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[Keyword] SI(16314hit)


  • Medium Frequency Radars in Japan and Alaska for Upper Atmosphere Observations

    Yasuhiro MURAYAMA  Kiyoshi IGARASHI  Donald D. RICE  Brenton J. WATKINS  Richard L. COLLINS  Kohei MIZUTANI  Yoshinobu SAITO  Shoji KAINUMA  


    E83-B No:9

    MF (medium frequency) radars (MFR) are powerful tools for understanding the upper atmosphere, by measuring horizontal wind velocity and electron density. This article introduces three MFR systems, two in Japan, Yamagawa (31.20N, 130.62E) and Wakkanai (45.36N, 141.81E) radars, and one at Poker Flat, Alaska (65.1N, 147.5W). Experimental techniques, and their observed results are briefly shown. Horizontal wind velocity was observed by those MFRs, in height ranges of 60-100 km (day) and 80-100 km (night) at Yamagawa and Wakkanai, while the data coverage is unusually low, >54 km (day) and >68 km (night), at Poker Flat. Comparison of MFR winds with temperature observed by a collocated Rayleigh lidar at Poker Flat shows consistency of those two instrument results in terms of atmospheric wave theory, implying validity of MFR data at such low altitudes. Electron density results at Poker Flat agree reasonably with International Reference Ionosphere model values at 74-84 km, and agree well with variation of cosmic noise absorption by the Poker Flat imaging riometer, suggesting valid electron density estimation by MFR at least below 80-85 km.

  • Response of Microwave on Bare Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness by X-Band Scatterometer

    Dharmendra SINGH  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Keshev Prasad SINGH  


    E83-B No:9

    This paper describes an individual effect of soil moisture (mg) and surface roughness (hrms) of bare soil on the back scattering coefficient (σ0) at the X-band frequency. The study contributes to the design of an efficient microwave sensor. For this purpose, experimentally observed data was utilized to provide a composite σ0 equation model accounting for individual effect in regression analysis. The experimental data are compared with Small Perturbation Method. It is observed that the X-band gives better agreement up to incidence angle 50 for HH-polarization and 60 for VV-polarization as compared to the C-band. The lower angles of incidence give better results than the higher angles for observing mg at the X-band. The multiple and partial regression analyses have also carried out for predicting the dependence of scattering coefficient (σ0) on mg and hrms more accurately. The analyses suggest that the dependence of dielectric constant (i.e., mg) is much more significant in comparison to surface roughness at lower angles of incidence for both like polarizations. The results propose the suitable angle of incidence for observing bare surface roughness and soil moisture at the X-band. All these data can be used as a reference for satellite or spaceborne sensors.

  • Nonlinear Parallel Interference Cancellation with Partial Cancellation for a DS-CDMA System

    Bong Youl CHO  Jae Hong LEE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:9

    In this paper, the improvement technique for a nonlinear parallel interference cancellation (PIC) receiver for a DS-CDMA system is studied, which cancels only the estimated multiple access interference (MAI) from specific users at each receiver stage. This technique was introduced as a PIC receiver using null zone hard decision in the proceeding of IEEE MILCOM '94, but the numerical results has not been fully provided with varying decision threshold. In this paper, the performance of the PIC receiver using null zone hard decision is shown in a Rayleigh fading channel. Also, a new PIC receiver with an adaptive decision threshold is proposed. In the proposed new PIC receiver, the decision threshold for partial cancellation is adjusted according to the statistic of its matched filter (MF) outputs. The BER of the proposed PIC receiver is obtained by simulation and compared with those of the conventional PIC receiver and the PIC receiver using null zone hard decision in a Rayleigh fading channel. It is shown that the proposed PIC receiver achieves better performance than the conventional PIC receiver and the PIC receiver using null zone hard decision in a Rayleigh fading channel.

  • Dynamic Simulation of the Left Coronary Circulation Using an Electronic Circuit Model for Coronary Vessel

    Tahseen EJAZ  Tadashi TAKEMAE  Yukio KOSUGI  Kazuhiro MATSUI  Shinichi OKUBO  Minoru HONGO  

    PAPER-Medical Engineering

    E83-D No:9

    An electronic model of the coronary vessel consisting of resistor, capacitor and Field Effect Transistor (FET) is proposed in order to perform a dynamic simulation of the left coronary circulation and to clarify its mechanisms. Based on this model, an equivalent circuit of the coronary circulation is constructed that is divided into subepicardial and subendocardial layers and consists of segments of artery, arteriole, capillary, venule and vein for both the layers. In this simulation, the observed flow waveform of the left main artery showed dominance of flow in diastole as compared to that in systole. In epicardium, inverse venous flow was observed in early systole. These simulated waveforms are similar to those in real left coronary circulation observed by physiological and clinical researchers. Among all the segments of intramyocardium, only the venules were found to possess a time-varying resistance characteristics. From the results of this study, it is considered that the combination of resistance and capacitance of the vessel acts as an integrator and a differentiator for blood pressure and intramyocardial pressure, respectively and that the effects of integration of blood pressure and differentiation of intramyocardial pressure play a very important role in determining the factors influencing the left coronary circulation.

  • Microstructure Analysis of Annealing Effect on CoCrPt Thin Film Media by XRD

    Ding JIN  Ying SU  Jian Ping WANG  Hao GONG  


    E83-C No:9

    Post annealing treatment for CoCrPt magnetic thin films were tried in different thermal conditions, by changing the time of annealing procedure. Coercivity (Hc) improvement was achieved in annealed sample compared with those as deposited, in which as high as 5.2 kOe has been attained. To clarify the mechanism of annealing treatment on the magnetic properties, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrums of those samples and their magnetic properties were carefully studied. Co and Cr lattice parameters were separately calculated from different crystal lattice plane. It was found that a axis lattice spacing of Co hexagonal structure increases monotonically with increased annealing time. Variation of Co hcp peaks significance may due to Cr or Pt redistribution in the crystal grains and its boundaries. Combined with the grain size analysis of Co-rich area by X-ray diffraction peak broaden width, which was not very consistent with the result obtained from other's TEM and AFM studies, Cr diffusion was suggested to be the governing factor at short annealing time region. Co-rich grain growth should also be applied to explain the variation of magnetic properties in longer post annealing.

  • Experimental Results on Operating Characteristics of Ag, Pd and Cu Contacts in Nitrogen Atmosphere

    Makoto HASEGAWA  Jiro MAKIMOTO  Naoki MINOURA  Koichiro SAWA  


    E83-C No:9

    Some experimental results on the contact phenomena that have been observed with electrical contacts operated to break an inductive DC load current in nitrogen atmosphere and in air (laboratory atmosphere) are presented. When Ag, Pd and Cu contacts were operated to break an inductive DC load current in the range of 1.0 A to 3.0 A in nitrogen atmosphere, more stable contact resistance characteristics were obtained, as compared to the case where operated in air, or at least the occurrence of unstableness and increase in contact resistance was delayed. The arc duration in nitrogen atmosphere became shorter in general than in air, especially with the Pd and Cu contacts. Voltage waveforms of arc discharges in the Ag and Pd contacts operated in nitrogen atmosphere showed a relatively clear step-like transition from the metallic phase to the gaseous phase as compared to the case where operated in air, while the Cu arcs did not show such significant differences due to the surrounding atmosphere. Although any apparent differences on the contact surface conditions in connection with the surrounding atmosphere were not clearly observed after the switching operations, the anode mass change characteristics were found to be more significantly affected by the difference of surrounding atmospheres than the cathode mass changes. The obtained experimental results suggest that the difference in the surrounding atmosphere introduce some difference in the anode surface morphology, possibly through the deposition of arc products in different deposition patterns, which will then result in differences in the contact resistance characteristics.

  • Hardware-Software Timing Coverification of Distributed Embedded Systems

    Jih-Ming FU  Trong-Yen LEE  Pao-Ann HSIUNG  Sao-Jie CHEN  

    PAPER-VLSI Systems

    E83-D No:9

    Most of current codesign tools or methodologies only support validation in the form of cosimulation and testing of design alternatives. The results of hardware-software codesign of a distributed system are often not verified, because they are not easily verifiable. In this paper, we propose a new formal coverification approach based on linear hybrid automata, and an algorithm for automatically converting codesign results to the linear hybrid automata framework. Our coverification approach allows automatic verification of real-time constraints such as hard deadlines. Another advantage is that the proposed approach is suitable for verifying distributed systems with arbitrary communication patterns and system architecture. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated through several application examples. The proposed approach has also been successfully used in verifying deadline violations when there are inter-task communications between tasks with different period lengths.

  • Analysis of Contact Resistance in Composite Materials for Sliding Contacts

    Yoshitada WATANABE  


    E83-C No:9

    The constriction resistance of an electric contact has frequently been obtained using a model of only one circular contact spot of radius a. However, cases of a single contact spot are extremely rare as the interface of the electrical contact actually consists of numerous micro-contact spots. A contact is therefore regarded as the aggregate of several micro-contact spots, which are referred to collectively as a cluster. The constriction resistance of the cluster can be calculated as the sum of the self-resistance and mutual resistance of individual micro-contact spots. In the present study, this model is expanded slightly for practical application by normalizing a previous theoretical formula. In order to obtain the constriction resistance for contacts between composite materials and mating metals, EPMA analysis is applied so as to determine real micro-contact spots. Theoretical calculations of the constriction resistance of multiple contact spots is shown to be reasonably consistent with experimental results. In addition, the contact of a composite material and a mating metal is shown to be made up of multispots. The current was recognized experimentally to flow more easily at micro-contact spots in the cluster periphery. These experimental findings coincide with simulation results obtained by theoretical calculations.

  • Recent Researches and New Trends of Electrical Contacts

    Koichiro SAWA  Makoto HASEGAWA  


    E83-C No:9

    Even in today's industries that are predominated by solid-state switching devices, electromechanical devices with electrical contacts are still widely used for switching and/or conveying electrical signals and power. In this paper, some interesting topics in the investigation of electrical contacts, which were selected mainly from those presented at recently held international conferences or submitted to the related Transactions of IEEE and IEICE, are introduced. Specifically, some topics related to investigation regarding contact materials, new techniques for evaluating electrical contact phenomena, new understanding of the contact phenomena, and new applications of electrical contacts are briefly explained.

  • Influence of Electrical Load Conditions on Sticking Characteristics in Silver-Oxide Contacts

    Kenya MORI  Takeshi AOKI  Kiyokazu KOJIMA  Kunihiro SHIMA  


    E83-C No:9

    Sticking is one of dominant characteristics of reliability in relays for medium current loads from several amperes to several dozen amperes, which are used for relays for automobiles, industrial control units or power supplies of household electrical appliances. Correlations between the release failures due to sticking and contact characteristics such as arc discharges, material parameters and design factors in relays have never been always made clear. This puts difficulty in the way of reasonable development of contact materials and rational design of relays. So, dependence of electrical load conditions on sticking characteristics are investigated, using the Ag-CdO contacts which have had high practical use to relays for medium current loads. Furthermore, relationship among the sticking characteristics, arc discharge characteristics and contact surface properties after operations are studied. Mechanism of sticking is considered on the basis of those data. The results are as follows: (1) Sticking phenomenon occurs intermittently from initial operations and lasts to the end. (2) The µ + 2 σ value (the sum of the mean value and the integral multiple of the standard deviation of sticking force) increases in proportion to the circuit current. On the other hand, it has the maximum value at a circuit voltage, slightly less than the minimum arc voltage. (3) Factors causing the sticking are considered to be divided into direct factors and its root factors. It is considered that a dominant direct factor is welding, and that its root factor is bridge or welding by Joule's heat. On the other hand, the sticking force becomes rather lower as the circuit voltage increases, in the circuit voltage range where regular arc discharge occurs.

  • Adsorption of Silicone Vapor on the Contact Surface and Its Effect on Contact Failure of Micro Relays

    Terutaka TAMAI  


    E83-C No:9

    Silicone contamination due to SiO2 caused by decomposition of silicone vapor is recognized as an undesirable phenomenon in electrical contact applications. The effects of silicone vapor adsorbed on the contact surface were examined by using micro relay contacts. The amount of SiO2 formed by the decomposition of silicone vapor is expected to depend on the amount of silicone vapor adsorbed on the contact surface. Hence, first of all, an increase in the thickness of the film from the adsorbed silicone vapor as a function of exposure time was clarified for the static state of the surface. The thickness of the film of adsorbed silicone vapor increased in proportion to exposure time and saturated at a thin monolayer. Moreover, in this exposure period, the thickness was affected by the concentration of the silicone vapor. After the thickness of the molecular layer saturated, the thickness of the layer was not influenced by the concentration of the silicone vapor. Next, from these results obtained by examination of exposure in the static state, the following is deducible. The silicone molecule adsorbs easily on the contact surface during the opening period of making and breaking contacts as well as in the static state. As the time the contacts are open determines the exposure time, the amount of adsorbed silicone molecules depends on the switching rate (operation per second). Contact failure due to increases in contact resistance might be affected by the switching rate in a silicone environment. Accordingly, contact resistance characteristic was examined over a wide range of switching rates. It was found that number of operations up to contact failure was affected markedly by the switching rate. Namely, the number of operations up to contact failure decreases as the switching rate increases. However, once a very thin layer such as the monolayer has formed, the film thickness ceases to grow. Accordingly, after the very thin layer is formed, the occurrence of contact failure does not depend on the concentration of silicone and the switching rate.

  • Mechanical Fracture of Piezoelectric Single Crystal Chip Resonator due to High Input Power

    Noboru WAKATSUKI  Takatoshi OKUDA  


    E83-C No:9

    Using LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 single crystals, we wish to miniaturize a powerful ultrasonic vibrator. We studied the method of measuring mechanical fractures of resonators with good reproducibility and collected data on mechanical fractures of crystals due to high input electric power. Chip resonators with a 4 MHz and 8 MHz shear mode were selected for the test samples. The driving frequency was swept near the resonance frequency, the duration time was short enough to raise the resonant vibrations and the driving voltage increased in one-volt increments. The method is free from unstable temperature increases. Values of the fracture limit for the driving current were measured and transformed to mechanical vibration velocities. These showed a nearly normal distribution. It was a surprise that concavity in the crater was observed at the center of the 16 MHz LiNbO3 resonator due to high input power. It was confirmed that the elastic fracture limit was latently very high for LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 single crystals.

  • Hierarchical Least-Squares Algorithm for Macromodeling High-Speed Interconnects Characterized by Sampled Data

    Yuichi TANJI  Mamoru TANAKA  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E83-A No:9

    The interconnect analysis of on- and off-chips is very important in the design of high-speed signal processing, digital communication, and microwave electronic systems. When the interconnects are characterized by sampled data via electromagnetic analysis, the circuit-level simulation of the network requires rational approximation of the sampled data. Since the frequency band of the sampled data is more than 10 GHz, the rational function must fit into it at many frequency points. The rational function is approximated using the orthogonal least-squares method. With an increase in the number of the fitting data, the least-squares method suffers from a singularity problem. To avoid this, the sampled data are hierarchically approximated in this paper. Moreover, to reduce the computational cost of the circuit-level simulation, the parameter matrix of the interconnects is approximated by a rational matrix with one common denominator polynomial, and the selective orthogonalization procedure is presented.

  • Addition of SiO2 to Increase Coercivity and Squareness Ratio of Ba Ferrite Films for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media

    Jie FENG  Nobuhiko FUNABASHI  Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA  Shigeki NAKAGAWA  Masahiko NAOE  


    E83-C No:9

    SiO2-added Ba ferrite (BaM:SiO2) films were prepared using BaFe12Si0.18Ox targets. BaM:SiO2 films exhibited perpendicular coercivity Hc⊥ of over 4.2 kOe and squareness ratio of 0.83, although saturation magnetization Ms decreased by about 15%. The angular dependence of coercivity Hc and remanent coercivity Hr were investigated to explain the magnetization reversal mechanism. Intergranular interactions in the films were also evaluated. The magnetization reversal mode of Ba ferrite films with and without SiO2 additives is not coherent rotation but appears to be the curling mode. The origin of the high coercivity of BaM:SiO2 films is different from that of Al-substituted Ba ferrite films. It seemed that SiO2 additives and the defects caused by them decreased Ms and prevented the expansion of reversed domains in the magnetization reversal process, similarly to some pinning effects, and caused high Hc⊥ of 4.2-5.1 kOe in BaM:SiO2 films.

  • Simulation of Magnetic Recording Process of Amorphous Continuous Media

    Eiichi MIYASHITA  Kiyoshi KUGA  Ryo TAGUCHI  Takahito TAMAKI  Haruo OKUDA  


    E83-C No:9

    It is known that amorphous continuous media such as TbFeCo have extremely low noise characteristics because of the structure of the continuous grainless medium. There is great interest in the use of amorphous media in magnetic recording. This study investigated the recording characteristics of the amorphous continuous medium by computer simulation using the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. It was shown that the transition of the continuous medium is very sharp and the noise level very low. It was also shown that the recorded magnetization patterns of the continuous medium are distinct at the high recording density of 380 Gbit/inch2. We concluded that the continuous medium has great potential for use in ultra-high density recording.

  • Modeling the Imperfect Ground of Printed Circuit Boards Based on TEM Assumption

    I-Fong CHEN  Ching-Wen HSUE  Ming-Chih KUAN  Wen-Yuh LUO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E83-B No:9

    The radiation emission in far zones from printed circuit boards (PCBs) is obtained by treating lines on PCBs as transmission lines and calculating the far-field emission due to current distribution on lines. In this paper, we present a more precise circuit model, based on TEM assumption, to decompose the total current into differential-mode current and common-mode current. This circuit model is based on transmission line model, but it considers the effect of ground trace. The finite size ground trace can be viewed as an inductive reactance. A knowledge of the net inductance of the ground trace can aid in the analysis and investigation of PCBs emission. We show the derived equations of the modified transmission lines for the geometrics of practical interest. As time-varying current passes through such ground trace, a voltage drop due to the inductance of the trace will act as a source of the common-mode current. Furthermore, charge stored in capacitance between signal and ground traces will cause the current pulses returning to their source. The magnitudes of currents are slightly unequal in the signal and ground traces, which can cause common-mode current to flow. An unbalanced circuit on a PCB constructed with signal and ground trace pairs will radiate as an asymmetric folded-dipole. By antenna theory, the contribution of differential-mode and common-mode currents to radiated emission of PCBs can be calculated. In addition, comparisons between experimental results and calculation results are also given.

  • The Determination of the Evoked Potential Generating Mechanism Based on Radial Basis Neural Network Model

    Rustu Murat DEMIRER  Yukio KOSUGI  Halil Ozcan GULCUR  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E83-D No:9

    This paper investigates the modeling of non-linearity on the generation of the single trial evoked potential signal (s-EP) by means of using a mixed radial basis function neural network (M-RBFN). The more emphasis is put on the contribution of spontaneous EEG term to s-EP signal. The method is based on a nonlinear M-RBFN neural network model that is trained simultaneously with the different segments of EEG/EP data. Then, the output of the trained model (estimator) is a both fitted and reduced (optimized) nonlinear model and then provide a global representation of the passage dynamics between spontaneous brain activity and poststimulus periods. The performance of the proposed neural network method is evaluated using a realistic simulation and applied to a real EEG/EP measurement.

  • Medium Noise in Longitudinal Thin Film Disk Media above 20 Gb/in2

    Dan WEI  Chong Kim ONG  


    E83-C No:9

    Medium noise is the dominant noise in ultrahigh density disk recording systems. The peak, width and jitter noise are analyzed by micromagnetic simulations. Four different media, with a fixed grain size of 135 and a coercivity of 2900 Oe, are chosen for medium noise analysis. The linear recording density is increased from 340 KFCI (Kilo flux-changes per inch) to 750 KFCI, while the area density goes up from 14.3 Gb/in2 to 31.5 Gb/in2. The peak-amplitude noise is studied by the distribution of the peak magnetization Mp in each bit. The distribution of Mp develops from a delta-function around the remanence Mr at low densities to a flat distribution at extremely high densities. It is found that the transition a-parameter is no longer proportional to the square root of Mrδ, as given in the William-Comstock approximation. The peak-jitter noise in the read back voltage is analyzed by the percentage of the transition jitter in a bit length.

  • Evolutionary Synthesis of Fast Constant-Coefficient Multipliers

    Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E83-A No:9

    This paper presents an efficient graph-based evolutionary optimization technique called Evolutionary Graph Generation (EGG), and its application to the design of fast constant-coefficient multipliers using parallel counter-tree architecture. An important feature of EGG is its capability to handle the general graph structures directly in evolution process instead of encoding the graph structures into indirect representations, such as bit strings and trees. This paper also addresses the major problem of EGG regarding the significant computation time required for verifying the function of generated circuits. To solve this problem, a new functional verification technique for arithmetic circuits is proposed. It is demonstrated that the EGG system can create efficient multiplier structures which are comparable or superior to the known conventional designs.

  • An Optimistic Cache Consistency Protocol Using Preemptive Approach

    SungHo CHO  Jeong-Hyon HWANG  Kyoung Yul BAE  Chong-Sun HWANG  


    E83-D No:9

    In Optimistic Two-Phase Locking (O2PL), when a transaction requests a commit, the transaction can not be committed until all requested locks are obtained. By this reason, O2PL leads to unnecessary waits and operations even though it adopts an optimistic approach. This paper suggests an efficient optimistic cache consistency protocol that provides serializability of committed transactions. Our cache consistency scheme, called PCP (Preemptive Cache Protocol), decides whether to commit or abort without waiting when transactions request commits. In PCP, some transactions that read stale data items can not be aborted, because it adopts a re-ordering scheme to enhance the performance. In addition, for re-ordering, PCP stores only one version of each data item. This paper presents a simulation-based analysis on the performance of PCP with other protocols such as O2PL, Optimistic Concurrency Control and Caching Two-Phase Locking. The simulation experiments show that PCP performs as well as or better than other schemes with low overhead.
