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[Keyword] SEM(686hit)


  • CMOS Transistor in Nanoscale Era

    Bin YU  


    E85-C No:5

    This paper addresses the fundamental challenges and possible solutions in designing and fabricating nanometer-scale CMOS transistor. Essential technology components such as advanced gate dielectrics, ultra-shallow junction, channel dopant profile engineering, and salicide are discussed. Ultra-scaled transistor with physical gate length down to 15 nm is demonstrated as a continued effort to push the traditional planar CMOS technology towards its physical limit.

  • Finding Method of Radiated Emission Sources with Arbitrary Directional Current Components Utilizing CISPR Measurement System

    Yasuhiro ISHIDA  Kouji YAMASHITA  Masamitsu TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:4

    The possibility of applying a recently proposed emission source location method, which is based on CISPR measurements, to sources with arbitrary directional current components is studied. We propose a new finding algorithm in which the horizontal and the vertical current components are estimated at the same time by taking into account the contribution of horizontal current components when calculating the vertical electric field. As a result of experimental verification by using two spherical dipole antennas as ideal emission sources, estimated values show good agreement with the original ones in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 1 GHz, where the position estimation deviation d was less than 0.15 m, the amplitude estimation deviation j was less than 2.1 dB, and furthermore the angle of current direction could be estimated. Consequently, this method with the presented new algorithm can be applied to find radiated emission sources even when the current components point to arbitrary directions.

  • Wavelength-Selectable Microarray Light Sources for DWDM Photonic Networks

    Takao MORIMOTO  Kenichiro YASHIKI  Koji KUDO  Tatsuya SASAKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Active Devices

    E85-C No:4

    Various types of wavelength-selectable light sources (WSLs) and wavelength-tunable laser diodes (LDs) have been developed, and the one based on an array of distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes (LDs) has the advantage of tuning that is both simple and stable tuning. It requires only the selection of a DFB-LD and a temperature control. We report on monolithically integrated WSLs with a DFB-LD array, multimode interference (MMI) coupler, semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), and electro-absorption (EA) modulator. To make them compact, we introduced microarray structures and to ensure that they were easy to fabricate, we used selective area growth. For the WSL with an integrated EA modulator, we developed a center-temperature-shift method that optimizes the detuning wavelength between the lasing wavelength and the absorption edge wavelength of the EA-modulator. Using this method, we obtained a uniform extinction ratio and were able to demonstrate error-free 2.5-Gb/s transmission over a 600-km fiber span. A CW-WSL without an EA-modulator should provide enough output power to compensate the loss caused by the external modulators, but the high-power operation of a CW-WSL is sensitive to optical feedback from the front facet. We therefore used an angled facet in our WSLs and eliminated a mode hop problem. More than 20 mW of fiber-coupled power was obtained over 23 ITU-T channels on a 50-GHz grid.

  • Hybrid Integration Technologies Using Planar Lightwave Circuits and Developed Components

    Takeshi KITAGAWA  Yuji AKAHORI  Ikuo OGAWA  Yuichi TOHMORI  

    INVITED PAPER-Hybrid and Passive Devices

    E85-C No:4

    We describe hybrid integration technologies that employ silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) platforms, and report several high-performance optical components based on these technologies. First, we describe the requirements for optical integrated circuits. Then, we discuss the technologies used in hybrid integration, namely optical coupling between a semiconductor optical device and a silica waveguide, electrical signal transmission to the semiconductor optical device, and high quality optical signal processing. In addition, we describe optical integrated circuits developed for short- and long-haul networks. We realized these high-performance integrated components by combining appropriate hybrid integration technologies.

  • Low Noise Figure (6.3 dB) Polarization Insensitive Spot-Size Converter Integrated Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

    Ken MORITO  Mitsuru EKAWA  Takayuki WATANABE  Yuji KOTAKI  

    PAPER-Active Devices

    E85-C No:4

    Integration of spot-size converters (SSCs) with semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) that improves chip-fiber optical coupling is inevitable for realizing high performance SOA modules. In this paper SSCs that can be easily integrated with SOAs and have little influence on the polarization sensitivity have been studied. We found that polarization insensitive active width-tapered SSCs can be realized by an optimum waveguide design of tensile-strained bulk structures. The SOA module exhibited large fiber-to-fiber gain (> 19 dB), small polarization sensitivity (< 0.4 dB), high fiber-coupled saturation output power (> +11.7 dBm) and record low module noise figure (< 6.3 dB) for the signal wavelength range of 1530-1560 nm.

  • Single High-Order Transverse Mode Surface Emitting Laser with Micromachined Surface Relief

    Satoshi SHINADA  Fumio KOYAMA  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA  Masakazu ARAI  

    PAPER-Active Devices

    E85-C No:4

    We demonstrate a single high-order transverse mode surface emitting laser (VCSEL) with narrow trenches formed on a top surface. The design and the fabrication of a single high-order mode 850 nm GaAs VCSEL with micromachined surface relief are presented. Stable single-mode operation with a side-mode suppression ratio of over 40 dB was obtained in an entire measured current range. We obtained the maximum single mode power of over 3.5 mW and a record low series resistance of below 50 Ω. In addition, a single-lobe far field pattern is demonstrated even under high-order transverse mode operation by loading phase-shift on the top surface. A coupling efficiency with optical fibers is dramatically improved.

  • NDE of Semiconductor Samples and Photovoltaic Devices with High Spatial Resolution Utilizing SQUID Photoscanning

    Thomas SCHURIG  Jorn BEYER  Dietmar DRUNG  Frank LUDWIG  Anke LUDGE  Helge RIEMANN  

    INVITED PAPER-SQUIDs and Their Applications

    E85-C No:3

    SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) Photoscanning is an analytical technique intended for the noninvasive evaluation of semiconductor wafers and device structures. This method is based on the detection of the magnetic field of photocurrents locally induced in the sample under investigation by a focused laser beam. The magnetic field is monitored by means of a sensitive SQUID magnetometer while scanning the sample surface with the laser beam. Doping inhomogeneities in electronic grade silicon, grain boundaries in solar silicon, and defects in photovoltaic device structures have been analyzed.

  • An Ultrahigh-Speed Resonant-Tunneling Analog-to-Digital Converter

    Kazufumi HATTORI  Yuuji TAKAMATSU  Takao WAHO  


    E85-C No:3

    A flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that uses resonant-tunneling complex gates is proposed. The ternary quantizers, consisting of monostable-to-multistable transition logic (MML) circuits, convert the analog input signal into the ternary thermometer code. This code is then converted into the binary Gray-code output by a multiple-valued multiple-input monostable-bistable transition logic element (M2-MOBILE). By assuming InP-based resonant-tunneling diode (RTD) and heterojunction field-effect transistor technology, we have carried out SPICE simulation that demonstrates a 4-bit, 10-GS/s ADC operation. The input bandwidth, defined as a frequency at which the effective number of bit decreases by 0.5 LSB, was also estimated to be 500 MHz. Compact circuit configuration, which is due to the combination of MML and M2-MOBILE, reduces the device count and power dissipation by a factor of two compared with previous RTD-based ADCs.

  • Carrier-Suppressed Return-to-Zero Pulse Generation Using Mode-Locked Lasers for 40-Gbit/s Transmission

    Kenji SATO  Shoichiro KUWAHARA  Yutaka MIYAMOTO  Koichi MURATA  Hiroshi MIYAZAWA  


    E85-B No:2

    Phase-inversion between neighboring pulses appearing in carrier-suppressed return-to-zero pulses is effective in reducing the signal distortion due to chromatic dispersion and nonlinear effects. A generation method of the anti-phase pulses at 40 GHz is demonstrated by using semiconductor mode-locked lasers integrated with chirped gratings. Operation principle and pulse characteristics are described. Suppression of pulse distortion due to fiber dispersion is confirmed for generated anti-phase pulses. Repeaterless 150-km dispersion-shifted-fiber L-band transmission at 42.7 Gbit/s is demonstrated by using the pulse source.

  • The Evolution of Nitride-Based Light-Emitting Devices

    Isamu AKASAKI  Satoshi KAMIYAMA  Hiroshi AMANO  


    E85-C No:1

    Breakthroughs in crystal growth and conductivity control of nitride semiconductors during last two decades have led to such developments as high-brightness blue and green light-emitting diodes and long-lived violet laser diodes and so on. All of these nitride-based devices are robust and the most environmentally-friendly ones available. They enable us to save tremendous amount of energy and will be key devices in advanced information technology. Further progress in the area of crystal growth and device engineering will open up new frontier devices based on nitride semiconductors. In this paper, the evolution of nitride-based light-emitting devices is reviewed and the key issues, which must be addressed for nitrides to be fully developed, are discussed.

  • Semantically Secure McEliece Public-Key Cryptosystem

    Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  


    E85-A No:1

    Almost all of the current public-key cryptosystems (PKCs) are based on number theory, such as the integer factoring problem and the discrete logarithm problem (which will be solved in polynomial-time after the emergence of quantum computers). While the McEliece PKC is based on another theory, i.e. coding theory, it is vulnerable against several practical attacks. In this paper, we summarize currently known attacks to the McEliece PKC, and then point out that, without any decryption oracles or any partial knowledge on the plaintext of the challenge ciphertext, no polynomial-time algorithm is known for inverting the McEliece PKC whose parameters are carefully chosen. Under the assumption that this inverting problem is hard, we propose a slightly modified version of McEliece PKC that can be proven, in the random oracle model, to be semantically secure against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks. Our conversion can achieve the reduction of the redundant data down to 1/3-1/4 compared with the generic conversions for practical parameters.

  • 2D Photonic Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser Using Triangular-Lattice Structure

    Susumu NODA  Masahiro IMADA  


    E85-C No:1

    A 2D photonic crystal surface-emitting laser using a triangular lattice is developed, and current-injected lasing oscillation is demonstrated. From consideration of the Bragg diffraction condition in the 2D triangular-lattice structure, it is shown that the 2D coupling phenomenon occurs in the structure. As a result of the 2D periodicity of the structure, the longitudinal mode and lateral mode can be controlled, and stable single-mode oscillation is possible over a large 2D area. The lasing mode of the structure is analyzed by calculating the photonic band diagram by the 2D plane-wave expansion method, and we show that four band edges at which the lasing oscillation can occur exist at the Γ point. Current-injected lasing oscillation is successfully demonstrated at room temperature under pulsed conditions. The threshold current density is 3.2 kA/cm2 and the lasing wavelength is 1.285 µm. From the near-field and far-field patterns, it is shown that large-area 2D (diameter 480 µm) lasing oscillation occurs in the device and the divergence angle is very narrow (less than 1.8). We also demonstrate the correspondence between the measured lasing wavelengths and calculated band diagram by comparing the polarization characteristics with the calculated distribution of the electromagnetic field. The results indicate that 2D coherent lasing oscillation occurs due to the multi-directional coupling effect in the 2D photonic crystal. Finally, we show that the polarization patterns of the lasers can be controlled by introducing artificial lattice defects from the theoretical calculation.

  • Highly Reliable Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers

    Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  


    E85-C No:1

    Very reliable mode-locked semiconductor lasers have been developed. These devices provide high signal-to-noise ratio optical clock pulses of a few picoseconds temporal width in the 1.5-micrometer wavelength region. Potential applications of these lasers for high-bit-rate optical communication systems operating at over 40 Gbps including all-optical signal processing, and for very high-speed measurement systems are described.

  • Wavelength-Tunable Semiconductor Light Sources for WDM Applications

    Yuichi TOHMORI  Hiroyuki ISHII  Hiromi OOHASHI  Yuzo YOSHIKUNI  


    E85-C No:1

    This paper describes the recent progress made in developing wavelength tunable semiconductor light sources for WDM applications. Wide and quasi-continuous wavelength tunings were investigated for a wavelength-selectable laser and a wavelength tunable distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser having a super structure grating (SSG). A wavelength-selectable laser consisting of a DFB laser array, a multi-mode interferometer (MMI), and a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) demonstrated a quasi-continuous tuning range of 46.9 nm by using temperature control. A wavelength-tunable DBR laser with SSG exhibited a quasi-continuous tuning range of 62.4 nm by using three tuning current controls. Wavelength stabilization was also demonstrated under the temperature variations of 5.

  • A Mode Hopping Suppressed External-Cavity Semiconductor Laser Using Feedback Control

    Shigenori MATTORI  Takanori SAITOH  Shigeru KINUGAWA  Hitoshi KAMEYAMA  Toshiyuki OZAKI  Junkichi SHIRONO  


    E85-C No:1

    We have demonstrated active mode hopping suppression in external-cavity semiconductor lasers including a diffraction grating as a wavelength-selecting device. The feedback control nullifies the difference between the oscillation wavelength and selected wavelength based on observed changes in diffraction angle. The control has suppressed mode hopping over a 7.5 times wider span than without control. And when combined with conventional mode hopping suppression techniques, mode-hop-free oscillation is achieved over 130 nm. Our approach can be used for most Littman-type external-cavity semiconductor lasers with simple attachments; it will be useful for continuous wavelength sweeping and for long-term wavelength stabilization.

  • Progress in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots for Optoelectronic Device Application

    Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E85-C No:1

    Optical properties and growth of self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) for optoelectronic device applications are discussed. After briefly reviewing the history of research on QD lasers, we discuss growth of InAs SAQDs including the light emission at the wavelength of 1.52-µm with a narrow linewidth (22 meV) and the area-controlled growth which demonstrates formation of SAQDs in selected local areas on a growth plane using a SiO2 mask with MOCVD growth. Then properties of the InGaAs AQDs are investigated by the near-field photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy which reveals gradually increasing continuum absorption connected with the two-dimensional-like (2D-like) wetting layer, resulting in faster relaxation of electrons due to a crossover between 0D and 2D character in the density of states. In the coherent excitation spectroscopy, the decoherence time is determined to be about 15 ps, which is well explained by the phonon induced relaxation mechanism in the SAQDs. Finally, nitride-based SAQDs and perspective of QD optical devices are also discussed.

  • Fourier Synthesis of Stable Ultrafast Optical-Pulse Trains Using Three Lasers and an SOA

    Masaharu HYODO  Kazi SARWAR ABEDIN  Noriaki ONODERA  Kamal K. GUPTA  Masayoshi WATANABE  

    LETTER-Optical Pulse Compression, Control and Monitoring

    E85-C No:1

    Fourier synthesis of ultrafast optical-pulse trains was demonstrated using a simplified experimental configuration consisting of three independent continuous-wave lasers and a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) used as a four-wave mixer. When the three lasers were phase-locked, ultrafast optical-pulse trains were successfully generated at repetition frequencies ranging from 504 GHz to 1.8 THz with high waveform stability.

  • All-Optical Wavelength Conversion Using a Fabry-Perot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

    Masumi SAITOH  Mitsuru TAKENAKA  Byongjin MA  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    LETTER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E84-C No:12

    We describe a simple all-optical wavelength converter based on a Fabry-Perot semiconductor optical amplifier (FPSOA). We measure its static characteristics in detail and successfully demonstrate its dynamic wavelength-conversion operation (both inverted and non-inverted) at 2.5 Gbit/s. This is the first demonstration of FPSOA-based wavelength conversion. Quasi-digital response is also observed. Low input power, ease of fabrication and good compatibility with WDM networks are important advantages of FPSOA.

  • A Practical Clock Tree Synthesis for Semi-Synchronous Circuits

    Keiichi KUROKAWA  Takuya YASUI  Masahiko TOYONAGA  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  


    E84-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose a new clock tree synthesis method for semi-synchronous circuits. A clock tree obtained by the proposed method is a multi-level multi-way clock tree such that a clock-input timing of each register is a multiple of a predefined unit delay and the wire length from a clock buffer to an element driven by it is bounded. The clock trees are constructed for several practical circuits. The size of constructed clock tree is comparable to a zero skew clock tree. In order to assure the practical quality of the clock trees, they are examined under the five delay conditions, which cover various environmental and manufacturing conditions. As a result, they are proved stable under each condition and improve the clock speed up to 17.3% against the zero skew clock trees.

  • Characterization of the Feedback Induced Noise in Semiconductor Laser under Superposition of High Frequency Current

    Minoru YAMADA  Shunsuke YAMAMURA  Takaharu OKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E84-C No:10

    Characteristics of the optical feedback noise in semiconductor lasers under superposition of the HF (High Frequency) current were experimentally examined and theoretically analyzed. The feedback noise was mostly suppressed by superposition of HF current, but still remained when frequency of the HF current coincided with a rational number of the round trip time period for the optical feedback in experimental measurement. Theoretical analysis was also given to explain these characteristic based on the mode competition theory of the semiconductor laser.
