconstruction processes, thereby remarkably reducing the computational cost required to estimate the tTACs. The results also show that the tTACs and parametric images from the proposed method have better accuracy.

  • Multi-Layer Virtual Slide Scanning System with Multi-Focus Image Fusion for Cytopathology and Image Diagnosis Open Access

    Hiroyuki NOZAKA  Tomisato MIURA  Zhongxi ZHENG  

    PAPER-Diagnostic Systems

    E96-D No:4

    Objective: The virtual slides are high-magnification whole digital images of histopathological tissue sections. The existing virtual slide system, which is optimized for scanning flat and smooth plane slides such as histopathological paraffin-embedded tissue sections, but is unsuitable for scanning irregular plane slides such as cytological smear slides. This study aims to develop a virtual slide system suitable for cytopathology slide scanning and to evaluate the effectiveness of multi-focus image fusion (MF) in cytopathological diagnosis. Study Design: We developed a multi-layer virtual slide scanning system with MF technology. Tumors for this study were collected from 21 patients diagnosed with primary breast cancer. After surgical extraction, smear slide for cytopathological diagnosis were manufactured by the conventional stamp method, fine needle aspiration method (FNA), and tissue washing method. The stamp slides were fixed in 95% ethanol. FNA and tissue washing samples were fixed in CytoRich RED Preservative Fluid, a liquid-based cytopathology (LBC). These slides were stained with Papanicolaou stain, and scanned by virtual slide system. To evaluate the suitability of MF technology in cytopathological diagnosis, we compared single focus (SF) virtual slide with MF virtual slide. Cytopathological evaluation was carried out by 5 pathologists and cytotechnologists. Results: The virtual slide system with MF provided better results than the conventional SF virtual slide system with regard to viewing inside cell clusters and image file size. Liquid-based cytology was more suitable than the stamp method for virtual slides with MF. Conclusion: The virtual slide system with MF is a useful technique for the digitization in cytopathology, and this technology could be applied to tele-cytology and e-learning by virtual slide system.

  • Transmission-Efficient Broadcast Encryption Scheme with Personalized Messages

    Jin Ho HAN  Jong Hwan PARK  Dong Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:4

    Broadcast encryption scheme with personalized messages (BEPM) is a new primitive that allows a broadcaster to encrypt both a common message and individual messages. BEPM is necessary in applications where individual messages include information related to user's privacy. Recently, Fujii et al. suggested a BEPM that is extended from a public key broadcast encryption (PKBE) scheme by Boneh, Gentry, and Waters. In this paper, we point out that 1) Conditional Access System using Fujii et al.'s BEPM should be revised in a way that decryption algorithm takes as input public key as well, and 2) performance analysis of Fujii et al.'s BEPM should be done depending on whether the public key is transmitted along with ciphertext or stored into user's device. Finally, we propose a new BEPM that is transmission-efficient, while preserving O(1) user storage cost. Our construction is based on a PKBE scheme suggested by Park, Kim, Sung, and Lee, which is also considered as being one of the best PKBE schemes.

  • A Novel High-Resolution Propagation Measurement Scheme for Indoor Terrestrial TV Signal Reception Based on Two-Dimensional Virtual Array Technique

    Kazuo MOROKUMA  Atsushi TAKEMOTO  Yoshio KARASAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:4

    We propose a novel propagation measurement scheme for terrestrial TV signal indoor reception based on a virtual array technique. The system proposed in this paper carries out two-branch recording of target signals and the reference signal. By using the signal phase reference in the reference signal, we clarify the spatial propagation characteristics obtained from the two-dimensional virtual array outputs. Outdoor measurements were performed first to investigate the validity of the proposed measurement system. The results confirm its effectiveness in accurately determining the direction-of-arrival (DOA). We then investigated the propagation characteristics in an indoor environment. The angular spectrum obtained showed clear wave propagation structure. Thus, our proposed system is promising as a very accurate measurement tool for indoor propagation analysis.

  • Parallel Sparse Cholesky Factorization on a Heterogeneous Platform

    Dan ZOU  Yong DOU  Rongchun LI  

    LETTER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E96-A No:4

    We present a new approach for sparse Cholesky factorization on a heterogeneous platform with a graphics processing unit (GPU). The sparse Cholesky factorization is one of the core algorithms of numerous computing applications. We tuned the supernode data structure and used a parallelization method for GPU tasks to increase GPU utilization. Results show that our approach substantially reduces computational time.

  • The Effect of Distinctiveness in Recognizing Average Face: Human Recognition and Eigenface Based Machine Recognition

    Naiwala P. CHANDRASIRI  Ryuta SUZUKI  Nobuyuki WATANABE  Hiroshi YAMADA  

    PAPER-Face Perception and Recognition

    E96-D No:3

    Face perception and recognition have attracted more attention recently in multidisciplinary fields such as engineering, psychology, neuroscience, etc. with the advances in physical/physiological measurement and data analysis technologies. In this paper, our main interest is building computational models of human face recognition based on psychological experiments. We specially focus on modeling human face recognition characteristics of average face in the dimension of distinctiveness. Psychological experiments were carried out to measure distinctiveness of face images and their results are explained by computer analysis results of the images. Two psychological experiments, 1) Classical experiment of distinctiveness rating and, 2) Novel experiment of recognition of an average face were performed. In the later experiment, we examined on how the average face of two face images was recognized by a human in a similarity test respect to the original images which were utilized for the calculation of the average face. To explain results of the psychological experiments, eigenface spaces were constructed based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Significant correlation was found between human and PCA based computer recognition results. Emulation of human recognition of faces is one of the expected applications of this research.

  • Adaptive Iterative Decoding of Finite-Length Differentially Encoded LDPC Coded Systems with Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection

    Yang YU  Shiro HANDA  Fumihito SASAMORI  Osamu TAKYU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:3

    In this paper, through extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) band chart analysis, an adaptive iterative decoding approach (AIDA) is proposed to reduce the iterative decoding complexity and delay for finite-length differentially encoded Low-density parity-check (DE-LDPC) coded systems with multiple-symbol differential detection (MSDD). The proposed AIDA can adaptively adjust the observation window size (OWS) of the MSDD soft-input soft-output demodulator (SISOD) and the outer iteration number of the iterative decoder (consisting of the MSDD SISOD and the LDPC decoder) instead of setting fixed values for the two parameters of the considered systems. The performance of AIDA depends on its stopping criterion (SC) which is used to terminate the iterative decoding before reaching the maximum outer iteration number. Many SCs have been proposed; however, these approaches focus on turbo coded systems, and it has been proven that they do not well suit for LDPC coded systems. To solve this problem, a new SC called differential mutual information (DMI) criterion, which can track the convergence status of the iterative decoding, is proposed; it is based on tracking the difference of the output mutual information of the LDPC decoder between two consecutive outer iterations of the considered systems. AIDA using the DMI criterion can adaptively adjust the out iteration number and OWS according to the convergence situation of the iterative decoding. Simulation results show that compared with using the existing SCs, AIDA using the DMI criterion can further reduce the decoding complexity and delay, and its performance is not affected by a change in the LDPC code and transmission channel parameters.

  • Hierarchical Cooperation in Ultra-Wide Band Ad Hoc Networks

    Won-Yong SHIN  Koji ISHIBASHI  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E96-B No:3

    We show an improved throughput scaling law for an ultra-wide band (UWB) ad hoc network by using a modified hierarchical cooperation (HC) strategy; the n wireless nodes are assumed to be randomly sited. In a dense network of unit area, our result indicates that the derived throughput scaling depends on the path-loss exponent α for certain operating regimes due to the power-limited characteristics. It also turns out that the use of HC is helpful in improving the throughput scaling of our UWB network in some conditions. More specifically, assuming that the bandwidth scales faster than nα+1(log n)α/2, it is shown that the HC protocol outperforms nearest multi-hop routing for 2 < α < 3 while using nearest multi-hop routing leads to higher throughput for α ≥ 3.

  • Static Dependency Pair Method in Rewriting Systems for Functional Programs with Product, Algebraic Data, and ML-Polymorphic Types

    Keiichirou KUSAKARI  


    E96-D No:3

    For simply-typed term rewriting systems (STRSs) and higher-order rewrite systems (HRSs) a la Nipkow, we proposed a method for proving termination, namely the static dependency pair method. The method combines the dependency pair method introduced for first-order rewrite systems with the notion of strong computability introduced for typed λ-calculi. This method analyzes a static recursive structure based on definition dependency. By solving suitable constraints generated by the analysis, we can prove termination. In this paper, we extend the method to rewriting systems for functional programs (RFPs) with product, algebraic data, and ML-polymorphic types. Although the type system in STRSs contains only product and simple types and the type system in HRSs contains only simple types, our RFPs allow product types, type constructors (algebraic data types), and type variables (ML-polymorphic types). Hence, our RFPs are more representative of existing functional programs than STRSs and HRSs. Therefore, our result makes a large contribution to applying theoretical rewriting techniques to actual problems, that is, to proving the termination of existing functional programs.

  • Generalized Chat Noir is PSPACE-Complete

    Chuzo IWAMOTO  Yuta MUKAI  Yuichi SUMIDA  Kenichi MORITA  


    E96-D No:3

    We study the computational complexity of the following two-player game. The instance is a graph G = (V,E), an initial vertex s ∈ V, and a target set T ⊆ V. A “cat” is initially placed on s. Player 1 chooses a vertex in the graph and removes it and its incident edges from the graph. Player 2 moves the cat from the current vertex to one of the adjacent vertices. Players 1 and 2 alternate removing a vertex and moving the cat, respectively. The game continues until either the cat reaches a vertex of T or the cat cannot be moved. Player 1 wins if and only if the cat cannot be moved before it reaches a vertex of T. It is shown that deciding whether player 1 has a forced win on the game on G is PSPACE-complete.

  • Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition via Local Binary Pattern Plus Sample Selective Biomimetic Pattern Recognition

    Yikui ZHAI  Junying GAN  Jinwen LI  Junying ZENG  Ying XU  

    PAPER-Face Perception and Recognition

    E96-D No:3

    Due to security demand of society development, real-time face recognition has been receiving more and more attention nowadays. In this paper, a real-time face recognition system via Local Binary Pattern (LBP) plus Improved Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR) has been proposed. This system comprises three main steps: real-time color face detection process, feature extraction process and recognition process. Firstly, a color face detector is proposed to detect face with eye alignment and simultaneous performance; while in feature extraction step, LBP method is adopted to eliminate the negative effect of the light heterogeneity. Finally, an improved BPR method with Selective Sampling construction is applied to the recognition system. Experiments on our established database named WYU Database, PUT Database and AR Database show that this real-time face recognition system can work with high efficiency and has achieved comparable performance with the state-of-the-art systems.

  • Robust Scene Categorization via Scale-Rotation Invariant Generative Model and Kernel Sparse Representation Classification

    Jinjun KUANG  Yi CHAI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:3

    This paper presents a novel scale-rotation invariant generative model (SRIGM) and a kernel sparse representation classification (KSRC) method for scene categorization. Recently the sparse representation classification (SRC) methods have been highly successful in a number of image processing tasks. Despite its popularity, the SRC framework lucks the abilities to handle multi-class data with high inter-class similarity or high intra-class variation. The kernel random coordinate descent (KRCD) algorithm is proposed for 1 minimization in the kernel space under the KSRC framework. It allows the proposed method to obtain satisfactory classification accuracy when inter-class similarity is high. The training samples are partitioned in multiple scales and rotated in different resolutions to create a generative model that is invariant to scale and rotation changes. This model enables the KSRC framework to overcome the high intra-class variation problem for scene categorization. The experimental results show the proposed method obtains more stable performances than other existing state-of-art scene categorization methods.

  • Scalable Detection of Frequent Substrings by Grammar-Based Compression

    Masaya NAKAHARA  Shirou MARUYAMA  Tetsuji KUBOYAMA  Hiroshi SAKAMOTO  


    E96-D No:3

    A scalable pattern discovery by compression is proposed. A string is representable by a context-free grammar deriving the string deterministically. In this framework of grammar-based compression, the aim of the algorithm is to output as small a grammar as possible. Beyond that, the optimization problem is approximately solvable. In such approximation algorithms, the compressor based on edit-sensitive parsing (ESP) is especially suitable for detecting maximal common substrings as well as long frequent substrings. Based on ESP, we design a linear time algorithm to find all frequent patterns in a string approximately and prove several lower bounds to guarantee the length of extracted patterns. We also examine the performance of our algorithm by experiments in biological sequences and other compressible real world texts. Compared to other practical algorithms, our algorithm is faster and more scalable with large and repetitive strings.

  • Outage Capacity of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive Radio with MRC Diversity and Outdated CSI under Asymmetric Fading

    Ding XU  Zhiyong FENG  Ping ZHANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E96-A No:3

    Spectrum sharing cognitive radio (CR) with maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity under asymmetric fading is studied. Specifically, the channel on the secondary transmitter (STx) to the secondary receiver (SRx) link is Nakagami-m distributed while the channel on the STx to the primary receiver (PRx) link is Rayleigh distributed, and the channel state information (CSI) on the STx-PRx link is assumed to be outdated due to feedback delay. The outage capacity of the secondary user (SU) is derived under the average interference and peak transmit power constraints. The results supported by simulations are presented and show the effects of various system parameters on the outage capacity. Particularly, it is shown that the outdated CSI has no impact on the outage capacities in the cases of low peak transmit power constraint and zero-outage probability. It is also shown that MRC diversity can significantly improve the outage capacity especially for the zero-outage capacity and the outage capacity under low outage probability.

  • Path-Moose: A Scalable All-Path Bridging Protocol


    PAPER-Network System

    E96-B No:3

    This paper describes Path-Moose, a scalable tree-based shortest path bridging protocol. Both ARP-Path and Path-Moose protocols belong to a new category of bridges that we name All-path, because all paths of the network are explored simultaneously with a broadcast frame distributed over all network links to find a path or set a multicast tree. Path-Moose employs the ARP-based low latency routing mechanism of the ARP-Path protocol on a bridge basis instead of a per-single-host basis. This increases scalability by reducing forwarding table entries at core bridges by a factor of fifteen times for big data center networks and achieves a faster reconfiguration by an approximate factor of ten. Reconfiguration time is significantly shorter than ARP-Path (zero in many cases) because, due to the sharing of network paths by the hosts connected to same edge bridges, when a host needs the path it has already been recovered by another user of the path. Evaluation through simulations shows protocol correctness and confirms the theoretical evaluation results.
