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  • Extracting Translation Equivalents from Bilingual Comparable Corpora

    Hiroyuki KAJI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    An improved method for extracting translation equivalents from bilingual comparable corpora according to contextual similarity was developed. This method has two main features. First, a seed bilingual lexicon--which is used to bridge contexts in different languages--is adapted to the corpora from which translation equivalents are to be extracted. Second, the contextual similarity is evaluated by using a combination of similarity measures defined in opposite directions. An experiment using Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora, together with the EDR bilingual dictionary, demonstrated the effectiveness of the method; it produced lists of candidate translation equivalents with an accuracy of around 30% for frequently occurring unknown words. The method thus proved to be useful for improving the coverage of a bilingual lexicon.

  • Dynamic Range Compression Characteristics Using an Interpolating Polynomial for Digital Audio Systems

    Shugang WEI  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E88-A No:2

    An audio signal level compressor is presented, which is based on the approximation algorithm using an interpolating polynomial. To implement a compression characteristic in a digital audio system, a power calculation with fractional numbers is required and it is difficult to be performed directly in digital circuits. We introduce a polynomial expression to approximate the power operation, then the gain calculation is easily performed with a number of additions, multiplications and a division. Newton's interpolation formula is used to calculate the compression characteristics in a very short time and the obtained compression characteristics are very close to the ideal ones.

  • A Wavelets Network Interpolation Algorithm for OFDM Channel Estimation Systems

    Haiyuan LIU  Taiyi ZHANG  Ruiping ZHANG  Feng LIU  


    E88-B No:2

    For the performance deficiency of the pilot symbol aided channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, the wavelets network interpolation channel estimator is proposed. By contrast with conventional methods, wavelets network interpolation channel estimator can guarantee the high transmission rate and lower Bit error rates (BER). Computer simulation results demonstrate that the proposed channel estimation method exhibit an improved performance compared to the conventional linear channel estimation methods and is robust to fading rate, especially in fast fading channels.

  • Unsupervised Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora

    Hiroyuki KAJI  Yasutsugu MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    An unsupervised method for word-sense disambiguation using bilingual comparable corpora was developed. First, it extracts word associations, i.e., statistically significant pairs of associated words, from the corpus of each language. Then, it aligns word associations by consulting a bilingual dictionary and calculates correlation between senses of a target polysemous word and its associated words, which can be regarded as clues for identifying the sense of the target word. To overcome the problem of disparity of topical coverage between corpora of the two languages as well as the problem of ambiguity in word-association alignment, an algorithm for iteratively calculating a sense-vs.-clue correlation matrix for each target word was devised. Word-sense disambiguation for each instance of the target word is done by selecting the sense that maximizes the score, i.e., a weighted sum of the correlations between each sense and clues appearing in the context of the instance. An experiment using Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora together with the EDR bilingual dictionary showed that the new method has promising performance; namely, the F-measure of its sense selection was 74.6% compared to a baseline of 62.8%. The developed method will possibly be extended into a fully unsupervised method that features automatic division and definition of word senses.

  • Adapting a Bilingual Dictionary to Domains

    Hiroyuki KAJI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    Two methods using comparable corpora to select translation equivalents appropriate to a domain were devised and evaluated. The first method ranks translation equivalents of a target word according to similarity of their contexts to that of the target word. The second method ranks translation equivalents according to the ratio of associated words that suggest them. An experiment using the EDR bilingual dictionary together with Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora showed that the method using the ratio of associated words outperforms the method based on contextual similarity. Namely, in a quantitative evaluation using pseudo words, the maximum F-measure of the former method was 86%, while that of the latter method was 82%. The key feature of the method using the ratio of associated words is that it outputs selected translation equivalents together with representative associated words, enabling the translation equivalents to be validated.

  • An Extension of GHS Weil Descent Attack

    Tsutomu IIJIMA  Mahoro SHIMURA  Jinhui CHAO  Shigeo TSUJII  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    The Weil descent attack, suggested by Frey, has been implemented by Gaudry, Hess and Smart (the so-called GHS attack) on elliptic curves over finite fields of characteristic two and with composite extension degrees. Recently, Diem presented a general treatment of the GHS attack to hyperelliptic curves over finite fields of arbitrary odd characteristics. This paper shows that Diem's approach can be extended to curves of which the function fields are cyclic Galois extensions. In particular, we show the existence of GHS Weil restriction, triviality of the kernel of GHS conorm-norm homomorphism, and lower/upper bounds of genera of the resulting curves.

  • Efficient Divisible Voting Scheme

    Natsuki ISHIDA  Shin'ichiro MATSUO  Wakaha OGATA  


    E88-A No:1

    Electronic voting is a prime application of cryptographic tools. Many researches are addressing election or confidence voting in this area. We address a new type of voting scheme "Divisible Voting Scheme," in which each voter has multiple ballots where the number of ballots can be different among the voters. This type of voting is popular. We first define the divisible voting scheme and show naive protocols based on existing voting schemes. Then we propose two efficient divisible voting schemes. The first scheme uses multisets, the second scheme uses L-adic representation of the number of ballots. The total cost for a voter is O(M 2 log (N)) in the first scheme and O(M log (N)) in the second scheme where M is the number of candidates to vote for and N is the number of ballots for a voter.

  • How to Improve Interpolation Attack

    Kaoru KUROSAWA  Tetsu IWATA  Quang Viet DUONG  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    In the key recovery variant of the interpolation attack, exhaustive search is required to find the last round key Km. Therefore, this attack is almost impractical if the size of Km is too large. In this paper, we show that Km can be very efficiently obtained if F(K,x) can be approximated by a low degree polynomial gx(K) in K for any fixed x, where F is a round function of Feistel type block ciphers.

  • An Efficient Wavelet-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm

    Jin-Woo BAE  Seung-Hyun LEE  Ji-Sang YOO  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E88-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a wavelet-based fast motion estimation algorithm for video sequence encoding with a low bit-rate. By using one of the properties of wavelet transform, multi-resolution analysis (MRA), and the spatial interpolation of an image, we can simultaneously reduce the prediction error and the computational complexity inherent in video sequence encoding. In addition, by defining a significant block (SB) based on the differential information of wavelet coefficients between successive frames, the proposed algorithm enables us to make up for the increase in the number of motion vectors when the MRME algorithm is used. As a result, we are not only able to improve the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), but also reduce the computational complexity by up to 67%.

  • On Collusion Security of Random Codes

    Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Junji SHIKATA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E88-A No:1

    Fingerprinting is a technique to add identifying marks to each copy of digital contents in order to enhance traceability to a distribution system. Collusion attacks, in which the attackers collect two or more fingerprinted copies and try to generate an untraceable copy, are considered to be a threat for the fingerprinting system. With the aim of enhancing collusion security to the fingerprinting system, several collusion secure codes, such as c-frameproof code, c-secure frameproof code and c-identifiable parent property code, have been proposed. Here, c indicates the maximum number of colluding users. However, a practical construction of the above codes is still an issue because of the tight restrictions originated from their combinatorial properties. In this paper, we introduce an evaluation of frameproof, secure frameproof, and identifiable parent property by the probability that a code has the required property. Then, we focus on random codes. For frameproof and secure frameproof properties, we estimate the average probability that random codes have the required property where the probability is taken over the random construction of codes and random construction of coalitions. For the estimation, we assume the uniform distribution of symbols of random codes and the symbols that the coalitions hold. Therefore, we clarify the adequacy of the assumptions by comparison with numerical results. The estimates and numerical results resemble, which implies the adequacy of the assumption at least in the range of the experiment.

  • On the Optimal Parameter Choice for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems Using Isogeny

    Toru AKISHITA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E88-A No:1

    Isogeny for elliptic curve cryptosystems was initially used for efficient improvement of order counting methods. Recently, Smart proposed a countermeasure using isogeny for resisting a refined differential power analysis by Goubin (Goubin's attack). In this paper, we examine a countermeasure using isogeny against zero-value point (ZVP) attack that is generalization of Goubin's attack. We show that some curves require higher order of isogeny to prevent ZVP attack. Moreover, we prove that the class of curves that satisfies (-3/p) = 1 and whose order is odd cannot be mapped by isogeny to curves with a = -3 and secure against ZVP attack. We point out that three SECG curves are in this class. In the addition, we compare some efficient algorithms that are secure against both Goubin's attack and ZVP attack, and present the most efficient method of computing a scalar multiplication for each curve from SECG. Finally, we discuss another improvement for an efficient scalar multiplication, namely the usage of a point (0,y) for a base point of curve parameters. We are able to improve about 11% for double-and-add-always method, when the point (0,y) exists in an underlying curve or its isogeny.

  • The Error Diffusion Halftoning Using Local Adaptive Sharpening Control

    Nae-Joung KWAK  Wun-Mo YANG  Jae-Hyuk HAN  Jae-Hyeong AHAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E87-D No:12

    Digital halftoning is used to quantize a grayscale image to a binary image. Error diffusion halftoning generates a high-quality binary image, but also generates some defects such as the warm effect, sharpening, and so forth. To reduce these defects, Kite proposed a modified threshold modulation method that utilizes a multiplicative parameter for controlling sharpening. Nevertheless, some degradation was observed near the edges of objects with a large luminance change. In this paper, we propose a method of controlling the multiplicative parameter in proportion to the magnitude of the local edge slope. The results of computer simulation show a greater reduction of sharpening in the halftone image. In particular, there is a great improvement in the quality of the edges of objects with a large luminance change.

  • Abstraction and Optimization of Consistent Floorplanning with Pillar Block Constraints

    Ning FU  Shigetoshi NAKATAKE  Yasuhiro TAKASHIMA  Yoji KAJITANI  


    E87-A No:12

    The success in topdown design of recent huge system LSIs is in a seamless transfer of the information resulted from the high level design to the lower level of floorplanning. For the purpose, we introduce a new concept abstract floorplan which is included in the output of high level design. From the abstract floorplan, the pillar blocks are derived which are critical sets of blocks that are expected to determine the width and height of the chip, named the frame. Since the frame and pillar blocks are obtained in the high level stage, they are useful to keep the consistency in the low level physical design if we apply optimization regarding them as constraints. Experiments to MCNC benchmarks showed that abstract floorplanning by pillar blocks output a placement faithful to the one physically optimized block placement with respect to the chip area and the wire-length.

  • EQ-Sequences for Coding Floorplans

    Hua-An ZHAO  Chen LIU  Yoji KAJITANI  Keishi SAKANUSHI  


    E87-A No:12

    A floorplan specifies the layout of modules in very large scale integration (VLSI) design, and a new code, called the EQ-sequence, for representing a floorplan is presented in this paper. The EQ-sequence is based on a Q-sequence. The EQ-sequence can preserve the adjacent relationships of rooms on a floorplan, but the Q-sequence cannot. The algorithms for encoding, moving and decoding of an EQ-sequence are introduced. With the EQ-sequence, we can check whether two modules abut each other on a floorplan. It has been proved that any floorplan of n rooms is uniquely encoded by an EQ-sequence and any EQ-sequence is uniquely decoded to a floorplan, both in O(n) time.

  • The Effect Air-Intake Format of Equipment Gives to Air Conditioning System in a Data Center

    Yuki FURIHATA  Hirofumi HAYAMA  Masamichi ENAI  Taro MORI  

    PAPER-Cooling for Communications

    E87-B No:12

    The effects of air-intake format of forced-air-cooled equipment on the efficiency of air conditioning systems are studied. A modern data center features a large number of information-processing devices to provide telecommunication services. These devices generate considerable heat, and the equipment that houses these devices often employs "forced air cooling" in which a cooling effect is achieved by sucking in large amounts of room air. An air conditioning system used for a machine room filled with such equipment therefore requires high fan driving power resulting in significantly low air conditioning efficiency. In this study, we first performed mockup-based experiments to obtain a quantitative understanding of how different air-intake formats for equipment affect the temperature at various room locations such as equipment intake. We then created a model for predicting the temperature at various locations, and on the basis of this model, we analyzed the factors affecting intake temperature and examined how intake temperature affects air conditioning efficiency. It was found that placing air inlets in the lower 1/3 portion of forced-air-cooled equipment could prevent the equipment from reabsorbing the hot air that it blows out and therefore improve air conditioning efficiency.

  • An Optimal Interpolated FIR Echo Canceller for Digital Subscriber Lines

    Shou-Sheu LIN  Wen-Rong WU  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E87-B No:12

    An adaptive interpolated FIR (IFIR) echo canceller was recently proposed for xDSL applications. This canceller consists of an FIR filter, an IFIR filter, and a tap-weight overlapping and nulling scheme. The FIR filter is used to cancel the short and rapidly changing head echo while the IFIR filter is used to cancel the long and slowly decaying tail echo. This echo canceller, which inherits the stable characteristics of the conventional FIR filter, requires low computational complexity. It is well known that the interpolation filter for an IFIR filter has great influence on the interpolated result. In this paper, a least-squares method is proposed to obtain optimal interpolation filters such that the performance of the IFIR echo canceller can be further improved. Simulations with a wide variety of loop topologies show that the optimal IFIR echo canceller can effectively cancel the echo up to 73.0 dB (for an SHDSL system). About 57% complexity reduction can be achieved compared to a conventional FIR filter.

  • An Iterative Hyperplane Projection Based Affine Projection Algorithm for Fast Converging Space-Time Adaptive Decision-Directed Equalizer

    Won-Cheol LEE  Chul RYU  Jin-Ho PARK  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E87-B No:12

    This paper introduces an efficient affine projection algorithm (APA) using iterative hyperplane projection. The inherent effectiveness against the rank deficient problem has led APA to be the preferred algorithm to be employed for various applications over other variety of fast converging adaptation algorithms. However, the amount of complexity of the conventional APA could not be negligible because of the accomplishment of sample matrix inversion (SMI). Another issue is that the "shifting invariance property," which is typically exploited for single channel case, does not hold ground for space-time decision-directed equalizer (STDE) application deployed in single-input-multi-output (SIMO) systems. Therefore, fast adaptation schemes, such as fast traversal filter based APA (FTF-APA), becomes impossible to utilize. The motivation of this paper deliberates on finding an effective algorithm on the basis of APA, which yields low complexity while sustaining fast convergence as well as excellent tracking ability. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated under wireless SIMO channel in respect to bit error rate (BER) behavior and computational complexity, and upon completion, the validity is confirmed. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated under wireless SIMO channel in respect to bit error rate (BER) behavior and computational complexity, and upon completion, the validity is confirmed.

  • Analysis of Adsorbing Molecules on Pt Surface Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

    Kenshi HAYASHI  Kosuke HAYAMA  Kumi MASUNAGA  Wataru FUTAGAMI  Seung-Woo LEE  Kiyoshi TOKO  

    PAPER-Bioelectronic and Sensor

    E87-C No:12

    Chemical sensor which can be used for a multi-purpose chemical measurement to detect various chemical substances with a small number of a sensor array was investigated. It was confirmed that chemical compounds adsorbed strongly and irreversibly on a platinum surface using conventional electrochemical methods and an instrumental surface analysis. The adsorbates were also analyzed by means of an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy under dynamic potential scan; measured impedance reflects CPE (constant phase element) properties of the electrode surface. The method provides a convenient technique for the surface analysis of adsorbing chemicals. The CPE response profile was modified through chemical adsorption/desorption and the interaction between the polarized surface and chemical substances. Consequently, various profiles depending on chemical substances were obtained and it had quantitative and qualitative information about chemicals interacting with the surface. The present method which does not require a specific electrochemical reaction can be applied for multi-purpose chemical sensors and also simple chemical analyses.

  • Learning Korean Named Entity by Bootstrapping with Web Resources

    Seungwoo LEE  Joohui AN  Byung-Kwan KWAK  Gary Geunbae LEE  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E87-D No:12

    An important issue in applying machine learning algorithms to Natural Language Processing areas such as Named Entity Recognition tasks is to overcome the lack of tagged corpora. Several bootstrapping methods such as co-training have been proposed as a solution. In this paper, we present a different approach using the Web resources. A Named Entity (NE) tagged corpus is generated from the Web using about 3,000 names as seeds. The generated corpus may have a lower quality than the manually tagged corpus but its size can be increased sufficiently. Several features are developed and the decision list is learned using the generated corpus. Our method is verified by comparing it to both the decision list learned on the manual corpus and the DL-CoTrain method. We also present a two-level classification by cascading highly precise lexical patterns and the decision list to improve the performance.

  • Phonology and Morphology Modeling in a Very Large Vocabulary Hungarian Dictation System

    Mate SZARVAS  Sadaoki FURUI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E87-D No:12

    This article introduces a novel approach to model phonology and morphosyntax in morpheme unit-based speech recognizers. The proposed methods are evaluated on a Hungarian newspaper dictation task that requires modeling over 1 million different word forms. The architecture of the recognition system is based on the weighted finite-state transducer (WFST) paradigm. The vocabulary units used in the system are morpheme-based in order to provide sufficient coverage of the large number of word-forms resulting from affixation and compounding. Besides the basic pronunciation model and the morpheme N-gram language model we evaluate a novel phonology model and the novel stochastic morphosyntactic language model (SMLM). Thanks to the flexible transducer-based architecture of the system, these new components are integrated seamlessly with the basic modules with no need to modify the decoder itself. We compare the phoneme, morpheme, and word error-rates as well as the sizes of the recognition networks in two configurations. In one configuration we use only the N-gram model while in the other we use the combined model. The proposed stochastic morphosyntactic language model decreases the morpheme error rate by between 1.7 and 7.2% relatively when compared to the baseline trigram system. The proposed phonology model reduced the error rate by 8.32%. The morpheme error-rate of the best configuration is 18% and the best word error-rate is 22.3%.
