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  • A Novel Analytical Method for Optimizing the Terminating Impedance of an Inverted-F Antenna for Antenna Selection Diversity on a Hand-Held Phone

    Noriaki ODACHI  Syuichi SEKINE  Hiroki SHOKI  Yasuo SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E84-B No:1

    Recently, antenna selection diversity has been widely used for hand-held phones to overcome a fading problem. A monopole antenna (MPA) and an inverted-F antenna (IFA) are the typical antennas used for this purpose. However, strong mutual coupling generally appears between these two antennas and often makes the diversity antenna design difficult. In particular, in the case that the MPA is unselected antenna the mutual coupling can be minimized using the open terminating impedance. On the other hand, in the case that the IFA is unselected antenna the terminating impedance, which can minimize the mutual coupling, has not been clarified. This paper presents a novel analytical method for optimizing the terminating impedance of the IFA. The method exploits the Z-matrix, and the final expression of the terminating impedance is expressed by self- and mutual-impedance. The numerical and experimental results confirm that the proposed optimization method is effective for minimizing the mutual coupling.

  • A Signature Scheme with Message Recovery as Secure as Discrete Logarithm

    Masayuki ABE  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E84-A No:1

    This paper, for the first time, presents a provably secure signature scheme with message recovery based on the elliptic-curve discrete logarithm. The proposed scheme is proven to be secure in the strongest sense (i.e., existentially unforgeable against adaptively chosen message attacks) in the random oracle model under the discrete logarithm assumption. We give a concrete analysis of the security reduction. When practical hash functions are used in place of truly random functions, the proposed scheme is almost as efficient as the elliptic-curve version of the Schnorr signature scheme and existing schemes with message recovery such as the elliptic-curve version of the Nyberg-Rueppel and Miyaji schemes.

  • Reverse Link Capacity of a Wireless Multimedia CDMA System with Power and Processing Gain Control in Conjunction with CCI Cancellers

    Nasser HAMAD  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E84-A No:1

    System capacity of a system consisting of N classes of users is characterized by N-vectors representing the number of users that can be accommodated under a specified BER (bit error rate) constraint in each class. In this paper, system capacity of the reverse link of a wireless multimedia CDMA system with processing gain control is analyzed in the asymptotic regime, when the processing gain G, for receivers with and without CCI cancellers. A new scheme for processing gain control with an optimized power allocation is proposed and its system capacity is compared with the conventional processing gain control scheme as well as the previously discussed power control scheme. It is shown that the proposed scheme has a certain advantage over other schemes.

  • On the Practical Secret Sharing Scheme

    Wakaha OGATA  


    E84-A No:1

    In this paper, we attempt to construct practical secret sharing schemes, which scheme has smaller share size and can detect cheating with high probability. We define two secure ramp schemes, secure ramp scheme and strongly secure ramp scheme. Then, we propose two constructions of secure ramp scheme. These schemes both have small share size and the cheating can be detected with high probability. So, they are practical secret sharing schemes.

  • A Technique for On-Line Data Migration

    Jiahong WANG  Masatoshi MIYAZAKI  Jie LI  


    E84-D No:1

    In recent years, more emphasis is placed on the performance of massive databases. It is often required not only that database systems provide high throughputs with rapid response times, but also that they are fully available 24-hours-per-day and 7-days-per-week. Requirements for throughput and response time can be satisfied by upgrading the hardware. As a result, databases in the old hardware environment have to be moved to the new one. Moving a database, however, generally requires taking the database off line for a long time, which is unacceptable for numerous applications. In this paper, a very practical and important subject is addressed: how to upgrade the hardware on line, i.e., how to move a database from an old hardware environment to a new one concurrently with users' reading and writing of the database. A technique for this purpose is proposed. We have implemented a prototype based on this technique. Our experiments with the prototype shown that compared with conventional off-line approach, the proposed technique could give a performance improvement by more than 85% in the query-bound environment and 40% in the update-bound environment.

  • Long-Term Reliability of Plastic Split Alignment Sleeves for Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Connectors

    Yoshito SHUTO  Hirotsugu SATO  Shuichi YANAGI  Masayoshi OHNO  Shin SUMIDA  Shunichi TOHNO  


    E84-C No:1

    We examined the creep properties and hazard rates of plastic split alignment sleeves to ensure the long-term reliablity of optical fiber connections. It required a gauge retention force Fr of more than 200 gf to suppress the fluctuation in the insertion loss of a plastic sleeve. From the fluctuation data, we estimated the time-to-failure tf at which the Fr value became 200 gf. We estimated the acceleration parameters, median lifetimes ξ, and hazard rates λ by using the tf values based on the Weibull statistics. The ξ values decreased rapidly with increasing temperature and relative humidity. Small λ values of < 0.01 FITs and of 1 FITs were expected for 20 years in a normal atmosphere (25C/50%RH) and in a more severe case of 25C/90%RH or 45C/50%RH.


    Jacob SAVIR  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E84-C No:1

    This paper describes a random access memory (RAM, sometimes also called an array) test scheme that has the following attributes: (1) Can be used in both built-in mode and off chip/module mode. (2) Can be used to test and diagnose naked arrays. (3) Fault diagnosis is simple and is "free" for some faults during test. (4) Is never subject to aliasing. (5) Depending upon the test length, it can detect many kinds of failures, like stuck-cells, decoder faults, shorts, pattern-sensitive, etc. (6) If used as built-in feature, it does not slow down the normal operation of the array. (7) Does not require storage of correct responses. A single response bit always indicates whether a fault has been detected. Thus, the storage requirement for the implementation of the test scheme is zero. (8) If used as a built-in feature, the hardware overhead is very low.

  • A New Approach to 3-D Profilometry for the White Light Interferometric (WLI)

    Seok-Moon RYOO  Tae-Sun CHOI  


    E84-A No:1

    A new approach to 3-D profilometry for the white light interferometric (WLI) is presented. The proposed method is the extended depth from focus (EDFF) that determine the zero optical path difference (OPD) from the quantity of fringe contrast degradation of white light interferometer. In the method, the variance of the mismatch function and the modified local variance function are used as the focus measures. The method has a theoretically unlimited range and can profile with subpixel accuracy both optically rough and smooth surfaces without changing algorithm.

  • Recognition of Ordered Tree-Shellable Boolean Functions Based on OBDDs

    Yasuhiko TAKENAGA  


    E84-D No:1

    In this paper, we consider the complexity of recognizing ordered tree-shellable Boolean functions when Boolean functions are given as OBDDs. An ordered tree-shellable function is a positive Boolean function such that the number of prime implicants equals the number of paths from the root node to a 1-node in its ordered binary decision tree representation. We show that given an OBDD, it is possible to check within polynomial time if the function is ordered tree-shellable with respect to the variable ordering of the OBDD.

  • Boolean Single Flux Quantum Circuits

    Yoichi OKABE  Chen Kong TEH  

    INVITED PAPER-Digital Applications

    E84-C No:1

    This paper reviews the recent development of the Boolean Single Flux Quantum (BSFQ) circuits. BSFQ circuits perform Boolean operation based on the superconducting flux level, and let digital bits propagate in the form of 'set' and 'reset' pulses using dual-rail Josephson transmission line (JTL). Just the same as CMOS circuits BSFQ circuits do not require any local clock system for the operation gates, and thus are delay insensitive, and comparably simple in terms of the number of Josephson junctions. Implementation of basic BSFQ circuits, namely 'NOT,' 'AND,' 'OR,' 'XOR' gate, is described. These circuits have been experimentally tested, and their workability has been proven.

  • A New Product-Sum Type Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Reduced Bases

    Daisuke SUZUKI  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI  Ryuichi SAKAI  Masao KASAHARA  


    E84-A No:1

    The encryption and the decryption of the product-sum type public key cryptosystems can be performed extremely fast. However, when the density is low, the cryptosystem should be broken by the low-density attack. In this paper, we propose a new class of the product-sum type public key cryptosystems based on the reduced bases, which is invulnerable to the low-density attack.

  • The Decision Diffie-Hellman Assumption and the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption

    Taiichi SAITO  Takeshi KOSHIBA  Akihiro YAMAMURA  


    E84-A No:1

    This paper examines similarities between the Decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption and the Quadratic Residuosity (QR) assumption. In addition, we show that many cryptographic protocols based on the QR assumption can be reconstructed using the DDH assumption.

  • Diffraction of a Gaussian Beam Wave by Finite Periodic Slots in a Parallel-Plate Waveguide

    Jong-Ig LEE  Cheol-Hoon LEE  Young-Soon LEE  Young-Ki CHO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E84-B No:1

    The diffraction problem of a Gaussian beam by finite number of periodic slots in a parallel-plate waveguide filled with a homogeneous dielectric is considered. The integro-differential equation for the unknown equivalent surface magnetic current density over the slots is derived and solved by the method of moments (piecewise sinusoidal Galerkin method). From some theoretical results for the angular diffraction pattern, the present geometry is observed to simulate well the previous rectangular groove geometry from the viewpoint of scattering behaviour. In addition, two types (resonance and non-resonance types) of Bragg blazing phenomena are discussed. Simultaneous Bragg and off-Bragg blazing is also demonstrated.

  • A Theory of Demonstrating Program Result-Correctness with Cryptographic Applications

    Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E84-D No:1

    We formalize a model of "demonstration of program result-correctness," and investigate how to prove this fact against possible adversaries, which naturally extends Blum's theory of program checking by adding zero-knowledge requirements. The zero-knowledge requirements are universal for yes and no instances alike.

  • Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Comparative Reading of Helical CT Images for the Detection of Lung Cancer

    Hitoshi SATOH  Yuji UKAI  Noboru NIKI  Kenji EGUCHI  Kiyoshi MORI  Hironobu OHMATSU  Ryutarou KAKINUMA  Masahiro KANEKO  Noriyuki MORIYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:1

    In this paper, we present a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to automatically detect lung cancer candidates at an early stage using a present and a past helical CT screening. We have developed a slice matching algorithm that can automatically match the slice images of a past CT scan to those of a present CT scan in order to detect changes in the lung fields over time. The slice matching algorithm consists of two main process: the process of extraction of the lungs, heart, and descending aorta and the process of matching slices of the present and past CT images using the information of the lungs, heart, and descending aorta. To evaluate the performance of this algorithm, we applied it to 50 subjects (total of 150 scans) screened between 1993 and 1998. From these scans, we selected 100 pairs for evaluation (each pair consisted of scans for the same subject). The algorithm correctly matched 88 out of the 100 pairs. The slice images for the present and past CT scans are displayed in parallel on the CRT monitor. Feature measurements of the suspicious regions are shown on the relevant images to facilitate identification of changes in size, shape, and intensity. The experimental results indicate that the CAD system can be effectively used in clinical practice to increase the speed and accuracy of routine diagnosis.

  • Optical Frequency Division Multiplexed Transmission System Unified for Broadcasting and Communication Utilizing a Set of Fabry-Perot Etalons

    Mitsuhiro TATEDA  Minoru HIRAKAWA  Takashige OMATSU  

    LETTER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E84-B No:1

    A passive branched optical network unified for broadcasting and communication utilizing a set of Fabry-Perot etalons with different cavity lengths is proposed and its basic operation including thermal stability of broadcasting channel is demonstrated. It is confirmed that a high transmission frequency in common for a pair of fiber Fabry-Perot etalons is always found however environmental temperature changes.

  • Intrinsic Josephson Junction Arrays on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Single Crystals and Their Possible Applications at 100 GHz

    Huabing WANG  Jian CHEN  Kensuke NAKAJIMA  Tsutomu YAMASHITA  Peiheng WU  

    PAPER-Analog Applications

    E84-C No:1

    C-axis junction-arrays, with a-b plane sizes of sub-microns to 10 microns, were patterned on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x single crystals with either a mesa or an overlap structure. We measured the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics with microwave irradiation at a few to 100 gigahertz. At a few gigahertz, often observed were chaotic properties. Under irradiation at 100 GHz, we successfully performed harmonic mixings between the 100 GHz signal and up to the 100th harmonic of a local oscillator at about 1 GHz. Given in this paper are discussions on the observation of individual Shapiro steps, and descriptions of the relevant results. Our experimental results show that intrinsic Josephson junctions in layered superconductors can be good candidates for high frequency applications.

  • Differential and Algebraic Geometry of Multilayer Perceptrons

    Shun-ichi AMARI  Tomoko OZEKI  


    E84-A No:1

    Information geometry is applied to the manifold of neural networks called multilayer perceptrons. It is important to study a total family of networks as a geometrical manifold, because learning is represented by a trajectory in such a space. The manifold of perceptrons has a rich differential-geometrical structure represented by a Riemannian metric and singularities. An efficient learning method is proposed by using it. The parameter space of perceptrons includes a lot of algebraic singularities, which affect trajectories of learning. Such singularities are studied by using simple models. This poses an interesting problem of statistical inference and learning in hierarchical models including singularities.

  • Blocking Models of All-Optical WDM Networks under Distributed Wavelength Assignment Policies

    Ssang-Soo LEE  Chang-Hyung LEE  Seung-Woo SEO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E84-B No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the blocking characteristics of all-optical WDM (Wavelength-Division Multiplexing) networks under distributed wavelength assignment policies. For assigning wavelengths in a distributed manner, we consider two algorithms: random and locally-most-used algorithm. For a random wavelength assignment policy, we develop new blocking models of unidirectional/bidirectional ring networks based on the M/M/c/c queueing models under uniform/nonuniform traffic conditions. These models are shown to be more accurate than the previous blocking models since our approach considers the large traffic correlation among links in ring networks. We also analyze the blocking performance of the locally-most-used algorithm by comparing with that of the globally-most-used algorithm in fixed routing networks. We show that our analysis models match well with the simulation results in ring and mesh networks. Through the comparison with the previous centralized/distributed algorithms, it is demonstrated that the distributed locally-most-used algorithm is computationally efficient with good blocking performance.

  • Fair and Stable Resource Allocation Methods for Guaranteed Service

    Kazumasa OIDA  


    E84-B No:1

    This paper deals with deadlock and fairness issues that may arise when network users request resources for guaranteed service with the resource reservation protocol (RSVP). A deadlock occurs when a request can only be satisfied if the resources reserved for another request are released, but the reserved resources are never released. The fairness issue occurs when some reservation requests may be satisfied but only after a very long wait. Our approach to these issues is based on our belief that a network should provide stable throughput and fairness whatever the behavior of the user. Our methods are unique in two respects. First, during the session setup phase, a node directly connected to the requesting users terminates the users' behavior and makes reservations fairly and efficiently in place of the users. Second, our three admission control methods allocate resources for each reservation request by considering not only the current residual bandwidth but also the properties of the requesting session; e.g., its weight (the number of resources it requires) or its age (how long it has been waiting for session setup). Our methods do not maximize the throughput since they always keep a certain amount of resources unreserved for fairness. From simulation results, however, they do provide quite fair behavior, and their throughput is stable regardless of the network size and the session holding time.
