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  • Multi-Stage Non-cooperative Game for Pricing and Connection Admission Control in Wireless Local Area Networks

    Bo GU  Kyoko YAMORI  Sugang XU  Yoshiaki TANAKA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:7

    This paper focuses on learning the economic behaviour of the access point (AP) and users in wireless local area networks (WLANs), and using a game theoretic approach to analyze the interactions among them. Recent studies have shown that the AP would adopt a simple, yet optimal, fixed rate pricing strategy when the AP has an unlimited uplink bandwidth to the Internet and the channel capacity of WLAN is unlimited. However, the fixed rate strategy fails to be optimal if a more realistic model with limited capacity is considered. A substitute pricing scheme for access service provisioning is hence proposed. In particular, the AP first estimates the probable utility degradation of existing users consequent upon the admission of an incoming user. Second, the AP decides: (i) whether the incoming user should be accepted; and (ii) the price to be announced in order to try to maximize the overall revenue. The condition, under which the proposed scheme results in a perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE), is investigated.

  • Integrated Photonic Platforms for Telecommunications: InP and Si Open Access

    Christopher R. DOERR  


    E96-C No:7

    There is a relentless push for cost and size reduction in optical transmitters and receivers for fiber-optic links. Monolithically integrated optical chips in InP and Si may be a way to leap ahead of this trend. We discuss uses of integration technology to accomplish various telecommunications functions.

  • A Resilient Forest-Based Application Level Multicast for Real-Time Streaming

    Kazuya TAKAHASHI  Tatsuya MORI  Yusuke HIROTA  Hideki TODE  Koso MURAKAMI  


    E96-B No:7

    In recent years, real-time streaming has become widespread as a major service on the Internet. However, real-time streaming has a strict playback deadline. Application level multicasts using multiple distribution trees, which are known as forests, are an effective approach for reducing delay and jitter. However, the failure or departure of nodes during forest-based multicast transfer can severely affect the performance of other nodes. Thus, the multimedia data quality is degraded until the distribution trees are repaired. This means that increasing the speed of recovery from isolation is very important, especially in real-time streaming services. In this paper, we propose three methods for resolving this problem. The first method is a random-based proactive method that achieves rapid recovery from isolation and gives efficient “Randomized Forwarding” via cooperation among distribution trees. Each node forwards the data it receives to child nodes in its tree, and then, the node randomly transferring it to other trees with a predetermined probability. The second method is a reactive method, which provides a reliable isolation recovery method with low overheads. In this method, an isolated node requests “Continuous Forwarding” from other nodes if it detects a problem with a parent node. Forwarding to the nearest nodes in the IP network ensures that this method is efficient. The third method is a hybrid method that combines these two methods to achieve further performance improvements. We evaluated the performances of these proposed methods using computer simulations. The simulation results demonstrated that our proposed methods delivered isolation recovery and that the hybrid method was the most suitable for real-time streaming.

  • Construction and Counting of 1-Resilient Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions on pq Variables

    Jiao DU  Qiaoyan WEN  Jie ZHANG  Shanqi PANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:7

    In this letter, a property of the characteristic matrix of the Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions (RSBFs) is characterized, and a sufficient and necessary condition for RSBFs being 1st correlation-immune (1-CI for simplicity) is obtained. This property is applied to construct resilient RSBFs of order 1 (1-resilient for simplicity) on pq variables, where p and q are both prime consistently in this letter. The results show that construction and counting of 1-resilient RSBFs on pq variables are equivalent to solving an equation system and counting the solutions. At last, the counting of all 1-resilient RSBFs on pq variables is also proposed.

  • An Implementation Design of a WLAN Handover Method Based on Cross-Layer Collaboration for TCP Communication



    E96-B No:7

    In order to prevent the degradation of TCP performance while traversing two WLANs, we present an implementation design of an inter-domain TCP handover method based on cross-layer and multi-homing. The proposed handover manager (HM) in the transport layer uses two TCP connections previously established via two WLANs (multi-homing) and switches the communication path between the two connections according to the handover trigger and the comparison of new/old APs. The handover trigger and comparison are conducted by assessing the wireless link quality using the frame-retry information obtained from the MAC layer (cross-layer). In a previous study, we proposed a preliminary concept for this method and evaluated its functional effectiveness through simulations. In the present study, we design an implementation considering a real system and then examine the effective performance in a real environment because a real system has several system constraints and suffers from fluctuations in an actual wireless environment. Indeed, depending on the cross-layer design, the implementation often degrades the system performance even if the method exhibits good functional performance. Moreover, the simple assessments of wireless link quality in the previous study indicated unnecessary handovers and inappropriate AP selection in a real environment. Therefore, we herein propose a new architecture that performs cross-layer collaboration between the MAC layer and the transport layer while avoiding degradation of system performance. In addition, we use a new assessment scheme of wireless link quality, i.e., double thresholds of frame retry and comparison of frame retry ratio, in order to prevent handover oscillation caused by fluctuations in the wireless environment. The experimental results demonstrate that the prototype system works well by controlling two TCP connections based on assessments of wireless link quality thereby achieving efficient inter-domain TCP handover in a real WLAN environment.

  • ASPnP: An Accurate and Scalable Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem

    Yinqiang ZHENG  Shigeki SUGIMOTO  Masatoshi OKUTOMI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:7

    We propose an accurate and scalable solution to the perspective-n-point problem, referred to as ASPnP. Our main idea is to estimate the orientation and position parameters by directly minimizing a properly defined algebraic error. By using a novel quaternion representation of the rotation, our solution is immune to any parametrization degeneracy. To obtain the global optimum, we use the Grobner basis technique to solve the polynomial system derived from the first-order optimality condition. The main advantages of our proposed solution lie in accuracy and scalability. Extensive experiment results, with both synthetic and real data, demonstrate that our proposed solution has better accuracy than the state-of-the-art noniterative solutions. More importantly, by exploiting vectorization operations, the computational cost of our ASPnP solution is almost constant, independent of the number of point correspondences n in the wide range from 4 to 1000. In our experiment settings, the ASPnP solution takes about 4 milliseconds, thus best suited for real-time applications with a drastically varying number of 3D-to-2D point correspondences.

  • Two-Level Bargaining Game Modeling for Cooperation Stimulation in Spectrum Leasing

    Biling ZHANG  Kai CHEN  Jung-lang YU  Shiduan CHENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:7

    In cognitive radio networks, the primary user (PU) can lease a fraction of its licensed spectrum to the secondary users (SUs) in exchange for their cooperative transmission if it has a minimum transmission rate requirement and is experiencing a bad channel condition. However, due to the selfish nature of the SUs, they may not cooperate to meet the PU's Quality of Service (QoS) requirement. On the other hand, the SUs may not exploit efficiently the benefit from cooperation if they compete with each other and collaborate with the PU independently. Therefore, when SUs belong to the same organization and can work as a group, how to stimulate them to cooperate with the PU and thus guarantee the PU's QoS requirement, and how to coordinate the usage of rewarded spectrum among these SUs after cooperation are critical challenges. In this paper, we propose a two-level bargaining framework to address the aforementioned problems. In the proposed framework, the interactions between the PU and the SUs are modeled as the upper level bargaining game while the lower level bargaining game is used to formulate the SUs' decision making process on spectrum sharing. We analyze the optimal actions of the users and derive the theoretic results for the one-PU one-SU scenario. To find the solutions for the one-PU multi-SU scenario, we put forward a revised numerical searching algorithm and prove its convergence. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme through simulations.

  • A Bit-Serial Reconfigurable VLSI Based on a Multiple-Valued X-Net Data Transfer Scheme

    Xu BAI  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E96-D No:7

    A multiple-valued data transfer scheme using X-net is proposed to realize a compact bit-serial reconfigurable VLSI (BS-RVLSI). In the multiple-valued data transfer scheme using X-net, two binary data can be transferred from two adjacent cells to one common adjacent cell simultaneously at each “X” intersection. One cell composed of a logic block and a switch block is connected to four adjacent cross points by four one-bit switches so that the complexity of the switch block is reduced to 50% in comparison with the cell of a BS-RVLSI using an eight nearest-neighbor mesh network (8-NNM). In the logic block, threshold logic circuits are used to perform threshold operations, and then their binary dual-rail voltage outputs enter a binary logic module which can be programmed to realize an arbitrary two-variable binary function or a bit-serial adder. As a result, the configuration memory count and transistor count of the proposed multiple-valued cell are reduced to 34% and 58%, respectively, in comparison with those of an equivalent CMOS cell. Moreover, its power consumption for an arbitrary 2-variable binary function becomes 67% at 800 MHz under the condition of the same delay time.

  • A Session State Migration Architecture for Flexible Server Consolidation

    Takeshi USUI  Kiyohide NAKAUCHI  Yozo SHOJI  Yoshinori KITATSUJI  Hidetoshi YOKOTA  Nozomu NISHINAGA  


    E96-B No:7

    This paper proposes a session state migration architecture for flexible server consolidation. One of technical challenges is how to split a session state from a connection and bind the session state to another connection in any servers. A conventional server and client application assumes that a session state is statically bound to a connection once the connection has been established. The proposed architecture reduces the migration latency, compared to an existing study by splitting the session state from the connection. This paper classifies common procedures of session state migration for various services. The session state migration architecture enables service providers to conduct server maintenance at their own convenience, and to conserve energy consumption at servers by consolidating them. A simulation to evaluate server consolidation reveals that the session state migration reduces the number of servers for accommdating users, compared to virtual machine migration. This paper also shows implementation of the session state migration architecture. Experimental results reveal that the impact caused by the proposed architecture on real-time applications is small.

  • Outage Performance for Antenna Selection in AF Two-Way Relaying System with Channel Estimation Error

    Zhangjun FAN  Daoxing GUO  Bangning ZHANG  Youyun XU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E96-D No:7

    This letter investigates the outage performance of a joint transmit and receive antenna selection scheme in an amplify-and-forward two-way relaying system with channel estimation error. A closed-form approximate outage probability expression is derived, based on which the asymptotic outage probability expression is derived to get an insight on system's outage performance at high signal-to-noise (SNR) region. Monte Carlo simulation results are presented to verify the analytical results.

  • Operational Performance of an Optical Serial-to-Parallel Converter Based on a Mach-Zehnder Delay Interferometer and a Phase-Shifted Preamble for DPSK-Formatted Signals

    Kotaro NEGISHI  Hiroyuki UENOHARA  


    E96-C No:7

    We have investigated the operational performance of an optical serial-to-parallel conversion scheme using a phase-shifted preamble handling optical packets formatted by differential phase shift keying (DPSK) for integrated optical serial-to-parallel converter (OSPC). The same architecture for on-off keyed signals, based on a transmitter-side preamble at the top of the packet and phase-shifted by π/2, which is then -π/2 phase-biased with a Mach-Zehnder delay interferometer (MZDI), is available for binary and differential PSK signals. The delay length of these signals is determined by the relative timing positions of the gated bit and a balanced receiver-side photodetector. We simulated the operational performance of this scheme and its tolerance against the degree of modulation and optical chirp, with our results showing that a phase shift of more than 0.94π is required in order to attain a suppression ratio in the OSPC output consistent with a bit error rate of less than 10-9 (based on the ratio of intensity of the extracted bit to the maximum peak intensity of the cancelled bits using a single-arm phase modulator). However, by using a Mach-Zehnder phase modulator, the modulation angle can be relaxed to about 0.36π. Experimental investigation of the OSPC showed that its functional tolerance with respect to the modulation angle agreed well with the simulated values. Finally, we performed optical label processing using the OSPC in conjunction with an address table, and our results confirmed the potential of the OSPC for use in label recognition.

  • A Music Similarity Function Based on the Centroid Model

    Jin Soo SEO  

    LETTER-Music Information Processing

    E96-D No:7

    Music-similarity computation is an essential building block for the browsing, retrieval, and indexing of digital music archives. This paper proposes a music similarity function based on the centroid model, which divides the feature space into non-overlapping clusters for the efficient computation of the timber distance of two songs. We place particular emphasis on the centroid deviation as a feature for music-similarity computation. Experiments show that the centroid-model representation of the auditory features is promising for music-similarity computation.

  • Effective Fixed-Point Pipelined Divider for Mobile Rendering Processors

    Yong-Jin PARK  Woo-Chan PARK  Jun-Hyun BAE  Jinhong PARK  Tack-Don HAN  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E96-D No:7

    In this paper, we proposed that an area- and speed-effective fixed-point pipelined divider be used for reducing the bit-width of a division unit to fit a mobile rendering processor. To decide the bit-width of a division unit, error analysis has been carried out in various ways. As a result, when the original bit-width was 31-bit, the proposed method reduced the bit-width to 24-bit and reduced the area by 42% with a maximum error of 0.00001%.

  • Multi-Antenna Spatial Multiplexing in Overlaid Wireless Networks: Transmission Capacity Analysis

    Xianling WANG  Xin ZHANG  Hongwen YANG  Dacheng YANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E96-B No:7

    This paper investigates the transmission capacity of open-loop spatial multiplexing with zero-forcing receivers in overlaid ad hoc networks. We first derive asymptotic closed-form expressions for the transmission capacity of two coexisting networks (a primary network vs. a secondary network). We then address a special case with equal numbers of transmit and receive antennas through exact analysis. Numerical results validate the accuracy of our expressions. Our findings show that the overall transmission capacity of coexisting networks will improve significantly over that of a single network if the primary network can tolerate a slight outage probability increase. This improvement can be further boosted if more streams are configured in the spatial multiplexing scheme; less improvement is achieved by placing more antennas at the receive side than the transmit side. However, when the stream number exceeds a certain limit, spatial multiplexing will produce negative effect for the overlaid network.

  • PAPR Reduction for Systems Using SRRC Filters Based on Modified ACE

    Fang YANG  Keqian YAN  Changyong PAN  Jian SONG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E96-A No:7

    Square root-raised-cosine (SRRC) filters are used in many systems for spectrum shaping, which leads to a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). Nevertheless, some applications demand a low PAPR in terms of both the error performance and the strict restriction of the spectrum mask. In this letter, we propose a PAPR reduction method based on the modified active constellation extension for systems using SRRC filters. Results show that the proposed method substantially reduces the PAPR, and therefore it is applicable to satellite communications to improve the power efficiency at the transmitter.

  • Efficient RFID Data Cleaning in Supply Chain Management

    Hua FAN  Quanyuan WU  Jianfeng ZHANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:7

    Despite the improvement of the accuracy of RFID readers, there are still erroneous readings such as missed reads and ghost reads. In this letter, we propose two effective models, a Bayesian inference-based decision model and a path-based detection model, to increase the accuracy of RFID data cleaning in RFID based supply chain management. In addition, the maximum entropy model is introduced for determining the value of sliding window size. Experiment results validate the performance of the proposed method and show that it is able to clean raw RFID data with a higher accuracy.

  • Detection of Image Region Duplication Using Spin Image

    Xianhua SONG  Shen WANG  Siuming YIU  Lin JIANG  Xiamu NIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E96-D No:7

    Passive-blind image forensics is a technique that judges whether an image is forged in the absence of watermarking. In image forgery, region duplication is a simple and widely used method. In this paper, we proposed a novel method to detect image region duplication using the spin image which is an intensity-based and rotation invariant descriptor. The method can detect region duplication exactly and is robust to geometric transformations. Furthermore, it is superior to the popular SIFT-based detection method when the copied patch is from smooth background. The experiments have proved the method's effectiveness.

  • A Situational Training System for Developmentally Disabled People Based on Augmented Reality

    Tae-Young KIM  

    LETTER-Educational Technology

    E96-D No:7

    Nowadays, many interface devices or training systems have been developed with recent developments in IT technology, but only a few training systems for developmentally disabled people have been introduced. In this paper, we present a real-time, interactional and situational training system based on augmented reality in order to improve cognitive capability and adaptive ability in the daily lives of developmentally disabled people. Our system is specifically based on serving food in restaurants. It allows disabled people wearing the HMD attached with camera to conduct the training to cope with a series of situations safely while serving customers food and drinks and take the training session as much as they want. After experimenting on our presented system for 3 months, we found that they actively participated in the training and their cognitive abilities increasingly went faster through repeated training, resulting in the improvement in their cognitive ability and their ability to deal with situations.

  • Performance Evaluation of Network-Based Global Mobility Management Protocol in Proxy Mobile IPv6

    Van Hanh NGUYEN  Soonghwan RO  


    E96-B No:7

    Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) is a network-based localized mobility management protocol that is independent of global mobility management protocols. In a single local mobility domain, the mobile node (MN) is not involved in any IP mobility-related signaling, but when the MN moves into another local mobility domain, the MN must change its PMIPv6 home address. In this case, host-based mobility signaling is activated, and PMIPv6's network-based mobility cannot be retained. Additionally, if the MN does not support global mobility, it cannot maintain its communication sessions with its correspondent node. In this paper, we propose a solution for network-based global mobility support in PMIPv6 networks, which allows the MN to maintain active communication sessions without mobility protocol stacks when the MN moves into another local mobility domain. In the proposed mechanism, the MN remains unaware of its movement when it moves to another local mobility domain, and it is forced to use only its MIPv6 home address for all its communication. Thus, the MN is not involved in any IP mobility-related signaling, despite its movement. The proposed protocol provides for global mobility while retaining the advantages of the network-based localized mobility in the Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol. In this paper, we propose a solution for global mobility support in PMIPv6 networks by which the MAG (Mobile Access Gateway) can maintain the MN's communication sessions during inter-domain handover. In the proposed mechanism, the MN remains unaware of its movement when it moves to another local mobility domain, and it is forced to use only its MIPv6 home address for all its communication. Thus, the MN is not involved in any IP mobility-related signaling, despite its movement. We evaluate and compare network performance between our proposed solution and PMIPv6 and the main host-based mobility protocol. We evaluate and compare handover delays, and packet loss cost of the two protocols.

  • Simplified Soft Demapping Algorithm for Gray-APSK

    Jiachen HUANG  Changyong PAN  Kewu PENG  Liwen FAN  Jian SONG  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E96-B No:7

    Amplitude phase shift keying (APSK) constellation with Gray mapping was proposed recently. Inspired by the simplified soft demapping for regular Gray-QAM, a simplified soft demapping algorithm for Gray-APSK is proposed in this paper. Compared with conventional soft demapping schemes, its complexity is greatly reduced with only a little SNR loss, which is validated by the complexity analysis and FPGA compilation results.
