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  • A Novel Discriminative Virtual Label Regression Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection

    Zihao SONG  Peng SONG  Chao SHENG  Wenming ZHENG  Wenjing ZHANG  Shaokai LI  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E105-D No:1

    Unsupervised Feature selection is an important dimensionality reduction technique to cope with high-dimensional data. It does not require prior label information, and has recently attracted much attention. However, it cannot fully utilize the discriminative information of samples, which may affect the feature selection performance. To tackle this problem, in this letter, we propose a novel discriminative virtual label regression method (DVLR) for unsupervised feature selection. In DVLR, we develop a virtual label regression function to guide the subspace learning based feature selection, which can select more discriminative features. Moreover, a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) term is used to make the model be more discriminative. To further make the model be more robust and select more representative features, we impose the ℓ2,1-norm on the regression and feature selection terms. Finally, extensive experiments are carried out on several public datasets, and the results demonstrate that our proposed DVLR achieves better performance than several state-of-the-art unsupervised feature selection methods.

  • Finite-Size Correction of Expectation-Propagation Detection Open Access

    Yuki OBA  Keigo TAKEUCHI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:1

    Expectation propagation (EP) is a powerful algorithm for signal recovery in compressed sensing. This letter proposes correction of a variance message before denoising to improve the performance of EP in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime for finite-sized systems. The variance massage is replaced by an observation-dependent consistent estimator of the mean-square error in estimation before denoising. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is considered to verify the effectiveness of the proposed correction. Numerical simulations show that the proposed variance correction improves the high SNR performance of EP for massive MIMO with a few hundred transmit and receive antennas.

  • CMOS Image Sensor with Pixel-Parallel ADC and HDR Reconstruction from Intermediate Exposure Images Open Access

    Shinnosuke KURATA  Toshinori OTAKA  Yusuke KAMEDA  Takayuki HAMAMOTO  


    E105-A No:1

    We propose a HDR (high dynamic range) reconstruction method in an image sensor with a pixel-parallel ADC (analog-to-digital converter) for non-destructively reading out the intermediate exposure image. We report the circuit design for such an image sensor and the evaluation of the basic HDR reconstruction method.

  • Parameter Estimation of Markovian Arrivals with Utilization Data

    Chen LI  Junjun ZHENG  Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Tadashi DOHI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E105-B No:1

    Utilization data (a kind of incomplete data) is defined as the fraction of a fixed period in which the system is busy. In computer systems, utilization data is very common and easily observable, such as CPU utilization. Unlike inter-arrival times and waiting times, it is more significant to consider the parameter estimation of transaction-based systems with utilization data. In our previous work [7], a novel parameter estimation method using utilization data for an Mt/M/1/K queueing system was presented to estimate the parameters of a non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). Since NHPP is classified as a simple counting process, it may not fit actual arrival streams very well. As a generalization of NHPP, Markovian arrival process (MAP) takes account of the dependency between consecutive arrivals and is often used to model complex, bursty, and correlated traffic streams. In this paper, we concentrate on the parameter estimation of an MAP/M/1/K queueing system using utilization data. In particular, the parameters are estimated by using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method. Numerical experiments on real utilization data validate the proposed approach and evaluate the effective traffic intensity of the arrival stream of MAP/M/1/K queueing system. Besides, three kinds of utilization datasets are created from a simulation to assess the effects of observed time intervals on both estimation accuracy and computational cost. The numerical results show that MAP-based approach outperforms the exiting method in terms of both the estimation accuracy and computational cost.

  • Backward-Compatible Forward Error Correction of Burst Errors and Erasures for 10BASE-T1S Open Access

    Gergely HUSZAK  Hiroyoshi MORITA  George ZIMMERMAN  


    E104-B No:12

    IEEE P802.3cg established a new pair of Ethernet physical layer devices (PHY), one of which, the short-reach 10BASE-T1S, uses 4B/5B mapping over Differential Manchester Encoding to maintain a data rate of 10 Mb/s at MAC/PLS interface, while providing in-band signaling between transmitter and receivers. However, 10BASE-T1S does not have any error correcting capability built into it. As a response to emerging building, industrial, and transportation requirements, this paper outlines research that leads to the possibility of establishing low-complexity, backward-compatible Forward Error Correction with per-frame configurable guaranteed burst error and erasure correcting capabilities over any 10BASE-T1S Ethernet network segment. The proposed technique combines a specialized, systematic Reed-Solomon code and a novel, three-tier, technique to avoid the appearance of certain inadmissible codeword symbols at the output of the encoder. In this way, the proposed technique enables error and erasure correction, while maintaining backwards compatibility with the current version of the standard.

  • Design of Ultra-Thin Wave Absorber with Square Patch Array Considering Electromagnetic Coupling between Patch Array and Back-Metal

    Sota MATSUMOTO  Ryosuke SUGA  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E104-C No:12

    In this paper, an ultra-thin wave absorber using a resistive patch array closely-placed in front of a back-metal is designed. The positively large susceptance is required for the patch array to cancel out the negatively large input susceptance of the short-circuited ultra-thin spacer behind the array. It is found that the array needs the gap of 1mm, sheet resistance of less than 20Ω/sq. and patch width of more than 15mm to obtain the zero input susceptance of the absorber with the 1/30 wavelength spacer. Moreover, these parameters were designed considering the electromagnetic coupling between the array and back-metal, and the square patch array absorbers with the thickness from 1/30 to 1/150 wavelength were designed.

  • Weighted PCA-LDA Based Color Quantization Method Suppressing Saturation Decrease

    Seiichi KOJIMA  Momoka HARADA  Yoshiaki UEDA  Noriaki SUETAKE  


    E104-A No:12

    In this letter, we propose a new color quantization method suppressing saturation decrease. In the proposed method, saturation-based weight and intensity-based weight are used so that vivid colors are selected as the representative colors preferentially. Experiments show that the proposed method tends to select vivid colors even if they occupy only a small area in the image.

  • Multimodal-Based Stream Integrated Neural Networks for Pain Assessment

    Ruicong ZHI  Caixia ZHOU  Junwei YU  Tingting LI  Ghada ZAMZMI  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E104-D No:12

    Pain is an essential physiological phenomenon of human beings. Accurate assessment of pain is important to develop proper treatment. Although self-report method is the gold standard in pain assessment, it is not applicable to individuals with communicative impairment. Non-verbal pain indicators such as pain related facial expressions and changes in physiological parameters could provide valuable insights for pain assessment. In this paper, we propose a multimodal-based Stream Integrated Neural Network with Different Frame Rates (SINN) that combines facial expression and biomedical signals for automatic pain assessment. The main contributions of this research are threefold. (1) There are four-stream inputs of the SINN for facial expression feature extraction. The variant facial features are integrated with biomedical features, and the joint features are utilized for pain assessment. (2) The dynamic facial features are learned in both implicit and explicit manners to better represent the facial changes that occur during pain experience. (3) Multiple modalities are utilized to identify various pain states, including facial expression and biomedical signals. The experiments are conducted on publicly available pain datasets, and the performance is compared with several deep learning models. The experimental results illustrate the superiority of the proposed model, and it achieves the highest accuracy of 68.2%, which is up to 5% higher than the basic deep learning models on pain assessment with binary classification.

  • Weight Sparseness for a Feature-Map-Split-CNN Toward Low-Cost Embedded FPGAs

    Akira JINGUJI  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  


    E104-D No:12

    Convolutional neural network (CNN) has a high recognition rate in image recognition and are used in embedded systems such as smartphones, robots and self-driving cars. Low-end FPGAs are candidates for embedded image recognition platforms because they achieve real-time performance at a low cost. However, CNN has significant parameters called weights and internal data called feature maps, which pose a challenge for FPGAs for performance and memory capacity. To solve these problems, we exploit a split-CNN and weight sparseness. The split-CNN reduces the memory footprint by splitting the feature map into smaller patches and allows the feature map to be stored in the FPGA's high-throughput on-chip memory. Weight sparseness reduces computational costs and achieves even higher performance. We designed a dedicated architecture of a sparse CNN and a memory buffering scheduling for a split-CNN and implemented this on the PYNQ-Z1 FPGA board with a low-end FPGA. An experiment on classification using VGG16 shows that our implementation is 3.1 times faster than the GPU, and 5.4 times faster than an existing FPGA implementation.

  • Research on DoS Attacks Intrusion Detection Model Based on Multi-Dimensional Space Feature Vector Expansion K-Means Algorithm

    Lijun GAO  Zhenyi BIAN  Maode MA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E104-B No:11

    DoS (Denial of Service) attacks are becoming one of the most serious security threats to global networks. We analyze the existing DoS detection methods and defense mechanisms in depth. In recent years, K-Means and improved variants have been widely examined for security intrusion detection, but the detection accuracy to data is not satisfactory. In this paper we propose a multi-dimensional space feature vector expansion K-Means model to detect threats in the network environment. The model uses a genetic algorithm to optimize the weight of K-Means multi-dimensional space feature vector, which greatly improves the detection rate against 6 typical Dos attacks. Furthermore, in order to verify the correctness of the model, this paper conducts a simulation on the NSL-KDD data set. The results show that the algorithm of multi-dimensional space feature vectors expansion K-Means improves the recognition accuracy to 96.88%. Furthermore, 41 kinds of feature vectors in NSL-KDD are analyzed in detail according to a large number of experimental training. The feature vector of the probability positive return of security attack detection is accurately extracted, and a comparison chart is formed to support subsequent research. A theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the multi-dimensional space feature vector expansion K-Means algorithm has a good application in the detection of DDos attacks.

  • Signature Codes to Remove Interference Light in Synchronous Optical Code-Division Multiple Access Systems Open Access

    Tomoko K. MATSUSHIMA  Shoichiro YAMASAKI  Kyohei ONO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new class of signature codes for synchronous optical code-division multiple access (CDMA) and describes a general method for construction of the codes. The proposed codes can be obtained from generalized modified prime sequence codes (GMPSCs) based on extension fields GF(q), where q=pm, p is a prime number, and m is a positive integer. It has been reported that optical CDMA systems using GMPSCs remove not only multi-user interference but also optical interference (e.g., background light) with a constant intensity during a slot of length q2. Recently, the authors have reported that optical CDMA systems using GMPSCs also remove optical interference with intensity varying by blocks with a length of q. The proposed codes, referred to as p-chip codes in general and chip-pair codes in particular for the case of p=2, have the property of removing interference light with an intensity varying by shorter blocks with a length of p without requiring additional equipment. The present paper also investigates the algebraic properties and applications of the proposed codes.

  • Evaluation Metrics for the Cost of Data Movement in Deep Neural Network Acceleration

    Hongjie XU  Jun SHIOMI  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E104-A No:11

    Hardware accelerators are designed to support a specialized processing dataflow for everchanging deep neural networks (DNNs) under various processing environments. This paper introduces two hardware properties to describe the cost of data movement in each memory hierarchy. Based on the hardware properties, this paper proposes a set of evaluation metrics that are able to evaluate the number of memory accesses and the required memory capacity according to the specialized processing dataflow. Proposed metrics are able to analytically predict energy, throughput, and area of a hardware design without detailed implementation. Once a processing dataflow and constraints of hardware resources are determined, the proposed evaluation metrics quickly quantify the expected hardware benefits, thereby reducing design time.

  • Gait Phase Partitioning and Footprint Detection Using Mutually Constrained Piecewise Linear Approximation with Dynamic Programming

    Makoto YASUKAWA  Yasushi MAKIHARA  Toshinori HOSOI  Masahiro KUBO  Yasushi YAGI  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E104-D No:11

    Human gait analysis has been widely used in medical and health fields. It is essential to extract spatio-temporal gait features (e.g., single support duration, step length, and toe angle) by partitioning the gait phase and estimating the footprint position/orientation in such fields. Therefore, we propose a method to partition the gait phase given a foot position sequence using mutually constrained piecewise linear approximation with dynamic programming, which not only represents normal gait well but also pathological gait without training data. We also propose a method to detect footprints by accumulating toe edges on the floor plane during stance phases, which enables us to detect footprints more clearly than a conventional method. Finally, we extract four spatial/temporal gait parameters for accuracy evaluation: single support duration, double support duration, toe angle, and step length. We conducted experiments to validate the proposed method using two types of gait patterns, that is, healthy and mimicked hemiplegic gait, from 10 subjects. We confirmed that the proposed method could estimate the spatial/temporal gait parameters more accurately than a conventional skeleton-based method regardless of the gait pattern.

  • MPTCP-meLearning: A Multi-Expert Learning-Based MPTCP Extension to Enhance Multipathing Robustness against Network Attacks

    Yuanlong CAO  Ruiwen JI  Lejun JI  Xun SHAO  Gang LEI  Hao WANG  


    E104-D No:11

    With multiple network interfaces are being widely equipped in modern mobile devices, the Multipath TCP (MPTCP) is increasingly becoming the preferred transport technique since it can uses multiple network interfaces simultaneously to spread the data across multiple network paths for throughput improvement. However, the MPTCP performance can be seriously affected by the use of a poor-performing path in multipath transmission, especially in the presence of network attacks, in which an MPTCP path would abrupt and frequent become underperforming caused by attacks. In this paper, we propose a multi-expert Learning-based MPTCP variant, called MPTCP-meLearning, to enhance MPTCP performance robustness against network attacks. MPTCP-meLearning introduces a new kind of predictor to possibly achieve better quality prediction accuracy for each of multiple paths, by leveraging a group of representative formula-based predictors. MPTCP-meLearning includes a novel mechanism to intelligently manage multiple paths in order to possibly mitigate the out-of-order reception and receive buffer blocking problems. Experimental results demonstrate that MPTCP-meLearning can achieve better transmission performance and quality of service than the baseline MPTCP scheme.

  • Synthetic Scene Character Generator and Ensemble Scheme with the Random Image Feature Method for Japanese and Chinese Scene Character Recognition

    Fuma HORIE  Hideaki GOTO  Takuo SUGANUMA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:11

    Scene character recognition has been intensively investigated for a couple of decades because it has a great potential in many applications including automatic translation, signboard recognition, and reading assistance for the visually-impaired. However, scene characters are difficult to recognize at sufficient accuracy owing to various noise and image distortions. In addition, Japanese scene character recognition is more challenging and requires a large amount of character data for training because thousands of character classes exist in the language. Some researchers proposed training data augmentation techniques using Synthetic Scene Character Data (SSCD) to compensate for the shortage of training data. In this paper, we propose a Random Filter which is a new method for SSCD generation, and introduce an ensemble scheme with the Random Image Feature (RI-Feature) method. Since there has not been a large Japanese scene character dataset for the evaluation of the recognition systems, we have developed an open dataset JPSC1400, which consists of a large number of real Japanese scene characters. It is shown that the accuracy has been improved from 70.9% to 83.1% by introducing the RI-Feature method to the ensemble scheme.

  • Adaptive Normal State-Space Notch Digital Filters: Algorithm and Frequency-Estimation Bias Analysis

    Yoichi HINAMOTO  Shotaro NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:11

    This paper investigates an adaptive notch digital filter that employs normal state-space realization of a single-frequency second-order IIR notch digital filter. An adaptive algorithm is developed to minimize the mean-squared output error of the filter iteratively. This algorithm is based on a simplified form of the gradient-decent method. Stability and frequency estimation bias are analyzed for the adaptive iterative algorithm. Finally, a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed adaptive notch digital filter and the frequency-estimation bias analyzed for the adaptive iterative algorithm.

  • Leakage-Resilient and Proactive Authenticated Key Exchange (LRP-AKE), Reconsidered

    SeongHan SHIN  


    E104-D No:11

    In [31], Shin et al. proposed a Leakage-Resilient and Proactive Authenticated Key Exchange (LRP-AKE) protocol for credential services which provides not only a higher level of security against leakage of stored secrets but also secrecy of private key with respect to the involving server. In this paper, we discuss a problem in the security proof of the LRP-AKE protocol, and then propose a modified LRP-AKE protocol that has a simple and effective measure to the problem. Also, we formally prove its AKE security and mutual authentication for the entire modified LRP-AKE protocol. In addition, we describe several extensions of the (modified) LRP-AKE protocol including 1) synchronization issue between the client and server's stored secrets; 2) randomized ID for the provision of client's privacy; and 3) a solution to preventing server compromise-impersonation attacks. Finally, we evaluate the performance overhead of the LRP-AKE protocol and show its test vectors. From the performance evaluation, we can confirm that the LRP-AKE protocol has almost the same efficiency as the (plain) Diffie-Hellman protocol that does not provide authentication at all.

  • Metric-Combining Multiuser Detection Using Replica Cancellation with RTS and Enhanced CTS for High-Reliable and Low-Latency Wireless Communications

    Hideya SO  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hayato SOYA  Yuyuan CHANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:11

    In unlicensed spectrum, wireless communications employing carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) suffer from longer transmission delay time as the number of user terminals (UTs) increases, because packet collisions are more likely to occur. To cope with this problem, this paper proposes a new multiuser detection (MUD) scheme that uses both request-to-send (RTS) and enhanced clear-to-send (eCTS) for high-reliable and low-latency wireless communications. As in conventional MUD scheme, the metric-combining MUD (MC-MUD) calculates log likelihood functions called metrics and accumulates the metrics for the maximum likelihood detection (MLD). To avoid increasing the number of states for MLD, MC-MUD forces the relevant UTs to retransmit their packets until all the collided packets are correctly detected, which requires a kind of central control and reduces the system throughput. To overcome these drawbacks, the proposed scheme, which is referred to as cancelling MC-MUD (CMC-MUD), deletes replicas of some of the collided packets from the received signals, once the packets are correctly detected during the retransmission. This cancellation enables new UTs to transmit their packets and then performs MLD without increasing the number of states, which improves the system throughput without increasing the complexity. In addition, the proposed scheme adopts RTS and eCTS. One UT that suffers from packet collision transmits RTS before the retransmission. Then, the corresponding access point (AP) transmits eCTS including addresses of the other UTs, which have experienced the same packet collision. To reproduce the same packet collision, these other UTs transmit their packets once they receive the eCTS. Computer simulations under one AP conditions evaluate an average carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) range in which the proposed scheme is effective, and clarify that the transmission delay time of the proposed scheme is shorter than that of the conventional schemes. In two APs environments that can cause the hidden terminal problem, it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme achieves shorter transmission delay times than the conventional scheme with RTS and conventional CTS.

  • Constrained Design of FIR Filters with Sparse Coefficients

    Tatsuki ITASAKA  Ryo MATSUOKA  Masahiro OKUDA  


    E104-A No:11

    We propose an algorithm for the constrained design of FIR filters with sparse coefficients. In general filter design approaches, as the length of the filter increases, the number of multipliers used to construct the filter increases. This is a serious problem, especially in two-dimensional FIR filter designs. The FIR filter coefficients designed by the least-squares method with peak error constraint are optimal in the sense of least-squares within a given order, but not necessarily optimal in terms of constructing a filter that meets the design specification under the constraints on the number of coefficients. That is, a higher-order filter with several zero coefficients can construct a filter that meets the specification with a smaller number of multipliers. We propose a two-step approach to design constrained sparse FIR filters. Our method minimizes the number of non-zero coefficients while the frequency response of the filter that meets the design specification. It achieves better performance in terms of peak error than conventional constrained least-squares designs with the same or higher number of multipliers in both one-dimensional and two-dimensional filter designs.

  • Clustering for Signal Power Distribution Toward Low Storage Crowdsourced Spectrum Database

    Yoji UESUGI  Keita KATAGIRI  Koya SATO  Kei INAGE  Takeo FUJII  


    E104-B No:10

    This paper proposes a measurement-based spectrum database (MSD) with clustered fading distributions toward greater storage efficiencies. The conventional MSD can accurately model the actual characteristics of multipath fading by plotting the histogram of instantaneous measurement data for each space-separated mesh and utilizing it in communication designs. However, if the database contains all of a distribution for each location, the amount of data stored will be extremely large. Because the main purpose of the MSD is to improve spectral efficiency, it is necessary to reduce the amount of data stored while maintaining quality. The proposed method reduces the amount of stored data by estimating the distribution of the instantaneous received signal power at each point and integrating similar distributions through clustering. Numerical results show that clustering techniques can reduce the amount of data while maintaining the accuracy of the MSD. We then apply the proposed method to the outage probability prediction for the instantaneous received signal power. It is revealed that the prediction accuracy is maintained even when the amount of data is reduced.
