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  • Performance Enhancement in Recursive Copy Networks for Multicast ATM Switching: A Simple Flow Control Scheme

    Wen De ZHONG  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  Jaidev KANIYIL  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E77-B No:1

    As promising copy networks of very large multicast switching networks for Broadband ISDN, multi-stage Recursive Copy Networks (RCN) have been proposed recently. In the multicast switch structure, the RCN precedes a point-to-point switch. At an RCN, all the copies of a master cell are generated recursively, i.e., a few copies of the master cell are made initially, and by considering each of these copies to be master cells, more copies are made which, in turn, are again considered to be master cells to make still more copies, the process thus progressing recursively till all the required copies are made. By this principle of recursive generation of copies, the number of copies that can be generated is independent of the hardware size of the RCN. A limitation of RCNs is that buffer sizes at all stages except the first stage have to be large so as to keep the cell loss due to buffer overflow within desired limits. This paper inspects a flow control scheme by which the probability of buffer overflow can be kept low, even though the buffer sizes at later stages are not large. Under this flow control procedure, a cell is not transmitted from a stage to the succeeding stage, if the occupancy level of the buffer of the succeeding stage exceeds a threshold. We study by simulation the performance aspects of such a flow control scheme in RCNs under cut-through switching scheme and under store-and-forward switching scheme. At high load intensities, the overflow probability can be reduced by an order of magnitude in 2-stage RCNs and by two orders of magnitude in 3-stage RCNs. To restrict the overflow probability within a given limit, the required buffer size is less under flow control than under no flow control. The implementation of the flow control is simple and the control overhead is small, thereby making the scheme attractive for implementation in high speed switching environments. Further, the proposed flow control scheme does not disturb the cell sequence.

  • Electrical Properties of Si Metal Insulator Semiconductor Tunnel Emitter Transistor (Si MIS TET)

    Tomomi YOSHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E77-C No:1

    A Si metal insulator semiconductor tunnel emitter transistor (Si MIS TET) which is a new type of bipolar transistor was fabricated and its electrical properties for the temperature range of 100 K - 300 K were investigated. The common emitter mode current gain obtained was 75 at 300 K and 74 at 100 K. It was confirmed by measuring the temperature dependence of the base current that the inversion base layer indeed functioned as a base of the Si MIS TET. The current gain of the Si MIS TET did not decrease at low temperature of 100 K, though the current gain of the conventional Si bipolar transistor decreases at low temperature due to the emitter bandgap narrowing in heavily doped emitter. This origin was that the carrier injection mechanism between the emitter and the base was tunneling.

  • Improvement of Reliability of Large-Sized Ceramic Capacitors and Dummy Resistors for the High Power Transmitter

    Tohru MIZOKAMI  Hiroki TAKAZAWA  Eiichi KAWABATA  Yuzi OGATA  Haruo OHTA  Kazuaki WAKAI  Kazuhisa HAYEIWA  

    PAPER-Evaluation of Reliability Improvement

    E77-A No:1

    This paper describes the effective countermeasures for exfoliation of large-sized ceramic capacitors, deterioration of dummy resistors and developement of a spark sensor with UVtrons at 300-500 kW transmitting stations. Cracks and exfoliation were found at the electrode of large-sized ceramic capacitors in the output circuit of the 500 kW transmitter. The exfoliation was caused by the temperature rise and the thermal fatigues at the electrode with the Nickel plating including Irons. A pure Nickel-plated electrode including no Irons and a new soldering method using disk-typed solder with a large adhesive area are employed in order to reduce the temperature rise. The temperature rise of the improved capacitor was 18 lower than the conventional one. Deterioration of ELEMA resistors of the 300 kW dummy antenna was discovered. The damage of the resistor was caused by the concentration of the electric current followed by the thermal stress cycle which made mechanical exhaustion at the electrode. Therefore, oval-shaped type resistors with much longer electric current path (20% up) to suppress the concentration of current flow and much slower temperature rise are newly developed. In case that sparks occurred at DC or RF high voltage impressed sections of the high power transmitting equipment, the discharged points could be seriously damaged by the transmitter energy itself. In orded to prevent this, a spark detector using UV (Ultra violet) trons is developed and installed at the matchign circuit of the 500 kW transmitter. Conventional UV sensors with only one UVtron could not detect feeble discharges and sparks with a duration time of less than 150 ms because of false outputs by the back ground noise. Since choosing three out of four UV trons system is employed, possibility producing a false output will be just one to 445 years theoretically. This means extremely reliable and sensitive spark detection system are constructed. These countermeasures have improved reliability of the transmitting equipment greatly. No damages have been found in the transmitters ever since.

  • Optical Parallel Interconnection Based on Group Multiplexing and Coding Technique

    Tetsuo HORIMATSU  Nobuhiro FUJIMOTO  Kiyohide WAKAO  Mitsuhiro YANO  


    E77-C No:1

    A transmission data format for high-speed optical parallel interconnections is proposed and a 4-channel transmitter and receiver link module operating at up to 1.2 Gb/s per channel is demonstrated. The data format features "Group Multiplexing and Coding." In this scheme, input several tens channels are multiplexed and coded in group into reduced channels, resulting in burst-mode compatible, skew-free transmission, and low power-consumption of a link module. Experiments with fabricated modules comfirm that our data coding in multichannel optical transmission is promising for use in high-speed interconnections in information and switching systems.

  • The Current Situations and Future Directions of Intelligent CAI Research/Development

    Toshio OKAMOTO  


    E77-D No:1

    This paper describes the current situations and future directions of intelligent CAI researches/development in Japan. Then necessity of intelligence in CAIs/Educational systems are thought over corresponding to the model of teaching and the cognitive model of human learning like the situated learning, knowledge construction and so on. Originally, the main aims of ITSs/ICAIs are to tealize the high level environment of individual teaching/learning. So it is the most important to incorporate the intellectual function of teaching into the system. Whatever kinds of teaching purposes ITSs have, they have the quite complex structure which consists of the domain knowledge base (Expert system), student model, the tutoring knowledge base, the powerful human interface, and sophisticated inference engine with plural functions by artificial intelligence technology. In this paper, the technological and educational points of view are discussed, surveyed and summarized based on intelligent teaching functions of ITSs/ICAIs. Moreover, the meaning of new paradigm from ITSs to ILE are mentioned under the new technology of networking and multi-media.

  • Generating a Binary Markov Chain by a Discrete-Valued Auto-Regressive Equation

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Hiroya MOTOYAMA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:12

    This paper gives a systematic approach to generate a Markov chain by a discrete-valued auto-regressive equation, which is a a nonlinear auto-regressive equation having a discrete-valued solution. The power spectrum, the correlation function and the transition probability are explicitly obtained in terms of the discrete-valued auto-regressive equation. Some computer results are illustrated in figures.

  • Nonlinear Circuit in Complex Time --Case of Phase-Locked Loops--

    Hisa-Aki TANAKA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  


    E76-A No:12

    We analyze the nonlinear dynamics of PLL from the "complex" singularity structure by introducing the complex time. The most important results which we have obtained in this work are as follow: (1) From the psi-series expansion of the solution, the local behavior in the neighbourhood of a movable singularity is mapped onto an integrable differential equation: the Ricatti equation. (2) From the movable pole of the Ricatti equation, a set of infinitly clustered singularities about a movable singularity is shown to exist for the equation of PLL by the multivalued mapping. The above results are interesting because the clustering and/or the fractal distribution of singularities is known to be a characteristic feature of the non-integrability or chaos. By using the method in this letter, we can present a circumstantial evidence for chaotic dynamics without assuming any small parameters in the equation of PLL.

  • Efficient Application of Coding Technique for Data Compression of ECG

    Susumu TSUDA  Koichi SHIMIZU  Goro MATSUMOTO  


    E76-D No:12

    A technique was developed to reduce ECG data efficiently within a controlled accuracy. The sampled and digitized data of the original waveform of an ECG is transformed in three major processes. They are the calculation of a beat-to-beat variation, a polygonal approximation and the calculation of the difference between consecutive node points. Then, an adaptive coding technique is applied to minimize redundancies in the data. It was demonstrated that the ECG waveform sampled in 200 Hz, 10 bit/sample, 5 µV/digit could be reduced with the bit reduction ratio of about 10% and within the reconstruction error of about 2.5%. A polygonal approximation method, called MSAPA, was newly developed as a modification of the well known method, SAPA. It was shown that the MSAPA gave better reduction efficiency and smaller reconstruction error than the SAPA, when it was applied to the beat-to-beat variation waveform. The importance of the low-pass filtering as a preprocessing for the polygonal approximation was confirmed in concrete examples. The efficiency of the proposed technique was compared with the cased in which the polygonal approximation was not used. Through these analyses, it was found that the redundancy elimination of the coding technique worked effectively in the proposed technique.

  • Single-Board SIMD Processors Using Gate-Array LSIs for Parallel Processing

    Toshio KONDO  Yoshimasa KIMURA  Noboru SONEHARA  


    E76-C No:12

    We have developed an SIMD processor on a double-height VME board. We achieved a good balance between cost and performance by combining four identical gate-array LSIs in the processor array with a 16-bit degital signal processor (DSP), standard dynamic random-access memories (DRAMs) and other peripherals. The gate-array LSIs have 168-bit processing elements (PEs), each containing a one-bit processing block and a serial multiplier. This PE structure offers high-level bit processing capability and peak performance of 512 million operations per second (MOPS) for 8-bit multiply and accumulate operations. Effective performance of more than 300 MOPS for 8-bit array data processing is achieved by using an LSI structure tuned to the DRAM access rate, although the processing speed is reduced by the DRAM access bottleneck. The LSIs also have two unique additional hardware structures that speed up various array data processes. One is an inter-PE routing register array for supporting a transmission, rotation and memory access path. The other is a tree-structure network for propagating operations among PEs. With these cost-effective structures, the SIMD processor is expected to be widely used for two-dimensional data processing, such as image processing and pattern recognition.

  • In-Vehicle Information Systems and Semiconductor Devices They Employ

    Takeshi INOUE  Kikuo MURAMATSU  


    E76-C No:12

    It was more than 10 years ago that the first map navigation system, as an example of invehicle information system, has appeared in the market in Japan. Today's navigation system has been improved to the level that the latest system has 10 micro-processors, 7 MBytes of memories, and 4 GBytes of external data storage for map database. From the viewpoint of the automobile driver, there are still some problems with the system. Major problems in general are a lack of traffic information, better human interface, and a need for cost-reduction. The introduction of application specific ICs (ASICs) is expected to make systems smaller, costless, and give higher speed response. Today's in-vehicle information systems are reviewed function by function to discover what functions need to be implemented into ASICs for future systems, what ASICs will be required, and what technology has to be developed. It is concluded that more integration technology is expected including high parformance CPUs, large capacity memories, interface circuits, and some analog circuits such as DA converter. To develop this technology, some, major problems such as power consumption, number of input/output signals, as well as design aid and process technology are pointed out.

  • Data Compression of a Gaussian Signal by TP Algorithm and Its Application to the ECG

    Kosuke KATO  Shunsuke SATO  


    E76-D No:12

    In the present paper, we focus ourselves on the turning point (TP) algorithm proposed by Mueller and evaluate its performance when applied to a Gaussian signal with definite covariance function. Then the ECG wave is modeled by Gaussian signals: namely, the ECG is divided into two segments, the baseline segment and the QRS segment. The baseline segment is modeled by a Gaussian signal with butterworth spectrum and the QRS one by a narrow-band Gaussian signal. Performance of the TP algorithm is evaluated and compared when it is applied to a real ECG signal and its Gaussian model. The compression rate (CR) and the normalized mean square error (NMSE) are used as measures of performance. These measures show good coincidence with each other when applied to Gaussian signals with the mentioned spectra. Our results suggest that performance evaluation of the compression algorithms based on the stochastic-process model of ECG waves may be effective.

  • Data Compression of ECG Based on the Edit Destance Algorithms

    Hiroyoshi MORITA  Kingo KOBAYASHI  


    E76-D No:12

    A method for the compression of ECG data is presented. The method is based on the edit distance algorithm developed in the file comparison problems. The edit distance between two sequences of symbols is defined as the number of edit operations required to transform a sequence of symbols into the other. We adopt the edit distance algorithm to obtain a list of edit operations, called edit script, which transforms a reference pulse into a pulse selected from ECG data. If the decoder knows the same reference, it can reproduce the original pulse, only from the edit script. The amount of the edit script is expected to be smaller than that of the original pulse when the two pulses look alike and thereby we can reduce the amount of space to store the data. Applying the proposed scheme to the raw data of ECG, we have achieved a high compression about 14: 1 without losing the significant features of signals.

  • The Application of a Data-Driven Processor to Automotive Engine Control

    Kenji SHIMA  Koichi MUNAKATA  Shoichi WASHINO  Shinji KOMORI  Yasuya KAJIWARA  Setsuhiro SHIMOMURA  


    E76-C No:12

    Automotive electronics technology has become extremely advanced in the regions of automotive engine control, anti-skid brake control, and others. These control systems require highly advanced control performance and high speed microprocessors which can rapidly execute interrupt processing. Automotive engine control systems are now widely utilized in cars with high speed, high power engines. At present, it is generally acknowledged that such high performance engine control for the 10,000 rpm, 12 cylinder engines requires three or more conventional microprocessors. We fabricated an engine control system prototype incorporating the data-driven processor under development, which was installed in an actual automobile. In this paper, the characteristics of the engine control program and simulation results are firstly discussed. Secondly, the structure of the engine control system prototype and the control performance applied to the actual automobile are shown. Finally, from the results of software simulation and the installation of the engine control system prototype with the data-driven processor, we conclude that a single chip data-driven microprocessor can control a high speed, high power, 10,000 rpm, 12 cylinder automobile engine.

  • Data Compression of Long Time ECG Recording Using BP and PCA Neural Networks

    Yasunori NAGASAKA  Akira IWATA  


    E76-D No:12

    The performances of BPNN (neural network trained by back propagation) and PCANN (neural network which computes principal component analysis) for ECG data compression have been investigated from several points of view. We have compared them with an existing data compression method TOMEK. We used MIT/BIH arrhythmia database as ECG data. Both BPNN and PCANN showed better results than TOMEK. They showed 1.1 to 1.4 times higher compression than TOMEK to achieve the same accuracy of reproduction (13.0% of PRD and 99.0% of CC). While PCANN showed better learning ability than BPNN in simple learning task, BPNN was a little better than PCANN regarding compression rates. Observing the reproduced waveforms, BPNN and PCANN had almost the same performance, and they were superior to TOMEK. The following characteristics were obtained from the experiments. Since PCANN is sensitive to the learning rate, we had to precisely control the learning rate while the learning is in progress. We also found the tendency that PCANN needs larger amount of iteration in learning than BPNN for getting the same performance. PCANN showed better learning ability than BPNN, however, the total learning cost were almost the same between BPNN and PCANN due to the large amount of iteration. We analyzed the connection weight patterns. Since PCANN has a clear mathematical background, its behavior can be explained theoretically. BPNN sometimes generated the connection weights which were similar to the principal components. We supposed that BPNN may occasionally generate those patterns, and performs well while doing that. Finally we concluded as follows. Although the difference of the performances is smal, it was always observed and PCANN never exceeded BPNN. When the ease of analysis or the relation to mathematics is important, PCANN is suitable. It will be useful for the study of the recorded data such as statistics.

  • A Superresolution Technique for Antenna Pattern Measurements

    Yasutaka OGAWA  Teruaki NAKAJIMA  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Kiyohiko ITOH  


    E76-B No:12

    A new superresolution technique is proposed for antenna pattern measurements. Unwanted reflected signals often impinge on the antenna when we measure it outdoors. A time-domain superresolution technique (a MUSIC algorithm) has been proposed to eliminate the unwanted signal for a narrow pass-band antenna. The MUSIC algorithm needs many snapshots to obtain a correlation matrix. This is not preferable for antenna pattern measurements because it takes a long time to obtain the data. In this paper, we propose to reduce a noise component (stochastic quantity) using the FFT and gating techniques before we apply the MUSIC. The new technique needs a few snapshots and saves the measurement time.

  • An Application of the Optimal Control Strategy for Artificial Production of Protein on Messenger RNA

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Norio TAKEUCHI  Yuzou FUKUYAMA  


    E76-A No:12

    The regulatory mechanism of protein synthesis on a messenger RNA was analyzed from view point of the optimal control and discussed about availability for artificial production of peptide and protein. The transient movements of a ribozome through a messenger RNA with its production of peptide was based on the theory proposed by Gordon (1968). The optimal state of total process was defined as the state at which the time dependent change of each process of peptide synthesis has been minimized during a given time interval. This biological problem was converted into mathematical one by setting state variables and utilizing the optimal control theory with the help of Hamiltonian function. The first process of transition of a ribozome on a messenger RNA showed the largest change and with progress of state, the magnitude of change of each process decreased and became a simpler pattern. The effect of weighting coefficient relating with individual process was not confined only to its proper process but extended to all other processes. Each process was affected from all other processes. These were manifestations of effective and rational control strategies particularly for regulation of the sequential reaction in peptide synthesis. Such results were originated in the operation of the optimal control. By simulating physiological experimental data, it is possible to predict at what process and at what degree, the synthesis is regulated in order to achieve the optimal synthesis state. By analyzing the optimal synthesis process in combination with physiological experimental data, it would be possible to create artificial peptide and protein.

  • Full Wave Analysis of the Australian Omega Signal Observed by the Akebono Satellite

    Isamu NAGANO  Paul A. ROSEN  Satoshi YAGITANI  Minoru HATA  Kazutoshi MIYAMURA  Iwane KIMURA  


    E76-B No:12

    The Akebono satellite observed the Australian Omega signals when it passed about 1000km over the Omega station. In this paper, we compare the observed Omega signal intensities with the values obtained using a full wave calculation and we discuss a mechanism of modulation of the signals. The relative spatial variations of the calculated Omega intensities are quite consistent with those observed, but the absolute calculated intensities themselves are several dB larger than the observed intensities. This difference in intensity may be due to the horizontal inhomogeneity of the D region, which is not modeled in the full wave calculation, or to an incorrect assumption about radiation characteristics of the Omega antenna. It is found that modulation of the observed signals is caused by the interference between the waves with different k vectors.

  • Rain Depolarization Characteristics Related to Rainfall Types on Ka-Band Satellite-to-Ground Path

    Yasuyuki MAEKAWA  Nion Sock CHANG  Akira MIYAZAKI  


    E76-B No:12

    Observations of rain depolarization characteristics were conducted using the CS-2 and CS-3 beacon signals (19.45GHz, circular polarization, elevation angle=49.5) during seven years of 1986-1992 at Neyagawa, Osaka. The mean cross-polar phase relative to the co-polar phase of each rainfall event is distributed in a comparatively wide range from -100 to -150. This large variation is suggested to be caused by the difference of raindrop size distribution (DSD) in addition to that of rain intensity. The effects of DSD are examined by rain attenuation statistics for specific months, together with direct measurements of raindrop diameters on the ground for several rainfall events. Compared with representative DSD models, the effects of the Joss-drizzle type with relatively small raindrops primarily appear in "Baiu (Tsuyu)" period, while the effects of the Marshall-Palmer type which represents a standard type are enhanced in "Shurin (Akisame)" period. On the other hand, the effects of the Joss-thunderstorm type with comparatively large raindrops do not indicate a very clear seasonal variation. Possible improvements of XPD performed by differential phase shifters are generally found to be lower than 10dB for the rain depolarization due to the effect of residual differential attenuation after the cancellation of differential phase shift. Such XPD improvements are, however, very sensitive to the type of DSD, and it is suggested that the improvements are at least greater than 6dB for the Joss-drizzle type, whereas they are less than 6dB for the Marshall-Palmer and Joss-thunderstorm types. The effects of the XPD improvements are thus related to rainfall types, i.e., the type of DSD, and the improvements are considerably dependent upon the seasons in which each rainfall type frequently appears.

  • Two-Dimensional Active Imaging of Conducting Objects Buried in a Dielectric Half-Space

    Yiwei HE  Toru UNO  Saburo ADACHI  Takunori MASHIKO  


    E76-B No:12

    A two-dimensional quasi-exact active imaging method for detecting the conducting objects buried in a dielectric half-space is proposed. In this imaging method, an image function which is a projection of buried object to an arbitrary direction, is introduced exactly by taking account of the presence of the planar boundary. The image function is synthesized from the scattering fields which are measured by moving a transmitting antenna (a current source) and a receiving antenna (an observation point) simultaneously along the ground surface. The scattering field is generated by the physical optics current assumed on the surface of buried object. Because the effectiveness of physical optics approximation has been confirmed for this problem, this is a quasi-exact active imaging method. The validity of this imaging method is confirmed by some numerical simulations and an experiment.

  • Effect of Dimension of Conducting Box on Radiation Pattern of a Monopole Antenna for Portable Telephone

    Ryo YAMAGUCHI  Kunio SAWAYA  Yoshiyuki FUJINO  Saburo ADACHI  


    E76-B No:12

    The relation between the radiation pattern and the dimension of the conducting box for a portable telephone is illustrated both theoretically and experimentally. The Galerkin-moment method using the Fourier series expansion for the surface current of the conducting box, which has a great advantage of having a high accuracy, is employed to obtain the radiation pattern. As an example of antennas, a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna having a sinusoidal current distribution is used. As a result, it is pointed out that the radiation pattern of a monopole antenna mounted on the box tends to tilt in a lower direction both in theory and in experiment as well. The relation between the radiation pattern and the location of the monopole antenna is also described. An asymmetrical, or distorted pattern is observed when the monopole antenna moves away from the center of the top plane.
