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[Keyword] PA(8249hit)


  • Patent One-Stop Service Business Model Based on Scientific and Technological Resource Bundle

    Fanying ZHENG  Yangjian JI  Fu GU  Xinjian GU  Jin ZHANG  


    E104-D No:8

    To address slow response and scattered resources in patent service, this paper proposes a one-stop service business model based on scientific and technological resource bundle. The proposed one-step model is composed of a project model, a resource bundle model and a service product model through Web Service integration. This paper describes the patent resource bundle model from the aspects of content and context, and designs the configuration of patent service products and patent resource bundle. The model is then applied to the patent service of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China, and the monthly agent volume increased by 38.8%, and the average response time decreased by 14.3%. Besides, it is conducive to improve user satisfaction and resource sharing efficiency of urban agglomeration.

  • Minimax Design of Sparse IIR Filters Using Sparse Linear Programming Open Access

    Masayoshi NAKAMOTO  Naoyuki AIKAWA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:8

    Recent trends in designing filters involve development of sparse filters with coefficients that not only have real but also zero values. These sparse filters can achieve a high performance through optimizing the selection of the zero coefficients and computing the real (non-zero) coefficients. Designing an infinite impulse response (IIR) sparse filter is more challenging than designing a finite impulse response (FIR) sparse filter. Therefore, studies on the design of IIR sparse filters have been rare. In this study, we consider IIR filters whose coefficients involve zero value, called sparse IIR filter. First, we formulate the design problem as a linear programing problem without imposing any stability condition. Subsequently, we reformulate the design problem by altering the error function and prepare several possible denominator polynomials with stable poles. Finally, by incorporating these methods into successive thinning algorithms, we develop a new design algorithm for the filters. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, its performance is compared with that of other existing methods.

  • Video Inpainting by Frame Alignment with Deformable Convolution

    Yusuke HARA  Xueting WANG  Toshihiko YAMASAKI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E104-D No:8

    Video inpainting is a task of filling missing regions in videos. In this task, it is important to efficiently use information from other frames and generate plausible results with sufficient temporal consistency. In this paper, we present a video inpainting method jointly using affine transformation and deformable convolutions for frame alignment. The former is responsible for frame-scale rough alignment and the latter performs pixel-level fine alignment. Our model does not depend on 3D convolutions, which limits the temporal window, or troublesome flow estimation. The proposed method achieves improved object removal results and better PSNR and SSIM values compared with previous learning-based methods.

  • Creation of Temporal Model for Prioritized Transmission in Predictive Spatial-Monitoring Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Keiichiro SATO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Takehiro SATO  Eiji OKI  Takanori IWAI  Takeo ONISHI  Takahiro NOBUKIYO  Dai KANETOMO  Kozo SATODA  


    E104-B No:8

    Predictive spatial-monitoring, which predicts spatial information such as road traffic, has attracted much attention in the context of smart cities. Machine learning enables predictive spatial-monitoring by using a large amount of aggregated sensor data. Since the capacity of mobile networks is strictly limited, serious transmission delays occur when loads of communication traffic are heavy. If some of the data used for predictive spatial-monitoring do not arrive on time, prediction accuracy degrades because the prediction has to be done using only the received data, which implies that data for prediction are ‘delay-sensitive’. A utility-based allocation technique has suggested modeling of temporal characteristics of such delay-sensitive data for prioritized transmission. However, no study has addressed temporal model for prioritized transmission in predictive spatial-monitoring. Therefore, this paper proposes a scheme that enables the creation of a temporal model for predictive spatial-monitoring. The scheme is roughly composed of two steps: the first involves creating training data from original time-series data and a machine learning model that can use the data, while the second step involves modeling a temporal model using feature selection in the learning model. Feature selection enables the estimation of the importance of data in terms of how much the data contribute to prediction accuracy from the machine learning model. This paper considers road-traffic prediction as a scenario and shows that the temporal models created with the proposed scheme can handle real spatial datasets. A numerical study demonstrated how our temporal model works effectively in prioritized transmission for predictive spatial-monitoring in terms of prediction accuracy.

  • Parameters Estimation of Impulse Noise for Channel Coded Systems over Fading Channels

    Chun-Yin CHEN  Mao-Ching CHIU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:7

    In this paper, we propose a robust parameters estimation algorithm for channel coded systems based on the low-density parity-check (LDPC) code over fading channels with impulse noise. The estimated parameters are then used to generate bit log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) for a soft-inputLDPC decoder. The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is used to estimate the parameters, including the channel gain and the parameters of the Bernoulli-Gaussian (B-G) impulse noise model. The parameters can be estimated accurately and the average number of iterations of the proposed algorithm is acceptable. Simulation results show that over a wide range of impulse noise power, the proposed algorithm approaches the optimal performance under different Rician channel factors and even under Middleton class-A (M-CA) impulse noise models.

  • Extension of ITU-R Site-General Path Loss Model in Urban Areas Based on Measurements from 2 to 66GHz Bands Open Access

    Motoharu SASAKI  Mitsuki NAKAMURA  Nobuaki KUNO  Wataru YAMADA  Naoki KITA  Takeshi ONIZAWA  Yasushi TAKATORI  Hiroyuki NAKAMURA  Minoru INOMATA  Koshiro KITAO  Tetsuro IMAI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E104-B No:7

    Path loss in high frequency bands above 6GHz is the most fundamental and significant propagation characteristic of IMT-2020. To develop and evaluate such high frequency bands, ITU-R SG5 WP5D recently released channel models applicable up to 100GHz. The channel models include path loss models applicable to 0.5-100GHz. A path loss model is used for cell design and the evaluation of the radio technologies, which is the main purpose of WP5D. Prediction accuracy in various locations, Tx positions, frequency bands, and other parameters are significant in cell design. This article presents the prediction accuracy of UMa path loss models which are detailed in Report ITU-R M.2412 for IMT-2020. We also propose UMa_A' as an extension model of UMa_A. While UMa_A applies different equations to the bands below and above 6GHz to predict path loss, UMa_A' covers all bands by using the equations of UMa_A below 6GHz. By using the UMa_A' model, we can predict path loss by taking various parameters (such as BS antenna height) into account over a wide frequency range (0.5-100GHz). This is useful for considering the deployment of BS antennas at various positions with a wide frequency band. We verify model accuracy by extensive measurements in the frequency bands from 2 to 66GHz, distances up to 1600 m, and an UMa environment with three Tx antenna heights. The UMa_A' extension model can predict path loss with the low RMSE of about 7dB at 2-26.4GHz, which is more accurate than the UMa_A and UMa_B models. Although the applicability of the UMa_A' model at 66GHz is unclear and needs further verification, the evaluation results for 66GHz demonstrate that the antenna height may affect the prediction accuracy at 66GHz.

  • Time-Series Measurement of Parked Domain Names and Their Malicious Uses

    Takayuki TOMATSURI  Daiki CHIBA  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Masato UCHIDA  


    E104-B No:7

    On the Internet, there are lots of unused domain names that are not used for any actual services. Domain parking is a monetization mechanism for displaying online advertisements in such unused domain names. Some domain names used in cyber attacks are known to leverage domain parking services after the attack. However, the temporal relationships between domain parking services and malicious domain names have not been studied well. In this study, we investigated how malicious domain names using domain parking services change over time. We conducted a large-scale measurement study of more than 66.8 million domain names that have used domain parking services in the past 19 months. We reveal the existence of 3,964 domain names that have been malicious after using domain parking. We further identify what types of malicious activities (e.g., phishing and malware) such malicious domain names tend to be used for. We also reveal the existence of 3.02 million domain names that utilized multiple parking services simultaneously or while switching between them. Our study can contribute to the efficient analysis of malicious domain names using domain parking services.

  • Routing and Capacity Optimization Based on Estimated Latent OD Traffic Demand

    Takumi UCHIDA  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Kensuke FUKUDA  


    E104-B No:7

    This paper introduces a method to estimate latent traffic from its origin to destination from the link packet loss rate and traffic volume. In addition, we propose a method for the joint optimization of routing and link provisioning based on the estimated latent traffic. Observed traffic could deviate from the original traffic demand and become latent when the traffic passes through congested links because of changes in user behavioral and/or applications as a result of degraded quality of experience (QoE). The latent traffic is actualized by improving congested link capacity. When link provisioning is based on observed traffic, actual traffic might cause new congestion at other links. Thus, network providers need to estimate the origin-destination (OD) original traffic demand for network planning. Although the estimation of original traffic has been well studied, the estimation was only applicable for links. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate latent OD traffic by combining and expanding techniques. The method consists of three steps. The first step is to estimate the actual OD traffic and loss rate from the actual traffic and packet loss rate of the links. The second step is to estimate the latent traffic demand. Finally, using this estimated demand, the link capacity and routing matrix are optimized. We evaluate our method by simulation and confirm that congestion could be avoided by capacity provisioning based on estimated latent traffic, while provisioning based on observed traffic retains the congestion. The combined method can avoid congestion with an increment of 23% compared with capacity provisioning only. We also evaluated our method's adaptability, i.e., the ability to estimate the required parameter for the estimations using fewer given values, but values obtained in the environment.

  • An Intent-Based System Configuration Design for IT/NW Services with Functional and Quantitative Constraints Open Access

    Takuya KUWAHARA  Takayuki KURODA  Takao OSAKI  Kozo SATODA  


    E104-B No:7

    Network service providers need to appropriately design systems and carefully configuring the settings and parameters to ensure that the systems keep running consistently and deliver the desired services. This can be a heavy and error-prone task. Intent-based system design methods have been developed to help with such tasks. These methods receive service-level requirements and generate service configurations to fulfill the given requirements. One such method is search-based system design, which can flexibly generate systems of various architectures. However, it has difficulty dealing with constraints on the quantitative parameters of systems, e.g., disk volume, RAM size, and QoS. To deal with practical cases, intent-based system design engines need to be able to handle quantitative parameters and constraints. In this work, we propose a new intent-based system design method based on search-based design that augments search states with quantitative constraints. Our method can generate a system that meets both functional and quantitative service requirements by combining a search-based design method with constraint checking. Experimental results show that our method can automatically generate a system that fulfills all given requirements within a reasonable computation time.

  • Distributed Detection of MIMO Spatial Multiplexed Signals in Terminal Collaborated Reception

    Fengning DU  Hidekazu MURATA  Mampei KASAI  Toshiro NAKAHIRA  Koichi ISHIHARA  Motoharu SASAKI  Takatsune MORIYAMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:7

    Distributed detection techniques of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) spatially multiplexed signals are studied in this paper. This system considered employs multiple mobile stations (MSs) to receive signals from a base station, and then share their received signal waveforms with collaborating MSs. In order to reduce the amount of traffic over the collaborating wireless links, distributed detection techniques are proposed, in which multiple MSs are in charge of detection by making use of both the shared signal waveforms and its own received waveform. Selection combining schemes of detected bit sequences are studied to finalize the decisions. Residual error coefficients in iterative MIMO equalization and detection are utilized in this selection. The error-ratio performance is elucidated not only by computer simulations, but also by offline processing using experimental signals recorded in a measurement campaign.

  • Exploring the Outer Boundary of a Simple Polygon

    Qi WEI  Xiaolin YAO  Luan LIU  Yan ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:7

    We investigate an online problem of a robot exploring the outer boundary of an unknown simple polygon P. The robot starts from a specified vertex s and walks an exploration tour outside P. It has to see all points of the polygon's outer boundary and to return to the start. We provide lower and upper bounds on the ratio of the distance traveled by the robot in comparison to the length of the shortest path. We consider P in two scenarios: convex polygon and concave polygon. For the first scenario, we prove a lower bound of 5 and propose a 23.78-competitive strategy. For the second scenario, we prove a lower bound of 5.03 and propose a 26.5-competitive strategy.

  • Cyclic LRCs with Availability from Linearized Polynomials

    Pan TAN  Zhengchun ZHOU   Haode YAN  Yong WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:7

    Locally repairable codes (LRCs) with availability have received considerable attention in recent years since they are able to solve many problems in distributed storage systems such as repairing multiple node failures and managing hot data. Constructing LRCs with locality r and availability t (also called (r, t)-LRCs) with new parameters becomes an interesting research subject in coding theory. The objective of this paper is to propose two generic constructions of cyclic (r, t)-LRCs via linearized polynomials over finite fields. These two constructions include two earlier ones of cyclic LRCs from trace functions and truncated trace functions as special cases and lead to LRCs with new parameters that can not be produced by earlier ones.

  • A Circuit Analysis of Pre-Emphasis Pulses for RC Delay Lines

    Kazuki MATSUYAMA  Toru TANZAWA  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E104-A No:6

    This paper formulates minimal word-line (WL) delay time with pre-emphasis pulses to design the pulse width as a function of the overdrive voltage for large memory arrays such as 3D NAND. Circuit theory for a single RC line only with capacitance to ground and that only with coupling capacitance as well as a general case where RC lines have both grounded and coupling capacitance is discussed to provide an optimum pre-emphasis pulse width to minimize the delay time. The theory is expanded to include the cases where the resistance of the RC line driver is not negligibly small. The minimum delay time formulas of a single RC delay line and capacitive coupling RC lines was in good agreement (i.e. within 5% error) with measurement. With this research, circuit designers can estimate an optimum pre-emphasis pulse width and the delay time for an RC line in the initial design phase.

  • Video Magnification under the Presence of Complex Background Motions

    Long ZHANG  Xuezhi YANG  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E104-D No:6

    We propose a video magnification method for magnifying subtle color and motion changes under the presence of non-meaningful background motions. We use frequency variability to design a filter that passes only meaningful subtle changes and removes non-meaningful ones; our method obtains more impressive magnification results without artifacts than compared methods.

  • Video Smoke Removal from a Single Image Sequence Open Access

    Shiori YAMAGUCHI  Keita HIRAI  Takahiko HORIUCHI  


    E104-A No:6

    In this study, we present a novel method for removing smoke from videos based on a single image sequence. Smoke is a significant artifact in images or videos because it can reduce the visibility in disaster scenes. Our proposed method for removing smoke involves two main processes: (1) the development of a smoke imaging model and (2) smoke removal using spatio-temporal pixel compensation. First, we model the optical phenomena in natural scenes including smoke, which is called a smoke imaging model. Our smoke imaging model is developed by extending conventional haze imaging models. We then remove the smoke from a video in a frame-by-frame manner based on the smoke imaging model. Next, we refine the appearance of the smoke-free video by spatio-temporal pixel compensation, where we align the smoke-free frames using the corresponding pixels. To obtain the corresponding pixels, we use SIFT and color features with distance constraints. Finally, in order to obtain a clear video, we refine the pixel values based on the spatio-temporal weightings of the corresponding pixels in the smoke-free frames. We used simulated and actual smoke videos in our validation experiments. The experimental results demonstrated that our method can obtain effective smoke removal results from dynamic scenes. We also quantitatively assessed our method based on a temporal coherence measure.

  • Distributed UAVs Placement Optimization for Cooperative Communication

    Zhaoyang HOU  Zheng XIANG  Peng REN  Qiang HE  Ling ZHENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:6

    In this paper, the distributed cooperative communication of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is studied, where the condition number (CN) and the inner product (InP) are used to measure the quality of communication links. By optimizing the relative position of UAVs, large channel capacity and stable communication links can be obtained. Using the spherical wave model under the line of sight (LOS) channel, CN expression of the channel matrix is derived when there are Nt transmitters and two receivers in the system. In order to maximize channel capacity, we derive the UAVs position constraint equation (UAVs-PCE), and the constraint between BS elements distance and carrier wavelength is analyzed. The result shows there is an area where no matter how the UAVs' positions are adjusted, the CN is still very large. Then a special scenario is considered where UAVs form a rectangular lattice array, and the optimal constraint between communication distance and UAVs distance is derived. After that, we derive the InP of channel matrix and the gradient expression of InP with respect to UAVs' position. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to minimize the CN and the gradient descent (GD) algorithm is used to minimize the InP by optimizing UAVs' position iteratively. Both of the two algorithms present great potentials for optimizing the CN and InP respectively. Furthermore, a hybrid algorithm named PSO-GD combining the advantage of the two algorithms is proposed to maximize the communication capacity with lower complexity. Simulations show that PSO-GD is more efficient than PSO and GD. PSO helps GD to break away from local extremum and provides better positions for GD, and GD can converge to an optimal solution quickly by using the gradient information based on the better positions. Simulations also reveal that a better channel can be obtained when those parameters satisfy the UAVs position constraint equation (UAVs-PCE), meanwhile, theory analysis also explains the abnormal phenomena in simulations.

  • Visualizing Positive and Negative Charges of Triboelectricity Generated on Polyimide Film

    Dai TAGUCHI  Takaaki MANAKA  Mitsumasa IWAMOTO  


    E104-C No:6

    Triboelectric generator is attracting much attention as a power source of electronics application. Electromotive force induced by rubbing is a key for triboelectric generator. From dielectric physics point of view, there are two microscopic origins for electromotive force, i.e., electronic charge displacement and dipolar rotation. A new way for evaluating these two origins is an urgent task. We have been developing an optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) technique as a tool for probing charge displacement and dipolar alignment, selectively, by utilizing wavelength dependent response of SHG to the two origins. In this paper, an experimental way that identifies polarity of electronic charge displacement, i.e., positive charge and negative charge, is proposed. Results showed that the use of local oscillator makes it possible to identify the polarity of charges by means of SHG. As an example, positive and negative charge distribution created by rubbing polyimide surface is illustrated.

  • Security-Reliability Tradeoff for Joint Relay-User Pair and Friendly Jammer Selection with Channel Estimation Error in Internet-of-Things

    Guangna ZHANG  Yuanyuan GAO  Huadong LUO  Xiaochen LIU  Nan SHA  Kui XU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:6

    In this paper, we explore the physical layer security of an Internet of Things (IoT) network comprised of multiple relay-user pairs in the presence of multiple malicious eavesdroppers and channel estimation error (CEE). In order to guarantee secure transmission with channel estimation error, we propose a channel estimation error oriented joint relay-user pair and friendly jammer selection (CEE-JRUPaFJS) scheme to improve the physical layer security of IoT networks. For the purpose of comparison, the channel estimation error oriented traditional round-robin (CEE-TRR) scheme and the channel estimation error oriented traditional pure relay-user pair selection (CEE-TPRUPS) scheme are considered as benchmark schemes. The exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for the CEE-TRR and CEE-TPRUPS schemes as well as the CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme are derived over Rayleigh fading channels, which are employed to characterize network reliability and security, respectively. Moreover, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) is analyzed as a metric to evaluate the tradeoff performance of CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme. It is verified that the proposed CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme is superior to both the CEE-TRR and CEE-TPRUPS schemes in terms of SRT, which demonstrates our proposed CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme are capable of improving the security and reliability performance of IoT networks in the face of multiple eavesdroppers. Moreover, as the number of relay-user pairs increases, CEE-TPRUPS and CEE-JRUPaFJS schemes offer significant increases in SRT. Conversely, with an increasing number of eavesdroppers, the SRT of all these three schemes become worse.

  • On the Efficacy of Scan Chain Grouping for Mitigating IR-Drop-Induced Test Data Corruption

    Yucong ZHANG  Stefan HOLST  Xiaoqing WEN  Kohei MIYASE  Seiji KAJIHARA  Jun QIAN  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E104-D No:6

    Loading test vectors and unloading test responses in shift mode during scan testing cause many scan flip-flops to switch simultaneously. The resulting shift switching activity around scan flip-flops can cause excessive local IR-drop that can change the states of some scan flip-flops, leading to test data corruption. A common approach solving this problem is partial-shift, in which multiple scan chains are formed and only one group of the scan chains is shifted at a time. However, previous methods based on this approach use random grouping, which may reduce global shift switching activity, but may not be optimized to reduce local shift switching activity, resulting in remaining high risk of test data corruption even when partial-shift is applied. This paper proposes novel algorithms (one optimal and one heuristic) to group scan chains, focusing on reducing local shift switching activity around scan flip-flops, thus reducing the risk of test data corruption. Experimental results on all large ITC'99 benchmark circuits demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal and heuristic algorithms as well as the scalability of the heuristic algorithm.

  • A Weighted Forward-Backward Spatial Smoothing DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on TLS-ESPRIT

    Manlin XIAO  Zhibo DUAN  Zhenglong YANG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:6

    Based on TLS-ESPRIT algorithm, this paper proposes a weighted spatial smoothing DOA estimation algorithm to address the problem that the conventional TLS-ESPRIT algorithm will be disabled to estimate the direction of arrival (DOA) in the scenario of coherent sources. The proposed method divides the received signal array into several subarrays with special structural feature. Then, utilizing these subarrays, this paper constructs the new weighted covariance matrix to estimate the DOA based on TLS-ESPRIT. The auto-correlation and cross-correlation information of subarrays in the proposed algorithm is extracted sufficiently, improving the orthogonality between the signal subspace and the noise subspace so that the DOA of coherent sources could be estimated accurately. The simulations show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the conventional spatial smoothing algorithms under different signal to noise ratio (SNR) and snapshot numbers with coherent sources.
